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'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!

21 Oct 04 - 12:14 AM (#1302510)
Subject: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Janie

This just seemed like a good idea. I know so many of us are so very thankful to the FSGW for including us in the annual Getaways.

While I especially thank Rita, Carly, Nancy, Charlie, Bill D., and Dennis, I want to offer thanks in equal measure to all the FSGW members and friends of whose efforts I know nothing.

The Getaway means much more than a fun weekend to me. It is an annual musical, and by natural extension, spiritual retreat. It has become an important part of the meaningful ritual of my life.

Blessings on All Ya'll:)


21 Oct 04 - 12:20 AM (#1302517)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Nancy King

Our pleasure,Janie! And thanks for the kind words. The Getaway means a lot to all of us, not least because it affords us an opportunity to get to know folks like you!

See y'all next year!


21 Oct 04 - 12:22 AM (#1302518)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Susan A-R

Thanks for starting this one Janie. It's a very welcoming group of folks and I truly appreciate that. There are a lot of us and we are not a subtle presence and are very well treated. It is also such a wonderful event. The music is great and the organization involved is greatly appreciated from this end. Thank you all.

Susan A-$

21 Oct 04 - 02:00 AM (#1302556)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Ebbie

I agree- in the communities I have lived there are not many that have the facilities or the vision or the participants to draw from. Camp Ramblewood is a beautiful spot. (Just one warming room would not come amiss, though!)

Oh, Nancy King, hearing and seeing you sing with your two sons was a real treat.

21 Oct 04 - 08:21 AM (#1302760)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: MMario

Amen to that (everything above) - and should Max's vision of huge numbers of Mudcats descending on Getaway next year come true - remember to bring items for the silent auction AND money to bid on the same.

we are not a subtle presence - no, we are not, are we? But the welcome is incredible - even some of the Mudcats that I talked to I know either primarily through the Getaway or interaction has been greatly enhanced by the Getaway- and I can't thank the FSGW enough!

When you add to that the sheer amount of accumulated knowledge, musicianship and TALENT that is gathered there during the weekend - wow.

21 Oct 04 - 10:04 AM (#1302859)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!

Can't thank you enough. I spend the whole year looking forward to this weekend. Good friends, great music, good food. Many thanks too to the staff at Ramblewood. Their moral support and sense of humor was greatly appreciated re: the cake decorating debacle. Sister Mary of the Capslock is putting up Rita for sainthood.

21 Oct 04 - 10:36 AM (#1302901)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Micca

May I add my support and Thanks to this thread, as a "foreigner" and (I like to think, after 2 visits) a veteran, I would like to thank everyone at FSGW for a weekend that could not easily be equalled anywhere and Not be beaten. FSGW Thank you long may you and the Getaway flourish.

21 Oct 04 - 11:16 AM (#1302934)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Carly

You are all so very welcome!This was my 34th Getaway, and each year I think that this year's Getaway cannot possibly live up to my memories of years past, and of course it does! Obviously, I have been a member of FSGW for many years before signing on in the Mudcat, but I tend not to differentiate that much between the groups at camp.( I just have to figure out which name to call some people, their Mudcat name or their other-world one!) We have always had some folks coming from afar; now we have more! As Ebbie, a delightful lady, said, it is wonderful to come to the Getaway and meet so many old friends for the first time! The work I've done over the years on the Getaway is a small gift to give to have such a meaningful time in my year, every year.Thank you all for coming, and I am already looking forward to seeing you again.

21 Oct 04 - 12:12 PM (#1303000)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Bill D

I am not sure what I am, a 'Catter or a FSGWer,,,but I sure like the combination! I 'almost' a charter member of Mudcat, having been here all but the first 2-3 weeks, and have immersed myself in FSGW for almost 28 years, so I think I can both accept the compliments and offer my own.

as a 'newcomer' to FSGW, having been to only 26 (consecutive) Getaways, I am constantly amazed at what the synergy can do. We are pleased with the format and traditions that have evolved in 40 years and so very happy that it has grown in a way that can include new friends in this way.

We (FSGW) don't know exactly what the future will bring as we juggle demographics, gas prices, advancing age and camp facilities (heat would be nice, hmmm?), but it sure is a project worthy of the effort, ain't it?

