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BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean

07 Jan 05 - 05:56 PM (#1374059)
Subject: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Frank

Nerd, had a chance to hear Howard Dean live and in person and I realize that I was basing my views on him from what the media would allow me to see.

I won't make that mistake again.

Dean was articulate, witty, sensible, down to earth, accessible to people, unpretentious and fully appraised of the political scene today. On top of that, in person, he was magnetic. His answers to questions were concise, pertinent, respectful and in short I believe him to be a real man of the people.

i can't believe that I was so wrong about him. But now I really understand how the reactionary media can distort a candidate by editing, reframing the questions, pushing a reactionary Bush-oriented agenda, and how as Democrats we have to stop chewing each other up.

Kerry had his moments live as well. But Dean has fostered a new hope in me for possible solutions to this dismal scene by an immoral president. Dean is an honorable man to be reckoned with.


07 Jan 05 - 06:01 PM (#1374063)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Peace

Has anyone heard from Nerd? I messaged him a few days back asking how he's doing ('cause I hadn't seen any posts from him for quite a while). No answer yet.

Frank: That is a generous and gutsy post. I admire courage in people.


07 Jan 05 - 06:06 PM (#1374068)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous




07 Jan 05 - 06:09 PM (#1374069)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Stilly River Sage

Looks like the jackass MG has reported in, braying as usual.

Good post, Frank.

Nerd is an academic--I wonder if he has simply been away from his computer during the break? At my university, unless faculty are teaching in the short Winter Term, they aren't expected back until Jan. 18.


07 Jan 05 - 06:13 PM (#1374074)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Peace

Thank, SRS. I was a bit worried about him, that's all.

07 Jan 05 - 06:15 PM (#1374077)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous




"Oh Dean! Dean!".....................Jerry Lewis c. 1951

07 Jan 05 - 06:16 PM (#1374080)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous

SRS, let the record show that you were the first name caller on this thread.

Get out before I make an issue out of it.

07 Jan 05 - 06:21 PM (#1374092)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous


07 Jan 05 - 06:23 PM (#1374094)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Nerd, sans cookie

Hi Everyone... I have been away from my computer, and didn't want to clutter up this one with a cookie as it's my host's. Since I'm not logged in, I can't see or respond to Brucie's PM, but I'm checking in every few days. I should be back on line on my own machine in less than a week.

Frank, I'm glad you got a chance to see Dean in person. That was also what did it for me; I got a chance to see him several times early on, and my wife is a Vermonter and knew him to be a smart, sensible governor. So we knew the media distortion for what it was. My wife is so mad she will not watch mainstream news shows at all anymore!

During the campaign Kerry also grew on me, and I thought he would have made a fine President, so both of us changed our opinions.

07 Jan 05 - 06:34 PM (#1374104)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: John MacKenzie

I still don't understand what happened to Howard Dean, one moment he's flavour of the month, the next he's sunk without trace. Looking westward, from where I sit I thought he'd have done better than John Kerry. Just my opinion.

07 Jan 05 - 06:44 PM (#1374115)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Bobert

Yeah, Frank, Dean go the big ol' hatchet job...

He was the only Dem who had a chance to beat Bush soundly enough to overcome the Diebopld advantage that Bush had...

Too bad...

Dean was and is my man...

I hope he wrestles the DNC chairmanship away from the Demopubs...

Bobert (Green for Dean...)

07 Jan 05 - 06:55 PM (#1374124)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Amos

The media flayed him, apparently with a gross distortion of that scream, and blew it up into some kind of animal grotesquery. It completely chilled his momentum.


07 Jan 05 - 06:58 PM (#1374127)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Peace

Nerd's OK, and that's a good thing. Thanks for posting, buddy.


07 Jan 05 - 08:25 PM (#1374207)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: akenaton

Isn't it strange that the "democratic" left are always converted *after* the election.

One would think that Frank would have listened to people like Bobert and GUEST and had a look at Dean before wasting his vote on Kerry.

Even had Kerry won, he would not have carried out a progressive program..Ake

07 Jan 05 - 08:33 PM (#1374214)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Stilly River Sage

Good to see Nerd check in. I've noticed that the academic lists are quite chatty now that folks are getting back to campus but haven't started teaching yet.

