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Most un-favorite song topics

14 Nov 98 - 06:52 PM (#45400)
Subject: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Anyone want to work on a thread of least favorite song topics? How about: "Hurt me, scream at me, do what you want; only don't leave me, baby." Or, "I'll do it with anything that moves, but I still love you best."

14 Nov 98 - 07:00 PM (#45401)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

How about "I'm going to heaven and you're not"? --seed

14 Nov 98 - 07:02 PM (#45403)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

Oh, and of course there's "She Done Me Wrong So I Killed Her." --seed

14 Nov 98 - 07:02 PM (#45404)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Big Mick




14 Nov 98 - 07:03 PM (#45405)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Or, "You broke my heart, so I broke your jaw."

14 Nov 98 - 07:07 PM (#45406)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Or ANY song with "Ooooo, baby..." in it. Or "Floating on a sea of love."

14 Nov 98 - 07:09 PM (#45408)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Chet W.

Many songs (not most) particularly by new writers (not all), seem to contain thoughts that might better be left private and images that we would edit out if we took a few minutes to think. I know it's all part of a learning process, but never ask your audience to be your therapist or your confessor.

Chet W.

14 Nov 98 - 07:13 PM (#45409)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Mo

Any song that asks me to demonstrate my state of present joy and knowledge of it by perfoming some totally unrelated physical action. You know the one I mean! Mo

14 Nov 98 - 07:19 PM (#45414)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

You mean: "If you're happy and you know it, blow your nose?"

14 Nov 98 - 07:57 PM (#45419)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

14 Nov 98 - 09:27 PM (#45430)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Cuilionn

I cannae help reca'in Woody Guthrie's auld line: "I hate a song that makes ya think you're not any good." I cannae abide onythin' entirely hopeless an' cynical...but I love sangs o' tragedy an' blues, 'cause if someane is singin' 'em it maun mean they survived!

Muckle obligit for yir ither answers postit aboon... I've nae laughed that hard in days!!!


14 Nov 98 - 09:37 PM (#45432)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

Any song message that is "I'm a victim, I'm a victim, so I'm angry at you and have a right to get even."

Also on the un-favorite list, "My life belongs on a sick tv talk show, and the same for all my friends and relatives."


14 Nov 98 - 10:03 PM (#45435)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Barry Finn

SIng a song about your newborn, as if it's only happened to you & you just had to tell the world about this new, one time only sensation. Barry

14 Nov 98 - 10:15 PM (#45436)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: rosebrook

Maybe not QUITE along the lines of this thread, but vaguely resembling it... I heartily recommend the book 'Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs'. It had me laughing hysterically in the library! It really is a hilarious read.


15 Nov 98 - 12:08 AM (#45445)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bill D

was at a sing once...some lady was there who was new...we asked her if she'd like to sing one, but she was bashful or we said "Well, is there anything you'd like to is a tradition for those who don't HAVE a song to request one"

She said, "Oh, no..that's ok you all just long it's not about dead pets or something..."

Well...there was this LOOK that went around the room! And the regulars among us KNEW what was about to happen...totally unable to resist our baser inclinations we opened our throats and gave her about 6 dead cat songs in a row!! know.."Nobody's Moggie Now".."The Body in the Bag".."The Cat Came Back".."I'm Going to Kill My Cat"...etc...

She stared...she shook her head...we never saw her was one of those moments you just can't plan.We all sort of felt guilty...but......

15 Nov 98 - 12:29 AM (#45448)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Say, has anyone ever tried to put music to "100 Uses For A Dead Cat?" Bill D., that was purrfect!!!!

15 Nov 98 - 02:29 AM (#45464)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

My niece, the same one who sent me the report on the annual Darwin awards, sent me this list of country song titles:

These are NOT made up. These are actual song titles....

Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns Into Bed

Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissing You Goodbye

Her Teeth Was Stained, But Her Heart Was Pure

How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away

I Can't Get Over You, So Why Don't You Get Under Me

I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling

I Got In At 2 With a 10, And Woke Up At 10 With a 2

I Hate Every Bone In Your Body Except For Mine

I Just Bought A Car From A Guy That Stole My Girl, But The Car Don't Run, So I Figure We Got An Even Deal

I Keep Forgettin' I Forgot About You

I Liked You Better Before I Knew You So Well

I Still MIss You Baby, But My Aim's Gettin' Better

I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dog Fight, Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win

I'll Marry You Tomorrow But Let's Honeymoon Tonite

I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Like Having You Here

I've Got Tears in My Ears From Lying On My Back in My Bed as I Cry Over You

If I Can't Be Number One In Your Life, Then Number Two On You

Mama Get A Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head)

My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, And I Don't Love Jesus

My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend, and I Sure Do Miss Him

Please Bypass this Heart

She Got The Ring and I Got The Finger

You're the Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly

I Would Have Written You a Letter, But I Couldn't Spell

Quote: "People show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable." -Anon

15 Nov 98 - 02:30 PM (#45482)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: The Shambles

Seed, is there really a song called How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

15 Nov 98 - 02:59 PM (#45484)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bill Cameron

1. How Can I miss you if you won't go away-- was recorded by Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. (late 60's/early 70's smooth acoustic jazzy kinda band.)

2. The list of country songs, about which the less said the better, unaccountably has lost my favourite title: You Were Just a Splinter In My Ass As I Slid Down the Banister Of Life.

3. To finally get to the topic of dis thread, almost any song using the clever metaphors of "life is like a river", "rain (in my heart or elsewhere)", or an allegedly "new day dawning" usually has me reaching for the channel switcher. Bill "Its a New Day In the Raging River of My Rainy Heart" Cameron

15 Nov 98 - 04:50 PM (#45493)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Barbara

Any autobiographical song where the singer whines ('whinges' for you Aussies) about a dead relationship and life in general.
About your dead pet story Bill, last week Tom Lewis was here (shanty singer extraodinaire) and at a pub party afterwards with twenty or so moderately lubricated Portland shanty singing folk, he started a song that had the response line "I say". Well, it didn't come back to him loud enough the first time, and so he asked, "You can all sing that, can't you? Let me hear it."
That *LOOK* went around the room, just like you said, Bill, and for the rest of evening, any quarter note rest in any of his songs had an "I say!" in it. Often several people in unison or harmony.
He was heard to mumble as he left the pub, "I guess I should have left well enough alone." I think he'll be back, though.
Barbara Barbara

15 Nov 98 - 05:25 PM (#45498)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

Sorry about that formatting, guys: I had thought that double spacing worked--but it comes out as a nice puzzle all run together that way. And Barbara, your story reminds me of the time Berkeley High's then-very-popular principal Tom Parker started to address an all-school assembly and after every phrase he was interrupted by applause. I don't think he ever got through his second sentence.
And that reminds me of another Berkeley High assembly story: Imagine this, the entire student body called together to listen to the names of dozens of winners of math contests read, most of them sitting on folding chairs on stage (many of their parents in the audience), standing when their names were called. This was the entire assembly, except for the audience response: after the first dozen or so names, a soft one-word chant started up and spread throughout the auditorium. It remained very soft, but with a couple thousand voices chanting it in unison it grew in intensity from kind of a heartbeat sound, more felt than heard, to a clear word. A n award would be announced, a winner named, and the chant Nerd! would follow. This went on for about 30 minutes, with teachers and student supervisors and administrators trying to stop it, but finally accepting the inevitable. That was the first and last math awards assembly, but the teacher who set it up ten years later spent a painful two years trying to be principal.


15 Nov 98 - 05:33 PM (#45500)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bruce O.

Bill D, to see the "The cat came back", words and music in 1893, go to the the Levy sheet music site (Mudcat's Links) and put 'cat came back' in the 'bibliographic search' box (box 54, item 22).

15 Nov 98 - 05:38 PM (#45502)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

"How Can I Miss You If You Don't Go Away", one of my favorite Dan Hicks songs!! Along with " I Scare Myself".


