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Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK

22 Nov 04 - 03:36 PM (#1335580)
Subject: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: Catherine Jayne

There will be a session for Jacqui and Kendall at the back bar of the Black Lion Pub in Plaistow starting off at about 4pm. The pub has an excellent selection of real ales and a friendly atmosphere. Do come along and celebrate Jacqui and Kendall's recent wedding!

Hope to see many of you there


22 Nov 04 - 03:38 PM (#1335584)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: McGrath of Harlow

Some indication of the date might be handy.

22 Nov 04 - 03:38 PM (#1335586)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: Catherine Jayne

Oooppss...forgot to tell you the date!!....Sunday 5th December!!

22 Nov 04 - 05:31 PM (#1335736)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: MaineDog

Is Plaistow in New Hampshire, or Maine, or England, or ???
MD (who could attend in the first two cases)

22 Nov 04 - 05:42 PM (#1335759)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

No, it's Plaistow in the East End of London, and the same pub where Micca and Khatt organised the Catters gathering for Kendall and Sorcha in April.

(I've posted to the BS thread to point out that Haddenham folk day in Buckinghamshire is the day before.)


22 Nov 04 - 05:42 PM (#1335761)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, there is a Plaistow in New Hapmpshire, but this one is in London. You'll have to wait till they get back and organise a "welcome back" session.

22 Nov 04 - 06:33 PM (#1335852)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: GUEST,Julia & Fred

Darn! we could actually have made it if it were in NH. Phoowey!!Actually, I wondered why we had not heard of this wondrous pub before
We'll just have to find a convenient and convivial alehouse that night in the Portland (Maine) area, toast in their honor and then do it again when they get back.
Anyone care to join us after our gig in Kennebunkport?
BTW Cheers tae the both of yez, Jacqui & Kendall

22 Nov 04 - 06:41 PM (#1335866)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: Midchuck

If a "welcome back" session got organized in New Hampshire, some of us Vermonters could come over - if it weren't blizzarding.


22 Nov 04 - 06:43 PM (#1335867)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: Shanghaiceltic

See you there. I will be coming up from Bristol way on that Sunday afternoon, anyone need a lift along the M4 corridor? You can test my Chinese style driving!!!!

22 Nov 04 - 07:06 PM (#1335881)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui and Kendall
From: My guru always said

Bu**er, got a spotlight gig that evening in St Albans!
Hmmmm.... wonder if I could make a detour, I'll have a think!!

23 Nov 04 - 12:22 AM (#1336143)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Hi Khatt.

I live very close to Newark, which is also on their itinerary. On the other hand, the prospect of meeting up with jOhn too, at another point along the tour, is very tempting. But on the third hand, Plaistow looks like being my best chance. So the third hand it is. See you in the Black Lion.

23 Nov 04 - 02:29 AM (#1336234)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Ellenpoly

I'm planning on getting there by hook or crook (interesting phrase, that).


23 Nov 04 - 07:25 AM (#1336343)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: jacqui.c

Sounds like this is going to be good.

I would like to make one request. Kendall is still getting over the laser surgery on his vocal cords and is unable to tolerate a smoky atmosphere. I know we can't stop any pub locals from smoking but it would be appreciated if Mudcatters could avoid smoking in the vicinity. I feel a bit bad asking this but it would mean that he could enjoy the session more.

23 Nov 04 - 07:42 AM (#1336351)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: McGrath of Harlow

Perhaps there could be Christmas Carols outside for people who are dying for a smoke. (That's another interesting phrase...)

23 Nov 04 - 07:44 AM (#1336353)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Micca

Yeah It is McGrath but what if Carol cant be there?

23 Nov 04 - 08:02 AM (#1336366)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: manitas_at_work

It's amazing isn't it? The thread title says "..5th Dec. Plaistow UK.." and people are complaining that Kat isn't indicating when and where. Admittedly there are several Plaistows in the Uk but it does say UK.

Ellen, the District Line is a better bet.

Oh, I dare say Liz, Limpit and I will be there.

23 Nov 04 - 08:06 AM (#1336371)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Leadfingers

The BAD News is I havent got a gig that day , which means the GOOD news is I will be there !!

23 Nov 04 - 09:10 AM (#1336409)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: My guru always said

Ah Manitas, if you look at the first post you'll see that the title didn't have Plaistow on it, presumably due to title length. I wonder if a helpful JoeClone has added it on perhaps?

23 Nov 04 - 09:14 AM (#1336414)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: The Unicorn Man

If anyone wants to practise before hand, we are having a 12 hour Singaround at The Bull in Barton le Clay. Beds. On Sat Dec 4th 12 noon til 12 midnight. Come and go as you please kind of thing.

