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BS: Chinese People

21 Oct 04 - 09:58 AM (#1302853)
Subject: BS: Chinese People
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

do chinese people drink alcol?
i never see them in the pub, i go pub all the time, and there is loads of chinese people in hull, but i never see them in the pub.
maybe they got there own pub, [like special chinese club], and not tell people were it is?

21 Oct 04 - 10:07 AM (#1302866)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Amos

They often drink rice wine, and they sometimes drink Chinese Beer (the only brand I know of is TsingTao). They are fond of a wonderful plum brandy.

But I don't think the public house system of drinking is a Chinese custom, for whatever reason. Interesting historical question.


21 Oct 04 - 10:10 AM (#1302868)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


21 Oct 04 - 10:12 AM (#1302870)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

PS=have they got pubs in China?
[if not, then i'm not going]
i prbubly wasn;t going anyway, but if no pubs, then i;m definitley not going.

21 Oct 04 - 10:13 AM (#1302872)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

and can yoiu smoke in them.?

21 Oct 04 - 10:40 AM (#1302903)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

It's illegal NOT to smoke in Chinese pubs. Have you never heard of the Ashtray & Firkin, the Dog End & Duck. Traditional chinese pubs in Mablethorpe which is well known for its large oriental population.

21 Oct 04 - 10:55 AM (#1302916)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: muppett

According to world population statistics 1 in 4 people are Chinese so how come john hasn't seen any in his pub ??????????????????

21 Oct 04 - 11:01 AM (#1302921)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Paco Rabanne

Easy, there only six chinamen in Hull.

21 Oct 04 - 11:03 AM (#1302924)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: muppett

Is 6 loads then, I thought Twelthty was

21 Oct 04 - 11:16 AM (#1302936)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Twelthty is only loads in certain local places. 'Ull which comes under the star sign "Grimsbio" (10th Octember - Umpteenth Januberry) comes under Lincolnshire (Lindsey) regulations. Therefore more than 14 but less than 16 is Bumfits. Simple when you're a simpleton.

21 Oct 04 - 11:25 AM (#1302951)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend

Ah yes but you can expect carbide precipitation from the grain boundaries and this can lead to an in-growing skull.

21 Oct 04 - 11:28 AM (#1302958)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: muppett

So in Ull is Umptydum more then Umpteen or less

21 Oct 04 - 11:33 AM (#1302965)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend


21 Oct 04 - 11:33 AM (#1302966)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: muppett

and wot about didly sqot

21 Oct 04 - 11:35 AM (#1302968)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

But surely carbide precipitation will only occur under conditions of thermal acidity thereby leading to abnormal inwardly facing calcium deposits. At all other times the No.47 bus will only go to Scunthorpe via Beijing on Tuesdays.

21 Oct 04 - 11:48 AM (#1302979)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend

Carbides and carbide materials include silicon carbide, old coffee tins, tungsten carbide, sausage rolls and titanium carbide and because Knight Carbide Spade Drills are designed to fit the most popular style of buses they have changed the numbers accordingly. The tools are interchangeable at lower cost and in most cases increased performance is guaranteed. They take pride in their ability to quickly turn around your sharpened tools. There on line collection and delivery service is now the No.47 bus and will go to Scunthorpe via Beijing every day of the week. Tickets please...

21 Oct 04 - 11:57 AM (#1302987)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Is it just me thinking it, or am I truly insane. Have just read Sttaw Legend's post and understood it!!!!

Can I get a weekly season please and pay by sausage roll?

21 Oct 04 - 12:24 PM (#1303011)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: leeneia

I loved your message, Sttaw Legend. I reminded me of the song "Go get the ax."

21 Oct 04 - 02:29 PM (#1303104)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend

leeneia, tungsten carbide tipped ax I hope, use no substitute.

21 Oct 04 - 05:41 PM (#1303251)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Once Famous

Do people from Hull bathe?

21 Oct 04 - 07:34 PM (#1303345)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: dianavan

Most of my Chinese friends are very moderate drinkers. They get flushed with only one drink and intoxicated quite easily. Its not a pleasant 'high' for them. Not to say that all Chinese don't drink but its pretty common that most of them refrain except on very special occasions.


22 Oct 04 - 02:05 AM (#1303595)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Shanghaiceltic

Yes Chinese drink, mostly just the men, few ladies here drink alchol of any kind, or if they do in strict moderation.

There are many many different kinds of Chinese beers, Tsing Tao (pronounced Ching Dao, the name used the old Wade Gile's system o pronunciation. There are over 200 brweries in China.

Most of the most of the beers are lager type beers. There are joint ventures with Budweiser, Fosters, Steinlager, Heineken etc etc. The Budweiser is even worse than the Bud in the US, better off just pouting into a urinal and cut out the middle man!

