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BS: The Peace President

21 Jul 04 - 01:19 AM (#1230451)
Subject: BS: The Peace President
From: Jack the Sailor

now we can rest easy

21 Jul 04 - 02:39 AM (#1230461)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,Boab

S'cuse me---I need the toilet----

21 Jul 04 - 03:34 AM (#1230478)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Ellenpoly

I'm right behind you, Boab...

21 Jul 04 - 03:50 AM (#1230490)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Give the guy a break. He obviously means it - he mentioned peace 20 times in one speech. If only we'd all held our tongues when we felt the urge to criticise....

21 Jul 04 - 08:27 AM (#1230596)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,John O'Lennaine

"...and way back at the start of the century children, we had the 43rd President George W. Bush, fondly remembered as 'The Peace President'..."

Can't see it happening.


21 Jul 04 - 08:52 AM (#1230610)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Rapparee

To quote a Mad Magazine parody of the old TV show, "The Rifleman": "Ain't nothing quite so peaceful as a dead man."

Maybe he didn't realize the article was a parody????

Using "peace" or "peaceful" 20 times, huh? Let's nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize! Or sainthood! Yeah! St. George W. Bush, patron saint of Peace!

Naw, can't see the Pope going for that one.

21 Jul 04 - 09:04 AM (#1230616)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Bobert

The guy is truely dillusional but, hey, how can you argue with the guy who thinks God Himself has chosen to lead us out of the wilderness?


21 Jul 04 - 09:06 AM (#1230619)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Rapparee

Oh? He does?

Let's see him part the waters of Chesapeake Bay, then!

21 Jul 04 - 09:08 AM (#1230620)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: beardedbruce

Are you implying that the Eastern Shore is the Promised Land?


21 Jul 04 - 10:25 AM (#1230660)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Amos

Talk about Flip-Flop, the guy wants us to accept that he has outgrown being a War President? How nice for him. Pretty pricey learning experience, though, for some.


21 Jul 04 - 10:41 AM (#1230675)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Bert

If you repeat a lie enough times people start to believe it.

21 Jul 04 - 10:56 AM (#1230687)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Stilly River Sage

Exactly, Bert--his folks are working on the spin as fast as they can. "You're getting sleepy. . . sleepy. . . Repeat after me: Peace President. Peace President."


21 Jul 04 - 11:02 AM (#1230695)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Wesley S

Perhaps he can be called the "Got a Piece President". Because he's screwed all of us.

21 Jul 04 - 11:06 AM (#1230699)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: JennyO

A piss-poor president, if you ask me...

21 Jul 04 - 11:33 AM (#1230721)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,El Pope

No matter what people say about President Bush, one thing is certain: He is an idiot.

PS The sainthood thing is a definite non-starter.

21 Jul 04 - 11:56 AM (#1230734)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Amergin

the piece of shit president

21 Jul 04 - 11:57 AM (#1230735)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Amergin

my apologies i just realised i just dung insulted shit everywhere. Some shit is good shit...other shit is smelly shit...and some is just worthless bush.

21 Jul 04 - 12:02 PM (#1230736)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: JennyO

Some shit is REALLY good shit! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

No shit ;-)

21 Jul 04 - 12:39 PM (#1230751)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Peace

Yeah, what they said.

21 Jul 04 - 12:53 PM (#1230760)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Don Firth

There's a question I'd like to ask George W. Bush:   Does fuzzy thinking tickle?

Don Firth

21 Jul 04 - 01:20 PM (#1230769)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Jack the Sailor

Maybe he was saying "piece" Stay tuned for a scandal!

21 Jul 04 - 02:46 PM (#1230813)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: alanabit

Doesn't he mean the "Piece" President. You know, a piece of Iraq, a piece of Enron, a piece of Halliburton...

21 Jul 04 - 05:56 PM (#1230909)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Ebbie

JennyO: A piss-poor president, if you ask me...

And also a Peace-Poor president...

21 Jul 04 - 07:33 PM (#1230957)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: McGrath of Harlow

Bob Dylan always has a quote for anything Written 1983, but it's time has come round again.

