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BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...

31 Jan 05 - 08:06 PM (#1395034)
Subject: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

Oh, how amazing... According to the exit polls, Bush lost Ohio but, hark, throw in the *Diebold factor* and you have the *Immaculate Selection* (my term)... But, heck, Bush himself didn't mess with the software so we can't pin anything on him here... Then, his spinsters came up with this "morals" thing, which other than the most partisan Bushites in Mudville, everyone knows is pure unulterated crap but, hey for the sake of discussion, lets say that on Election Day, 22% of the supposed 52% of the folks that voted for Bush voted for him for "moral" reasons... Okay?

Well, talk is cheap. Here are a few things that warrent a second looksie for those folks, and others, of what Bush is proposing for those folks who fall into the category of the working poor. We all know these folks and maybe some of us are these folks. They work in nursing homes caring for out elderly. They work in hotels making beds and cleaning toilets. They are the folks standing at the bus and subways stops at 5:30 in the morning. They are disporportionately black, female or both...

(But, Bobert, that's what an ownership society is all about..)

What, friggin' slavery, under another name?

(Bobert, Bobert, Bobert?!?!?.....)

Well, with the big tax cuts to the upper 2% of the wealtiest folks and Bush's thirst for killing other counties folks it looks like the "safety net" is lookin' more and more like, ahhhhh, Swiss Cheeze, but with more holes in it.

Once one gets beyond the obvious screwing that Bush has in mind for the middle class with his privatization of Social Security, which amounts to medical use of leeches, many programs that go way back to keep out citizens out of poverty are under fierce attack by the "moral" Bushites.

"No Child Left Behind" is a killer. It is strapping school district after school district, with those schools in the inner cities being hit the hardest.

Pell Grants are going to get a severe axe job.

(But, Bobert. Doesn't Boss Hog love to say that he just can't find folks with enough education and that's why he has to take the jobs overseas?)

Well, yeah. But he don't have any interest in helping our own folks get the eduaction needed to be solid and productive workers.

Food Sramps, long seen as the last line between mere hunger and starvation has the Bush axe over it...

Section 8 housing...

Nutrition programs that Bush didn't kill off in his first term...

Job training...

And all this while fighting tooth and nail to keep the Minimum Wage" at a 3ed World level...

And the list goes on, and on, and on...

One of you Bushites stated that the US is responsible for 35% of the World's GNP? If so, can you begin to explain why YOU and YOUR PRESIDENT think you are so "morally" superior to folks who have been in the trenches fighting for America's working people. How come we have to have 20% of our folks living in poverty?



Larry K?



Yeah, I'd love to hear your "rationilzations"....

Beam me up...


31 Jan 05 - 08:11 PM (#1395041)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Amos

Deep breaths, buddy. Take deep breaths.

Then come back out swinging!!:)


31 Jan 05 - 08:17 PM (#1395053)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Joe Offer

Bobert, sometimes, you make too damn much sense.

But hey, doesn't that Bush guy give a whole new (perverse) meaning to the word "moral"?

According to HIS moral code, it is immoral to fleece the noble rich to serve the needs of the unwashed poor. How DARE they infringe on their need to buy another Hummer? After all, Hummers contribute to the economy, don't they?

See? Buy a Hummer. Feed the poor.

-Joe Offer-

31 Jan 05 - 08:58 PM (#1395103)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Once Famous

Rationalize this Bobert

Bush is your President also if you are indeed an American.

Otherwise, who gives a flying fuck that you have a hemmorroid?

31 Jan 05 - 09:05 PM (#1395114)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

Yeah, Buy-A-Hummer-Trickle-Down-Vodoo-Economics. Don't wotl last time and it will never work... It's like talking the engine out of the car and expecting it to run...

What we need is some good ol' fashioned "moral" trickle-up economics...

The way that the Bushites have this thing drawn up on paper is that everything wil;l one day be privitized, including the the ater we drink and the air we breathe... Yup, wanta live, sucker, get yer butt out in that cotton field...

Yup that's exactly what Bus and his buddies want for America. Hey, check out Haiti. That's what they want. 2% filthy rich and 98% living in poverty...


31 Jan 05 - 09:08 PM (#1395119)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bill D

a detailed look at Bush policies

31 Jan 05 - 09:13 PM (#1395127)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: susu

I hate it when..........

Bobert takes his geritol in the morning.

31 Jan 05 - 09:16 PM (#1395129)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Teresa

Hahaha, I thought it was going to be an article. Now I'm dying to know what it is. Somebody pm me the text version for the visually challenged? :)

Probably something I'll agree with whole-heartedly, though.


31 Jan 05 - 09:23 PM (#1395136)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

Is that yer final answer, Marty?

31 Jan 05 - 09:26 PM (#1395139)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Once Famous

Sure, why not?

Who cares?

Some people don't like to feed trolls.

Others don't like to feed obsessives.

31 Jan 05 - 09:36 PM (#1395154)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

So, thanks fir the menu, my friend...

Can ya give me a couple minutes...

Meanwhile, ya' wanta go on record of saying what it is about folks lesser off than you that you hate?

Nevermind. I forgot... "Those" folks just picked bad parents....

Okay, I got it now...


31 Jan 05 - 10:13 PM (#1395182)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Amos


I found nothing there also.


31 Jan 05 - 10:38 PM (#1395203)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, whys everything gotta be an article???

Like, no offense inteended but, hey, witers of articles are folks just like us. They put their underwear on one leg at a time...

So, Hey, it's okay fir each and every one of us to write and "article"...

It's not for the articlist only...

Jus MO, but maybe I misinterpted somethin' here...


