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BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?

10 Jan 05 - 02:09 PM (#1376016)
Subject: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

I awoke one day in 1966 or 1968 wearing a friends drapes. It's a long and somewhat pedestrian story so excuse me if I don't bore you with the details.

Anyway, have you ever awakened wearing strange things?

10 Jan 05 - 02:11 PM (#1376018)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Fibula Mattock

yup, strange men and no clothes.

10 Jan 05 - 02:13 PM (#1376019)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: jimmyt

so.....see if this is couldn't have been 1967 Brucie?

Only thing in this vein I ever had happen was I woke up once having dreamed about eating a 75 pound marshmallow and my pillow was missing.

10 Jan 05 - 02:20 PM (#1376025)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

I have NO memory of 1967. That's a fact. I also have never seen a calendar for the year 1967. I have it on good authority that 1967 NEVER HAPPENED. It's a plot. It was done to prevent the 'new millenium' panic from actually setting in. Trust me on that. Last thing I remember is attending a party to welcom in so-called 1967, and after the party, it was 1968. Go figger.

10 Jan 05 - 02:23 PM (#1376027)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Teresa

er, no, not so far. Although I have hazy memories of *my 20-year-old niece,* whom I hadn't seen in years, helping me don pajamas, as I'd forgotten how. :-P Waaaayyy too much alcoholic treats. :-[

More so when I was very small (still have memories of this) waking up in bed and not having the slightest idea how I got there. Sweet memories :)


10 Jan 05 - 02:28 PM (#1376031)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: John MacKenzie

Woke up with my flat mate's girl friend in my bed one morning, don't know how she got there! Hell of a job smuggling her out past his bedroom door.

10 Jan 05 - 02:48 PM (#1376050)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Rustic Rebel

I woke up covered with grass and leaves once. My friend thought he would keep me warm when I passed out on the lawn.

10 Jan 05 - 02:55 PM (#1376058)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: freda underhill

I woke up once having lost my short term memory. It took me three years to get back to "normal", having to learn a lot of things all over again.

10 Jan 05 - 03:16 PM (#1376072)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Sorcha

Well, no but after a party in Sheffield I found a VERY large bra in my gear bag.......

10 Jan 05 - 03:24 PM (#1376081)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: PoppaGator

I once woke up having missed an entire day, thanks to a severe overdose of alcohol. Passed out Saturday night, came to Monday morning; fortunately, Monday was a holiday and I was able to sepnd another day recovering.

This was long ago, Labor Day weekend of 1966, when I was very young and stupid and before I had any experience of other recreational drugs. I believe I learned my lesson, and I know that I never again ingested more of anything than I could handle.

10 Jan 05 - 03:35 PM (#1376090)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Liz the Squeak

Manitas woke up with his shirt full of fruit once... he fell asleep at a dinner party and we decided to see how many pieces of fruit we could put down his shirt....


10 Jan 05 - 04:02 PM (#1376112)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Rapparee

No, I can't say that I have. Mine is fastened on pretty firmly.

10 Jan 05 - 04:11 PM (#1376118)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

Right, Rapaire. You do know that Velcro is a Canadian invention. Works like a dream, huh?

10 Jan 05 - 04:16 PM (#1376123)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Micca

Woke up once wearing leather laced up shoes ( I hear you ask whats odd about that?) well I was wearing NOTHING else no sox , nothing!!!

10 Jan 05 - 04:36 PM (#1376138)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: pdq

Yep, Brewster, I checked the o-fish'l records fer the music biz and you did skip nineteen hundred sixty and seven. Completely. Nope, not one soli-tary hit the whole dang'd year! Seems yer hit streek jugger-not ended a-bruptly at one. Ya shuddah done sump'n more lew-crutive like rais'n dental floss.

10 Jan 05 - 04:38 PM (#1376142)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Amos

ANd he's been trying to figger out who did the lacing-up ever since!


10 Jan 05 - 04:47 PM (#1376151)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

"Nope, not one soli-tary hit the whole dang'd year!"

Never had any hits any year. But, I did have a good run with the business from 1965-1980. You are right about the 'more lucrative', but not much else would have been more fun.


10 Jan 05 - 04:50 PM (#1376154)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

I have woke up in houses I never seen before, in cars I never seen before, UNDER cars I never seen before, in alleyways, in a haystack, in the woods, in bars after closing time and got locked in, in a phone booth, on the train tracks, in bed with women so flippin' UGLY that it ain't worth explainin' how or why and I don't know who the flip they were, eh? I have woke up beside a DOG! (a real dog, I mean, not some ugly skank) It was a setter of some kind and it stunk like a motherflipper! I have woke up next to a real skunk...and laid there petrified for hours while it decided whether or not to get up yet.

