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Gainsborough Folk Festival

05 Oct 04 - 08:18 AM (#1289076)
Subject: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

Well, its nearly here 15th - 17th October
Something for everyone - only a small festival but with a huge heart and one of the warmest welcomes in the country!
Who will be joining us?

05 Oct 04 - 08:43 AM (#1289102)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Beat me to it Sooz - I was going to start this thread during what I laughingly call my lunch-hour (actually 10 minutes eating and drinking at my desk while the E-Mails flood in!).

Small and intimate (Ooooooh Matron!) and loads of fun. Come on you lot out there, come and join us for a weekend of frolics and good music.

SJ :0)

05 Oct 04 - 10:49 AM (#1289217)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

I'll leave the frolicing to you SJ - I'll be well past it by then :-)

05 Oct 04 - 11:18 AM (#1289239)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Oh come on Sooz. Life wouldn't be the same without a little frollicking.......My first Gainsborough Folk Festival...something to look forward great to see JEZ LOWE and the Bad Pennies again and Bill Whaley and Dave well as mt favourite local musicians CARA. Can't wait.
Best wishes, Mike.

05 Oct 04 - 11:19 AM (#1289242)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: the fence

See you there!!!

05 Oct 04 - 01:45 PM (#1289407)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Bit slow with the answers, is nobody coming to our Festival then???

05 Oct 04 - 02:46 PM (#1289454)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Oaklet

I'm going, me.

05 Oct 04 - 03:35 PM (#1289492)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

I should hope so Oaklet, I have paid to see you performing!!!!!

05 Oct 04 - 04:00 PM (#1289507)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Oaklet

I'll see you behind the bike sheds for your refund!

05 Oct 04 - 04:47 PM (#1289540)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: BusyBee Paul

I hope to be there in body as well as heart and soul! Just need to get the body sorted a bit!.

05 Oct 04 - 08:20 PM (#1289706)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

I might go if I'm doing nowt


06 Oct 04 - 05:20 PM (#1290598)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: BusyBee Paul

Come on everyone, keep this thread going!

06 Oct 04 - 05:30 PM (#1290607)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: brid widder

Beardy & I should be there

07 Oct 04 - 02:41 AM (#1290977)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Just over a week to go...get enthusiastic everyone!!!!

08 Oct 04 - 03:45 AM (#1292068)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival


10 Oct 04 - 05:59 AM (#1293690)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Mickey Mouse in Devon

Hi all. Come now let us see...who is coming to Gainsborough for the Festival next weekend?. Best wishes to you all.

10 Oct 04 - 06:51 AM (#1293718)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Mr Red

Bugger, bugger bugger.

If I wasn't working - I would not be able to afford it. Maybe next year.

11 Oct 04 - 02:57 AM (#1294126)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

Well, only four days to go. Looking forward to big hugs with old friends we haven't seen since last year as well as big laughs with Derek Brimstone and Bill Whaley and lots of great music.

11 Oct 04 - 08:36 AM (#1294213)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

You can have big hugs if you like Sooz, but I won't be bothering. A handshake will suffice - I don't like people invading me personal space (unless I invite them to of course!) :0)

11 Oct 04 - 12:50 PM (#1294350)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Nowt wrong with a good hug with a friend...true not everyone likes hugs but it engenders a sort of closeness with the chosen ones.
I have to admit to having a big preference to the hugging of attractive women but I reckon that's normal......for a dirty old man like me!! LOL.
Best wishes.

11 Oct 04 - 01:10 PM (#1294372)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

You don't change do you Mike :-)

11 Oct 04 - 02:24 PM (#1294440)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

After all these years of being the way I am is so difficult to change.....but I like me the way I am.....Best wishes.

12 Oct 04 - 01:50 AM (#1294928)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

Good morning all British subjects :-)

Time to make your plans for this weekend, and make sure that you all come to Gainsborough. An event not to be missed.

12 Oct 04 - 03:39 AM (#1294953)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Hedgehog

Bet nobody wants to hug me.

