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BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back

12 Aug 04 - 10:05 AM (#1245758)
Subject: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: maire-aine

It's done. I had Momma Cat put to sleep this morning. She was about 16, and was going into serious kidney failure. It was just a matter of time. I knew she would only get worse, and I couldn't cope the death watch. Anyway, I'm supposed to be the grown-up, and it's my job to make those kind of hard decisions. The vet agreed that I made the right decision, but 16 years just isn't long enough.

I still have Molly and Little One, but the house just won't be the same without Momma Cat.


12 Aug 04 - 10:17 AM (#1245773)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: wysiwyg

Hugs, aw.....

I agree-- 16 is long to a cat, but short to us. It's no help we boot our own offspring out of the nest around 18-- it's harder to empty the nest of cats. I wonder if we could somehow develop a myth that they graduate from our care to a place where they can be more than they were with us, like we do with our children. Or if only they could go into true suspended animation when we are away from them-- they'd last a lot longer and be well for longer periods at the end! (The cats that is.)

I'm getting a new one today. My big fear is he will look like and act too much like the best one I ever had, and lost-- cuz I didn't do all my crying back then, and I still wake in tears from dreaming he's come home. I have a feeling this new lapcat will let all that loose. But a house lacking the catness of cat is too weird, so....


12 Aug 04 - 10:32 AM (#1245787)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: Leadfingers

Commisserations - All you can do is remember that you gave Momma Cat a good life .

12 Aug 04 - 11:11 AM (#1245827)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: GUEST,noddy

see 1001 things to do with a dead cat!

12 Aug 04 - 11:13 AM (#1245829)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: jimmyt

SOrry MAryanne! I went through the same thing last week and it is a very sad time. Hang in there kiddo

12 Aug 04 - 11:21 AM (#1245836)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: GUEST,Arkie

It is amazing how attached we can become furred friends. It is sad to see them suffer and sad to lose them. But Momma Cat was fortunate to have your care for 16 years. We moved a few weeks ago and our cat has been reluctant to venture outside. The first night (and only night) she did go out, she was attacked by several dogs and we eventually found her at the top of a cedar tree. After a trip to the vet and several stitches cat and family are doing fine. But we had some anxious moments for a while.

12 Aug 04 - 01:01 PM (#1245967)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: GUEST,Cookieless Nerd

So sorry, Maryanne

My old Kitty is suffering hyperthyroidism; she lost half her weight and had no energy at all. We're stablizing her on medication and then deciding what to do. She's feeling much better but hormone levels still through the roof. She's fourteen and I hope she pulls through!

12 Aug 04 - 01:13 PM (#1245983)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: jeffp

My sympathies, maire-anne. I've been there and will be again. It's amazing how much we grow to love the fuzzballs and miss them when they're gone.


12 Aug 04 - 04:04 PM (#1246116)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: katlaughing

We also had an old one pass, last week. Good for you for doing what was best for her. Let those who remain give comfort and *sing* to you of their love for you and Momma Cat.


12 Aug 04 - 08:40 PM (#1246344)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back

Let's get out the crockpot!

12 Aug 04 - 08:47 PM (#1246348)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: Bobert


That's two kitties this week and I hates it...

(((((((((((Big Hug, Mama Cat)))))))))))))))))))


12 Aug 04 - 11:37 PM (#1246424)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: Scoville

It's a bad week for cats. A girl brought us her recently-acquired cat today because it was peeing everywhere and not gaining weight. She'd only had the cat a month, and had been told that it was 3 years old and "had always been thin". After a urinalysis and some bloodwork we had to tell her that it was probably more like a 10 to 12-year-old cat and was in the last stages of diabetes and early stages of kidney failure. It was awful.

Give yourself some time to recover and, when you're ready, go rescue a homeless kitty. I think the best way to show your love for a passed pet is to do well by another who needs you. I'm on my fourth American Eskimo dog; they've all been completely different "people" but they were all in need of saving and turned out to be great friends in their own ways.

13 Aug 04 - 03:30 AM (#1246542)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: JennieG

So sorry to hear about Momma Cat - if it helps, our cats send you a hug and a lick. One of ours is nearly 17 and I don't know how much longer we will have her.


13 Aug 04 - 03:41 AM (#1246551)
Subject: RE: BS: Momma Cat won't be coming back
From: Ellenpoly

I have heard about the death of more cats this year...I mean of course cats die all the time, but this year they were one's I knew personally and loved.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Right now I'm cat-sitting one of my favorite cats who just lost her brother a month ago. She's taken on a whole load of his personality traits which is so interesting to see.
