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BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

04 Nov 04 - 09:03 AM (#1316326)
Subject: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Well do they, DISCUSS !

04 Nov 04 - 09:05 AM (#1316329)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Paco Rabanne

      Why should they? We are irrelevant in the real world, But at least we have better beer than them and proper music, oh, and Morris dancing.

04 Nov 04 - 09:14 AM (#1316337)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

No. The American public thinks that their elections are the only ones that count for anything in the World. They actually sort of think the USA is the World, while everything else that lies beyond their borders is either a threat to their security or a good business opportunity.

04 Nov 04 - 09:18 AM (#1316344)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Actually, the question should be - Why does the UK bother about US elections?   The answers to that are probably more revealing.

04 Nov 04 - 09:21 AM (#1316348)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Only the media does, the bog-standard Limey shouts out "not that bloody election thing again".

04 Nov 04 - 09:22 AM (#1316350)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

No it shouldn't I want to know Does the US bother about UK elections YES OR NO, SIMPLE AS. PLEASE DON'T TRY TO READ SOMETHING INTO A STRAIGHT FORWARD QUESTION.

04 Nov 04 - 09:23 AM (#1316356)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

Maybe if we held our elections as a kind of Monster truck rally, sponsored by Budweiser it might get some attention.

04 Nov 04 - 09:23 AM (#1316357)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: MudGuard

No. The American public thinks that their elections are the only ones that count for anything in the World.

The US Americans even think that they live in a democratic country ...

04 Nov 04 - 09:33 AM (#1316368)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

So Americans are stupid because they don't meddle in the affairs of sovereign democracys?

Maybe if American thought they knew everything they would try to sway the vote in the UK.

The British think they live in an intelligent society but they come up with this psychotic rambling.

UK Mind your own elections and the US will mind it's own elections.

If you want to help someone, go to Iraq and lend a hand.


04 Nov 04 - 09:43 AM (#1316381)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge


The USA has a long and distinguished history of meddling in how other countries are run, thats exactly what the removal of Saddam from power is, thats how they have behaved in central and south America for decades, take a break from NASCAR and watch the History channel for easy to digest lessons or even read a book, unfortunatley they will be full of big words but if you stick at it you may even understand some of them.

As for lending a hand in the mess that is Iraq, several dead and kidnapped British civillians, 50 or so dead servicemen, a couple of whom are that way courtesy of the US military.

Flame away


04 Nov 04 - 09:45 AM (#1316383)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: David Edwards

"If you want to help someone, go to Iraq and lend a hand."

After you Davey.

04 Nov 04 - 09:57 AM (#1316392)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett


Thank you.

04 Nov 04 - 09:59 AM (#1316396)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Paco Rabanne

No I wont!!! I have a lot to say on the subject of Iraq, I am wise and clever and you will listen to me, so here goes..............

04 Nov 04 - 10:04 AM (#1316399)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Super Ted,
             Dnot be slily, opos wrnog theard

04 Nov 04 - 10:04 AM (#1316400)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: John MacKenzie

Did somebody speak?

04 Nov 04 - 10:10 AM (#1316404)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Hmmm... and they call us arrogant.

04 Nov 04 - 10:13 AM (#1316410)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: David Edwards

Sorry muppet, I didn't realise this topic got you so hot under the collar. Anyway, in answer to your question, as far as I know the Americans may or may not bother about UK elections. Is that any help?

04 Nov 04 - 10:16 AM (#1316415)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Bill D

" The American public thinks that their elections are the only ones that count for anything in the World. They actually sort of think the USA is the World,..."
   oh, LH...give me a break!! You can do better than sweeping generalizations like that! READ what you said.....

as to the question, it just depends. 'Some' Americans take 'some' interest in 'some' aspects of British elections. Many of us will be quite interested when Blair & Co. stand for re-election again...but not in most small races and local issues. The real answer is obvious--the US has a bigger footprint on the world, whatever you believe about where and how carefully we step, and every country gets attention relative to the importance of the decision involved. Mushariff in Pakistan will get LOTS of attention, the Japanese PM will get a goodly amount...etc...

04 Nov 04 - 10:18 AM (#1316418)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

I'll Try it this way then, WFDU - Ron Olesko, are you an American, if yes are you botherd about UK Politics and more importantly the elections a simple yes or no please

04 Nov 04 - 10:19 AM (#1316422)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey


Did you notice the phrase "sovereign democracys" before you shot your wad?


04 Nov 04 - 10:19 AM (#1316425)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

No elections bother me. Like a kidney stone, this too shall pass (Lee Hays).

