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BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?

18 Dec 04 - 11:18 AM (#1360401)
Subject: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,MegaNerd

I say Kirk, because he always got the girls. Well, almost always. My buddy says Spock, because he was so logical. Gimme a break! Logical is not cool! Let's face it, if you want to party and have a great time, who are you gonna invite, Kirk or Spock!

18 Dec 04 - 11:24 AM (#1360404)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,ranger1

Kirk. Definitely.

18 Dec 04 - 11:26 AM (#1360406)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Hawk, this is completely pathetic although you have chosen a guest name to match the thread. Who cares which one of these two to invite? They are both prime candidates for Pivot Man in a Circle Jerk. I did however pose your query to the patients at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed and they chose Captain Video. So there you are. What can I say?


18 Dec 04 - 11:30 AM (#1360408)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,MegaNerd

You're one of those people who doesn't get it, aren't you? I pity you. For me you don't even exist. In fact, I'm surprised I even bothered to comment on what you just said.

Now back to the issue at hand. You have a Christmas party coming up. Who ya gonna invite? Kirk or Spock?

18 Dec 04 - 11:37 AM (#1360414)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: mack/misophist

Spock. Without a doubt. Shallow life forms who don't understand why are probably incapable of understanding. And Spock will no doubt be a key witness at Kirk's court martial.

18 Dec 04 - 11:37 AM (#1360415)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Give it up Hawkster. Only a Mega-Nerd would invite either one of them....unless of course he was having a Circle Jerk as mentioned before.


18 Dec 04 - 11:42 AM (#1360419)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Come to think of it, you could invite Major Tom, psychotic astronaut, as well and they could have their OWN Circle Jerk!!! That could work out for you Hawk......AND you could sell the videotape on e-Bay!


18 Dec 04 - 12:09 PM (#1360438)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: CarolC

What's a "pivot man"?

Spock, definitely. Nerds are incredibly sexy, while cheesy people like Kirk are sometimes funny, but never sexy.

18 Dec 04 - 12:23 PM (#1360449)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

So tell me, Spaw, how many people are required for a circle jerk? I figure you must be some kind of authority on that subject. :-)

Me, I would be sure to invite both Kirk AND Spock. They complement each other extremely well. I'd also invite McCoy and Scotty for comic relief.

18 Dec 04 - 12:30 PM (#1360458)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Nerds may be sexy, but nerds like Spock are something else. His Vulcan heritage makes him susceptible to the curse of all Vulcans, a fact well known by their enemies. If you twist the tips of a Vulcan's ears in different directions at the same time, their gonads explode and while this may make his love partner think he is Thor, God of Thunder, the Vulcan is generally mortally wounded. The few who do survive are left nothing but a lifetime of servitude where they are forced to watch guys like Kirk butt-fuck Tribbles. Not a pretty sight.............


18 Dec 04 - 01:14 PM (#1360495)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Megan L

what a bunch of auld has beens ye wid need tae remember tae bring thier zimmers and inconto pads. Now if you want real class Jean Luc Piccard.

18 Dec 04 - 01:19 PM (#1360502)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: CarolC

Is that why they have that hand sign where the index and middle fingers, and the ring and pinkie fingers are arranged in the form of a V? A reminder to Vulcans to keep their ears pointed straight up?

18 Dec 04 - 01:52 PM (#1360525)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Yes it is Carol....a very astute observation!!! It's funny really......For all of their brilliance and logic, there are some missing synapses here and there in their short term memory. One Vulcan suffering from psoriasis thoughtlessly twizzled his ears while being beamed aboard a starship. The molecular structures came undone as a result and the only parts of him that arrived on the teleporter platform were his balls which exploded 12 seconds later, rupturing the hull of the starship which caused it to crash with the loss of the entire crew. Tragic story................


18 Dec 04 - 01:52 PM (#1360527)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Bill D

no, that's a result of super glue in zero gravity

18 Dec 04 - 01:55 PM (#1360529)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

...........Well..............that too I suppose...............


18 Dec 04 - 02:53 PM (#1360565)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?

I'd invite Cletus.

