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BS: Remember, remember, the 5th

04 Nov 04 - 11:51 PM (#1317229)
Subject: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Gurney

of November, gunpowder, treason, and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

It is largely forgotten here on NZ, they call it fireworks night.
Guy Fawkes? Who?
Still full daylight at 5.45pm and the bangs are starting.

05 Nov 04 - 04:46 AM (#1317420)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh you lucky thing... here in London, the fireworks started in September. I've heard one practically every night, and sometimes during the day since then. There have been fireworks every night since Ramadan started, and when Eid hits in a few weeks time, it's going to be like the Somme. Should end sometime about Christmas, and then they'll start up on New Years' Eve again.....


05 Nov 04 - 05:34 AM (#1317471)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Dave Hanson

Come back Guy Fawkes [ a Yorkshireman ] all is forgiven.

He should be a national hero along with Ned Ludd and Robin Hood.


05 Nov 04 - 05:37 AM (#1317475)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Paco Rabanne

Last year in Hull, the local arseholes were firing rockets off a low angle so that they landed in adjacent streets.

05 Nov 04 - 09:54 AM (#1317667)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Dave Hanson

Try empty bottles instead of arseholes ted. I think you will find the go off more vertically.


05 Nov 04 - 10:05 AM (#1317681)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Rapparee

Wasn't Guy Fawkes one of the bad guys in the "Mad Max" movies?

05 Nov 04 - 02:18 PM (#1318054)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Nigel Parsons

No, Guy Fawkes was the last Briton to enter parliament who was honest about his intent!

05 Nov 04 - 02:28 PM (#1318065)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Nerd

Hey, I've been watching the UK News lately, and everyone from Tony Blair to the anchors is wearing these pins or badges that look like flowers or apple slices. Is this a Guy Fawkes thing? if not, what the heck IS it?

05 Nov 04 - 03:34 PM (#1318127)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Nigel Parsons


It's a poppy, a little early, but we celebrate 'Remembrance Day' on 11th November (or the nearest Sunday). The original 'Armistice Day'. The day the guns fell silent at the end of WW I. Politicians & newsreaders tend to wear their poppies for a longer season so as not to miss the actual day. (their minds can't cope with remembering the date so they start wearing them as soon as they become available!)

The sale of these paper & plast1c(the stem)poppies supports the Earl Haig foundation. This in turn supports disabled servicemen & the widows & orphans of those who gave their life for their country.
The Poppy is the symbol from the poem In Flanders Field

Assuming you're across the pond, I think it's the equivalent of 'Veterans day'



05 Nov 04 - 03:39 PM (#1318133)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Nerd

Thanks. It's been a little maddening to watch, because it looks like a weird cult of some kind; they're all wearing the same symbol, yet no one ever mentions it! I'm glad to hear what it really is!

05 Nov 04 - 08:29 PM (#1318421)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Liz the Squeak

Well, it's been about 30 mins now since the last firework went bang... not bad really, it's only 1.30am.....


05 Nov 04 - 09:06 PM (#1318453)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Susan A-R

I know Guy tried to blow up parliament, but when was it? Was it for "good cause?"   Say, we used to wear poppies for "Armistice day" now it's "Veteran's Day" and we don't odd that all of our remembrance holidays get turned into "glorify war days" I suspect that if we started "National Peace Day" it'd get turned into something militaristic.

No. I'm not in the least bitter.

But About Guy?

05 Nov 04 - 10:40 PM (#1318529)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Billy the Bus


Gurney - rest assured it's still Guy Fawkes on Stewart island, though we are a day late celebrating this year. the school jids (all 15) were on thw mainland last week and didn't get home until 5.30pm last night 9the 5th) - so we've deferred it to tonight. It won't be a patch on 25 iears back when we had 65 boats fishing off the island. guy fawkes was an excellent excusre for disposing of outdated emergency flares... great stuff..

Nigel - we used to remember Armistice Day in NZ, when I was a kid in the '50s. This year will be the first major event in yonks. Right now we have an Armed Forces team (plus hangers-on) in France, coolecting the remains of an unidntifed WWI Kiwi soldier from his War Grave, to bring home to NZ and re-inter in our new Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Wellington. in MZ we wear our poppies on ANZAC Day 925 April) to rmember the Gallipoli landing of 1915.

