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BS: Bush and Quagmire

17 Sep 04 - 09:15 PM (#1274666)
Subject: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Probably a better title would be obfuscation and Bush.

Having just watched the latest edition of NOW on PBS (admittedly edited)the interview with Richard Murphy was enlightening. A returned soldier who was riding "shotgun" for truckers for Halliburton---civilians. They are paid   $75,000 per year---he, a US soldier, $20,000. They leave when they want(and are rich enough)--he stays till released.

This is beginning to make Viet Nam look like a prelude to another slower simmering error of this administration---and one with more monetary overtones than the prior. That was fear and politics---this is dollars and oil.

We do not learn from history----go to a place that is a different culture that we do not understand and try to remake it in our image. Of course we cannot.

Frankly---LBJ's Tonkin story is minute compared to W's obfuscation that has gotten us into what is---though he loudly disclaims it---another Quagmire. One that is costing the lives of those that were supposed to defend the homeland and not be an invasion force. Oh---and help out in natural disasters like Hurricanes and such.

   What W has done (with the adequate help of Darth Vader---Cheney) is to create a war without Congressional approval under spurious conditions to, perhaps, avenge or surpass dear old dad---and protect the oil interests.   Either way innocents on both sides are dying for his arrogance and obfuscation. Wartime leader that needs to be re-elected. Sure---because of a war HE created. To steal a phrase---George you are no Roosevelt. Hell, you are not even a Truman--nor and Eisenhower---oh--the list goes on.

Bill Hahn

17 Sep 04 - 09:21 PM (#1274670)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Bobert

No, closer to a Hitler but without half the intellegence, Bill...


18 Sep 04 - 12:04 AM (#1274740)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: katlaughing

My mantra to all nowadays is "We don't need 4 MORE!"

What gets me is his campaign agenda seems to be telling what all he might do in the next four years, yet nothing of what he's done in the last four, for obvious reasons. There is no logic of WHY he should get another four to wank around some more with lives and money.

18 Sep 04 - 01:50 AM (#1274773)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Peace

Where's DougR?

18 Sep 04 - 09:22 AM (#1274903)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Alaska Mike

Doug R doesn't need to respond, brucie. The polls show a close race, but the electoral college assessments show our current president with a commanding lead over the challenger.

Those who want Bush back in for four more years need do nothing but sit and wait. If, however, you would like to see "regime change" in our country its time to find the people who are not planning on voting and CHANGE THEIR MINDS.


18 Sep 04 - 09:58 AM (#1274911)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Amos

The thing that just stuns me and boggles my mind about this whole thing is the number of people out there who are incapable of assessing the quality of the man and his administrative cronies and who do not realize what he has done to them. Even business people would do well to realize what the consequences of Bush's creation of a sharply polarized and divided nation AND WORLD have been and will be on their ability to grow and prosper.

It is true that making enemies, as Bush continues to do, does feed fuel to the military industrial complex, but that is a very vicious circle indeed, attractive to the very short-sighted.

It amazes me that someone as cavalier, murderous and illiterate as this cretin can charm half the nation. I weep for the nation.


18 Sep 04 - 01:17 PM (#1275026)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: dianavan

I hope that Americans living abroad will help get Bush out but I'm still not convinced that Kerry is a big improvement. For more information why their vote is so important, please read:

I have also heard that those who have been deployed, may have difficulty casting their ballot.

So much for a fair election.


18 Sep 04 - 01:32 PM (#1275035)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: GUEST,Martian Gibbon

As I have stated on another thread the majority of red blooded males love bush.

18 Sep 04 - 01:35 PM (#1275039)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's the main story in today's Daily Telegraph front page. (The Daily Telegraph being the main newspaper backing the Conservative Party in England. "Blair was warned" "The documents further show that the Prime Minister was advised that he would have to "wrong foot" Saddam Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war, and that British officials believed that President George W Bush merely wanted to complete his father's "unfinished business" in a "grudge match" against Saddam."

18 Sep 04 - 01:36 PM (#1275041)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: dianavan

Lets hope that there are more women than men and that not all men have such red blood - whatever that means.


18 Sep 04 - 01:39 PM (#1275046)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: GUEST,Martian Gibbon

Apologies dianavan my mistake, I thought the discussion was about a different type of bush.

19 Sep 04 - 10:13 AM (#1275532)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: GUEST,Frank

Bush has already lost the war.

"How can you ask a man to be the last man to die for Bush's mistake?"


19 Sep 04 - 11:05 AM (#1275565)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: McGrath of Harlow

"How can you ask a man to be the last man to die..."

The trouble is that logic runs headlong into the other line which is "How can we admit that all the people killed so far died in vain?" - which has always been the excuse for carrying on wars long after it's been clear they were mistakes.

"...neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on..."

19 Sep 04 - 07:35 PM (#1275962)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Lanfranc

Today I read a worrying report that, because the situation in Iraq is now considered so dangerous, no US newsman or cameraman is reporting from anywhere near where the action is taking place.

If so, the US public is being further duped. Unfortunately it is apparently all too easy, otherwise Bush's ratings would be infinitesimal.


19 Sep 04 - 08:42 PM (#1276006)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Which brings me back to the original posting I made---briefly---underpaid soldiers, overpaid contractors---it is business as usual for the Bushes, Carlyle Group, Cheney, Halliburton, etc;   All at the cost of innocent lives.

The mantra---we are fighting terrorists. The answer---we are in more danger than ever thanks to W and his cohorts. Or is it Cheney and his---who knows

A Bush rally---in the news---a mother of a dead serviceman arrested for wearing a protest T shirt at the rally.

Great cartoon about their mud slinging in today's NY Times===panel 1 shows a hurrican map with Cheney in the foreground---Hurricanes are on the way--we can defend against them. Panel 2---Hurricane map background--elect Kerry and you will get more Hurricanes.

I re-iterate--LBJ did lie about Tonkin. Compared to this fiasco (quagmire--which it is) that was a little fib. A white lie, if you will===not admirable, but surely not based on personal interests and profits.

Texas really needs W and, hopefully, he will return there in Nov.---and not on vacation to Crawford to show his macho image of clearing shrub.

Bill Hahn

19 Sep 04 - 09:12 PM (#1276026)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: Peace

Does anyone here know anything about a company named Anadarko?

Someone in Alberta mentioned the name a few days back and said that maybe Bush had something to do with it.

Anyone know for sure?

19 Sep 04 - 10:53 PM (#1276072)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Quagmire
From: katlaughing

Almost all the way down this page there's some info about Cheney and them, brucie.