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BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?

16 Jan 05 - 02:24 PM (#1379993)
Subject: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff

I have already asked this question in the "Black Thursday" thread, however I might get better results in a new thread. Are any Mudcatters going to the eggnaugeration? I would like to meet you there if at all possible. I will be on the corner of 4th Street and Pensylvania Avenue, with the A.N.S.W.E.R. croud, in a silver hardhat, brown coat and "A Mudcatter for Peace and Justice" sign.


16 Jan 05 - 02:39 PM (#1380004)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter

I will also have a strange orange underwater camera around my neck. I plan to take lots of pictures to share on Mudcat.


16 Jan 05 - 03:02 PM (#1380015)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: open mike

good luck--tell us more about this organization..i think i heard on the news that they said the park service had given pennsylvania avenue away and it no longer belonged to the had been taken over by the whitehouse, securtiy, secrec service, etc. but that a small park some distance away had been reserved for protestors??

16 Jan 05 - 03:22 PM (#1380028)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?

NOT SO MY FRIEND!! The A.N.S.W.E.R. organization has legally procurred a bleacher site at the corner of 4th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue...very close to the actual swearing in ceromony. This will mean that the Bush entourage will be going at light speed past us as we jeer him and photograph us jeering him and maybe flipping him the Bald Eagle. I can't wait...what a great photo op with a state of the art spy camera.


PS Look for me there!

17 Jan 05 - 12:14 AM (#1380285)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert

I might...


17 Jan 05 - 12:29 AM (#1380290)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Peace

Will you need bail? Line it up first.

17 Jan 05 - 02:01 AM (#1380310)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Pauline L

I probably won't be at the counter-inauguration event, although I support the cause. I live in the DC area, though, and I'd be happy to meet you while you're here.

17 Jan 05 - 02:29 AM (#1380319)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Pauline L

Well, I might go. Those of us who live near DC and have been in protests for a few decades get a bit jaded. Still, it's a good cause.

The ANSWER Coalition appears to be doing a good job of organizing the event. If you're interested, check their website

17 Jan 05 - 08:10 PM (#1381033)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff

Are we just going to lie down and be whipped to death for the next four years or taxed to death for eternity? Are we just sunshine patriots? It was cold in Valley Forge that winter of 1776 and it will be cold in D.C. on January 20, 2005. However, we must be the true "Coalition of the Willing" to give old George his due unwelcome to his second stolen term of office. "Give me liberty or give me death!" Screw the Patriot Act!


Any allusions to King George are probably uncoincidental.

Screw the Patriot Act? This is getting so convoluted!

Anyway, I will be there in the cold to witness a Great Outrage.

17 Jan 05 - 08:52 PM (#1381063)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: dianavan

I hope your protest signs will include Christian slogans which point to the fact that Bush is not much of a Christian. If Christ were here, he'd definitely be protesting. I really think Christians should be challenging Bush to speak and act like a Christian and quit using Christ's name to further his agenda. Bush and the neocons are no different than the money lenders in the temple.

17 Jan 05 - 09:09 PM (#1381070)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff (wdyat12)

   No one knows more than me how "W" has manipulated all religeuos people. I see it at work in the shipyard everyday. We have the most immoral president in the history of the United States reelected on morral values? Go figure.


17 Jan 05 - 09:21 PM (#1381076)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,wdyat12

Will you meet me in D.C. to witness the Greatest Outrage of the century?


17 Jan 05 - 11:25 PM (#1381141)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert


I don't make a new sign fir each protest. The one I made some 3 years ago just says "Whoes God Do You Hear, Mr. Bush?" Still works...


18 Jan 05 - 10:49 AM (#1381304)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: saulgoldie

I won't be there; I'll be at work. Frankly, I have been spooked by all the focus on protecting El Presidente from his citizens, which I guess is the whole point: limit democracy and it makes it easier for corporate interests.

I WILL however, be withholding my money from any and all merchants as my protest of a) the war, b) just about everything else this horrible administration has touched. Not One Dime will I spend. (Was this mentioned in another thread? It should have been.)
Go here:

(Sorry, "blicky" not working. Cut and paste it into your URL window.)

18 Jan 05 - 04:20 PM (#1381638)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Once Famous

All you are hurting are merchants and nothing else, saulgoldie.

As far as you protestors go, if we don't hear from you for a while I guess the FBI has just found you to be too angry and if I was them, I wouldn't take any chances.

18 Jan 05 - 06:19 PM (#1381746)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff AKA (wdyat12)

Martin Gibson I will face you down on the D.C. Mall on 1/20/2005, If you are man enough...Bring your best rhetoric and a pint of Fosters so I can brine your courpse for a proper smokin'!


18 Jan 05 - 06:43 PM (#1381773)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter Woodruff

   That's pretty clever and it works for me too. Kind of like "the Emperor has no clothes"...We can see right through him... in biblical terms. I will not have a great protest sign, but I will be there as a witness and to be witnessed. I will take over 2005 photos of the event. Hope I catch you and other Mudcatters there.

