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BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

13 Sep 04 - 02:37 PM (#1271328)
Subject: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

1. I got to go for a walk, enjoying this absolutely BEAUTIFUL fall day!

2. I had to do some public speaking today (something I normally DREAD) and I had a good time!

What about you? Why makes today a good day for you?


13 Sep 04 - 02:40 PM (#1271331)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Clinton Hammond

Starting it off not dead is a pretty good indication it's gonna be a good day...

Better than most, that's for sure...

13 Sep 04 - 04:36 PM (#1271341)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Amos

I yam gettin' older successfully, which is preferable to NOT. doing so.


13 Sep 04 - 04:38 PM (#1271343)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

the sun is shining

13 Sep 04 - 04:54 PM (#1271368)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Got the inside of the microwave clean, and thought it was impossible till I hit on the right combo of cleaning products.


13 Sep 04 - 04:59 PM (#1271375)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Teresa

Just met someone I have a lot in common with.

The 'cat came back, and I appreciated it more for that.

My kitty Hans is continuing to be very much a charmer ... he is five months old today. :)


13 Sep 04 - 05:00 PM (#1271379)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

I was able to do everything I planned to do. The sun was shining and Iam happy with life in general.
Best wishes.

13 Sep 04 - 05:15 PM (#1271399)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

It is Monday.

13 Sep 04 - 06:04 PM (#1271457)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

The weather is gorgeous here today and I got two loads of laundry done. I'm going outside to fold them so I can enjoy the beautiful weather while I fold.

13 Sep 04 - 06:53 PM (#1271495)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Ahhh yes.....laundry outside. I LOVE to hang wash on the line and today was my lucky day because I got to hang out 4 loads! I find that to be very relaxing.......


13 Sep 04 - 07:26 PM (#1271520)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Even the seemingly "nothing" days are good. Today, nothing in particular happened, but I kinda enjoyed that. Yesterday, my wife and I tracked down two old friends, who were in the same health care center recuperating from knee replacement operations. We'd been trying to reach them by phone for weeks with no luck. The day before yesterday, we were able to visit two other friends who we hadn't seen in a long while.. one is the women I've mentioned in other threads who suddenly went blind one day (after not even wearing glasses up to that point.) She was in very high spirits (she's in her mid-90's) because she was feeling good that day. I notice that she corrects herself now when she kept saying, I'ts so good to... pausing where she naturally would say "see you again," and then saying... "have you here again." There is no way we could have lifted her spirits half as much as she lifted ours. That same day, we went to a picnic with one of the church choirs, and we had a great time, with abundant food and friendship. Got a chance to sit and talk with my Messenger friends Joe and Frankie. And then, yesterday, Joe, Frankie and I sang with the Men's Chorus, and Joe and I shared the lead on a song.

Today, I needed just what I got. A chance to finish trimming the hedge, and then watching a Miss Marple movie this evening with my wife.

Life is good.


13 Sep 04 - 07:35 PM (#1271523)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: katlaughing

My daughter and grandson made it safely to their destination after a seven hour drive. It's the first time we've been apart, for any length of time, since he was born 10 months ago come tomorrow. I miss them, but oh! the Silence! It's nice...for a change. By tomorrow I won't know what to do with myself!**bg**

Great thread, Michelle, thanks,


13 Sep 04 - 07:53 PM (#1271538)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: kendall

I woke up from the biopsy

13 Sep 04 - 08:22 PM (#1271562)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Teresa


It's so odd how people use figures of speech, or don't use them. I'm blind and I use phrases like, "watch TV" or "see you later" all the time ... but maybe that's because I was born blind and don't think of them as anything other than figures of speech. ...

Sorry, I saw that comment ;) and had to add my two cents. :)


13 Sep 04 - 09:11 PM (#1271583)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Tinker

Wonderful weather and five loads of wash, chores that all seemed to get completed and errands I could check off. Tommorrow the last of the horde goes off to school and I should have a few minutes for me. It's been a good day.


13 Sep 04 - 09:58 PM (#1271619)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I'm still on this side of the grass.
My incision infection is getting better.
Boudicca the Wicked is very sweet to sleep with.
Mr. vacumed the carpets.
Got to see Owen who has an ear infection and is cranky. But he's still cute.
Son's wedding kilts are all done and have found him a Piper (here in Torrington!!!)
Sang a song (YES, ME!!!) at the Nursing Home on Sunday...OK, ok, so it was only Seamus' 'I Know a Song That Gets On Everybody's Nerves' but I did it!!! In Public!!
Spent all day Saturday with daughter and Seamus Kennedy.
Beautiful fall weather here too. I miss my clothes line and the smell of 'hung outside' bedding.

13 Sep 04 - 10:00 PM (#1271622)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sorcha

OK, now listen....that last was me, Sorcha and I WAS LOGGED IN but when I hit submit, it posted and reverted to no cookie. What gives? This is Sorch too, in case it does it again....

13 Sep 04 - 10:07 PM (#1271630)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: lucky_p

I was able to share with others, give and take, give and take, and be enriched by doing so.

13 Sep 04 - 10:23 PM (#1271643)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen


I have other friends who are blind, and they too say, "It's so nice to see you." It just seems natural. They were either blind from birth, or at least for most of their life. I don't know what is harder (never having experienced either.) My Mother's Father went blind in his 80's, and became a very bitter man. I guess blindness is like other physical handicaps. How you deal with it depends on your attitude toward life. My Grandfather who went blind was always pretty bitter and hard-hearted. His blindness just made him moreso.

One of the people I most greatly admire is Kathy Leigh Johnson.. a wonderful woman I met at the Adirondack Folk/Gospel Festival many years ago. Kathy had everything imaginable going against her. Blindness was only part of the problem. And yet, she persevered and was living a very positive life when I met her. A few years after that, she met a wonderful young man who was a minister (and also a musician) and they wre married. He is blind, too.

For those of us like me, who have been blessed with wonderful health, there is no way of truly understanding what it is like to have a seriously limiting handicap. But, it seems like everything else... you find people who live fully productive, rich lives who are handicapped, just as you meet people in perfect health who bitch constantly.

Only goes to show.

Kathy had a machine that could "read" letters for her, which made it easy to communicate. She also had a computer that could do the same.
How great!


13 Sep 04 - 10:23 PM (#1271644)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: khandu

I still have a lucky wife who loves me & who is loved by me!

My God has proven Himself faithful for the 18,885th (approx) day of my life!

My guitar still holds its tune!

Yes, Life is good!!


14 Sep 04 - 12:08 AM (#1271700)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Teresa

What you said, jerry. It's the head and not the physical disability that makes all the difference. ... :D


14 Sep 04 - 02:24 AM (#1271767)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

It's a good day because Kendall is still alive, it's sunny here in the UK after a night of high winds and rain, my daughter got a sticker for being good and I've got two chocolate cakes to eat.


14 Sep 04 - 03:07 AM (#1271791)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Mudlark

It was a good day for me for a lot of reasons: temps fell well below 100 for the first time in a while and I was able to leave the windows open, fresh air blowing through, sound of the fountain filling the house until noon; I started another writing class today with a wonderful teacher and enjoyed every minute of the 3 hours; came home, got a bite to eat and then went to a new session only a miraculous 15 miles from me, with really good musicians and great music;'s still 2 days until I have to hae gallbladder surgery. This was a very good day.

14 Sep 04 - 04:54 AM (#1271854)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,milk monitor

It's my youngests second day at school, ( often harder than their first day),but she loved her first day SO much there were no morning tears.

14 Sep 04 - 12:13 PM (#1271880)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Cuz the Cat came back!


14 Sep 04 - 12:52 PM (#1271918)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: John MacKenzie

We just picked our dogs up from kennels where they've been incarcerated for 2 weeks while we were away. They smell funny though!

14 Sep 04 - 01:10 PM (#1271933)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

It's beginning to look like we might not be in the path of the eye of Ivan the terrible. Still too early to tell for sure, but things are looking hopeful.

It's another gloriously beautiful day here and I have beautiful music to listen to while I paint.

14 Sep 04 - 02:35 PM (#1272015)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: fat B****rd

Bits of all the above but mainly 'cos I try to keep my
glass half FULL.

14 Sep 04 - 10:16 PM (#1272017)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Stilly River Sage

The Mudcat's back!

14 Sep 04 - 10:18 PM (#1272018)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Teresa

Don't jinx it! ;););)

Superstitious T

15 Sep 04 - 07:38 AM (#1272244)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Since I could post yesterday, I'm gonna tell you what was good about yesterday!   :)

I learned a new chord on my guitar.
Dishes are done.
Laundry is on the line.
Floors are swept.
Visuals for my presentation were a hit!
Millie, aka Stinky Cat, curled up with me last night (Normally, she is Papa's girl)
I was able to rearrange my schedule so that I can do something in the middle of the day that is important to me.   :)


PS. Something good about today so far (seeings how I just crawled out of bed), my husband is making coffee just for ME!!!!! :)

15 Sep 04 - 09:21 AM (#1272310)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

I'm on the 3rd day of a 2 week holiday. I've achieved lots of little things that needed doing - like adding a pocket to my summer waistcoat, shortening a pillow case so it fits a smaller pillow, rearranged stuff, messed up stuff, read a few books, done a bit of shopping and packed almost everything (except might gear & toiletries bag) for a festival that JennyO & I are heading to tomorrow. Lots of great company & music in a wonderful location.

and Mudcat was back when I logged on


15 Sep 04 - 07:53 PM (#1272915)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day for 2 reasons.....

1. The out pouring of care, concern and love for Kendall here on the Mudcat gives me faith in humanity.

2. While I was dusting (dusting around here is a good thing in itself...but I digress), I found a little, square, purple sticky note written in the hand of my very favorite 12 year old. It reads: "Thank you for taking very good care of me. You rock on the violin. Love you. Bye. Veronica"



15 Sep 04 - 08:22 PM (#1272931)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Stilly River Sage

Nice note, Michelle!

15 Sep 04 - 09:05 PM (#1272961)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Little Hawk

The cat ALWAYS comes back!

There were lots of good things about today. Too many to list, in fact.

15 Sep 04 - 10:21 PM (#1273018)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Found out about a guy named Anderson today. Interesting.

15 Sep 04 - 10:21 PM (#1273019)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

Pobrecita, Michelle.

We (me and JtS) got something done today that feels good to have done. Now if we can make it through Hurricane Ivan unscathed, I'll feel good about that, too.

23 Sep 04 - 04:08 PM (#1279328)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I finished an assignment ahead of time (YEA ME!), there was a 4 month old baby in the teaching lounge for a bit today and she was SOOOOOOOOOO SWEET...a head full of dark, dark hair and big, bright eyes....very alert! What a precious little thing she is! Another good thing about today is that my blood sugars have all been running normal (some lows..but not too bad) and physically I feel GREAT! I was out taking photographs of the sunflowers up in the field, romping with the dog...and just having some fun! Soon I will settle into the final stages of touch ups for my presentation tomorrow!



23 Sep 04 - 07:55 PM (#1279454)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

I finally got the energy up to REALLY start on the house clearance I am going to have to do in the next two weeks - and it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it might be.

23 Sep 04 - 08:14 PM (#1279462)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Teresa

Well, not today ... it was last night, but it was my first time taking public transportation in las vegas, and my first outing here by myself. I had fun, too, and it felt good to be out on my own, using my white cane in a new city. It sure is different, but I do like it. Now I know I can take the buses here. :)


23 Sep 04 - 08:37 PM (#1279475)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I finally got started on the "putting the house back together" project. Never did find Dad's will but I started to throw out things I don't need and will never get more that 25 cents at a house sale. Got a romantic e-card from an admirer. Who knows what possibilities tomorrow mat bring.

I spent some time thinking how wonderful it was to take care of twin boys even if they did keep me up all night. Babies are so sweet and smell so good. Mostly they are tomorrow.

23 Sep 04 - 11:21 PM (#1279585)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Today was a good day because I trusted my body to guide my actions and was able to spend the last several hours putting finishing touches on a complicated funding request that I think may go well. It's all off my desk, now, at any rate!


23 Sep 04 - 11:35 PM (#1279595)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Amos

Hey Carol:

Did you get through the Ivan nova?


24 Sep 04 - 12:33 AM (#1279623)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

Yup Amos. It was a bit scary being in a tornado warning / tornado watch area for a couple of days, and some of the high winds were also a bit scary, but we were very fortunate. No damage to any of our stuff, and no damage to life or limb.

Today has been a good day for painting outdoors with a cool(ish) breeze playing about the patio area. I'm enjoying the painting a lot. I've started exploring the design esthetic of the Arts and Crafts Movent from the second half of the 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s. I'm using it for painted canvas table mats. It's a lot of fun.

This movement, by the way, is a very interesting one to read about. It had many philosophical similarities to other movements that have produced a lot of beautiful designs, such as the Shaker Movement and the Arts and Crafts Guilds of pre-industrial Europe.

24 Sep 04 - 01:18 AM (#1279643)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Rasener

Its my daughters 9th Birthday.

I get to run my Folk Club at Market Rasen tonight. My daughter is treating it like a birthday party, so is looking forward to it.

24 Sep 04 - 05:24 AM (#1279735)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne

1) Sophia gets out of hospital today
2) The harri watts band is playing at The Oddfellows pub
3) I am 46 and I still don't need viagra.

24 Sep 04 - 05:36 AM (#1279745)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

Life in the old dog yet Eh? Ted. I am 56 and still don't need viagra, so you may have a few years left yet!!!!! What was up with Sophia? Hope she is O.K now. Best wishes.

24 Sep 04 - 07:22 AM (#1279798)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Moses

Honey, our 9 year old Golden Retriever, was given the all clear by the Vet last night after recovering from heart problems that, luckily, did not require the risky open-heart surgery we were told may be necessary.

Windward (St Albans) folk club re-starts tonight for the Autumn season
and I've learned a new song.

24 Sep 04 - 07:35 AM (#1279809)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: muppett

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Sep 04 - 11:04 AM (#1280003)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: muppett

It's Friday & I've just finished a report that's taken me yonks to write, 20 mins before the weekend finishes, WAY HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Sep 04 - 12:55 PM (#1280101)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I like that...WAY HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is a good day for me because I did my presentation, our activity was a HUGE hit, I'm going to a birthday party and YES YES's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going apple picking this weekend...I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



24 Sep 04 - 12:56 PM (#1280102)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: harpgirl

Because no damn hurricanes have hit Florida in a week.

24 Sep 04 - 01:52 PM (#1280144)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a great day because my husband and I were just asked to be Godparents (ok...not in the traditional Catholic way as we are not Catholic) to twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :) We were also asked to take over the role of parent if (GOD FORBID!) anything should happen to the parents of the twins. I am so honored....very, very honored to have been asked. This makes my heart just SMILE!!!!


24 Sep 04 - 02:14 PM (#1280174)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Pogo

I got through another Friday art class with my dignity (and my white shirt er mostly) intact. And a very talented and sweet young student trusted me enough (for the second day of being her art to let me look at a poem she had written in her journal to see what I thought of it. It was a very humbling moment and one I was very grateful for

And I'm also getting ready (after I clean the house) to sit down and enjoy a session of writing.

So is a good day. {O)

24 Sep 04 - 02:58 PM (#1280210)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Congratulations Lily! Boys, girls or don't know yets?

24 Sep 04 - 07:16 PM (#1280381)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

:) Thank you!
We still don't know yet!!!!   Soon...we will know soon!!!!!   :)


25 Sep 04 - 01:59 PM (#1280851)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Tannywheeler

It's not going to get up to 90 today; that's fabulous.
Lucky Lily.
'Cats comin' back??
..."We thought he was a gonner,
    But the kitty came back
    "Cuz he wouldn't stay away!"
I would have to agree -- this place always means a good day.

26 Sep 04 - 10:24 AM (#1281406)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Because I'm going to take a nice nap this afternoon!

27 Sep 04 - 01:44 AM (#1281987)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

a. no bombs fell on me.
b. I had enough food to eat.

Pretty much my criteria for good days. mg

27 Sep 04 - 12:59 PM (#1282385)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

Kendall was told that the cancer has not grown or spread and that they will probably be able to remove it using laser surgery.

27 Sep 04 - 01:09 PM (#1282392)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Little Hawk

It just is, okay?

27 Sep 04 - 01:12 PM (#1282393)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Rasener

I have just got a job Business Centre/Training Manager,
after a year being without a job - at the age of 59. I was beginning to wonder if the only thing I was able to do was run a folk club :-)

Jacqui C - don't know you and Kendall, but good luck and hope everything works out fine.

27 Sep 04 - 01:15 PM (#1282396)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

Villan - my daughter lives in Newark and we will be basing ourselves on her when visiting the UK in future - we may just get down to your club one night.

27 Sep 04 - 01:53 PM (#1282424)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jeri

Jacqui, you just made MY day brighter!

27 Sep 04 - 01:58 PM (#1282428)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sorcha

Got the wall stenciled and the laundry done. And, have leftovers so I don't have to cook tonight! (YAY, KENDALL!!)

27 Sep 04 - 01:58 PM (#1282429)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Rasener

"we may just get down to your club one night"

Up would be the right direction. :-)

That would be fantastic, if you are able to make it, you would be very welcome. Just let me know when you do manage it to Newark.

27 Sep 04 - 11:40 PM (#1282792)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Well, today has to be a good day, cos it's me BIRTHDAY!

It's been pretty good so far, and freda underhill is putting on a session for me tonight.


28 Sep 04 - 05:06 PM (#1283470)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: open mike

i have been picking apples
and plan to make hard cider
for the first time. i have
nearly 4 bushels. also picked
a lot of black walnuts..this
has been a prolific year for
produce--esp. fruit and nuts.
And the garden yielded a lot
of lavendar, too. Sweet!

summer is over, and firewood
gathering, collecting, cutting
is next on the agenda. I got
home safe from a road trip and
got to meet a new mud cat friend,
and was treated to warm hospitality
at her house. hooray for mudcats!

I put new strings on my guitar and
my band is getting several gigs a
month--we are just starting out and
having fun with the music. My canaries
are singing and that is always cheerful.

28 Sep 04 - 07:41 PM (#1283569)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because......

1. There is a pot of chili simmering on the stove and some cornbread baking in the oven.

2. I went to the Dr. today and was brutally honest with him. He was encouraging.

3. Blood work completed without any fuss (YEA LIZ! I love my nurse!)

4. I did not go to class today, instead, I took flowers to one of my all time favorite teachers with a note that let her know how much I think of her. I left it in the office as a Happy Tuesday surprise..that made me feel good!

5. I had lunch with my Mom today.

6. I rolled around on the floor with the dog and we played until he was all tuckered out.

7. I played my violin and guitar today...I am finding that I really like to play (and listen to) something out of the norm for me....weird keys..haunting sounds....

8. Finally, today is a good day because the love of my life just walked in the door! Goodnight.


28 Sep 04 - 07:50 PM (#1283575)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

I got invited for a second interview today scheduled for friday morning for a job a would really like!

28 Sep 04 - 08:42 PM (#1283603)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Cluin

Not such a great day. The starter went on my Caravan. After a 45 dollar towing fee (plus gratuity), 165 bucks for the new part, and a further 88 dollars labour, and combined PST and GST of 38 clams...

But at least I'm mobile again. Hoping tomorrow will be a better one.

28 Sep 04 - 11:02 PM (#1283677)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

We're making progress.

29 Sep 04 - 07:16 AM (#1283894)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,noddy

it is a day nearer the weekend...

it is a day near my last day of work...

29 Sep 04 - 08:33 AM (#1283941)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Rapparee

I awakened. Again!

29 Sep 04 - 06:16 PM (#1284367)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. It has stopped raining long enough for my clothes on the line to actually get dry!

2. I had a few quiet minutes alone in the sanctuary to play my guitar...I love the sound in that big, empty, beautiful church!

3. I'm about to indulge in a traditional autumn treat for our cider...gliding on the glider overlooking the changing colors of the's the perfect afternoon for such a thing. Crisp and cool.


29 Sep 04 - 06:36 PM (#1284389)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Blowzabella

A band I'm associated with just secured a VERY prestigious booking - and I helped in some small way!

29 Sep 04 - 06:40 PM (#1284398)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

Today I attended a Spencer Bohren concert and appreciated his music. Best wishes.

30 Sep 04 - 10:05 AM (#1284898)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,noddy

and its getting closer.

30 Sep 04 - 08:32 PM (#1285426)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Cluin

Right, CarolC. Things are getting worse at a slower rate.

01 Oct 04 - 04:05 AM (#1285737)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Davetnova

It's just too good. I'm lost for words to describe it.

01 Oct 04 - 11:58 PM (#1286638)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my husband finally consented to go to the Dr. He requires some testing and it will involve an overnight stay at the hospital. I'm just glad that he finally is willing to get himself checked out.


02 Oct 04 - 04:08 AM (#1286704)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

Every day is a good day!

02 Oct 04 - 04:18 AM (#1286707)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

I found out that I have got the job I have been going to interviews for....all the details and the contract came in the post today!!

02 Oct 04 - 12:43 PM (#1286896)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: CarolC

Congratulations, catsPHiddle!

Sorry Cluin. My last post was in reference to things that are happening in our life (me and JtS). I hope your situation begins to improve right away.

02 Oct 04 - 01:01 PM (#1286902)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

actsPHiddle...well done....all the best for the future.
Best wishes.

03 Oct 04 - 11:01 AM (#1287411)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my hemoglobin A1C came back at 6.7!!!!!!! (this means my diabetes is very well under control..YEA ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

:O) Michelle

03 Oct 04 - 11:46 AM (#1287442)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Ron Davies

Title of this thread :"Today is a good day because"

Title of next thread on the list when I looked: "Bush Bounce Gone"

04 Oct 04 - 12:53 PM (#1288365)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I just finished an exam that I studied all weekend for. The professor gives notoriously hard exams and I think I did fairly well!

Also, today is a good day because now I can go home and RELAX!!!!!!!



06 Oct 04 - 03:43 PM (#1290515)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got my exam back and found that I had earned myself an A!!!! ********HAPPY DANCE***********

Another reason today is a good day is because I just found out that my health insurance now covers ALL of my diabetic supplies!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I no longer have to shell out $100.00 a month for testing supplies and more for the actual syringes and stuff!! ***Another HAPPY DANCE*****


06 Oct 04 - 04:14 PM (#1290546)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,winterbright

You GO, Lily! Congrats!!!
It's a good day here in Maine because there was FROST on the rooftops and on the windows of my car. It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood, leaves are turning, and I get to tell stories for kids on Halloween! What could be better?!

06 Oct 04 - 06:16 PM (#1290655)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,skipy

my two boys are safe, healthy, warm, well fed, happy & asleep.
They both said "love you daddy" as I tucked them in.

Sadly, it is not a good day because there are millions of children out there not as lucky!


06 Oct 04 - 07:01 PM (#1290683)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Donuel

Today I regained my hearing after 3 weeks of being deaf.

