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BS: Fuck the south

10 Nov 04 - 03:17 PM (#1322685)
Subject: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

A certain Mudcatter sent this to me, and I want to share it. Go to:

10 Nov 04 - 03:25 PM (#1322689)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

Is it about trailer parks in rural Alabamy?

10 Nov 04 - 03:34 PM (#1322696)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Alba

Oh about venting, bet they felt a lot better after they got that off their the stats....
Hope your feeling much better.

10 Nov 04 - 03:38 PM (#1322698)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

A really sore loser who clearly needs a hobby.

10 Nov 04 - 03:39 PM (#1322699)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

I agree.

He also needs to get laid.

10 Nov 04 - 03:43 PM (#1322701)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: katlaughing

Well whoever wrote it is wrong in several ways including that America started only in New England. I have ancestors who were in the Carolinas and Virginia in what could be considered the "ancient" times of colonialism.

I am puzzled, Kendall, as to why you want to share this. There are many of us who either live in the South or had ancestors there, as in my case. I've also lived in New England and had ancestors there, too. Do you mean this as a comment to anyone, including Mudcatters, who have any connection to the South? Doesn't seem like you, if so.


10 Nov 04 - 03:55 PM (#1322707)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: PoppaGator

Look, I live about as far south as is possible in the US, and I *loved* it.

Of course, my hometown New Orleans is "in the South but not of it," like Miami except different.

Of course, the author goes a bit overboard -- half the Founding Fathers were from Virginia and the other half from New England, for one thing -- but the basic thrust of his rant is DEAD ON. There's a lot of hypocracy out there (e.g., rabble-rousing about the "sanctity of marriage" by repeat-offender divorcees). I found it helpful to read "The South" as referring not necessarily to a geographical area but to a state of mind.

And you gotta admit, even if you disagree -- it's pretty funny!

10 Nov 04 - 03:59 PM (#1322713)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Jim Dixon

Sorry, I didn't find it funny, and it's not because I want to defend the south. I don't.

I never find anger appealing, even when it's someone on my own side angry at the other guys.

10 Nov 04 - 04:04 PM (#1322719)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: mg

I have lived in Alabama and spent some time going up and down the rural roads..would that I had bought antiques at the time.

It is a very magical, special place.


10 Nov 04 - 04:11 PM (#1322727)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: McGrath of Harlow

I was pleased to see that Poppagator way down South recognised the tongue in cheek side of it. It's a lively piece of rhetorical over-statement, a kind of irony.

I'd read it as a way of dispersing anger - "venting" as Jude called it there - rather than of generating it. At least that's how it should work in the kind of places where people have the ability to stand back while they are reading it. But of course the places where that ability is common are not always to be found everywhere. I'd imagine, from what I've heard, that Maine is one of the places they are good at that stuff, and that would have been why kendall directed our attention to it.

10 Nov 04 - 04:17 PM (#1322729)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Yeah, it's sorta funny (though I do think the author should at least say "thanks" to Sam Kennison), but I'm a liberal southern Democrat so I'm used to catching hell from northern liberal assholes who think everybody in the south is named Bubba and has more guns than he has teeth and southern conservative assholes who think not having a picture of an American flag stuck on your pickup truck should be a criminal offense. It's good to see that intolerance, stereotyping, and painting with too broad a brush are traits that know no geographical, political, or ideological boundaries.

10 Nov 04 - 04:26 PM (#1322735)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

Mary Garvey

George Wallace was magical for you wasn't he?

I had been through Alabama many times in the 1960s.

Seeing the drinking fountains marked "white" and "colored" was hardly magical to me.

Back then it looked like a place that was still having a 100 year hard-on about how the civil war came out.

10 Nov 04 - 04:36 PM (#1322743)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Kim C

I find that site very hurtful. That isn't the south I know.

I'll see y'all down the road some other time. :-(

10 Nov 04 - 04:42 PM (#1322746)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

Hurtful?? Divisive?? Here?? On Mudcat??? Imposso!!!!

10 Nov 04 - 04:42 PM (#1322747)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

Kim C.

It's just a silly old man's way of showing what it's like to be a sore loser.

10 Nov 04 - 04:43 PM (#1322749)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: PoppaGator

Martin G -- what gives? Which side are you on, anyway?

10 Nov 04 - 04:46 PM (#1322752)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

It depends on each situation.

As a true moderate......................none.

10 Nov 04 - 04:47 PM (#1322753)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: PoppaGator

By the way: for a similarly partisan but much less strident take on the election results, see


10 Nov 04 - 05:00 PM (#1322764)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: mg

Actually I was referring to the geography, which is beautiful. It does have a tragic past. And when I took the bus in Georgia I would sit in the back of the bus on purpose. They were officially integrated by then but there were still cultural things going on of

10 Nov 04 - 05:05 PM (#1322768)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

I agree about the beauty of the south.

