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BS: cholesterol...thru the roof

05 Sep 04 - 04:27 PM (#1264840)
Subject: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: UncleToad

Just found out from the VA that my total cholesterol is 244, HDL is 34, LDL is 157, and triglycerides is 263.   I have started on Zocor...any diet tips or remedies from the 'Catters? Is shredded wheat and yogurt all there is? I hate skim milk...and lowfat anything...and I love red wine...

UncleToad...doomed and damned

05 Sep 04 - 05:58 PM (#1264885)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,Peter from Essex

You soon get used to skim milk, I find full cream far too sweet now. If you must use full cream then try and find a source of water buffalo milk - higher overall fat but less saturated fat than cows milk.

Red wine in moderation is good. Eat fish and poultry, lean red meat in moderation. Use buttermilk or smatana rather than full cream on deserts - eat more fresh fruit. Use olive oil when you have to fry (and very little then) and an olive oil based spread rather than butter.

At farmers markets look out for the more exotic low cholesterol meats such as ostrich.

The worst thing for me was giving up cheese, I used to eat at least a quarter pound a week. About four times a year I buy some expensive cheese from a specialist cheesmaker and just bliss out.

05 Sep 04 - 06:15 PM (#1264894)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Liz the Squeak

Don't jump into it totally in one go... break yourself in gently by reducing rather than removing. It can be just as bad as too much.

The BBC health pages are very useful - This is very interesting.

Good luck!


05 Sep 04 - 07:33 PM (#1264938)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: kendall

My doctor said, "You can eat anything you want. That's not the issue. The issue is, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?

05 Sep 04 - 07:44 PM (#1264947)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof

Mine was running 272 couple years ago. I was living in a fool's paradise of fatty foods.

Cut eggs from a dozen a week to 0.
Whole milk & yogurt to non-fat.
Butter from a pound a month to 0.
Cheese from a pound a week to 0.
Weight loss 40 pounds.
Bacon and burgers 1 per month.
Exercise daily - sometimes up to 10 miles.

For cheese cravings it is a nibble of blue or parmisan - something expensive/small/excellent.

Taking lecithin (healthfood soy oil derivitive - emulsifier)

Never been re-checked - I don't want the drugs.

05 Sep 04 - 09:44 PM (#1264996)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: mg

Give up all white flour, white rice and potatoes for a bit and see what it does. Give up sugar too, unless you keep just a tiny bit. Cook and sweeten with stevia. Read up on Syndrome X and insulin resistance. Shredded wheat and skim milk might just be the worst possible thing to do. Read what Dr. Mary Enig ahs to say about the benefits of fats. Try and actually find research that says cholesterol is related to natural saturated fats in most people (not trans fats..often teh research mixes them is like mixing poison and manna). Read metabolic body typing, reading anything by Dr. Schwarzbein..she is on the internet..Some people can reduce cholesterol quite a bit with diet and it is not the diet you ahve described. mg

05 Sep 04 - 10:27 PM (#1265016)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Jeri

I don't remember the numbers, but I'm also being seen at a VA hospital. My cholesterol was high. I tried a moderate diet. 6 months later, it had hardly changed and the doc said I had 6 months to get it down or she'd put me on Simvastatin (is that the generic name for Zocor?). In any case, I tried to eliminate every single bit of cholesterol and saturated fat from my diet. I figured I'd still get some, but if I shot for none, I might be successful. 6 months later...all the bad stuff was just a wee bit HIGHER.

I'm on Zocor now. There are no side effects, but you're not supposed to drink grapefruit juice. I went back in after 6 months, and the doc told me the medicine and my diet were working fine. I don't think I told her then that I was eating whatever the hell I wanted. With me, it's not my diet - it's my genes. This probably isn't normal though.