06 Oct 04 - 07:07 PM (#1290685)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

WOOO THAT is some GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07 Oct 04 - 12:41 PM (#1291396)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to go with my best girlfriend for an ultrasound. She is 13 weeks pregnant with twins..they finally are starting to look like they have clearly visable arms and was pretty active! I also got to hear each of their heartbeats! Going with her is the one thing I REALLY look forward to doing each month!

Also, I won a raffle for a basket full of goodies!!!

And finally, 26 baby chicks joined our family today. Five Silver Laced Wyandotts, 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Black Astrolops, 5 Buff Oringtons and 1 unknown exotic chicky. I had mail ordered these birds about a week ago and this morning the Post Office called to tell me they were here and to come get them. The minute I walked in the Post Office I told the clerk I could hear my package....he smiled and brought out this little box of peeping chicks. Everyone in the post office had to come look and pet them..the are SO CUTE!!!!!   :)


08 Oct 04 - 06:40 AM (#1292161)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Chris Green

'Cos it's been a shite week at work but I'm going to Banbury festival today where there are nice people and nice music! Yippee!

08 Oct 04 - 06:41 AM (#1292162)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne


12 Oct 04 - 07:32 PM (#1295629)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my puppy, Amos, got his first haircut today and he was a good boy! He was very cooperative and no longer has burdocks stuck in his long ears! Also, I spent the day with an old friend...our schedules don't mesh very that was really nice too. The sun is shining and we sat out and had mango gelatis...YUM!


13 Oct 04 - 05:03 AM (#1295978)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne


13 Oct 04 - 05:03 AM (#1295979)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne


13 Oct 04 - 05:05 AM (#1295981)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne

I saw no synthesis between poetry and idealogy, save perchance, the dialectic between chance and reason. oh.... 100 by the way.

13 Oct 04 - 06:00 AM (#1296003)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: kendall

Jacqui on Kendall's machine.

Today is a good day because I'm here in Maine with the man I love and we are taking off today for Connecticut where Sandy Paton is going to perform our wedding ceremony. I've gotten to see the fall colours and found out how many really good friends I have in the UK and am beginning to find in the USA.

13 Oct 04 - 06:04 AM (#1296005)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Micca

Because, when I finish packing, I am off to the Getaway in the morning!!!

13 Oct 04 - 08:51 AM (#1296074)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MZ Drifter

Congratulations, Jaqui & Kendall - may you have a 100 years of happiness!

14 Oct 04 - 05:46 AM (#1296751)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

My song is in the final of the "Write a Folk Song for Lincolnshire" Competition. I really don't care about whether I win or not...just to see Mr and Mrs SOOZ (Stitherum) perform it on stage will be an honour. If I win it will be a bonus.
Best wishes.

14 Oct 04 - 09:21 AM (#1296859)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: muppitz

I am continuing to lose weight via lots of execise
Last night I wrote a song in an open tuning
It sounds good
I have finally come to terms with there being no possibility of getting back with my ex
Tonight I will be sorting out a date for my first ever gig
I've got a ticket for Maghull Day of Folk
And I'm being given a lift home by a very nice and extremely good looking young man (swoon!)

Life is good!

23 Oct 04 - 07:50 PM (#1305183)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day for many reasons.

1. I was up before the sun (before 6:00am, really) and started the day off with some fiddle tunes!

2. It was a glorious fall day today...bright blue skies, many trees still absolutely beautiful with bright yellow leaves and some free time to enjoy it all!

3. My husband was able to go out fishing for the day with a friend...something which he dearly loves and rarely has time for.

4. I spent the day with my Mom, celebrating her birthday! We went to a pumpkin patch where Mother Goose characters awaited us in various forms of pumpkins! It's a silly thing and I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching all the little children squealing with delight when they find their favorite nursery rhyme character made of pumpkins! We both enjoyed our day together immensely. :)

Yep....definately a good day! :)


24 Oct 04 - 01:57 PM (#1305716)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: el_punkoid_nouveau

My daughter was delighted to see me after i've been away from home for a week!

And I think my other half might be as well...


24 Oct 04 - 02:18 PM (#1305741)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

It's Sunday and I had a choice of three concerts to go to, all of which I would have enjoyed. My wife and I chose one where friends are members of the choir and the son of a friend of ours is preaching. With plenty of good food after the service.

Baptists LOVE to eat!


24 Oct 04 - 08:02 PM (#1306091)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

I got a countertop dishwasher way on sale at Target...the cart I got for it is not sturdy enough so I just put it on the floor and now it seems to be doing my dishes..two at a time. mg

25 Oct 04 - 02:44 AM (#1306358)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Because Micca will be home this afternoon and I have missed im loads!!...unfortunately I have to go away woth work again til wednesday but I can phone him without it costing lots of money!!

25 Oct 04 - 05:22 PM (#1306929)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it's my Mom's birthday!

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!


26 Oct 04 - 08:42 AM (#1307482)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: UncleToad

'Tis a VERY good day when I wake up AND when I wake up and nothing new hurts.

'Twill be a VERY good day when the 1st cup of coffee has just the right balance of cream and sugar or other additions as you like... sometimes a drop of chocolate syrup or vanilla or amaretto.

'Twas a VERY good day when I slip easily into sleep at night and feel happy with muself and my doings of the day.

Peace be with you all.


26 Oct 04 - 09:30 AM (#1307526)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Hey Uncle Toad....I'm lovin' your post! :)


26 Oct 04 - 09:51 AM (#1307540)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: UncleToad

Michelle...and now you have made this Tuesday a most excellent day.


26 Oct 04 - 08:30 PM (#1308165)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to spend 2 hours alone (unless you count the bat flying around) in my church sanctuary playing my fiddle....I played until my fingers hurt and I was half blind....a good day indeed!!!!!   :)


26 Oct 04 - 09:38 PM (#1308205)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Joe_F

I got laid.

27 Oct 04 - 04:02 PM (#1308927)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I was able to register for all my Spring courses without any of them being full!!!!!! :)


27 Oct 04 - 08:58 PM (#1309164)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

I got a cart for my dishwasher and so far so good. A few drips from the faucet. Also we are having an awesome sunset today, and did yesterday. Weather can be either glorious or wretched here this time of year. Also I have some low-carb ice cream and a spoon and a Lands End new catalog. Doesn't get much

Oops..spoons are in the dishwasher..

28 Oct 04 - 12:46 AM (#1309293)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

it's one day nearer the American Election and we can finally drop all these BS political threads that are bollixing up the BS section!


28 Oct 04 - 06:18 AM (#1309406)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm still alive - Sorry GUEST!

04 Nov 04 - 01:36 PM (#1316663)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Despite the nasty weather outside, today is a good day because I spent the morning with my best girlfriend! She had an appointment with the Dr. and we got to listen to the heartbeats of the twins....all is well!!! We went to lunch afterwards and sat for a few hours....chatting and catching up with one another!   :)


04 Nov 04 - 01:48 PM (#1316678)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

Beautiful weather here in cranberry land. Getting a big grant out today..waiting for one last piece of paper. We could (hopefully..anything could happen) not have better world news than the peaceful death of Arafat, combined with the successful elections in Afghanistan. Bush has promised to redo the tax code..I sure hope that all people benefit. We had a peaceful election, a graceful defeat, no terrorism stopped it. We are but pale imitations of the women of Afghanistan who didn't budge in their voting lines as bombs exploded nearby, but I think part of the large turnout was America saying to bin laden and other terrorists that we shall not be moved.   mg

04 Nov 04 - 03:24 PM (#1316775)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jeffp

Today is a good day because my wife continues to improve from her cancer surgery and I was able to make up the hours I missed from work by working at home and not having to use the last of my PTO, which I am saving for an emergency.

04 Nov 04 - 03:53 PM (#1316813)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Love and prayers to you and your wife Jeff. I hope that each day finds her feeling stronger and stronger. :)


04 Nov 04 - 04:00 PM (#1316825)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jeffp

Thanks, Lily. The prognosis is excellent, although she will have to undergo some chemotherapy. The doctor says that she should keep her hair and not get very sick.

We're glad things aren't worse, as they could very well be.

11 Nov 04 - 01:35 PM (#1323469)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I found out that my best girlfriend (who is having twins)is definately having a boy (he's going to be Colin Hunter) and the other is most likely a girl (she will be named Salem Willow). They both weigh exactly 9 ounces and are right on schedule....everything is developing as it should be!!!!!!!!!!


Also, it's Thursday...that means I finally have an afternoon to myself!!!!!!!   :)


11 Nov 04 - 01:42 PM (#1323481)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: chris nightbird childs

... I'm alive!

11 Nov 04 - 02:35 PM (#1323549)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

I didn't swear yet again

10 Dec 04 - 09:27 PM (#1353653)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because...

10 Dec 04 - 10:25 PM (#1353680)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I've never seen it before. I'm glad I didn't get a "used" day.


10 Dec 04 - 10:58 PM (#1353693)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Metchosin

I laughed so hard, long and often that my nose ran, my eyes streamed and the muscles in my stomach still hurt and wonder upon wonders, I didn't wet my pants.

10 Dec 04 - 11:05 PM (#1353697)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I think I woulda paid good money to see that knida show.........

10 Dec 04 - 11:19 PM (#1353699)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Metchosin

Fortunately it was free for us, just what happens when my daughter comes to visit and do her laundry. If there were any way to share the laughs with others I would gladly do so, but word of warning, realtively little of it was PC.

10 Dec 04 - 11:33 PM (#1353704)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today was a good day because:

1. It was the last day of class
2. I spent some time with my mom
3. My husband got home safely even with all this RAIN
4.   My girlfriend is having the 5 month checkup, all is well! :)
5. Ahh heck....I don't know...there's so much that I can't even bein to list them
6. I got stocking stuffers for my favorite elf
7. I had a huge letdown today and am doing my best to focus on all he good things goingon


11 Dec 04 - 03:58 AM (#1353774)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

All my Yule shopping is done.
Its the weekend adn I got to sleep in today

11 Dec 04 - 08:46 AM (#1353904)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

I'm alive.
Recovered from broken marriage.
Have some great new friends.
Love my local Folk Club.
Have a great family.
Love my Church.
Love God.
God loves me.
Enjoy the "Cat".
No pressures today.
Am listening to "Cara"
Have eaten well.
Slept well last night after Folk Club.
Life is great.
Best wishes.

11 Dec 04 - 09:43 AM (#1353916)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I got a good mark in my assignment
I'm not feeling too down today
I feel able to cope today
I am lucky in my choice of friends
The ex who was messing with my head is now long gone and I'm well out of it
I am extremely lucky in my new partner..well its a been a year now so its hardly new but still as exciting
We have moved onto a deeper level in our relationship
I am finally looking forward to Christmas

21 Dec 04 - 12:57 AM (#1362073)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because.....

My husband had the day off and so did I.
I re-did one of the rooms in our home and am happy with the results.
There was a wonderful fire going in the woodstove all day.
I had time to do absolutely nothing.
I have something to look forward to tomorrow.



21 Dec 04 - 01:32 AM (#1362081)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

once again no bombs fell on me. mg

21 Dec 04 - 07:10 AM (#1362312)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

I am recovering from a virus and can breathe O.K.
Going to see my family for Christmas in two days time.
My Mums cancer can be treated successfully.
I am going to a large Christmas session tonight....with a lot of Mudcatters present.
Best wishes.

21 Dec 04 - 08:23 AM (#1362365)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I am spending it with one of my very best friends....just the two of husbands...just us!!! :)


21 Dec 04 - 08:26 AM (#1362367)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MaineDog

It's still early here, and I haven't had time to mess it up yet.

21 Dec 04 - 08:37 AM (#1362380)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Today is a good day because the sun is shining, I have new (to me) CDs to listen to (Robert Johnson, Johnny Cash, Alasdair Fraser and a 1987 Altan album), and I have the best friend and neighbor that anyone could ever ask for. Also, Joe found my password and e-mailed it to me.

21 Dec 04 - 08:38 AM (#1362383)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work).....

... but not for much longer because we break uo for the holidays in 30 minutes.

21 Dec 04 - 09:59 AM (#1362463)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: *daylia*

Today is a good day because it's finally warmed up to -7 after three days of -35. And now, o joy o bliss, I get to shovel out my 90' driveway. And I won't even have to remove my lungs to thaw them out this time. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!   ;-)

21 Dec 04 - 10:04 AM (#1362470)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Davetnova

In thirty minutes I shall be free for a fortnight.
In one hour I shall be in the pub.
tomorrow the world.
Merry Solstice

21 Dec 04 - 11:38 AM (#1362504)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne

Today is fab because I got the 5400th post on The BS mother thread. That's got to be the highest 100th post ever!

21 Dec 04 - 12:04 PM (#1362521)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

It is a good day today as:
I have just devised a fabulous chocolate cake, and there's some left...
I have been converted to Show of Hands.
I get to see a dear freind I have been missing for a while.
I can smile about life

21 Dec 04 - 12:10 PM (#1362527)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ToulouseCruise

... my mother is getting out of the hospital after cancer and heart treatments -- we didn't think she would make it to Christmas and now she is doing very well!

... I get to have supper at my new lady friend's home tonite

... Canada beat Finland 6-0 in a tuneup game for the World Junior Hockey Championships

21 Dec 04 - 07:48 PM (#1362604)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

Today is a good day cos I got a 200 on the Dave Bryant thread and a not so impressive 150th here

23 Dec 04 - 09:49 AM (#1364053)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: 42

today is a good day because; my kids are both safe at home
we are snowed in with most of our Christmas preparation under control;
I can walk to a grocery store.

23 Dec 04 - 10:23 AM (#1364093)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne

Today is a good day because I have just discovered plain choclate Kit Kat,s, and continue to trounce Leadfingers at pinching 100th posts.

23 Dec 04 - 08:37 PM (#1364564)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. I got a special card from someone I miss dearly.
2. I spent the day with my husband, ALL DAY!
3. Our house did not blow away today (if you live in Northern PA, you'd know WHY this is a good thing today!)
4. I did something creative today. :)


23 Dec 04 - 10:56 PM (#1364607)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Blushing catter

I have my partner here all christmas and not only that....he's cooking the dinner

24 Dec 04 - 05:36 AM (#1364742)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,not blushing catter

I don't have a partner here all Christmas and not only that.....I'm cooking dinner

30 Jan 05 - 08:18 PM (#1393773)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got a dryer after being without one for almost 6 months!

Who knew a dryer could be so exciting? *G*


30 Jan 05 - 09:41 PM (#1393839)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Michelle: Today is a good day because my wife and I went to an uplifting, Spirit-filled church today... a black church where there is a lot of rejoicing, and the male chorus doesn't hold anything back.
I didn't have to shovel a lot of snow, we had a leisurely afternoon and then watched the movie Grand Canyon on DVD. It was a good day from the moment that I woke up without pain, opened my eyes and could see, and had arms to embrace my wife. I could walk across the room on my own, enjoy a simple breakfast of cold cereal and turn on the gas fireplace to take the chill off the back room.

Some people realize how blessed their lives are when they lose their mobility, or their sight, or a loved one. Or they lose a job, or fall on bad fortune and have to scrape by for the next meal. I don't want to wait until I lose something before I appreciate it. I want to be able to look back and say, "Yes, I lived every moment and praised God for every blessing."

Everything in life is a gift.


30 Jan 05 - 09:56 PM (#1393851)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Hey Jerry,

   I agree with you!!!! I found today to be a good day for many reasons:

My grandfather fell in the bathroom and while he was mad, he is ok!

My grandmother was able to help him up!

I spent the day with the love of my life!

I played with the dogs!

I cooked a new recipe and it turned out great! Not only that, but it's good for me too!

The skies were blue and the sun was shining!

My diabetes is under control!

I cleaned out the fridge and didn't find anything growing!

I listened to some great music!

I hit repeat about 6 times to Soldier's Joy as I sang along and wished I had a bohdran (or however you spell it) to play along as I was riding in the truck!

I feel healthy today!

I got mail from 2 friends!

I made a date with someone for today and completely forgot about it and she isn't mad at me!!!

I found a baby shower card and a congratulations card for my girlfriend who is having TWINS!

Okay...that's enough for now! It has been a lovely day in many respects and it isn't just one or two things that have made today a good day. I can't speak for anyone else here, but making particular note of the good things is good for me. I might just start posting here everyday. :)

I used to live in Atlanta and attended church on the south side of southern gospel churches....I LOVED THEM!!! The music and the people were incredible...consider yourself a lucky man!


30 Jan 05 - 10:25 PM (#1393859)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

My diabetes is under control completely, too.. and has been for many months, just with excercise, diet and losing weight. I'm a lot healthier since I found out I have diabetes..


30 Jan 05 - 10:34 PM (#1393867)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Oh, yes:

My wife and I visited our former next door neighbor who has Alzheimers and is in a nursing home. He's been there a couple of years now. A week after he went into the home, his wife had a heart attack and died... a real tragedy and almost impossible for him to deal with, with all the confusion he has in his mind every day. Today he recognized us when we came in the room, and was talking lucidly. Sometimes when we visit, he doesn't know who we are. It was good to see him, and see him break into a big grin when we walked into his room.


31 Jan 05 - 04:31 PM (#1394708)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

I went swimming yesterday for the first time in years - actually had the energy to go!!

And I found a second bird nest in my garden.. I shall be there watching baby blue tits take their first flights in May/June.


31 Jan 05 - 05:24 PM (#1394786)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it is finally warm enough to enjoy being outside!!! It is 35 degrees F outside....I washed my car! I played with the dogs in the snow! I cleaned out my car ( now I have to find my kitchen table....but at least my car is clean)!!!!!

Today is also a good day because I've managed to NOT get sick while everyone around me at school seems to be feeling yucky. I think it's my mantra...WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! I do NOT want to get sick...NO NO NO!!!

Michelle :)

03 Feb 05 - 07:47 AM (#1397694)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it smells and feels like SPRING outside!!!!   WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle   :)

03 Feb 05 - 07:57 AM (#1397706)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because I figured out how to dress myself without having to ask for help (for those of you who don't don't I spent a week in hospital after having surgery on my leg)

MudGuard is visiting on his way to Liz the Squeaks before going to Loughstock.

Its only 5 days until the cast on my leg comes off and I will be able to leave the house!!!

03 Feb 05 - 08:02 AM (#1397713)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Today is a good day because The Navy Lark is on BBC7, I've got a dance class tonight and my experiments are going well!

03 Feb 05 - 08:22 AM (#1397733)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

Good one today wasn't it.... next week the free gift is 18" of yoyo string!

Today is a good day because Mudguard arrives later!!! A cat is warming his bed even now!


03 Feb 05 - 08:41 AM (#1397760)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Bill the Collie

My big blue plastic box arrived by post.
It is a free gift from a firm of Money Managers.

Heaven, I'm in heaven.

03 Feb 05 - 07:50 PM (#1398407)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today was a good day because it was the first time in a while I was truly in a good mood. And I did Highland dancing yet I can still walk.

03 Feb 05 - 08:33 PM (#1398459)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Tannywheeler

'Cuz I read the Spatula thread on Mudcat Forum -- and we met Layah.   Tw

03 Feb 05 - 08:46 PM (#1398473)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I lost 6.5 pounds this week. WOO HOOO!

Michelle :)

03 Feb 05 - 10:40 PM (#1398549)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I think I found them, Michelle..

Not really.

But today was a fine day... pretty uneventful.. downright ordinary, not exciting, quiet, peaceful, slow. But there is always music (I copied a CD of the Gospel Messengers for you today, Michelle which will be on it's way as soon as I copy a second one.) Been reading a challenging book recommended by my son Aaron. How great is it when your kids recommend books to you? Way cool.

Sometimes quiet is good. Slow is too.


04 Feb 05 - 04:08 PM (#1399308)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

We get to see each other after far too long.

05 Feb 05 - 12:23 PM (#1399902)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

Today is a good day for Crystal because she got a great review for one of her stories on

I'm a happy little bunny now.



05 Feb 05 - 12:23 PM (#1399905)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Rosanna

Today is a good day because I'm going on holiday next week! Don't really know the connection but o well lol :)

06 Feb 05 - 12:43 AM (#1400438)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Mudlark

...for the first time in 3 weeks I think I'm finally getting over this cold, which has been holding on like grim death. And it's warm and sunny in the afternoons, and I was able to get my fountain working again.

12 Feb 05 - 08:42 PM (#1407743)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I was finally able to connect with a gentleman who I have been wanting to meet for over a month now. Long story made short.....he has been playing a violin for over 80 years. This summer someone stole his violins and he has been heartbroken that his story made the local paper on Christmas morning. Tomorrow I will be meeting him for breakfast at his church, listening to him play his mouth organ and then giving him a violin. Just talking with him on the phone makes my entire being smile. :) I can't wait to meet him!


12 Feb 05 - 08:56 PM (#1407758)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

See the thread "Today"


12 Feb 05 - 10:50 PM (#1407842)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Azizi

Because out of the blue Jerry invited me to read this thread and
I am reminded to count my blessings.

My daughter and her friend just arrived home safely from a trip to Hong Kong.

Her uncle who was to meet her at the airport in New York was involved in a major accident, but he is now in stable condition.

I did some gigs for Black History month and I am not totally broke.

And I have friends whom I've never ever seen. Thanks Jerry. I needed this boost. It helped me push away my sadness. Right on time.

12 Feb 05 - 11:10 PM (#1407850)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

...because the nursing home called and told us we'd better get to the hospital becuse Carol's elderly aunt was in very bad shape and was being transported there -- and we ought to be ready to decide if we wanted the hospital to use aggressive means to keep her alive -- or not--------but it was another false alarm. It was only her blood sugar being down to 6 (yes, six), while earlier in the day it had been up to 650 (that's SIX-FIFTY). But now she IS stable!!

Soooo, all's well that ends well, I suppose. Yet another good day!

Art Thieme

12 Feb 05 - 11:30 PM (#1407871)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bobert

Yeah, seems that I gotta a little nudge as well...

But a good nudge...

Today was a day of being with folks I love: P-Vine (of course), my blues friends at Archie Edwards Barber Shop like, ahhhhh, Mike Baytop, Miles Spicer, Donna Fletcher, Pat Casey, Jim Lande, Elenor Ellis, Trea, Kim, Shippy, Pearl, Jeff, Julie, N.J. Warren, mah'main man, Nap Brundage, Big Tom, Bill Thompson (mah other main man), Vince "Harp Boy" Farrabaugh, Carl, Jesse, Mr. Hodge, Paul the "Photo Geek"...

an' my frined Clarence Turner, who in MO is the finest blues player in the area...

An' well, I reckon if yer gonna take the goodness fromn this day above the bounty that I have allready been blessed with, I'd have to say 100 times outta a hundred it's being able to interact with my friends here at Mudcat, as well as at Tweedsblues, so...

... you all, ahhhhh, are all good.



13 Feb 05 - 11:37 PM (#1408883)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,bflat

I was invited to a concert where Linda Tillery and The Cultural Heritage Choir put on a great performance. These folks are so talented. They are so much more than singers as their vocals are truly instruments. Awesome! Fantastic! Great Musicianship!


