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Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List

18 Dec 04 - 09:42 AM (#1360358)
Subject: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: Phillip

John Ross's excellent MacColl discography mentions this email list, and I think I've tried twice to join it over the years, but received nothing. Does it exist? Anyone here a member?
(I know John is a member of this group, but he hasn't posted for a couple of months, so I thought I would do this rather than pm him.)

18 Dec 04 - 10:34 PM (#1360892)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: johnross

The listserv exists, but the has never been much activity on it. Once in a while, somebody posts a plea to find a copy of some out-of-print LP, but that's about it. Assuming you're the Phillip M with a hotmail address, you're still on the list.

As of now, there are only 12 names on the list. I had hoped there might be some ongoing discussions among MacColl collectors and enthusiasts, but it seems like the list has never acheived the critical mass necessary to get rolling.

I'd be delighted if some actual discussion got started. Feel free to start something.

Anybody else want to get onto the list, send a request to

19 Dec 04 - 12:53 AM (#1360925)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: Phillip

I suspect hotmail is blocking it, then. Contributions may be only occasional, but I have never had anything! I will have to make sure it isn't automatically blocked.

Any archives, or anything?

19 Dec 04 - 06:24 AM (#1361012)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: Roberto

I've tried to send a mail to the site, but it failed. R

21 Dec 04 - 11:17 PM (#1362746)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: johnross

I will try some tests and if they fail, I'll talk to the owner of the system where the server lives. Would be nice to get something going on that list.

22 Dec 04 - 02:45 AM (#1362839)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List
From: Phillip

I tried sending a test message to it yesterday. Twleve hours later I got a notification that delivery was delayed. Another twelve hours later and I have received neither a delivery failure message, nor any indication that it made it through.

Why not have a Yahoo group instead, which can function in the same way or be used in the way Mudcat is?

22 Dec 04 - 09:28 AM (#1363121)
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl Collectors E-Mail List

Maybe he's deserted again