15 Nov 98 - 07:28 PM (#45517)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Roger in Baltimore

U. Utah Phillips, the golden voice of the great southwest, related this dreaded song topic back in 1972 or so at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. "I'm a poor folk singer (pain, pain, pain), out on the road (agony, agony, agony), just me and my guitar (pain, pain, pain), and I want to get laid." You know, people are still writing that song.

Roger in Baltimore

15 Nov 98 - 07:33 PM (#45518)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Evelyn

I happen to like "get out of here baby, the police are lookin' for you and my wife thinks your dead" by Junior Brown.

16 Nov 98 - 02:05 AM (#45566)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: The Shambles


At one of those ernest singer-songwriters nights the song that cause the most interest among the singer-songwriters, but not I think from the audience, was one entitled 'Blood On The Frets'. UGH!

16 Nov 98 - 02:31 AM (#45571)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

There's also the "Grandaddy said this to Granny, Daddy said it to Mom, I said it to your momma, and you say it to your bride" and its cousin, "Grampa said it to Daddy, Daddy said it to me, and now I'm sayin' it to you, cuz I can hear Jesus sayin' it to me." --seed

16 Nov 98 - 06:02 AM (#45585)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: 13wolfpuppies

mustang sally. it should be the state anthem here in AZ cuz everybody wants to hear it about 15 times a night.

17 Nov 98 - 01:05 AM (#45739)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Then theres the "Old Spot done died and gone to Jesus" type.

17 Nov 98 - 01:13 PM (#45808)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bert

But the worst of all are those that don't seem to have a topic at all.
You meet them all the time at Singer/Songwriter gatherings. They go on, and on, and on, never getting anywhere; and when they are done you think 'What was that all about?'


17 Nov 98 - 01:39 PM (#45814)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Barbara

Hey, Bert, that sounds like a possibility for a song. Something like "You were wondering where this is going, so am I..." Sounds kind of like the sort of thing you might write.
Whaddaya think?

17 Nov 98 - 02:30 PM (#45815)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bert


Good idea, similar things have been done before.

....I don't know where I'm going,
but whenI get there I'll be glad.
I'm following in Father's footsteps,
Yes I'm following me dear old Dad.

or Lewis Carrol's
I sent a message to the fish...

There's always room for one more though, I'll have to work on it.

17 Nov 98 - 03:01 PM (#45816)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Barbara

Or the Zeke Hoskin chorus I love:
Load up on chili and blow out your shorts
The ocean is wide, it's a long way to port
The dusty old cowpoke goes riding along
This chorus has nothing to do with the song.
PLUG: he and his very funny songs can be found at: Blessings,

17 Nov 98 - 07:19 PM (#45845)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Roger in Baltimore


You listed "She Got The Ring and I Got The Finger." I remember this as "I Gave Her the Ring, and She Gave Me the Finger." A semi-local band, Bottlehill, did this one. The banjo player Walt Michael has gone on to bigger and better things, a wonderful hammered dulcimer player.

But I posted so I could get the chorus for this song out of my head and onto paper.

I gave her the ring,
And she gave me the finger.
And that finger stinger lingers,
Like a ringer 'round my heart.

You just had to bring that song up, didn't you.

Roger in Baltimore

17 Nov 98 - 09:36 PM (#45875)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

It's not my list, Roger. As I said, I just got it from my niece. I corrected a couple of words here and there in titles I knew. I think somewhere I have an album called lL"Songs of Couch and Consultation" with such songs as "Stay as Sick as You Are" and "I Can't Get Adjusted to the You Who Got Adjusted to Me," and "Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry (You'll Be Adjusted By and By)." --seed

17 Nov 98 - 10:07 PM (#45884)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bill D

Bert...your comment reminded me of a description I liked of some of the new 'singer-songwriter' stuff..

'Young girls singing their diaries'

18 Nov 98 - 06:33 PM (#45994)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: dick greenhaus

The Greek term is oomphalaskeptic songs.