18 Dec 04 - 03:24 PM (#1360593)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: kendall


18 Dec 04 - 03:26 PM (#1360595)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Georgiansilver

Spok of course, he could flap his ears to keep cool.
Best wishes.

18 Dec 04 - 03:33 PM (#1360599)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Nerd

Awww, CarolC, I didn't know you cared! (giggle!)

Seriously, I'd invite Spock, for the exact opposite reason as Mega-Nerd. Kirk would be furiously hitting on every girl in the room, and he'd probably score with two or three of them. Spock would get all the nerd-loving girls worked up, but would have no interest in scoring with any of which point they'd look to some of us other nerds for sympathy.

18 Dec 04 - 03:35 PM (#1360602)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: catspaw49

Out of curiosity, why would you be interested in anyone who was interested in Kirk?


18 Dec 04 - 04:10 PM (#1360637)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: CarolC

Yes, Nerd, but how do we know you are really a nerd? You could be a poseur who is just out to pick up chicks.

18 Dec 04 - 05:49 PM (#1360723)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Christ!! If I'd only known back then that chicks found nerds sexy! Argh! I must've missed some grand opportunities there.

Spock unquestionably was pursued and fantasized about by a great many human females, but I thought that was merely because he appeared to be unattainable...and unflappable. (not referring to his ears when I say that)

18 Dec 04 - 06:02 PM (#1360735)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Rapparee

I'm with Kendall.

18 Dec 04 - 06:07 PM (#1360743)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, well, I would invite Uhura also, no question.

19 Dec 04 - 01:53 AM (#1360946)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Kaleea

Spock is cooler, as he can play the Vulcan harp & sing. Who wants to hear Kirk sing? Puh-leeeeeese!   Spock's ears are wonderful ice breakers. Beautiful women love him cause they wanna try to score with him. Duh. It's a no brainer.

19 Dec 04 - 04:09 AM (#1360967)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: jacqui.c

I'm with Megan - Jean Luc, definitely.

Of the other two it would have to be Spock - at least he could hold an intelligent conversation, and think of the challenge.......

19 Dec 04 - 06:02 AM (#1360998)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: kendall

Oh, well, if we are talking about intelligent conversation, I'd invite Spock.

19 Dec 04 - 07:43 AM (#1361046)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: kindaloupehackenweez

Spock of course: I can only imagine what it would be like to be without emotions. It would be like being without termoil, stress,
anger. Humm also would be without joy, caring, loving.

Spock still. Check out the ears:


19 Dec 04 - 07:53 AM (#1361051)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: gnu

cc... "You could be a poseur who is just out to pick up chicks. "

Poseur ? Pusseur ? (Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

19 Dec 04 - 08:02 AM (#1361055)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Crystal

Spock definatly.

BTW True nerds writh Star Trek Fan fiction!

19 Dec 04 - 08:04 AM (#1361056)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Well, well. Spock has pulled into a decisive lead here! Here are the stats, thus far...

Official vote count:

Kirk - 3
Spock - 9

And in further (unofficial) voting:

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 2
Scotty - 1
Bones - 1
Cletus - 1

Cletus?...who the hell is Cletus???

Looks like MegaNerd is in for a major disappointment here, as Kirk goes down to a miserable defeat and Spock holds the crown for Intergalactic Party Animal Extraordinaire!

19 Dec 04 - 08:13 AM (#1361058)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

That last vote from Crystal raises Spock to 10 votes overall!

19 Dec 04 - 08:35 AM (#1361067)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Bruce Baillie

...Neither, they were both Americans!

19 Dec 04 - 08:37 AM (#1361068)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Crystal

What about the cute Doctor in Deep Space 9? Is it too late for me to change my vote?

19 Dec 04 - 10:10 AM (#1361106)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: gnu

Both Yanks !!?? Nay, nay. Kirk was, is and always will be a Canuck. If it's a PARTAAAAY, Kirk is the obvious choice.

19 Dec 04 - 10:16 AM (#1361111)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,MegaNerd

Oh! Oh! Oh! Another vote for Kirk! Keep 'em coming! Kirk is my hero and I will be really enraged if he loses out here.

Kirk is on a roll now, I feel it. He is going to win.

