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BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'

16 Jun 04 - 08:57 AM (#1208480)
Subject: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Georgiansilver

Can I suggest the first use may be for enhancing your computer.... administer viagra into its system and turn your floppy disc into an extra hard drive.

16 Jun 04 - 09:04 AM (#1208487)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: mooman

Along similar lines, perhaps Max could use it to help keep the 'Cat "up"...



16 Jun 04 - 09:15 AM (#1208497)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Shanghaiceltic

My bodhran skin goes floppy when it's too humid, is there a cream version.......

16 Jun 04 - 09:19 AM (#1208500)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: GUEST,selfish steam

I have low self esteem - could Viagra get it back up again?

16 Jun 04 - 09:52 AM (#1208531)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Peace

I guess you know that we use it in old folks' homes in Alberta. Stops the fellows from rolling out of bed at night.

16 Jun 04 - 10:04 AM (#1208549)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Bill D

dissolve a tablet in the water you use on tomatoes....won't need to stake them.

(Can be problems, too...a guy left one in a shirt pocket, and when the shirt came back from the laundry, it was too stiff to wear.)

16 Jun 04 - 10:06 AM (#1208550)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: harpgirl

It makes lawyers taller...

16 Jun 04 - 10:14 AM (#1208557)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk


Well, I was under the impression that there is NO good use for Viagra. :-)

16 Jun 04 - 10:40 AM (#1208590)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Amos

Really, LH?? And those yearning damsels lining up at your door?


16 Jun 04 - 10:49 AM (#1208600)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: C-flat

I only take it to keep myself from pee-ing on my shoes.

16 Jun 04 - 11:39 AM (#1208640)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Georgiansilver

I asked a guy in the Pharmacists, a few days ago, how good viagra is. He told me that he takes one every day before going home from work...By the time he gets home he is ready for his wife..then dinner...then wife..then TV then wife then sleep..and the experience is better than he has ever known.
I asked him "Can I get it over the counter"?
He said "You can if you take two"

16 Jun 04 - 11:47 AM (#1208649)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Blackcatter

C-flat - it just might make you C-sharp.

16 Jun 04 - 12:37 PM (#1208691)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Sttaw Legend

You can put it on violin bows instead of resin for hard pieces

16 Jun 04 - 12:46 PM (#1208697)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: C-flat

"C-flat - it just might make you C-sharp."
I think I'd rather B-natural!


16 Jun 04 - 12:54 PM (#1208699)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Don Firth

There was a report the other day that a drug store was burglarized during the night, but all the thief took was the store's supply of Viagra. The report went on to say that the police are looking for a hardened criminal.

Don Firth

16 Jun 04 - 02:27 PM (#1208760)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Stilly River Sage

Did you know that a man can use Viagra as a form of birth control? He puts it in his shoe and it makes him limp.


16 Jun 04 - 02:40 PM (#1208768)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Rapparee

Stick it in the ground around Stonehenge for standing stones....

16 Jun 04 - 03:59 PM (#1208822)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Dave the Gnome

In the 1960's we used to cal them 'uppers'. Or was that something else...

16 Jun 04 - 04:26 PM (#1208837)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: jacqui.c

It's what we Brits need these days to maintain the 'stiff upper lip'.

16 Jun 04 - 05:50 PM (#1208880)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: brid widder

take it with plenty of water or it'll give you a stiff neck

16 Jun 04 - 07:26 PM (#1208949)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

There must be a place for it in famine relief. It seems to accelerate the reproduction of spam to a remarkable degree.

16 Jun 04 - 09:52 PM (#1209026)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Actually, Amos, I used to have one of those VISA stickers on the bedroom window, but I took it down cos people were starting to talk... :-)

17 Jun 04 - 11:22 AM (#1209160)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: JennyO

There was a report the other day that a drug store was burglarized during the night, but all the thief took was the store's supply of Viagra. The report went on to say that the police are looking for a hardened criminal.

..and when they catch him and he goes to court, will he face a stiff sentence?

17 Jun 04 - 11:30 AM (#1209169)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Stilly River Sage

Jenny, not if he was otherwise an upright citizen.

17 Jun 04 - 11:45 AM (#1209187)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Bill D

They were going to erect a monument in his honor, but decided it was redundant.

17 Jun 04 - 11:50 AM (#1209191)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Georgiansilver

They weren't standing for it then

17 Jun 04 - 01:15 PM (#1209253)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Rapparee

I put some Viagra in a sausage and got a hot dog stand.

17 Jun 04 - 01:59 PM (#1209306)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

I doubt that the stuff even works. People will buy anything if they're told it'll improve their sex life, and if they believe it will...then it does! Power of suggestion.

That reminds me, I've got some dried newt powder that I'm selling that'll give you a hardon that'll last and last and last, plus 15 minute orgasms. Only $750 an ounce. Get it while it lasts! :-) Newts may soon become an endangered species, and the stuff will become priceless, so DON'T DELAY!!! ORDER NOW AND TRANSFORM YOUR LOVE LIFE!!!!!!

