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BS: The 1900's are a Heap

31 Dec 04 - 09:47 AM (#1368049)
Subject: BS: The 1900's were a Heap
From: GUEST,Nobody Special

The 60's were crap.

The 70's were carp.

Then the whole century must have been a Steamin' Heap!

And I say it's High Time for all you bottom-feeders to stop stoopin and start scoopin. Please use this thread as a plastic baggie. Dump any latent, festering hatreds and/or feculant memories of that most foul, fetid era right here. Like this: Elvis the Pelvis? Ooooo I still just detest him so much! Do you hear me???

Elvis was nothing but a Steamin' Heap!

ok, that feels better .... next?

31 Dec 04 - 09:51 AM (#1368053)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Rapparee

May I assume that you mean the years beginning at midnight on January 1, 1900 and ending at midnight, December 31, 1999?

A heap of what? Pork chops? Banjos?

31 Dec 04 - 09:56 AM (#1368058)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Peace

The 1900s IS a heap.

31 Dec 04 - 09:59 AM (#1368063)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Amos

You are seriously looking for some adjective for the whole century? 100 years of joy and sorrow, zest and anguish, death and birth, millions of losses and failures and billions of triumphs large and small? ONE adjective?

How about "long"??


31 Dec 04 - 10:02 AM (#1368066)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Peace


31 Dec 04 - 10:05 AM (#1368070)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Rapparee

Over? Past? Done?

31 Dec 04 - 10:11 AM (#1368084)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: GUEST,Nobody Special

See, I can't even talk right! That's EXACTLY what the 1900's (and yes, I do mean from midnight Jan 1 1900 to midnight Dec 31 1999) did to me.

What a Steamin' Heap!

31 Dec 04 - 10:19 AM (#1368092)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Dave Hanson

The 1900s were grate.


31 Dec 04 - 10:21 AM (#1368094)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Peace

The 1900s WAS grate

31 Dec 04 - 10:31 AM (#1368104)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: LilyFestre

I LOVE Elvis' Christmas music....he was a heap of hunka hunka burnin' love!!!!!! *smirk*   


Michelle, singin' at the top of my lungs: I'll have a BLUUUUUUUE Christmas without youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......I'll be so BLUUUUUUUUE just thinkin' aboutchoooooooooooooooooooooooo......

31 Dec 04 - 10:43 AM (#1368115)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Little Hawk

We really need Chongo's comment on the century, I think.

31 Dec 04 - 11:28 AM (#1368159)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: mack/misophist

In the 70's, a survey asked a lot of professional historians "When was the best time in history for an ordinary person to be alive?" The concensus was that the time just before WW I was the closest to optimum we've yet seen.

31 Dec 04 - 11:30 AM (#1368161)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Amos

Any century that produced both the Mommas and the Poppas and "The Daring Young Man on the Flying trapeze" AND the Wright Brothers can't be all bad.


31 Dec 04 - 12:16 PM (#1368221)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Bill D

"The 70's were carp."

...and I suppose the 2000s will be Salmon?

(silliness begets silliness)

31 Dec 04 - 01:13 PM (#1368294)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Rapparee

Well, I know only that February 11, 1945 was the single greatest and most important date since the Big Bang.

31 Dec 04 - 02:40 PM (#1368350)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: *daylia*

Well the events on that date resulted in a Big Bang (or two) for the Japanese, that's for sure . ...


The leaders of the three great powers - the Soviet Union, the United States of America and Great Britain - have agreed that in two or three months after Germany has surrendered and the war in Europe is terminated, the Soviet Union shall enter into war against Japan on the side of the Allies ...

It's been said that the 20th Century was by far the bloodiest, most cruel and environmentally devastating in human history. The death toll (read millions upon millions of innocent human beings) exacted by the USSR and Red China, by the likes of Hitler, Milosevic, Saddam etc was staggering and unprecedented. Yet paradoxically, in the face of all that horror it was also the century that held out the most hope (at least since 33 CE! :-) via all the incredible advances in medicine, technology, human rights and quality of life (to name just a few).

Mack, do you remember the reasons for stating that the early 1900's were the "closet to optimum we've ever seen" for ordinary people? I find that quite curious. No traffic jams or TV's as yet, perhaps? Or is it because marijuana was still legal?   ;-)

31 Dec 04 - 10:27 PM (#1368618)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: mack/misophist

The article was dull and technical. Except for the conclusions, I don't remember it well. It focused mainly on economic and social issues; things like the number of weekly work hours needed to pay for food, rent, medical care, and so on. The availability and cost of education and technical training. The possibility of upward social mobility. Intangibles like the diversity of available foods and cultural events. The number of hours wasted each week in necessary chores such as getting to and from work; hours needed for shopping, and so forth. It didn't claim that life was better for the common man than it is today but that it was perceived as being better; that, on the whole, people were happier and more hopeful than they are today.

I can give a small example from my own family history. My grandfather was a Polish emmigrant who didn't feel he could raise two children properly on his wages. His boss, another Pole - an orthodox Jew, hired my aunt as a 'Shabas goy'. Her duties were light, except on Shabas, and she was able to spend an hour or two at home almost every day. Till the day she died, she regarded them as an extended part of her family. In fact, I think her teen years were happier than my father's.
He was born in 1903 and she in '05.