Martin, I assumed that this cry of yours was onomatopoeia in action. The facts are clear that Dean's shout was misrepresented by the specialized microphone he was using. If you choose to hijack another thread and start calling people nasty names, that is your choice.

07 Jan 05 - 08:42 PM (#1374221)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean

There is that hindsight thing, akenaton.

Also that enough of the true democratic left in this country that could have swung the election to Kerry & the Republicrats saw this election as rigged on both sides, and decided to sit out the last election.

I don't just fault the media for the demise of Dean. I blame the party leadership, especially Kerry's Democratic Leadership Council for doing a whole lot of behind the scenes backstabbing of Dean, and convincing the media he wasn't electable.

AND YES, I BLAME the rank and file of the party more than anyone else in this last election, for selling out to the militarists, rolling over, and playing dead cowards every step of the way.

This last campaign was the most stultifyingly unimaginative "by the playbook" campaign I've ever seen in my life.

The party is just plain too corrupt to be supported, and the very best that can be said of the Kerry campaign is it didn't rock a single status quo boat in the Democratic OR Republican party.

The worst that can be said about the Democrats this time around is that they were very effective in destroying any vestiges of non-partisan, progressive action in this country by breaking Nader's back.

I hope the Democrats are so depressed they collectively jump off the Bay Bridge.

07 Jan 05 - 10:19 PM (#1374289)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Bobert



07 Jan 05 - 11:09 PM (#1374310)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: LadyJean

I had a chance to hear Dr. Dean speak in October 03. He is a fine speaker, but Dr. Dean was never a trial lawyer.
Like actors, trial lawyers learn to project their voices to the back of the room. I know because I come from a long line of them. (The tendency skipped me. But my sister has tried cases.) Doctors don't need to make themselves heard as a rule. Dean doesn't project, he shouts.
At his famous "Scream" speech, he was competing with a room full of screaming enthusiasts. The media blocked out the background noise, and made him look like a lunatic.
The campaign could have used that, and I wish they had.
It was moved, seconded and passed that John Kerry was electable, and the other candidates weren't. So, the Democrats went with Kerry, who wasn't quite as electable as they thought.

Mr Gibson, everyone knows you can use your shift key. You don't have to use it again.

08 Jan 05 - 01:19 PM (#1374533)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: John MacKenzie

The other thing that puzzles me about US politics is; why is Liberal such a dirty word? There must be a Funk and Wagnell definition of the word liberal that never made it to the OED.

08 Jan 05 - 03:50 PM (#1374662)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Stilly River Sage

It isn't a dirty word. But that doesn't keep repubicans like Karl Rove from trying to turn it into one. Scares off potential party members that way.

08 Jan 05 - 03:57 PM (#1374671)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous




08 Jan 05 - 04:30 PM (#1374702)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Amos

"Liberal" was turned into a swear word by writers like AnnCoulter whop foams at the mouth and writes books about what "liberals" think and do which is high treason to the Great United States, or the Rodina, or something. This is a common black public relations technique, PR by redefining of terminology, which has the interesting side effect of ruining the basics agreement that enables communication on order to gain short term advantage. It is thus not really an ethical tactic.


08 Jan 05 - 05:52 PM (#1374757)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Little Hawk

Ann Coulter must be Ayn Rand reincarnated, or something like that.

08 Jan 05 - 05:59 PM (#1374764)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous

Ann Coulter is a complete and total cunt.

She should call herself Ann Cunter.

08 Jan 05 - 06:02 PM (#1374766)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean

They are all propagandists. No one will use those plain terms, just like they won't call politicians who lie liars. It isn't polite.

Then, when someone speaks truths, like Nader, they shoot the messenger, or claim he is doing the same propagandizing that they do.

What the Democrats and Republicans are engaging in has been in the realms of propaganda, and far beyond black PR, for a long time.

08 Jan 05 - 06:11 PM (#1374778)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: robomatic

LH you do Ayn Rand a real disservice with that comparison. She actually had things in her head called 'ideas'.

I too thought the press as a whole had a feeding frenzy at his expense, but his position against the war cost him the election. I have heard him after the election and also thought he came off as intelligent and able. I also admire the relationship he has with his wife, and I hope it survived the campaign.

The "I Have A Scream" incident didn't mean anything to me. I noticed that while he was on his 'apparent' rant he was naming off a long string of primaries with no list in front of him. Quite impressive.