17 Jun 04 - 02:04 PM (#1209315)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Rapparee

Please send me a kilogram.

My name and address is:

G. W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

There's a bunch of numbers after the DC, but I don't remember them.

Please be sure to mark it really good that it's a love potion so I don't get confused about it.


PS Send the bill to me at the above address, too.

17 Jun 04 - 04:36 PM (#1209426)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

It's in the mail! Who exactly are you preparing for, G.W.? Or shouldn't I ask?

17 Jun 04 - 04:42 PM (#1209432)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Don Firth

The whole world, if he's given the opportunity . . .

Don Firth (standing firm)

17 Jun 04 - 05:44 PM (#1209466)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, he's already fucked Texas, the USA, Afghanistan and Iraq. :-) I can see that he might be getting a little tired out at this point.

17 Jun 04 - 06:04 PM (#1209470)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Rapparee

I myself put it in bread dough to help it rise.

17 Jun 04 - 08:48 PM (#1209555)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Geoff the Duck

I had a wobbly table. One of them pills just fited perfectly under the short leg! Solid as a rock now...

17 Jun 04 - 09:43 PM (#1209586)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Blackcatter

How in the hell is dried newt powder supposed to work? Newts are soft and squishy. Now as a fake boob de-hardener . . .

17 Jun 04 - 09:48 PM (#1209590)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Rapparee

It's actually powdered Newt Gingerich.

18 Jun 04 - 04:00 AM (#1209695)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Sttaw Legend

I know someone who ordered Niagara he's ruined three mattresses

18 Jun 04 - 04:54 AM (#1209720)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Sweetfia

I sex all men think about..?

18 Jun 04 - 05:19 AM (#1209732)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Georgiansilver

Not all we think about but certainly worth the thoughts!

18 Jun 04 - 06:25 AM (#1209757)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: kendall

You can save the price of a compass by taking a viagra and an iron supplement.
Downside is, you will point north for at least 4 hours.

I hear there is a new drink; a combo of vodka and viagra. Gives a whole new meaning to "pour a stiff one"

18 Jun 04 - 06:44 AM (#1209774)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Sttaw Legend

harriWattsband may need some tonight they are performing at the Beverley Folk Festival 8.30'ish Oddfellows Arms

18 Jun 04 - 12:23 PM (#1209946)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Peace

Sweetfia: Happy birthday to you.

Your question was: "Is sex all men think about?"

No, it is not. Most men have thought about other things at one time or another. For example, on January 18, 1967 at about 3:21 PM, I thought about swordfish. Then again on July 12, 1988 at 1:32 AM I recall thinking about Ogden Nash and TS Eliot for about ten minutes. It's is unfortunately true that most men do think about sex on a consistent basis. However, not ALL men do. I am one of the exceptions to the rule. Some men are just plain shallow, but not ALL men.

Bruce M

PS I hope your special day is great for you.


19 Jun 04 - 07:48 AM (#1210353)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: kendall

The only difference between men and women is, men talk about it.

19 Jun 04 - 09:47 AM (#1210395)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: GUEST,Puzzled

Is their a female version of Viagra and what does it do ?

19 Jun 04 - 10:47 AM (#1210430)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Yes, there is. It's called "romance". It involves not a substance, but a certain style of male behaviour. Read some romance novels and you will get the general picture soon enough. :-) Men who consider the seduction of women to be vastly more important than anything else in life...and I have known a few men like that...can get quite good at this style of behaviour with practice. You have to REALLY want to, though, and you have to be willing to give it 100% effort without letup. Most men are too lazy or unfocused or cheap to manage that, except in brief spurts (no pun intended) when they're really inspired.

The Casanova type is always inspired by the presence of females. Always. And the females appreciate that, although they may get quite annoyed with his tendency to move on to the next flower so rapidly...

19 Jun 04 - 10:59 AM (#1210434)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: jacqui.c

Female Viagra?

Respect and consideration. Oh, and a sense of humour.

19 Jun 04 - 01:57 PM (#1210486)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Stilly River Sage

A search reveals a couple of options: Viagra for women and something called Zestra.

Testosterone taken in low levels, particularly after hysterectomy, helps restore interest. It's not just a male hormone.

It's not enough to simply hear a guy say "I'm horny for you." Duh.

19 Jun 04 - 04:35 PM (#1210556)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Well, that goes without saying, Jacqui...but thanks for saying it anyway. :-)

The thing the casanova type has in his favour is this: he genuinely adores women. He's intoxicated with them. Willie Nelson is one of those guys. That always helps, because women, like anyone, like to be appreciated. I've known a mere 3 or 4 men like that, and their success with the female gender was astounding. They are often pretty promiscous, but sometimes not. If you're lucky, you might find a casanova type who is not at all promiscous, but happy and loyal with one partner. One can always hope....