18 Nov 98 - 11:21 PM (#46033)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

There's one from several years ago titled "Every time I get An Itch, I Wind Up Scratching You." And Mickey Gilley had one--"A Headache Tomorrow Or A Heartache Tonight."

19 Nov 98 - 06:44 AM (#46085)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: alison


"Teddy -bear" type stuff..... you know little crippled boy with CB radio...... lot's of huge trucks parked outside........ AAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Although billy Connolly did a great rip off of all that sort of stuff..... it's the serious versions I can't stand.



19 Nov 98 - 08:43 AM (#46093)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Greg Baker

In the science fiction "filksinging" circles (where I've played for 20 years now) the ones that get to me are serious songs about dead characters on a TV show, or mourning the latest crash of the Enterprise to Stan Roger's "Mary Ellen Carter". Pleeze!

Greg Baker World's Most Modest Filksinger

19 Nov 98 - 12:33 PM (#46110)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: The Shambles

How about those songs with the 'ernest talking bit' in the middle?

19 Nov 98 - 02:28 PM (#46134)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

yes, Dick, the navel-gazing stuff is un-favorite. Omphalic lyrics are common with both male and female young songwriters.

21 Nov 98 - 01:41 PM (#46374)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Tim Jaques

The worst lyrics are to rap and hip-hop songs. As was once remarked to me there are no rap or hip-hop love songs. You can't write a love song with the word "bitch" in it.

What about "She Got The Gold Mine, I Got The Shaft". Every so often a list circulates by e-mail with the titles of outlandish songs, presumably country and western.

I seem to recall Kinky Friedman writing a song with the title or refrain, "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Any More" but IIRC it was an anti-racism song. I haven't heard anything of Kinky in years. Last I read of him he was writing novels, to promote which he was touring England in an enormous old Caddie with horns on the grill, with he and a female aide dressed in drugstore cowboy suits which he described as being "gauche even in Texas." I seem to recall that his band also had a provocative name.

21 Nov 98 - 07:37 PM (#46397)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Charlie Baum

My own attempt to write a country-and-western song is "You're the Worm in the Apple of My Eye."
--Charlie Baum

22 Nov 98 - 12:07 AM (#46419)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: T.Welch

How 'bout: You stink! (But I Love You) This one really exists

22 Nov 98 - 12:11 AM (#46421)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: T. Welch

whatever you said, Dude

22 Nov 98 - 12:42 AM (#46424)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: T.Welch

I like this Birthday song from Wierd Al Yankovic:

Well it's time to celebrate your birthday it happens once a year we eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot a beer you should be good and happy that you have so much to eat a million people everyday are starving in the street your pappa's in the gutter with the wretched and the poor your mamma's in the kitchen with a can of Cycle 4 there's garbage in the water and poison in the sky I guess it won't be long till we're all gonna die

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you

What's a matter little baby think your party is the pits enjoy it while you can, we'll soon be blown to bits the monkeys in the pentagon are gonna cook our goose their fingers on the button, all they need is an excuse it doesn't take a military genius to agree we'll all be crispy critters after world war III there's nowhere you can run to and nowhere you can hide when they drop the big one, we all get fried


there's more, but you get the idea

22 Nov 98 - 05:21 PM (#46486)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: BSeed

Kinky's group was Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jew-Boys. His mystery stories (with himself as hero) are available in book stores. --seed

23 Nov 98 - 08:16 AM (#46567)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Steve Parkes

Some years back we were "celebrating" the 50th anniversary of WW2 (1939 over here), and we turned up a song with this chorus:

Oh, the wop and the jap and the hun, They'll be sorry for the war that they've begun. They must pay the price, those three blind lice, The wop and the jap and the hun.