12 Oct 04 - 03:45 AM (#1294954)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Guest Hedgehog. i have been known to hug some prickly characters in my life..why do you think you should be the exception? Best wishes.

12 Oct 04 - 05:20 AM (#1294998)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: ossonflags

Should be up on Sunday.Where is the best place for singaround and what time?

12 Oct 04 - 06:32 AM (#1295012)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

Saturday is really singaround day but there is one in The Arts Centre Bar starting at 11.30am on Sunday.

12 Oct 04 - 06:41 AM (#1295017)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: muppitz

Sorry but I am unable to attend, money and time are not freely at my disposal this weekend!

Muppitz x

12 Oct 04 - 06:58 AM (#1295021)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: ossonflags

Sooz,is that where "Cara" are playing?

Muppet, realy sorry to here that.

12 Oct 04 - 08:04 AM (#1295078)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

Yes, Cara are starting off the main concert in the Auditorium at 3pm, they will be followed by Mark Campbell and Paul Bellamy then John Conolly and finally Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher.

12 Oct 04 - 08:14 AM (#1295091)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: muppett

that wasn't me it's someone called Muppitz.
I won't be there though either, up at the Globe bash at Gisbro and possibly in Whitby on Sunday.

12 Oct 04 - 10:34 AM (#1295204)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: ossonflags

There can't be two Muppett's !!!!!

12 Oct 04 - 10:44 AM (#1295214)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: muppett


12 Oct 04 - 02:23 PM (#1295383)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,lady aelfleda

Is there somewhere for me & my camper van please?

12 Oct 04 - 07:21 PM (#1295616)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Yes there will be somewhere for you with your camper van...suggest you pm Sooz to establish exactly where. Best wishes.

13 Oct 04 - 02:51 AM (#1295901)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

Camper vans at Richmond Park (Opposite the police station)

13 Oct 04 - 03:46 AM (#1295921)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Thanks Sue and if anyone has difficulty finding it please ask anyone locally (especially if they have a Gainsborough Folk Festival T/shirt on) and you will get directions. Best wishes.

13 Oct 04 - 12:04 PM (#1296234)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Two days to refresh!. Best wishes.

13 Oct 04 - 03:29 PM (#1296294)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

How many times did it get mentioned on Radio Lincolnshire tonight?


13 Oct 04 - 03:36 PM (#1296304)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

A couple.
I was more concerned with my celestial presence!

13 Oct 04 - 03:43 PM (#1296312)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

A couple

More like ten times

13 Oct 04 - 04:36 PM (#1296344)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Travelling Audience

We have now booked for the week-end....Looking forwards. Remember Ian from Mexborough..he will be here as well.

13 Oct 04 - 06:26 PM (#1296434)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver


13 Oct 04 - 07:53 PM (#1296486)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Lonesome red

I'm coming to see jez lowe. Never seen him before, but i have been to the festival before.

14 Oct 04 - 03:05 AM (#1296685)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

A warm welcome guaranteed! And a hug if you approach the right committee member :-)

14 Oct 04 - 05:30 AM (#1296740)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

If you are a catter please don't forget to ask around for others...will always be pleased to meet.
Best wishes, Mike.

14 Oct 04 - 09:55 AM (#1296879)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: MoorleyMan

It's going to be a good weekend - specially as it starts in style with the Festival Folk Club in the Old Hall Friday evening. I'll be there, throat willing (unaccompanied of course, not yet sure which time slot - but still looking forward to joining my voice to the famous Gainsboro chorus again). So good friends Sooz, Mike, Mike, TA, Johnny and all, see you there!

14 Oct 04 - 10:48 AM (#1296918)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

The fog has gone (washed away by the rain) and there is a glimmer of brightness in the sky. Fingers crossed for a dry and sunny Saturday or the pubs could be over-run with soggy morris men.
Off now to get mentally prepared for the Song Competition tonight. (Wish we didn't have to drive to Spilsby)

14 Oct 04 - 11:13 AM (#1296939)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Sorry Sooz, would have taken you both but for that I am taking Pauline and Geoff and Mo.....and John B is not coming.....
Best wishes.