Thanks to everyone who planned, came, brought others, sang, carried, led workshops, laughed, cried, made suggestions, provided hugs, shared food and drink (*grin*) and generally became part of the Gestalt that makes the whole thing work.

21 Oct 04 - 01:27 PM (#1303056)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Big Mick

I like to think that Dani, Jeri, Barry and I were there at the beginning of the annual Mudcat migration to The Getaway. I am constantly amazed at these FSGW'ers. I feel almost like one of them, which is a testament to their hospitality more than anything. Each year I look at the talent spawned by this bunch, and I know that our beloved folk traditions are safely placed in another set of hands. I have watched the two groups meld and become one. I would encourage all Mudcatters to join this group. I made my mind up this weekend that I am going to.

Rita, Nancy, Bill, Carly, Charlie, Lisa, Jennifer, Bob..... the list goes on and on ...... I am so grateful for your friendship and your scholarship. But more importantly, for your vision in keeping this going. You can count on me.

With gratitude and in friendship,


21 Oct 04 - 03:02 PM (#1303124)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Charlie Baum

It's not like there are two separate groups. The overlap of people who are BOTH Mudcatters and FSGW people has always been high. And it keeps growing, as more and more FSGW members discover and sign on to the Mudcat,and as Mudcatters (both local and distant) wind up joining FSGW. The number of locals on Mudcat is mind-boggling--I remember blowing some out-of-towner's mind this weekend when I explained that although Fortunato lives only a couple of miles from me, there are more than a dozen Mudcatters who live closer. (Although Max informs me that Hull, England is starting to catch up in density of Mudcatters per square mile.)

The DC-area locals have invited their out-of-town friends since time immemorial--certainly before the Internet, and Mudcat simply made that process more efficient. The locals enjoy out-of-towners--it gives us new perspectives, new songs, new styles, new faces (and fresh people to inflict our same-old same-old upon). Thanks to all of the out-of-towners (both Mudcatters and non) for coming!

--Charlie Baum

21 Oct 04 - 03:19 PM (#1303143)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: nutty

I would like to say thank-you to all catters who attended the Getaway and found the time to post in such detail.

Reading your reports has been such a good experience, almost as good as being there in person (well.. not quite - but you know what I mean)
but good enough for the characters to begin to take on human form and seem to be part of my extended family.

I hope one day to make it over the pond butif I never do I can live the experience through your wonderful reports.

Thanks again everybody

21 Oct 04 - 03:55 PM (#1303164)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: open mike

what does FS stand for and can someone post a web site for these folks? i think is it a folk society? Washington D.C. area? The Paltalk jam
just happened last weekend, too in Arkansas...consecutive weekends..
ah...i am getting the itch to travel to BOTH next year...setting aside

21 Oct 04 - 03:59 PM (#1303167)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Bill D

Folklore Society of Greater Washington

21 Oct 04 - 07:15 PM (#1303332)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Jeri

Sometimes I wonder how FSGWers can stand hordes of invading strangers, and those now familiar, but still strange. Then I think about our session here, and how wonderful it is when new people show up because there are different songs, different tunes, different jokes and knowledge and opinions and personalities, and...stuff. So yeah, I can understand why they like us a little bit.

It was a risk to invite us the first time though. Who could have known what to expect? People don't seem to go out of their way to welcome those of us returning, but this is a good thing. It's like when old friends come to visit from out of town. You care about them, but you don't bother showing them where the forks are because they already know. I like that feeling. It's like I belong, even if I'm only there for a visit. Don't get me wrong, if you're just coming for the first time, folks'll let you know where the forks are, and they'll want to get to know you better.

One thing I noticed was that as the years go by, there's less and less of a distinction between how folks got there. Mudcat, FSGW, or a combination. The real evidence of this, for me, was the fact that I didn't sit with the same folks at meals. There's usually been a tableful of Mudcatters, and this year, everybody was all over. I have developed a shared history of sorts with Getawayers. Then again, there were several people there I've never met at the Getaway, but know from elsewhere, so maybe the label ought to be simply people who like folk music. Aw heck, I'm just rambling.

Thanks to Rita, Nancy, and Carly, and everybody who took a chance on us that first year and continue to let us come back. You are all a lot of fun to be around!

21 Oct 04 - 07:26 PM (#1303339)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: beardedbruce

LET you come back?   I think we INSIST on it!