14 Feb 05 - 12:57 AM (#1408943)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Peace

There are three columns in the paper I look at. I was in the Hatched column 57 years back. I was in the Matched column 25 years back. I ain't been in the Dispatched column yet. When I looked today I weren't there. That's a good thing, IMO. All people will not agree.

14 Feb 05 - 11:10 AM (#1409329)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Brucie, your post reminded me of this poem:

I'm Fine, Thank You!

There is nothing the matter with me,
I'm as healthy as I can be.
I have arthritis in both my knees
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

Arch supports I have for my feet,
Or I wouldn't be able to be on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right.
My memory is failing, my head's in a spin
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

The moral is this as my tale I unfold -
That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better to say "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let folks know the shape we are in.

How do I know that my youth is all spent?
Well, my "get up and go" has got up and went.
But I really don't mind when I think with a grin,
Of all the grand places my "get up" has been.

Old age is golden I've heard it said.
But, sometimes I wonder as I get into bed.
With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in a cup,
My eyes on the table until I wake up.
Ere sleep overtakes me, I say to myself
"Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?"

When I was young my slippers were red,
I could kick my heels over my head.
Now I am old my slippers are black,
I walk to the store and puff my way back.

I get up each morning and dust off my wits
And pick up the paper and read the "Obits",
If my name is still missing I know I'm not dead,
So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed.

Author Unknown

16 Feb 05 - 05:49 PM (#1412368)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Cluin

What is best in life?

In the words of Arnold from years ago:

To crush your enemies!
To see them driven before you!
And to hear the lamentation of the women...
That is what is best in life!

And now he's running California.

16 Feb 05 - 05:58 PM (#1412381)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because....well, just because it is, right? *sigh*

Let's is a good day because our water wasn't frozen and I was able to take a nice long hot shower this morning. The car started and I found some neat books.

That will do for the moment.


19 Feb 05 - 09:12 AM (#1414911)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today is a good day because my friends the Messengers are coming up to our home for practice this morning. ANy day when you're singing with friends is a good day. I also woke up at 4:30 this morning, with words to a new song forming in my head. I got right up and started working on it, which means I'll be a little blury-eyed for practice.

It's also a good day because I got the Master CD from Dennis Cook of Handful of Songs. I've been waiting to put it out on CD for at least ten years and thanks to Dennis, it's finally going to happen.

I might add that, as I PM'd brucie, today is The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly. Good days don't mean that there aren't any distressing things happening. Or even depressing things. It's a balance, most days. If there was a thread (and I'm definitely not encouraging anyone starting one) Today Is A Bad Day Because, I could post to that one, too.

No one said life would be easy.

"One thing certain we all know
All things wil come to pass
So when the darkness blinds the light
We know it will not last"

And that's enough of a reason to make this a good day. Even if it's bad, too..


19 Feb 05 - 10:20 AM (#1414938)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MaineDog

Today is a good day because the Lord has made it and I haven't messed it up quite yet.

19 Feb 05 - 03:48 PM (#1415121)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

And another good thing about today is that I just booked an evening of either blackgrass or blue gospel... not sure which, with the Gospel Messengers and Shoregrass sharing a concert in April.

I do believe that we'll fly away..


19 Feb 05 - 09:04 PM (#1415288)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Col K

Well done Jerry I hope the new CD comes out well.
All the best

19 Feb 05 - 11:20 PM (#1415363)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I had a baby shower for my friend who is having twins.

Also, I just returned home from a bluegrass concert featuring Grass Stained Genes and Dan Paisley and Southern Grass. Amazing...simply AMAZING! It's been awhile since I've seen some live music and it was nice to observe people playing as well as to listen to was inspiring!

Michelle :)

20 Feb 05 - 04:26 PM (#1415776)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to sleep in! When I woke up, Mr. Festre had swept the floors and was doing the dishes...WOOO HOOOO!!!! Also, the snow storm that was predicted to start by 3:00pm has not yet started....perhaps it will start later and be enough for the schools to close for the day....cross your fingers...I'm liking this staying at home, sleeping in, slacking on the chores business! *G*


PS....Really now, I gouged a nice deep trench in my right index finger a day or two ago and My Love knows that the soapy water makes my wound burn like the he was being extra kind and sweet for taking care of my chores this morning! :)

22 Feb 05 - 07:27 AM (#1417307)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today is a good day because I feel good and decided it would be. Even though all the snow melted and it's raining and/or hailing. But I got to sleep in, which heals all wounds (or all wounds caused by lack of sleep).

22 Feb 05 - 07:47 AM (#1417327)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Today is good because I feel all happy and positive (I've been kind of depressed reciently!) and I'm looking for songs to terrorise a bus full of unfortunates with.

22 Feb 05 - 07:57 AM (#1417338)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because I have arranged the day to go back to work. My knee is healing fine and I can get around without my crutches now!!!

The wedding and handfasting plans are coming along nicely.

22 Feb 05 - 11:04 AM (#1417507)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Today is a good day because yesterday-- and I could feel it happening-- the antiviral meds I am on kicked the stuffing out of the shingles I came down with. Not a cure but a serious ass-kicking. I'll still rest when I need to, but I feel like I am actually IN this day and I MIGHT get a thing (or even two) actually done!


22 Feb 05 - 11:50 AM (#1417562)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my husband is sleeping peacefully after being sick all night.


PS. Glad you are feeling more like yourself Susan! :)

22 Feb 05 - 01:16 PM (#1417636)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today is a good day because I woke up to a beautiful blue sky and a beautiful wife lying next to me. We did our monthly program at the nursing home and got people singing. That's always a blessing. At the end, one woman said she "felt good all over." Doesn't get much better than that, although tonight when I have practice with the Messengers it just might. Get a chance to play two new songs I've written for them.

And, it isn't even snowing.



22 Feb 05 - 02:37 PM (#1417725)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

I lived through my test in Spanish class. I may yet become a speaker.

Hey, how do youse guys know when a thread is on the verge of a centennial?

22 Feb 05 - 02:37 PM (#1417726)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

Oh, nevermind. Duh!

22 Feb 05 - 02:38 PM (#1417727)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

Oh, ME!!!

22 Feb 05 - 02:39 PM (#1417729)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

Oh, goody! My first centennial! This day just keeps getting better! Maybe one of my workmates will break into song, and we can harmonize. Hey, could happen!

22 Feb 05 - 05:21 PM (#1417881)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,bflat

My son-in-law became a citizen of the United States of America, this morning. He was born in Columbia, S.A. He has known hardship and deep personal loss with the death of his brother in a random shooting. Here he got an education, he is a scientist and working on his doctorate at Columbia University while doing research at the university. He worked very, very hard to earn his undergraduate degrees,two from Rutgers. He is a good man and the father of two of my grandchildren. I honor him for his work and family ethic. While he is the sterotypical latin male in some areas, he is also funny. You have got to love a man who has a sense of humor. And,to think he has developed one in two languages and two cultures. Congratualtions, John William!!!


22 Feb 05 - 05:39 PM (#1417901)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Huzzah to John!


22 Feb 05 - 07:42 PM (#1418053)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today is a good day because it snowed! And it stuck! And I got to have a snowball fight. This is the fourth time I've ever seen it snow. And the last three of those times were in the past three months. I'm very excited. I hope it keeps snowing and there's still snow to play with tomorrow.

22 Feb 05 - 08:32 PM (#1418111)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,bflat

22 Feb 05 - 08:34 PM (#1418116)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Little Hawk

Today is a good day because Clinton Hammond and his wife did not get killed or seriously injured in their car crash!

It is also a good day because William Shatner did not go skydiving and experience parachute failure.

22 Feb 05 - 09:05 PM (#1418151)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Scoville

I got free pizza for lunch (that was about the ONLY good part of today so I'll leave it at that).

22 Feb 05 - 11:26 PM (#1418295)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I'd be happy to send you some of my snow, Layah..


23 Feb 05 - 04:49 AM (#1418435)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Today is a good day because it is one day closer to IVFDF this weekend and I'm printing off requested songs in order to assist the coach trouble makers!

23 Feb 05 - 09:31 AM (#1418615)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Okay Jerry, I'd be glad to have your snow, send it right over. Today is a good day because there's still snow! Even if it is now all melty and slushy and brown. And it even snowed a bit! Maybe it will snow more...

23 Feb 05 - 03:20 PM (#1418769)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Donuel

I got the table set up to begin my surrealistic model train set up.

11 Mar 05 - 01:53 PM (#1432386)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

my mum's cancer scare was just that..a scare!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Mar 05 - 05:23 PM (#1432603)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

I just found out that my family is buying me a ticket to WA so that I can escort my gramma to my mum's. I haven't seen my mum for a year, and my gramma almost died after having what was supposed to be low-risk surgury, so right now I feel like I'm having my cake and eating, too, today.

11 Mar 05 - 05:36 PM (#1432612)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

I have, just in time, finished making a birthday present for Crystal.


12 Mar 05 - 04:02 PM (#1433225)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I put together an Easter basket for a special young lady which I feel really good about!!!!!!!!!!!   :)


12 Mar 05 - 04:35 PM (#1433236)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Michelle having followed your woes, that has also made it a good day for me. Well done!!!

12 Mar 05 - 10:10 PM (#1433446)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

I got the morning off from work and my car got fixed for almost $200 less than I expected, which leaves money for my Reno trip..and I think I have very good cholesterol (166)and I qualify for a home loan after a financial dismemberment I thought I would never recover from. Plus we had summer today..too hot in shirtsleeves...not good in long run..definite drought..but sky in March??? mg

13 Mar 05 - 09:32 AM (#1433612)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

My fiance met my parents this weekend...and they got on together! and we have just arrived safely home.

14 Mar 05 - 05:27 AM (#1434195)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Fibula Mattock

Today is not really a good day. Thursday was a good day because it started bad and ended with me falling head over heels for someone unexpected and lovely. I am smitten. But today is not particularly a good day, because although I was supposed to spend it with this guy, he's backing off as there's someone he's been worshipping from afar for a while and it's all confusing for him. So I'll worship him from afar and console myself with the fact that there is life after the worst break up ever (3 years ago, yeah, I know, 'bout time I moved on properly!), and so today is sort-of a good day as I've realised that the light at the end of the tunnel is not the light of an oncoming train.

19 Mar 05 - 10:42 PM (#1438641)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I did some organizing, took a nap and finished a really good book. The house is quiet except for the sound of my husband sleeping and the dryer softly tumbling in the background. I am feeling (and enjoying) a minute of peace.


19 Mar 05 - 10:55 PM (#1438648)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Let's see... We were looking forward to tomorrow all week as we did a ton of cooking... a turkey, collard greens, stuffing, chili, lasagna, with other vegetables and salad, looking forward to having one of our nieces and nephews and their kids coming up for the day, starting out with joining us at church, where Joe, Frankie and I will be singing with the Men's Chorus. And then, we'd be joined at the house by one of our son's, a grandson and our daughter.

Tonight, we got a call that our niece is sick and they can't come, and our daughter hurt her leg in a fall and couldn't make it. That means that we have a whole turkey, two large trays of lasagna, enough chili to feed fifty, a big pot of collard greens, another of stuffing..

So, why is today a good day? Because it's a day I never saw before, and it was very joyful, preparing for tomorrow. The disappointment of not having a family gathering tomorrow can't take away the enjoyment of today.

And God knows. We'll have plenty to eat, tomorrow... :-)


20 Mar 05 - 07:49 AM (#1438852)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it is a day that has been anticipated for nearly 9 months. My long time friend is pregnant with twins and this evening, her labor will be induced. I am honored to say that I have been included every step of the way and I will be there to see Salem Willow and Collin Hunter enter the world. :)


20 Mar 05 - 09:06 PM (#1439343)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff

Today is a good day because it's the first day of Spring and the snow is melting fast!


22 Mar 05 - 06:55 AM (#1440384)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Yesterday was a good day because (sorry..too tired to post yesterday!) Salem Willow and Collin Hunter made their grand entrance into the world! Both babies and Mommy are absolutely WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, STUPENDOUS and downright BEAUTIFUL!

Amazing, truly amazing.


22 Mar 05 - 07:10 AM (#1440396)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

today is a good day because i have found some flowers
to celebrate!

these will keep you happy forever..

22 Mar 05 - 08:49 AM (#1440452)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Fibula Mattock

Today is a good day because I got anonymously-sent flowers. This is the first ever unprompted bunch of flowers I have received. Nice.

22 Mar 05 - 10:01 AM (#1440521)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Tinker

The sun is shining and it really feels as if Spring is just around the cornor. I can pay the bills and perhaps buy a new CD or two. ANd Saturday the Mister dresses as the Easter Bunny for the Church egg hunt... All things to make me smile.

22 Mar 05 - 06:16 PM (#1441029)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I held newborn babies all morning and afternoon!!!!!! I snuggled with them, fed them, burped them, walked them up and down the halls, talked to them, sang to them.....I'm in love. It's official.
*big goofy grin*

Michelle, aka Tante

23 Mar 05 - 08:36 AM (#1441460)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Jason has to go to work early and I can clean the house without him underfoot!!! My niece sent me a birthday e-mail that I didn't open until today (my birthday was on Monday). It's only 18 days until I get to start work at the park for another season. My best friend who was in a car accident last Friday is uninjured. Lots of reasons why today is a good day!

23 Mar 05 - 10:31 AM (#1441570)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it's been a productive morning and my friend called to let me know that she and the babies have been released from the hospital and are on their way HOME!!!! Guess where I will be today? :)


23 Mar 05 - 10:19 PM (#1442180)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: nosluap57

Today is a good day because:
1) I noticed the trees are finallly budding out (after another long disgusting winter in Minnesota)
2) THe boss is going to out of the office the next two days!!!
3) Learned some bitchin' melody lines at my guitar lesson today
4) Shared a bottle of excellent wine (a 2000 Rodney Strong Chalk Hill Chardonnay) during dinner tonight
5) Gave my wife some flowers.

24 Mar 05 - 12:17 PM (#1442699)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because on my way to school, I stopped several times along the way to take some photos. It snowed 12 inches last night! The air is so crisp and the muffled sounds of the woods is intoxicating...I love that.


24 Mar 05 - 12:40 PM (#1442720)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today is a good day because it's sunny and warm. And today was the last day of clases for the year. And I've been in a good mood for days. And things have just been going well recently.

24 Mar 05 - 12:52 PM (#1442729)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ToulouseCruise

... because my mother, who was given about 2 weeks to live a week ago, is actually gaining some strength, and looks to be with us a while longer. Still terminal unfortunately (heart, cancer, AND diabetes), but doing much better... I now have the chance to make it home to Prince Edward Island to spend some time with her while she is having good days


24 Mar 05 - 01:26 PM (#1442767)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre


   That makes it an EXTRA GOOD day!   :) I'll be cheering your Mom on from here!


24 Mar 05 - 05:04 PM (#1442944)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got in some much needed exercise! It seems that exercise is one of those things I keep putting off and off and off....but NOT TODAY!!! Two points for me!!!!!!!!   :)


24 Mar 05 - 06:46 PM (#1443017)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: PoohBear

I still have a job (even if it's not the one I'd prefer, it is a paycheck).
I'm going to a local brew pub with some girlfriends after work for a pint.
I just found out that my friend from Canada will be coming down for two weeks to work.
I'm alive. My dogs, cat, and 'other half' are all alive and well.
ps - Michelle, good on you!! One of these days I'll follow your lead and get some exercise too.

25 Mar 05 - 09:49 AM (#1443469)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jeffp

Today is a GREAT day because we got my wife's scan results back and there is NO SIGN OF ANY TUMORS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (does happy dance)

Chemo continues, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


25 Mar 05 - 10:02 AM (#1443475)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

At first it might seem that today should fall under the "Today Is A Good Day Despite.." category. But for me, today is a good day because it is Good Friday. Even though this is the day that some of us reflect on Christ's dying on the cross, my focus is on the incomprehensible love that was shown by that sacrifice. For me, that makes this one of the best days of the year. Only topped by Easter Sunday.


25 Mar 05 - 10:50 AM (#1443498)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

*Joining Jeff in his Happy Dance*

Give your wife a big hug for me and tell her CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

I can't begin to imagine how happy that must make the both of you!!!

:) Michelle

25 Mar 05 - 11:58 AM (#1443551)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

May I have this dance with you, Michelle? It is certainly news from jeff worth rejoicing!


25 Mar 05 - 03:30 PM (#1443741)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

LOL Jerry, lead on!

After the dance though, I am going to retire for a bit. It's a big luxury for me, but I have a free afternoon to catch up on some that makes it a good day too!!!!

I'm sure there is something I SHOULD be doing but I am going to steal a few hours for myself....guilt guilt guilt....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.


27 Mar 05 - 06:04 PM (#1445134)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today was joyful. Heard a lot of great music by the male chorus of the black Baptist Church my wife and I go to and was glad to see the guys, as they all sing in another male chorus I am in. The kids in the church got up and recited short poems... most of the kids were pre-school and a delight to watch. They are not mic shy. I think all kids under five are hams at heart. The older kids got up and were more nervous and self conscious.

After church, I took my wife to a bountiful brunch. We may have gained five pounds a piece, but it was worth it.

Later, our daughter and two little girls from her church came up to our house and I hooked them up on Playstation 2, and we all had chili left over from last weekend.

Hard to let Easter weekend pass without saying what a beautiful time it is for some of us.


27 Mar 05 - 07:16 PM (#1445173)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day just because it is.

Happy Easter!


28 Mar 05 - 07:22 PM (#1445647)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Liz the Squeak

I'm at home, and shortly to be in my own bed again, after a weekend of (not) sleeping in the banana postion..... and it was sunny.

And I'm still smiley after a wonderful Easter Sunday service in Flemish, of which the only words I really understood were 'Christus is verrezen!'....

The whole town (Tongeren) was decorated for Easter, with the street and almost every shop decked out with garlands, wreaths, Easter trees (branches hung with decorated eggs), green and yellow ribbons, spring flowers, rabbits, chicks, feathers and eggs in every size and colour imaginable. Whenever we had coffee or a meal in a bar, it came with a small chocolate egg; our breakfast yesterday and today, in the hotel, included little chocolate and fondant eggs; on Saturday, there were two 'Easter Bunnies' giving out decorated hard boiled eggs to every child they met in the town.... a whole town celebrating a festival, rather than an excuse to eat too much, drink too much and fester in front of the TV.


29 Mar 05 - 02:00 PM (#1446028)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Today is a good day because I'm packing to go on a trip. The laundry is doing it's thing, so Jason will have clean clothes while I'm gone. I get to see my newish niece tonight for the first time (she was born in Jan.). The snow is FINALLY melting. My aging vehicle passed inspection without any costly repair bills. Lots of reasons today is a good day.

29 Mar 05 - 02:07 PM (#1446035)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today is a good day because I just finished doing my income tax (which I hate to do) and we're getting money back.

But, even if we owed money, there's still plenty of reason why today is good. I have a beautiful wife, good health and blessings far beyond any I ever dared wish for in my life, and I looks at each blessing as a gift.

As it this, and every day.

I ain't owed it.


29 Mar 05 - 07:01 PM (#1446367)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my husband is finding some relief from a nasty sinus infection, class was interesting, I had breakfast with my Mom, found 2 of the 3 books I was looking for a the library, spent the afternoon with a friend, held both of the twins and got to feed Collin who is 8 days old today. I am still in love with the must be love...they puked on me today and I didn't care a bit! LOL.


29 Mar 05 - 07:11 PM (#1446375)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today is a good day because I got more done on my essay than I expected, so I might actually have time to get everything done I need to get done. Plus I had icecream. Any day with icecream must be a good day. Even ones that are much too cold to warrant eating icecream.

30 Mar 05 - 02:54 AM (#1446635)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

it just is..... for some reason I've woken up feeling happy and relaxed.... and it's not from a good night's sleep, because I got woken up several times by either cats or Manitas' snoring.

It's peeing with rain, I've got a mountain of chores to do, I'm behind with my correspondence and the gardening, I'm up to my eyeballs in ironing, there are at least 4 things that I need to organise, but I'm happy! Go figure!


30 Mar 05 - 03:38 AM (#1446650)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

And I got post 250!!


30 Mar 05 - 03:38 AM (#1446651)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

And I got post 250!!


30 Mar 05 - 05:01 AM (#1446677)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

but I didn't mean to go on about it!!!



30 Mar 05 - 05:12 PM (#1447183)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Listen to Andy Breckman's (he who created detective Monk)song---I Had A Good Day---funny song. One of the reasons he had a good day was that he did not throw up---nor anyone around him.

Bill Hahn

30 Mar 05 - 05:40 PM (#1447227)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

I got a tour of Pinewood Studios, a very nice lunch, and Peter Rogers (director of the Carry On Films) said hello to me!

30 Mar 05 - 09:15 PM (#1447441)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I finished an assignment last night and found out today that it isn't due until Friday!

Today is also a good day because I found out that I did the best of my class on the last exam...YEAH ME! :)

Most importantly, today is a good day because I was able to provide some relief to my dog who is sick and has been suffering terribly. I could swear that she smiled at me today. :) What a sweet girl she is!


30 Mar 05 - 09:46 PM (#1447464)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today is a good day because I see the goodness around me... for starters, on this thread, which is always a welcome relief from many other threads that resemble pigs fighting in a gunny sack.

A couple of days ago, someone backed one a them big SUV's into the side of my car while I was parker, waiting for my wife. And everything that happened after the collision made my thankful. For starters, the man and his wife in the SUV were very apologetic and made no attempt to suggest that it was my fault. The man, who was driving even admitted it to my insurance company when I called to report the accident. When the policeman came, he was extremely friendly and considerate and offered to do anything he could to help. My insurance company called the next day, and the woman handling the case was warm and friendly and a lot of fun to kid around with, and she took care of everything... called the body shop so that when I arrived there today, they had all the information in the computer. The owner was very talkative and we had a good time shooting the breeze while he was filling out the estimate. The car rental agency where I will get a rental car had all the information in their computer for me before I arrived, and gave me exactly what I wanted, when I wanted.

I tell ya: there is so much complaining about what a bad attitude many people have, but everyone I talked with was enromously helpful and friendly, and I ended up thinking that maybe having the accident wasn't all that bad, after all.

And then, I went and had my income tax done and found out we wwere getting nice refund.

The only thing missing was going to my dentist (who is a riot, and greaty fun to kid around with.)


31 Mar 05 - 03:59 AM (#1447640)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Jerry, isn't it wonderful when things like that happen? This is the advantage of being a pessimist... it's always a lovely surprise when things turn out fine!

Hope your dentist isn't JimmyT - he's been complaining of a combination of plague, poultry flu, a cold, pneumonia, paltry flu, sneezes and sniffles... shouldn't be surprised if there's a little touch of hanta virus in there somewhere! (Hope you're feeling better Jimmydear.....


31 Mar 05 - 07:09 PM (#1448411)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Today is a good day because I'm on an unexpected and unlooked for vacation, I am hanging with two of my favorite people (my mom and my grammie) for the next eight days, yesterday's flight from the East Coast to the West Coast of the USA was completely uneventful (Grammie hates to fly and was nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs), and we arrived early and Mom was there to greet us. There is green grass and leaves on the trees, and frogs singing in the pond. Isn't any of that back home in Maine yet! Ahh, peace and quiet, rest and relaxation!