14 Oct 04 - 12:02 PM (#1296955)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

The weather has improved dramatically over the last hour or so.
Now they want me to do a radio interview before we leave (about 5.30 if you want to hear them taking the mickey out of me)

14 Oct 04 - 12:45 PM (#1296989)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: MoorleyMan

Best of luck with tonight Sooz - I'm rootin' for ya!
Do put the result up on the thread tomorrow if you can.

15 Oct 04 - 12:25 AM (#1297531)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Starts today!!!!

15 Oct 04 - 06:20 AM (#1297683)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

Just got to get through this day at the chalk-face before we can get stuck in! I'm sure we are going to mave a great weekend.
Thanks for the good wishes for last night Martin, but we were well outclassed this year! (No way they were going to let us win two years running) We had a great time though and the festival got mentioned a few times as well.
See you later

15 Oct 04 - 06:46 AM (#1297693)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: muppitz

There aren't 2 muppett's, I have a distinctive 'I' and a 'Z', I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder, honest!

So Muppett, you be the one true "Muppett", and I will be the one true "Muppitz"!!!!!

MuppItZ x

15 Oct 04 - 07:47 AM (#1297724)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: muppett

To one true Muppitz

Nay I didn't think you would, any road I've no thunder to steal

See yer around sometime appen

16 Oct 04 - 11:06 AM (#1298416)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,Chorus girl

Well so far so good. Enjoyed last night at the Old Hall and Eight Jolly Brewers. Looking forward to concert tonight.

16 Oct 04 - 02:20 PM (#1298537)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

I've had five hugs so far (including Strollin' Johnny)


16 Oct 04 - 08:29 PM (#1298723)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Banjo-flower...who are you??
Tonights concert was so gooooooooooooodddddd!!!!! Back again tomorrow for another fix.
Best wishes, Mike.

17 Oct 04 - 03:09 AM (#1298851)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

I've had eight mudcat hugs plus a few strays (non-catters).
Yesterday was indeed fairly amazing!
Jez just gets better and the contrast with Cockersdale made them both stand out. Brimmo was hilarious and that Julie Ellison is simply brilliant. What a concert.
More to come today though, although at a steadier pace! This afternoon the main concert has Cara, Mark Campbell and Paul Bellamy, John Conolly and Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher. Come along and join us (3pm)

17 Oct 04 - 03:10 AM (#1298853)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

GS - he's a banjo-player, and a jolly nice chap. You'da met him at the Ceilidh if you'da bin there!! They seek hime here, they seek him there..............................!! :0)

Great Festival Folk Club in the magnificent surroundings of the Old Hall (15th Century Manor-House/Moot Hall). Excellent concerts there yesterday, and at the Trinity Arts Centre last evening. Stars? Too many to mention them all but I was personally blown away by Julie Ellison (gob-smacking guitar and beautiful, beautiful vocals) and Skatz (Stylish energetic performances of finely crafted self-penned songs - 'The Elephant Man' being typical - humorous, perceptive and Music-Hall in character, but at the same time compassionate and moving).

It's been a magic festival so far - looking forward to anothe great final day.

SJ :0)

(And the 'Poacher' is eminently truggable).

17 Oct 04 - 03:48 AM (#1298871)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Mrs. Johnny trugged her fair share last night and she's confirmed my view of 'Poacher' this morning. LOL!

17 Oct 04 - 04:04 AM (#1298875)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

Hi Georgiansilver I should be at the session at the Trinity Arts Centre at lunchtime if you want a hug look for the banjo with the flowers


17 Oct 04 - 04:16 AM (#1298878)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

Its unfortunate that I can't attend today (Sunday)

I have to compliment the Gainsborough Folk Club for putting on such an excellent event. All too often, the work required in the background to make such an event succesful goes unoticed. I won't mention names, but those that contributed will know who they ara and deserve a gold star.