There are even some shady operations producing fake's of the international brands. It is something when the fake beer tastes better than the real stuff, particularly true of Bud and Heinekan.

Chinese rarely drink in what we would call a pub as a pub is a western concept but bars are making a huge appearance. There is one street near my drinking hole 'The Blarney Stone' which is just bar after bar after bar....... Very busy as younger Chinese like to go there on the weekend in particular.

There are many ex-pat style pubs and bars in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and they are now attracting more locals.

The Chinese actually prefer to eat and drink not drink and eat so most drinking is done in resteraunts. Eating togehter is a very big social thing here. I have tried explaining the UK type pub culture and why I like to just drink, meet friends, play music and not always eat to my wife who is Chinese but she cannot grasp the cultural ramifications of me needing a visit to a pub, but hell she puts up with it.

Apart from beer the Chinese like baijiu, a high alchohol spirit made from sorghum wheat. Leaves me belching all evening. Truly only for the dedicated drinker but at times I have to drink it when I am entertaining clients etc. You can get it with snake, scorpion and deer penis added to it. According to the Chinese traditional medicine doctors it is good for the libido but too much would only mean the dreaded 'droop'.

Wine is also made in China, but I stick to imported wine as the Chinese stuff often makes you want to gag.

And yes you can smoke in pubs, bars and resteraunts.

Dianavans comment is 99% true. Chinese, Japanese and many other Asians lack an enzyme which helps break down alchohol quicker, resulting in red faces, speedy drunkenness and the usual inability to stand upright and make complete sentences. But I have met some hard drinkers in my time in Asia.

22 Oct 04 - 03:25 AM (#1303611)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Paco Rabanne

So that's why you never see pissed up Chinese in Hull, they lack an enzyme! Fascinating stuff! One thing they like though is gambling, big style. I have been in the casino here when they have all piled in, usually about 3am when all their restaurants have closed, then it's bedlam!

22 Oct 04 - 04:10 AM (#1303635)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sooz

This was all so believable until Mingulay mentioned public transport in Lincolnshire. Ha.

22 Oct 04 - 06:00 AM (#1303691)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Dave Hanson

I have two brothers and a sister, so if one in four people are Chinese it must be our John cause he lives in Keighly.


22 Oct 04 - 06:19 AM (#1303703)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Sorry Sooz but there is public transport in Lincolnshire. I know this to be a fact as I have personally picked up the droppings from the pony that pulls the trap. Very good rhubarb it produces too.

Did once see a bus in Sleaford and another in Spalding (not the same one). Perhaps they were lost. They should have put the road signs back after the war!

22 Oct 04 - 07:39 AM (#1303741)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Pied Piper

You must have read Dr W Stevenson's Paper on "The Modelling Lincolnshire Busses Using Coupled Strange Attractors" which led to the seminal "Wave Particle Duality in The 67b Scunthorpe Service"


22 Oct 04 - 07:39 AM (#1303742)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Juan P-B

Muppet says "........According to world population statistics 1 in 4 people are Chinese ...

So in our family (I have four brothers) one of us is Chinese

It's not me so it's either Dave, Brian or Jhiang Ho!

Juan P-B

22 Oct 04 - 08:16 AM (#1303765)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend

MG - We bathe in the reflected glory of our dear city.

22 Oct 04 - 08:33 AM (#1303783)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Who did put the service in Scunthorpe and why would particles need to wave twice. Could this be a Chinese wave, the oriental equivalent of the Mexican wave. Soy sauce instead of salsa.

Come to think of it there used to be a cracking chinese restaurant in Market Deeping. And I've seen a chinese bus driver - going sideways but not waving. Now wondering which of my brothers is chinese, can't be me I'm buddhist.

22 Oct 04 - 08:46 AM (#1303798)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Dave Hanson

The question is who put the c..t in Scunthorpe ?


22 Oct 04 - 09:27 AM (#1303830)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Sunhorpe doesn't make sense, that's why they were put in. Which c**t did it nobody knows.

It certainly wasn't the Vikings, they took one look at the place and decided it would need rebuilding before it could be pillaged and moved up river to rearrange Goole. Legoo, however, wasn't very popular with the locals and the name was sold to a toy company in Denmark. Something got altered in the translation however and the rest is history. Had this not have happened, Logo world would now be owned by the Goolies.

22 Oct 04 - 09:58 AM (#1303860)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: freda underhill

I have a friend who travelled to Nepal and China in the 80s. he brought back a taste for a drink called Maotai - 55-percent spirit made of wheat and sorghum. Served in a little pottery cup, it is so alcoholic that it virtually evaporates on the tongue.

