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BS: Why you like Kerry???

16 Sep 04 - 07:35 PM (#1273618)
Subject: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Bobert

What do you like about Senator Kerry?

Please answer directly without the usual partisanship...


16 Sep 04 - 07:42 PM (#1273629)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Peace

For starters--

"He also sponsored a bill to commit $100 million yearly to a fund to fight the spread of AIDS in Africa. National Journal analyzed Kerry's 2000-2004 voting record and deemed him to be the single most liberal meber of the US Senate (based on his voting record)."

from the web

16 Sep 04 - 07:42 PM (#1273630)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


16 Sep 04 - 08:09 PM (#1273651)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Alaska Mike

I personally do not like Kerry. I would have much preferred Kucinich, Braun or Dean, but the "liberal" news media ran those candidates off before I even had a chance to register my preferences. I will vote for Kerry despite his lack luster record in the Senate. I will vote for Kerry despite his apparent inability to thrill me with passion for the political process. The reason I will vote for Kerry is that he is the only viable candidate that might possibly stand a chance of ending the dictatorial reign of the Shrub and his band of hedgehogs.


16 Sep 04 - 08:22 PM (#1273661)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: lucky_p

And I will vote for Kerry my hand is not physically able to move to the right. Seriously, though, I'm voting for him because I do believe that the have-nots, the common man/woman, the creative and/or struggling artist, the new immigrant, and any other group or individual other than white, rich, gentry; has a better chance in for piece of the pie in the U.S. under Kerry and Edwards than under Bush and Cheney.

Mr. Bush is interested in only one thing: himself, or people like himself, and his rich friends. Not only that, his appears to have zero humility, zero self-awareness/insight, incapable of introspection, incapable of seeing life in shades of gray (i.e., it's either black or white to him; you're with me or you're against me, etc.). In short, he strikes me as an egocentric, smug, insular rich kid without an ounce of empathy.

That is why I am voting for Kerry.

16 Sep 04 - 10:43 PM (#1273682)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Nerd

Kerry has worked very hard on the environment and has the endorsement of all the major environmental groups. He has a 97% voting record on environmental issues.

Kerry is also better at understanding and expressing the nuances of a situation, where Bush goes for Good/Evil, With us/Against us, Support the War/Hate America dichotomies.

Kerry will do a much better job of taking expert advice. Bush takes it a sign of weakness to admit that he is not the world's expert on everything. He thinks out in advance what would be the best policy for him and his millionaire supporters, then suppresses or marginalizes any scientific data that show his policy to be wrong. He has done this on every issue, from energy to agriculture to the war. Kerry will listen to the experts.

I also believe Kerry will provide adequate support for the military, quite probably better than Bush's. Bush's record of NOT supporting our defense, and especially our veterans, is a matter of record. Once veterans have no good benefits, it's only a matter of time before our all-volunteer military is choked of new recruits.

I believe Bush would let Social Security die, and that Alan Greenspan has already paved the way by disingenuously claiming that "Our economy" would no longer be able to support our older Americans. I believe Kerry would do his best to save Social Security.

I believe Kerry would continue to protect ANWR and other wilderness areas, while facilitating switching us to alternative energy sources. Bush on the other hand would do his utmost to rape the environment for oil, even though drilling in America is a band-aid on a massive headwound. He has to to pay back his oil company friends. It's not about whether we need the oil, but about who gets rich from drilling for it.

I think Kerry will be much better at getting other world leaders to join us in the fight against global terrorism.

I think Kerry will be much better on education as well. Indeed, one could hardly be worse than an underfunded NCLB.

I believe Kerry will do a lot to temper the increasingly fascist tone of American government, with the FBI looking into our library records and people forced to sign loyalty oaths in order to approach a candidate's supposedly public forum.

Finally, I believe the world will be much safer with John Kerry as president.

16 Sep 04 - 11:25 PM (#1273704)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Ron Davies

Hey Mike--

That's unfair-there's nothing wrong with hedgehogs, and they're having enough problems in the UK without Americans coming out against them.

Maybe you could substitute "maggots".

16 Sep 04 - 11:54 PM (#1273720)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: katlaughing

What Nerd said and then some!

17 Sep 04 - 12:33 AM (#1273731)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Little Hawk

I can't get excited enough about Kerry to decide whether or not I like him...

17 Sep 04 - 12:33 AM (#1273732)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: mack/misophist

Why? Because bush is the anti-Christ. Kerry needs nothing more than to be electable to be preferred over bush.

17 Sep 04 - 12:42 AM (#1273737)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: LadyJean

if kerry is elected president, Bush will go home to Texas, and trouble us no more.
I wish Dean had gotten the nomination. I wish Kerry would pick up some of Dean's passion. Of course Mrs. Kerry has enough for both of them.
That she is connected with the Heinz family doesn't hurt much. H.J Heinz got captitalism right, a rare thing indeed. He made a good product, he treated his employees well, and he would up filthy rich. Pittsburghers aren't to crazy about Andrew Carnegie, despite his gifts to the city. We spit on the grave of Henry Clay Frick. But H.J. Heinz memory is revered. OK, we call Heinz Field pickle park. But we think well of them.