The atmosphere is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

10 Nov 04 - 05:06 PM (#1322769)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

Whoa folks!
I didn't write that tirade, nor do I subscribe to most of it. It was sent to me by another Mudcatter, and I passed it on to do what you will with. I saw parts of it as funny, and parts of it as tongue in cheek. The rest was pretty much a good example of stereotyping. (Indian always walk single file)
MG if you were thinking I wrote that, and I need to get laid, well buddy as usual, you are way off base. Right, Jacqui?

10 Nov 04 - 05:11 PM (#1322773)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Wesley S

Do we really need a thread entitled "Fuck the South" ?? What will that solve ? Do we really need to know that an angry man has posted a rant on the internet for all to see ? And HE thinks the south has had a hard time getting over the civil war. Another waste of band width.

Kendall - why did you want to share this with us ? What's next ? A link to the KKK for balance ?

10 Nov 04 - 05:12 PM (#1322774)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Once Famous

OK, Kendal. You didn't write it. You just threw it out there for everyone and it proves really nothing.

But what's wrong with needing to get laid?

10 Nov 04 - 05:23 PM (#1322792)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Greg F.

Let's get nback to music:

Phil Ochs [1963]

Here's to the state of Mississippi
For underheath her borders, the devil draws no line
If you drag her muddy rivers nameless bodies you will find
Oh the fat trees of her forest have hid a thousand crimes
And the calender is lying when it reads the present time.
Here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of!

And here's to the people of Mississippi
Who say the folks up north, they just don't understand
And they tremble in the shadows at the thunder of the Klan
All the sweating of their souls can't wash the blood from off their hands
For they smile and shrug their shoulders at the murder of a man
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the schools of Mississippi
Where they're teaching all the children that they don't have to care
All of rudiments of hatred are present everywhere
Where every single classroom is a factory of despair
And there's nobody learning such a foreign word as fair
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the cops of Mississippi
They're chewing their tobacco as they lock the prison door
And their bellies bounce inside them as they knock you to the floor
No they don't like taking prisoners in their private little war
And behind their broken badges there are murderers and more
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

And, here's to the judges of Mississippi
Who wear the robe of honor as they crawl into the court
They're guarding all the bastions with their phony legal fort
Oh, justice is a stranger when the prisoners report
When the Black man stands accused the trial is always short
Here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

And here's to the government of Mississippi
In the swamp of their bureaucracy they're always bogging down
And criminals are posing as the mayors of the towns
And they hope that no one sees the sights and no one hears the sounds
And the speeches of the governor are the ravings of a clown
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

And here's to the laws of Mississippi
Congressmen will gather in a circus of delay
While the Constitution's drowning in an ocean of decay
Unwed mothers should be sterilized, I've even heard them say
Yes, corruption can be classic in the Mississippi way
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of

And here's to the churches of Mississippi
Where the cross once made of silver, now is caked with rust
And the Sunday morning sermons pander to their lust
The fallen face of Jesus lies choking in the dust
And heaven only knows in which God they can trust
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of.


(Tom Paxton)

The night air is heavy, no cool breezes blow
The sound of the voices is worried and low
Desperately wondering, and desperate to know
About Goodwin and Schwerner and Chaney.

Calm desperation and flickering hope
Reality grapples like a hand on the throat
For you live in the shadow of ten feet of rope
If you're Goodwin and Schwerner and Chaney.

The Pearl River was dragged and two bodies were found
But it was a blind alley, for both men were brown
So they all shrugged their shoulders and the search it went on
For Goodwin and Schwerner and Chaney.

Pull out the dead bodies from the ooze of the dam
Take the bodies to Jackson, all according to plan
With the one broken body, do the best that you can
Its the body of young James Chaney.

Well the nation was outraged and shocked through and through
Call J. Edgar Hoover! He'll know what to do
For they've murdered two White men! - (and a Colored boy, too)
Goodwin and Schwerner and Chaney.

James Chaney, your body exploded in pain
And the beating they gave you is pounding my brain
For they murdered much more with their dark, bloody chains
And the body of pity lies bleeding.

The pot-bellied Coppers shook hands all around
And joked with the rednecks who came into town
And they swore that the murderers soon would be found
And they laughed as they spat their tobacco.

10 Nov 04 - 05:30 PM (#1322798)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bobert

Havin' grown up in the South and other than the last 20 years living in Wes Ginny is an area that is very "Southern minded" I still enjoyed reading the rant... The only problem I had with it was the language, other than that... a purdy decent rant... But not as effective as it could have been with more gol dang's and less f's....

Good points though and I, having started the "South Will Rise Again" thread a while back, I find some agreement...