Back to substances: Wine seems to work rather well on encouraging certain women. If so, though, it's a worrisome symptom in my opinion, because it indicates a strong tendency toward using alcohol to solve life's little problems...and we all know where that eventually leads. If a girl needs alcohol to move her toward romance she's got a serious problem.

How about chocolate? Any comments, ladies? :-)

19 Jun 04 - 04:51 PM (#1210567)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Peace

Candy is dandy but . . . .

19 Jun 04 - 04:55 PM (#1210573)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Goats never use viagra. Despite this, the average male goat is always ready for more. In fact "ready" isn't really a strong enough word for it...

Female goats are a different story. They only do it when they're good and ready, and that is for only a day or two every month. This is why every billy goat fantasizes controlling a herd of at least 500 nanny goats. It's a hectic life for the few billies who succeed in attaining that lofty objective.

19 Jun 04 - 05:00 PM (#1210574)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Shanghaiceltic

Goats are always horny.

19 Jun 04 - 05:00 PM (#1210575)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Desert Dancer

Despite early hopes, recent research shows that Viagra is not generally effective for women. The solutions above work much better. I love this headline.

Women too complicated for Viagra, drug company says

New York Times News Service
Feb. 27, 2004 08:50 PM

Women, the maker of Viagra has found, are a lot more complicated than men.

After eight years of work and tests involving 3,000 women, Pfizer Inc. announced Friday that it was abandoning its effort to prove that the impotence drug Viagra improves sexual function in women. The problem, Pfizer researchers found, is that men and women have a fundamentally different relationship between arousal and desire.

For men, arousal almost always leads to desire. So by improving a man's ability to have erections, Viagra measurably affects his sexual function. But arousal and desire are often disconnected in women, the researchers found to their consternation. While Viagra can indeed create the outward signs of arousal in many women, that seems to have little effect on a woman's willingness or desire to have sex.

Arousal does not consistently lead to desire in women. Because Viagra neither fulfills nor creates sexual need in women, there is no way to prove that the medicine affects sexual function.

"There's a disconnect in many women between genital changes and mental changes," said Mitra Boolel, leader of Pfizer's sex research team. "This disconnect does not exist in men. Men consistently get erections in the presence of naked women and want to have sex. With women, things depend on a myriad of factors."

Boolel said that he and his team were continuing their research. But he said the researchers were raising their sights from a woman's genitals to her head. The brain is the crucial sexual organ in women, he said.

Drugs that affect brain chemistry "could be an extremely interesting area of investigation," he said.

Pfizer's problem has been that its research effort has largely been led by cardiologists and urologists, said Dr. George Nurnberg, professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. "Psychiatry hasn't been a major player," he said.

That is a mistake with women, he said, because psychology is more important in their sexuality than it is in men's.

Still, Viagra can be effective in some women, Nurnberg said. Women who once had normal sexual function but then suddenly lost all desire - often as a result of taking anti-depressants - can be helped by Viagra, he said. Women who have always had low libido levels are unaffected by Viagra, he said.

19 Jun 04 - 05:18 PM (#1210583)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

They needed to do a "study" to find this out????? LOL!

19 Jun 04 - 05:34 PM (#1210599)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: jacqui.c

Exactly - I don't personally know of any woman turned on by the sight of the naked male body in general. However, most of the women I know ARE turned on by a man who shows them that they are wanted and desirable - not just by bringing gifts but by treating them with respect, making them feel special. It also helps with any woman with a modicum of intelligence if the 'suitor' acknowledges the fact that she has a brain. This seems to be something that some men don't seem able to take on board.

As far as bribery goes, for myself, alcohol won't do it and I don't like any kind of sweets so it has to be the man himself who makes the difference. I'm lucky - I found a good one.

19 Jun 04 - 06:31 PM (#1210620)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

I wasn't referring to bribery, I was referring to deliberate mood-alteration via substance intake...a notion that some women seem to subscribe to, but I'd say they're in the minority of females. Pot works that way for some too.

19 Jun 04 - 08:02 PM (#1210658)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: GUEST,femcat

women do talk about sex, but usually with each other, not in front of men. Talking frankly about sex with a man is a risk - men can divide women so easily into good girls and whores.

some women are turned on by looking at naked men, and do find men's specific bits attractive. women are socially indoctrinated to think/say men are animals, but women have the same urges, needs and impulses.

what initially turns on a woman? intelligence, humour, kindness, and interest will get a man through the door. and showing an understanding and enjoyment of women's physical needs and stimulation points can transform the experience for any woman. just as, for a man, any woman who enjoys turning him on can transform it for him. when it's mutual, it's perfect.

20 Jun 04 - 04:36 AM (#1210766)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: jacqui.c

I'll go with that femcat.

20 Jun 04 - 01:08 PM (#1210978)
Subject: RE: BS: How many uses for 'Viagra'
From: Little Hawk

Sounds about right to me.