19 Dec 04 - 10:28 AM (#1361120)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Mr Red

the phone !

19 Dec 04 - 02:26 PM (#1361272)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: CarolC

Was Kirk a Canuck? (I know Shatner is, but we're talking about Captain Kirk).

Anyway, Spock was most definitely not an USAn. He was a Vulcan. That's almost as good as being a Canuck.

19 Dec 04 - 02:59 PM (#1361299)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Georgiansilver

Not a subject I wish to Clingon to!

19 Dec 04 - 03:19 PM (#1361323)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Bat Goddess

Kirk . . . but I was (am) exceptionally fond of Scotty. He had better taste in booze ("it's green") and could fix almost anything using the equivalent of duct tape, bubblegum and bailing twine.


19 Dec 04 - 07:56 PM (#1361503)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: mack/misophist

Bailing Twine? What kind of farm did you grow up on?

19 Dec 04 - 09:15 PM (#1361521)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm...Kirk is making a small comeback, but Spock is still way ahead.

19 Dec 04 - 09:22 PM (#1361528)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Nerd

Sorry, folks, Kirk is from Iowa.

See, I really AM a nerd...

19 Dec 04 - 09:29 PM (#1361533)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Kirk is now up to 6 votes!

Kirk - 6
Spock - 9

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 2
Scotty - 1
Bones - 1
Cletus (?) - 1

(We have determined that Cletus is/was a very, very minor Ferengi character in the Next Generation episode # 57. He attempted to have sex with Doctor Crusher (inflamed by the sight of a woman in clothing), and got punched out by her. He then attempted to beam himself out of the ship but got the coordinates confused and materialized inside the warp drive. Bye, bye, Cletus!)

20 Dec 04 - 03:31 PM (#1361725)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: BusyBee Paul

At least none of you guys mentioned Seven of nine - mind you, she wouldn't make you cooler so perhaps that's why!.

My vote goes for the hologram Doctor in DS9 or Data, at least you can switch them off!.


20 Dec 04 - 03:57 PM (#1361744)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

We have recorded an official vote for Data. Votes for characters whom people cannot remember the names of will go uncounted.

Kirk - 6
Spock - 9

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 2
Scotty - 1
Bones - 1
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1

20 Dec 04 - 04:07 PM (#1361760)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,thirty eight of double D

I'll vote for seven of nine!

20 Dec 04 - 04:15 PM (#1361768)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Okay, well, "Seven of Nine" is a real name, I guess.

2 official votes for Seven of Nine, then.

20 Dec 04 - 06:32 PM (#1361906)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Burke

Give me Scotty as well!

21 Dec 04 - 03:03 AM (#1362122)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Cluin

Captain Pike


21 Dec 04 - 04:55 AM (#1362205)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: CharlieA

Jean-Luc for sure!

or maybe Dr Bashir from DS9 - oh and the hologram doc was Voyager - and didn't have a name (sorry I'll crawl back in my box now!)



21 Dec 04 - 06:06 AM (#1362256)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: gnu

Well, if we can vote for others, surely we can vote for more than one. Q would liven things up.

21 Dec 04 - 07:43 AM (#1362337)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Crystal

Dr Bashir! That was his name!
I'll vote for him because he was cute!

21 Dec 04 - 08:18 AM (#1362360)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Busybee Paul mat Work

Thanks for the correction, I was trying to think of Dr Bashir and then got my series confused with the Hologram Doc (well, it was past my bed time).

Also glad I hadn't forgotten the Hologram Dr's name - I didn't think he had one.

Live long and prosper everyone!

21 Dec 04 - 07:57 PM (#1362614)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Pauline L

Spock is ultracool. He took second place at the All Vulcan harp competition. (His father took first place.) I'd invite Spock and maybe Scotty, too. I'd like to hear them play a duet on Vulcan harp and bagpipes.

21 Dec 04 - 10:51 PM (#1362736)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?

No one mentioned Reiker!!

And there is two of him - thanks to a transporter accident.


