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Tech: Putting music clips on website?

28 Jun 04 - 07:26 PM (#1215861)
Subject: Tech: Putting songs on website?
From: GUEST,Wyllow

I'm in the process of recording some original songs and I'd like to put a few of them on a website when I get through with them. Is this a good idea? How do I go about doing this?
I have a free website on Geocities that I made myself, where I'd like to put the songs. Is there going to be enough space for them? (I don't know how much space music takes up). There's only two pages and two pictures and some text on the website right now (although I'm planning on putting some more stuff on, like song lyrics).
As you can probably tell, I don't know much about all this. If someone could give me a non-technical explanation, or give me any pointers, I'd really appreciate it! I don't know where else to look for help.
Wyllow :)

28 Jun 04 - 08:21 PM (#1215886)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: mack/misophist

A quick look through my mp3's shows about 1 meg per minute playing time. It all depends on how much room you actually have. Unless you're locked in to RealAudio, use mp3's. Everything else is either too bulky or too uncommon. Exactly how is best left to some one else. Consider streaming, though.

28 Jun 04 - 08:23 PM (#1215887)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: mack/misophist

Sorry. I forgot midi files. My impression is that they're of interest mostly to musicians, not ordinary folk. So aim for the audience you want.

28 Jun 04 - 08:25 PM (#1215889)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: Malcolm Douglas

It depends on what your ISP will allow. Free webspace may not have a large bandwidth allocation. Ask them.

28 Jun 04 - 11:39 PM (#1215940)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

AVOID geocities!!!!

You will get all of the kitty-klap-trap which gives most MC folk a LAUGH and a quick ctrl/alt/deleat.

Look at this have invested 300 plus hours into your "original" recordings.....

At one dollar a month - spread over 8 years (8X12=96) isn't your "one of a kind" "never recorded before" "my interpretation" worth 30cents? (Hell, a three minute can of soda isn't worth that...on its way to recycling urinal)

Get your priorities straight!


29 Jun 04 - 07:07 AM (#1216099)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: dermod in salisbury

McGrath of Harlow must be on holiday. He usually chips in on questions like this. His website contains a step by step guide with all you need to know about putting music on a website. The link is

29 Jun 04 - 07:37 AM (#1216111)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: pavane

We have put some songs Here at Motagator

You might get more hits that way than on your own site.

29 Jun 04 - 07:40 AM (#1216112)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: pavane

PS - MIDI files are only suitable for instrumental tracks. And you don't have full control, the sound that comes out depends on the user's sound card, because the file just contains commands to play notes, not the notes themselves. It can sound very different on different equipment.

29 Jun 04 - 11:17 AM (#1216274)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Gargoyle said:
At one dollar a month - spread over 8 years (8X12=96) isn't your "one of a kind" "never recorded before" "my interpretation" worth 30cents?

What does that mean, Gargoyle? One dollar a month for what? Are you saying one can get web hosting with wide bandwidth for $12 a year? I'd be interested in knowing.

I have free webhosting from, but no possibility of music playable or downloadable from it.

Dave Oesterreich

29 Jun 04 - 11:52 AM (#1216300)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: JudyB

What Charley does is post the complete lyrics and the music for intro/first verse/chorus - which is enough to let people get a sample of the tune and the way he sings it. It uses less space on his web site and is quicker to download than the whole song would be. If someone wants more, he's happy to e-mail the complete MP3 (or sing it, next time he's in the neighborhood).

Of course, it's a never-ending task once you begin - he'd like to get samples of more of the songs out there and update a few that he's reworked since we posted them, but trying to get both of us in recording mood at the same time isn't easy (he makes the music, I record it, convert it to MP3, and post it).

Let us know when your site is up and running - we're always interested to see what other folks do.


29 Jun 04 - 12:18 PM (#1216314)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: GUEST,Wyllow

Thanks for the comments. I will take a look at McGrath's website.
I will probably have to have someone else do this for me.

Gargoyle, I didn't understand your post either.

It is quite possible that I can't do what I want with the free Geocities website and will have to pay for one. That's the sort of information I was hoping someone here would know.

Wyllow :)

29 Jun 04 - 02:35 PM (#1216432)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: GUEST,Peter from Essex

Different hosting services apply different restrictions.

File Size
File Types
Total Webspace

Research suitable hosting services and read the terms of service carefully. You will be unlikely to find a suitable "free" service.

29 Jun 04 - 02:38 PM (#1216434)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: treewind

Yes, it's a good idea.
If they are you own recordings of your own songs there's no problem with putting the whole thing on the web site either.

If you are selling CDs with the same material on, it's a good idea to do what Judy B suggests and put incomplete snippets on. I do this with material that I've recorded for a label (i.e. not home made) so there's no question of stealing the whole recordings. Also short extracts are more encouraging to download for those of us with low bandwidth links to the internet (i.e. modems, not broadband)

MP3 is the way to go. Streaming takes a bit of setting up and requires your ISP to support it. Don't go near WMA even if Windows tries to make it easy for you. For total freedom from licensing and patent infringement worries, use Ogg Vorbis which is understood by many good audio players now.


29 Jun 04 - 03:13 PM (#1216467)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: pavane

Dawne recorded a couple of songs specifically for the Motagator site.
Doesn't cost us anything to have them on there, and we get an admin login to update the information or upload new tracks.

29 Jun 04 - 03:20 PM (#1216470)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: pavane

Oh yes, and Motagator also gets you onto Google. Search for Dawne Oakley - you will only find her in the one place.

29 Jun 04 - 03:38 PM (#1216482)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: Alice

If you are limited in space, just add a small sample, not the whole song, as suggested up-thread.
The Meadowlark

29 Jun 04 - 05:14 PM (#1216537)
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
From: GUEST,Wyllow

Thanks again for the comments!
I think Peter is right about the "free" servers not being able to do the job. I will have to look around and see what else is available (and hopefully, cheap!)
On McGrath's website, he recommends RealAudio (or RealPlayer) which is streaming. But the "sample" idea is probably better.
I do plan to put out all the songs on a disc for sale, eventually. And yes, I wrote all the songs and perfom them on the recording with other musicians I regularly play with, so copyright is not an issue.
This is new territory for me, so thanks for the help :)
