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BS: Iraq Free Thread

11 Jun 04 - 06:35 AM (#1204976)
Subject: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Try saying it three times quickly, I bet you can't.

11 Jun 04 - 07:55 AM (#1205009)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: GUEST,shlio


11 Jun 04 - 08:02 AM (#1205016)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

Rat-re-red......that's what it sounds like after ya say it 10 times!

Good idea though!

11 Jun 04 - 08:03 AM (#1205017)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Bobert

Iraq Free Thread, Iraq Free Thread, Iraq Flee Tread..

&%$(*^*^#^%$*%*&, dangit, yewr right...


11 Jun 04 - 08:12 AM (#1205020)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

That 'Yellow Lorry, Red Lorry' is the worst one though...who's everheard of a 'ello olly', or a 'ed orry' for that matter?!

11 Jun 04 - 08:15 AM (#1205022)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Betty bought some butter, but the butter betty bought was bitter, so betty bought some better butter than the bitter butter betty bought before!

11 Jun 04 - 08:35 AM (#1205048)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Strollin' Johnny

You need help!

11 Jun 04 - 08:40 AM (#1205052)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia


11 Jun 04 - 08:40 AM (#1205053)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Ha!! you can't say it can you johnny?

11 Jun 04 - 08:41 AM (#1205054)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

Well done Dad! I can't even say it without laughing!

11 Jun 04 - 09:21 AM (#1205082)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: s6k

Oh my god! ted has come up with the GREATEST one ever!!! im saving that into a notepad file!

11 Jun 04 - 09:34 AM (#1205094)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Ben Dover

it,s a cracker.

11 Jun 04 - 09:40 AM (#1205100)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

No, the thread on quackers is elsewhere. This one is on sewing, I think.

11 Jun 04 - 09:47 AM (#1205106)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: rhoda horse

BEN DOVER??? what a bloody silly name that is!

11 Jun 04 - 10:01 AM (#1205117)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Ben Dover

my name is also my hobby.

11 Jun 04 - 10:32 AM (#1205150)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Come on Amos, I'm dying to know if you can do it!

11 Jun 04 - 10:37 AM (#1205153)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Amos

I said all of the above tongue-twisters three times fast without goofing, but it wasn't easy, b'gar! :>)


11 Jun 04 - 10:41 AM (#1205156)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

You must have better false teeth than me then!

11 Jun 04 - 11:31 AM (#1205195)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Amos

Mine are glued in.


11 Jun 04 - 11:32 AM (#1205197)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Ben Dover

Rhoda horse??? your name is sillier than mine.

11 Jun 04 - 11:34 AM (#1205198)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sttaw Legend

What had Fred done to be captured in the first place ?

11 Jun 04 - 01:45 PM (#1205247)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Well, try:

Twain-Tritt Twitty Trenton Tribute Tour.

That's the one that Shana Twain and Travis Tritt were going to do in New Jersey to honor the late Conway Twitty.

It didn't get off the ground, because no one could ask for

Twain-Tritt Twitty Trenton Tribute Tour tickets.

11 Jun 04 - 02:28 PM (#1205273)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: GUEST, TheBigPinkLand

Cripes, I can say it no problem. There's something wrong with me isn't there? (don't you dare) ;o)

11 Jun 04 - 02:29 PM (#1205277)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: GUEST, TheBigPinkLad

Course, I can't even spell my own nickname ...

11 Jun 04 - 03:02 PM (#1205312)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Once Famous

Hey, did you notice an Iraq free thread is also a dianavan and CarolC free thread?

12 Jun 04 - 01:29 AM (#1205606)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace


Bruce M

12 Jun 04 - 02:41 AM (#1205623)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Strollin' Johnny

It's light-hearted, a concept of which they have no understanding. LOL!

12 Jun 04 - 09:17 AM (#1205733)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: GUEST,Phillip McCavity

Ben Dover & Rhoda Horse?

Silly names

12 Jun 04 - 10:58 AM (#1205777)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace


12 Jun 04 - 01:35 PM (#1205844)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Big Al Whittle

iraq free fred iraq free fred
iraq free fred and his black and white shed

12 Jun 04 - 03:23 PM (#1205906)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

Heh heh...i like that reminds me of the Postman pat theme tune...
"postman pat, postman pat,
postman pat and his black and white cat..."

oh dear, i've just crossed a line haven't i?