31 Mar 05 - 07:13 PM (#1448418)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Layah

Today is a good day because I spent more time in the pub than not in it. Well, technically the part that made it good was that I was with my friends. And also in the short amount of time I spent not in the pub I finished my last paper for the year. A very nice feeling.

01 Apr 05 - 06:11 PM (#1449534)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Hey Jerry: Today is a good day because I did not have to drive anywhere and have my blood pressure raised by seeing the idiots with the SUVs on the road---especially the Escalades and the overgrown Fords.

            Also because that made me not have to curse them when I did not have to see their "Support our Troops" emblems on them. They are supporting them by getting these monsters that use more gas, threaten other's safety, and feeling real macho---and I don't even mention the morons in Hummers. They think they are General Patton going to a shopping center.

             And---as said earlier---like Andy Breckman---I did not throw up---mostly because I did not have to see the gargantuan goliaths of the greedy.

Bill Hahn

01 Apr 05 - 08:42 PM (#1449674)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Bill: Today is a good day because we had family visiting and my wife and I took them all out dinner and had a wonderful time. I also made volume two of a compilation CD of rock music my sons and I listened to in the 80's and 90's.. enjoying listening to it now.

But, your post reminded me of why this was a REALLY GOOD day. After my wife and I left the family and headed back home, she wanted to pick something up at the same store where I was hit by the SUV four or five days ago. This time, I parked in a parking space with SUVS on both sides, so I was protected. Not that there is any mercy in this world, as a couple of years ago, my wife and I were sitting in a rental car, parked in a legitimate parking space when an elderly woman backed up across two lanes in the lot and managed to slam into our car.

Sometimes you can't win for losing. Today, I did, though.

My ultimate nightmare is someone backing up in an SUV WHILE they are talking on their cell phone. Maybe some other day..

Today is a good day..


01 Apr 05 - 08:49 PM (#1449680)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: harpgirl

...I'm at home listening to Mark Fackeldey play Hungarian tunes on the autoharp; cooking, washing clothes, and drinking cabernet. Domestic pleasures... instead of the frantic pace I normally keep up....tomorrow I take the kayak out to muck about on some agreeable rriver and to play tunes with B-dubya-el and his BW in the wilds of central northwest florida


02 Apr 05 - 12:55 AM (#1449775)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I spent this evening at a meeting that was of great interest to my husband but of no particular interest to me. The thing that makes it a good day is that I was able to go outside for fresh air every so often and the night was spectacular. The flowers were in bloom (as they are not yet at home), I heard crickets and the air was thick from the nearby river....I could have stayed on that porch for an eternity....very enjoyable indeed!

Today is also a good day because my very, very sick Silky Terrier not only managed to get out of her nest, but she was waiting for us in the living room when we got home. She came when I called her AND wiggled her little nubby tail!!!! What a trooper my little Lily is!!!!! I was SO glad to see her and it was nice that she was glad to see me too!!! :)


02 Apr 05 - 01:07 AM (#1449778)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

It just is..... another day when I've woken up feeling abnormally cheerful, even though the weather is grey and misty, the ironing pile has reached the 7ft marker, the carpet goes crunch when you walk on it and there's a shedload of washing up to do..... I don't care! I've spent 20 mins watching the blue tits chase each other up and down my garden and I think they're going to nest here again.


03 Apr 05 - 02:26 PM (#1450937)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because the love of my life fixed the washing machine!!!! It was fixable and I don't have to go to the laundromat!!!! ****HAPPY DANCE******

Also, I am going to convention later this week and my partner in crime just called to divy up who is taking what. To me, packing is part of the fun (ok, I know it's kinda sick, but I DO like to pack!).

My husband is feeling much better and Lily the Terrier seems to be doing better too!!!!!

It's just a nice quiet Sunday afternoon at home...which I just LOVE!!!!   :)

A VERY contented Michelle

03 Apr 05 - 02:42 PM (#1450947)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

Hope is still alive.

04 Apr 05 - 07:35 AM (#1451547)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because when I opened my email this morning, I found an invitation to a graduation party for a dear friend! What an unexpected treat! :)


04 Apr 05 - 10:09 AM (#1451663)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Kim C

The sun is shining and my tulips are blooming.

04 Apr 05 - 10:36 AM (#1451683)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a GRAND day because our Silky Terrier, Lily, is doing much better!   She hasn't eaten in 4 days. She has been drinking water and chicken broth but just wouldn't eat. This morning she got out of her nest, walked in the kitchen, drank some water out of the big bowl (not the little bowl I keep by her nest because she has been too weak to walk to the big bowl) and marched over to one of the dog beds in the living room and plopped herself down next to her buddy Homer!!!!!!!!! Then later, I called her and she came (wobbly) right away, her little nubby tail just a wagging and she ATE!!!!!!!!!!! I have some cat food with turkey bits in it and she ate half the can!!!! That is a HUGE improvement!!!!!! Even better than that, (this is gross so if you have a weak stomach, stop here) of her nipples was swollen so that it was as big as my fist...looking much like innards. As of just now, it is almost back to normal...she is healing...SHE IS HEALING!!!!!!!! I was so sure that she was going to die, that there would be NO improvement...I am so happy to say that I was wrong that I can't stand it!!!!!!!!!

Lily is 13 years old and joined our family on our 1st wedding anniversary. :)


04 Apr 05 - 11:08 AM (#1451705)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: heric

Today is a good day because I got up early, had a long and fast walk in the morning sun, and realized, with complete conviction, that each time I've found myself flat on my face, I've picked myself up and got back in the race. So I'll do that today, and enjoy doing it.

05 Apr 05 - 06:42 PM (#1453069)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day for me for lots of reasons:

1. I got up early and finished a paper under the last minute rush.
2. Got an A on a quiz. We were given 30 minutes to do the quiz and I finished in 3 minutes, 11 seconds. (I'm not being anal, it was an online test and when I received the results, it also showed my time!)
3. I had lunch with my Mom and my friend and the 2 week old twins stopped by....I got my baby fix!!! :)
4. I got to open birthday presents early! I got a new bag for my upcoming trip, my favorite moisturizer...a luxury!...a book about fiddler's in the southern states and a Great Blue Heron (one of my all time favorite birds!) lamp that I have been oogling for years!
5. I helped my mom purchase a walker/seat for her upcoming trip. She was feeling bad about needing one when we went in to check it out and by the time she left, I think she was feeling more empowered...that is a GOOD thing!!!!!!!
6. I visited a small art gallery today and chatted with the docent.
7. Lily made her way outside today to enjoy some of the sunshine!!!
8. It truly is a GORGEOUS day outside today!

:) Michelle

10 Apr 05 - 05:55 PM (#1457480)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because...

1. I made it home safely from one heck of a rollercoaster of a trip.
2. I spent the day with my husband today, riding around in the woods, stopped for a gelati and founds some new stones for my collection.
3. My Lily is now running with a wagging tail and trying to jump! She is eating just about anything I put in front of her and is much more perky in general...she is getting better all the time!
4. My Mom called and sang to me this morning. :)
5. My husband played a song for me...just for me...on his guitar this morning too!

Spring is here, my yard is drying up and the flowers are peeking out!


11 Apr 05 - 11:53 AM (#1458055)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because the sky is blue, the temperature is perfect and I have lots of energy to get things done!!!!!!!!!!!

:) Michelle

11 Apr 05 - 03:23 PM (#1458225)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day....My brother and I made up over the weekend after a silly argument at christmas and will be attending my wedding to Micca in 3 and a half weeks time. All the wedding plans are complete an d my wedding dress is finshed and looks gorgeous. I came home from a stressful day at work to Micca who was waiting to give me one of his wonderful hugs. I am marrying into an amazing, talented and loving family. I can honestly say I have never been happier.

11 Apr 05 - 08:56 PM (#1458540)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

today is a good day's spring time, makes you feel rejuvanated!!! i take an early mornig walk with my auystralian german shepherd,jasmine!!!what a beautiful animal to have for a companion! 2 years old,female and spade! peg and me lost our kitty cat that had been with us almost 18 years. we had to have her put to sleep,but she now rest in a small marked grave in the corner of our back yard...after that,we both agreed no more animals as pets...but the companionship really was missed by both us..we actually saw   jasmine,on the internet through the local spca,agency...
we took one look at her picture and thought,oh well,shes probably been adopted by now!
but fate smiled on us and we were the lucky couple to get her!!!
if you wana see pics of her and me on a morning walk,go to (SOMEONE MAKE A BLUE LINKY FOR ME,PLEASE)   and look at the albums of us there...also albums of me and peg and things i love about our area!you do not have to join the journal to look at the photo albums there,but if you want to,you are welcome to do so!
anyway! This Is The day The Lord has made.,..Let Us Rejoice and Be In It!!!!

11 Apr 05 - 09:00 PM (#1458542)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,tarheel

the GUEST is me...tarheel...aka,chuck hemrick
sorry ' bout that!

11 Apr 05 - 09:25 PM (#1458550)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

It was my first day back at work at the park after a long, cold (not to mention broke) winter. My boss and I spent the morning catching up on what's new, both professionally and personally, then we went out and surveyed the trails for damage. The afternoon was spent raking picnic sites. The weather was gorgeous, the birds were singing, and physical labor makes me very satisfied. Our osprey pair are courting-- they mate for life, but go through courtship every spring to re-inforce the pair bond (I think maybe human couples could learn something from that). I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!
ranger1, making a joyful noise

11 Apr 05 - 10:47 PM (#1458613)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today was a good day (ready to hit the sack.) Had a great time singing at a rehearsal of the Men's Chorus I sing in. Actually, I sing in a second male Chorus now, and the second male chorus is doing a concert this Sunday and has asked the first male chorus to sing as guests. That makes me a guest of me, I guess, and I'm also playing guitar in the second male chorus. And doing a 45 minute prgoram of gospel at a nursing home tomorrow with my wife.

Getting worn out doing something you love sure beats getting worn out doing something you hate..


12 Apr 05 - 10:02 PM (#1459589)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I started on a very daunting task...spent about 3 hours on it and suspect that it will take me until October or so to finish it...but hey, I made a start!!!!

I woke up with a bad headache (actually it feels more like someone punched me squarely in both eyes) this morning and was able to take a nap for a bit and have found some relief....not entirely gone, but better. :)


12 Apr 05 - 10:32 PM (#1459605)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today was a great day! Forget good. My brother-in-law who has been on life support, 75 miles away from home for the last five weeks is moving home... still on life support, but he'll at least be able to spend whatever time he has left at home with my sister andf their kids.   Meanwhile, my oldest son just took a job that will put him a two hour drive away from here for the next six months, which means we'll be able to see him a lot more often. My youngest son called tonight and he is getting increasingly involved in the Unitarian church and is feeling very good about it... finally feeling that he's a part of a community (which we all need.) And then today, I sang at the nursing home.. we got held up unavoidably and were 20 minutes late, and it was very moving to see a full room of people (mostli n wheel chairs) patiently waiting for my wife and I to get there. I sang a new song I've just written, The Carpenter's Son for the first time in front of a group of people and was moved by the response.

Life is good. Even when it doesn't appear to be.

Oh yeah, got a wonderful e-mail from an old acquaintance I'
ve just re-connected with after forty years... someone who is sturggling mightily these days and appreciates knowing that someone cares about him.


13 Apr 05 - 07:37 AM (#1459843)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I am spending this morning with the twins who are now 3 weeks old!!!! I can't wait to see them!!! Collin has now grown out of the preemie clothes and Salem is getting pudgy and not so guant!

That makes a today a good day in my book!!!!!


13 Apr 05 - 02:13 PM (#1460187)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave Earl

Today is good day because I found the BS thread about Sussexcarole and Crandrivers impending nutuals.

Very happy for two very nice people.

Dave Earl

13 Apr 05 - 08:47 PM (#1460537)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today continues to be a good day because I played hooky today and spent the entire day with my best girlfriend and the twins. We went "shopping" at the mall with the twins which really means we window shopped and enjoyed showing off the babies who attract audiences everywhere we go! I didn't get home until late and my wonderful husband is cooking dinner for me right this very minute!!!

It was nice to really interact with the babies today...feeding, holding, changing clothes, singing them, rocking them, kissing their sweet little heads, carrying them in the baby carrier, pushing the stroller...all of it...even asking folks to NOT touch the babies....I love it all!!!!!!!!!!

Tante Chell :)

13 Apr 05 - 09:18 PM (#1460560)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

... I got tomorrow's hardest chores done today, to prepare for a seminar group that meets at my house. I use the meeting room between meetings for reviewing music, reading, and naps, so it takes some time to get it ready for company. Maybe tomorrow I can enjoy the evening instead of being whacked out from cleaning!


14 Apr 05 - 08:06 PM (#1461621)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

We finally got all the blow-downs and hazardous trees cut up and hauled away and all the picnic sites are raked, the female osprey is hanging out in the nest, and almost all the snow is melted. I come home exhausted, but very happy, every night. I'm getting lots of fresh air and exercise (and fitting back into smaller waist sizes).

16 Apr 05 - 09:13 PM (#1463243)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. I spent the day with my Mom touring the countryside.
2. It is gorgeous outside!
3. I reconnected with an old friend (haven't seen him in over 20 years).
4. I left somewhere where I was feeling uncomfortable instead of sitting there and listening to someone rationalize something they did and obviously knew was wrong. Yeah me!


16 Apr 05 - 09:17 PM (#1463245)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I've got chinese to heat up from the night before.

16 Apr 05 - 09:26 PM (#1463252)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

:) Chinese...yum. I just had a reheated bowl of Egg Drop soup, myself!


17 Apr 05 - 02:03 PM (#1463658)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

Today is a good day because I managed two 'ooth posts and el ted didnt get any ! I will be watching this one in ten posts time !

17 Apr 05 - 08:24 PM (#1463909)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today was a good day because my wife and I had a chance to visit three house-bound church members. One woman is totally blind, and very frail. She'll be 95 in May. The second woman is near 90 and crippled with arthritis, and her son who lives downstairs on the first floor is still having trouble getting used to the artificial leg he has when they had to remove one leg above the knee because of diabetes. The third woman has been be-bound for several years with M.S. and con longer use her arms. All three of them were very upbeat, and thankful that we still remember them and come to see them.

This morning, I sang with the Men's Chorus in our home church, and this afternoon, I sang with a second Men's Chorus I am a member of, and then switched to my "home-church" Men's chorus to sing as we were guests. What a great time we all had! My wife Ruth wanted to meet the many who sang as the lead singer of the Ink Spots for 20 years, and he seemed pleased that she wanted to take a picture of him.

The sermon in the afternoon was fittingly about Job, and thankfulness.

Today was one of the most joyful days I've had in months.


18 Apr 05 - 07:30 AM (#1464186)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Only 2 more weeks of school to go...that means 1 exam and 1 project left on my To-Do List!!!!!!!!! ****HAPPY DANCE*********


18 Apr 05 - 11:59 AM (#1464373)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

There was a burst watermain outside my office and we all got sent home with a day's credit, possibly the same tomorrow because we have no water for drinking or flushing!!


18 Apr 05 - 12:31 PM (#1464404)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

.... I finished the update of the Spirituals index, THREE years' worth of newly-posted or newly-found songs.... HUGE amount of lookups done, details checked, text Excelled and Tabled and HTML links formatted.... OFF MY DESK. Nearly doubled the index!

So now I can get back to finishing the arrangements for two songbooks our band uses in songleading.


18 Apr 05 - 01:10 PM (#1464449)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Cadbury cream eggs are one pence in Tesco!!!!!!!!!

18 Apr 05 - 02:48 PM (#1464522)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Interesting order of thread titles. Scanning down the list it read "Today is a good day because.. George Bush has left the building."

Of course, adding this post, I've messed it all up..


18 Apr 05 - 05:16 PM (#1464664)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I went on a picnic lunch and spent over an hour slowly driving through the woods on a bear hunt. I didn't see any bear but I did see (and got photos of) 3 deer and 1 spotted fawn and another shot of a buck. :) I love being in the woods.


18 Apr 05 - 07:30 PM (#1464741)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Oops..forgot to add that I got my seeds planted....well most of them anyway! We have 4 kinds of squash, 3 kinds of tomatoes, cabbage, watermelon and pumpkins! Broccoli and Cauliflower to come later. Everything else gets planted directly in the ground in June. :)

I love playing in the dirt!!!


19 Apr 05 - 05:40 AM (#1465104)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

Today is a good day because I am going to get amother three hundredth post !

19 Apr 05 - 05:41 AM (#1465105)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

This One !! Number Three Hundred !!

19 Apr 05 - 01:28 PM (#1465494)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

It's a beautiful day outside and the mud has finally all dried up. I spent the last few hours outside cleaning up and getting ready for warmer weather...worked hard...can feel it in my muscles and bones...feels good! I also can feel the familiar shakes coming on from a low blood sugar which means my body really was working hard. I got a lot accomplished and after some juice, I'm headed back out!   :)


19 Apr 05 - 04:59 PM (#1465738)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Georgiansilver

I am able to love all Gods creations including YOU!

20 Apr 05 - 09:50 AM (#1466279)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Paco Rabanne

What, even banjo players?!!?

20 Apr 05 - 10:17 AM (#1466302)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

2. I finished another step closer to being done!
3. My professor lost one of my reports but *because I'm smart..LOL* I had saved it! (Don't laugh..there have been occassions when....).
4. Tried Kava tea this morning and found that I LOVE IT!
5. I have had a productive morning...made a nice breakfast, packed my honey a nice lunch, did the dishes, got two loads of laundry done, made an appointment for the dog to be groomed, packed up a box for Veronica, moved all the flats of seedlings outside for the day and there's more...but this is where I'll stop. :) Busy Busy Busy
6. Oh yeah, can't forget, talked AGAIN to an old high school friend for about an hour and a half. He's coming home to visit...can't wait to see him! :)


26 Apr 05 - 11:54 AM (#1471288)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

I rode into a pedestrian last night, at a speed that should have put at least one of us in hospital, and we both walked away unhurt.


27 Apr 05 - 09:26 AM (#1472286)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

it's nearly over, and its been a very hard day work wise.

27 Apr 05 - 09:27 AM (#1472288)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,rock chick

thats from me above but i am having computer troubles at the moment so it not been a good day today, BUT tomrrow may be better ;o))

27 Apr 05 - 10:11 AM (#1472329)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Gervase

..we've only got another four lambs to come and the weather's warmer, so they can stay out on the pasture; because I've nearly finished my sodding essay on feminism and because the Land Rover didn't need a new gearbox, just a flush and a fill with proper gunk.

27 Apr 05 - 10:54 AM (#1472371)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

I got what feels like an extra day off from work this week, due to changing schedules and a bizarre pay wek that runs Sun. to Sat. I decided to take it today, because it's raining cat and dogs out. It's also the Curly-haired One's day off, as well. The only drawback is that due to the rain, Jason's little brother Ben's baseball game will be cancelled.

But every cloud has a silver lining, all the rain will lower the fire danger hereabouts and we no longer have to worry about a carelessly dropped cigarette burning down thee whole park. The osprey have been mating this week, the red maples (Acer rubrum) are all in bloom, the trout lily leaves are up, and the mayflowers should bud soon. I love spring!!!!!

27 Apr 05 - 11:19 AM (#1472392)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

Crystal had her abstract deadline extented for a month, so now she can get all the results she needs despite the setbacks and we can go to the conference in France in September!

27 Apr 05 - 06:16 PM (#1472806)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. I can think back to 8 months ago today and remember a little girl still living in our home.

2. I have played my violin for hours today.

3. I'm about to go do chore that my husband has been putting off and will surprise him and make him happy, which in turn makes me happy. :)


27 Apr 05 - 06:26 PM (#1472817)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

... I'm making fast progress on projects that have been ripening in the back of my mind for some time....

... and because I figured out some really cool stuff to do, next, with a group I lead, that I think will bear a lot of good fruit....

... and because I am feeling better and better about a leadership commitment I dumped (giving them lots of advance notice that their "expense" reimbursement plan was insufficent to get me there), on account of the "opportunity" was offered in the wrong way for the wrong reasons at the wrong time by the wrong program with the wrong inducements...

... and because after I did that, I got a better invitation that I am now free to accept and from which I can learn and share MUCH more!


28 Apr 05 - 08:22 AM (#1473061)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Gervase

My daughter passed her driving test on the second attempt.
Well done Kate!

28 Apr 05 - 09:27 AM (#1473107)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Janie

The roses, peonies and poppies all have big buds on them.

My kid was accepted at the private middle school we wanted for him.

The sun is shining and the sky is "Carolina" blue.

We are having a lovely, long, cool spring.

My Mom and Dad are coming for a visit.


28 Apr 05 - 11:45 AM (#1473264)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

I just got a job. It's only 11 hours and minimum wage, but at least it will allow me to pay the rent every week.

28 Apr 05 - 11:52 AM (#1473271)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Donuel

Today we open the pool and begin to let the pump filter the water for the next two weeks

28 Apr 05 - 07:35 PM (#1473753)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. I finished one of my classes.
2. I worked in the Thrift Shop.
3. I found a really neat sign and car to take photos of.
4. My Mom and I had lunch in the restaurant where my Mom and Dad met for the first time ever...that was pretty darn cool!
5. I have a nice dinner waiting for my honey and he just walked in the door! Buh bye!


28 Apr 05 - 08:03 PM (#1473774)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Oh yeah...and #6. I found a partner at church to go to Weight Watchers with...something I've been wanting to do, but not alone. :)


02 May 05 - 10:25 AM (#1476422)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre


I got my big project finished for Creative Experience with 2 hours to spare!!!! Just enough time for a shower and get my butt to school....YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I am SO ready for a break!!!!

One exam to go...ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


02 May 05 - 10:42 AM (#1476435)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

I'm making progress on tasks on deadline for this week, hoping to get away next week to a really cool conference and come back ready for an important meeting, among other things. Harvesting a lot of fruit arisig from groundwork work done during the Muddling Phase-- now it's all coming together, clear.


02 May 05 - 04:29 PM (#1476725)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today it begins, in about 30 looking back.



03 May 05 - 07:36 PM (#1477469)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Good things about today....

1. My semester is officially more projects or exams!
2. I played my violin in our old stone church for about 3 hours. While I was there, the priest was called away and I was there alone so I played my guts out. I had some unexpected visitors who snuck into the church who requested I play more while there were there and I did. :)


03 May 05 - 07:44 PM (#1477474)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

er....who rquested I play more while THEY were there....


04 May 05 - 05:55 PM (#1478226)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva

04 May 05 - 05:57 PM (#1478229)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva

Have just finished essay for Friday, just got one more to do...its only 1500 words and whatever was ailing me at Girvan has finally left my system

04 May 05 - 09:36 PM (#1478402)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I danced in the grocery store aisle with a smiling baby in my arms singing a David Bowie tune. :)


05 May 05 - 04:47 AM (#1478590)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,catsphiddle@work

I've only worked a 3 day week!! Tomorrow Micca and I travel 1st class to Yorkshire and Saturday we will be Married!!