21 Dec 04 - 11:20 PM (#1362748)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Righto. The election battle storms boldly on...although Kirk and Spock are the official candidates for our party guy, our coolest of the cool among interstellar stud monkeys (and monkettes), there are many other votes coming in, splitting the ticket all over the place. The standings:

Spock - 10
Kirk - 6

Uhura - 3
Jean-Luc Picard - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
Seven of Nine - 2
Bones - 1
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
"Q" - 1
Will Reiker - 1

And I am now putting in a very enthusiastic vote for Deanna Troy!

Deanna Troy - 1

The analysts here at WSSBA Central are expressing surprise at a number of developments...First of all, that James T. Kirk has not run away with it by now is fairly astounding, although Spock was expected to be a very strong contender from the start. Jean-Luc Picard, too, was considered a dangerous adversary who could rob a great many votes from either the Kirk or the Spock camp, but he has so far made only a modest showing of 3 votes. This is disappointing for Picard-worshippers, many of whom are female. Uhura and Scotty are feisty, as always. That was expected. That the smarmy little weasel, Dr Bashir, has actually EQUALLED them is remarkable! (The WSSBA does not really regard Dr Bashir as true Star Trek material.) Leonard McCoy has not come through as expected, possibly due to his propensity for bizarre non-sequitors and emotional outbursts...but the most astounding thing of all...the thing that has us utterly gobsmacked, is....DATA has only 1 vote!!! Shocking! The charming android was expected to be in 4rth place at this point in the polls. What, oh what, has happened to Data???

As for Guynan (played by Whoopi Goldberg), well...we weren't really expecting much buzz around her...

21 Dec 04 - 11:43 PM (#1362765)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Metchosin

Well if we want cool, it would have to be the Cat from Red Dwarf, now that's coool. But given my druthers, I'd rather spend an evening pissed as a newt on vodka with Chekhov, than any time with either Kirk or Spock.

22 Dec 04 - 12:12 AM (#1362780)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

And therrrrrre-s.....a vote for Mr Chekov! Can Mr Sulu be far behind?

22 Dec 04 - 05:03 AM (#1362928)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Crystal (sans biscuit!)

Can we vote more than once?

22 Dec 04 - 06:39 AM (#1362991)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Bunnahabhain

That way I can honestly say I'm not the biggest troublemaker around.

22 Dec 04 - 06:45 AM (#1362994)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: 42

If you're going to allow write in ballots I think Zaphod Beeblebrox has to be on the guest list for your space soiree.

Kirk's smarmy 'man the torpedos' approach to women wouldn't do him any good around here and I don't think he could take his airbrush lens with him.

Spock's too much work unless he's in ponfar (sp).

If you're limiting the choices to Star Trek in all its manifestations I'm for Jean Luc.


22 Dec 04 - 08:52 AM (#1363092)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Enti

Jean Luc!!!! definitely, though the whole crew from all series is of course best.

Em.. yes that was another female vote for him...

22 Dec 04 - 10:07 AM (#1363140)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: *daylia*

Ladies ladies ladies .... where IS your taste??? Never mind cool, he's so HOT I'm gonna take me a cold shower ...

And look, he's everything you see PLUS a poet too!

(If you want to watch him sing the thing, click here)

22 Dec 04 - 10:09 AM (#1363141)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Oh! The drama! Picard is into the big leagues now, and may upset Kirk! The female vote is coming in. (No, you can only vote once for any given character. You can also vote later for another character, however, if you want to.)

Spock - 10
James Tiberius Kirk - 6
Jean-Luc Picard - 5

Uhura - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 2
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 1
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will Reiker - 1
Deanna Troy - 1
Pavel Chekov - 1

22 Dec 04 - 10:20 AM (#1363147)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: MMario

Lwaxana Troi...who not only is a lot cooler then her daughter but hotter as well!

22 Dec 04 - 10:27 AM (#1363155)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Zelda Zane

Damon Tog, the Ferengi commander. What a hunk! I would love to caress his gorgeous ears and drive him slowly into a frenzy.

Oh, and another vote for dear Jean-Luc too!

22 Dec 04 - 12:05 PM (#1363270)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: jacqui.c

OK I'd go for Dr McCoy as second choice. He could have felt my pulse anytime!

