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BS: My kitty just died

09 Aug 04 - 03:00 PM (#1243413)
Subject: BS: My kitty just died
From: jimmyt

Our oldest cat, Becky just was put to sleep this AM after complications from a respitaty infection she acquired at the vets. THey took a chest xray this am as well as blood work and discovered she had lung cancer and late stage diabetes, but she was a very sweet kitty, living 16 years . We had no indication she had any problems having taken her for routine checkup, but apparently there was a horrible infection that was spread to all the animals in the vets for a couple days. Our other kitty got sick also but was young enough to fight the infection. I hope she joins all the other mudkitties and has a pleasent afterlife if that is to be

09 Aug 04 - 03:04 PM (#1243416)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: katlaughing

Oh, I am sorry for your loss, jimmyt. We just lost our Kelpie last week, no indications of anything wrong up until just a few days before she passed.



09 Aug 04 - 03:12 PM (#1243424)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: jimmyt

This was a very unique cat. I have had many cats with more charming personalities, more active,etc. Becky was just one of those cats, thet kind of acted like she had it all figured out. Never go outside more than 5 feet from the house, never fight, never jump around and act like a maniac, never hiss or scratch or bite, no matter what. Well it worked pretty well for 16 years. We will miss her. Thanks Kat for the nice message

09 Aug 04 - 03:14 PM (#1243425)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Ellenpoly

I'm so sorry jimmyt!

This has been a hard year for cats.


09 Aug 04 - 03:15 PM (#1243427)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: jeffp

Sorry to hear of your loss, Jimmy. It's amazing how close we get to our furry friends. Be sure to give your other cat extra love and attention, because she/he will be missing Becky too.


09 Aug 04 - 03:30 PM (#1243437)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Peace

jimmyt, please accept my condolences. It's tough to lose a pet. Wish I could do more to help, buddy.

Bruce M

09 Aug 04 - 03:34 PM (#1243439)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Bobert


I hates to learn of a kitty's passing, no matter how good a life they had....

Bless her heart and bless you and yer familee, jimmyt...

((((((((((Big Hug's to Becky's spirit))))))))))))))))


09 Aug 04 - 03:56 PM (#1243453)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Alba

So sorry to hear of your Becky's passing jimmyt.
It is so hard to say Goodbye to our Animal Friends after they have given us so much unconditional Love.
{{{{{{ Hugs}}}}}}}}
Blessings and Light

09 Aug 04 - 04:04 PM (#1243456)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died

Ahhh jimmy. I am sorry. Just today I came across my Homey Darling's ashes. He was a huge cat with a huge head. Used to scare people. They didn't believe he was a house cat. But he was a lamb and I miss him. I am glad Becky had a good life and an easy passing.

09 Aug 04 - 04:05 PM (#1243458)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: open mike

what a tragedy! you go to the vet to get BETTER, not WORSE. bummer.
kitty hugs and purring will all the more appreciatdd from the younger one.

09 Aug 04 - 04:06 PM (#1243461)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: open mike

why were the links below this thread to dental imaging equipment?
scary to think that the mudcat'google links are that well informed..

09 Aug 04 - 04:08 PM (#1243462)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: GUEST,SueB

I'm so sorry.

09 Aug 04 - 04:09 PM (#1243465)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: jimmyt

must be big brother, it is a wonder thong manufacturers haven't popped up, Laurel!

09 Aug 04 - 04:17 PM (#1243469)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Phil Cooper

Jimmy, sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy.

09 Aug 04 - 04:17 PM (#1243470)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: GUEST,spot

I know how you feel,matey...I lost my dog 3months or so ago..
             they say it gets a bit better....

                            regards to all...Spot

09 Aug 04 - 04:18 PM (#1243473)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: maire-aine

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. They say 16 years is a long time, but to us, it's still too short.

{{{{ big hug }}}}


09 Aug 04 - 08:23 PM (#1243657)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Shanghaiceltic

Sorry to hear about Becky passing on, sounds like she had a good long life and was well loved.

09 Aug 04 - 08:33 PM (#1243663)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Blowzabella

Very sorry jimmyt - it is so hard losing a pet - but we put ourselves through it for the joy of having known them. My dog is nearly 14 and I know he won't be with me forever - and I still think about the boy I had before him - and tears come to my eyes when I think of the day he had to be put to sleep - 14 years ago!

and I know that when Chester goes, I will get another - because I can't bear the thought of a house without a dog...

09 Aug 04 - 09:40 PM (#1243712)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: freightdawg

Many hugs JimmyT.