05 May 05 - 07:17 PM (#1479020)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: kendall

In the last couple of days we have heard from Tom Paxton, Utah Phillips, Pete Seeger and Priscilla Herdman.

06 May 05 - 07:37 AM (#1479279)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my dog, aka dustmop and mud tracker is FINALLY going to get his hair cut!!!!!!!!!



06 May 05 - 07:28 PM (#1479716)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Last night I got to see my 15 year old niece in Godspell. I spent 7 hours on the road to see it, but boy was it worth it! I got home about 2:15 AM and had to be at work at 8:30 to give nature walks to a group of school kids. I'll admit to not having been looking forward to it, but it was possibly the best group of kids I've had in the 18 years I've been a ranger. They were a class of 3rd graders from inland quite a ways. They were polite, respectful, attentive, and bright. And very enthusiastic. What a great day!

Oh, and the trailing arbutus (AKA mayflower) is in full bloom. Now it's really spring.

07 May 05 - 06:59 AM (#1479939)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva

My essays are in. My first exam is on the 19th May and I'm having the weekend off to go to Moniaive with my sweetie

08 May 05 - 12:12 AM (#1480354)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers....*humming*


08 May 05 - 02:21 PM (#1480503)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,catsPHiddle through the back door

Micca and I got married on Saturday and had a wonderful weekend. We are looking forward to the Handfasting on Saturday to celebreate with many of our Mudcat friends.

09 May 05 - 09:16 AM (#1480581)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Kendall

We will be there, Luv

09 May 05 - 09:04 PM (#1481221)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: tarheel

today is the day the LORD has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!

11 May 05 - 07:31 PM (#1482837)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because while I was sitting here at my computer, actually in MudChat, I heard these tiny little finally dawned on me that our cat, Miss Millie must have had her kittens! It took me about 15 minutes to find them, but so far, there are 3 absolutely precious little gray tiger kittens that have joined our family. They are good size and Miss Millie is looking well although I have a feeling she is not finished just yet.

:) Michelle

12 May 05 - 06:09 PM (#1483662)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I just received my grades for the GPA for this semester is 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


13 May 05 - 08:05 AM (#1484034)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

I just won tickets to a folk concert, all of two hours before I went and bought them. Next weekend just got even better.

14 May 05 - 05:31 AM (#1484809)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Its my birthday and we've been celebrating since midnight, my partner, one of his sons and my daughter.....nicest birthday I've had and the sun is shinning and it's lovely outside! So looks like we might do the barbie after all

14 May 05 - 06:33 AM (#1484831)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

I am getting Handfasted today. Many of our friends have travelled a long way to be here and we are very flattered!! Its going to be an amazing day

14 May 05 - 06:37 AM (#1484833)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave Bryant

If we can all fit into the Black Lion - and the beer lasts out - it should be a great event.

23 May 05 - 12:09 AM (#1490980)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I had fun outside chasing and catching chickens! We had gone out for a bit and came home to find a chicken...2 chickens...OMG....why is half the flock of chickens running around the front yard? Ok...hole in the fence. Oh no...chicken feathers everywhere and the damned fox was about to get another one. We startled the fox, the chicken got away and we spent the next hour or so catching chickens...always fun to do in the daylight! husband chased them one way and I chased them another....we laughed ALOT!

Our nearest neighbor's sheep have started giving birth. She has several fields but the one closest to our house is full of baby lambs...they are SO SWEET! I absolutely LOVE to watch the lambs run! Or should that be, try to run?!?!? :)

Yesterday was pretty stellar too. A client of mine, who I was involved with when he was 8 years old identified himself to me in church. I had no idea who he was but he knew my name. The minute he told me his first name, I knew immediately who he was. He is now 19 years old!!!! Man...I feel old...but what a wonderful feeling to know that he remembered me. I certainly remember him....his looks have changed (no more pudgy cheeks, new glasses) but the smile is the is the sparkle in his eyes. Yep...that kid made my day!


23 May 05 - 02:56 AM (#1491057)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

me and my sweetie are off to my books and going to revise for my exam the day after we come back!!!!

28 May 05 - 11:19 AM (#1494989)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

A little over 2 weeks ago, one of our cats had kittens, 3 of them! Their eyes are now open but in the last two days, we noticed that 2 of the kittens have one eye glued shut and the poor third kitten's eyes were both glued shut. I am happy to say that I tried an old home remedy that was suggested to me of warming milk and soaking a tea bag in the milk, squeeze some of the milk out and apply the bag to the kittens eyes.

I had tried warm water but it didn't touch it. The tea bag soaked in warm milk worked GREAT! All 3 sets of little blue eyes are peeking about and I am most happy!

:) Michelle

28 May 05 - 03:22 PM (#1495090)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: mg

i left my purse on my porch with for once a whole lot of money in it that i was going to use for furnishing my new house....itwas there when i got badk and this is the weekend when this place teems with people...mostly totally honest ones of course but i'm glad anyway. mg

28 May 05 - 06:14 PM (#1495176)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jpk

got out of bed this morning still breathing,thank you lord,once again,it's a wouderfull day to be alive,no matter how things may go!

29 May 05 - 12:48 PM (#1495517)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

We picked up our newest member, a little black tom kitten, still to be officially named.

7 weeks old, eyes just changing to green, a nose like Cyrano de Bergerac and ears like Dumbo.... he's gorgeous!


30 May 05 - 07:54 AM (#1496003)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

He's officially named Raven now... unofficially, he's Blackmalkin!


01 Jun 05 - 01:05 PM (#1497477)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

We had a blast in Ypsos! We were asked if we were on honeymoon(very flattering after a year and a half) I had a good exam and am finished for the summer and I don't have to work on saturday as shop is still in the middle of the refit!!!!!!

03 Jun 05 - 01:21 PM (#1499325)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I decided to travel to work with my husband today. He goes to work while I wander around the area. I was happily surprised to find an art fest going on in the center of town...all the streets are closed, lots of ethnic food, crafts, music....everything from a children's bluegrass band to belly dancing!! I LOVE the belly dancing music...gonna have to find some of that.....

It's a lovely day and I am happy....that makes it an extrordinary day!!! :)


15 Jun 05 - 10:51 PM (#1502198)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my friend was released from the hospital and she is going to be okay. :)

Another reason today is a good day is because I was surprised with flowers. :)


19 Jun 05 - 07:51 PM (#1504631)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre is a good day because since 4:00am this morning I have thrown up 14 times and I'm still half alive...not sure why I am...but I am!

Also, for those of you who remember the name Veronica in association with me, it looks like she is coming for a 2 month stay.....I'm am SO excited....can't wait to hug that sweet child!


19 Jun 05 - 09:25 PM (#1504689)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Peace

Today is a great day because I wasn't in the hatched-matched-dispatched column of the paper.

20 Jun 05 - 11:09 AM (#1505123)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Good news about Veronica, Michelle. I'm very happy for you.


30 Jun 05 - 09:36 AM (#1513279)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Yesterday was a great day because I spent it with my husband who is on vacation....we went out in the woods, stopped by our cabin, went walking amongst the ferns and found a baby deer who jumped up and ran off...I'm not sure who startled who more! Later we hung out at the bookstore for a few hours, watched a large storm roll in and back out and stopped for an ice cream cone on the way home. Neither of us had our watches on, we did what we wanted, when we wanted and really, REALLY enjoyed the day!

This morning he told me to get ready to go and soon we will be going on some kind of mystery trip. I don't know where we will land but I am excited and looking forward to the day. :) In my book, that makes it a great day already!

:) Michelle

05 Jul 05 - 01:16 AM (#1515114)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I enjoyed a nice small town community parade. It is also a good day because I made it through without causing too much damage to anyone and because I let someone else help me figure out how it was best to get through this day...especially since I wasn't doing such a hot job of it on my own. you two fine folks that know who you are....thank you and I WILL be getting around to hugging you both sometime soon.....


05 Jul 05 - 09:08 AM (#1515277)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Have finally recovered from Newcastleton Festival.....wasn't that fou' just tired(honest)Cracking weekend lovely to see Ray fisher and Di Henderson and lots of folk have said the saturday night celidh was just like the old days. ohhh and got 2nd place in the Border ballads

05 Jul 05 - 12:38 PM (#1515464)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because we got some rain which will help to fill up the pool for that last half inch.

Today is a good day because I don't have to wait and wonder anymore about whether Veronica will be on the bus...because she isn't.


05 Jul 05 - 07:23 PM (#1515569)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

GOOD post, Michelle. Proud of you, even through what I suspect is sarcasm.... Keep posting here!


05 Jul 05 - 07:55 PM (#1515592)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MMario

Knowing is probably better then being left in limbo - but hugs to you anyway Michelle. Big ones!

05 Jul 05 - 10:07 PM (#1515669)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

For those of you who know might want to stop here. For the rest of you, today was a good day because I danced naked in an early morning rain. It was WONDERFUL....birds were singing, the cool squishy grass under my feet, cold rain drizzling down my back, the summer rain leaving my hair ever so soft.....yep...that was good!!!! Thunderstorms are cropping up all around these hills...may just go do it again before bed.


05 Jul 05 - 11:03 PM (#1515711)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Oh is a good day too because I have sleeping pills...they take a while to kick in though...but least I will be able to get some sleep!

06 Jul 05 - 03:29 PM (#1516394)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got something accomplished which is more than I thought would happen. Little by little, step by step...


09 Jul 05 - 09:16 AM (#1518870)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Today is a good day because after I post this, I'm out the door to pick up my nephew, who I haven't seen for a year. And I get him all to myself for the next four days! Yippeee! Oops, gotta run, or I'll be late!

09 Jul 05 - 01:02 PM (#1518993)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because when I woke up, I didn't step on the carcas of a rather large dead mouse laying on the braided rug....I only stepped in it's intestines which were on the hardwood.

That was mighty thoughtful of Little Miss Millie to leave the icky parts on the wood where they would be easier to clean up.

=^..^= Michelle

11 Jul 05 - 08:33 PM (#1520416)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I had to take my oldest kitty for surgery on his ear today. He made it through the surgery just fine and will be able to come home tomorrow. That makes today a very good day in my book!


13 Jul 05 - 05:31 PM (#1521276)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a GREAT DAY because it is the day we celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary! :)


24 Oct 05 - 07:14 PM (#1590061)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because while the weather is busy being all blustery outside, I am inside with a pot of homemade turkey vegetable soup on the stove, candles are lit and it's just cozy here. :)


24 Oct 05 - 08:02 PM (#1590099)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Because my wife and I just watched the movie, Three Coins In The Fountain. We recently went on a trip to Europe and two of the places my wife most wanted to see were the Trevi Fountain in Rome, and the city of Venice. When we got back, I bought a DVD of the movie over eBay and it arrived today. This morning when we got up (and before the mail had arrived) we went on a long walk on a new river walkway they just built in our home town of Derby (Connecticut, not England.) It was a beautiful morning and after the walk we went out for breakfast. When the mail arrived, my wife was very excited to see that we'd just got the DVD in the mail and after supper, we watched the movie. Neither of us remember it very well, not having seen it since it came out in the 50's. We didn't remember that there is a whole section that takes place in Venice, and my wife was so excited, she was jumping up and down! We thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and I know it won't be the last time that we watch it. The movie is very Hollywood-romantic.

That can't touch Derby-romantic...

Jerry and a very joyful wife

07 Nov 05 - 09:47 AM (#1599317)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. Our house didn't get blown away in the violent storm that banged it's way through here late in the afternoon yesterday.

2. I was able to sleep all night, only up twice.

3. I made a nice breakfast for my husband and packed him a healthy lunch...that always makes me feel good.

4. I don't have to have the furnace on just yet.

*Deep breath* Ok...there are some positives today...there are.


07 Nov 05 - 08:15 PM (#1599627)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Amos

Today was a good day because there are new floors in my ffice and our kitchen, shiny oaken and lovely and new. (Not hardwood -- engineered flooring -- but just as beautiful and a LOT easier to maintain).


07 Nov 05 - 10:44 PM (#1599733)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I am using my new computer, which my son helped install yesterday. I've also installed nedw software for editing and burning CDs and can finally start putting together a CD of the Gospel Messengers.

All good things come to those who wait. And wait, and wait.


08 Nov 05 - 06:09 PM (#1600266)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because...

I spent some time with my girlfriend and played with the twins.

My girlfriend sent me home with a container of chili and some homemade pumpkin bread...I don't have to cook dinner!

Another friend kept me company while I worked on something that is difficult for me. She also rattled my brain...made me think....gave me the space to wrap my brain about some new ideas and solutions.

This same friend gave me some new clothes!! WOOO HOOOO!!! :)


02 Dec 05 - 10:32 AM (#1618528)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

I just talked with Dad. He is, as he likes to say, "still vertical." Talked a bit about music and instruments. He COULD have been a concert violinist, having been invited by the Philadelphia Philharmonic. But opted for other adventures, among them fighting in "the last good war." Gonna plan a visit to him over the holidays while he is still here.

It is my day off AND my birfday! Mom is taking me to a rilly nice restaurant to honor it.

Had a great smoke, Smauel Gawith 1792 in a 3/4 bent rusticated Aldo Velani.

Picked up my Alvarez Yairi and thoroughly enjoyed its sound and some of the songs I have missed. "When you learn a song, you've got a friend for life." I think that is from Bill Danoff. Still haven't decided if I will keep it or sell it in favor of a Martin. But it is a thoroughly wonderful instrument. And after my tour of the Martin factory, I am sooo appreciative of the effort and skill that goes into making any guitar.

Watching The Daily Show (that I time-shifted cause it's on too late for me to stay up). The folks that put it together are pure genius!

Mudcat Cafe is purring along, and it is a GREAT place to go to be with GREAT people.

Truly a very good day!

02 Dec 05 - 11:27 AM (#1618580)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Well, Happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :)

Today is a good day here because I woke up sick and am now feeling much better! :)


12 Dec 05 - 10:16 AM (#1625615)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because by 2:00pm I will be finished with my finals and this semester has come to an end! Break time!!!! :)


23 Dec 05 - 08:18 AM (#1633715)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: saulgoldie

I just got back from a great little trip. The flights were pretty uneventful, and I even survived the security unpleasantness.

Spent some good time with Dad. Shared some of the (premium!) scotch I brought him, and gleaned some fatherly wisdom from some of the tales he told me. There is still much more to do while he is still "vertical," but this was good dose.

Managed to get off for a few hours to see a friend who is surviving with an inoperable brain tumor. He is doing better than some people who are totally healthy (at least physically). He is amazing, and an inspiration. On doctor's orders he has had to stop smoking and drinking. Curiously enough, he had not too long ago bought a REALLY expensive pipe, and also had the good fortune to be given a nice bottle of single malt 10-year whisky. He gave them both to me! I smoked the pipe on the ride home from the airport, and sipped the whisky after I unpacked.

I am back online, checking my email and checking in with my friends on Mudcat, and things are looking pretty good at the moment. Perhaps I won't tune in to the news for a while...

23 Dec 05 - 12:14 PM (#1633874)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

I spent the morning helping good friends, most of my Chistmas preparations are done and I'm looking forward to spending Christmas with family. What more can anyone ask for?

23 Dec 05 - 02:14 PM (#1633982)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Amos

The floors are in, the nice rugs laid down, the furnioture cleaned and replaced in a better distirbution, the patio swept and the garage scrubbed down and restored to order, the carpets clean, the daughter home for Xmas, the bills so far all paid, and the job is fun. In an hour or three I will be off for a long weekend for Xmas with my Best Beloved Girls, mother and daughter, and it doesn't get better than that! And Barky wrote a very nice song and did a fine job composing it in Garage Band, and so she now has her first "CD", with pictures and all, even though only one song on it. Life is good.


01 Mar 06 - 11:46 PM (#1682917)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: katlaughing

My crocuses/i are coming up, peeking out with their beautiful purple petals. Spring is almost sprung!

02 Mar 06 - 09:47 AM (#1683208)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

I got an A for my 3rd year course on the Witch hunts and folk belief

02 Mar 06 - 09:50 AM (#1683211)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Ella who is Sooze

I'm leaving work now in a minute and i'm going to buy some paint yippeeee and tomorrow's friday

02 Mar 06 - 10:45 AM (#1683259)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it is a snow unplanned break that I am most thankful for!

I am going to have my eyes checked later today and then the hunt for new glasses will's been about 5 years or so...

And finally, today is Dr. Suess Day!!! I have my big red and white hat about you?

Green eggs and ham, anyone? *G*


02 Mar 06 - 11:00 AM (#1683270)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Today is good because it is my birthday and it is snowing!.
However the ultracentrifuge isn't working, and, since I am the only person to have used it in the past year it is looking a lot like my fault!

02 Mar 06 - 11:01 AM (#1683271)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

For starters, today is a good day because I saw this thread. Skimming back many posts I had to smile because I mentioned in November that I had new software computer and was starting to burn a CD of the Gospel Messengers. That was premature. The software that I had just purchased ended up never working. After a month of endless exchanged e-mails and phone calls, I finally age up on it and the software is now landfill.

Here it is, four or five months later, and I've got some stale good news. I'm working on the Gospel Messengers CD. The difference is that I am almost done.. my new software works beautifully and I am within a few hours of burning the Master CD. I already have 10 songs mastered to my satisfaction, and have started laying out the booklet and back for the case.

On top of that, I've already made a CD of my own songs... most of which were intended to be included on my third album for Folk Legacy, which never materialized. And, I'm doing the layout for the booklet for my last album, Handful Of Songs, which should be ready within a couple of weeks.


Most of all, it's a beautiful, snowy day, and I am filled with energy and enthusiasm.

And thanksgiving.


02 Mar 06 - 11:10 AM (#1683276)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

Just because. No special reason, it's just a good day.

02 Mar 06 - 11:25 AM (#1683290)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Today is a good day because I have a few days off after I finish tonight and I'm going away for a singing weekend with a whole bunch of friends (old and new.


02 Mar 06 - 12:22 PM (#1683336)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Donuel

Finally robots and inanimate objects have rights.

A UK motorist was finded $160 for giving the finger to a speed trap camera - not for speeding. The law broken was covered under the Public Order Act.

We can only hope that the money will help soothe the hurt feelings of the robot camera.

11 Mar 06 - 09:02 AM (#1690573)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because spring is in the air, I can literally smell it! The birds are chirping away and the cats brought me a nice half of a mouse this morning. :) I woke up early and snuggled with a kitten and watched the sun come up while my husband played guitar.

In a bit, we are headed to the Finger Lakes region of New York, stopping along at all the little antique shops and also at our favorite winery. After a very hectic 6 weeks, that sounds like heaven to me. :)

Happy Spring!


11 Mar 06 - 11:38 PM (#1690995)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,bflat

For the first time I actually got the meaning of the lyrics of a song by John Prine from one albumn/CD, I been listening to often. Thought I knew but now I do, if only for me. His writings are oh so clever. Great song writer. Enigmatic!


21 Mar 06 - 01:07 PM (#1699371)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

On my way home today I stopped for a flock of turkeys who were crossing the dirt road to get from the woods into a corn field. There were 50 if there was 1....lots of birds. I pulled the car over, rolled down the window, turned the engine off, watched and listened. Some of the floew away, others ran and some eyed me and took their sweet time. I enjoyed listening to them.

A few more miles down the road and I came upon 3 deer having some lunch. I stopped again, pulling the car over, windows down and watching. They looked at me, wiggled their tails and continued to eat. One kept her head up and kept very still. I said hello to her and the other two popped their heads up. The moved around a bit and I told them how beautiful I thought they were. They ate a bit more and left, tails high, jumping over the brush.

When I got home, I received a phone call that made me most happy. I am going to be taking part in an Urban Seminar later this spring. I'll be leaving this beautiful countryside to teach at an inner city school for 2 weeks. I'll be teaching, taking evening courses, helping with community projects, coordinating a children's fair and then a presentation upon my return. I know it's a lot for two weeks but I am really excited about it!!!!!!!!!


21 Mar 06 - 03:34 PM (#1699541)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Just because!!!!!!

:) Michelle

21 Mar 06 - 03:40 PM (#1699549)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Purple Foxx

Got up.
Checked pulse.
Had one.
It's always a good day when that happens.

21 Mar 06 - 04:10 PM (#1699572)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

I wasnt in the Obits column again !!

21 Mar 06 - 04:12 PM (#1699575)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

AND 400th Post

21 Mar 06 - 04:12 PM (#1699576)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Purple Foxx


21 Mar 06 - 04:16 PM (#1699580)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I'm kinda feeling sorry for you if that's the only reason your day is a good one.........

21 Mar 06 - 04:22 PM (#1699584)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Leadfingers

Michelle - At my age , NOT being in the Obits a definate plus !!

21 Mar 06 - 04:30 PM (#1699594)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre


   I've met your fine self and those twinkly eyes...I'm thinking you've a good many more days to enjoy! :) You made quite the impression on Mr. Lilyfestre!


21 Mar 06 - 04:41 PM (#1699602)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Because I finished the Gospel Messengers CD. And tonight, I give Joe and Frankie their first batch..


21 Mar 06 - 06:03 PM (#1699659)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: ranger1

It's my birthday and so many wonderful people have wished me a happy birthday. And I found my first flowers of spring today on our daily outing with the dogs. Two coltsfoot blossoms in a sheltered spot.

21 Mar 06 - 07:50 PM (#1699754)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

she loves me.

22 Mar 06 - 06:11 AM (#1699983)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MBSLynne

EPN, who was made redundant at the end of January (though is still working on contract with the company, clearing up), has had info on the ideal job today. Keep fingers crossed for us. The day he gets the job will be even better.

And the sun is shining.

Love Lynne

22 Mar 06 - 07:51 AM (#1700057)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Alba

Fingers crossed indeed Lynne...wishing EPN and yourself a very postive outcome on that one.:)

Today is a good day becasue I woke up!
Today is a good day because yesterday I reached a decision about something and in doing so I feel VERY happy.

No sunshine here but as the sun is only hiding I can handle that!

Y'all have as good a day as I intend to have...**really big GRIN**


23 Mar 06 - 06:42 AM (#1700826)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

....because I finally got that job application off.

23 Mar 06 - 02:48 PM (#1701174)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I got new glasses yesterday and can finally SEE the WORLD!!!!! I have a much better sense of depth and less fuzz!!!!   WOO HOOO!!!


24 Mar 06 - 07:56 PM (#1702229)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I went to an awesome seminar this morning where I got to meet with the school's Life Skills teacher, her students and the guidance counselor...what a dynamic group of people...learned lots and lots! That was good, but the best part happened before the seminar. The seminar took place in an elementary school cafeteria. There were a group of us that arrived fairly early and some children were just finishing up their breakfast. I took my coat off, settled into my seat, got my notebook out when this curly topped little blonde girl came running over and wrapped her eyes around me. Mrs. Lilyfestre!!!!!! WE ALL MISS YOU!!!!!