10 Nov 04 - 05:47 PM (#1322814)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

Humor comes in many forms. Back home we had a guy who would start off calmly on a subject, and by the time he was done he was raving! We saw him as entertaining rather than informing. That's how I saw this guy.
"No man ever need be a total failure, he can always serve as a bad example."
By the way, I liked Sam Kinnison. He was a comic genius, and, although I was somewhat offended by his language, I still found him to be very funny.
Lighten up folks, we are headed back to the dark ages, and we won't find much humore in the Jew baiting or the witch burnings.

10 Nov 04 - 05:47 PM (#1322815)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Cluin

I, for one, need to get laid.

From about 20 minutes right after getting laid... give or take 15 minutes.

10 Nov 04 - 06:09 PM (#1322833)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bill D

that site is registered to Nick J. 1 Main Street, Madison Wisconsin...sound authentic to you?

I never understood why certain folks think they have a point better if it is full of Fs...and this, like ANY one-sided rant full of expletives, loses most of what humor it professes in the deluge.

Yeah, I 'get' it, I just can find better treatments of the subject.

10 Nov 04 - 07:09 PM (#1322867)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: McGrath of Harlow

I was reading it through thinking what might offend, but The F's didn't really register much with me in that way - they just seemed a kind of punctuation, to give rhythm to it. The content.well I suppose that might offend, if it wasn't seen as tongue in cheek.

I think these days we see things like bad language a bit differently over here than you seem to in The States. Not really as a big deal.

10 Nov 04 - 07:40 PM (#1322891)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Leadfingers

Why did the original poster pussy foot around the topic ?? Why not just come out and say what he meant ??

10 Nov 04 - 07:47 PM (#1322895)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: *daylia*

OK, so f*** the south, but please keep your tongues in your cheeks?

Would that be a new form of 'safe sex' then?

Hope so. Don't want to even THINK about a deluge of little Souths littering up the place by next summer.

10 Nov 04 - 08:03 PM (#1322914)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Dani

Oh my God.

I laughed so hard I hurt. Thank you, Kendall.

I was born in California, and finally call North Carolina home after much moving among Pennsylvania, NJ, and South Carolina (where I watched the Klan march down the street: story for another time). I have to say, this is a true, heartfelt home, and like family, it is not without its flaws. The election season and past few weeks have been very difficult here, even in the most 'democratic' county of NC's 100. And in the next few years we have harder times coming, folks. And, like family, those hard times will be made even harder if we can't get mad, laugh together, and get over it.


10 Nov 04 - 08:05 PM (#1322918)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Maryrrf

I'm afraid I didn't think that one was very funny.

10 Nov 04 - 08:12 PM (#1322922)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

Morons come in all latitudes.   

the sorrowful counties

After you've absorbed that information, ponder this. If Kerry had stood for something like anti-corruption or flat tax or actually doing something about something instead of just hangin' out in D.C., a whole bunch of Perotistas who don't bother voting any more would have turned the tide for him. Sometimes it just don't pay to be cautious status quo, and this was one of those times.

10 Nov 04 - 09:11 PM (#1322964)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

Next to Clinton Hammond making fun of the mentally handicapped this has to be the sorriest attempt at humor I've had the misfortune to encounter on Mudcat.Not that you'd care, but my future opinion of anything you post will be seen in the light of your obvious lack of sensibilities, so clearly displayed by this thread.

10 Nov 04 - 09:26 PM (#1322974)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

So, I know where you can get another hair shirt when yours wears out.

10 Nov 04 - 09:45 PM (#1322985)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: DougR

kat: I'm sure he didn't mean you!


10 Nov 04 - 09:56 PM (#1322996)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peter K (Fionn)

A hilarious rant, magnificently OTT, entirely tongue-in-cheek I thought. Maybe it just caught me in the right mood - similar things have sometimes left me cold - but this tirade really stormed along with a riveting beat, and had me close to laughing out loud. The grave solemnity of some subsequent posts was quite amusing too, whether taking issue with the content or the naughty voabulary.

10 Nov 04 - 09:56 PM (#1322997)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

I thought this thread was about the south Bronx.

10 Nov 04 - 10:12 PM (#1323010)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: jacqui.c

I've just looked at this one - he's not serious - he's just a very naughty boy!

Kendall was in 'imp mode' when he started this thread. He just likes to get things stirred up occasionally, particularly at the moment as he is not allowed to talk and so must write everything down. Those of you who know him will know how frustrating that must be!

I'm just glad he's not mean, or too serious about things like this.

For myself, I thought the thing was funny, but I'll go with Kevin - I think that Brits don't really see the expletive as being anything more than an adjective these days - we've too much of it on the TV, probably. Those of you who remember Alf Garnett in 'Til Death Us Do Part' will be familiar with that type of rant and see the humour in it. For the USA I have been told that 'The Gin Game' with Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy was similar.