Garlic pills or tablets help a lot, and there are medical studies that prove it. I've known people who bring Cheerios to work in little bags and munch them for snacks

05 Sep 04 - 11:20 PM (#1265040)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Nerd

mary, it's not clear what you are recommending here:

Try and actually find research that says cholesterol is related to natural saturated fats in most people (not trans fats..often teh research mixes them is like mixing poison and manna).

Are you saying that since it is hard to find research saying that cholesterol is related to natural fats, it is not? If so, are you saying we don't need to cut butter and cheese, etc, just trans fats? Or just what?

06 Sep 04 - 02:52 AM (#1265090)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof

You get cholesterol in two ways. Your body makes some of it, and the rest comes from cholesterol in animal products that you eat, such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs, butter, cheese and whole milk. Food from plants — like fruits, vegetables and cereals — doesn't have cholesterol. Some foods that don't contain animal products may contain trans-fats, which cause your body to make more cholesterol. Foods with saturated fats also cause the body to make more cholesterol.

from the web

06 Sep 04 - 03:12 AM (#1265096)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Stilly River Sage

We like oatmeal around here, and we like salmon, and both of those are good for reducing cholesterol. But with salmon, it needs to be wild, not pond raised. The pond fish don't get the good wild diet to develop the natural oils that fight cholesterol. And the wild fish tastes a lot better.

Get a lot of exercise, use up the fat calories you take in, don't let them settle anywhere. And we use that "Smart Balance" margarine these days. It tastes like the rest of it (costs about three times as much) but seems to be much better for you.


06 Sep 04 - 03:21 AM (#1265097)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Liz the Squeak

Don't bother about clicking on the ads at the bottom here - they don't tell you anything you can't find on other links given and they want you to buy their drug to reduce cholesterol their way.


06 Sep 04 - 08:29 AM (#1265183)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: UncleToad

I appreciate hearing from you all...I will read again and reread and will certainly heed good advice.

Thank you all, UncleToad

06 Sep 04 - 10:35 AM (#1265248)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: catspaw49

Glad Jeri got in the genetic part. It can also work the other way.   Although I've had heart surgeries and all that, cholesterol was never the problem. Prior to my first surgery, a quad by-pass, I was at 144. I wasn't watching my diet, never had, and I was not on any medication.


06 Sep 04 - 10:43 AM (#1265253)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Sandra in Sydney

I work in a Libray & asked my boss for info to help a friend whose doctor is not explaining why he is recommending a medication & treatment.

She recommended the following site & maybe it might help others.

It's a US govt site & apprently one of the best sites on the web for health info.

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

good luck


06 Sep 04 - 11:27 AM (#1265290)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Jeri

UncleToad, when I went back for a check after I'd been on the simvastatin for a while, I was sure nothing would have changed, and the levels would still be high. Boy, was I wrong! They weren't just lowER, they were at the low end of normal. I'd been taking garlic tablets too, though. The levels rise a bit when I don't, but stay in the normal range.

Well, my uncle (Mom's bro) had a massive heart attack and died at age 46, before anyone was checking cholesterol levels. My mom had severe atherosclerosis. She also had diabetes which can cause it, but she had high cholesterol too. She was on a strict diet, and it didn't seem to do much anything for the cholesterol.

Nobody's specifically mentioned raising the HDL. You want HDL to go up, and everything else to go down. Look for mono-saturated oils, such as olive oil and canola oil. These are GOOD. I add a bunch of olive oil to spaghetti sauce. I make pasta salads and salad dressings. I make lentil soup (Lentils, stock, onions, celery, garlic, a bit of sausage or hot dogs, spices, and then dump some extra-virgin olive oil in right when you serve it.)

Spaw, you think anybody told Clinton about the DaVinci?

06 Sep 04 - 12:33 PM (#1265336)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Another outstanding web-source (all studies recieving US govt funding ((that's almost every single one)) must permit a review to be published))

Sandi - your link for MedLine is wrong - because it should be the one I posted - it is not a commercial site....

For a listing of web research med-services this UK source is excellent.