23 Nov 04 - 10:32 AM (#1336484)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: IanC

Coincidentally, it's also the Ashwell village session's 10th birthday at The Rose & Crown, High Street, Ashwell.

We started with a "Marathon Singalongathon" (sing, say, pay or play) 10 years ago and we're doing the same again 12-5 on Saturday 4th December. Jacqui, you're welcome along and bring Kendall.

It's the Ashwell at Christmas, so there'll be a few things going on in the morning (it's a bit low key this year) and the church choir have promised to join us near the start and sing a few carols etc.

Much love

23 Nov 04 - 01:47 PM (#1336676)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Ellenpoly

Someone remind me of which way I turn when I get out of the Plaistow Tube station? (I'll read this with my A to Z on my lap.)

And yeah manitas, the District line makes the best sense since my reindeer are also on loan until the New Year.

Jacqui, as per your request...thank you for making it. Kendall's as good an excuse as anyone, but it means I'll also be able to stay for more than a half (cough) an hour as well. I really hated having to leave early the last time (and my own fault for not having said anything.)


23 Nov 04 - 02:09 PM (#1336685)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Catherine Jayne

Ellen....when you come out of Plaistow tube station turn right.

IF there is no general public we can request that no-one smokes. If people want to smoke they can go through to the other bar but we can't say no smoking if there are members of the public in the back bar as there is a sign on the door that says smoking allowed throughout. The pub isn't very busy on a Sunday so it shouldn't really be a problem.

Hope to see many catter there who can make it!

23 Nov 04 - 04:41 PM (#1336847)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

You bet I'll be there!! I want to worship at Kendall's feet again, and with any luck, there'll be chocolate cake (major cake making workshop for Limpit's school bazaar the previous day)

I'm sure we'll be doing some seasonal stuff regardless of where we are... I for one intend to!


23 Nov 04 - 04:44 PM (#1336851)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: BusyBee Paul

This brings back memories, mostly happy ones!. Born and brought up in Plaistow, The Black Lion was a favourite haunt once I was old enough to not get thrown out of pubs!. Unfortunately won't be there on the 5th as I've moved up north but I hope it all goes well. I'll be thinking of you all!.

23 Nov 04 - 06:35 PM (#1336994)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Kendall and Jaqui, McGrath's mention of carols reminds me that when you're travelling from Newark to 'Ull, take a detour along the A616 to catch one of the seasonal sessions of proper pub singing that are underway in south Yorkshire at this time of year (weekend lunchtimes and evenings). It's a stunning experience - daunting even - and utterly unique.

HERE's a thread that explains the tradition; try PMing Malcolm Douglas for up-to-date info about this year's sessions. It would be crazy to get so close and miss the opportunity.

23 Nov 04 - 06:52 PM (#1337013)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Midchuck

Worship at Kendall's feet? Ye gods. Got to a war surplus store and get a gas mask...


24 Nov 04 - 08:30 AM (#1337555)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Essex Girl

Great, We'll be there even if I have to grovel to my son who will be revising for his mocks. (I'll leave him plenty of food to keep him going) Let's pray that Blackwall Tunnel will be open.

24 Nov 04 - 11:38 AM (#1337741)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: manitas_at_work

My Guru,

You're right and I apologise to those who queried the time and place before the title was expanded with the relevant information. I notice the thread title on the latter posts is varying a bit. Seems strange.

24 Nov 04 - 12:33 PM (#1337834)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Pauline L

I can't be there in person but I'll certainly be there in spirit. All my best wishes to Kendall and Jacqui.

24 Nov 04 - 03:09 PM (#1337981)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Manitas, it seems to be open season for renaming, amalgamating and otherwise knocking around threads in mid-flow. It leaves some posts looking odd (for instance referring to a thread originator who is no longer the thread originator, or referring to an earlier post that has disappeared). I did query the policy, but other catters seemed happy with the results.

24 Nov 04 - 05:28 PM (#1338108)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Lanfranc

We'll be there, all being well. Being, like Earth, "mostly armless", I'm getting used to reviving my unaccompanied repertoire with perhaps the odd (very!) bowed psaltery intro.

Hope to see Jacqui and Kendall in Hertford as well, but the Black Lion gatherings are always fun and worth the trip.


24 Nov 04 - 05:47 PM (#1338127)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

If anyone needs a kip space, we have floor and possibly cat-ridden sofa bed available.


24 Nov 04 - 05:53 PM (#1338140)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: kendall

LIZ! you are embarrassing me, but don't stop.
As I recall, the Black Lion has a smoke eater? or was that in another pub? If the smokers could gather it the area of that thing, it shouldn't be a problem.

24 Nov 04 - 07:01 PM (#1338216)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Morticia

we hope to be there too......look forward to seeing you all.

24 Nov 04 - 11:50 PM (#1338422)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Shanghaiceltic

Will definately be there.