22 Oct 04 - 08:18 AM (#1303767)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Dani

Amen, Sister Jeri.

It WAS risky. And bumpy and scary and fun just like the beginning of any good love affair! I remember very well our first Getaway when we had to get to know each others' faces AND those of the FSGW people, and figure out the 'house rules'. Now when someone new comes in (KT, Jacqui, Bobert, Ebbie, El Greko, MTed, who else?) it is so much fun to bring 'em in and add their voices to the mix - literally.

Were there new FSGW folks there for the first time? I'd bet they couldn't tell us apart.....

I loved that our badges this time didn't distinguish us as mudcatters. I like knowing where the forks are, and I don't mind washing dishes.

Thank you to all for your wonderful hard work and gracious hosting - especially you 'overlappers' who smoothed the waters.


PS: Could someone please tell us how the Auction did??

22 Oct 04 - 08:22 AM (#1303771)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Roger in Baltimore

I just want to add my proper "thank you's" to the FSGW volunteers who make the Getaway happen. My first visit was as a day-tripper at the last Camp Letts Getaway. I will never forget being greeted by Dick Greenhaus only moments after entering the registration area. After my first day, it was a "no-decision" decision to come back on Sunday. It was so friendly and comfortable I brought Marge with me. We have been regular attendees ever since!

When you get a bunch of musicians together, you can run into many prima donnas. But the musicians that come to the Getaway make music because they love to make music, not to impress others. Even the "professionals" are just "down-home" folks.

Roger in Baltimore

22 Oct 04 - 10:26 AM (#1303882)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

The auction raised $713.00 for the Lieberman/Olive fund -- almost double last year's take! Thank you all so much -- those who contributed items, those who bid on them, and those who did both!


22 Oct 04 - 10:42 AM (#1303891)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Tinker

I found myself up in Toronto a few times this past year and being asked about the Getaway. It's hard to put into words. At one point I described it as a school reunion where you really do want to see everyone again. I'm finding it harder and harder to think through who wears which hat. Like Jeri, meals are increasingly a where ever I spot a face and an empty chair. In fact the weekend doesn't seem long enough to touch base with everyone I want to catch up with and talk to and sing with ... I guess that's why I'm still catching up on my sleep.

Kendall and Jacqui's party really brought home the unity to me. It was not a Mudcat Reception it was truely a community celebration and the love was palpable. Thanks for all the work through out the year and don't be shy about calling out when you need us.


22 Oct 04 - 12:21 PM (#1303982)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: KT

I want to extend my deep thanks, too, to all of the Getaway behind-the-scenes worker bees. I know it is no easy task to coordinate all of this. Your efforts are so appreciated. I feel like we flew in for a weekend of musical bliss and all we had to do was send in our registration form on time!

I have always been deeply grateful for the gift of music....that is, being able to hear it, share it, and find such joy in it. To meet so many kindred spirits who feel the same way was pure delight. At one point I thought to myself, we've been given the gift of music, and all THIS, too! (community, friendship, wonderful people with whom to share the journey....etc) Doesn't get any better than this, folks! Thank you all, so much, for the warm welcome, and all that you do to make this the weekend that it is.
Looking forward to next year........

23 Oct 04 - 10:38 PM (#1305304)
Subject: RE: 'Catters to FSGW Folks-Thank You!
From: Ferrara

Every year as I'm going totally bonkers fighting brush fires, contacting I-dunnohowmany-people, and fretting about whether this year's program will be well received or will be held up as a standard for future program chairs of how NOT to do it, I ask myself whether all this is worth it, etc etc. Of course it's a rhetorical question ... but next year if I'm involved in this madness I'll have the memory of these lovely thank-yous to help remind me WHY it's worth it.

I'm often amazed when I think about the Getaway. It's a small gathering, really, put on by FSGW and carried on by a few hardy and determined folks each year who ain't got the good sense to say No.

It's home grown, grass roots, done for the people by the people. It seems unique to me and it's wonderful satisfying when so many people say they feel the same way.

As the cast of characters has changed over the years, we've been reaching to continually re-define it, in a way that can include both old and new members of the Getaway "family." Sounds as if we're succeeding pretty well. Let's keep it going and let's keep up this trend of melding into one group, just "The people who go to the Getaway." It feels good.