Susan - It was all a Papist Plot - Guy Fawkes has a good summary, while Gunpowder Plot offers more backgound detail.

Next year is the 400th Anniversay of the event. I trust no-one tries a re-run.

Cheers - Sam

06 Nov 04 - 02:28 PM (#1318951)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: John MacKenzie

A lovely firework display has just started up acroos the loch from me, I get both the display, and the reflection from here, it's lovely!

07 Nov 04 - 12:21 PM (#1319611)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Susan A-R

My husband was in England for the year when he was 7. His Birthday is the 4th of November and he figured that the fireworks were for him.

08 Nov 04 - 07:50 AM (#1320314)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: GUEST,Willy McBoyne

Guy Fawkes did not enter parliament with any honest intentions, but to blow up Parliament and replace it with a Catholic theocracy, which means that we would have had the horrors of Bloody Mary all over again.

08 Nov 04 - 11:43 AM (#1320542)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Rapparee

So, Guy Fawkes and some other guys created a powder room in the Parliament Building. Big deal. We've got several right here where I work. Or would it be more accurate to say that they wanted to give Pariliament a truly great bj?

08 Nov 04 - 11:58 AM (#1320555)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

Maybe I'm being overly sensitive here as I am in the military, but just what about Veterans day glorifies war?

We are honoring the men and women of the US (and our allies as well) who gave of their lives to protect this nation and her allies. I can't believe anyone would say that at least WWII was unjustified! I'm situated not far from the Washington DC "mall" with the WWII, Korea, and Vietnam monuments. Daily I see our veterans at these monuments. Some are hail and hearty, some are broken. They are their to remember friends who they have lost not regail us with battle stories. The US Govt. isn't doing enough for these men and women who put their lives on the line. Can't we at least have a day where we pay some attention to them and say Thank you for your service and sacrifice?

08 Nov 04 - 12:04 PM (#1320566)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: John MacKenzie

Guy Fawkes was the ONLY person to enter parliament with good intentions.

08 Nov 04 - 12:11 PM (#1320572)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: chris nightbird childs

I know about the Guy Fawkes bit, but could that be a Lennon reference, Gurney?

29 Sep 09 - 09:04 PM (#2734642)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: *#1 PEASANT*

We celebrate in Baltimore on November 7- bonfire, fireworks, traditional foods, all welcome 402 Nancy 21090 rain or shine all welcome. Food! Bier! Sodas......dress welcome.....
More on the blog


30 Sep 09 - 11:32 AM (#2735024)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Mrrzy

Wish the US did this. Sounds like a load of fun.

30 Sep 09 - 12:19 PM (#2735072)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: ButterandCheese

celebrating an attempted act of terrorism?

30 Sep 09 - 12:26 PM (#2735079)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th

We have the Fourth of July.

30 Sep 09 - 12:48 PM (#2735094)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: DMcG

"celebrating an attempted act of terrorism?"
Officially, it is celebrating the defeat of an act of terrorism.

30 Sep 09 - 12:58 PM (#2735108)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: ButterandCheese

Yes that was James I s explanation wasn't it?

30 Sep 09 - 09:38 PM (#2735483)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

In California, and other parts of the southwest, we have Cinco del Mayo.

30 Sep 09 - 10:14 PM (#2735492)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Leadfingers

Any Non Brits of a delicate nature are advised to stay away from Lewes (Despite the EXCELLENT Folk Clubs there) on the 5th of November as they still burn the Pope in effigy !
There are a lot of VERY good Parades in other Sussex towns round the date though ! My Ex and I uused to go down to Battle for their Nov 5 display !