04 Nov 04 - 10:21 AM (#1316429)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

"Democracies" BONEHEAD

04 Nov 04 - 10:23 AM (#1316430)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

The English go in for psychotic rambling?

The Psycho Ramblers - now thats a name for a band!

04 Nov 04 - 10:27 AM (#1316432)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge


Like I said, check out the history of South America before you go on and on with special attention to the various CIA activities, I am sure parts of Asia could be included but we don't want your reading list to get much longer than your attention span.


04 Nov 04 - 10:28 AM (#1316433)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

At last, thank you Bill D,that's the sort of answer I was after, a simple answer to a simple question, cheers.

04 Nov 04 - 10:29 AM (#1316434)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: David Edwards

The English had a bit of a psychotic ramble in 1620.

04 Nov 04 - 10:31 AM (#1316438)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

WE did? I must have slept through it :-)

04 Nov 04 - 10:32 AM (#1316440)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Hystercalorian

Calm down dear its a country in its infancy.

As history has shown:

A nation is born
it becomes technologically advanced to its neighbours
it invades its neighbours
it treats them like shit
it reaches its zenith
then it falls, usually to internal bickering

The romans did it, the British, the germans and looks like now the Americans.

This is not poiltically motivated just history is usually repeats itself.

04 Nov 04 - 10:36 AM (#1316447)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

So what's the answer to the question then Hystercalorian ?

04 Nov 04 - 10:38 AM (#1316451)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

They as the current dominant power care as much for our elections as Queen Elizabeth gave for the people of Mango Bango land

04 Nov 04 - 10:39 AM (#1316455)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Good observation there Guest Hystercalorian. I agree. I don't think the American empire is past the step 3-4 conquering phase yet, so unfortunately we've still a ways to go before we sink the level of the Brits.

As to the original question, the answer is no, unless the person has an interest in Britain, or in international politics, that sort of thing. I do pay some attention to the European elections, as I do Latin American elections--as I have time and the inclination depending upon the country involved. To be honest, unless it is an election of special interest, I rarely pay attention to races in Africa and Asia. Those places seem too remote to me.

However, I've American relatives and friends who've lived in far flung places, China and India, for instance, so I do tend to pay some attention to those countries' elections. But they are the big ones, and are easy to find information on the internet about them.

If it's an election in Albania or Sri Lanka, not so much.

04 Nov 04 - 10:40 AM (#1316456)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Where's that (Mango Bango land)Guest

04 Nov 04 - 10:45 AM (#1316460)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Just an expressive way of saying they don't care, they are bigger then us small irrelevant islanders. Though at least we had our time aback in 1940, save the world and what not.

Alltogether now
When Britain first arose.....

04 Nov 04 - 10:52 AM (#1316467)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

I think the US and the UK should let each other elect whomever they want with out bothering each other.

Would you like an American to say "you are stupid because you voted wrong"?

"Hey neighbor. Why did you marry that ugly woman? You really screwed up."


Tell us all about the UKs historic role in the middle east?


04 Nov 04 - 10:52 AM (#1316469)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Muppet - I think the reactions we have been giving have been in response to the way you phrased the question and your emphatic "DISCUSS" in your opening thread. I don't think people like to have a discussion when they are being TOLD to have one, and then when someone tries to start some sort of discussion we are bascially told by you to shutup and just answer the question.   Your constant shouting with the use of CAPS is a real turnoff to any legitimate discussion.

Anway, you are looking for a straight answer and there really isn't one.   I would say most Americans do not "bother" (assuming you are using the word as we Americans would use "pay attention") about UK elections. Major elections around the globe are reported by US media, but the attention is usually drawn to what the implications would be for the U.S.    That doesn't mean we don't care, but it just doesn't effect our lives.    Does the U.S. election affect what happens around the globe? You could probably answer that better than I could. Does the U.K. care about Canadian elections? Does the U.K. care about Mexican elections?

04 Nov 04 - 10:52 AM (#1316470)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Metchosin

Guest Davey, did you not understand that this was a sovereign democracy before you shot yours?

04 Nov 04 - 10:53 AM (#1316471)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Larry K

The Druge Report shows pictures of the British Press slamming the American people. I think one of them says "How can 55 million people be idiots" or something like that.

I can't recall a US newspaper ever commenting like that on a British or Canadian election.   I can't recall an organized campaign for people in the USA to write to people in Britain or Canada and tell them who to vote for.

I think countries should stay out of other countries elections.   I don't like it when Carville or anyone else is sent to other countries to help defeat a candidate.   