Look out your window, baby, there's a scene you'd like to catch,
The band is playing "Dixie," a man got his hand outstretched.
Could be the Fuhrer
Could be the local priest.
You know sometimes
Satan comes as a man of peace.

He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue,
He knows every song of love that ever has been sung.
Good intentions can be evil,
Both hands can be full of grease.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, first he's in the background, then he's in the front,
Both eyes are looking like they're on a rabbit hunt.
Nobody can see through him,
No, not even the Chief of Police.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, he catch you when you're hoping for a glimpse of the sun,
Catch you when your troubles feel like they weigh a ton.
He could be standing next to you,
The person that you'd notice least.
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, he can be fascinating, he can be dull,
He can ride down Niagara Falls in the barrels of your skull.
I can smell something cooking,
I can tell there's going to be a feast.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

He's a great humanitarian, he's a great philanthropist,
He knows just where to touch you, honey, and how you like to be kissed.
He'll put both his arms around you,
You can feel the tender touch of the beast.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl,
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall.
Wanna get married? Do it now,
Tomorrow all activity will cease.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy,
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star,
The same one them three men followed from the East.
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

21 Jul 04 - 08:38 PM (#1230992)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Peace

Amen to that!

22 Jul 04 - 08:49 AM (#1231310)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,John O'Lennaine

Reminds me of a cartoon I read about twenty years ago. I think it was in "Viz" magazine:

A man in the background with his back turned, looking out a window, two men in the foreground talking.
"What's up with Pete?"
"He wants to be known as 'A man called Slade'."

I never really thought it was funny, just bizarre enough to make me remmember it all this time.

I think of Bush as being the one looking out the window.

"What's up with George?"
"He wants to be known as 'The Peace President'."

Now I see the humour.
(And it's still bizarre.)


22 Jul 04 - 09:35 AM (#1231339)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: JennyO

Exactly, Ebbie.

22 Jul 04 - 11:39 AM (#1231423)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,Frank

Bush believes he can do anything. Wage war, wage peace. He is arrogant, but in a way that will fool you. He believes he can get anyone to believe anything he says. He doesn't make mistakes.

He is the kind of guy who will tell anyone what he thinks they need to hear. Clinton was accused by Pat Robertson of being "Slick Willie" but that was a smear but in Bush's case, it's probably true.

Don't "misunderestimate" his ability to fool you.


22 Jul 04 - 12:16 PM (#1231446)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Bert

Or did he mean Peas President, 'cos he's got a brain like Peas Pudding

22 Jul 04 - 12:48 PM (#1231474)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President

Ahead of the release of a report detailing the breakdown in intelligence and security before the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush said, "We reorganized this government of ours to be better protect the people."

Fortunately, some things never change. He is still a dolt.

22 Jul 04 - 01:39 PM (#1231518)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Donuel

the crowd looks thrilled.

22 Jul 04 - 02:28 PM (#1231552)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Bev and Jerry

You folks just don't get it.

We had to wage war in two countries to keep the peace. See?

We had to defy the will of the United Nations in order to show Sadaam that you cannot defy the will of the United Nations. Now do you see?

And yes, we have been using Lewis Carroll as a foreign policy consultant. Why do you ask?

Bev and Jerry

23 Jul 04 - 07:22 AM (#1232067)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Ron Davies

And, obviously, "1984" as a lexicon.

23 Jul 04 - 07:28 AM (#1232071)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Ron Davies

As often happens, Tom Lehrer is also apropos: "Let's make peace the way we did in Stanleyville and Saigon".

23 Jul 04 - 09:45 AM (#1232174)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: GUEST,Larry K

Lets look at how the last 40 years of presidents have been remembered.

Kennedy- Camelot- or came a lot.    Great looks and wit. Bay of Pigs.
         Assasanated.   Lowered taxes. Fought Communism.

Johnson- Great Society- (a trillion dollar waste) Vietnam-forced
          him not to run again.