This child was in the classroom where I recently taught for 6 weeks. Talk about melting a heart. :) But wait, there's more....during the seminar, the principal stuck her head in the door to let everyone know that there was an art show, complete with ongoing skits, taking place in the gymnasium and we should all take a look before we leave. Ok, sounded great. The seminar ended, I walked into the gym with another woman who student taught directly across the hall from me. Pretty soon we both notice all the little first grade heads turning and big toothless grins coming our way. Then they started waving....and pretty soon they came running over for hugs. It feels SO good to know that I made a connection with these children....words simply cannot do the feeling justice.

They made my day. :)


24 Mar 06 - 07:58 PM (#1702234)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

LOL...make that, she wrapped her arms around me....not her eyes..LOLOLOL!   :) :) :)


31 Mar 06 - 09:44 PM (#1707933)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today I posted pictures of my childhood best friend, John, on my high school class reunion site. He died unexpectedly in 1999. I had some prints made, 2 enlargements made and then framed them. There will be a special spot at the reunion for a memorial for our classmates who aren't here anymore. I got to thinking that maybe his parents would like to see the pictures and stories posted. I haven't seen them or talked with them in years. I also thought that maybe they would like some of the photos, or had photos they would like to add for the memorial. Anyway, I was really nervous about calling them. I didn't want to cause them any sad feelings or heartache. I called anyway. They weren't home so I left a message. John's mom called back and left a message.

I was SO glad to hear her voice and she said she was thrilled that I called. Hearing her voice slams me back in time and is flooding me with memories. I can't seem to stop the tears....bittersweet...incredibly bittersweet.


01 Apr 06 - 10:47 PM (#1708596)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I talked with my friend's mom for over an hour. She shared lots of stories and we had a nice walk down memory lane. Because I missed his funeral, she is sending me a video tape of the service. I don't know if that makes this a good day or not....he was my best friend and I'm not sure I want to really see what the goodbye is all about.


01 Apr 06 - 11:19 PM (#1708615)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

You will have made his mother very happy, Michelle, knowing that her son is remembered and loved by people outside the family.

my day is a beautiful one here - warm sunlight, clear skies, and a peaceful morning with friends.

good luck with your day


07 Apr 06 - 10:06 PM (#1712923)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I attended an interesting seminar on differentiated instruction and compacted curriculum. I was able to visit my first graders, got lots of hugs, and attend a play that they were putting on. I got to spend some time with my favorite aunt who is visiting the area, looked at some new real estate, it's Friday and I received an unexpected birthday card from an old friend!!!! :)


10 Apr 06 - 09:54 PM (#1714879)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

I woke up to the news on the radio. Obviously, the electricity was working. And some reporters were working hard to bring me the news through the marvelous means of through-the-air radio waves.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and CLEAN hot and cold running water came out of the tap at the flick of a lever. Clear water. At the flick of a lever. And when I get the water bill, I am always amazed at how little I pay for this privilege.

I went into the kitchen, and it was filled with all kinds of foods that were unbelievably affordable when I bought them, and free from infestation of any kind.

I got dressed in clean clothes with all their buttons and zippers and no holes. And they were warm enough for the weather, which is still on the cool side.

I got in my car, which is paid for and runs fine and went to my job, which is relatively secure from the onslaught of forced job changes.

I contemplated some of the songs I will play for an upcoming set at the College (where I work).

My day started off better than the days of something like 80% of the world's people. And that is why it is a good day!

11 Apr 06 - 02:52 PM (#1715326)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Donuel

Its 71 out and blooms are everywhere.

I'll be recording with a blind guitarist this week and also auditioning him for a well paid concert series with the help of a composer friend who incidently found out this week that he will have his piano concerto performed at the Kennedy Center this summer.

14 Apr 06 - 01:21 AM (#1717881)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

My 26 year old son came by today. When he was a toddler we used to call him Boo-Boo. he told me that my grandaughter Rosie (his niece, 18 months) is now calling him Boo-Boo.

A couple of months ago I gave him my easel and paints - he has started painting and I'm very happy to see him develop that part of himself. I guess, as gnu said, people often get happiness from their kids.

I feel happy when I wake up and look through my filmy magenta curtains to see the light patterened on the green leaves outside. Its always a good way to wake up.

14 Apr 06 - 09:35 AM (#1718024)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: clairerise

i learnt a new chord and it has stuck a million more tunes in my head

14 Apr 06 - 01:44 PM (#1718216)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Freda:

Yes, there's something special about the morning light. I always liked the song Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise. Many years ago, long before it was a reality, I wrote a song about the morning light:

"Softly the morning moves over the wall
Warming the bed where we lay
Reach out and touch your soft hair as it falls
Welcome another new day
   Soft golden colors, they turn and they spin
   Starting the morning anew
   Feelings they swell and awaken within
   Drawning me nearer to you"

14 Apr 06 - 07:12 PM (#1718402)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I like that. :) Thanks for sharing it!


14 Apr 06 - 08:07 PM (#1718415)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it is Friday....
Because I can sleep in tomorrow....
Because I accomplished A LOT this week....
Because I had free time to play my violin...
Because I tried some different kinds of music and found it enjoyable...
Because I have some time at home....
Best of all....I have time at home to relax!!!!!!!!!   :)


15 Apr 06 - 06:30 PM (#1719163)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Firecat

My butterfly ring came, I found out I am going to get £100 on May 4 for being a poll clerk for the local elections and the new series of Doctor Who started.

Monday will be a good day too though, cos I'm going to York with my best friend.

16 Apr 06 - 03:06 AM (#1719426)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

That's a very beautiful song, Jerry..

16 Apr 06 - 04:31 PM (#1719659)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Crystal

I made Hot Cross Buns and they turned out OK
They rose and tasted fairly good!

16 Apr 06 - 06:48 PM (#1719719)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because after a very long 2 nights of being sick, I finally feel like a human being again. We celebrated Easter by going on a picnic. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, geese were calling to one another, I saw the first blue heron of the season and the company was the finest in the land! :)


17 Apr 06 - 11:40 AM (#1720239)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because we are getting a larger refund check from Uncle Sam than anticipated, I paid the property taxes, ran into a friend at the store, and am taking the rest of the day to myself.

Yeah, paying taxes isn't fun and now I'm broke but I feel better now that they aren't hanging over my that does make today rather nice.


17 Apr 06 - 12:05 PM (#1720256)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because Micca is coming home from Wales. He's been there since the wedding of the year and is recovering from Miskin Folk Festival. I'm cooking a roast beef dinner for him to welcome him home.

I've nearly finished decorating the dining room and it looks bright and warm.

17 Apr 06 - 02:20 PM (#1720384)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

That's just sweet of you. I'm sure he will love it and be most happy to be coming home to you!   :)

In fact, I like the idea so much that I think I'll do something similar for my honey today.

Thanks for sharing the great idea! :)


17 Apr 06 - 03:04 PM (#1720424)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

You're very welcome Michelle.

He's home and the roast beef dinner turned out pretty good....I impressed myself!!!!

Good to have you home bear xxx

19 Apr 06 - 03:59 PM (#1722102)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I've not been feeling well lately and have been having pain that wakes me up and keeps me up during the night. It is also the end of the semester crunch time so I have a ton of work to do, the combination is difficult.

So, why is today a good day? Today is a good day because the love of my life is so thoughtful and besides all the things he has helped me out with this week, I found this in my email today:

"Just wanted to say I love you and hope you are feeling better. Take a break and go play your fiddle outside in the fresh air.

Love you"

<3 <3 <3

:) :) :) Michelle

19 Apr 06 - 06:10 PM (#1722271)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: autolycus

....'cos I'm still online.


19 Apr 06 - 06:23 PM (#1722287)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Today was extremely stressful and I am as limp as a dishrag. But it has been a very, very, very good day in that all of the problems that created the stress were resolved far better than I could have hoped for.

I am extremely thankful for today. Just don't expect me to run the Boston Marathon.

Maybe tomorrow, though.


20 Apr 06 - 10:34 AM (#1722778)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva

Well yesterday really but we are still on a high!! My partner was giving a lecture on folk plays in Scotland and revived a folk play which hadn't been performed in Scotland for a hundred years. The "weans" (who are in their 20's) really pulled it off, especially the sword fight which was spectacular and have been offered two gigs on the strength of it. Later that evening we had our first meeting of our "Backstage" club. We had a great turnout, smashing singing and storytelling and piping and another performance of the play, which we filmed. Tonight we a giving a party for our mummers, to say thanks. Oh and I think I've finally sorted out my structure for my dissertation, deadline 5th May. So all in all a jolly good couple of days!!!

20 Apr 06 - 10:40 AM (#1722785)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Today Is A Good Day Because...... one of our new songbooks is printed and ready to collate, the next is coming along nicely, and yet another will be ready by fall. Each has improvements over the previous ones, and the first one is in revision now, too, for a summer reprint.


20 Apr 06 - 12:32 PM (#1722913)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because I got on the scales and I have lost a grand total of 3 stone since the end of January! I'm really pleased and I can now see the results so much so that I have had to buy a whole load of new clothes and shoes!!!

24 Apr 06 - 12:26 PM (#1726047)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva @Uni

Ohh well done Khatt!!! Its a good day because I've just started on my final draft and we've just booked a super cheap holiady to Turkey...two weeks to go

24 Apr 06 - 01:07 PM (#1726097)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because my manager handed me a letter containing my payrise which is back dated from the 1st April! We were told earlier in the year that we wouldn't be getting a payrise this year and although its only small its better than a kick in the teeth!

Thanks Kathy! Good luck with the final draft, I can still remember writing, drafting and redrafting my dissertaion for my degree. Enjoy your holiday!

25 Apr 06 - 11:44 AM (#1727013)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I have completed and turned in a project that has taken me over 6 weeks to finish! Not only that, but I turned it in ahead of schedule! WOOOO HOOOOO! What a relief!!!!   :)


25 Apr 06 - 12:29 PM (#1727053)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

I just ate an orange that was soooo sweet that it MUST have been sinful!

02 May 06 - 10:21 AM (#1732058)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I did a presentation and turned in the last of my projects for a class I am taking! Also, later today I will find out my 2 placements for student teaching!!!!!!    :)


12 May 06 - 12:44 PM (#1739109)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a GREAT day because my recent medical tests all came back clear. No cancer. No surgery. I am beyond grateful and relieved.


12 May 06 - 01:00 PM (#1739127)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MBSLynne

And I am grateful and relieved for you! Congratulations!

Love Lynne

12 May 06 - 07:48 PM (#1739425)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Wonderful news Michelle!

17 May 06 - 02:39 PM (#1742532)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

My checking account is organized at long last, an old (large) check I was worried about DID clear during the month for which I lost the statement, and it turns out I have a small positive balance! I love my bank.


17 May 06 - 03:47 PM (#1742580)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: fat B****rd and Mrs fB are off to Italy tomorrow.

17 May 06 - 06:17 PM (#1742637)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I started volunteering at the local elementary's wonderful to be back!

Yesterday was stellar too...I took my Mom to an oral surgeon to have a spot in her mouth looked at. He removed the spot and it is NOT any form of cancer. Yep....STELLAR day!!!   :)

And oh yeah, a 4.0 for the semester!   :)


24 May 06 - 05:11 PM (#1746837)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today, yesterday and the day before....all good days! Why?

1. I'm volunteering in a local classroom and loving it!
2. I spent yesterday with a good friend...she introduced me to sushi...never thought I'd try it let alone like it..but YUM!
3. My seeds finally came in!
4. It has stopped raining, the ground has dried out and the last frost is said to have passed!
5. I just finished hoeing a 50' row up on the ridge and planted a variety of sunflowers.
6. My 20th class reunion is coming up this weekend and I made a memorial honoring my best friend (who also was in my class) who passed away in 1999. I have 2 large framed photos, a smaller framed photo, a framed written memorial and a book for folks to write their fondest memories of our classmate. The book will be sent to his parents after the class reunion picnic. I feel really good about it. :)


08 Jun 06 - 01:59 PM (#1755680)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Well yesterday really!!! I had my Viva for my dissertation an i got and A for the whole jingbang, i was so shocked i asked them if they were sure!!!!!! Still haven't hit the ground yet

08 Jun 06 - 02:13 PM (#1755693)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg son's wife, who I have been looking forward to meeting, is quite wonderful (as I had no doubt), loves him to pieces, has a good head on her shoulders, is a great cook, keeps a nice home, and is a great hostess. And is the perfect wife for the man my son has become-- I'm so proud of him!


08 Jun 06 - 04:43 PM (#1755770)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: catspaw49

I'm another day older and deeper in debt........And I've made this post completely illegible!!!!


08 Jun 06 - 04:48 PM (#1755773)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: SunnySister

my step-dad's birthday is today!

I talked to him the phone and he wanted to thank me for the cookies and cards I sent him. He said, "Thanks! You made my day!" and I said, "Dad, you made my life!" Even though he's my step-dad, he's been there for me too many times to count. I celebrate his presence in my life every day although his birthday is just a little bit more festive! :)

Congrats Diva and WYSIWYG!! I'm so happy for you both!


08 Jun 06 - 04:50 PM (#1755774)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: catspaw49

So how old is your step-Dad?


08 Jun 06 - 08:30 PM (#1755925)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: bbc

That's what you think, Pat. Some of us know how to highlight!

love you,


09 Jun 06 - 11:01 AM (#1756038)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: SunnySister

Spaw, my step-dad is 64 now. My mom passed away in 1995 at the age of 55 from smoking and she was older than he was.

I can actually tell you when I realized that the man who married my mother was not just a guy in the house but my "dad." I was very ill with a bout of shingles in my eye (I've had them since I was 12 and that was about when this realization took place). My dad was upset to see me in such pain and he couldn't understand why the doctors couldn't do anything for me, so he took off from work and took my to the doctors himself. He watched as I tried to deal with the pain of being examined (a lot of bright light, which hurts especially bad), and then he practically begged them to do something for me... actually he did beg them. They told him what they had told my mother, there was nothing they could do, the medicines available had no effect at the time. So, he helped me back into his car and I sat hiding from the sun and crying from being tired and hearing yet again that there was nothing to help me. He drove for a while and then he said and asked me to hang in there, and then being new to this "dad" thing he said, "Hey, I know, let's go to McDonald's for an early lunch!" (he knew I loved McDonald's Big Macs at the time). I realized then that I needed to pull myself together and his kindness and worry of me gave me the strength to do that. So, I swallowed the pain, wiped my face, and went and had lunch with my dad. From that day on, he was part of my family.

Thanks for reading this and asking, Spaw!


09 Jun 06 - 11:30 AM (#1756064)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: catspaw49

That's a lovely story and I am glad I asked so you could tell it. Your Dad nad I share a birthday and we're just a few years apart in age, I'm 57. He sounds like a great guy and you are lucky to have him.

Pass on my best to him and tell him I said he's lucky to have you as a daughter!


09 Jun 06 - 03:15 PM (#1756232)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: SunnySister

Dear Spaw- you've made my day! Thanks for reading what turned out to be a lonnnnngggg tale.

My dad received cookies and three cards from me yesterday (they were all sent together so one was his Father's Day card so he'll have it on time. LOL). He's fighting reoccuring bladder cancer and will be starting a second treatment of chemo (the first was last year but it came back). Due to his years of smoking, he was high risk of something and we both consider him lucky as bladder cancer is one of the easiest to treat and find. He may eventually lose his bladder although in doing so, he may live a lot longer. One thing at a time...

From your posts, Spaw, I gather you're a dad too. Your kids are very lucky- they may not know how much but I do :)

SunnySister, who has learned to appreciate and savor whatever time I have with my dad

10 Jun 06 - 06:11 PM (#1756969)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Navvy

I played the concertina with my granddad in the procession at Longbridge Field Day near Preston. He is 84 and I am 39. He is a lifelong morrisman and musician. I am a late starter.

It is likely he will never be in this procession again as he really suffered today. The weather was warm and sunny and the people very freindly.

Also I was able to buy him a pie and a pint or two.

A day of memories!

11 Jun 06 - 04:11 PM (#1757383)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I am going kayaking on my own for the first time! I have always wanted to learn to kayak and this week, I took the was exciting, scary, nerve wracking and exhilerating all at the same time...not to mention FUN!!!!



13 Jun 06 - 01:53 PM (#1759011)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Good one Kofi...sorry we missed it..see you at Copshaw

14 Jun 06 - 02:17 PM (#1759992)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Aside from all the exams that one must take during each particular university course, there are national exams that must be taken and passed in order to become a certified teacher. I took the second of three exams this morning...math...ugh...the worst.....BUT the GOOD news is that I PASSED!!!!!! Two down, one to go..........WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!

Michelle :)

14 Jun 06 - 04:01 PM (#1760068)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: fat B****rd

Today WAS a good day because we took my little grand-daughters to Sea Life near the Forth Road Bridge and apart from the "Fishis" little Charlotte aged 2 had her first face painting and looooooooooved it.

14 Jun 06 - 06:57 PM (#1760186)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Tootler

I went out this evening to play my recorder with my regular Wednesday evening group for the first time since I had surgery three weeks ago. Another milestone reached in my recovery.

14 Jun 06 - 09:05 PM (#1760290)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

.... because the Oilers ended the first period ahead, 2-3. Breathe.....


15 Jun 06 - 09:29 AM (#1760583)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: The PA

The boss is letting everyone go early to watch the football - and i dont even like football!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee

15 Jun 06 - 09:46 AM (#1760601)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because we are officially on vacation!!!!   

Michelle :)

19 Jun 06 - 08:31 AM (#1763567)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day but it's been a GREAT weekend! We arrived back home late yesterday afternoon after spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Folk of friendly musicians at all levels, interesting, engaging workshops, incredibly nightly concerts, new instrument instruction, jams late into the night and several new friends! :) What a blast!!!!!!!!!


19 Jun 06 - 08:59 AM (#1763592)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Wilfried Schaum

... because I received a wonderful PM by freda underhill.

02 Jul 06 - 04:35 PM (#1774236)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day for many reasons:

1. I got to sleep in!
2. I had breakfast out with my family (no cooking and no dishes for me!)
3. I stopped at the local Agway and picked up some beautiful annuals at 90% off...lots of pretty flowers for .33 a pack!
4. I talked with my best girlfriend for over an hour!
5. I made 10 jars of homemade strawberry jam!
6. Only 3 more days until a friend and I attend a local kayak clinic!
7. My honey has another 2 days off!
8. We are having a picnic with friends on the 4th of July!
9. Ok, this is yesterday, but I spend the evening kayaking in a local lake while my husband was fly fishing!
10. We are going to a local ice cream shoppe tonight for ice cream (no brainer there) and to listen to some Irish music!

I'm a happy girl!


02 Jul 06 - 05:16 PM (#1774255)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

OH! OH! OH! I forgot...we saw the first black bear of the season this morning! It was in the field above ours just padding along. Ridge Plucker estimated it to be about 500 pounds! He was BEAUTIFUL!


02 Jul 06 - 06:02 PM (#1774282)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Navvy

I met someone this weekend who has lit up my life.

She is pretty, intelligent, full of life and sings like an angel.

Will I see her again? Hope, hope, hope so.

03 Jul 06 - 03:34 PM (#1774964)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: fat B****rd

It's my 59th f***ing Birthday. That's Why.

03 Jul 06 - 04:18 PM (#1775000)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Galoshin

Good luck Kofi

03 Jul 06 - 04:37 PM (#1775013)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Bunnahabhain

I just bottled another 6 pints of eldeflower cordial to keep us going over the whole year AND...

My first batch of home brewed beer is ready, and tastes fine. But not good enough I don't want to play with the next batch, which is always satisfying.

04 Jul 06 - 07:43 AM (#1775463)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Lots of luck Kofi...glad you enjoyed the weekend. I am home covered in midgie bites, sunburn, feet the size of footballs but had a brill weekend.....and I can now play the spoons. Lets hear it for Copshaw Festival

04 Jul 06 - 07:49 AM (#1775469)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,diva

04 Jul 06 - 09:25 AM (#1775557)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Because, "Hallelujah, the Great Storm is over-- lift up your wings, and fly."


05 Jul 06 - 02:16 PM (#1776843)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I am starting the last of my university classes before I student teach! I am most excited! It's also a good day because I think I am going to have 2 hours of kayak time at Hills Creek before class! YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


06 Jul 06 - 07:58 PM (#1777822)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Amos

Today is a remarkable day -- I was named as co-inventor on an important (well, for my company) patent filed with the USPTO this afternoon. It's a first for me! :D


07 Jul 06 - 11:22 AM (#1778267)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

A VERY good day...

Yesterday a friend and I went to a kayak clinic in Ithaca, NY. It was her first time out and my first time on this kind of water. We took the Cayuga Canal (think swampy) into Cass Park which is actually larger water at lake level. There were 7 of us, including the guide. It was cloudy and about 72 degrees. The water was high and murky from all the recent rain but it was fun anyway! Shortly after we started, my friend noticed a blue heron sitting high in the canopy...I pulled out my trusty waterproof Kodak camera and clicked away..LOL...I love those litte cameras! Anyway...we heard it's call too, I'd never heard it before and thought it would be deeper but it actually was pretty chirpy. We paddled past a huge lilypad community, around some downed trees, under a few bridges (one was REALLY low....had to duck to get under it), by a few restaurants with dock space for hungry boaters, by a boat slip and past the Cornell Rowing Team Building. Groups of mallard ducks were around every bend. Our guide chatted away with anyone who was nearby, sharing information about the birds, plants and the kayaks. We paddled at a leisurely pace, sometimes racing with the boy (WOOO HOOOOOOOO!) in the group and had a grand time! In all, we paddled just a few short miles and would have been happy to do more. When we got back to shore, we had the added bonus our husbands waiting for us with great big smiles and a hand at pulling the boat up onto shore before we got out (I think getting out is the trickiest part and the water at that point was really murky and mucky)...that was a nice surprise and very much appreciated!
We left with tired, exhilerated bodies (if that makes any sense) and big giant smiles. I can't wait to do it again!!!!!


16 Jul 06 - 06:08 PM (#1785127)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I finished some tedious work and am now headed to the lake with my husband to kayak while he fishes! Life is GOOD!


17 Jul 06 - 06:54 AM (#1785399)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Today is a good day because I got a review for a piece of fanfiction I've written, plus another hundred readers for it!!!

19 Jul 06 - 05:19 AM (#1787100)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,rob the roadie

Today is good because I tell them at work I am finished working there and I dont care!

19 Jul 06 - 02:08 PM (#1787448)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I get to play my fiddle and song lead at the university with a few others...I am PSYCHED!!! :)


28 Jul 06 - 06:54 AM (#1795311)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I have officially finished all my university courses and the only thing left to do is student teach. I am very excited!! :)


28 Jul 06 - 07:19 AM (#1795324)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: bobad

Congratulations Michelle!

16 Aug 06 - 06:42 PM (#1811651)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I received a card in the mail from my student teaching co-op! Not only was the letter beyond sweet, she has asked me to, "Please, oh please bring your violin on the first day of student teaching and play something from the 1890s for the students!"   LOL...I'm tickled and beaming from ear to ear!!!!!!!!