12 Jun 04 - 05:08 PM (#1205956)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: CarolC

Martin, have you also noticed that the majority of threads about Iraq are also CarolC free threads? I'm guessing you haven't, but if so, I'm not at all surprised.

12 Jun 04 - 05:13 PM (#1205959)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: CarolC

Oh I get it!

Martin Gibson, greg stephens, and Gareth are all missing me because I haven't been posting much to political threads lately, so they're baiting me to get me to post more! Gosh you guys! How sweet!

Awwww... shucks...

13 Jun 04 - 02:48 PM (#1206328)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

It is easy to pick up a raccoon by the tail. Thing is, ya need six people to help ya let it go.

13 Jun 04 - 02:53 PM (#1206332)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

I can't stand it when the little ring on top of the sardine can snaps off. That has got nothin' to do with the country about which this is a free thread--or something like that. So, I keep plyers handy just in case. Does anyone else remember when there were about 20 sardines to the can? Now there's four. What's that about?

13 Jun 04 - 06:03 PM (#1206433)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Brucie, the linings of the sardine cans now exude a contraceptive chemical. They didn't useta. You're lucky if you get four these days.

14 Jun 04 - 02:17 AM (#1206641)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

Oh. The sardines aren't gettin' any, so neither are we, is that it?

14 Jun 04 - 03:25 AM (#1206655)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Iraq to sardines in 30 posts. Well done everybody!

14 Jun 04 - 03:29 AM (#1206658)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I prefer mackerel, 59p a tin from coop.
Eat Fish, its good for you.

14 Jun 04 - 03:39 AM (#1206664)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Agreed. Sardines are way too bony, and they stink! I have a bottle of anchovies lurking in my kitchen at the moment, they are pleasant.

14 Jun 04 - 03:40 AM (#1206666)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: beardedbruce

kippered herring, 0.78 $US per 3.25 oz ...

14 Jun 04 - 08:38 AM (#1206833)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Does anyone else remember when there were about 20 sardines to the can? Now there's four. What's that about?

Y2K, Bruce, Y2K. There was a huge run on sardine stocks when everyone thought the world was going to stop working on Jan.1, 2000. All the 20-to-a-can sardines got bought up and all that was left was the 4-to-a-can size. Nobody has fished for sardines since 1999 so the 4-to-a-can size is all you can find nowadays.

Nobody really eats the damned things anyway. They only buy them for emergencies like hurricanes. Then, when the all-clear signal is given, the sardines get fed to cats. Cats don't care how many fish are in the can.

When enough 4-to-a-can sardines have been eaten by cats someone will send a boat out to catch some more sardines and the 20-to-a-can size will be available until the next disaster impends.   

Th' other Bruce

14 Jun 04 - 08:51 AM (#1206840)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Well, actually, sardines aren't really fish. They look like fish, but they were genetically engineered from peas and slimy salamanders as a WPA project back in the 1930s. The proto-sardines are put into the cans as larvae, the equivalent to human teenagers. They would do what teenagers do, and while the can was in shipment to the store it would be filled with the larvae's offspring. But the contraceptive linings have cut way back on the number of offspring per can.

Bet none of you knew this before, did ya?

Sardines as fish...humf. Who'd go fishing for some puny little thing like that, anyway?

14 Jun 04 - 09:05 AM (#1206854)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

How come cats like fish so much? I mean, the little buggers don't like getting wet do they? so how did they develope a taste for something they would never catch in the wild?

14 Jun 04 - 03:37 PM (#1207136)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

THAT is a darn good question.

14 Jun 04 - 04:02 PM (#1207154)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Amos

Their appetite may not have anything to do with the fishness of them, but rather for the vitamin A, or the natural oils, or the saltiness, for example.


14 Jun 04 - 06:28 PM (#1207243)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

I once had a dog that really liked fish. He didn't care to eat it, but he loved to roll in it. Strangest damn thing, because he knew when he did that he ended up in the bath, and he hated the bath. It was a regular Keystone Cops fiasco when Ginger found a dead fish. Jaysus, talk about bad news on a warm day. And, that dog would try to 'get affectionate' with anything that had fur--and a few things that didn't. Musta thought the fish oils made his coat look attractive to other furry creatures. Heck, maybe it was his way of getting cats to come closer. Beats me.