I support the comments made by Mrs Sooze and Strollin' Johnny.

I particularly enjoyed the Friday evening Floorspot event in the Great Hall, even if I was pulling pints all night hic, hic, hic.

The same can be said for the afternoon concert yesterday where Bob Cleveland did an excellent job of Mc'ing the event and singing such lovely songs with excellent guitar backing by Ernie Geddes - Well done Bob.
What can you say about Brian Dawson and Bill Meek and John Conolly that hasn't already been said before.
Thoroughly enjoyable concert.

Last night was first class and I re-iterate the comments made by Sooz and SJ. If I had to pick out a song from last night that I enjoyed the most, it would be very difficult, because I enjoyed them all.

However, I can't resist making a comment about one song in particular.
It was "Greek Lightning" sung by Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies. It was awesome and sung and played with such feel. Beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaauuuuuutiful.

17 Oct 04 - 05:46 AM (#1298901)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Of all Jez Lowes' songs..."Durham Jail" does it for me...It has everything...great words..great tune and a magical overall sound.
Looking forward to todays concerts...the main one particularly. Be sad to see it all end tonight has to go on....Keep music live!!! as Travelling Audience say.
Best wishes.

17 Oct 04 - 04:05 PM (#1299194)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

How did it go today. I got itchy feet wishing I was there.

Ah well, I suppose family must come first :-)

17 Oct 04 - 04:52 PM (#1299212)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: the fence

Had a fantastic time, many thanks to all the organisers who gave their time and made it a super weekend. Fantastic atmosphere!!!

17 Oct 04 - 05:27 PM (#1299228)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Travelling Audience

Another brilliant Gainsborough Festival. Cannot single anyone out 'cos they were all so excellent. Both The Old Hall and The Trinity Arts Centre makes for a great atmosphere. Well done Sooz & Co. for a great week-end.
Keep music live...TA

17 Oct 04 - 05:44 PM (#1299237)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Mr and Mrs Sooz. Thanks in so many ways for a great Festival...without you it would never have happened I'm sure.
Thanks on a personal level also for singing "that song" at the survivors gathering. Best wishes, Mike.

18 Oct 04 - 02:46 AM (#1299473)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Gaucho

Listen Guys, what can I say? I just had a cracking day on Saturday.
Workshops were great. Julie's on guitar was really helpful and more than enough tips and exercises to keep me going for the rest of me days! The singing workshop with Cockerdale was great. Lots of rounds and harmony rendition of Roll on the Day at the end blew my socks off (well I have been wearing them for a week).

And songwriting with Jez in the vestry. Again helpful and delivered with real humility from one of the country's leading word and tunesmiths, in my view.

Real pleasure to be there and that's without the concerts. I loved Bill Meek's sense of humour. His performance with John Connolly was one of my highlights. Also Julie, Derek Brimstone and Jez and the Bad Pennies all fantastic. Thanks to all the organisers and stewards, I'm still on cloud nine! I just need a month or two to let it all distil. Thanks to you all for the welcome and hard work.

And also to villain for the push that got the yellowbellies project going. Got the CD and am really enjoying that too.

18 Oct 04 - 04:47 AM (#1299535)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: BusyBee Paul

Hi All,

Great weekend even if I did flag at the end!. Feeling better this morning if anyone is interested but sorry to miss out on the Survivors Folk Club!

18 Oct 04 - 05:04 AM (#1299544)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Didn't even realise you weren't well until you suddenly weren't there.
Hope you are feeling much better now.
Best wishes, Mike.

18 Oct 04 - 06:56 AM (#1299578)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Still alive, if bruised, battered and exhausted!
A fantastic weekend all round. Wonderful contributions (some way above and beyond the call of duty) from the vast majority of the artists, a fine crowd of listeners and sing-arounders, and a small but perfectly formed group of organisers/helpers who sometimes moved not only Heaven, but Earth too, in order to keep everything running smoothly and on time.