10 Nov 04 - 10:30 PM (#1323025)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

Whale oil beef hooked! Me cover is blown.

10 Nov 04 - 10:32 PM (#1323028)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: dianavan

I thought it was a very funny rant. In fact, much of what he said is true (especially about the taxes) and I do think the people of the 'red states' need to wake up and smell the roses. Just because someone uses the word f*** doesn't mean they are morally inferior. Where I came from, its just another way to punctuate a comment.


10 Nov 04 - 10:39 PM (#1323029)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

Fuckin' right!

10 Nov 04 - 10:49 PM (#1323037)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bill D

reposted, 'cause folks won't usually click on links:


Ban all them naughty words, I say! How are we gonna keep the intrinsic panasche and force of good cuss words if everyone and their 2nd cousin Charlie are using them in every 2rd utterance! Next thing, Dan Rather will be reporting on "another fucking car-bomb in Iraq"!

Do you not understand the value and power of occasional use of the forbidden? Otherwise we end up with this example of an Aussie bloke showing the descent into totally useless blather, like a Valley Girl using words like, ummm.... 'like'...

""Oh, I 'ad a fine time last was a fuckin' beautiful day, so I got in my fuckin' car and went for a nice fuckin' drive...till I came to this fuckin' park, and decided to get out and take a fuckin' walk. Well, I walked about a fuckin' mile and here was this fuckin' lovely lass walkin' just ahead of me..I gave her a fuckin' cheery greetin' and we hit it off right away. So we walked on down the fuckin' lane till various things in our fuckin' conversation made me quite fuckin' aware that we were fuckin' interested in the same fuckin' I looked at her...she looked at me...and we fuckin' smiled and went over a fuckin' fence and behind a fuckin' tree where no one could fuckin' see us......and 'ad sexual intercourse!"

10 Nov 04 - 10:54 PM (#1323040)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace


That is hilarious, BillD.

10 Nov 04 - 11:15 PM (#1323050)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

A link in the tirade took me here. This is the best, most concise discussion I have ever seen of the religious beliefs of the 'founding fathers'. And it comes from a Baptist seminary! My opinion of the Baptists has just gone up several notches.

10 Nov 04 - 11:15 PM (#1323051)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Janie

But dianavan, where I come from, it's not. It's considered very offensive language. People around here curse very rarely, and they MEAN it when they do.

I agree it was a rant, and I could (and did) laugh at the absolute ignorance and prejudice of the gentleman, but as a defence against the shock of recognition I was really experiencing. (Even though my prejudices differ.) A classic example of the extreme prejudices all of us carry, but which most of us fear to recognize in ourselves. It was all about "Us" vs. "Them." I think there was some element of him laughing at himself for the intensity of his feelings. It was NOT! however, tongue-in-cheek. There was no element of irony in it all, that I could discern. It was pure id. And not very pretty.

Dadgum--real life intrudes on cyberspace once again:-)

Ya'll have a good night's sleep.


10 Nov 04 - 11:21 PM (#1323058)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

I think the tirade was intended as satire. After all, the site is registered to "Jonathan Swift". Read A Modest Proposal to see what 'bitter' is really like.

10 Nov 04 - 11:21 PM (#1323059)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Neighmond

Ignorance isn't confined to any one locale. Guess that load of vicious, trash-mouthed, self-serving crap proved it. If the author(s) had a point I failed to catch it under the thinly veiled hatred.

It's people like that who perpetuate racial and cultural warfare. I, for one, and glad it isn't anyone I ever have to look at in my day-to-day business.


10 Nov 04 - 11:23 PM (#1323060)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Neighmond

The last sentance should begin "I, for one, AM glad it..."


10 Nov 04 - 11:38 PM (#1323074)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

I saw two of them one time. They were just kissin' away. Two males. Just think of it.

10 Nov 04 - 11:40 PM (#1323076)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace


10 Nov 04 - 11:50 PM (#1323086)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: CarolC

I thought it read like something Ann Coulter would write about liberals. I've only been living in the South for a couple of years total (if you don't count Maryland, Oklahoma, or West Virginia as the South), so I don't feel I ought to comment on it other than saying that.

11 Nov 04 - 12:44 AM (#1323130)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly

O Lord!

Listen folks, it was me who pm'd this to Kendall (and actually posted it myself on another thread). I was sent it via e-mail and it made me laugh, that's all. It's certainly not meant to be taken at all seriously, and I'm certain that whoever wrote it (as you can see, the website offers no name) was just trying to vent in a humorous way.

The problem often is, especially among us liberal-types, is that we are trying to be so damned PC that we don't allow ourselves the chance to do what sometimes really needs to be done-swear our f**king heads off.