06 Sep 04 - 12:38 PM (#1265339)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: beardedbruce

I have found that large doses of time -release niacin ( 1 gram 3 times a day) help. One has to work up to it, though- and there is no effect until one reaches a critical level ( between 2 and 3 grams/day).

In addition WATCH OUT for the fat free baked goods! Entemanns (brand) contains something that drives the tryglycerides way up- over 400 for me...

06 Sep 04 - 01:45 PM (#1265391)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Alonzo M. Zilch (inactive)

I have heredity-caused high cholesterol. Diet and exercise don't have much effect. Three years ago, my doctor put me on the niacin regimen described by beardedbruce. I went from high risk to low risk in about six months, where I remain.

06 Sep 04 - 02:10 PM (#1265414)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: mack/misophist

If your problem is related to weight, losing the weight will help and may even fix it. Mine went down to normal after I lost the first 100 pounds.

06 Sep 04 - 04:53 PM (#1265515)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Helen

Hubby & I use this margarine which has been   "Clinically proven to lower cholesterol" .

It blocks the absorption of cholesterol. It works for us, and it is easy. In combination with a healthy, balanced diet it just makes life easier.

"Flora pro·activ has been enriched with plant sterols. During digestion, plant sterols mix with the cholesterol present in the gut, where they compete with the cholesterol for absorption into the bloodstream. So less cholesterol passes from the gut into the bloodstream and you end up with less cholesterol being absorbed by your body."


06 Sep 04 - 11:44 PM (#1265759)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Peg

All those tests done with Quaker Oats can't be wrong---statistically the majority of folks who added oatmeal to their diets had lower cholesterol...
Cheerios count too...

Good luck! Diet and exercise are given lifestyle changes, and myabe some of these drugs being suggested might also help you...

07 Sep 04 - 05:26 PM (#1266232)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: UncleToad many thanks for all your sound advice.

Uncle(Light at the End of the Tunnel)Toad

07 Sep 04 - 10:02 PM (#1266456)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: mg

get your insulin level checked (in addition to your blood sugar levels, but you would be amazed at how many health professionals can not get this difference through their heads). mg

07 Sep 04 - 10:48 PM (#1266478)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Amos



08 Sep 04 - 04:12 AM (#1266596)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: fat B****rd

I'm a Simvastatin a night man, myself. Washed down with a pint of Guinness. Regular 5.4 at my last two annual checkups. Good luck.

08 Sep 04 - 06:38 AM (#1266663)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,Mingulay

I'm on simvastatin since I was told that my level of 5.5 was too high. Now around 4.5. The thing is no one seems to be able to say what is high/what is low, or is it a very narrow band. The trouble with the simvastatin is that it can (and in my case does) cause cramps. Not sure which is worse cholesterol or disturbed nights. Oh the joys of degeneration. However, much of interest in above posts.

Super saturatedly yours


08 Sep 04 - 08:04 AM (#1266695)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,donuel

My highest was 345.

08 Sep 04 - 12:04 PM (#1266855)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Stilly River Sage

Ouch, Don! Quick to the Quaker oats!

It is a nice fall day here in Texas (yes, it's early, but it feels like fall, so we'll take it). It was all the excuse I needed to make a nice pot of oatmeal for breakfast. Mmmmm!


08 Sep 04 - 12:55 PM (#1266882)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Kim C

We drink 1% milk instead of skim. It is less watery, and has a good taste. 1/2% is also available in some places. Soy milk might also be an option for you - the vanilla kind is really pretty good.

08 Sep 04 - 02:06 PM (#1266928)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,donuel

345 was 10 years ago when I managed a pizza chain while Sarah was getting her PhD.

08 Sep 04 - 02:11 PM (#1266931)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof

Walnuts are one of the best ways to lower Cholesterol. A hand full each night with a glass of red wine.