22 Dec 04 - 01:45 PM (#1363357)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,WSSBA Voter Central

Ahem. Damon Tog has just secured a place on the list. The less said about it the better. What IS worth talking about is...Picard has now tied Kirk!!!!

The standings:

Spock - 10
James Tiberius Kirk - 6
Jean-Luc Picard - 6

Uhura - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 2
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 2
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will Reiker - 1
Deanna Troi - 1
Pavel Chekov - 1
Damon Tog (Ferengi) - 1
Lwaxana Troi - 1

*Note: Damon Tog once attempted to romance Lwaxana Troi, and she led him on for a bit, till rescued by Jean-Luc Picard. This is interesting, in light of the fact that all three of them received one vote each in the last few rounds of voting!

22 Dec 04 - 01:58 PM (#1363367)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Bunnahabhain

(Who's being Crystal at this point in time....)
Another vote for Checkov.

22 Dec 04 - 03:13 PM (#1363438)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,??

You missed out Thomas Reiker

W. T. Reiker was duplicated in a transporter malfunction and one of him was marooned on a deserted planet for years.

The one who made it to the ship was Will Reiker, the one left behind - when he was rescued and discovered what had happened used his second name to difference himself from his luckier and by now higher ranking self.

23 Dec 04 - 09:07 AM (#1364028)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: muppitz

On the subject of Kirk or Spock, Kirk would be more fun at a party so that's the side of the fence I stand on.

Next Gen candidate for me, would be Geordie La Forge. Oh and K'heylar (Worf's woman!), she looks like a woman who knows how to have fun.

From Voyager would be Tom Parrish. We need some eye candy and another witty personality.

And I would definately agree with anyone who says Q, someone has to be the troublemaker and I'd rather (for once) that it wasn't me.

(Am I allowed that many votes????)

muppitz x

23 Dec 04 - 09:45 AM (#1364050)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Mrrzy

Riker is spelled with no E.
Don't you remember the tripping hippies episode? Spock did the "one" thing with his hands, and Kirk was just a Herbert! Now is that cool, or what?

23 Dec 04 - 09:53 AM (#1364056)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Paco Rabanne

Neither, they are both embarrassing wankers! Star Trek was silly, amateurish, poorly written shite, fit only to be shown on daytime television!

23 Dec 04 - 10:53 AM (#1364121)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: *daylia*

Star Trek was and still is one of the planets' very few - and most welcome - positive media influences. In the 60's, Gene Roddenbury was ahead of his time in many ways. He dared to script a woman - a woman "of color" no less - even a Russian together with Japanese, Europeans and Americans (!) on the bridge on his futuristic "military" vessel. He envisioned a hopeful future at a time when that was very hard to do; when humanity seemed hopelessly on the brink of nuclear and environmental disaster. And he presented that vision in an influential, compelling, creative, entertaining, and yes even scientifically/technologically 'informed' context of genuine, ongoing mass appeal.

Hmmm - I think he should be remembered as the Great Genie Roddenbury. Or maybe the Great Gene(ius) Roddenbury.


23 Dec 04 - 10:54 AM (#1364126)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: gnu

Okay, but who are you voting for ?

23 Dec 04 - 11:22 AM (#1364151)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: *daylia*

Well, lets see - from the tender age of 8 I've had my temperature raised - not lowered - by the coolness of the following hotties (in chronological order) ...

Kirk (what can I say, I was only 8)
Troi (don't ask)

Guess that makes it Spock, hands down.
Always dreamed of dipping those ears in my fondue.

23 Dec 04 - 12:05 PM (#1364192)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: gnu

No offense, but I meant Ted.

23 Dec 04 - 12:08 PM (#1364193)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Paco Rabanne

Oh dear! What a choice! Which of these ridiculous duds do I choose? erh........... Captain Kack!