:) :) :)


17 Aug 06 - 05:01 PM (#1812508)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Navvy

Despite all the usual s**t there is one person I adore who cares.:-)

28 Aug 06 - 05:44 AM (#1820550)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

....I start student teaching TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle who is up MUCH too early and ready to go...LOL...can you say EXCITED?????   :) :) :)

28 Aug 06 - 06:44 AM (#1820568)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave'sWife

Today is a good day because a homeless parolee fellow I have kind of adopted saw my porch light was on at 2 Am and stopped by for a chat, a prayer and meal. Thank the Good Lord he's now off Methamphetamines, looking wonderful and possibly getting a bus ticket to go back home to the midwest.

I met him and a friend of his one night while brushing my dog in my yard at 3 am. (I'm up late a lot from chronic pain. When I can't sleep, I take the dog outside to look at the stars. ) His friend is back in jail and since he violated his parole (stole some beer), he'll most likely bo back to prison for 3 to 6 years or maybe even Life cuz of the 3 strikes law. That made me very sad. But.. I was happy that the other fellow, J. is doing so much better.

I made him some hot buttered biscuits and coffee and loaded him up with the things folks in his position often need - clove oil, plasters (band-aids), clean socks and t-shirt, fresh razor, soap, shampoo, batteries and so on. We had a lovely visit.

J. is a big reader and both he and my husband like Dean Koontz novels. Every time he comes by, we give him a new one. Tonite he was optimistic enough to take 2 books which is good. it means he probably has things a little bit better and has a place to stay some nights.

J is always trying to give me things of value he finds (not steals mind you, finds, usually in the trash). last time he gave me a set of 4 cordial glasses he dug out of the trash and cleaned up. They turned out to be antiques but not of any value. Still, they're lovely. Someone probably tossed them because they broke a couple. I have told him time and time again that the thing of most value he gives me is his friendship, his prayers and his recovery from substance abuse.

If any of you are the praying type, please pray for J. He finsihed his parole a week ago and is free to leave the State. He's clean and sober now for a month and what he needs most is to find a way back home to his family. In the meantime, i'll keep making him coffee and biscuits!

It is indeed a good day.

Oh, and my Maximillan sunflowers have started to bloom. I have a huge stand of them growing by the side of my house. they are native to the american plains and if supprted properly will grow to 25 feet. Ours are about 22 feet high this year and the tops are starting to bloom. They are a branching variety so soon I will have a riote of sunflowers! The blooms are about the size of a silver dollar. I mostly grow them for the birds who feed on the seed. The flowers are high enough off the ground to provide them safe haven from prowling pussycats. They get to eat and hang out in the branches. I get a lovely privacy screen in return.

it's also a good day because Inky the feral cat who lives under my house came through his surgery well. He may have cancer. He has had a recurring nasty cyst under his ear by his eye. The biopsy comes back in a day or so. If it is cancer, we will just let him go about his life until it re-occurs and then make a decision about whether or not to put him to sleep. He refuses to live indoors and we have an epileptic dog whose medications cost us $150 a month. that and we have an 11 year old siamese cat with breast cancer. One cannot save all the feral kitties I'm afraid. Lord knows I've tried. let's alll hope that Inky is just prone to silly cysts and not cancer. he's a sweet boy and I like him.

31 Aug 06 - 12:48 AM (#1823254)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

I saw a rainbow lorikeet this morning

31 Aug 06 - 09:00 AM (#1823512)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave'sWife

Oh my Freda! lucky you!

OK, today's a good day because yesterday my Zooba book came( I pay $9.95 a month, build a big reading list, forget about it and magically one book apears towards the last day of every month. ).

... and guess what it is!

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill : A love Story...with wings

It's a about a tribe of wild parrots in San francisco. We have two tribes of wild green parrots in Southern CA - one in Beachwood Canyon where I used to live and one in pasadena.

It is also a good day because Inky, the cat who lives under my cottage had a negative biopsy for cancer. The little criminal is gonna live to a ripe old age it seems. He's snoozing on the bed right now which is only because he has stiches in his head. He has learned I will take off the plastic cone on his head if he stays indoors. As soons as he wakes up and wants to go out - it's time to put the radar dish on him again. Consequently, he's been coming inside a lot. That makes a good day too because there's notheing better than having a feral cat decide it's good to come in for a cuddle!

31 Aug 06 - 09:35 AM (#1823541)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill .. sounds like a great read!
I have a feral cat, too, Dave's wife!!

31 Aug 06 - 09:57 AM (#1823556)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

I came of the medication that had worse side-effects than the disease. I've only been taking it since 19th July, since a thyroid biopsy showed the existing nodes were cold. Cold nodes are usually ok, but silly me, I didn't look up anything about thyroid till last night, after my specialist said to stop taking them & come back & see her in 12 months.

Thyroxine comes with a huge list of other medications that might react with it & a humungeous list of side-effects, many of which were the symptoms I had. (As my colleague said, you're trying to get rid of them!)

I've had nodes on my thyroid since 1999 & they've mainly been well behaved - just a sensitivity to heat, so I carry a fan & have a fan on permanently in the office as I find air conditioning too warm & still.

This year I had a few nasty panic attacks tho I didn't know what they were at the time, and my thyroid was sore, so it was scans & biopsy, interspersed with several big panic attacks (one sent me into hospital)

Today I felt great, except for a blocked nose (sniff, sniff)

Tomorrow I will also feel wonderful! I've been learning to breathe properly following Buteyko principles & will get better & better


Treatment is very variable. Many patients are simply placed under observation. Thyroxine (T_4 ) can be given to suppress Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels and thereby cause the nodules to shrink. This is called Suppression Therapy. Radioactive Iodine (RAI) is used to destroy hot nodules in some cases and they can also be removed surgically.

31 Aug 06 - 11:41 AM (#1823636)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave'sWife

Sandra - I'm glad you are able to stop taking a medication that was giving you such trouble. Here's hoping the panic attacks lessen and disappear. I've had them myself off and on and it feels like you're having a massive heart-attack, doesn't it? I don't wish surgery on anyone but I've had friends who have nodes removed surgically and they did very well. Today at least, is good because you don't have to think about this right now. Please try not to. You can always promise yourself to think about tomorrow or at your next octor exam.

MY cure for my panic attacks is actually to listen to 2 different tracks from a Roger Eno album over and over again in a dark room with noise cancellation headphones. I was trained to do biofeedback on myself and alter the ole brainwaves thru will and it works. I can zone myself into a waking coma with Roger's help. If anyone knows him, thank him for me and tell him my doctor now recommends his music to all his panicked and anxious patients.

01 Sep 06 - 08:31 AM (#1824456)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for sharing what works for you. I can also get into a meditative-like state by listening to different pieces of music.

I'm determined that I won't allow myself to fall into the habit of panic attacks, so have been been doing my best to practice breathing quietly & consistently as I've been taught at a Buteyko workshop a few weeks ago.

Today I got the tight feeling in my chest that comes from doing too much (I'd walked around town at lunchtime for over 90 minutes) & knew my heart would start racing unless I sat quietly breathing evenly. It took a while, but I was eventually able to continue my day (eat lunch!) then work at my desk for the rest of the afternoon. I ignored the stuff that had to be done on my feet, & I still have a bit of tightness & tiredness 6 hours later, but heart is working slowly & surely, because I've been concentrating on my breathing all that time.

Because I never learnt to breathe properly my physio had been at me for months to do a course in Buteyko technique, and as improper breathing causes lots of my problems (tiredness, lack of concentration, racing heart, panic attack symptoms) I'm getting better the more I follow instructions.

sandra who had another good day!

History of Dr Buteyko & his work

10 Sep 06 - 02:01 PM (#1831225)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I haven't had a drink yet

10 Sep 06 - 05:12 PM (#1831376)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

I got post 500 and I visited Alderley Edge (think Alan Garner novels), a childhood entry on my 'Things to Do' list.

Had a wonderful, if elongated walk around the woods, found the wizards' well, took some amazing photos of the view from the edge, and other green pursuits... but didn't drink in the Wizard Inn because it's a posh restaurant now, not a pub... and we weren't in the mood for a Sunday lunch at £19 without alcohol.

So there we go... a good day.


10 Sep 06 - 05:41 PM (#1831396)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I suceeded in hacking down a purple berberis without injury. The last time I went near it I ended up in casualty having one of it's barbs removed from my index finger, that I didn't know was in there until the poison spread up my arm. The time before I attempted to go near it I ended up in casualty because in my endeavour to secateur it without injury I secateured my little finger and a blood soaked tea towel was the garb of the day.

Today I beat the bugger and it is now a distant memory.

Human 1 - Berberis 0.

10 Sep 06 - 09:35 PM (#1831558)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I spent it with the person I love most! We got lots accomplished today and still managed to get out on the water for an hour and a half or so before it got dark. I saw 4 Blue Herons and my very fist Bald Eagle in the wild. Absolutely stunning....and I got photos one of which is the eagle in full flight!



13 Sep 06 - 04:02 PM (#1833755)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

it is way better than yesterday... :)

13 Sep 06 - 04:17 PM (#1833767)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

i have a great big Snickers with my name on it!

20 Sep 06 - 01:18 PM (#1839308)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Dave'sWife

Today is a good day becuase a friend of mine battling alcholism has managed to cut his daily intake by half which is quite something. It may not seem like much, but he's drinking less than he has in years and is still on the way down. We hope in a month he will be able to quit entirely.

it is also a good day because Inky the cat who lives under my house, didn't have to have stitches. He got into a major territorial dispute with a young tough Tomcat who insists on coming into our yard. Said Tomcat slashed his face twice, opening up his healed surgical incision from 2 weeks ago. The Vet was able to clean him up and close the wounds with surgical superglue! Amazing. Even better, he doesn't have to wear that cone on his head. It's a good day for Inky! Poor ole Inky. he's such a good boy. I only wish he'd let me make him a housecat. His frequent beefs with this other cat are a good advertisement for why cats are better off living the good life indoors.

It is also a good day because my dinner-plate Dahlias have come back into bloom. They are a nice buttery yellow. The blooms last a long time and are quite profuse. they line the walk up to our cottage. So pretty!

24 Sep 06 - 09:23 PM (#1842518)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I caught up on my work and am now a week ahead of myself! Ahhhhhhhhhh....NICE!


25 Sep 06 - 12:04 AM (#1842596)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: number 6

My 18 month old grandson called me 'papa' for the first time. Doesn't seem like much to some people, but to me it was very, very special.


25 Sep 06 - 06:33 AM (#1842706)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Awwwwwww...that is the sweetest thing!!! Congratulations Papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle :)

25 Sep 06 - 06:57 AM (#1842718)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jimmyt

I get to go to work in an hour. I am one of those rare folks that celebrate TGIM. I love Monday mornings. I love to see my staff and see how their weekend was, to get started back working on patients, to drink the best coffee in the world and to visit with my patienrs, tell a couple jokes sing a bit all day long.

I spent the weekend buying nrw furnature and art to redecorate my reception room which had managed to slip into an eighties look. I also made fudge for my mother-in-law who is in a rehab facility dealing with a recent hip replacement. She told me how on the telephone yesterday and it came out marvelous. Jayne is going to Ohio today to deliver my candy. Ah yes. It will be a grand day.

25 Sep 06 - 07:22 AM (#1842725)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Liz the Squeak

It's a good day because today is the first day in 2 weeks that I've not been in agony thanks to an abcess on my upper canine tooth. It's also the first day that my glasses haven't sat crookedly on my face because of the swelling of said abcess.


26 Sep 06 - 02:26 AM (#1843443)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

My first solid poop for a week. Thank heaven for that. Thought it was dysenterry.

30 Sep 06 - 02:39 PM (#1847009)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I played my violin in the Fabulous 1890's Festival Motorless Parade that was held today! I played old-timey music and approximately 70 children sang along to the 1,000+ people along the parade route. I had THE best time and can't wait to do it again next year!


PS...the children and I were dressed in time period clothing which made it all the more fun!!!!!!!!!

08 Oct 06 - 06:14 PM (#1853546)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to go out for breakfast with my husband, mother-in-law and her fiance. We had a great visit and afterwards my husband and I went for a drive in the woods. It is a beautiful day, the sky is blue, the leaves are changing and it was very relaxing! We spent the afternoon at the house of a friend who turned 60 today! We were part of a little surprise party that her daughter had planned. She was surprised and we had fun catching up with folks we haven't seen in a bit! Now we are home, my work is done and I have tomorrow all to myself....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!


08 Oct 06 - 09:29 PM (#1853680)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Joe_F

I coded a complicated table in LaTeX and it came out right the first time.

20 Oct 06 - 05:41 PM (#1864617)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today was a very bittersweet day. It was the last day of my first placement in student teaching. My experience has been absolutely incredible and leaving was really tough. Today is a good day, though. Today I received multitudes of letters (90+) full of fond memories of the last 8 weeks. One 11 year-old young lady wrote me the following:

Mrs. Lilyfestre

The woman who I know made learning a lot less difficult for some people.
The lady who taught me so much, opptamism (her spelling!), happiness and joy.
The Person who always seemed to have something good to say.
The Student Teacher who was THE BEST!!

There were many others that made me realize exactly how big of an impact I had on the children and in more ways than I had anticipated.      The love they showed me today was amazing and that makes today a FANTASTIC (said in 6th grade had to be there!) day!!!!


06 Nov 06 - 08:58 PM (#1877924)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

My husband walked in the door and surprised me with a kayaking and fishing vacation....10 days to explore and poke around the coastal and marshlands along the east coast!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOOO...I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07 Nov 06 - 12:27 AM (#1878017)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

After several hours of thought & work, I created shelves for my 52 Mudcat CDs - now I have 3 shelves about 12'/30cm long on the back of my computer desk

For yonks I've had most of the Mudcat CDs resting precariously on 3 metal bookends sitting on top of the back of said desk. The rest sat in front of the printer almost getting in the way.

Now I have a wonderful homemade (it's definitley not handcrafted!) set of shelves. I've jut got to make sure any visiting handyperson/carpenter doesn't take a close look.

But I did it & it works!!


07 Nov 06 - 01:17 PM (#1878448)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,ibo

it was my day off.

07 Nov 06 - 03:26 PM (#1878544)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: michaelr

...the Republicans are getting their asses kicked from one end of the country to the other.


10 Nov 06 - 07:04 AM (#1881098)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

well its an improvement on was my dear ma in laws funeral.....good age 84 and we gave her a fitting send off with family and friends

10 Nov 06 - 08:21 AM (#1881188)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Mainly because it's nearly over. Actually it was a bloody horrible rotten day, full of stress, and everything that could possibly go wrong, did. I don't even have a chance to enjoy a weekend in the garden, which I had originally planned to do, because my father-in-law died on Wednesday, so I'm being picked up by my son at 6.30 tomorrow morning and I'm spending the weekend in Kempsey at a family gathering with my ex-husband's family.

My daughter may or may not make it depending on whether she can get her act together enough. More stress either way. That's a whole 'nother story. To be fair, these are nice people - it's just that after this week I REALLY could have done with a quiet weekend with my beans and tomatoes.

Then when I come back on Monday there will be the matter of my car to deal with. All of a sudden the most reliable car in the world is starting to play up, and they haven't got to the bottom of the problem yet because it's an intermittent problem. It behaved perfectly when the NRMA came to have a look. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

10 Nov 06 - 07:07 PM (#1882684)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

Hi Dad! :) I didn't forget...........



11 Nov 06 - 05:34 PM (#1883395)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Stephen L. Rich

my spleen did not explode

11 Nov 06 - 07:30 PM (#1883493)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to catch up on some much needed rest. :) I love rainy days when I have time to snuggle in with a good book and sleep to my heart's content. :)


13 Nov 06 - 07:51 AM (#1884573)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Today is a good day because I'm back from my stressful weekend which was a mixture of some fun and some pretty awful family squabbles - and the vege garden is looking brilliant. I want to hug my tomato plants, but they have tomato dust on them, so I won't.

Now I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!

14 Nov 06 - 08:13 PM (#1885979)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because:

1. All my lessons went extremely well.
2. I had dinner with a good friend complete with lots of laughter.
3. I just finished baking 7 loaves of pumpkin bread to share with folks I love.
4. My house smells absolutely divine!

Michelle :)

15 Nov 06 - 04:42 PM (#1886143)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

After a short terror concerning our flight reservations not having gone through, we finally found out that they HAD actually gone through. Whew! It would have cost us either double the price for the tickets or we would have had to get up at 2 in the morning to make it to a substitute flight at 6. But that has been resolved.

And everything is taken care of at work, and I am (mostly) packed and the remaining items on my list will be quickly handled. And to the wedding in Sao Paulo, where I go from Autumn-into-Winter to Spring-into-Summer, and the warm embrace of lovely wife's family and friends! And fresh, sweet mangoes and papaya. And figgos, too. Love them figgos. (Them's dried figs before they get dried. A whole different experience eating them fresh and juicy.)

I wish all 'Catters a wonderful Thanksgiving, and none of that routine dysfunctional family stuff that we hear so much about. Tchau!

16 Nov 06 - 11:14 AM (#1886337)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

Tomorrow's Friday - weekend's coming up, my vege garden is growing fast, I have lots of tomatoes getting bigger but still green, I picked my very first dwarf beans - spring is such an exciting time in the garden! Also I now have everything I need for my Santee. I just need to get it all together and send it.

The only other thing I have to do this weekend is host a CD launch at my folk club on Sunday, which will involve some work, but it will be worthwhile. It's a performance of "Yarri of Wiradjuri", which John wrote 9 years ago, and it has now been recorded - more about it here and here

After last weekend, it's just good to be home doing normal things!

17 Nov 06 - 10:52 AM (#1886947)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Wilfried Schaum

... weekend starts and I have only 469 days to go and the rest of today till I get my pension = 279 working days (all kinds of holidays subtracted)
And tomorrow I'll lead a guided tour through my hometown with a bunch of interested (and interesting) ladies.

17 Nov 06 - 11:31 AM (#1886975)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Mrs.Duck

I keep waiting for a good day. Must try harder.

17 Nov 06 - 07:56 PM (#1887267)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff

Today is another beautiful post-republican era day!


17 Nov 06 - 08:29 PM (#1887294)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

you got me counting days Wilfried, I have 13 weeks left before I retire.

13 weeks is 65 days, but as I will no longer be working Wednesdays, this means I only have 52 days left.

I'll be working 4-day weeks cos my wonderful Assistant Director says I can use some of my remaining holidays to attend a Craft group that meets on Wednesdays!!

Only 52 days to go!!

Oops, I forgot the Christmas shutdown & a long weekend for a Festival so it's even less.

17 Nov 06 - 08:37 PM (#1887298)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: rock chick

Today is a good day, and why should it not be as it only 1.40am here and so far its not been bad, time will tell!!

17 Nov 06 - 08:44 PM (#1887304)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: JennyO

It's a gorgeous day, the wind has dropped and the sun is shining. The Christmas bush is reddening and looks wonderful against the blue sky. I spotted my first red cherry tomato, there's a cucumber almost full size, the climbing beans are rocketing up the frame and small beans are starting, I'm getting little purple, yellow and red capsicums, and little basil plants are finally popping up from seed that I scattered. Lots more, but generally, it's a pleasure to be in the garden.

Everything's coming together for John's CD launch tomorrow. This thing looks like being bigger than Ben Hur. Now we've got complimentary champagne for early arrivals and gawd knows what else. Should be fun!

I'll try and remember your parsley Sandra, but with everything else going on, I wonder if I will? No good putting it in the car now - it would cook.

18 Nov 06 - 06:28 AM (#1887501)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Well its bright and cold and not that horrible grey. My brain is slowly returning from under the fog, so hopefully I'll be able to sort out the essay problem!!!!

28 Nov 06 - 11:58 PM (#1895243)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,katy

i ate chocolate. twice.

29 Nov 06 - 12:01 AM (#1895246)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Christmas music is on all day long.

29 Nov 06 - 12:02 AM (#1895247)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

God still loves me, even when I don't love myself.

That's amazing.

29 Nov 06 - 12:07 AM (#1895251)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

I sent out resumes, so now they are out of my hands and it is no longer up to me. The sun was shining. I wore my favorite shoes. I learned words to a new song. I talked to mom. My friend is doing better. I remembered something that is important to me.

10 Dec 06 - 08:41 PM (#1905873)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I am now in the homestretch....all my work for Student Teaching is complete. All the lessons have been taught, all the university work has been filed and I'll be graduating this week!


11 Dec 06 - 01:22 AM (#1906010)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: skarpi

hehehe this is the loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggest
13 th of September I have ever seen :>)))

All the best Skarpi Iceland.

14 Dec 06 - 06:46 PM (#1909775)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

***********HAPPY DANCE*******************

Well...make that HALF of a HAPPY DANCE! While I will miss my students more than I can express, I am excited to have completed my goal of becoming a teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gave it everything I had and it has paid off in ways I never could have imagined!


:) Michelle

23 Dec 06 - 11:41 PM (#1917940)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

I received my grades today from the university and was most happy to see that I earned myself a 4.0!   :) To celebrate, my husband took me out to dinner at a local favorite (Wren's Nest...check it out if you're ever in the area!). When we arrived, we were seated only to find a note on the table...hmmmm. He read it first and chuckled. I opened it and found the following:

Enjoy a complimentary bottle of wine, your choice.

CONGRATULATIONS! We KNEW you could do it all along!


My best girlfriend & Kids

:) So...thanks Love for the WONDERFUL evening out and that little black box....and thanks to you my friend for a very thoughtful surprise!!!!! :) :) :)


26 Dec 06 - 07:32 AM (#1919081)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: freda underhill

I am listening to some wonderful singing - 3 great CDs from my secret santa, snuffy!


26 Dec 06 - 09:08 AM (#1919120)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Because my fence fell down but I am in no danger from an imminent tsunami.

26 Dec 06 - 11:06 AM (#1919159)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: number 6

Finally some peace and quiet here at home!


06 Jan 07 - 12:41 PM (#1928362)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because the addition of our music room is almost complete!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!

:) Michelle

06 Jan 07 - 12:47 PM (#1928364)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: John MacKenzie

Max made a good decision.

12 Jan 07 - 08:19 AM (#1934214)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: MBSLynne

el_punkoid_nouveau just got a job after nine months on the dole!!

It's part time but fits in beautifully with what we are trying to do, which is expand my little herb business to make a living. Now we have a guaranteed income but he still has time to work on the business. Brilliant!!!

Love Lynne

12 Jan 07 - 11:13 AM (#1934392)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Crystal

Everything is going right work wise! Now if I can just sort out the love life and the money everything will be grand!

12 Jan 07 - 06:01 PM (#1934748)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

This is a VERY bad and good day wrapped up in one because:

My oldest step-brother and his girlfriend have been smelling something odd in their apartment for the last few days. Last night she asked him about carbon monoxide and didn't they have a carbon monoxide detector up in the attic? He believed they did and the two went looking for the detector. They didn't find it. He offered to go to Wally World and get one. She said it could wait until morning. During the night, she died of carbon monoxide poisoning. My step-brother was taken to the ER and it was found that they both contained equal amounts of poison in their systems. He is ok. She is gone.