I do apologise for my own part in this thread. Little did Kendall know what storm he was creating by passing this along.

PS-I have loved travelling in the south, and I've been to every state in the Union. This whole red/blue conflict will run it's course, but for the moment, there are still a lot of hurt feelings, and frustrations looking for a relatively safe outlet.

Again, sorry if it offended. I thought it was funny, but what the f**ck do I know?


11 Nov 04 - 01:07 AM (#1323137)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

What'cha think we ought to do with 'em?

I don't damn know, but I don't think they'll make the parish line.

11 Nov 04 - 01:14 AM (#1323143)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

If you really were a Yankee, you'd be a Northern Bohemian Gay.

11 Nov 04 - 01:19 AM (#1323148)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

Fuck the south and the east and the west,
Keep up the skeer with the rest,
Don't wear your panties when you are uptight,
They'll throttle your nuts, you'll be aching all night;

Sorry. Just noticed this thread is about how to restart the War of the Northern Aggression. Pardon me.

11 Nov 04 - 01:24 AM (#1323152)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

You know, this used to be a helluva good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong with it.

11 Nov 04 - 01:32 AM (#1323160)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly

(Since we're on humour, or should's one I was just sent..xx..e)

Subject: The Brothel

    The madam opened the brothel door to see a rather dignified, well
dressed good looking man in his late 40s or early 50s. "May I help you?"
she asked.

    "I want to see Natalie," the man replied.

    "Sir, Natalie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would
prefer someone else," said the madam.

    "No. I must see Natalie," was the man's reply.

    Just then, Natalie appeared and announced to the man that she
charged $1,000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out ten one
hundred dollar bills, gave them to Natalie, and they went upstairs.
After an hour, the man calmly left.

    The next night, the same man appeared again, demanding to see
Natalie. Natalie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in
a row- too expensive - and there were no discounts. The price was still
$1,000. Again the man pulled out the money, gave it to Natalie and they
went upstairs. After an hour, he left.

    The following night the man was there again. Everyone was astounded
that he had come for the third consecutive night, but he paid Natalie
and they went upstairs.

    After their session, Natalie questioned the man. "No one has ever
used me three nights in a row. Where are you from?" she asked.

    The man replied, "South Carolina."

    "Really" she said. "I have family in South Carolina."

    "I know," the man said. "Your father died and I am your sister's
attorney. She asked me to give you your $3,000 inheritance."

    The moral of the story is that three things in life are certain:

    1. Death
    2. Taxes
    3. Being screwed by a lawyer.

11 Nov 04 - 01:41 AM (#1323164)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

Man, everybody got chicken, that's what happened, man.

11 Nov 04 - 01:45 AM (#1323166)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace


11 Nov 04 - 01:49 AM (#1323167)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: chris nightbird childs


11 Nov 04 - 01:53 AM (#1323168)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Nerd

Yeah, I come from a place where people use cuss words all the time. I found it funny. But I also think the points he makes are good ones--apart from the exaggeration about the Founding Fathers being northerners.

1) Republican areas that whine about federal taxes TAKE those monies, while Democratic areas supply them.

2) The founding fathers were not Christians but Deists

3) The supposed moral superiority of bible belters is a crock.

etc, etc.

Don't just read the rant. Follow the links.

11 Nov 04 - 10:15 AM (#1323294)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly

And another...

A woman goes to the doctor.
"Doctor, I can't stop sneezing, and every time I sneeze I orgasm."
Doctor asks,
"Well, what have you tried so far to help it?"



11 Nov 04 - 10:47 AM (#1323316)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Larry K

It seems to me that the majority of African American politicians are from the south.   People in the south vote for far more African Americans than in the culturally enlighted liberal Northeast.

11 Nov 04 - 11:20 AM (#1323345)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: muppett

By eck Kendall we think there's a North- South divide here in the UK, WHAT THE FCUK WITH THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Nov 04 - 11:21 AM (#1323346)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: muppett

11 Nov 04 - 12:03 PM (#1323371)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: jimmyt

I have lived in the north, south, east and west of this country, Ohio, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Wisconsin, and Georgia. It is my observation that there are prejudiced people as well as narrow-minded partisan bigots who couldn't possibly look at things objectively everywhere I have lived, in pretty much the same ratio. There also good folks who try their best to make the world as good as they can without sitting around and bitching about things everywhere also.

11 Nov 04 - 12:33 PM (#1323401)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

"Kendall was in 'imp mode' when he started this thread. He just likes to get things stirred up occasionally,..."

Anyone else remember the infamous abortion thread and Kendall's attempt to stir things up? This is nothin'!

Now I'll go hide and watch the fur fly.

