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'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.

20 Oct 04 - 03:18 PM (#1302047)
Subject: 'Songs of the West'
From: Germoe girl

I am organising a concert with Tom and Barbara Brown presenting "Songs of the West" at the Praa Sands Community Centre, Cornwall, on Sat. 30th October, 8pm. - my first venture at running a folk event since we moved to West Cornwall. Tickets are £5. If any of you Mudcatters are walking or bird-watching, or just chilling out in Cornwall that weekend, why not come along for a superb evening's entertainment?

20 Oct 04 - 03:57 PM (#1302089)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: breezy

all the bust matey!!!!

forgive me, whereabouts is Praa sands incase any one asks?

You're safe as I'll be heading away from wadebridge to be back up for El Greko's CD launch

21 Oct 04 - 05:34 AM (#1302655)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: Germoe girl

Praa Sands is about half-way between Penzance and Helston, just off the A394. You're obviously not a beach bum or surfer!!

21 Oct 04 - 05:58 AM (#1302671)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: Leraud

I shall be there! Me and Keith Kendrick are on at the Bodmin Club on
Friday 29th October and I'm staying in the area for 'Songs of the West' on the Saturday. Looking forward to it.

Breezy - don't be pathetic. Come to Songs of the West and drive back overnight. Man or Mouse? Beach Bum or Surfer?

Lynne Heraud

21 Oct 04 - 09:29 AM (#1302819)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: Cats at Work

Love to but we are playing at the Baring Gould Folk Festival in Bratton Clovelly, Devon the same weekend. But... we will be doing quite a few songs from the Baring Gould Collection ( Songs of the West). If you are on your way back from Praa Sands you could always drop into the B-G Festival on your way back for lots more Songs of the West, we are just off the main A30. Watch for the Baring Gould thread nearer the time for more details.

25 Oct 04 - 10:16 AM (#1306580)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: Germoe girl

Tickets still available at £5.00. PM me if you want to reserve some.

25 Oct 04 - 12:42 PM (#1306710)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West'
From: Rapparee

Much as I'd like to...Idaho IS kinda far away.

Will you be singing "Back In The Saddle Again" or "Little Joe The Wrangler"?

25 Oct 04 - 02:45 PM (#1306808)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: BB

No, but we might sing 'Chase the Buffalo'! - a recruiting song for buffalo hunters collected in Cornwall around the turn of the (last) century.


25 Oct 04 - 07:27 PM (#1307023)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: Rapparee

Well, okay, but yell out "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-HA!" periodically, if you would.

How about "Way Out In Idaho"? Or "Starving To Death On A Government Claim"? Or "Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle"?

26 Oct 04 - 02:35 PM (#1307848)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: BB

Yeeeeeeeee-HA? God forbid! They'd think we were country music singers instead of folk singers! These are people we want to convert to our kind of music, not get them into check shirts, high-heeled boots and stetsons!:-) Although starving to death on a government claim might sound familiar to some people in Devon & Cornwall, and there might be ten thousand cattle or sheep, I suppose.

Sorry you can't be there.


26 Oct 04 - 02:36 PM (#1307851)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: Rapparee

How about "Yippee-ki-yo" then?

26 Oct 04 - 07:12 PM (#1308092)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: Rapparee

A story, supposedly true.

Two young ladies vacationed in the Western US, and met a couple of real, born and bred, working cowboys.

They had fun for a couple of weeks, and just before the women were to go back East, they had to ask their cowboys a question.

"Why," they asked, "do you wear Nikes instead of cowboy boots?"

"Well," came the reply, "we sure don't want ta be mistaken fer truck drivers."

27 Oct 04 - 02:10 PM (#1308851)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: BB

Love it! Chuckle...

28 Oct 04 - 04:45 AM (#1309369)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: GUEST,Leraud

I shall be there and intend to shout Yeeeeeeeee-HA and Yippee-ki-yo periodically throughout the evening, whilst banging my coconut shells on the nearest table.

Seriously though, I'm looking forward to an excellent evening of ENGLISH folk music and song from the West Country Brought to us by the much admired Tom and Barbara Brown.

Lynne Heraud

01 Nov 04 - 03:40 PM (#1313448)
Subject: RE: 'Songs of the West' UK concert - 30th Oct.
From: BB

You did it remarkably quietly, Lynne!