"Liberal" will come back from the dustheap. The aspersions cast against it are by polemicists such as Limbaugh and Coulter, blowhards of the moment, but no real depth, (although Limbaugh has some capacity). It should be noted that there was an era when "Conservative" received the same abuse for the same reason. Partisanship remains what it always was, the only thing that's changed is the position of the pendulum.

By the way, I don't know how you can inspire laughter with just an incoherent shout, but Martin's posts made me roll on the floor every time. The man's got a gift.

08 Jan 05 - 06:14 PM (#1374781)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous


I think you meant that positively.

Thanks and:


08 Jan 05 - 06:50 PM (#1374821)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, it always makes me laugh too. It's very cathartic. We would all love to just let go and scream like that sometimes...

In fact, I think I will. Right now.


Ummm, boy. That felt good.


The dog is looking at me kinda weird now.

08 Jan 05 - 11:45 PM (#1374948)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Stilly River Sage

Amazing. MG and I agree on one thing. Ann Coulter.

Little Hawk, your dog is dancing on your leg. That must'a been some howl.


09 Jan 05 - 02:32 AM (#1375005)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: robomatic


09 Jan 05 - 05:13 AM (#1375018)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: John MacKenzie

I guess it's an American thing, but so far I haven't chuckled or even smiled.

09 Jan 05 - 11:18 AM (#1375063)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Amos


A manly thing, to find yourself wrong and say so with equanimity.

I notice the sardonic and hate-filled Martin Gibson, with his clever little string of capital letters, has much less regard for truth.

I am not surprised. He is given to lies.


09 Jan 05 - 11:35 AM (#1375066)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Megan L

Giok dinny laugh at the amercans laddie the puir wee things canny help it (tfic) :)

09 Jan 05 - 11:41 AM (#1375069)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Nigel Parsons


I fear you belittle MG's posts in this thread.
So far the majority of his posts here have been consistent. Pretty pointless, and annoying, but consistent.


09 Jan 05 - 01:47 PM (#1375156)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: DougR

I sincerely hope you Dean lovers will do everything in your power to see that Dean gets the Democratic nomination in 2008. And I hope you are successful.


09 Jan 05 - 03:48 PM (#1375264)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Little Hawk

DOWN! Down, boy! Get off! No! I didn't meant that way...!

Oh, yuck. That is just gross.

Thanks a bunch there, Stilly. Wait till you see your next Christmas present.

My guess is, the Democrats will be able to run just about anyone in 2008 and win, Doug. But there's no way they'll pick anyone but another lukewarm dupe of the $ySStem, like Kerry was. Let's wait and see if I am right.

09 Jan 05 - 04:53 PM (#1375320)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous

Thank you, Nigel

My posts here and everywhere are quite consistent. Some may find them pointless, others annoying.

If so, I have succeeded.


09 Jan 05 - 06:55 PM (#1375410)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Alice

Frank, thank you for your post. I worked for the Dean campaign since June '03 and continue to support his Democracy for America. From the first time I read his speeches online, I could see he was a man of ethics and vision.


09 Jan 05 - 08:42 PM (#1375512)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Frank

I think that Dean is being written off. In fact, he is criss-crossing the country and picking up followers much in the way that he did through the internet.

The Democratic Party is in shambles now. They are thinking of Roemer to head the DNC which is a bad move. He represents a "Republicrat" point-of-view. Harry Reid is not much better.

Dean has what it takes to mobilize a base of Democratic supporters. He speaks with intelligence and clarity but will not roll over to the Repub side.

He may or may not run for president but I think he will be highly influential amoung the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" in the next few years.

On thing is certain. Republicans may feel confident now that they own the government but they did not get a mandate. There are many of the people in the so-called Red States that did not support Bush and there are chinks in the armour amoung Republicans in Congress over gutting Social Security and the Iraq debacle not to mention the soaring deficit which is a very un-conservative event. Bush's assault on victims rights in the courts is another land mine for them.

Anyway, thanks for responding, Nerd and your information is always valuable.
You were right about Dean. Apologies for dissing him without really having heard him live.

Unfortunately, Kerry bailed on the Ohio recount which hurt him amoung his supporters, however, I still believe him a man of integrity and much more a brave and honest soul then Bush. Dean is a healer. The Party needs him now.