Thanks to Sooz and Mr. Sooz for their hard work - their computer's worn to a frazzle with e-mailing, producing leaflets, flyers, programmes etc., and Mr. Sooz's new super-duper camera earned it's expensive price-ticket big-style! :0)

High-spots for me were the brilliant and incredibly hard-working Skatz and his pal (who played non-stop for an hour and forty minutes when the next artists couldn't be bothered to organise themselves to turn up on time), 'Sensible Shoes' who drove me insensible with their stunning, soaring harmonies and dry wit, Julie Ellison who is the finest female guitarist in Britain if not the world, a great singer and a lovely lady, and everyone who played in the main concert on Sunday - Cara, Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher and the great man, John Connolly. Huge talents of which we Yellowbellies are rightly very very proud.

18 Oct 04 - 07:14 AM (#1299595)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

SJ You forgot to mention Mark Campbell and Paul Bellamy from yesterday! They were excellent as well.
I echo your comments about Skatz - he will be back!
Glad you are feeling better this morning Paul (I saw you eating the salted peanuts at lunchtime) Have you sorted out the keys?
My Mudcat hug-count went up to eleven yesterday:-) Lost count of the strays though.
Thanks to everyone for their lovely comments - Mike and I still have a warm glow which should keep us going for a few weeks.
Must get on with next year's festival...........

18 Oct 04 - 07:23 AM (#1299599)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Sorry Mark & Paul - yep, you were up there with the stars too! I was typing fast at work and my brain went out of cog for a minute or two!

18 Oct 04 - 07:56 AM (#1299616)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

Is that like "out of wad" or is there a subtle difference:-)

18 Oct 04 - 08:40 AM (#1299646)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Same thing Sooz - out of gear/out of line. To quote another mudcatter and one of 'Ull's finest sons - it was rubbish (temporarily).

SJ :0)

18 Oct 04 - 08:43 AM (#1299649)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Will there be Piccies posted on the 'Cat Sooz?

18 Oct 04 - 10:07 AM (#1299718)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

Funny you should say that SJ, I've just prepared them to send off!

18 Oct 04 - 12:30 PM (#1299776)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Hoorah! Can't wait!

18 Oct 04 - 01:08 PM (#1299823)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Tutti Flutey

Enjoyed the festival, even though I was a little under the weather so to speak. Roll on next year.

18 Oct 04 - 04:46 PM (#1300002)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: BusyBee Paul

Hi Sooz,

Wasn't salted nuts but dry roasted ones!. There is a difference. Keys back with Molly, today's ultrasound scan confirmed the gall stones, now waiting for Thursday's camera down the throat tests to see what else is out of cog, wad, synch etc.


Thanks for your concern, it is appreciated.


18 Oct 04 - 06:55 PM (#1300104)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

An absolute pleasure my dear....I was worried about you. A few pulls and wrenches here and there and hopefully you will be as good as new.
Best wishes, Mike

18 Oct 04 - 07:17 PM (#1300122)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Had a nice time at my first Gainsborough but hopefully not the last. Can't say much about t'other concerts tho' Sunday was great. Sing a round specially in't White Hart were fab hope to se some of you a Sheffiels but me and me painted nail will be back if you want me.

18 Oct 04 - 07:46 PM (#1300159)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: John Robinson (aka Cittern)

A belated thank you to Sooz and Mr Sooz for such a warm welcome for the second year running. Enjoyed everything Saturday - I even got to sit in the guitar workshop run by 'er indoors!

Well run, friendly, excellent programme. What more needs to be said? Just briliant!

Best regards
John Robinson
Acoustyistics Ltd

18 Oct 04 - 08:05 PM (#1300171)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

All right who hugged me?I lost track of how many and who(BTW Strollin' Johnnie I'm still blushing over your description)


19 Oct 04 - 03:07 PM (#1300881)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

Well Gerry there was me for sure. Plus possibly the Fence, BusyBeePaul, Old Grisly, Travelling Audience on Friday night. Were you around on Saturday? How about Tutti Flutey?