Only a handful of people in America even know who the prime minister of Canada is.   Why should they care about Canadian elections if they don't even know who wins.    I think the amount of money spent in this election was about the size of the Canadian GNP.   In South Dakota I think they spent about $700 per voter on the Senate race.

04 Nov 04 - 11:01 AM (#1316478)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Yes I agree Larry K. Now if only I could make my US government stay out of other peoples' countries, and mind their own business about other countries' elections, the world would be a much lovelier place.

And seriously, I do agree with LarryK's mini-rant there about the Brits sticking their nose into the American election this year. It was idiotic, and done, I believe, to reinforce a very ugly anti-American tendency among certain "liberal" British constituencies. It's truly bullshit.

04 Nov 04 - 11:04 AM (#1316484)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Lucy

And I thought the Yanks and us Brits were the few friends in a world gone mad. Tis shame that the leaders and media of our countries should drive the wedge in.

04 Nov 04 - 11:05 AM (#1316485)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Metchosin

"I can't recall a US newspaper ever commenting like that on a British or Canadian election"

Could it be that the British press has become more astute?

04 Nov 04 - 11:13 AM (#1316492)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Dave the Gnome

Do I have to wait until 1620 for a psychotic ramble? It's 1610 now so I don't think it's too early.

For a full and truthful picture of British involvment in the Middle East, Davy, you realy need to watch the detailed and truthful drama documentary 'Carry on up the Kyber'. I can assure you you will not be disappointed.

As to Muppets original question. My cousin in Illinois follows the UKk elections very closely. But then again he is also a Manchester City fan.

Can I come off my psychotic ramble now?


04 Nov 04 - 11:13 AM (#1316493)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Sledge

04 Nov 04 - 11:16 AM (#1316499)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Thanks WFDU - Ron Olesko, at last we're getting somewhere,I take your point(s), and forgive my shouting but it get's me mad when folk start reading into a simple request, let's start again then Do you as American Mudcatter (not as a nation or a political party), you as an individual take any interest in UK Politics and the elections. Please, please a simple answer thanks.

04 Nov 04 - 11:23 AM (#1316509)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

The average Brit sits around in a leather armchair near a fireplace sipping tea and nibbling on crumpets while clad in a silk robe.

They are hard at work reading the works of Shakespeare and making unwanted comments about the poor misguided chaps in that former colony now known as America.

Occasionally they raise One eyebrow and while clenching down harder on their monocle to prevent it from falling into their tea, they say "Jeeves: another snifter of brandy please"


04 Nov 04 - 11:24 AM (#1316512)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Wolfgang

Elections in the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and, in this particular state of the world, Iraq and Afghanistan would be the main news in our TV (if there was not a dramatic event elsewhere). Elections in Poland, Austria, India, Japan, Belgium, Netherlands, Israel, and some more countries would be among the top three news. Elections in Ireland, Switserland, Australia, Canada, Palestine, South Africa (except for the first inclusive election) and many others would be read among 'other events of the day'.

I was always interested in what happens in other countries.

To those who are interested (both links are in English):

Reactions of German politicians and analysts
Grasping the Second Coming of Bush (the reaction of the German press)


04 Nov 04 - 11:27 AM (#1316514)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Speaking as an American Mudcatter (that does sound like a third party!) I take limited interest in UK Politics and elections over there.   One of the reasons I say "limited" is because reporting here in the U.S. is minimal. The U.S. media feels the need to focus on issues and elections here in the U.S.   That is not to say that major international stories get no attention. Blair's problems due to his stance on Iraq are well documented here.   But it does take some digging to find out information about what is going on. Frankly, unless I have a specific reason, it is not something I would search out.

04 Nov 04 - 11:30 AM (#1316521)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Obviously youve never been here.

Hollywood is bollocks, is where I'm guessing you got this kind of stereotype from.

About 0.1% speak the queens English, we range from the Geordies in the North East, to the Scottish Highlanders, Cockneys, Tykes, North and South Welsh, Scottish lowlanders, Scousers, Mancs, Brummies, Cornwallians etc etc etc....

We don't all read Shakespeare, were not all limp wristed choirboys as the French claim we are, how many times have we kicked their arse?
Come here and say that in any working class pub, and pray to the fornicating materialistic god that you come out with your colonials still attached to your body.

04 Nov 04 - 11:30 AM (#1316522)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

I take that as a yes then WFDU-Ron Olesko thank you, now what about other folk out there, blimey talk about pulling teeth, don't ask it's an expression we use over here.