Nixon-   Watergate- resigned in disgrace. Great foreign policy-
         opened dialog with China.   "I am not a crook" "Tricky Dick"

Ford-    Chevy Chase impression on Saturday Night live

Carter- Misery- high unemployment, high inflation, high interest rate
         sitting in sweater telling us to turn down heat.   long gas
         lines, iran hostages. failed rescue attempt. "I promise I
         would never lie to you"   most honest politician in office

Reagan- liberals thought he was Satan.   Everyone else thought he was
         the greatest president ever.   "There you go again" "Tear
         down the wall"   Iran contra scandal

Bush-    First Gult War.   "Read my lips- no new taxes" and than
         increased taxes.

Clinton- "I never had sex with that woman" "depends on what meaning
         of is, is" impeached.   Disbarred.   First black president.
         Great communicator.   convicted perjurer and liar.   Good
         economy.   Hillary

Bush-    I don't think he will be remembered as the "peace" president.
         I do think he will be remembered for 9/11, liberating
         Afganastan and Iraq, defeating the taliban, and capturing
         Sadaam.   He will also be remembered for alianating France.

I can't think of any president of the USA who is remembered as a peace president. Most of the great presidents (Washington, Lincoln, FDR?) were war presidents.

So Jack- for once we agree.

23 Jul 04 - 11:39 AM (#1232249)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Stilly River Sage

I've been meaning to look up Stanleyville since the kids know those Lehrer songs so well. Thanks for the reminder.

LarryK, you have a selectively off-balance memory of the presidents you list. No doubt it's fogged by the republican haze you're living in.

Don, the print is too small on the t-shirts on that group behind Dubya. I can't see what they say with this monitor (the resolution is set high so the images all appear small).


23 Jul 04 - 02:55 PM (#1232367)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Jack the Sailor

Bush-    I don't think he will be remembered as the "peace" president.

I do think he will be remembered for 9/11,

He's be remembered for sitting for seven minutes like a deer in the headlights then running, and losing, on his "leadership abilities"

liberating Afganastan and Iraq,

HAHAHAHAHA once his mouthpieces are out of office no one will publicly say that again.

defeating the taliban,
The Taliban is still there, deposing the Taliban maybe...

and capturing Sadaam.

He'll be more remembered for letting Osama get away.   


He will also be remembered for alianating France.

And Russia and China and Canada and Mexico and Germany (all of "old" Europe for that matter. He'll be known for destroying the Spainish govenment which supported him and seriously damaging Blair's and Howard's. He'll be known for having North Korea restart its Nuclear Weapons program.

He be known for being dead wrong about WMD and being very poor for judging the advice of his advisors. He'll be known for Choosing Cheney's advice over Powell's and for destroying Powell's reputation.

He like Dan Quayle will be known for his ignorance of current event and for his butchery of the English language.

He'll be known for prancing around a flight deck in a huge codpiece declaring acomplishment of a mission that was never clearly defined.

24 Jul 04 - 10:37 AM (#1232776)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President
From: Ron Davies

As I've said elsewhere, I'm a registered Republican and a veteran.

Jack is basically correct.

George W. ---the chicken hawk par excellence ---"I'm not a commander in chief but I play one on TV"--- Bush will be remembered as somehow neglecting to use his expensive pilot training to prosecute the war in Vietnam which he supposedly supported-- (he could have if he so chose)-- while his opponent was a bona fide war hero who later turned against the war. Bush will be known as somebody who liked to play soldier while sending real soldiers to their deaths in Iraq.

I was interested to see in the Wall St. Journal recently that even some confirmed Reaganites (who held prominent positions in the Reagan State Department) also agree with Jack on another point: Bush is busily creating an authoritarian state while alienating long-time allies (I don't mean France-how about the rest of Western Europe?)--Mr. Blair is not exactly the toast of the UK for his stance.

I wonder how long it will take for other Republicans to realize Bush is creating problems and solving nothing.

25 Jul 04 - 01:09 AM (#1233232)
Subject: RE: BS: The Peace President

Frank, it doesn't look like he's fooling anyone here in this forum...looks to me like Bush misunderestimated his own ability....