I have woke up in places I would not try to describve at all.

It's been a full life, eh?


10 Jan 05 - 05:38 PM (#1376195)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Georgiansilver

I woke one morning...after a night of drinking....and knowing that I had gone to bed on my own...with my friends girlfriend in my bed.
She insisted nothing happened and I knew she was right..if I had been awake enough to know something was happening, I would have remmembered what nothing did. So glad she climbed back into his bed before he woke though...would have been so hard to explain.
Best wishes.

10 Jan 05 - 06:23 PM (#1376215)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: John MacKenzie

"...would have been so hard to explain."

Well if it had been so hard you would have had more explaining to do.


10 Jan 05 - 07:04 PM (#1376240)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: LilyFestre

I'm afraid I have to join the rest of you in waking up in strange places with even stranger folks......NO MORE ALCOHOL...NO NO NO!!!!


10 Jan 05 - 07:06 PM (#1376244)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: John MacKenzie

You know what they say about "Never went to bed with an ugly woman"

10 Jan 05 - 08:53 PM (#1376307)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Rapparee

Yeah, and women talk about coyote dates, too.

10 Jan 05 - 09:17 PM (#1376323)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Stilly River Sage

Shane, was that the skunk under the porch? Or were you just skunked under the porch?

Ben Franklin observed (more or less) that under the Dark porch "all Cats are gray." Though he was discussing women, surely old men benefit from the cover of darkness, assuming they can still get it up.

10 Jan 05 - 10:24 PM (#1376361)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: pdq

Funny thing about the 60s, if you weren't careful, you could wind up with someone else's reality!

10 Jan 05 - 10:56 PM (#1376376)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Midchuck

The best story about such a waking-up, ever written (IMO)


10 Jan 05 - 11:48 PM (#1376394)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Little Hawk

Good God, what a story...

Shane, move over. You have been bested.

11 Jan 05 - 12:00 AM (#1376404)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

That story is great. Thanks, jimmyt.

11 Jan 05 - 12:26 AM (#1376420)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: CarolC

I wake up with someone else's breath every single morning.

11 Jan 05 - 12:35 AM (#1376426)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Little Hawk

Right.... :-)

11 Jan 05 - 02:53 AM (#1376467)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Rustic Rebel

I woke up next to a spewing alcoholic before. That's when I was seeing double and the double was myself, in foggy form.

11 Jan 05 - 03:04 AM (#1376470)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: MBSLynne too....I've woken up with things, without things, in and out of all sorts of places......usually at times like that the thing I most notice waking up with is a dreadful hangover. I vaguely remember crashing out at the fairly full flat of some Aussie mates in London with a couple of them deciding I couldn't go to bed fully clothed, so because my jeans were so tight, two of them stood me on my head, got hold of a jeans leg each and shook until I fell out of the bottom! That was fun!
I once woke up on a beach in Corfu in a single sleeping bag with someone else and an awful lot of sand...

11 Jan 05 - 03:28 AM (#1376483)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Georgiansilver

He said "What's in it for me if I can get us out of here"?
She said "Sand"
Best wishes.

11 Jan 05 - 04:37 AM (#1376486)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: GUEST,Gervase

All too often...
I once woke up in a front garden wearing a hideous pink taffeta ballgown and very smudged mascara - coupled with a pair of hobnailed work boots that I did actually own. Very odd, that - and perhaps not surprisingly that my then landlords where I was staying while at college thought it best that I leave.
Then there was...
No; better not to go there.
And then there was the lovely moment when I woke up naked in a deckchair facing east on a roof top in Brixton, just as the sun was rising. It wasn't so lovely for my friend's flatmate, however, who had come in long after I'd headed roofwards in my naked and beatifically intoxicated state, and whose bedroom provided the only access to the roof. It was a rude awakening for the poor lass, but she kept her cool as a hungover naked ape appeared on her windowsill at sparrowfart on a summer's morn.
And I'm sure I can't be alone among Londoners in having that "Oh crap - am I north or south of the river?" moment on waking. (For non-Londoners I should explain - north of the river you're rarely more than a 20-minute walk from a tube station; south of the river there are vast tracts where the underground doesn't go). And as for strange wallpaper, the whereabouts of other people's lavatories and odd pets...
Aye, getting older, wiser and more continent does have its advantages.