09 Jan 05 - 09:29 PM (#1375559)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Alice

Look for a meeting near you of Democracy for America, usually the first Wednesday of each month. You can find the meetings at

Here is part of Gov. Dean's latest letter:
We are engaged in another kind of rebuilding here at home -- rebuilding our
party, our democracy and our sense of community. At stake in the coming
year is nothing less than what kind of society we will be. And to shape
America we have to start locally.

Join us at 7 PM tonight [that was Jan 5th] in your community for the Democracy for America

This month your local group will present a special DVD from Professor George Lakoff, who is fast becoming one of the most
influential thinkers in the progressive movement.

His work has helped us understand how conservatives use language to reinforce their positions. Take, for example, when
corporate elites set their sites on repealing the estate tax, which only affects a few thousand people with multimillion-dollar estates.
They coined the phrase "death tax" in order to bamboozle ordinary non-millionaires into supporting the repeal.

Conservative politicians and Fox News anchors simply stopped calling it the estate tax and adopted the new phrase. Soon
Democrats were calling it the "death tax", too -- even as they tried to explain why it should stay on the books (so that massive
wealth doesn't become permanently concentrated in the hands of just a few).

In order to rebuild our party and communicate our values, we have to understand how the other side works and avoid this kind of
trap. [The January meetup] DVD will spark a discussion at your Meetup -- and the lessons learned will be crucial to our success. Please join us...

Providing disaster relief abroad and rebuilding community at home are complex, long-term projects. But we all have a
responsibility to one another -- and they can only happen with your active engagement.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

09 Jan 05 - 09:32 PM (#1375563)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Little Hawk

It is very rare in that corrupt 2-party joke of a $ySStem in the USA that anyone gets a true mandate. It's phony baloney to say they do. Propaganda. Self-serving tripe.

If Dean is a genuinely independent thinker with new and progressive ideas, I would be amazed if the Democrats picked him to run next time. Astounded. Gobsmacked. Flabbergasted. Such people don't run...and if they do, they die young.

Those 2 parties both serve the Big Money $ySStem, the military-industrial complex, and whoever pays for their phony campaigns. They are Heckyl and Jeckyl, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Cisco and Pancho, Mutt and Jeff. They are a travesty.

10 Jan 05 - 01:36 AM (#1375705)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Peace



10 Jan 05 - 01:09 PM (#1375958)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: akenaton

Go get 'em LH.
He's right bonny when he's angry...

10 Jan 05 - 01:57 PM (#1376004)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Bill D

footnote to some of the posts above, re: Ann Coulter..

MSNBC anchor Keith Olberman ("Countdown")does a weekly bit where he is asked questions about the weeks news, and if he answers a majority, he wins a 'prize'...this week, he did, and the prize was an Ann Coulter doll, all neatly boxed.

He smiled evilly and proceeded to aggressively smash the box to smitheerens over the desk until plastic body parts began trickle out the ends. So far, no one has offered him a Bill O'Reilley doll, as they'd probably have to censor the program.

10 Jan 05 - 04:17 PM (#1376127)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Larry K

As a conservative I want to through my full support for Howard Dean- either as head of the democratic party or for president in 2008.   With the possible exceptions of Ossama Bin Laden, Michael Moore, or Jesse Jackson- I can't think of a better choice.   (I have actually begin to like Al Sharpton lately- all those interviews on O'reilly are getting to me- at least he has the courage to go on as opposed to Kerry or Hillary)

Go Howard Go!!!   You da man.

PS:   A note about Ann Coulter and Keith Oberman.   Keith Oberman does a .3 rating.   O'reilly in the same slot does a 2.2   For those of you lottery purchases out there (bad at math) more than 7 times the number of people watch O'reilly than watch Oberman.   In fact, more people watch the O'reilly rerun at 3 AM than watch Oberman.

Every book by Ann Coulter is a best seller and meticulously researched and referenced.   The biggest difference between her and mudcatters is that her information is based on facts and documented.   This compared with the liberal fantasy's presened in this forum.

You go girl!   Can't wait to get my birthday present of "How to Talk to a Liberal- if you really must"   It should be very helpful in this forum.