01 Jan 05 - 05:18 PM (#1368967)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Rapparee

On February 11, 1858, was the first apparition at Lourdes.

In 1990, Nelson Mandela was freed.

In 1847, Thomas Edison was born.

Others born on that day include Sidney Sheldon (1917 - ), Leslie Nielsen (1926 - ), Jennifer Aniston (1969 - ), Burt Reynolds (1936 - ), William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 - 1877), Sheryl Crowe (1962 - ), and, of course,

me (1945 -    ).

Because it is my birthday, February 11, 1945 is the most important date in the history of the Universe. It is the single most important day in ANY year.

You are welcome to send presents. Preferably expensive ones that are or can be easily converted to US dollars.

02 Jan 05 - 08:06 AM (#1369291)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Leadfingers

Rap - You beat me to it - That is EXACTLY what I was going to post re the 1900's , but with a different date - MY Birthday !!

02 Jan 05 - 08:17 AM (#1369296)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: *daylia*

mack, that's really interesting and it makes a lot of sense too. Life changed so much, so rapidly during the 20th Century, it's as if people lived on an entirely different planet back in the first decade of the 1900s. It's almost beyond imagination to consider what life might be like by midnight Dec 31 2099. Thanks for your reply!

Rapaire, I'm all shopped out right now with the holidays and all, but as a small token of my esteem and appreciation I want you to know that IMO you were no doubt the very BEST and globally significant thing that happened on Feb 11, 1945.


PS Step lightly ... I think there's a steamin' heap or two around here!

02 Jan 05 - 08:35 AM (#1369311)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Georgiansilver

Having been born almost halfway through the 1900s I can't say much about the first half as it would only be hearsay...and as we well know on here..Just because someone said something..don't mean its necessarily true! There are two sides to every story....I enjoyed my time in the 1900s, even though there were many bad times...It served to make me the person I am for the 2000s...which, when I think about all the things that have happened already since the millenium....I wonder how much more I have to learn, digest and suffer.
However, God gave me life and I will live it, hopefully how He wants me to.
Best wishes, Mike.

02 Jan 05 - 09:05 AM (#1369314)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: GUEST,Nobody Special

Hmph! I thought I'd check back in here and have some fun! What's happened? Where's all those feculant memories and festering hatreds gone? It's obviously High Time to get my fellow bottom-feeders back on track here!

Let's see ... where to start .... ah!   Twiggy and her brainless bony brand of blow-me-away-in-the-slightest-breeze imbecilia? I still just abhor that so much! Do you hear me good???

Twiggy is nothing but a Steamin' Heap!

Ooooo that feels wonderful! So don't be shy. Just relax, let it go, let it aaalllll goooooo ....

02 Jan 05 - 10:32 AM (#1369348)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Bobert

Well, I certainly hope that the unprecidented numbers of folks killed in wars in the 1900's won't carry forth into this one but weren't not off to a good start with Cowboy Bush having other folks shoot up the joint...

On the other hand...sniff... if did produce all the wonderful people that here and elesewhere...


02 Jan 05 - 11:59 AM (#1369402)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Bill D

probably some folks had their minds elsewhere, Rapaire

Feb 11, 1945.

it's fascinating what entering your own birthday into Google will find.

02 Jan 05 - 01:05 PM (#1369435)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: *daylia*

Gee thanks Bill. I typed in my birthdate and found quite the steamin' heap of talent, but it triggered this profound fossilization process. I recognize a lot of the artists but none of the songs    Little Richard? Jerry Lee Lewis? Chuck Berry? Pat Boone? Perry Como? Andy Williams? The Platters? Doris Day? Elvis?   *sigh* I hear my wrinkles deepening ...

On second thought, it might be fun to Elvis back into the limelight here. Maybe Michelle will even sing for us again! YES, ELVIS! DID YOU HEAR ME, NOBODY SPECIAL???

The most revered Pelvis of all time was even inducted into the US Army on my birthdate too. So much for my chances of immortalizing it for all time.

02 Jan 05 - 01:10 PM (#1369439)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: *daylia*

Good Golly Miss Molly I should have said only a few of the songs, not none of them. Who wouldn't recognize He's Got the Whole World In His Hands? Oh no there go those wrinkles again ... I'm outta here!

02 Jan 05 - 03:40 PM (#1369536)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Rapparee

...just because someone said something..don't mean its necessarily true!

Except that when I say something you can assume that its truth is absolute and complete.

I mean, have I lied to you recently?

02 Jan 05 - 04:47 PM (#1369579)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Liz the Squeak

That's as maybe but so far the third millenium hasn't been a whole heap of funnies.


02 Jan 05 - 06:05 PM (#1369623)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Auggie

I don't know. I kinda liked the 1900's. At least I got out of that century alive, which is more than I'll likely be able to say for this one.

03 Jan 05 - 03:09 PM (#1370239)
Subject: RE: BS: The 1900's are a Heap
From: Tannywheeler

Amos, the Wright Bros. were "produced" in the 1800s. By 1903 they were adults and flying planes at Kitty Hawk.
Let's see...

oops, wrong cent...

(same thing???)

(yeah, good to get off my chest)      Tw