19 Oct 04 - 07:54 PM (#1301157)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

I don't know Tutti Flutey (but I have my suspicions)
I remember Strollin'Johnny(Btw I've got tickets for Nov 6th)
Oakleaf and the Villain and possibly Mr Sooz so think I could be in the lead


20 Oct 04 - 01:20 AM (#1301345)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

Whats on on Nov 6th ?

Banjo Flower you did get a hug, but Sue got a vice hug that cracked her ribs :-)

20 Oct 04 - 03:21 AM (#1301412)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

St. Hugh's Church Hall, Scunthorpe - The Martin Danks Memorial Shindig. Two bands have re-formed specially for this one-off evening - 'The Dimps' and 'The Strollers Rock 'n' Roll Extravaganza'. Both bands are playing free of charge (in view of the years that have passed since the members last played together, 'playing free' might well be a description of the musical quality! ROFL!) and proceeds will go to Cancer charity. Martin (who died of cancer recently) was a member of both bands and a wonderful boogie-woogie pianist.

And it will be Strollin' Johnny's LAST-EVER performance in a R&R band - the ceremonial burning of the red drape jacket and retirement follow as sure as night follows day.

Rehearsal tonight - here we go............"Ah-Well-A bless-a mah soul-a what's a-wrong with me, I'm itchin' like a..........."

But this has got sod-all to do with the Gainsborough Folk Festival I hear you all cry. Don't blame me, Les started it! (LOL).

SJ :0)

20 Oct 04 - 03:31 AM (#1301417)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

My count was eleven, Gerry.
Make that rehearsal a good'un Johnny! How much are the tickets? Will you bring some to the club?

20 Oct 04 - 04:57 AM (#1301469)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Yes..John...sounds like a something not to be missed.
Best wishes, Mike.

20 Oct 04 - 05:25 AM (#1301486)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

I don't believe it

" it will be Strollin' Johnny's LAST-EVER performance in a R&R band "

till next time


20 Oct 04 - 08:21 AM (#1301583)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Read my lips Gerry - "It will be Strollin' Johhny's LAST EVER performance in a R&R band". Humping 10,000-watt PAs/lighting/backline amps/drums has lost its appeal! LOL!

The Elvis wig's already been fire-backed! (ROFL!)

JB :0)

20 Oct 04 - 08:22 AM (#1301587)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

Re: tickets, I believe it's already sold out. But I'll make a few enquiries.

20 Oct 04 - 01:05 PM (#1301907)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

Are you going to wear the red draped jacket on Friday at MRFC Strollin' just to see if it fits LOL :-)

20 Oct 04 - 01:08 PM (#1301911)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener


20 Oct 04 - 01:08 PM (#1301913)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener


20 Oct 04 - 01:09 PM (#1301915)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener


20 Oct 04 - 01:09 PM (#1301916)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener


20 Oct 04 - 01:10 PM (#1301917)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver


20 Oct 04 - 01:10 PM (#1301918)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

Yes I did it 100 :-)

20 Oct 04 - 01:11 PM (#1301920)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

You bugger GS we shared it 01:10pm LOL :-)

20 Oct 04 - 01:13 PM (#1301921)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Georgiansilver

Oh Les I do feel sorry for you...ROFLOL.
I enjoyed that. Best wishes, Mike.

20 Oct 04 - 01:14 PM (#1301922)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Rasener

sodemeiter op GS LOL :-)

20 Oct 04 - 01:22 PM (#1301930)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Tutti Flutey

You could probably have an extremely good guess as to my identity Gerry - it didn't take me long to work out who you were. that banjo's a dead giveaway. I tried to include the sax in my name as well but it got too complicated - you know me - simplicity is best. C ya Tues

20 Oct 04 - 01:28 PM (#1301940)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: the fence

Well I got no idea at all!!!