11 Nov 04 - 01:02 PM (#1323430)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly

Hey folks, blame any of your moans on ME! It's MY FAULT that Kendall began this thread. I take all the responsibility, since as I said, I had already posted it on another thread (can't remember which one, sorry) and then pm'd him to make sure he read it, because I know we have similar humour.

But gosh and golly, I do think y'all need to take a chill pill on this. Never knew the Southerners on this website were so teetchy.

It was just someone letting off steam, and all the friends I sent it to LAUGHED.

If you don't find it funny, then DON'T LAUGH.

Never mind. You all can bitch and moan. I mean, that's what this initial post was all about. Go for it.


11 Nov 04 - 01:04 PM (#1323433)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: chris nightbird childs

Tell 'em what's up Ellen! Do I have to mention that Chopin quote again??

11 Nov 04 - 01:16 PM (#1323447)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Right, mack/misophist. VERY interesting link, and I too am greatly impressed to find it on a Baptist website. Nice point spotting the Jonathan Swift connection too.

Regardless of whether it's worth getting uptight over a smattering of harmless expletives, what on earth do people achieve with idiotic bowdlerisms such as "f**k", "c*nt" etc? Are they paying lip-service to some G-d (ha-ha) that's too dumb to know what's in their wicked hearts? Or is it to protect the innocence of fellow Mudcatters?

11 Nov 04 - 01:40 PM (#1323477)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Casual Observer

Sure, the author may have meant it to be funny. I don't think Ellen or Kendall have it in for anyone by sharing the site. But the author comes across as spiteful, and it just really isn't funny. Substitute any other cultural/ethnic group for South, and see what you come up with.

Jonathan Swift was a great satirist. This guy ain't no Jonathan Swift.

He also obviously hasn't traveled around much. As someone else so aptly pointed out, no part of the country has a corner on assholes.

11 Nov 04 - 02:27 PM (#1323537)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Nerd

Uh, Larry K., do you mean the majority of elected officials who are African-Americans are from the south? Would you care to supply some evidence, or are you just lobbing a worthless shitball?

One of the strategies long employed in the south (and just this past cycle in Texas) is to redistrict so that white Democrats are placed into majority Republican disctricts. Their votes will thus not contribute to the election of any candidates to legislatures or to Congress. The only Democratic districts left, then, are mostly black. The point is to make it less and less viable to be a white Democrat in the South, and to turn the Democratic party into a black ghetto. Therefore, it should not surprise us to see many local politicians, up to the House of Representatives, who are black. Their districts have been arranged to make this happen, as a way to DIVIDE whites and blacks, not to show enlightenment and a desire for Black representatives.

How about the Senate, where the whole state votes? Since the popular vote was instituted, only three Black Senators have served: one from Massachusetts and two from Illinois. (actually, Obama has yet to serve, but he has been elected from Illinois).

Previously, there had been two Black Senators, both from Mississippi, when the Senators were chosen by state legislators. Both served immediately after the Civil war, as a symbolic measure intended to smooth Mississippi's readmittance to the Union. (The first was appointed to serve out the remainder of Jefferson Davis's term!) Once everything was back to staus quo, no more blacks from the south for more than a Century!

11 Nov 04 - 03:20 PM (#1323629)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

Um, Nerd, the fact is Mississippi has dibbies on the greatest number of black elected officials. You might want to stop getting your facts from old movies about the sixties.

11 Nov 04 - 03:46 PM (#1323679)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: McGrath of Harlow

There was no element of irony in it all, that I could discern. (Jane, up the thread)

I'd definitely say there was. Irony isn't just when you say the opposite of what you mean as a way of implying what you do mean - irony can also come into the manner in which you say it.

I'm sure the bloke writing that was feeling pretty scornful of the people who voted for Kerry, but the point was, in saying it the way he said it he was surely also making fun of that kind of rhetoric - in fact, I suspect, parodying the kind of stuff that has been coming out from the opposite direction all this time.

11 Nov 04 - 03:48 PM (#1323683)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Georgiansilver

Can I ask why the South and not the North??????
Best wishes.

11 Nov 04 - 03:57 PM (#1323701)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Nerd

Yes, GUEST, but that wasn't the question.   No one said anything about which STATE elected the most black politicians. You're just changing the terms of the question to sound more favorable for your partisan side.

The question was whether the South as a region elects more blacks than other regions.

Even this question was selected by Larry K, and it's not a very good question; since there are few blacks in Alaska or the Pacific Northwest, we wouldn't expect a lot of blacks elected from there. A better question would be: which region's cohort of black politicians compares most favorably with the size of its black population? Is there a region that elects more blacks than one would expect given their representation in the general population of the region? I don't know, and I suspect Larry K doesn't either.