10 Jan 05 - 04:22 PM (#1376129)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Frank

It's time to reframe the Dean scream. It was an ouburst of honest passion and committment. It can be used as a rallying cry now in the face of the capitulating rollover "Republicrats" and the zombies that control the White House and Senate who are devoid of any real emotion save a pseudo-blustering. I'll take Dean's scream over Bush's cowardly smirk any day. As far as Bush's ineptitude, ignorant bungling and political dirty tricks, I have to admit "Mission Accomplished".


10 Jan 05 - 05:01 PM (#1376161)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Ann Coulter is a woman with all the charm of an industrial-sized flaming red dildo...and about that much feminine allure. She woulda looked real butch on the arm of Al Capone, that one.

Anyone can easily assemble a bunch of facts that, in isolation, will appear to give support to any ludicrous position whatsoever. Hitler did. Joe McCarthy did. Facts are like bullets, you just pick the specific calibre of facts you want, ignore the rest, load, aim, and pull the trigger. And then, someone dies. Quite often, someone who was innocent.

- Chongo

10 Jan 05 - 09:07 PM (#1376317)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous

No one is going to frame the scream for you, Frank but you can think that if it helps your irritable bowel syndrome.


10 Jan 05 - 09:19 PM (#1376325)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Larryzfulluvit

Actually, LarryK is dead wrong. Anne Coulter is completely full of shit and her work is NOT based on facts. She has been debunked more thoroughly and consistently than almost any other pundit. She called Christianity "The religion that toppled the Roman Empire," forgetting that it was in fact pagans who sacked the Christian Roman Empire, which was itself Christian. She lies about her age, as Al Franken proved. She told everyone that the New York Times looked down on Nascar-loving real Americans because they NEVER MENTIONED Dale Earnhardt's death--except that it was on the front page. She lies, basically, about everything.

But then, so does LarryK

10 Jan 05 - 09:25 PM (#1376329)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Once Famous

Guest, LarryK is a voice of reason here.

You, as you say, are full of it. Loose fecal matter.

10 Jan 05 - 10:29 PM (#1376367)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Bobert

As fir DougR's assertion that the Repubs would love to have Dean as the Dem candidate in '08.... bull...

The Repubs, as well as the Dems are scared to death of Howard Dean... The media, owned purdy much by the Repubocarts is scared of Howard Dean...

If ot makes you feel all that warm and fuzzy, Dougie, about the prospects of Howard Dean running aginst your Repubs in '08... then fine.

But I really don't think you, or the Repubs, are ready to run a national campign aginst a politican who, ahhhh, makes sense... You'd much rather have a BushLite, like Kerry...

Howard Dean represents the future of a *Two Party* system...


10 Jan 05 - 11:31 PM (#1376389)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: DougR

You betcha!, Bobert, bring Dean on!


11 Jan 05 - 12:13 AM (#1376409)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: LadyJean

Howard Dean's message, the one that brought me on to his campaign, and had me in tears when that campaign tanked was that ORDINARY PEOPLE MATTER! This is the man who would rather ask a million people for a dollar than one person for a million. He asked us to be a part of the political process, to talk to other people, to write letters, to hold the media accountable. It was wonderfully exhilerating.
Dr. Dean the ultra liberal balanced the Vermont State Budget.
Dr. Dean, the ultra liberal has no problem with hunters owning rifles. He says we need different gun laws for urban areas than we do for rural areas.
Dr. Dean fixed it so that 99% of the children in Vermont were covered by health insurance.
That has enormous appeal to parents.
Mr. Gibson, don't be boring.

11 Jan 05 - 01:03 AM (#1376436)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: M.Ted

Martin is screaming because his banjo accidentally caught fire--he apparently fell asleep while playing "In the Early Morning Rain"--

11 Jan 05 - 01:28 PM (#1376743)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Frank

Dean is a force to be reckoned with. His scream will be discordant in the ears of Gingrich or whoever else the Repubs pick in 08. Others will see it as a heartening cry for justice.

One thing that is certain. Some followers of the Bushies have a familiar pattern. They resort to abuse, and in some cases pornography, denigration of women and a kind of sadism that contains derisive laughter instead of an intelligent
defense of their position. They enjoy sleaze and hatred as a way of communication and will attack the individual that doesn't agree with them personally. In this way they behave like thugs. Scatolology is used in their vocabulary to invalidate their scapegoats. True Democrats and Liberals need to stand up to this bullying tactic. Some of these pornographers are under the illusion that what they say is funny but the laughter is hollow, empty, devoid of any substance and resembles the adolescent babbling of locker room boys. They are preoccupied with feces, sexual organs, language which they think will shock others but is mostly trite and inane.
This bullying technique can be found in gangsters and fascists in many countries including our own. It is the technique of Guantanamo, Abu Graibh and Al Quaeda.




