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Mass Observation of Children's song

24 Jul 04 - 06:18 PM (#1233044)
Subject: Mass Observation - Children's song
From: DMcG

A thread was posted over at folkinfo that reminded me of the Mass Observation exercises that took place in Britain during 1937 until the early fifties (see

The topic raised was Children's rhymes and it struck me what an amazingly detailed picture we could get if Mudcatters who were teachers of children in the range say 5-11 just noted what playground rhymes and songs were sung on an agreed date. Of course, this thought has occurred to me at just about the worse possible time i.e. just before the main summer break. Has Mudcat ever undertaken such an exercise? Would it be possible? Admittedly, it would still give a very partial picture, but even the wonderful Opie surveys were partial.

What say you?

24 Jul 04 - 06:20 PM (#1233046)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation
From: Peace

School isn't in for us until September. If it takes place then, I would ask some elementary teachers to help.
Let me know.

Bruce M

24 Jul 04 - 11:47 PM (#1233203)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation
From: Mary in Kentucky

I have lots of friends who are teachers. Let me know if I can help. Around here we have year-round school, and the fall session starts in early August.

25 Jul 04 - 06:31 AM (#1233294)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Your link is for "everyday life in Britain". Are you interested in expanding this to include the Known World? If so, I'm with brucie- wait until the fall and I'll gladly join in!


25 Jul 04 - 07:00 AM (#1233300)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation
From: DMcG

The mass observations I referred to were for Britain, but I'd certainly be interested in looking much wider. The Opie study for 'The Singing Game' seems to cover about 30 UK schools, so ideally we would need to be looking at a few hundred world-wide to get anything remotely comparable. But if that's not possible, I think it would still be interesting even if we could only match the original thirty.

26 Jul 04 - 03:09 AM (#1233756)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation of Children's song
From: DMcG

First refresh after thread name improved!

11 Dec 05 - 05:06 PM (#1625175)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation of Children's song
From: Mo the caller

Did anyone do it?

11 Dec 05 - 05:38 PM (#1625198)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation of Children's song
From: DMcG

No, I'm afraid not. Some half a dozen people PM'd me, but that was not really enough to do anything. Part of the difficulty was that I picked a very bad time to have the idea - just as schools stopped for the summer breaks. And of course, we are just about to hit another seasonal break now! However, I still think it would be an interesting and worthwhile exercise.

12 Dec 05 - 04:28 AM (#1625451)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation of Children's song
From: GUEST, Jos

I remember our school being recorded in the early fifties, in Somerset. I had no idea why, but I remember playing the games and singing 'The Farmer's in his Den' and , I think, 'In and out the Windows'.

12 Dec 05 - 07:17 AM (#1625505)
Subject: RE: Mass Observation of Children's song
From: Flash Company

Went to visit our family grave last week, the infant school just over he wall from the church were out playing The Farmers in his Dell.
I remember thinking 'I bet Mum is loving this!'