04 Nov 04 - 11:33 AM (#1316527)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

A qualified YES! I'm sorry, I thought you were looking for discussion as well. While your question may be "yes" or "no", it really needs more explanation.

We pull teeth here as well! :)

04 Nov 04 - 11:35 AM (#1316529)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: George Papavgeris

I've come late into this. First, my answer to the original question:

At citizen level, the US does not bother about the UK elections, for whatever reasons. At Government level, they do, very much so - because the UK and Blair is a major tool in drawing as much of Europe as possible into some sort of "coalition". It worked in the first Gulf war, and it sort-of-worked in the second. If they lose Britain's membership in the coalition, the US Govt is left with diddley squat to pretend they are not going it alone.

Davey, boy you don't know your history from the bogey in your nose. When did the US interfere in a sovereign democracy? Check out what the US (through the CIA) did in Greece in 1967, days before the general election that George Papandreou was sure to win by a landlside. The truth is all a matter of public record now, it came out in the trials of the Greek Junta Colonels in the late 1970's. In the same year the US were also interfering in Italy. And how about Nicaragua? All part of the "communist Empire" myth that Straus and his followers were promoting.

I am against any country's interference with any other country - sovereign democracy or not. If sustainable change is required in a country, it can only come from within. You cannot impose or import democracy, it's an oxymoron. And who is to say that one country's so-called-democracy is better than another's?

04 Nov 04 - 11:36 AM (#1316530)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Sorry Brits, just poking fun to disguise the insecurities of my homosexuality


04 Nov 04 - 11:38 AM (#1316532)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge


I'll not bother going into UK involvement in the middle east as I don't consider it part of the discussion, your bringing it up is just a poor attempt at deflection.

You mentioned the NON interferance by the USA not me, so thats what Ill go on about, and theres quite a bit to go on about.

Heres a starter for you, google "Dan Mitrione" and see what you get.


04 Nov 04 - 11:38 AM (#1316533)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Jon

Ron "Actually, the question should be - Why does the UK bother about US elections?"

Assuming I'm typical, I'm not sure that many of us usualy do. I normally have little more than a passing interest but this time round took the US election very seriously. The reason is that I now know what GWB is like (I didn't 4 yrs ago) and consider him to be a very dangerous fanatic. The prospects of (and now unfortunately a reality) of him returning to power was something I believe to be of great to concern and has implications reaching far beyond the US.


04 Nov 04 - 11:43 AM (#1316537)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: jimmyt

I "bother" with UK elections

04 Nov 04 - 11:46 AM (#1316540)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

How did Davey know I like to drink tea, bloody CIA!

04 Nov 04 - 11:47 AM (#1316542)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Well, I understand that point of view Jon, as many Americans felt the same way about Thatcher--and then we got Reagan! Then you all got Majors, and we had Reagan lite--Clinton, then you got Thatcher/Majors lite--Blair.

Does anyone notice the similar trends between the Anglo and the Anglo American electoral processes?

As my countryman Homer would say--d'oh!

04 Nov 04 - 11:47 AM (#1316544)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: jimmyt

now I need to go "bother" with pulling 7 teeth

04 Nov 04 - 11:53 AM (#1316550)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Right you lot I'm off home now so, I'll leave all to continue to rant and rave, but can we have some answers like jimmyt waiting for me when I pick up this thread tomorrow, oh (quick change of subject) if anyone is in the Bradford area (UK)Come to the Topic folk club (in the Melborn) to see Julie Ellison, she's brill.

Carry on

04 Nov 04 - 11:59 AM (#1316555)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: George Papavgeris

And, GUEST,Davey, in case you thought my little rail was of the academic sort: I well remember at the age of 11 seeing my godfather, a lovely old man and activist for George Papandreou's Centre Party, being beaten to within an ninch of his life by thugs that - we now know - were being bankrolled by the CIA. This is REAL to me!

So, whether you are homophobic (your statement), or not, or left- or right-wing, left-handed, incontinent or not, wear glasses or not, a skinny-ass or a lard-ass, I don't give a gnat's fart. But don't you EVER make such statements again before you check out the facts.

"Mildly incenced" George

04 Nov 04 - 01:20 PM (#1316643)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: George Papavgeris

(Having had a shower and calmed down)... It is perfectly OK however for citizens of other countries to "bother" (as in "have an interest") in an election outside their country. Nothing wrong with that, and perfectly understandable when the result of the election in question can affect their own lives in some way.

The US elections are such a case. Yes, I am interested; yes, I was disappointed that Bush won (although I saw the practical choice being only one of "right" v "further right"). No, I would never dream of interfering, beyond stating my opinion - not even to the point of exhorting voters to vote one way or another.