20 Oct 04 - 08:09 PM (#1302319)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

Yeh Tutti Flutey but I did n't get a hug if I had I could have beaten Sooz's total C ya Tues

Hi Fence I believe I got a hug from you on Sunday and if you'd been at the Ceilidh on Friday you'd have seen me,Tutti Flutey and Old Grisly all on stage together

BTW welcome to the Mudcat Kate


21 Oct 04 - 12:50 PM (#1303027)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Tutti Flutey

Way to mention that ceilidh! In my bias opinion that fantastic event is not mentioned enough here. What did you think folks? Too cold to come? Like we cared about freezing our little socks off! We had a brilliant time and enjoyed ourselves come what may. in the spirit of plugging - come check us out another time then you'd all know who we were!

21 Oct 04 - 02:01 PM (#1303082)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: the fence

Freezing our little whats off? Yep it was brilliant, taking part in the ceilidh soon warmed everyone up. Really enjoyed all the activities and workshops, just wish I could have stayed till the end of Sunday(never mind, there is always next year).

22 Oct 04 - 04:11 AM (#1303636)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

When do we get to see the photo's Sooz?


22 Oct 04 - 04:23 AM (#1303644)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

They should appear very soon - Jeff is desperately trying to catch up following the Getaway. We aren't the only 'catters to have been enjoying a great festival! :-)

28 Oct 04 - 07:58 AM (#1309445)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

The pictures are here

28 Oct 04 - 08:16 AM (#1309459)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Oaklet

The photo of Cara in the Trinity Arts Centre clearly shows the continence buckets placed at the feet of the violinist. How did the organisers know that I tend to leak a bit when nervous or excited? Anyway, great photos Sooz and thanks for sharing them.

28 Oct 04 - 12:18 PM (#1309644)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

And opposite me in the 1st photo is new mudcatter Tutti Flutey
well done Mr Sooz


28 Oct 04 - 01:00 PM (#1309684)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: the fence

Wow!!! Scary photos.

28 Oct 04 - 01:17 PM (#1309694)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

No, Phil - just scary people! (Notice that I managed to avoid the camera yet again!)

28 Oct 04 - 03:25 PM (#1309817)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Tutti Flutey

Crikey don't we look spaced out on picture number 1. it must be that lagging Sunday feeling, OR, we have no idea what we are doing. then again I'm not one for photos of me anyway, I'm sure you can see why. The best place for me would have been sitting where Banjo-flower is - the back of me is probably my best side. Quick plug for those in the Scunthorpe area
Ceilidh for BBC Children in Need with the Rosianna Ceilidh Band and friends 20th Nov at St Hugh's Church Hall, Scunthorpe 8pm.

28 Oct 04 - 03:26 PM (#1309819)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Tutti Flutey

Soory, forgot the price - it's £5

28 Oct 04 - 04:19 PM (#1309866)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

Oh what modesty Kate :^)


29 Oct 04 - 04:40 AM (#1310319)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Banjo-Flower

And opposite me in the 1st photo is another new mudcatter 12 String growler


29 Oct 04 - 05:08 AM (#1310336)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Sooz

What an apt description!

29 Oct 04 - 11:35 AM (#1310585)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: Strollin' Johnny

I could think of a few more apt descriptions!! LOL!!

29 Oct 04 - 01:00 PM (#1310676)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival

Good job I have a sense of Baldness, sorry, humour LOL!!
Thats you needing to get some BBC CHILDREN IN NEED ceilidh tickets. I'll bring some tonite..

12string growler

29 Oct 04 - 01:04 PM (#1310678)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: 12string growler

Being a new boy, I forgot to sign in. My last bit therefore appears as GUEST. I'll still bring you some tickets to buy

12string growler

19 Nov 04 - 05:51 PM (#1332833)
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
From: 12string growler

Sorry if you failed to get a ticket, we sold out.

See all you lucky folkies on Saturday evening. Bring plenty of spendo for the raffle and coin slide (for a bottle of something v, alcoholic).