30 Sep 09 - 10:56 PM (#2735518)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: jeddy

i have tried looking for this, but no cigar.
could someone tel me if guy and his pals had succeeded, would they have brought back witch hunting? or if not that then the torture of people for being pagan?

i have real alot of historical fiction books but as you all know my head is not built to remember dates and stuff, and i have that many of around or before that time that rereading them is really not an option.

the thing is, as much as i am dissappointed by the government we have now, we have come along way since then.

think of the history we would have missed out on if their plot had succeeded.
the feeling we have toward that building and those inside, have probably not changed that much. mistrust, abuse of power and not connecting to the little people who make this country work.

take care all

jade x x x x

30 Sep 09 - 11:40 PM (#2735531)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: MGM·Lion

For many years, between the Wars & post-WWii, and surviving till my student 1950s Cambridge days & beyond, it was traditional for students [&, in London &c, young people generally — see many refs in P.G Wodehouse's Wooster stories] to go out what they called "ragging", but was actually drunken & ill-natured rioting, on Guy Fawkes Night; one highly 'honourable' achievement was to capture & take home to one's rooms a policeman's helmet. Anyone with any sense did best to stay at home that night. It is my impression this tradition is now defunct, I am glad to say — hope it stays that way.

01 Oct 09 - 03:35 AM (#2735597)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: GUEST, topsie

In the days before Guy Fawkes Night British streets held small groups of children with a 'Guy', which resembled a scarecrow, but without a pole to make him stand up. They would beg for a 'penny for the Guy'. The Guy would be burnt on a bonfire on 5 November, and the pennies would be spent on fireworks and/or toffees.
Some people have tried to play down Guy Fawkes Night by putting more emphasis on Hallowe'en - popular in the US, but hardly an improvement. And AOL started celebrating it in mid-September.

01 Oct 09 - 04:04 AM (#2735606)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Jack Blandiver

In the days before Guy Fawkes Night British streets held small groups of children with a 'Guy', which resembled a scarecrow, but without a pole to make him stand up. They would beg for a 'penny for the Guy'. The Guy would be burnt on a bonfire on 5 November, and the pennies would be spent on fireworks and/or toffees.

No need for a past tense here, Topsie - it was an essential part of my (Northumbrian) childhood and remains a feature of British culture today, even here in Catholic Lancashire!

01 Oct 09 - 04:46 AM (#2735628)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: GUEST, topsie

I remember the children with their guys in the fifties and sixties, but I've seen none lately - maybe I should get out more!

01 Oct 09 - 08:14 AM (#2735745)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Dave Hanson

Remember remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder Treason and WHAT ?

[ Sid Kipper ]

Dave H

01 Oct 09 - 08:22 AM (#2735751)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

I've not seen any kids doing penny for the guy for yonks - I did it back in the eighties, but it seemed to become rather frowned upon for some reason.

01 Oct 09 - 12:43 PM (#2735934)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: Penny S.

The witch hunts were by the Protestants - King James was very keen on getting rid of them, and they also happened during the commonwealth when there was no king. "Witches", who were probably simply single old women, possibly learned in herb lore, or in a few cases murderers who used poison, were hung, not burned. As in Salem, personal quarrels or property issues may also have been contributory to accusations. The Catholics had been responsible for burning Protestants - hence the Pope-burning at Lewes, a site of a martyr burning. also the carrying of burning crosses there, one for each martyr, and a real shock to the system if you didn't expect it. Pagans were not involved, and there is no evidence for anything but eccentric versions of Christianity. Since there is evidence from the trials of witches of what people believed the witches were doing, ie devil worship, and what the witches believed they were doing, it's unlikely.
Incidentally, it is possible, by keeping west of the river and avoiding the procession of Cliffe Bonfire Society to the War Memorial, to have a good time at Lewes without feeling offended by the no pot-pourri theme. There are four other firegrounds which do not have the religious aspect to their effigies, and do not have the Bonfire Prayers. And have brilliant fireworks. You have to advance book to be really offended, anyway.
It's a bit like a maths problem. There are five societies, some of which will join with others to process, some which will not join with particular others (it appears to me). Each society has additions from local villages, and the lengths vary. Each procession must at some time during the evening visit both the bridge on the High Street and the War Memorial. There are two bridges where the river may be crossed. How can the processions move successfully around the town? It must look fascinating from up on the hills.
Oh, and Catholics do belong to some societies, and Ian Paisley (back before he softened) totally failed to find any support there.

01 Oct 09 - 01:05 PM (#2735951)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember, remember, the 5th
From: GUEST,PeterC

I haven't seen kids collecting for the guy for years. Down here halloween was something that happened on American TV shows until the supermarkets got hold of it.