But US citizens bothering about the UK elections - why should they? Unless the Brits were thinking of "freeing" the US from the grip of some evil power...

Come to think of it....;-)

04 Nov 04 - 01:21 PM (#1316645)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?


There are those of us Yanks who do not derive our entertainment from monster truck rallys, NASCAR racing, etc., and I, for one, damn sure don't drink that Budweiser skunk piss.   I am very interested in British politics and elections. My wife is a UK citizen (Scottish), which might, at least in part, account for some of that interest. I get embarrassed for the people of the UK when I see the outlandish behaviour by members of Parliament and the House of Lords during sessions broadcast on CSPAN. I am equally embarrased at the fact that the majority of my own countrymen saw fit to leave that little prick in office for another 4 long years. By the way, I've been hearing from some of your own countrymen that "Bud" is the most popular beer on the market over there. Now THAT I can't quite comprehend, considering the quality of beers and ales in Great Britain.

"Cheerio the noo'"


04 Nov 04 - 02:07 PM (#1316708)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Ebbie

Speaking of being "mildly incensed", I consider this question at this time to be insensitive, intrusive and America-bashing. At this point I would appreciate and would have expected a more sympathetic air from the UK, not to mention Canada. Damn it, you know how we are feeling.

But to answer the question: NO. Unless the people you elect, appoint or inherit impact the US in a major way, I'll take only a mild interest in who fronts you. They are mostly just names to me- with occasional bits of information filled in by Mudcatters in that country.

On the other hand, when you let us know how you are feeling about individual issues you will have my interest, my sympathy and my voice.

There are still a great ;many people in this world and on the Mudcat who don't realize the importance of geography. Countries that have 80 other principalities and powers within 5 hours of them are of course going to take greater interest in them and have access to much more news about them than we in the US do. What you hear and what you feel about other countries are analogous to what I hear and feel about Minnesota, say, or about Florida or about Hawaii.

Grow up.

04 Nov 04 - 02:24 PM (#1316730)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: George Papavgeris

You are right, Ebbie - it shouldn't have been asked. Especially not now. Especially not in that aggressive way ("well, do they, DISCUSS!"). And super ted gave the correct response in the very next posting - well the first part of his sentence anyway.


04 Nov 04 - 02:38 PM (#1316739)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Ebbie

Thanks, El Greko. It smarts.

04 Nov 04 - 03:02 PM (#1316753)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: jaze

I have some interest in your leader since our countries have always been such strong allies. More so Britain than probably any other country ,but for that reason. But I don't know that we get much info on the feelings of your countrymen about your PM the way you probably got bombarded with this election. For those of us not happy with the outcome of this election, it's nice to know there are those of you around the world who understand and sympathize. We appreciate your support.

04 Nov 04 - 03:38 PM (#1316787)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

Okay, here's an answer to your question. The USA will be quite perturbed if you Brits kick Tony Blair out of office...but...they will probably arrange for some other controlled surrogate to take his place, so I doubt it will make a whole lot of difference. Your parties, like theirs, and like Canada's, only pretend to serve the public.

04 Nov 04 - 03:45 PM (#1316798)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Ebbie

In the memorable words of DougR, Little Hawk, horse pucky.

04 Nov 04 - 05:47 PM (#1316927)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Some fuckwad is using my screen name to post. Trying to hide the accurate profile I gave of an average limey.

Probably the same hamster brain troll that does not know his English history.


04 Nov 04 - 05:58 PM (#1316938)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Sledge the devious Mudcatter
Pretended that size didn't matter
But when a Swede named Ole
Excavated his hole
He came and emptied his bladder.

Little Hawk

04 Nov 04 - 06:20 PM (#1316966)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Sledge the Limey troll:

If you had balls you would be drinking Turbo Dog instead of Earl Gray.


04 Nov 04 - 07:19 PM (#1317025)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

To Guest:

C'mon over to tha good ole US and take in one o our National Sport events, a Monster truck rally an guzzle some o our national drink, Budweiser.

Hey, you think mah woman looks good? She's still got most o her teef.

Davey, Stereotypical Yank

04 Nov 04 - 07:27 PM (#1317033)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Now someone is pretending to be me. I am really quite fond of limericks too.

04 Nov 04 - 07:37 PM (#1317042)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, I like limericks, but here's a better one:

An anonymous Guest, name of "blank"
Had a willie that wretchedly stank
He would wank on it vainly
To a pic of Dick Cheney
Till it finally expired and shrank

His favorite song was, of course: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"

04 Nov 04 - 07:38 PM (#1317049)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

By the way, I drink Earl Grey. Hot. Just like Picard, only I add a slice of lemon. And it's spelled "Grey", not Gray. Take note of that.