We lost our Half-Pint after 19 long years just this May. We lost another one back in 1997 and I still mourn him. Losing your little kitty after 16 years is tough. We have two others, but still...there is just a huge empty spot where our little silver tabby used to be.

As someone mentioned earlier, this has been a tough year for our Mudkitties. I reckon they are all up yonder together chasing butterflies or just lounging in the sun waiting for the dinner bell to chime.

Bless you and many happy hours with your surviving buddy.


09 Aug 04 - 10:03 PM (#1243727)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: kendall

I lost Sam, the Maine coon cat 20 years ago and I still miss him. It does get easier, but it takes time. So sorry for your loss.

09 Aug 04 - 10:06 PM (#1243728)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Gypsy

Becky will be waiting for you on the other end of the rainbow bridge. I know that is small solace for your loss, but she is young, and nothing hurts where she is, and all the flies can be caught with ease for her now.
It helps to reminince. Any good Becky stories you want to share, if you are ready?

09 Aug 04 - 10:14 PM (#1243735)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Sorcha

Oh, jimmy, I'm so sorry. We are getting so much joy out of our new kitten. I hate to think of when the time comes, but it really is the last good thing we can do for them.

09 Aug 04 - 10:26 PM (#1243744)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: DougR

So sorry for your loss. Losing a loving pet is a terrible thing.


10 Aug 04 - 03:19 AM (#1243822)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: catspaw49

Sorry Jimmy....

We all love our animals don't we? And all of them have some unique thing and ways of living that make them different from each much like ourselves it is no wonder we become so attached.

We really tried to swear off cats after Genoa, aka Poogie, was gone. She was the least likeable cat I ever had and yet she was always near to us. And every now and again she shared a brief moment as if to say "Thanks for the food and the bed." She was so different than Luff who worshipped Karen and she gave the same in return. He's been gone almost ten years and as I type this and just think of him, the tears well up...............And of course there was Cutter.............geeze, I am completely bummed now!

So we tried to swear off the cats, the two Weimaraners are enough. But it didn't last. A volunteer at the Columbus shelter who works with Karen told us of this kitten who had fought the traffic for almost a week at a busy intersection before being rescued. So we go over to fill out the paperwork for him (Bixby) and Karen can't resist looking at the other cats. One of them, a year old male who all the people said was very aloof, started acting entirely differently around Karen and after awhile it became obvious that this black and white tuxedo (Roamin) was coming home too.

A little over a year later, Bix has become a full grown cat who loves playing and hanging out with the kids. And Roamin....Well, when I look over and see he and Karen sleeping side by side, I am positive that he was waiting for Karen to show up and when he found her he wasn't about to let her slip out without him. And yeah....She is equally devoted to him! Both of them come to Dad at times for some love and attention, but there is no two ways about it....they were destined to be here.

So take a bit of time perhaps, but then go have a look. I'll bet there is someone looking for you already.


10 Aug 04 - 08:28 AM (#1243960)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry to hear your news, I know how you are feeling....

Take care sweetie.



10 Aug 04 - 08:45 AM (#1243966)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: freda underhill

I'm very sorry to hear about Becky. I love my two cats and i know how much you will miss her.

best wishes


10 Aug 04 - 08:53 AM (#1243971)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: Scooby Doo

I too am sorry about your Becky JimmyT.I love my cat and i dread the day when she passes on to the cats world.

10 Aug 04 - 09:17 AM (#1243991)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: kendall

My neighbor has a 17 year old cat that sleeps in other peoples driveways and the street. It will not move for any dog, and it acts like it owns the whole neighborhood. When its keepers are away it comes and yowls at me rubbing against my leg. I know it is not long for this world because it sleeps all the time now, and I hate to see it go. It is a real character.
Being a curmudgeon is not always easy.

10 Aug 04 - 10:00 AM (#1244033)
Subject: RE: BS: My kitty just died
From: jimmyt

Thanks for all the kind words, folks. We have had cats forever, normally 2 or 3 at a time, and the really sad thing is that Becky was one of those sweet cats that was always dominated by another superstar cat. People would always rave about Lucy, our Mainecoon, or Tweetie, the pure attitude badass tom, ot Jack, an abbysinian who was over the top with personality, but always Becky just got an. "oh, you have another kitty, she seems sweet." She was the perennial wallflower, never gets invited to the prom, probably be an old maid cat, that in later years seemed to sort of blossom in to her old years with a quiet dignity.

My other cat, Lucy seemed sort of lost last evening and I put her on the bed with us, and she slept there all night, This AM, she had a sort of look like, "Wow, if I had known I would get to sleep in the bed, I would have knocked off the old lady cat years ago." Again, thanks, folks, it is nice to encounter som many cat people in this forum.