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BS: I hate it when.........

31 Jan 05 - 09:02 PM (#1395110)
Subject: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu

Actually........this is Susu's again ..........but not to argue........just to have some fun.

Everybody list their own "I hate it when......" and I'll start...........

I hate it when.............

Bobert and I actually agree.

31 Jan 05 - 09:04 PM (#1395112)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Once Famous

So do I. It's much more interesting here when you don't.

31 Jan 05 - 09:17 PM (#1395132)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I hate it when a guitar string breaks while you're tuning it down.

I hate it that nobody has ever been able to give me a satisfatory explanation for why guitar strings sometimes break when you tune them down.

31 Jan 05 - 09:22 PM (#1395135)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu


Don't "fret" over'll become too high "strung".

(I hate it when people do that.)

31 Jan 05 - 09:28 PM (#1395142)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Teresa

I hate it when I'm talking about something important to me and the person I'm talking to says, "Whatever."

I hate it when a box or bagful of stuff falls on the floor and always falls open-side-down.

I hate it when all the small stuff goes to the bottom of the handbag. I thought gravity was in effect in that case, too?



31 Jan 05 - 09:30 PM (#1395144)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: GUEST,Layah

I hate it when I'm unhappy for no reason.

I hate it when my feet are cold.

I hate it when my socks get wet.

I hate it when I'm alone at night.

31 Jan 05 - 09:34 PM (#1395151)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Biskit

I can't say as I hate it when Bobert and I agree,..but it's always surprising!,..but then within a few minutes he'll start foaming at the mouth and spewing parroted phrases that he's read somewhere else on the internet (so it HAS to be true!) if that doesn't work he'll try his best to make you ashamed as he is that you are; "white" or "Male" or or anything other than downtrodden with no hope of escape! AAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!! what I mean is; it dosen't last more than a few moments,...
Peace! Through Understanding

31 Jan 05 - 10:07 PM (#1395179)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Rapparee

...I'm a downtrodden white male with no hope of escape.

31 Jan 05 - 10:15 PM (#1395183)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Amos


Gravity is only one of the factors -- the other is what size thing can fit in between what other size things. They get to wiggle-down. It's called wiggle-down physio-economics or something. :)


31 Jan 05 - 10:21 PM (#1395187)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Gypsy

I hate being condescended to. I hate having people say "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh" while i am STILL talking. I hate hearing men refer to women as 'little girls' when they get super pissed if you refer to men as little boys.

31 Jan 05 - 11:16 PM (#1395228)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: harpgirl

I hate it when I find out that someone I admired is really a gold-plated asshole!

01 Feb 05 - 05:05 AM (#1395380)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Splott Man

"I hate it when a guitar string breaks while you're tuning it down. "

I hate it too, it's because the slot in my nut is tighter than the gauge of my string, so I'm creating a tension difference either side of my nut. Double entendre anybody?

I hate it when I'm packing up after a gig and someone comes up with a request, and it's for a song in a totally different style.

Splott Man

01 Feb 05 - 05:15 AM (#1395385)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: kendall

I hate it when Bush speaks

01 Feb 05 - 07:02 AM (#1395442)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Crystal

I hate it when people are overly negative!

01 Feb 05 - 07:09 AM (#1395443)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Davetnova


01 Feb 05 - 07:14 AM (#1395447)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Schantieman

I hate it when people misuse the English language.

Meaninglesss aditions to sentences: Like - y'know - sort of - like - whatever?
(and that bloody question mark at the end of a stament?)

Singular verbs with plural nouns: There's (there is) three biscuits left.

"Hopefully" used to mean "it is to be hoped that" instead of "in a manner full of hope"

Bloody apostrophes where they don't belong and missing ones where they're needed. GRRRR!

But I'm sure there's like lots of sort of people y'know who'll agree with me. Hopefully.   Lynne Truss for one.


01 Feb 05 - 07:31 AM (#1395456)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: 42

I'm with you Shantieman!

I hate it when people use it's (why won't my keyboard make an apostrophe!) as a possessive instead of a contraction.

I hate it when people verb. ie. impacted

I hate when the coffee cream's gone off.

That guitar breaking thing bugs me considerably as well!

Also capos that put the low E string out of tune.