Most cholesterol problems are genetic as any heart consultant would confirm.If your blood pressure is normal or low and you don't smoke then don't fret about it. Just cut down your fat intake a little and try the walnuts.

If however your blood pressure is high--then up your excercise by walking 30 mins a day fast enough to work up a sweat.
Avoid statins if poss.

08 Sep 04 - 11:44 PM (#1267310)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: mg

here is someplace to start...I think he is on the right track..a lot of people are on the right track..probably no one has all the answers right now

But don't assume because something works for you it will work for your husband/wife whoever. They most likely have different metabolic requirements than you do. As far I can tell, no one on the face of the earth needs trans fats, and almost no one needs a substantial amount of white flour....and probably we do not have a need for diet coke etc...other than that, the jury is out for most people.

The culprit in a lot of these ailments is the whole insulin resistance thing caused by people eating too many refined, or in some cases, even very whole and healthy carbohydrates for their metabolic needs.


09 Sep 04 - 12:07 AM (#1267328)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Rustic Rebel

I recommend garlic. Eat two chopped up raw cloves with a piece of ass daily. Drink a high dose of vitamin c,e,b6,b12, and x-tra breaths of air daily. Be aware of your thoughts and believe that they may interfere with your daily piece of ass, if you let them.
Like Tom Robbins said, and I quote, "People of the world, relax."
Yours very truer, Rustic

09 Sep 04 - 03:13 AM (#1267390)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: rich-joy

I rather like the advice contained within the book :
"The Cholesterol Myth : the New Healthy Heart Programme"
by Dr Robert Buist, the Australian Biochemist (amongst other credits)
Sun Books (Pan MacMillan Publishers), 1992 (my copy)

- lots of interesting, eye-opening, helpful stuff!!

Cheers! R-J

09 Sep 04 - 08:31 AM (#1267514)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: UncleToad

Rustic Rebel seems to have the answer to all the ills on the planet...war, financial problems, etc...just one thing...can I substitute garlic tabs for the cloves? Unless my lady is comatose I am not sure my garlicky advances will work...and those little white masks are definitely a turnoff.

Thanks from your favorite Uncle(Toad)

09 Sep 04 - 10:31 AM (#1267596)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks, Gargoyle for the correct link - I dunno what happened, maybe I'll just go back to not making blue clickies again!!


09 Sep 04 - 12:57 PM (#1267707)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: JennyO

Sandra, you left in there after the wubbleyews, followed by the rest of the URL.

I can't believe I'm saying this to the person who introduced me to mudcat and computers!!!

10 Dec 04 - 12:03 PM (#1353140)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,me

I hate this stupid website! It is not helping me at all with what i have to look up and i am already in a bad mood and it is just pissing me off even more! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Dec 04 - 02:38 PM (#1353296)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Jeri

What are you looking for?

10 Dec 04 - 03:08 PM (#1353344)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Donuel

Hey, 18 years ago mine was over 400.

And I'm still here.

11 Dec 04 - 11:32 AM (#1354002)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: kendall

Crestor brought mine down to 120

11 Dec 04 - 12:44 PM (#1354047)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: GUEST,Ron Davies

Kim C is right--if you don't want to go straight to non-fat milk, you could try 2% or 1%.

11 Dec 04 - 03:26 PM (#1354170)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: dianavan

I corrected the cholesterol problem by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, rice and fish (not farmed fish!). Avoid all fried food. Avoid dairy and eggs.

Eating is like anything habitual. Its tough to make the change but once you do, the change itself becomes the habit.

11 Dec 04 - 07:08 PM (#1354335)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof

well, Uncle Toad, how's it going????

11 Dec 04 - 08:54 PM (#1354402)
Subject: RE: BS: cholesterol...thru the roof
From: Cluin

My girlfriend's mom ate NOTHING but oatmeal for 3 weeks and brought her cholesterol level way down.

Arrrrrrr... a case o' th' cure being worse than th' disease, sez I.