17 Sep 04 - 08:51 AM (#1274004)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Jim Dixon

I don't understand the original question. How can one seriously support either candidate without being partisan?

I understand "partisan" to mean "supporting one party over another" and "non-partisan" to mean "having no preference among political parties."

I suppose you could say you were non-partisan if your reason for liking a certain candidate had nothing to do with what what party he belonged to. Say, for example, you liked him solely because he is a military hero or because he can speak Spanish.

I'm afraid ALL my reasons for supporting Kerry are partisan ones.

17 Sep 04 - 08:54 AM (#1274006)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Alaska Mike

Ron, you are correct. I should have thought before maligning the good name of hedgehog. I offer my sincere apologies.


17 Sep 04 - 08:56 AM (#1274009)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Paco Rabanne

He's gorgeous!

17 Sep 04 - 11:16 AM (#1274119)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Bill D

I see Kerry as a thinking man, willing to constantly re-evaluate an issue and listen to new ideas, rather than pegging a position to the wall and holding to it like grim death......This is the attitude that detractors jump on and gleefully call "flip-flopping". I don't think Kerry's basic feeling about the needs of the country have changed, only his evaluation of what is required to achieve them under various conditions. I only wish he were more able to clearly say this about himself.

(needless to say, I see Bush as "set in concrete" as to his ways of dealing with things....the choice, for me, is easy)

17 Sep 04 - 06:04 PM (#1274507)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: GUEST,Boab

I'm not American, but in these mad-dog days we're all entitled to worry. I DON'T like Kerry, but he at least has the merit that he hasn't done a great deal of harm---so far.

17 Sep 04 - 07:13 PM (#1274560)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Chris Green

Bit of a rock and a hard place. As an English catter I can't really see that much difference between them except that Kerry appears to be more capable of stringing a sentence together. However, since we now live the age of the soundbite, maybe that's actually a handicap!

17 Sep 04 - 07:29 PM (#1274580)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: pdq

BS: Why you like Kerry???
BS: Strange sexual practices

17 Sep 04 - 07:38 PM (#1274594)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Uncle_DaveO

Because he's not Bush.

Dave Oesterreich

17 Sep 04 - 07:41 PM (#1274600)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Chris Green

Disregarding my flip answer above, that's precisely why.

17 Sep 04 - 11:33 PM (#1274728)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Once Famous

I like Kerry because he makes me think of Herman Munster.

Otherwise, he sucks.

He does more flip flops than a hamburger on a grill.

18 Sep 04 - 06:18 AM (#1274837)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: lucky_p

Martin, you are of course entitled to your opinion. But similar to your thinking on the Pete Seeger thread, your kind of thinking, it seems to me, is unrealistic, counterproductive, and most importantly, harsh and unforgiving. Your approach, it seems to me, would suggest that the preeminent concern is always results, that nothing seems to matter except results, whether it be technical quality of musicianship or definitive decisions; and the process, the context, the history, the impact, what it might portend, indeed multi-dimensional possibities including any self-doubt, are not considered. The truth is that the process of living involves continual reconsideration of decisions, continual change and (hopefully) growth. The truth is that the world is not black and white, not right or wrong, but always shades of grey; and that real life is in fact a continual process of re-evaluation, mistakes, corrections, risks, trial and error, etc.

I believe that with your eyes on the prize with a heart full of empathy and compassion, especially for the weakest among us, we'll get there. John Kerry and Pete Seeger are very different people, but, more or less, that is their approach. And that is the approach to which I subscribe.

18 Sep 04 - 10:06 AM (#1274915)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Nerd

Also, the "flip-flop" thing is a label stuck to Kerry by Bush, who has also done many flip-flops in his career. It's just a knee-jerk, empty thing to say.

And by-the-by, MG, that was a terrible metaphor. if you're a halfway decent griller a burger does exactly ONE flip, and no flops.

I DO however, like my burger with Munster cheese (or else a frank and a stein of beer)

Perhaps we shouldn't vote for Bush vs. Kerry, but for Alfred E. Neuman vs. Herman Munster.

18 Sep 04 - 11:25 AM (#1274963)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Amos

Kerry thinks, and speaks articulately, and cares about the impact of his decisions.

Bush reacts, speaks like a half-trained chimp (with apologies to chimps everywhere) and is willing to commit murder in consequence of looking big andimportant.


18 Sep 04 - 11:42 AM (#1274970)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: Cruiser

I dislike Kerry, but I abhor Bush.

18 Sep 04 - 11:51 AM (#1274974)
Subject: RE: BS: Why you like Kerry???
From: GUEST,Martian Gibbon

"Kerry Group today is a leader in global food ingredients and flavours markets, and a leading branded consumer foods processing and marketing organisation in selected EU markets."

Seems fine to me