Apologies if that offends; the war was over six years before I was born, so I'm not out to upset anyone. However, it's hard to resist such offensive songs, although we weren't allowed to use it in a show. But in '95 I was talking to Dave & Al Sealey (Cosmotheka) about their radio show of WW2 songs, and asked Dave if he'd come across the one above in the course of his researches. He had, of course; but he asked me if I'd heard one called Belsen Bill, which I haven't. He wouldn't sing it for me, and I don't want to know the details. Still, I thought I'd better warn you all ...


23 Nov 98 - 05:09 PM (#46619)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: dick greenhaus

Well, my personal pick for an un-favorite song topic is covred in the Ballad of Lt. Calley (It will be in the next edition of the DT). Definitely Pro.

24 Nov 98 - 09:46 AM (#46646)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bill Cameron

Oh yeah, the ballad of Lt Calley. That has one of those previously mentioned spoken words parts, doesn't it?

A real tear-jerker. The little boy that ran around the house shooting his cap gun, and just wanted to grow up and serve his country, right?


24 Nov 98 - 02:23 PM (#46668)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics

Migod- Somebody else remembers it.

24 Nov 98 - 02:27 PM (#46669)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bill in Alabama


I was just a baby when the Americans entered the war, but I recall one that went:

You're a sap, Mister Jap; You make a yankee cranky--/ You're a sap< Mister Jap--Uncle Sam is gonna spank' ee... and so on.

24 Nov 98 - 04:25 PM (#46681)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bob Schwarer

Drop Kick Me Jesus Through the Goal Posts of Life

24 Nov 98 - 04:46 PM (#46683)
Subject: Lyr Add: I FEEL, I FEEL (Clayton/Kraemer/Sprung)
From: Songbob

Well, I guess whin(ge)ing (note the bilingual/bihemispheric spelling) sonoger-singwriter songs are my least favorite "topic," but what really gets me is ones with the typical new-age (rhymes with s....) topics of sensitive men, strong women, urban legends and lower taxes that aren't even crafted well. There was one local songstress with a song about the Baltimore-Washington Parkway that used to set my teeth on edge (she insisted on singing it) because it had this damnedly-poor meter to the chorus.

Of course, some friends and I couldn't leave well-enough alone, giving rise to this:

I Feel, I Feel

I feel I should tell you how I feel, I feel it's important to you.
I'd like to share my inner self; you must listen while I do.
My ruminations solipsistic
You might perceive as narcissistic,
But I think they're mystic --
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
-- Of course you do.

I feel the pain of every bite, and I feel you should, too.
I bear the stain of every slight -- I'll show them all to you.
These deliberations so dramatic
From my hidden-horrored mental attic
I prefer to spoken social static --
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
-- Of course you do.

Oh, I have so much to say, I cannot think of a better way
Than to offer you my song today, and tomorrow, too.
I really feel you'll understand, it's all within a master plan,
You can believe, I know you can, and feel the way I do
....Be do be do...

I feel so in touch with my feelings at last; come walk a mile in my shoes.
I'll show you the place where I keep my face, in a case with a trace of the blues.
I bring these thoughts to you tonight,
My intellect is my delight,
I think I'm captivating, quite!
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
-- Of course you do.

Oh, I have so much to say, I cannot think of a better way
Than to offer you my song today, and tomorrow, too.
I really feel you'll understand, we're all part of a mystic plan,
So reach out for my grasping hand, and feel the way I do
.... Be do be do...

Since childhood days I knew I had the strongest tendency
Toward tuning in the universe, and sensitivity --
These gifts I know are very rare,
I think I've got so much to share --
And modesty beyond compare,
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
-- Of course you do!

Copyright ©1996, Bob Clayton, Pete Kraemer, Joan Sprung. All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 98 - 05:01 PM (#46685)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bert


I love it, I do be do be do.

24 Nov 98 - 05:45 PM (#46689)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Old Timer

Didn't Johnny Cash sing one about 20 years ago that said:

"She flushed me from the bathroom of her heart"?