Parents who let their kids sit in front of a Playstation for hours instead of reading them a story are very irritating.

Having to stop writing pet peeves to go to work makes me cross as well.


01 Feb 05 - 08:14 AM (#1395487)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Big Mick

I hate it when a Dentist has hairy fingers.


01 Feb 05 - 08:31 AM (#1395503)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Jim Tailor


1. They always break at the tuning post? -- this is where it happens most often and it's because the metal fatigue is greatest there, and tuning down reverses the direction of the metal bend. Tuning up, while increasing string tension, doesn't cause the string to bend backwards -- imagine, if you will, the manner in which you would bend any heavy wire back and forth, purposely causing the metal fatigue to break the heavy wire. The same thing happens at the tuning peg but you rarely see the resulting breaking until the wire is bent back (as with tuning down).

2. They always break at the nut? -- the nut slot may be tight -- then the friction with which the less-tense wire passes back through the tight slot is greater that the speed at which it passed along that slot when tuning up. And irregularity in the slot is amplified.

3. They alway break at the saddle? -- the saddle is too loose in its slot. the tightening string can slide along the bevel of the saddle -- especially when the likelihood is that all strings are tuned upward at once when you put new strings on. But now, that single directional pull of putting on new strings "sets" the too-loose saddle so that it's bevel is angled forward -- then any string that is drawn backward across that bevel (by de-tuning) is being drawn against the sharpness of the bevel.

These are infallible facts as I just made them up.

I also call my cat "Stinky". I was afraid that if I didn't, people would assume me an olfactory illiterate.

01 Feb 05 - 08:32 AM (#1395509)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Jim Tailor


That's not his fingers.

Change dentists. Now.

01 Feb 05 - 09:58 AM (#1395605)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Big Mick


01 Feb 05 - 11:44 AM (#1395712)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Rapparee

Iffen it breaks at the saddle, maybe ya need a new cinch.

01 Feb 05 - 11:48 AM (#1395721)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Jim Tailor

I believe that's...

Iffen it breaks at the saddle, maybe ya need a new cinch, Podner.

Is it not a fortuitous bit of luthiery that the nut is about as far as it can be from the saddle?

01 Feb 05 - 01:51 PM (#1395859)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Raptor

I hate it when you forget what you were.... um .... uh...


01 Feb 05 - 02:03 PM (#1395876)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Cluin

...a good gig is coming up soon and I get a wicked cold.

01 Feb 05 - 04:08 PM (#1396014)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: GUEST,Skipy

I hate it when people who work for me say such things as:-

"can you borrow me a screwdriver"


"can you learn me to do that"


01 Feb 05 - 09:35 PM (#1396388)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu

I hate it when people call me up on my home phone and say, "Where are you?" Although I do comeback with, "I'm at the beach! How'd you get the number?"
I really hate it when someone calls me, and then says, "Oh wait! Can you hang on for a minute?" NOPE!
And when someone argues adamantly on a point and when they are proved wrong, they say "well you misunderstood what I meant"- just be human and admit you are WRONG!!!!!!!
I hate when people say, "That's not my job"
But the thing I hate the most, is when people make judgements about people based not on fact but on their own narrrow-minded views.

01 Feb 05 - 10:04 PM (#1396425)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: LilyFestre

I hate it when something joyful happens and I am fully aware that I should be happy but for some odd reason end up in tears.


01 Feb 05 - 10:23 PM (#1396442)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu

I hate it when i confuse my chewing tobacco spit bottle with the soda bottle I'm drinking from at the time.

01 Feb 05 - 10:39 PM (#1396464)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Folk Form # 1

I hate it when people don't agree with every single thing that I say and change their mind when I really pisses me off!!!!

03 Feb 05 - 06:14 PM (#1398266)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu

I hate it when 250 lbs. women wear really tight outfits to a bar, because when I am drunk I just have to go up and say, "You are not what the designer had in mind when he created that outfit" This usually results in me getting beat up by Bertha Big-Butt and her friend Wendy the Whale!

04 Feb 05 - 10:37 AM (#1398934)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: GUEST,Skipy

I hate it if I break a spatula.

04 Feb 05 - 12:24 PM (#1399046)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: susu

What is all this talk of spatulas? I don't get it.