Beyond that, Larry K has made the suggestion that the REASON for his unproved and possibly irrelevant assertion about the South is because the South is unusually enlightened. As I pointed out, there are other reasons why black people get elected from the South:

1) because there are a lot of Black people there (remember why that is, GUEST and LarryK? Hint: Because of the enlightened South's enjoyment of the institution of SLAVERY).

2) because it has been gerrymandered to create black districts and disenfranchise white Democrats. This is known as "cracking and packing": you crack existing districts up, then pack all the Democrats into as few majority districs as possible, distributing the rest of the Democrats into Republican districts. I don't need to look at movies about the sixties, GUEST, because the Texas Republican legislature forced through this exact kind of Gerrymandering last year. Blacks gained a seat or two, which was calculated into the plan to circumvent a challenge under the Voting Rights Act. In the meantime, Democrats will have lost six or seven seats when all of them come up for re-election.

You can read a Washington Post article on it here

11 Nov 04 - 03:57 PM (#1323702)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: red_clay

nothing could be finer than to be in the morning...sigh!!!

11 Nov 04 - 04:03 PM (#1323713)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

Fuck me, I like it.

11 Nov 04 - 04:18 PM (#1323746)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Nerd

From the 2000 Census:

On a regional basis, 54 percent of the Black population lived in the South, 19 percent lived in the Midwest, 18 percent lived in the Northeast and 10 percent lived in the West.

The region with the highest proportion of people reporting Black as a percentage of its total population was the South - 20 percent, followed by the Northeast - 12 percent, the Midwest - 11 percent, and the West - 6 percent.

So, big whoop if most black politicians come from the south...most of the black PEOPLE come from there!

But better questions would be: do 54% of the black elected politicians come from the South? Are more than 20% of the elected officials from the South black?

11 Nov 04 - 04:19 PM (#1323748)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

Dear YHQ: You have SUCH a way with words.

11 Nov 04 - 04:24 PM (#1323752)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

Love and kisses to all. Especially sweet little Brucie.

11 Nov 04 - 04:29 PM (#1323759)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

Thank you. I feel better now. You devil, you.

11 Nov 04 - 04:57 PM (#1323784)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ron Davies

I thought it was great. But it was so over the top that I wasn't even really sure the writer believed himself ( or herself?) in what he was writing or was just trying to be entertaining (which it definitely was).

But at least everybody's on notice about NYC.

11 Nov 04 - 06:33 PM (#1323913)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

If I was Swift, I'd be rolling in my grave. And I agree with the post that said try it with another group and see what happens. How about " Fuck The Muslims"??? Would that last ten minutes here?? Not a chance.

11 Nov 04 - 07:10 PM (#1323957)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bill D

39 minutes so far...

12 Nov 04 - 01:12 AM (#1324270)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: dianavan

I actually went back and read it again (sorta like watching a movie twice). I think its funny on many levels. Since the American public seems to like the 'good ol boy' twang of the southern hick named Bush, it makes me wonder about the next election. Maybe if the Dems put forth a candidate that learned his English on the street or in a construction pit, he might actually get elected.

The language expressed in that article conveys conviction, strength, righteousness and real emotion. Something the public craves. Most of all, it makes you feel as if you know him, personally. The writer expresses his anger and disappointment in no uncertain terms.

In Canada, both Trudeau and Chretien were well known for their crude remarks. Trudeau gave us the finger and Chretien used the word fuck. Makes them seem human, me thinks.

The American president seems devoid of feelings and is definitely not "one of us". He's so high on his horse he actually thinks God has singled him out to rid the world of Satan. Sheesh!!!


12 Nov 04 - 01:16 AM (#1324272)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: chris nightbird childs

I think the Dixie Chicks should get in on this thread...

12 Nov 04 - 01:23 AM (#1324275)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: tarheel

wow kendal! my wife is always complaining about the crap online and also hates it when i spend so much time here,too!
then i try to let her know how much good there is on the internet and that there is also good and bad in about anything now-a-days!
so,i'm surfing here and she walks by and sees>>>>fuck the south!!!
dang,i'll never hear the end of it for awhile!
do we have to use such VILE words spelled out here in the threads?....

12 Nov 04 - 01:35 AM (#1324279)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

**** the *****

Thing is tarheel that it's gonna make it a real ***** to understand what the **** people are *******' well sayin'.

12 Nov 04 - 01:38 AM (#1324280)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly


I wasn't going say anything, thinking it only right to let you folks get on arguing about whatever...

But really, when exactly did the word Fuck become Vile??

I'm am getting peeved at words being hijacked, and this one especially. Cunt is right behind it.

The very fact that words that are descriptive of the act of sex, and a term used for centuries for a woman't vagina, are being seen as Vile is utterly beyond my understanding, and acceptance.