Peter (wdyat12)

18 Jan 05 - 06:52 PM (#1381782)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert

I certainly hope I can make it... I have some problems with then boss and the wife but I'm working for them...

Remember what my sign says and if you see it, stop me and say "Hey"...

Ahhhh, don't bother savin' a servin' of BBQ'd-MG fir me... I'm a veggie kinda guy though I must admit that the average turnip makes more sense than Martin...

Aww, jus' funnin' wid ya, MG. You is at least as smart as the average turnip...


18 Jan 05 - 06:55 PM (#1381785)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,Peter (wdyat12)

Actually, I like that idea for a protest sign.
"The Emperor has no Clothes!"

Peter (wdyat12)

18 Jan 05 - 07:02 PM (#1381791)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?

OK Bobert! I'll hold the MG ribs and wait for your sign...
"Whoes God Do You Hear Mr. Bush?"


18 Jan 05 - 10:18 PM (#1381915)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Pauline L

I don't have a black arm band any more. Can I use duct tape?

18 Jan 05 - 11:48 PM (#1381967)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: DougR

If you're going to take your underwater camera, Peter, don't forget to take your oxygen mask!

Pauline: duct tape is good. Particularly if it is applied across the mouth. :>)


19 Jan 05 - 05:42 PM (#1382615)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert

Now there ya' go, Dougie... You was on such a nice roll and...



19 Jan 05 - 05:46 PM (#1382620)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Once Famous

The FBI will be watching for you guys.

I'll be home drinking some sweet wine. I hope you freeze your pink asses off.

Peter woodruff aka a fag.

You're the first one they know about.

19 Jan 05 - 05:59 PM (#1382630)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert

Oh, how scarey, folks... The FBI is going to watching us!!! Horrors!!!
Maybe we should all just stay home and hide unner our beds...

No, I've got a better plan. Buy an SUV and put a BUSH/CHENEY sticker on the back. Yeah... That's what we need to do...

(Are you friggin' nuts, Bobert...)

Ahhhh, sorry. Martin sacred me so bad with that FBI crack of his that I lost my mind fir a second...

Yeah, like I was saying... Maybe we should just all hide unner our beds fir the day...


20 Jan 05 - 12:20 AM (#1382913)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: DougR

Bobet: wear your Long Johns. I'ts gonna be cold out there!


20 Jan 05 - 11:31 AM (#1383246)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,bbc at work

I'd be interested in a report on the day's events.


20 Jan 05 - 12:36 PM (#1383315)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: wysiwyg

Everyone get home OK? Any strip searches, preventive detentions, etc.?


20 Jan 05 - 04:50 PM (#1383599)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Once Famous

bobert chickened out.

He started thinking about the FBI sizing him up.

20 Jan 05 - 04:51 PM (#1383600)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bill D

I saw the signs and the protesters...they made their point, seemed reasonably behaved and had several spots along the motorcade route. CNN, especially, focused on some details and talked about the protests, and noted that 48 million did NOT vote for Bush.

I am glad there was no violence (that I saw, anyway) and that Bush had to ride right by some very obvious protests.

It will be interesting to see what those who attended have to say.

20 Jan 05 - 05:55 PM (#1383680)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert

Yeah, big ol' FBI scares the heck out of me....NOT! Heck, they've got a file on me going back to 1967. Who cares?

But, as I reported on another thread, I got too jammed to be able to get down there today... I'm running a renovation project on a 200 year old building in Winchester and we've discovered some historically significant stuff and the boss wanted me out there today in case TV=5 outtta DC showed to do a segment...

So I missed this one, dangit...


20 Jan 05 - 10:37 PM (#1383878)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: DougR

Guest Peter: so were you one among the whole thousand people who turned out to protest? I didn't see you so I just wondered.


20 Jan 05 - 11:05 PM (#1383893)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: Bobert


The thousand people?

Tune into something other than FOX, if you are capable, and you'll learn that a lot more folks than "a thousand" were in attendence...

(Garbage in, garbage out... Like I said, give Fox a break now and then)


21 Jan 05 - 09:42 PM (#1384866)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: M.Ted

Nothing to do now but sit back and see where the Great Man takes us--Martin may have the best idea--the next four years may be better if we try to drink as much wine as possible--but does it have to be sweet wine, Martin?

22 Jan 05 - 12:57 AM (#1384956)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: DougR

You're suggesting, Bobert, that there were more than a thousand? How many then?


22 Jan 05 - 02:36 AM (#1384981)
Subject: RE: BS: Will you meet me in D.C.?
From: GUEST,guest from NW

note the first two paragraphs from the Reuters report on the demonstrators, especially the designation "thousands". (i forget dougR, is Reuters an acceptable source or are they just a bunch of bloggers with "opinions"?)

    Washington - Flag-draped coffins and jeering anti-war protesters competed with pomp and circumstance on Thursday at the inauguration of President Bush along the snow-dusted, barricaded streets of central Washington.

    As the president's motorcade made its way down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House amid the tightest security in inaugural history, thousands of protesters along the parade route and nearby downtown streets booed, chanted slogans and carried placards condemning Bush's policies at home and abroad.