I was going to drive up to Cambridge after the session but have now decided against it on the grounds I am going to enjoy one or two beers.

I will be subtley diguised in my Shanghai Hairy Crabs rugger shirt!

25 Nov 04 - 03:30 AM (#1338527)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

Hairy Crabs? No, don't say anything, I just want to keep the image of a spider crab in a toupee.......

Fiddler crab with an afro wig.....



25 Nov 04 - 05:17 AM (#1338585)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Dave Bryant

Linda and I should be able to make it. Incidently here's a map showing the approximate posisition of the aforementioned hostelry.

Guru, it shouldn't take you too long to get to Snorbans from Plaistow - straight up the M11 and around the M25 to J22.

27 Nov 04 - 06:03 PM (#1340755)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Catherine Jayne


27 Nov 04 - 06:27 PM (#1340772)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Fortunato

Hey, catsPHizzle, give them both a big, wet, kiss from me.

cheers, chance

27 Nov 04 - 06:55 PM (#1340788)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: McGrath of Harlow

Good train service from Snorbens to St Pancras, and then it's only about half an hour on the tube to Plaistow. It's a great feeling, sitting in a friendly pub, knowing you've left your car at home.

28 Nov 04 - 05:27 PM (#1341404)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: My guru always said

Right that's it! I'm definitely coming, gig or no gig! See you all there *grin*

29 Nov 04 - 05:03 PM (#1342430)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Col K

And I will be there as well, looking foreward to meeting Kendall again.

30 Nov 04 - 12:37 PM (#1343362)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Dead Horse

Me & *Herself with the smokin' feet* may very well make it, if she aint too knackered from struttin' her stuff that morning.
Has the pub got a wooden floor, or will she have to bring her own?

30 Nov 04 - 01:09 PM (#1343406)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK

I left Captain and Mrs. Morse at the airpost at 4:45AM this morning. They were travelling like gypsies (sorry InObu) with boxes and bags and... Take care of them when they arrive, don't overfeed them, and I expect the pair returned in the same condition as they were sent.

30 Nov 04 - 07:20 PM (#1343768)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

The end where we usually are is carpeted but the other side of the pub has a wooden floor.

And a big television.


30 Nov 04 - 07:29 PM (#1343776)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: fiddler

Hi guys probably won't be there - in Oxford all day - will be tooo toooo knackered probly!

Hugs tom all though


03 Dec 04 - 08:14 PM (#1346866)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

Only a matter of hours to go.... looking forward to kicking back and drinking beer, after a fraught week finishing cards for a bazaar tomorrow.


05 Dec 04 - 06:15 AM (#1347865)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Micca

Its today so come and Refresh!!

05 Dec 04 - 06:43 AM (#1347877)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: Dead Horse

I shall be there, and mayhap I shall partake of the excellent food & ales. And if a local should wander in, challenge him to a contest of the darts.......

05 Dec 04 - 07:03 AM (#1347886)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: The Unicorn Man

Cheers Micca for yesterday. We all managed to stay intacked until midnight. See you soon

05 Dec 04 - 07:12 AM (#1347889)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: George Papavgeris

Sorry I won't be there - committed to Breezy and Hilary for tonight...

05 Dec 04 - 07:24 AM (#1347891)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: My guru always said

Lovely to hear you're committed George *grin*

Am taking a detour to St Albans via Plaistow but only able to stay a couple of hours, see you there!

Safe journeys to those that's travelling...

05 Dec 04 - 01:05 PM (#1348067)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: The Unicorn Man

Sorry I did not make it. I left at 3.30pm not really knowing the directions. The final turing point was at 5.00pm when I thought I was on the A3 and I was on the M3. I too was so dedicated to Guru I had to turn back. See you all soon Love Martin.

05 Dec 04 - 06:21 PM (#1348235)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Catherine Jayne

Sorry I dodn't make it...I hope you all had a wonderful time. I met Micca and Col K coming out of the pub but I had a bad journey back from Norfolk and was carrying many bags of xmas shopping!! Hope to see you all again soon

05 Dec 04 - 06:47 PM (#1348258)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaisto
From: McGrath of Harlow

And wasn't that a very pleasant evening? Next stop, possibly Walthan Abbey in Monday 6th, to hear Damauin Barber; and then, more definitely, on Tuesday to the Lion at Eastwick ( off the A414 North of Harlow), for a session; and on Wednesday to The Millstream at Hertford.

05 Dec 04 - 06:50 PM (#1348263)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: The Unicorn Man

Calm down McGrath of Harlow. You are mad for it. You are very nearly a Folkaholick.

05 Dec 04 - 07:10 PM (#1348282)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Morticia

Was a great session, fab to see Mr and Mrs Morse looking so well and so happy and good to meet some new friends ( Hi Frank) and old.....