I'm so happy that he is ok that I can't stand myself and in the same breath, I am horrified that she isn't.

I wish they would have put up their detector when they got it. If you have one, put it up. If you don't have one, get one.


20 Feb 07 - 12:29 PM (#1973821)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,Diva

Got exam results back an am happy with them, considering the state I was in when I sat the exams!!!!!!!

21 Feb 07 - 10:16 AM (#1974933)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: black walnut

Oh, Michelle!

My good day is because I didn't have a migraine yesterday, and I might not have one today.


21 Feb 07 - 10:42 AM (#1974960)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

A day without a migraine is a most EXCELLENT DAY!!!



21 Feb 07 - 11:59 AM (#1975016)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,ib48

big brother isnt on the box

21 Feb 07 - 04:41 PM (#1975262)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day for me because I went to church, spent time with my Mom (who made a WONDERFUL lunch..thanks Mom!) and I'm headed home to play some new music that my husband recently got for us to play together. :)


26 Feb 07 - 02:39 PM (#1980040)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because my washing machine is working after being on the fritz for a bit. It's booby rigged at the moment, but's working and I will soon have lots of clean clothes!

:) Michelle

26 Feb 07 - 02:58 PM (#1980065)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Today and tomorrow will be better days because of some good advice from some good Catters. Thanks

27 Feb 07 - 01:12 PM (#1980961)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because it just is! :) HAPPY DAY!


06 Sep 09 - 04:36 PM (#2717595)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because, after a few months of conversations via email, our Veronica has asked to come for a visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

************BIG GIANT HAPPY DANCE********************


06 Sep 09 - 05:06 PM (#2717606)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: VirginiaTam

I learned 2 new songs on my guitar today.

Jock O Hazeldean and Where's My Good Man At


fingers are killing me though

07 Sep 09 - 04:16 AM (#2717872)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Yesterday was a good day because we had a lovely evening with 2 great friends.

15 Feb 10 - 12:54 PM (#2840040)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Today Is A Good Day Because............ this is a great thread, and because most (if not all; I did not skim all 500+ posts to see) of us are:


Still Kicking


15 Feb 10 - 04:06 PM (#2840233)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Gurney

It's a good day because we don't have to euthanase our senile but lovely old cat. We did that yesterday.
And we got a good nights sleep for the first time in months, without his 3am demands "Let me Out!!."

15 Feb 10 - 09:54 PM (#2840556)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I got to spend it with my mom who is one of my best friends. We had lunch together, did a little tiny bit of shopping and tonight we played games together. Despite the fact that we are staying in a hotel for cancer patients and I am awaiting my first chemo treatment, we laughed a good deal tonight and I am glad she is here with me.


16 Feb 10 - 06:29 PM (#2841385)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Joe_F

I extracted from the Social Security Administration the last datum I need to file my tax return, and it seems the Internal Revenue Service owes me $3022.

17 Feb 10 - 06:27 AM (#2841736)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I have completed my first chemotherapy session and only 5 more to I was able to come home last night so I got to wake up next to the love of my life and THAT makes me most happy!!!! :)


PS Joe....way to go!

17 Feb 10 - 07:10 AM (#2841770)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

Today is a good day because my love is recovering well in ICU.

Well done Michelle - I'm still keeping you in my thoughts.

17 Feb 10 - 09:36 AM (#2841880)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

I'm packed and ready to head off to Drumshany's but and ben....tomorrow its Dublin!!!!!!

17 Feb 10 - 10:13 AM (#2841914)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Well done Michelle!

Yesterday was a good day because I spent the afternoon chatting and catching up with an friend and watching my gorgeous George curl up and fall asleep in her daughters arms. Today was a good day because I spent lunchtime with another friend and her daughter. All 4 kids played nicely while we chatted over coffee.

14 Apr 10 - 11:04 AM (#2886453)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

After 5 months of papers, stress, misdirection and semi-chaos, my Making Housing Affordable Loan came through permanently.
Thank you Mr. President!
2% for 5 years. 1% additional each year after 5 years to a maximum of 5.25%
Savings of almost $400/month.
Without this I would have had to sell my beautiful home.
Sorry, TruBrit. I am staying put.

14 Apr 10 - 11:38 AM (#2886479)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Midchuck

I got all the ^*^%#$$ tax returns out, a whole day early (day and a half, actually, since I had until the post office closed tomorrow).

The sun is out. (Naturally, the weekend is predicted to be miserable - but if so, I can at least concentrate on sorting and stuff that needs doing indoors.)

Kris is on vacation this week. So she can give me the undivided attention I richly deserve. Actually, she gives it to the cats, but what the heck....


14 Apr 10 - 02:45 PM (#2886604)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: katlaughing

Don't bogart those smileys, Midchuck!:-)

Sins! WHOO-HOO!!!!! Congrats! SO nice to hear it works as promised!

14 Apr 10 - 02:57 PM (#2886610)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

YAY Sins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   There's no place like home and I'm so happy for you that you get to stay in the place you love most!!!!


14 Apr 10 - 07:31 PM (#2886797)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: michaelr

...because I'm going to see Mark Knopfler in concert tonight. The show was sold out before I even heard about it, but the other day I scored a miracle ticket on Craigslist. Yay!

15 Apr 10 - 03:32 AM (#2887004)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

We got notification that our mortgage repayments have gone down by over £200 which is fantastic!

15 Apr 10 - 09:36 PM (#2887618)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Not only did I productively kick ass at work, I didn't get yelled at, neither. (I live with "chronic self-doubt, so not getting yelled at is a good day.) Also, I left for work early enough to enjoy my pipe on the drive in and even let people cut me off without my blinking an eye or raising my hear rate. AND, I found out that I will finally get a new supply of Samuel Gawith full Virginia flake after it had been unobtanium for the last, like five months! And if that wasn't enough, it finally looks like the hands of the "nuclear disaster clock" are actually moving backwards, now that we have a literate president.


15 Apr 10 - 10:16 PM (#2887632)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

It was a good day because my son's lovely new lady put some pictures of my granddaughter on Facebook.

15 Apr 10 - 10:57 PM (#2887643)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Rapparee

I'm still above ground.

16 Apr 10 - 12:04 AM (#2887666)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: open mike

for the first time in a week it did not rain,
and i was able to burn some of the brush piles.
Being surrounded by 60,000 acres of standing
dead trees since the forest fire july 2008
makes fire danger still a reality. Plus the
wind is extreme now with no trees and branches
to slow it down.

i may roast a marshmallow or a tofu hot dog
on the coals! sometimes i like to put foil-
wrapped potatoes on hot coals, too...yummmy
hash browns in the morning is the outcome!!

16 Apr 10 - 04:15 AM (#2887755)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Sandra in Sydney

today is a good day cos I attended the quarterly committee meeting of the Neighbourhood Centre where my folk club meets, which means we had one of my favourite foods as morning tea!

And I just finished the leftovers



18 May 10 - 02:17 PM (#2909348)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

refresh-- what's new and good, Petal?

For me-- Globish!


18 May 10 - 03:11 PM (#2909389)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: lefthanded guitar

Actually it happened last night, but FINALLY, after SIX YEARS of flirtin' and frustratin' each other:

House and Cuddy kissed.


18 May 10 - 04:07 PM (#2909432)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: LilyFestre

Today is a good day because I AM HOME with my honey!!!!

I had my 5th chemo treatment yesterday. They got the port needle in on the first try. My platelet count went up to 200 all by itself after having dropped steadily for the last 3 the rise is a tremendous thing! Also, my CA-125 level dropped a little bit....a sign to pointing to all things good.

I've already napped in my chair with a purring kitty.

I love being home.


18 May 10 - 06:25 PM (#2909504)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Joe_F

The supermarket had both denture adhesive and denture cleanser, so I didn't have to go to the drugstore for either.

19 May 10 - 02:08 AM (#2909701)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

I've got my log in details for my course and I can get on line and crack on......yippppeeeeeeee

19 May 10 - 03:29 AM (#2909733)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Our little fella turns 3 today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Happy Birthday Harry!!!

19 May 10 - 10:28 AM (#2909905)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

My birthday began like fireworks-- one lovely surprise after another, the slow launching at the start of the display with sparkles floating down.


19 May 10 - 04:20 PM (#2910104)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Joe_F

The Revels pub sing is tonight.

19 May 10 - 04:54 PM (#2910130)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

We got back from the first trip out with our trailer and everything works OK. That overnight trip was to visit friends up country and I found out that I had a lot in common with Molly, while Kendall and Dave had fun fixing some stuff on the trailer and shooting.

A picking session this morning and the chance to sing finished the visit off well. On a cold, wet day we got home and sat watching two new episodes of Law and Order, being quite idle.

What a great day!

19 May 10 - 05:00 PM (#2910133)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......

Dave and Molly Mallett????
Damn you keep good company.

19 May 10 - 05:12 PM (#2910144)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

Nah - Dave and Molly McDonald - lovely people.

19 May 10 - 08:49 PM (#2910278)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

The birthday eventually traveled far into the next county, where Hardi blew my mind totally with a GREAT prezzie and a lovely dinner before a lazy ride home thru glorious sun-painted orange hillsides.

Next, a long-awaited campfire, where I will miss you all, esp the curmudgeons among you-- and you know who you are.


20 May 10 - 09:03 AM (#2910503)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Becca72

Today is a good day because I'm going out to dinner tonight with 2 very good friends.

20 May 10 - 09:30 AM (#2910524)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Donuel

I can mow the lawn today. My youngest is sick but only enough to stay home and play Little Big Planet. I hope to finish detailing the car today and the Museum of Paris heist went off without a hitch.
I went to see Pat Methany last night and made a nice recording of his 10 part one man band.

20 May 10 - 01:18 PM (#2910673)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

Because the birthday is still erupting!


21 May 10 - 10:29 AM (#2911263)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Cuilionn

It's a beautiful rain-washed, sun-blessed morning. The bees are just waking up in their new hive and starting to venture out to the orchard trees. I was up while the dew was still heavy, scything the grass and some over-enthusiastic brambles in the orchard. The smooth wood and swinging blade of the scythe made me feel honest and strong and humble and good. (In times of ocean-spilled oil, these well-designed human-powered tools are a great comfort.)

There are new chicks in the brooder box in the barn, feathering out nicely and hopping and chirruping about. Outside the open door, I hear two sleepy sunbathing hens, grumbling peacefully to themselves. The cows are in their new paddock, knee-high in grass and clover. Piglets are out at the edge of the woods in their "summer place," happily gobbling up the organic veggie scraps and day-old doughnuts we get from a local restaurant.

Outside the realm of livestock, the swallowtail butterflies are coming out. Yesterday I saw at least seven of them, swooping and fluttering about. Songbirds are calling to each other and crickets are chirping their own wee songs. Above it all, the trees have mostly leafed out, providing dappled shade to match the warming sun.

Time to go play in the dirt!


21 May 10 - 10:39 AM (#2911267)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

A surprise pee-yourself-painful bladder infection was zapped quickly last night by hubby's cran juice and the great doc I just learned is "back" in my area;
+ I just competed a season's worth of web-work to the point where the pgs in dev go to someone ELSE's inbox till Fall;
+ I gathered items upstairs for a "quick" (long drive!) couples' fling in Harrisburg; the dogs are sunning themselves in the secore kennel out back; ......
= It's all good, and TBTG I have a 36-hr block of time cleared with mah HONEH!


21 May 10 - 11:21 AM (#2911301)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Catherine Jayne

Today is a good day because I have had a lovely day with my 3 beautiful angels in glorious sunshine. Roll on the weekend for more wonderful family time.

21 May 10 - 02:15 PM (#2911409)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

We went to Bath (Maine) today to visit the replica of the Bounty, had lunch at a good restaurant - The Taste Of Maine (recommended to anyone in that neck of the woods) - came back and took the dog to the beach, picking up lobster for dinner on the way back.

Lots of sunshine. Life is definitely VERY good.

22 May 10 - 10:55 AM (#2911953)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: Diva

Weather is glorious, the sky is the right shade of blue and I have just deciphered a very strange name on an OPR by a very roundabout way and it worked!!!

22 May 10 - 12:02 PM (#2911988)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: VirginiaTam

I have been able to walk long distances and do lots of physical work lately without too much pain. Guess the methotrexate has the rheumatoid arthritis backed into a corner.

22 May 10 - 12:38 PM (#2912005)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: jacqui.c

I spoke to both my kids on the phone today.

Also spoke to my granddaughter for the first time in ages.

My daughter managed to sell 20 Puffles that I had crocheted for two pounds fifty pence each. My grandson won the penalty shoot out at his school fete, against a number of older kids.

I got a load of bargains at yard sales.

A very good day.

23 May 10 - 12:10 PM (#2912544)
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
From: wysiwyg

because... by mulitasking thoughtfully:

  • We were able to attempt (and do well,) and to enjoy a *quick hop* (3 hours each way) AWAY and back, sandwiched into a way-busy work schedule on a 30-hour pass. Bodes well for future Hardi-respites. My new scooter works well around H'burg's riverfront from the *pied a terre* we occasionally can use (which we restocked). New (free) city-parking options were also discovered.

  • One fun stop along the way netted me two hanging baskets (impatiens) to set, instead, into the two plant stands I just nabbed for the back porch.

  • A number of next-time options were duly noted.

  • I even made it to the Y pool before my legs exploded, and still had one guest pass left. They at Hardi into the pool surround to hang out with me and snap away-- can't wait to see pix from all of the above.

  • ~Susan

    23 May 10 - 07:58 PM (#2912799)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Leadfingers


    24 May 10 - 12:23 PM (#2913194)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: katlaughing

    Because, while waiting for me to take him to school this morning, Morgan the Grandson, looked across the room at me and said, "Mama, when I am school and I think about you...I miss you." What a darlin'!

    24 May 10 - 02:00 PM (#2913263)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST

    I'm trying to think of something for today, but I woke up with a head cold and I'm having a hard time not feeling sorry for myself. :-(

    24 May 10 - 03:46 PM (#2913333)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST,Becca72

    Above was me. It seems to top it all off someone stole my cookie...

    24 May 10 - 04:06 PM (#2913347)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    After many failed attempts, I engineered a way to keep my desk glasses from slipping down my nose.

    24 May 10 - 04:35 PM (#2913364)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Desert Dancer

    - Just back from May Madness dance weekend: great music and dancing, and so good to see old friends.
    - Feet don't hurt!
    - Came home to find we got into Harvest Moon dance weekend this fall.
    - Last but definitely not least: start a new job today - don't have to move, or deal with a huge job search, etc., etc. and finally begin spending half time with my husband (the other half is 500 hundred miles away with my son).

    ~ Becky in Long Beach

    22 Jun 10 - 07:26 PM (#2932925)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: jacqui.c

    I got these photos from my daughter on vacation in Florida.

    She actually sent them a couple of days ago, but I had to get her permission to post them.

    23 Jun 10 - 10:29 AM (#2933254)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: LilyFestre

    Today is a good day because I woke up to baby smiles. Jeremiah was all giggly and smiley this morning....telling me stories, talking to me (he loves to say aaahhhh geeee in the sweetest little voice I've ever heard in my life and will answer back if I say it too and just SMILE SMILE SMILE).

    *big contented sigh* Waking up to baby smiles is one of THE BEST things EVER!!!!!!!


    17 Jul 10 - 03:06 PM (#2946824)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: LilyFestre

    Today is a GREAT day because Veronica gave birth to a baby boy!!!!   I'm a nana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   


    17 Jul 10 - 04:48 PM (#2946870)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Catherine Jayne

    Congratulations Michelle and to Veronica!!

    17 Jul 10 - 06:29 PM (#2946903)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: wysiwyg

    Waiddaminnit! She isn't due for another 4 years! How could this have happened?

    Don't forget the rose for the bap font, grannie.


    18 Jul 10 - 02:45 AM (#2947011)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Sandra in Sydney

    nana & (slightly) new mother both at once!

    there are babies everywhere, uncle & nephew can grow up together.

    congratulation to all.


    Susan, you weren't wishing Veronica a 4-year pregnancy, were you! I've heard one or 2 mothers say 9 months was far too long.

    18 Jul 10 - 11:14 AM (#2947118)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    of the MIT chantey sing, dinner at Mary Chung's, and a heavy date.

    18 Jul 10 - 11:51 AM (#2947132)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Catherine Jayne

    I ran the Race for Life 5km in Hyde Park today completing it in 23 mintues and raising money for Cancer Research Uk. Had a fantastic time!

    18 Jul 10 - 03:09 PM (#2947210)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: romanyman

    For the first time in ages, since my breakdown, i dont feel like ending it all.

    18 Jul 10 - 03:52 PM (#2947229)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: wysiwyg

    Goodonya for hanging in there!


    18 Jul 10 - 09:41 PM (#2947397)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: ranger1

    I got to spend time with my favorite cousins on my dad's side of the family, with whom I share my love of folk music.

    31 Jul 10 - 02:26 PM (#2955812)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: jacqui.c

    today is a good day because I got this Facebook message from my son's lovely lady, who was talking to my seven year old granddaughter, who I haven't seen since Christmas.

    I have just asked Amy what she was looking forward to most when she goes to America.... I thought she might say "going to the beach,shopping etc" but she said...Ummm seeing nanny !!! awh xx

    31 Jul 10 - 06:48 PM (#2955922)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    I made a little progress on a very silly project: To rewrite the definitions in Quine's _Mathematical Logic_ as Elisp programs, and thereby, eventually, to write out "1+1=2" in his canonical language (nothing but "is a member of", "nor", and parentheses), which he says "would run to a length of many pages".

    01 Aug 10 - 02:05 PM (#2956206)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: gnu

    jac.... awwwwwwwwww

    01 Aug 10 - 03:08 PM (#2956242)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Arthur_itus

    my family are in Amsterdam, and I have had the telly to myself, no whinging, arguing or fighting. Just peace and quite.

    I have so far been able to see England beat Pakistan in the cricket test match, Fomula 1 Grand Pricks, Arsenal against Celtic, World Speedway Final, Athletics European Championships, and will finish up watching the final of the Football in Portugal where Benfica play Aston Villa.

    On top of that I have made my own breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (with a nice bottle of wine all to myself)

    Vacumed the house, done the shopping, Emptied the dishwasher and loaded and done a new wash.

    I even managed to get a 30 minute kip.

    Oh almost forgot, I did manage a shower etc.

    It has been wonderful :-)

    Having said all that, I do miss em. :-)

    01 Aug 10 - 07:05 PM (#2956362)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: LilyFestre

    Today is a good day because I got to sleep in and wake up when *I* was ready to get up, I finished a good book, spent a leisurely morning with my family and we took Jeremiah to our favorite local park.....his first visit! We had a picnic, did some people watching and checked out the water.

    :) Michelle

    02 Aug 10 - 08:23 AM (#2956618)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Catherine Jayne

    I got the job I went to the interview for last week. I was in the gym when I got the call so had to phone back. It's made may day!

    02 Aug 10 - 08:22 PM (#2957053)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    I saw another chipmunk.

    02 Aug 10 - 08:49 PM (#2957065)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: LilyFestre

    Today is a good day because I had to go in search of the next size of clothes for Jeremiah which means he is growing and he's healthy!!!


    PS....AND we are having fresh corn on the cob from the garden for dinner!

    24 Aug 10 - 02:50 PM (#2971936)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: katlaughing

    I had a six month check-up with the kidney specialist, today, who is very happy with my coming back from the "brink" so to speak (protein blood level went from 5.8 to 1.8 which is vast improvement!) I've lost ten pounds since he saw me last and still losing, plus exercising on a consistent basis which he says will help bring down the protein levels in my bloodwork even more which is GOOD for my kidneys! So, I am to do more of the same and I am giving thanks!! Plus the itching I've been having is probably due to the calcium supplement, NOT the kidneys, so I will stop taking that and hope to feel more relief!

    For a day which started out with someone killing a cat with their car in front of our house, this one, for me, is turning out pretty good. (Said some blessings for the poor kitty.)

    24 Aug 10 - 05:15 PM (#2972056)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: jacqui.c

    Good for you Kat - so glad that things are going so well.

    24 Aug 10 - 07:10 PM (#2972141)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: ranger1

    I got to spend the day with a really great kid. Thanks for sharing the grandson, Jacqui!

    24 Aug 10 - 11:10 PM (#2972233)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: katlaughing

    Thanks, Jacqui, from me, too.:-)

    25 Aug 10 - 08:31 AM (#2972470)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST,Patsy

    I got paid today.

    25 Aug 10 - 09:02 AM (#2972491)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: olddude

    Become some fool hasn't started another religious thread so far today

    25 Aug 10 - 09:18 AM (#2972500)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST,Patsy

    >Become some fool hasn't started another religious thread so far today<


    25 Aug 10 - 02:14 PM (#2972683)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: jacqui.c

    Because I have my whole family in Maine for a week.

    25 Aug 10 - 08:52 PM (#2972935)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe Offer

    [Because] some fool hasn't started another religious thread so far today

    You spoke too soon. Richard Bridge started this one. Ever notice how all the religion threads at Mudcat, are started by people who hate religion?
    Those of us who are religious, would rather not impose our religion on others.

    -Joe Offer-

    25 Aug 10 - 10:08 PM (#2972969)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: ranger1

    I got to enjoy a rainy day in the comfort of my living room, parked in front of the TV playing video games with a dog keeping my feet warm.

    25 Aug 10 - 10:17 PM (#2972973)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    I am sleepy & am planning to go to bed as soon as I finish with the Internet.

    26 Aug 10 - 12:55 AM (#2973010)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe Offer

    Well, today turned out to be a good day because I made a terrific salad for dinner that has pasta shells, ham, peas, carrots, celery, mayonnaise & spices, Parmesan cheese, and a secret ingredient - wasabi.
    Ah, it was delicious on a hot day.


    26 Aug 10 - 09:48 AM (#2973203)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST,Patsy

    Today is a good day because my hippie best friend is coming to visit me in Bristol from the Isle of Wight. We have been great friends for 16 years + and when he comes over we go out on his motorbike, we don't plan where we are going so it is quite an adventure.

    Not so good for my sons they worry.

    26 Aug 10 - 06:19 PM (#2973563)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: Joe_F

    Somebody I thought I had driven away asked me for another date.

    27 Aug 10 - 06:43 AM (#2973858)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: GUEST,Patsy

    The sun is shining and he is on his way.

    16 Jul 11 - 01:34 PM (#3188848)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: ranger1

    I have my favorite nephew for five days and one of the first things he wanted to do was go to a bookstore. The book he wanted isn't out in paperback yet (although I would have bought him the hardcover), but he found two others he thinks he might like. I am very proud of him, he loves to read even though he has severe dyslexia and it takes him a long time to read a book.

    19 Apr 13 - 07:16 PM (#3505980)
    Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
    From: ranger1

    - The sun came for a little while.

    - I had a great chat with a young park visitor about our osprey and the forest ecosystem.

    - When I put the battery back in the park utility vehicle after having sat for the winter, it immediately started on the first try.