04 Nov 04 - 10:02 PM (#1317141)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: YorkshireYankee

Well, Muppett, as a transplanted (to Sheffield) Yank, I feel qualified to answer your question. Most folks in the US do not take much of an interest in non-US elections. Heck, a lot of folks in the US don't take all that much interest in *US* elections! This one just gone was exceptional, as you probably know.

Having lived in both the US and the UK, I can tell you that the coverage of the US elections here is about 100 times that of US coverage of the UK's (or just about any other country's) elections. Even when it's not election time, UK coverage of US politics is *huge* compared to US coverage of UK (or again, just about anyone else's) politics. When I first moved over here, the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal was BIG in the US and I remember thinking it would be a releief to not be constantly hearing about it on the news... boy was I wrong! I suspect it was even more on the news in the US, but I was amazed by how much coverage of it there was over here.

Back to the subject... before I moved to the UK, I could tell you who was PM of the UK, but I couldn't have told you who the challenger/loser was (unless it was the previous PM). And I have to tell you that I was probably more knowledgeable than most. (That's not bragging – I just know that I was brought up paying a bit more attention to politics/other countries than most kids I knew, because my dad taught/teaches political science at a [small] local university.) US media will tell you "So-and-so is the new president/prime minister/whatever of wherever", and they may even mention who was defeated – and maybe a teeny bit of background info – but it only gets mentioned once or twice, and most people (me included) don't remember something they've only heard once or twice (especially when it's just "boring" politics...). Here's a little game we could try (if you want to): See how many US presidents someone from the UK can name (without resorting to any references – just off the top of your head); then see how many British Prime Ministers someone from the US can name... I'd be willing to bet a rather large sum of money that at least 7 out of 10 times, the UKer will be able to name significantly more Prezzes than the other way round.

There is *very* little coverage of *any* other country's elections in the US media – even Canada, which is right next door to us. Sadly, I think it's safe to say that more Americans don't know the name of Canada's PM than do. (There was a very sad/funny incident where "a camera crew from the satirical Canadian television show 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes' asked Bush his reaction to "Prime Minister Poutine's" assessment that the Texas governor would win the presidency.

'I appreciate his strong statement,' Bush said. 'He understands I believe in free trade. He understands I want to make sure our relationship with our most important neighbor to the north is strong.'

The prime minister's name, of course, isn't 'Poutine,' a word that means a Quebec gustatory treat, a mass of greasy french fries drenched in cheese curd and gloppy brown gravy.")

Media coverage in the US tends to be by, for and about the US. When I lived in the Detroit area, I could get Canadian radio & television, and I remember thinking more than once that Canadian news programs were much broader in the news they covered – made me realize how US-centered most of our news is. I used to purposely tune in to Canadian news because I felt it gave me a more balanced view of things – and more info about what was going on in the rest of the world. It's the same thing all over again if you compare US news to UK news.

Also bear in mind that an alarmingly large number of US folks can't even point to the UK (or all *that* many other countries, I'm afraid) on a map (I'm NOT proud of this – far from it!), so how good are they going to be at keeping track of its elections?

These "slights" aren't out of spite – they're "just" the result of being so preoccupied with ourselves and our country, which is at least partly (in my opinion) because as a country we are so large, rich and powerful (not to mention spoiled) that we seem to think that what happens in other parts of the planet doesn't really affect us – at least not all that much... except for maybe needing more oil, but aside from that...

Of course this is short-sighted and selfish thinking, but hey, WE won't be around when all these chickens (which we have done so much to fatten up ourselves) come home to roost, so why should WE worry?

To be fair, not all USians think this way – but far too many of us do (far too many for *my* comfort, at least).

Soooo... are you happy now, Muppett?

P.S. George, I felt appalled and ashamed of my country when I read what happened to your Godfather (and not for the first time, nor will it – I'm sure – be the last, more's the pity.)

04 Nov 04 - 10:09 PM (#1317154)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: DougR

U. K. elections are the business of citizens of the U. K. We may be interested, but have no business interfearing.


05 Nov 04 - 12:45 AM (#1317266)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

Turbo dog sounds like an interesting beer perfect for the average gap-toothed slack-jawed shotgun-toting tobacco-chewing "squeal like a pig"-ordering yokel.


"Authors note" While the above statement may reflect some negative stereotypes perpetuated in print and film, I of course do not think that this represents a fair picture of most US citizens! Just Guest Davey.