06 Dec 04 - 03:30 AM (#1348596)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Catherine Jayne

My Thanks to everyone that turned up, It was great to meet (and re-meet) everyone, and a lovely mix of instrumental and song, I will put some pix up when I get home from work!!

06 Dec 04 - 03:45 AM (#1348597)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Ellenpoly

Darn, cats! I knew I left too early! I'm sorry to have missed you. Your partner was in fine form as usual, I have to say, as well all the others. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing everyone. What a bunch of nice folk the 'catters are!

(My favorite remark from Liz to Limpit, "DON'T BITE!!!" Just made me howl.)

Of course for me, getting to hug Jacqui and Kendall and see how happy they are together was the biggest treat of all.

Thank you!..xx..e

06 Dec 04 - 04:41 AM (#1348619)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Micca

ooops, the catsPHiddle post (03.30) above is actually Me, CatsPHiddle arrived after the pub session had ended!!!!!

06 Dec 04 - 04:59 AM (#1348626)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

She didn't listen...... Ellenpoly, no-one introduced us so I didn't get to say hello properly!

Hello Properly!

I am sole sober occupant of Hangover House today (if you don't include the cats) and even I'm not feeling too bright! Manitas only just left for work, nearly 2 hours late, Bassic is still in his bed - which he only found after the Duvet Fairy found him asleep on the sofa and covered him up - after application of tea and toast, he returned to it and will probably be there for a while!

Thanks to everyone who signed the Dave Bryant book of Get it better or Else! - it will be delivered to either himself (if I can get the pictures in time) or to Essex Girl to pass to him in the next day or so.

Thanks again for a lovely session, it should become a regular feature - all we need to do is arrange for a non-UK Mudcatter to visit us once a month... get Morty into her Dominatrix gear, sorry, organiser mode, and we could restart Plaistow Folk Club!!


06 Dec 04 - 06:05 AM (#1348657)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Ellenpoly

Um, hello Liz, I guess you um, forgot that I was actually at your house when freda was visiting and you had that nice lunch for her before the Black Lion (again)??

How soon they forget. Then again, I was hardly the life of the party, being mostly shy and retiring into the dark corners.

Or maybe it's because I still don't have an official Mudcat Name Badge...

In any case, Properly or otherwise, I enjoyed seeing you, your harmonium (yes? that's what it is?) playing husband, and sharp-toothed daughter yesterday. I noticed Limpet left her teethmark on that card to Dave Bryant, who you said she'd bit the last time they'd met. Nice touch to the card!

Hope to see you all again...and next time I'll come up and remind you who I am (Maybe bite you?? ;-D)

(Nice meeting Bassic as well, btw, who also may not remember, from your description of his morning state. Bassic, do please give a hug to Rumanci next time you see her, from me?)


06 Dec 04 - 06:22 AM (#1348664)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry dear, I do remember you now, blame the medication and lack of beer! Biting will no longer be necessary... I guess because you were so shy and didn't speak much, I didn't get the accent, that's what was confusing me.

Bassic's morning state got worse.. I looked up to find him standing behind me wearing naught but a towel.....

He should have used the bath towel rather than the hand towel......

I may never be the same!

Manitas plays melodeon, but I daresay would play harmonium if you could find one for him!

Hopefully it won't be too long before we meet again..

Must go and see if Bassic needs more tea. He's on his fifth pot.


06 Dec 04 - 07:09 AM (#1348687)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Deckman

It not only sounds like you pholkes all had a grand gathering, but it sounds like some of you still are!!! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

06 Dec 04 - 08:28 AM (#1348729)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: GUEST,jacqui

Hi all

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful session - we both enjoyed ourselves immensely.

It was so good to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones and to marvel again at what the Mudcat means to so many people.

Special thanks to Leadfingers for the loan of his banjo (although Kendall would have preferred the other one!- grin)and to LanFranc for the guitar.

We hope to get to Leicestershire on the 16th and meet up with some of you again and maybe even more.

We're going to have to give Waltham Abbey a miss tonight - we've been pushing it a bit hard since last Tuesday - but are set for the Lion at Harlow tomorrow and the Millstream in Port Vale Hertford on Wednesday, before travelling to Newark on Thursday.

Oncw we're there we;ll be back on line for a while and checking up on relatively local sessions - Friday night is booked babysitting, unfortunately - how's Gainsborough about admitting children?

06 Dec 04 - 06:30 PM (#1349298)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Micca

for those who wee there, or could not be there, or just want to look, the Black Lion Pix are here

06 Dec 04 - 07:45 PM (#1349362)
Subject: RE: Session For Jacqui & Kendall 5th Dec. Plaistow UK
From: Liz the Squeak

And the caption for Bassic's picture should be......?

Entries on a post here!