24 Nov 98 - 08:53 PM (#46708)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Heard this one about twenty years ago-- "Whoever Turned You On, Forgot To Turn You Off". And while we're on the subject- Does anyone remember Barry Sadler's "Ballad Of The Green Berets"? I'm a Viet vet, but that song, with its over-dramatized, over-blown patriotism, gets on MY nerves!

24 Nov 98 - 09:03 PM (#46709)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Roger in Baltimore

Mc Music,

As you linger longer on the Mudcat, you will come to believe that more likely than not, the song you seek is already in the DT. Were you really looking for "BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERETS"?

As they say on-line "When you know, you know."

Roger in Baltimore

24 Nov 98 - 09:55 PM (#46717)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Roger--wasn't looking, just commenting. Thanks anyway.

25 Nov 98 - 11:26 AM (#46760)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

Songbob, I loved it... especially appreciate newage rhymes with s**age. Anyone else besides me get annoyed when you find Celtic music filed under newage in music stores? alice

25 Nov 98 - 12:10 PM (#46762)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Earl

The best description I ever heard of newage is "White boys practicing their scales." Thank god the songs don't have lyrics.

25 Nov 98 - 04:44 PM (#46795)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Barbara

Me, Alice, me, and it bugs me to find all this stuff in there that is hardly Celtic, and now I can't find other genres by their location either (Hawaiian Slack key for example can be with Hawaii, South Seas, or Newage, gaaa). This too shall pass. And sometimes it gets folk interested enought to look further and find real Celtic music.

03 Dec 98 - 08:16 AM (#47772)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bert

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Eurovision Song Contest.
I know it's not really a 'topic', more of a 'style', but it's one that can be taken only in very small doses.


03 Dec 98 - 09:29 AM (#47788)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

Bert, tell us more.. 'Eurovision Song Contest'? Expound, please.

03 Dec 98 - 11:24 AM (#47814)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Bert

Way back in The Fifties when it was really an achievement to transmit and receive television across the English Channel, The Television companies in Europe decided to hold an annual song contest.

Each country would submit an entry and an international team of judges would pick the 'best' one.

After the first few contests were won by catchy cutesy up-beat little numbers, all subsequent entrants have strived to 'out-catchy-cutesy' each other.
A search for 'eurovision song contest' in Hotbot will turn up more than you ever wanted to know.

To be fair there have been one or two good ones over the years but taken as a whole they are just too much to bear.


03 Dec 98 - 03:59 PM (#47848)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Doctor John


03 Dec 98 - 05:55 PM (#47865)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: McMusic

Alice-- YES!!!!! Only a little more than when I hear Celtic pronounced "Seltic", rather than "Keltic."

04 Dec 98 - 07:37 AM (#47955)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Steve Parkes

Bert, which were the good ones? I must have missed those years. But then, I only go back as far as 'Sing little birdie'. (Actually, I was rather fond of Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson!)


04 Dec 98 - 07:38 AM (#47956)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Steve Parkes

Bert, which were the good ones? I must have missed those years. But then, I only go back as far as 'Looking high high high' and 'Sing little birdie'. (Actually, I was rather fond of Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson!)


04 Dec 98 - 08:36 AM (#47964)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: alison


The only good one was a few years ago now... the one from Dublin where they did Riverdance for the first time.



04 Dec 98 - 11:32 PM (#48061)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: O'Boyle

Any omg that mentions "Unicorns"


05 Dec 98 - 10:09 AM (#48112)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Big Mick

Early twentieth century Irish American Pop. Ugghhh!!!! Drives me crazy when I get a request to do "Irish" songs like that.


05 Dec 98 - 11:24 AM (#48129)
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
From: Alice

Rick. Unicorns, yes. And Merlin, the holy grail, and such. Could that be the difference between folk and filk? In folk, unicorns and wizards are an undesirable topic, in filk, almost necessary. I do like some of the older traditional folk lyrics about legends and mythological creatures. An example I do like is "Silent O Moyle", about the Children of Lir, and the allegory about the starving homeless during the Irish famine, 'Shortcut Through the Rosses'. But you'll find no unicorns there.