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New Music store, need fiddle advice

01 Dec 04 - 11:57 AM (#1344449)
Subject: New Music store, need fiddle advice
From: wilco

I recently opened a retail (walk-in) acoustic, tarditional music store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I've been deluged with fddle players. There is no fiddle store in the area.
    I've got a good product line. My weak link is fiddles. I've got entry level fiddles from cremona and palatino, but I'd like a better line of fiddles, retailing for $400.00 to $1000.00.
    I've been sending people to local luthiers, who make great fidddles, but they start at $1200.00 US, which these people don't want to pay.


02 Dec 04 - 04:14 AM (#1345223)
Subject: RE: New Music store, need fiddle advice
From: Jess A

I play fiddle and if I was buying one from a shop I wouldn't want to buy a new instrument, I would want a second hand one that had already developed some character.... have you considered getting hold of a selection of 'old' fiddles? Not sure how it would work in the states but in the UK there are auctions and dealers in second hand instruments, plus plenty of stuff around online (ebay or other).


02 Dec 04 - 08:24 AM (#1345330)
Subject: RE: New Music store, need fiddle advice
From: Bassic

I imagine that the reason there is no one selling those kinds of instruments localy to you is because it is a specialised area of the music trade. Try talking to the nearest nearest outlet to you that DOES trade in these instruments and see if you could take a sample of their stock and sell it for them.....that alows you to build up your own expertese and contacts without serious risk but still offer a service to your local customers. And your "partner" retailer will benefit from having access to a market that currently they can not reach. Good Luck