14 Jun 04 - 08:36 PM (#1207333)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

Hey, Martin. I bet ya Montreal sardines are better than Chicago sardines.

14 Jun 04 - 10:19 PM (#1207385)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Are the Montreal Sardines some baseball team or something?

15 Jun 04 - 04:04 AM (#1207508)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

    The plot thickens!! How would a cat know it needs Vitamin A? How does it know that fish are salty?

15 Jun 04 - 04:08 AM (#1207513)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

       My beloved's dog is a lurcher, and whenever we take on the moors it will roll in the first dead animal it finds. It's a hunting reflex, they do it to mask their smell to other animals. Once the bugger has rolled in a dead sheep it then goes on to happily splatter rabbits all over the place!

15 Jun 04 - 07:01 AM (#1207583)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

Yeah, then when it comes home smelling something awful it tries to sit on your you've got this huge great smelly thing trying to lick ya face...aww, bless!

15 Jun 04 - 08:51 AM (#1207646)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: s6k

it wasnt me

15 Jun 04 - 09:10 AM (#1207657)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

So, I'd have better luck hunting if I rolled in something that was long dead? I'm going to suggest this to all the hunters I know: collection roadkill and roll in it before going afield for the purpose of taking game.

Wow. I'll be famous.

15 Jun 04 - 09:13 AM (#1207662)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

Try it Mr Rapaire. I'm sure it will work. Why not save yourself the trouble of tracking down roadkill, and simply rub yourself all over with a couple of tins of sardines?

15 Jun 04 - 09:13 AM (#1207663)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Amos

El Ted:

Sensitive sniffers.


15 Jun 04 - 09:27 AM (#1207675)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I've just covered myself in sardine juice, now i am going hunting
I am going hunting for zebras and lions, down Marlborough Avenue, i got no guns, but i will take a big stick, to bash them on the head with.

15 Jun 04 - 10:00 AM (#1207709)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

OK, we could be onto something here guys and gals.

15 Jun 04 - 10:07 AM (#1207716)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: el ted

If you stink of fish jOhn darling, the cats will be hunting you.

15 Jun 04 - 10:25 AM (#1207731)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Once Famous


You are probably right about the sardines. Montreal should have bragging rights on this.

Now if you want to talk about an Italian beef sandwich........or do I have to first describe what this very famous culinary delight is?

15 Jun 04 - 11:01 AM (#1207765)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sttaw Legend

I once had a cat called Whisky, at night I stood at the door calling for Whisky....the rest is history

15 Jun 04 - 11:28 AM (#1207796)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sttaw Legend

Whisky loved sardines but struggled to get them out of the tin

15 Jun 04 - 02:38 PM (#1207929)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Whoa! Wait a minute!

If I rub myself with sardines or roadkill or...and go hunting...hey folks, there are mountain lions in them there hills! Really! And black bears! I could get hurt or worse!

15 Jun 04 - 02:57 PM (#1207946)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Rapparee

Sardines and whisky and old roadkill rollin'
They'll drive you to nausea, they'll drive to puke.

15 Jun 04 - 04:18 PM (#1208022)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

They'll drive you to groanin, and burpin' and belchin';
You'll wish you had never got cod liver flukes.

15 Jun 04 - 09:31 PM (#1208219)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

Never thought of rubbin' myself with sardines. You Catters are one very strange breed.

However, if I did, do you suppose it might attract Little Hawk's goat? Just askin'.

16 Jun 04 - 04:21 AM (#1208340)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Sweetfia

John! I am ashamed of you...don't you dare bash any Zebra's over the head with a big stick!

16 Jun 04 - 09:59 AM (#1208538)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: Peace

Sweetfia: He has it in his head that they are horses with pyjamas.

17 Aug 04 - 10:11 AM (#1249356)
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Free Thread
From: HRH ted of hull

There have been so many Kerry/gay threads that I am beginning to miss the days of endless threads on Iraq, so I have dug an old one up. Enjoy!