11 Jan 05 - 04:39 AM (#1376487)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?

Ahhh : the old jokes!!
How we miss them ;~(

11 Jan 05 - 07:23 AM (#1376502)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?

I often wake up with my ex next to me!!!!!.

11 Jan 05 - 10:28 AM (#1376556)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

Me too, GUEST. Tell her, "Thanks."

11 Jan 05 - 10:45 AM (#1376574)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?

Thats okay Brucie must be quite common.

11 Jan 05 - 10:54 AM (#1376580)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

Sorry, GUEST. That was a crappy thing for me to have said. I should think before I open my yap. I have an ex myself, and I wouldn't like that being said about her. Please excuse my stupidity.

Bruce M

11 Jan 05 - 10:55 AM (#1376581)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: GUEST,nameless to spare feelings

no way do I want to go there, ever again. The sex wasn't adequate, and the baggage is heavy beyond belief. But he's a nice guy. It's best to leave it at that.

11 Jan 05 - 11:33 AM (#1376599)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?

No problem Brucie,i wish it never happen as well.

11 Jan 05 - 12:12 PM (#1376642)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

Thanks, GUEST.

11 Jan 05 - 06:21 PM (#1377033)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Joybell

Among more gentle memories - A sunhat carefully placed on my head and a two-year-old prying open my eyelids and saying, "Are you there yet Mummy?" comes to mind.
A very small furless baby possum sitting on my forehead does too. Also, on another occaision, a big young magpie, standing on my face, gently preening my eyelashes. Cheers, Joy

11 Jan 05 - 11:02 PM (#1377210)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Metchosin

Well I was going to say no, some memories are a bit fuzzy in that timeframe, although I do recall one occasion, when mixing the medias, crawling on my hands and knees across some grass or lawn and puking in an old fishpond and thinking, "Oh jeez, I hope I didn't kill someone's goldfish." LOL

But then I remembered, when I young I decided to prove to myself I was really brave. I built sort of a lean to in our backyard yard against our swing, so I could sleep outside one night by myself. Sometime during the night, I woke up with this horrible smelling breath in my face, real heavy breathing and other awful undescribeable sounds.

I don't know how long I laid there petrified before I started screaming and was rescued, but to a small child, it seemed like forever. Our neighbour's cow had got loose and decided to visit our yard and graze by my head. It was quite awhile before I had any desire to sleep outside again or to believe I could be brave.

11 Jan 05 - 11:18 PM (#1377217)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: CarolC

I know some of those pleasures, Joybell. One of my favorites is waking up to a baby raccoon licking my face and poking around in my ear with her fingers. Ahhh... the morning grooming ritual. (*sigh*)

12 Jan 05 - 12:20 AM (#1377230)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Stilly River Sage

My cat sometimes decides to wake my by curling around my head and grooming a spot on my hair. It's one of those "she is purring so loud and that tickles so much I wonder how long I can stand it" kind of wake up calls.

12 Jan 05 - 01:44 PM (#1377495)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: whiterainbow

       You have brought tears to my eyes laughing......can just imagine you all. Would have loved to have been there.......something about food fights does it for me...


12 Jan 05 - 02:39 PM (#1377535)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Liz the Squeak

I woke up with a strange baby next to me once...   Last time I go to maternity!!!


12 Jan 05 - 02:54 PM (#1377553)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Bunnahabhain

At least it wasn't somebody elses baby, Liz!


12 Jan 05 - 02:58 PM (#1377560)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Little Hawk

I have never woken up next to Roseanne Barr.

12 Jan 05 - 08:48 PM (#1377826)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Joybell

Ah! CarolC, True-Love tells me about racoons. He's always loved them. A friend of his had a pet one that liked to untie everyone's shoelaces. Our possums have very similar hands but they're not used quite so efficiently. Also I believe racoons are rather more intelligent, although I'd never tell that to our possum. Cheers, Joy

12 Jan 05 - 11:17 PM (#1377918)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Peace

"I have never woken up next to Roseanne Barr."

Right. We share that in common, Little hawk.

13 Jan 05 - 12:01 AM (#1377930)
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wake up with someone else's . . . ?
From: Teresa

Oh, you druids who can call animals in your sleep. :)

Best luck I ever had with that was sleeping outside on my balcony and waking with one side of my face entirely swollen. figure a spider came to call.   :-P