31 Jan 05 - 10:43 PM (#1395207)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: dick greenhaus

You jes' don't understand. The word "moral" refers only to acts involving the region between the navel and the knees.

Praise God!

31 Jan 05 - 10:47 PM (#1395211)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Teresa

ah ... LOL! The title suggested that it was a .gif image. Er um, I can't grok visual things. :)


31 Jan 05 - 11:15 PM (#1395227)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

Yeah, that's what Martin brings to Mudville...

Ya get a serious critique od the Bushite regime going and all of a sudden it's LOL's...

Tell it to Bertha Smith in Como, Mississpppi, who is gettin' up at 4:30 in the mornin', making lunches fir her 3 kids to take to school and getting on a bus, much like Rosa Parks did 50 years ago, to get to work cleanin' yer mama's house fir $8.00 an hour....

Yeah, no LOL's in her life...

Sometimes I get purdy friggin' sick and tired of folks wantin' totake that which is painfull and reduce it to a friggin' joke...

Myself included...

Come on, folks, we gotta get beyond makin' jokes outta misery...

...and start talkin' about *real life* solutions...

Anyone want to meet me in Memphis at the W.C. handy awards? I can take you to meet thre folks I'm talkin' about just 30 miles south into Mississippi... Folks with out electricty, gol dangit...

This ain't no LOL contest here. This is the real deal..

You in, Martin?

Din't think so. You ain't got the stomach for real sufferin'..

Dougie? I'll poick you up at the airport...

Any Bushites?

Din't think so..

But you all get yer friggin' jollies makin' jokes...


01 Feb 05 - 08:30 AM (#1395502)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: robomatic

By the way, if you buy a 'Hummer' for your business, you get a tax break

Is that foam coming from your mouth espresso?

01 Feb 05 - 08:43 AM (#1395526)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Big Mick

Go get 'em, Bobert. I gave up trying to tell folks about the things I see on a regular basis. Usually I got all kinds of comments about "good on ya, Mick" bla bla bla. Then these "moral folks" vote for this man. Hell, I even see it at church, and I am tired of it. My 12 year old daughter got in the car after CCD class (catechism class for Catholic kids) with tears in her eyes. She was afraid that her Mom and Dad were going to go to hell for supporting Kerry over Bush. I went crazy on the Priest who was indignant and wanted to know how I could support a man who wasn't Pro Life. I asked him who the Pro Life candidate was? He thought I was being flip, but I quickly asked him to justify his position. He wouldn't so I went ahead and justified mine. I pointed out that one candidate was opposed to abortion personally, but wouldn't impose his view on a country as deeply divided as ours is. I then pointed out that that was exactly the same position JFKennedy took, when he was elected. Those of us old enough to remember that election remember that Kennedy had to reassure the electorate that he wouldn't impose his personal religious beliefs on the rest of the country. That is how the first Catholic President got elected. I pointed out that the candidate from Massachussets was opposed to the death penalty and that is an equally important part of the "Pro Life" platform, that often gets lost in the shuffle. Then you take the other candidate, who presided over more executions than any Governor anywhere, and who is responsible for a war that has killed thousands, and it was started based on false premises, and the justification shifts as the need dictates. I reminded the Priest of the Just War principle.

Don't even get me started on the economic policies of this hypocrite. Or the labor policies. He has presided over the loss of more decent waged jobs than anyone prior. I hate it when people hide behind statistics. I want thse "bought and paid for" bastards to see the faces.

And the frickin' moths just keep flying into the flame.

I know I am rambling and making some leaps here, but your frustration, you old West 'Ginny hillbilly, kind of acted on mine. I could go on and on ..... but I won't.

Keep it up, buddy.


01 Feb 05 - 05:10 PM (#1396074)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: GUEST,Mrr

lessee - he ain't mine, he ain't moral, I don't think he's a [legally-elected]president and I'm not sure he's at work... so... hmmmm...

01 Feb 05 - 06:08 PM (#1396134)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: GUEST,Frank

Remember that Hitler claimed "morality" too. Every dictator has his "morality" to justify heinous crimes.

The Moral Majority is neither.
The Religious Right is neither.

"Morality" is in the eye of the beholder.

Unfortunately it can lead to mass murder.


01 Feb 05 - 06:33 PM (#1396173)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Bobert

My offer to pick any of the Mudville Bushites up at the Memphis Airport and take 'um down to see what this president's America really looks like still stands...

Yeah, Mick, many churches have been taken over by right winged ideologues but not all of them. Don't worship with 'um. Find another church. Most churches have websire and lots evern have a few of the most recent sermons... Do some research and then audition them... I's a little work but well worth having to spend an hour with a bunch of true believers who haven't made it to the teachings of Jesus...

Yeah, but just about everywhere you look these folks are dripping in hypocrisy. Their arguments don't hold water so what they do is try to out flank you with humopr and pablum. They won't discuss issues because they can't. They don't understand them. All that can do is parrot what they are told...

Bucnh of brownshirts as far as I can see...

But, as Jesus would have me do, I still love 'um, even if they are bunch of knotheads...


01 Feb 05 - 06:42 PM (#1396186)
Subject: RE: BS: Your 'Moral' President at Work...
From: Big Mick

Yeah, Bobert, I understand, but this is my church. My child was born here, baptized here, and will be here long after this guy is gone. I preferred to take it on head up. I will tell you why.

Faith for me is different than Church. Faith is personal and deeply held. But Church is my community. The good folks there have watched my children grow, and have helped me to raise them. I love the fellowship, and the friendship. And I will not let a couple of folks who aren't thinking run me off.

Keep the faith, man. Now, back to the subject at hand. Sorry for the detour.