05 Nov 04 - 04:08 AM (#1317394)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

GO brush your teeth sledge!


05 Nov 04 - 04:08 AM (#1317395)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: DMcG

A tongue in cheek article in today's paper:

It was a very tense night. All over America millions of viewers stayed up late waiting to find out the result of that referendum on a regional assembly for the north-east of England. In bars in the midwest, tattooed truckers and Vietnam vets anxiously bit their lips as CNN reported that exit polls from Chester-le-Street made the referendum to close to call. ...

(The result was announced today: 78% voted against.)

05 Nov 04 - 05:05 AM (#1317437)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: John MacKenzie

If this link works

Click Matt Cartoon


05 Nov 04 - 05:05 AM (#1317438)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Bloody ell (and I make no apologies for swearing), I started off this thread wanting to know whether or not the ordinary folk of America are bothered about UK Politics, this was done in all innocence as recently there's been a lot of news coverage over here about US Politics and the ordinary folk I have contact with on the estate and community centre I work in couldn't give a frig about it, So I just wanted to see if the same could be said in America about UK Politics. Ebbie & El Greko there was no intention to be insensitive,intrusive or be 'America bashing'.
The sort of answer I was after was what Yorkshire yankee gave me. I just wanted a straight answer to straight question, but what do I get stupid silly squabbling. By eck its no wonder the world is in such a state it's in, if we don't listen to what is being asked or try and read into something that's not really there.

If any American mudcatters want to PM me to further this chat I'd be interested to hear them. Meanwhile can we be straight and honest with one another
Right I'll take my serious hat off now and await any replies


05 Nov 04 - 08:27 AM (#1317599)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: John MacKenzie

To be serious for a moment, I don't think that most Americans apart from the readers of the NYT and the Washington Post etc have any idea what is happening outside the US, nor do they care. The name Tony Blair has only registered on the conciousness of many over there due to the present little fracas in Iraq. Normally international news is only reported on mainstream news media, when Americans are directly involved. Do remember that the US is a big country, and many people who live there have never been outside it's borders, and many who have, only went because they were drafted. Lindy England is a good example of someone who might never have travelled more than a couple of hundred miles from the town of her birth had she not joined the military, and look what happened when she left home!

05 Nov 04 - 08:41 AM (#1317605)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Paco Rabanne

Does anyone in England care about the elections in Finland?

05 Nov 04 - 08:46 AM (#1317608)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: muppett

Yep cause it could effect Santa

05 Nov 04 - 08:56 AM (#1317613)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

All those poor little elves facing an uncertain future, shocking!

05 Nov 04 - 09:14 AM (#1317625)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Ah drink mah Turbo Dog from a rusty ammo box.
I chaw my terbacky an spit my juice. I'd like to go to heavin but it ain't no use.


05 Nov 04 - 09:18 AM (#1317627)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: sledge

I think we have the winner of the next Booker prize ;-)


05 Nov 04 - 09:36 AM (#1317637)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

I can't read so it don't matter.


05 Nov 04 - 09:41 AM (#1317644)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Hey stop using my guest name to make me look stupid, I can do that all by myself.

Keeping it real for Hillbilly homosexuality


05 Nov 04 - 09:43 AM (#1317647)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Little Hawk

Sledge sucks goat gonads.


05 Nov 04 - 09:48 AM (#1317655)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey



05 Nov 04 - 10:01 AM (#1317676)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: jimmyt

To be honest and candid and hopefully non-controversial, I have always been amazed at how the average man on the street in UK discusses politics, social issues, American issues, healthcare, etc with the same zeal that American "men on the street" discuss sports or hunting. I think it is a legitimate observation that people in the UK are, by and large, better informed about their issues as well as anything AMerican (except strangely American baseball).

I would suppose that you could make the assumption that this makes them smarter, or conversely, Americans are dumber. I think this is not a valid assumption. When I travel, I do not make the assumption that "We do it right back home, and Y'all are all wrong here in ENgland." I personally think headlines in your Mirror, that to paraphrase, "How could 59 million people be so dumb?" is pretty insulting and stereotyping.

I do not like cooked greens like turnip greens, or collard greens which are a mainstay in the American south. I do like spinich and kale. DOes that make me smarter and the southerner stupid? I don't think so. I think it is a difference that not too many generalizations should be drawn from.