11 Jan 05 - 01:49 PM (#1376768)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Don Firth

. . . and the techique they must resort to when they lack a rational basis for their position.

Don Firth

11 Jan 05 - 02:08 PM (#1376782)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: GUEST,Larry K

I will say it again as sincere as I possibly can without any jokes or satire.   I would love for Howard Dean to be the head of the DNC or run for president in 08.    There are 5-6 republicans who can defeat Hillary.   There are 5-6 hundred republicans who can defeat Dean.

Please refresh my memory- how many primaries did Howard Dean win?   Against that Juggernaut John Kerry or John Edwards?

Now about Ann Coutler- calling her ugly and butch?   compared to who- Madelaine Allbright, Janet Reno, Ann Richards, Hillary Clinton.   The republican babes are hot- Kelly Anne, Laura Inghram.   I don't think Playboy is knocking down the doors to do the "girls from the DNC"

About Ann Coulter accuracy-   each book has about 40 pages of bibliography with hundreds of quotes and footnotes.   Each one meticulously referenced.    Like the fact that Bush scored higher on his verbal SAT's than Bill Bradley or that Bush got better grades in college than Al Gore.    To deny the research only makes you look foolish.    I don't need to do that.   Your own e-mail makes you look like a jerk.

Finally to Chongo Chimp - when you link Hitler to McCarthy you should probably have your facts write.    In the Donnachi (SP?) papers released by the CIA and printed in the NY Times in 1995, it proved that virtually everything McCarthy said was correct- there were indeed a number of communists in the state department and in the government.    In fact, the Vice president of the USA left office joined the communist party. The said fact is that the CIA knew this was all true from wiretaps and spy devices but didn't release the information because it would expose their spies.   I would suggest you have someone read you the Ann Coutler book "treason" and than have someone take the time to look up and explain the big words.   I tried to use as many small words in the link so I would not appear to be pedantic with my loquatious magniloguence and surpass your lexicon.   I wouldn't want you to get gorilla envy.

18 Feb 06 - 06:18 PM (#1672353)
Subject: RE: BS: Nerd, I was wrong about Dean
From: Amos

On the subject of Anne (the Knife) Coulter's own intelligence, this little story:

Poll worker told Coulter about address

By Jose Lambiet
Palm Beach Post Columnist

Friday, February 17, 2006

A Palm Beach poll worker says he tried to help GOP-loving pundit Ann Coulter vote in the right precinct last week. But, Jim Whited says, Coulter dashed out of the polling place when he told her she needed to file a change of address.

"I even ran out after her," he says. "But she was fast."

Later, elections records show, Coulter cast her ballot 2 miles up the road — in the wrong precinct.

Whited, a former candidate for WPB mayor, was posted at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Feb. 7 as a $185-a-day precinct adviser, records confirm.

"Ms. Coulter came to me, and the address we had for her in the computer didn't match the address I know she lives at," Whited says.

He says he remembered a Page Two story in April about Coulter, 44, buying a $1.8 million home on Seabreeze Avenue. Yet county elections records show Coulter gave an address in June at the northern tip of the island, on Indian Road, when she registered. Turns out the addresses are in different precincts.

"I just told her she had come to the right place, but we needed to fill out a change of address," says Whited, a staunch Republican who says he "likes the girl."

Instead, elections records show, Coulter cast her ballot in the town council election at St. Ed's church. That's where north-end Islanders vote.

But the owner of the Indian Road home where Coulter is registered, Realtor Susanne Frisbie, told Page Two this week that Coulter never lived there. Frisbie was Coulter's real estate agent and allowed her to forward mail there.

Registering to vote at the wrong address is a felony that could fetch up to five years in the slammer.

Neither Coulter, who made merciless fun of Palm Beach County voters in the 2000 presidential elections, nor her agents could be reached for comment.

Elections Chief Deputy Charmaine Kelly said late Thursday that Whited had not filed an incident report.

"What am I going to report?" Whited said. "That Ann Coulter came in and left when I tried to have her fill out a change of address? I didn't know where she went afterwards."