You want to know a VILE word? I'll give you a VILE word.


Here's another one...


And another...


You know, I'm with YHQ on this one...FUCK ME!

(Love from the prettiest Cunt in NW London)


12 Nov 04 - 01:41 AM (#1324281)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: chris nightbird childs

LOL! I agree... well, the sentiment... I'm sure you're very pretty, but... oh, nevermind... ****!

12 Nov 04 - 08:34 AM (#1324462)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: kendall

If you want to destroy an enemy, laugh at him.

12 Nov 04 - 04:08 PM (#1324921)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: PoppaGator

Anyone who found this rant so offensive that they couldn't digest the true and serious points being made: Please read this contribution from Mudcatter emjay:


Entirely inoffensive, and *much* more eloquent than the above. She starts off by forwarding a copy of another person's reaction; be sure to keep reading, because she follows up with her own thoughts. That's the best part.

12 Nov 04 - 06:30 PM (#1325054)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Frank

I live in the South and I thought it was funny. I laughed at the KKK meeting in "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou". I think that it's an attempt to answer the arrogance of many people who live in the South who call themselves American and throw around names like Elite Liberal (which is an oxymoron) because Liberals are not rich, generally, and are in public service or educational jobs. The truly Elite are corporate tax-dodging criminally-minded Republican CEOs of large companies that are screwing their employers and now own the US. And they own Hollywood too and make movies with Arnold Gropenator, the Steroid King. And they love and use porn.

There are plenty of intelligent, Progressive, compassionate folks in the South who would probably laugh at Kendall's post too. They could see through the "reactionary" tone and know it doesn't apply to them.

The point is this, nowadays in Bushworld we are hearing his minions offer empty and stupid definitions of people they don't like and phrases which, although might incite some Pavlovian dogs down South,where I live, deserve a rebuttal in the form of an occasional rant. I don't take this diatribe seriously at all. It's not really the hate that Limbaugh and Hannity vomit out to the radio world on a daily basis.


12 Nov 04 - 10:15 PM (#1325232)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Yankee Hippy Queer

Fuck the south with RD's dick.

12 Nov 04 - 10:51 PM (#1325267)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Scoville

I'm a liberal atheist who has lived in the South--and loved it--for 14 years (over half my life) and it didn't bother me at all. Frankly, it's nothing I haven't heard before. I hear so much anti-gay, anti-liberal, fundamentalist "Christian" rhetoric every time I turn around that a little overkill in the other direction is just a bit of fun; I don't take any of it seriously, though. I wouldn't expect this to be "informative" and I don't think it's any more offensive than any of the other election-related crap we had to listen to coming from both parties.

13 Nov 04 - 02:00 AM (#1325381)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Peace

Who's RD?

13 Nov 04 - 02:10 AM (#1325386)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

post 100, i thank you.

curry ships, the true path.

13 Nov 04 - 09:37 AM (#1325603)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south

Maybe you should pm this sort of thing to only those who have a sense of humor.

13 Nov 04 - 11:03 AM (#1325642)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Bill D's not a matter of 'vile' to many of us, it's that certain words are loaded with layers of emotional meaning...whether good or bad. The society has made them useful for heightening the relevant emotion when used sparingly and in certain circumstances. If they are used willy-nilly (no, that does NOT mean "without a penis"), they lose much of their force. It's very much like cheerleading at a sports event...repetition of set phrases withvocal emphasis pumps up the crowd...but it is not what you'd do at the dinner table. "We LIKE the steak, we LIKE the steak.."

I just hate to see language diluted until there IS no way to cuss easily, or express strong sexual feelings by using words you don't use everyday....everything is a matter of context.

There...I hope that's enough boring pedantry for everyone..

13 Nov 04 - 01:09 PM (#1325723)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: Ellenpoly

Not at all, Bill. I always appreciate what you post. It's thoughtful and from your heart as well as your mind.

I agree with you. I don't use expletives in abundance for the very reason you mention. Words can contain great power, and as it's become pretty clear on this thread, the use of this one really upset some people, far more than what was being expressed, or the fact that the writer was not being serious but writing ironically and sarcastically.

But as I've said to a friend, if the way someone writes shadows how it is being accepted, then the writer may well be getting in his or her own way.

In the end, I think GUEST was right. It would have been best to have passed this one along via pms, rather than for the entire community.

(PS-But I still think it's a shame that words of sex are considered so dangerous and provokative, and words of violence are often not.)


13 Nov 04 - 04:26 PM (#1325927)
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
From: GUEST,Frank

Down in the South where I live, some are still fighting the Civil War. I have heard plenty about "fuck the north".

It's all funny and stupid.....but funny nonetheless.

"Interesting but stupid" from SNL.

But just think about what they are saying about the US throughout the world.