04 Feb 05 - 12:45 PM (#1399079)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: squeezeldy

I hate it when people use the word "nauseous" when they mean "nauseated." If you are nauseous, it makes other people sick to look at you. If I look at a nauseous painting, I become nauseated.

I hate it when pedants rant on about some detail of language that 95% of the people neither understand nor care about....

04 Feb 05 - 06:51 PM (#1399487)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Layah

I hate it when I'm depressed for no valid reason.

04 Feb 05 - 09:50 PM (#1399621)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Susu's Hubby

I hate it when 99% of all statistics are made up.

04 Feb 05 - 10:13 PM (#1399638)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: freda underhill

I hate it when ther is something I really hate, and people are crapping on about petty thoings.

04 Feb 05 - 10:14 PM (#1399639)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: GUEST,Lucrezia

I Hate getting the silent treatment from someone I love.

04 Feb 05 - 10:21 PM (#1399643)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Cluin

...I get bad news that I can't do anything about.

05 Feb 05 - 12:23 PM (#1399904)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: John P

I hate it when people park in lane marked "No Parking 4-6 PM" between 4 and 6 PM.

I also hate the verbing of nouns. The city of Seattle has been undergrounding wires lately . . . But then I also hate it when pedants don't understand that language evolves . . .

I am terribly intolerant of intolerance.

I hate it when doctors don't know the answer and try to pretend they do instead of just admiting they don't know.

I also hate it when George Bush speaks. I can usually learn more truth listening to the neighbor's dog bark.


08 Feb 05 - 08:33 AM (#1402412)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: John P

I hate it when I post something to a perfectly good thread and then everyone else just stops posting!


08 Feb 05 - 08:49 AM (#1402430)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Liz the Squeak

I hate it when my posts get eaten......

I hate it when they get ignored too....


08 Feb 05 - 08:54 AM (#1402435)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Jim Dixon

I hate it when I leave my car's lights on and the battery goes dead. As if getting a jump from my wife's car weren't enough trouble, I find that my digital-tuning radio loses its memory and all its preset stations. And since there's a bulb burned out, the digital display is hard to read, and it's difficult to find the stations again and reset them.

08 Feb 05 - 10:05 AM (#1402493)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Jim Tailor

So, John P, might I conclude that you dislike "pedanting"?

08 Feb 05 - 01:16 PM (#1402688)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: the lemonade lady

What's that all about then? Why can't you all speak proper, like what I do?


10 Feb 05 - 05:31 AM (#1404257)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Trevor

Isn't 'verbing' verbing?

10 Feb 05 - 10:08 AM (#1404534)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: John P

Yes, Trevor, 'verbing' is verbing at its worse. It got really cute when someone I knew described the names of Irish and contra dance tunes as "Verb the Noun".

And Jim Tailor, 'pedanting' makes me want to shriek, although it may be useful in that it calls up a specific mental image that isn't served by any other existing words. I can just see a group of medieval music scholars pedanting away, or a group of traditionalist Irish session players engaging in pedantification, or sometimes even myself pedanticating around the joint.

Bill Bryson had an interesting bit in one of his books, probably "Made in America", about how lots of verbs that we take for granted today were once nouns that got verbed, and how the defenders of the language were terribly upset about each one as it got converted.

But I still hate it when people say they 'dialogued' or 'interfaced' or even "googled", although I use that one myself a lot. I guess, like a good folk musician in the modern age, I'm riding the line between the old world and the new.


10 Feb 05 - 10:14 AM (#1404540)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Trevor

I had an American girlfriend once who told me that she was 'obsessing'!

10 Feb 05 - 10:40 AM (#1404563)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Layah

Brits don't say obsessing? That was a normal enough verb that it didn't even occur to me that it had been verbed. Languages change. Constantly. I don't understand why peopel get so upset about it.

I hate it when people refuse to admit that language will change.

11 Feb 05 - 06:56 AM (#1405646)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Crystal

I've not come across that one.
Mind you grammer was not really taught in my school. they had to concentrate on bringing the severely dyslexic kids into line with the rest of us.

I hate it when teachers assume you are lazy or stupid because you can't spell!

11 Feb 05 - 07:15 AM (#1405667)
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
From: Davetnova

I used to h*te the thought of living on my own.
Now I've tried it.