China has the same tradition as many other countries that over the centuries poets, calligraphers and artists have created their works when drunk.

22 Oct 04 - 10:18 AM (#1303875)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

So how much Rioja did Picasso knock back? Was Dali ever sober?

Makes yer think. But not in chinese.

22 Oct 04 - 11:07 AM (#1303917)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Once Famous

I suppose that you can get used to the mutual odor.

22 Oct 04 - 10:52 PM (#1304440)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Shanghaiceltic

Maotai is a form of baijiu. There is another one which is pure alchohol called Er Guo Tai which means twice distilled. I tried it once and found out why you can see pink elephants and giant mice as well as one of jOhns schkwirils

22 Oct 04 - 11:00 PM (#1304449)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Peace


To answer your first question . . . .

23 Oct 04 - 04:56 AM (#1304609)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Dave Hanson

Was Wagner a human being ?


23 Oct 04 - 12:23 PM (#1304828)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Sttaw Legend

Dont know eric I had a Triumph.

23 Oct 04 - 07:35 PM (#1305173)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Wolfgang

I only once in my life talked to someone (a couple, actually) from China, and that was ten days ago in a pub, in Britain.


23 Oct 04 - 07:39 PM (#1305176)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Norman


24 Oct 04 - 04:30 AM (#1305456)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Dave Hanson

Come clean GUEST Norman, WHO ARE YOU ?


24 Oct 04 - 11:24 AM (#1305594)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Big Al Whittle

I dunno but he brings the tone of the place down a bit. Is he the same guest norman who said nasty things about Christy Moore?

I've been trying to think of all the normans I know. I can only think of fat boy slim , and norman wisdom, norman invasion and norman cross. shouldn't think its any of them. oh yeh greg norman - the golfer. no not him either. he's perhaps upset cos his parents called him norman.

Martin once again your comments are a delight. Powerful, acerbic and perfectly sweet. Over here in England we're all rooting for you and wish you every luck with your collection of plectrums and the Time Life country music collection. Gosh it must be fun over there in America! Perhaps one day the music we like will be on a shopping channel.

25 Oct 04 - 09:59 AM (#1306556)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Paul from Hull


25 Oct 04 - 11:49 AM (#1306665)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

I came here to get oriented!!

Now I'm leaving.

Art Thieme

26 Oct 04 - 05:05 AM (#1307401)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Dave Hanson

Norman Bates ?


26 Oct 04 - 05:24 AM (#1307409)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,Mingulay

More like Master Bates.

Seems like a bit of a w****r!

26 Oct 04 - 10:18 PM (#1308229)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Shanghaiceltic

Yes definately a 'da fei ji'

03 Apr 07 - 09:39 AM (#2015248)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,sinky

Norman,you are a racist arsehole and probably a total git of a big fat gargoyle to boot. You are all thats bad about people today,dip shit.

03 Apr 07 - 09:49 AM (#2015259)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,meself

Just read through this thread - I don't know who Juan P-B is, but his post bears (endless) repeating:

Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Juan P-B
Date: 22 Oct 04 - 07:39 AM

Muppet says "........According to world population statistics 1 in 4 people are Chinese ...

So in our family (I have four brothers) one of us is Chinese

It's not me so it's either Dave, Brian or Jhiang Ho!

Juan P-B

(Says me, meself: I wonder which brother is Spanish?)

03 Apr 07 - 10:16 AM (#2015282)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: leeneia

It seems to me that Sir John from Hull has been gone from the Mudcat a long time. I miss him.

Sir John, if you see this, please post.
I believe that the Chinese did not start pubs because in traditional Chinese music only one instrument can play at a time.

04 Apr 07 - 03:33 PM (#2016441)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


04 Apr 07 - 03:47 PM (#2016453)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: Amos

Hello, Sir John! Good to see you back, so to speak.

As for Chinese, like any other collection of people, they have their bright and kindly lights and their pendejos, and you gotta size them up individual by individual. Why should we want to make another pigeonhole to stick people in?


04 Apr 07 - 04:48 PM (#2016497)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: GUEST,meself

Is someone doing that? Wasn't someone just asking about Chinese drinking habits? I don't see that comparing notes about the cultural practices of others is equivalent to pigeonholing them. And it can be thought-provoking ("Oh - they do it THAT way? Why don't we do it that way? In fact, let's! Wait right there - don't move ... ").

05 Apr 07 - 04:44 AM (#2017033)
Subject: RE: BS: Chinese People
From: skipy

"my wife who is Chinese but she cannot grasp the cultural ramifications of me needing a visit to a pub, but hell she puts up with it"
It's not because she is Chineese, it's because she is a she!
Skipy (going to the pub this eve. because it is Friday ((even though technically it is Thursday but we are not at work tommorrow))!)