I am quite sure that the average American who voted for George Bush is a nice person that you would be happy to live next door to, to have your children play with theirs, that may be different but, doggone it, they are people just like you are. I am only writing this as an effort to try to bring out the information that wherever I go, I find that people are generally good. They are not evil, they are not stupid, they just see things differently than you may. I have seen bumper stickers with rainbows on them from the gay movement with the message "Celebrate diversity." Well I do, and it doesn't end with gays, blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc It means all people to me. Just an opinion.

05 Nov 04 - 10:08 AM (#1317684)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Sledge

I should know.

Little Hawk

05 Nov 04 - 10:10 AM (#1317688)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

I love the sound of redneck cock plunging into my anus


05 Nov 04 - 10:37 AM (#1317729)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Sledge

Only if it is Little Hawks cock


05 Nov 04 - 10:42 AM (#1317742)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

Sledge thought he was so cool
His momma named him after a tool
His head was like steel
His nuts had no feel
Cause he is a numb nutted fool

05 Nov 04 - 10:45 AM (#1317749)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Mary

Will Sledge & Davey continue their cyberspace love making else where, you're not impressing anybody.

05 Nov 04 - 10:50 AM (#1317754)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Puppet master

Mary the last several posters have been Davey,

i.e he puts guest sledge and then signs his own name DC,
I have been using Daveys name to wind him for the last 2 days.


05 Nov 04 - 10:52 AM (#1317760)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Puppet master

P.S   Davey sucks cock (and the world revolves on its axle one more time)

05 Nov 04 - 10:52 AM (#1317761)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Davey

Sledge is evidently sorry he lost someone else's election.

My Condolences

05 Nov 04 - 11:47 AM (#1317822)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: DougR

I think Bill D hit it squarely on the head. Of course we are interested, but I do not believe we would try to interfere in other country's elections as many newspapers in Europe did with ours. You may find editorials in U. S. newspapers supporting one person or another, but no tampering with the election.

Davey said it better than I though.

L. H.: I'm beginning to see why Bobert has been so whacky lately. He must have been sending his mewdications to you!


05 Nov 04 - 11:53 AM (#1317830)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Joe Offer

So, you trolls have had your little fun. Now, can you shut up and let the people have an intelligent discussion?
I guess I can't understand how you can get any pleasure out of posting that crap.
-Joe Offer-

05 Nov 04 - 01:14 PM (#1317964)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Little Hawk

My popularity must be hitting record levels. :-) Anonymous GUESTs who don't like my political views are now pretending to be me...

Gosh, I wonder what embarrassing thing they will say next? (sitting back and waiting with anticipation)

You know, guys, Joe Offer and the other moderators here can see from what URL you are posting. Are you aware of that?

05 Nov 04 - 05:01 PM (#1318218)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: jimmyt

It seem that either my last comments of the sophomoric rants af the lockerroom boys has killed yet another thread. grin

05 Nov 04 - 09:38 PM (#1318486)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Padre

The answer is, I don't bother about elections in the United Kingdom, and they don't need to bother about our elections. That is what being a sovereign nation means.

05 Nov 04 - 10:05 PM (#1318506)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: Susan A-R

I happen to wake up to BBC every morning because it's somewhat more trustworthy than my own news, so I do end up paying attention, and I have a fair numnber of friends who do likewise, so anecdotally, yes. I must admit to some confusion as to how often and when elections actually occur, some confusion about votes of no confidence, when parties select their choices for prime minester, etc. I was aware of the Northeast England vote, but don't know much about what the regional government concept implies.

I do find it odd to have a country of close to 300 million people, obviously varying a lot in beliefs, lumped together so. I come from a town that voted 75% Kerry, 25% Bush, I guess I'm from the same country as the rest of the folks who felt somewhat differently, but we vary, region to region, person to person, state to state. I am getting a bit pissed off at the implications from both north and across the pond that we are all ignorant assholes. That tells me who's what. I'm with Ebbie. I worked on this last election and work on other political efforts here in Vermont with it's Socialist, Democrat and Independent representatives to Congress. Stop lumping us all together

05 Nov 04 - 10:27 PM (#1318519)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Fats

Well bless my soul
How I love to troll.

Fats D.

05 Nov 04 - 10:52 PM (#1318536)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?


Arn't you folks a MONARCHY?

It is the general USA public opinion that Charles is useless, his eldest is a poofter, but if there were a revolution, the youngest male heir holds promise (unless there is still one younger in the Arab States - inwhich case - let them all die chaste.)

05 Nov 04 - 11:54 PM (#1318590)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Puppet master

Us retards need something to keep us busy.

06 Nov 04 - 12:44 AM (#1318605)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
From: GUEST,Rovey Waid

Do you Canocks and Limeys have your nose up the Palestinians asses yet telling them what to do?