23 Dec 04 - 12:45 PM (#1364228)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Little Hawk

Wow! Things are heating up here, and we have some more "fringe" candidates. Kirk goes to Warp 5 and barrels past Jean-Luc again! But Spock is unstoppable! The standings:

Spock - 12
James Tiberius Kirk - 8
Jean-Luc Picard - 6

Uhura - 3
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 3
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 2
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will/Thomas Riker - 2
Deanna Troi - 1
Pavel Chekov - 2
Damon Tog (Ferengi) - 1
Lwaxana Troi - 1
Geordie La Forge - 1
Tom Parrish - 1
K'heylar - 1
Gene Roddenberry - 1

Nice to see Gene Roddenberry on the list, as he was actually the force behind it all, and Daylia is absolutely right! Star Trek was one of the very few positive forces in TV drama history, as it envisioned a future of enlightenment, unity, and brotherhood instead of the usual dark and pessimistic dramas that are foisted upon us...apparently to show us what losers we all really are! Hooray for Star Trek, a show that believed in humanity!

23 Dec 04 - 12:47 PM (#1364231)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: MMario

Uhura had the brains of the outfit - and they couldn't manage to communicate without her either. not that either Kirk or Spock were known for lucid conversation.

23 Dec 04 - 01:11 PM (#1364259)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Leonard Nimoy

What is your definition of "lucid", MMario?

23 Dec 04 - 01:14 PM (#1364263)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,James T. Kirk

What would you rather have...lucidity or fluidity? The dialogue in the original Star Trek episodes was witty, punchy, and to-the-point. (Specially my lines.) It left other sci-fi shows of the time in the dust. And I just may have communicated with Uhura better than you think...

23 Dec 04 - 01:23 PM (#1364272)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: hesperis

Spock over Kirk, definitely. (Which is why Shatner was upset, because Shatner was SUPPOSED to be the star of the show but Spock was everyone's favorite character.)

Picard kicks ass. Best male captain of the Enterprise ever, and the sexiest voice, too.

Kirk is not even on the list of cool!

23 Dec 04 - 01:24 PM (#1364274)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: MMario

Leonard - your character frequently abandoned conversations in mid-stream - resorting to silence and a lifted eyebrow. But you were great in both 'Camelot' and 'Fiddler on the Roof'.

And as for the Captain - I would have settled for EITHER lucidity or fluidity - both of which were seriously lacking in his lackluster performances.

And she had better taste then that.

23 Dec 04 - 02:01 PM (#1364303)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,William Shatner

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Careful, MMario. One of these days I will write a critique of your laughable attempts to re-enact medieval times at those silly shows you do...

23 Dec 04 - 02:12 PM (#1364311)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: MMario

Why thank you - but I don't do re-enactments. I entertain at English RENAISSANCE themed events (not medieval) - but never claim to do re-enactment. And given my sales figures over the past 13 years - quite successfully.

"laughable" is what it is about.

Bill - you yourself have admitted your"dramatic pauses" were because you couldn't remember your lines. Then again - given your lines in a lot of the shows I would have tried hard to forget them as well.

However - I still haven't forgotten or forgiven you for what you did to Zenna Henderson's 'The People'. Hang your head in shame!

23 Dec 04 - 02:15 PM (#1364312)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,Deanna


worf worf

worf worf worf worf worf

23 Dec 04 - 02:17 PM (#1364313)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: MMario

Nasty cough you have there Deanna

23 Dec 04 - 02:23 PM (#1364315)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: GUEST,WSSBA Central

Spock is still well ahead, with Kirk just edging out Picard!

Spock - 13
James Tiberius Kirk - 8
Jean-Luc Picard - 7

Uhura - 4
Scotty - 3
Dr Bashir - 3
"Q" - 3
Seven of Nine - 2
"Bones" (Leonard McCoy) - 2
Cletus (?) - 1
Data - 1
Captain Pike - 1
Will/Thomas Riker - 2
Deanna Troi - 1
Pavel Chekov - 2
Damon Tog (Ferengi) - 1
Lwaxana Troi - 1
Geordie La Forge - 1
Tom Parrish - 1
K'heylar - 1
Gene Roddenberry - 1
Worf - 1

23 Dec 04 - 09:39 PM (#1364580)
Subject: RE: BS: Who was cooler? Kirk or Spock?
From: Cluin

If sex is to be thrown into the picture, I'd like to change my vote to Dr. Beverly Crusher.

As long as we don't have to have Wee Willy Wheaton hanging around.