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BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...

10 Feb 05 - 05:54 PM (#1405149)
Subject: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Bobert

Well, I'm sure this will be comforting to any Virgina Catters but (pun intended) if you are bending over and part of yer butt crack is visable, you won't be arrested and fined $50. Also voted down was the same punishment if part of your underwear is exposed at the waste...

Whew, I don't know about you folks but I'm gonna party all night...


10 Feb 05 - 05:56 PM (#1405152)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Peace

Democracy is assured. Plumbers will now feel more at ease on the job, and so will people wearing G-strings. Gotta love it, Bobert. Good eye.

10 Feb 05 - 07:01 PM (#1405198)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Little Hawk

Thank God! I was quite worried about what might happen to you, Bobert, if that law had ever gone through.

10 Feb 05 - 08:19 PM (#1405255)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

It seems to me that yhey simply just don't want to say no to crack!!!

That's it in a nutshell.


10 Feb 05 - 08:50 PM (#1405290)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, this ain't all its cracked up top be, anyway...

10 Feb 05 - 09:52 PM (#1405336)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: catspaw49

Tell ya' Bobertz, I don't mind their u-trou exposed to the waist but if it's exposed to the waste and I have to see it.....uh, no thanks.......


10 Feb 05 - 10:02 PM (#1405344)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Bill D

well, I HOPE they finally voted it down! This was in today's Post:


Attention, parents: The state of Virginia understands that you lead busy lives, but lawmakers are confident that you will be only too happy to tack just one more task onto your morning routine -- a quick pants check as the kids head out the door.

The House of Delegates voted 60 to 34 Tuesday to impose a $50 fine on anyone found wearing pants low enough that a substantial portion of undergarments is showing. Note the vote: It wasn't even close.

Sure, it will be difficult to guarantee that your kids' pants stay secured around the waist all day, but there are ways to protect your offspring from exposure to police action and resulting fines. I suggest duct tape or, in extreme cases, super glue.

Virginia yields to no state in its protection of individual rights. This year, the legislature has stood tall against the threat to freedom posed by the use of cameras to enforce the law against running red lights. Lawmakers made certain that Virginians would not be barred from entering a day-care center with a loaded gun. And the House is poised to reject an effort to restrict teenagers' use of cell phones while driving.

But there is an odd gap in Virginia's protection of your liberties. Somehow, these same legislators are only too happy to get inside your marriage, your bedroom and even your pants.

The General Assembly, which in recent years passed bills banning same-sex marriage and prohibiting civil unions and other partnership contracts, feels compelled this year to add a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. goes on...

10 Feb 05 - 10:30 PM (#1405359)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Peace

Lucky kid.

11 Feb 05 - 02:40 AM (#1405469)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: dianavan

Why limit the outrage to butt cracks. What about cleavage? What about those creases in the back of my knees? I also think that orifice above your chin should be considered an unsightly crack. How about the creases on each side of the nose?   

Maybe the burkha is the answer, after all.

11 Feb 05 - 03:14 AM (#1405482)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Liz the Squeak

And we thought making all cucumbers straight was a stupid law.....

Mind you, having sat on the train many a time with someone's half mast trousers and exposed pants in my face, I can wholly concurr with the sentiment behind the motion.


11 Feb 05 - 04:18 AM (#1405540)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: John MacKenzie

I was always taught in my English grammar classes at school that one should never start a sentence with if, and, or butt.

11 Feb 05 - 04:41 AM (#1405550)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Davetnova

A good thing too I say. Working in a school I have to spend considerable portions of of each day walking up stairs behind sixteen and seventeen year old girls each intent on showing as much of their Gstrings as possible. I find that this can fill me with moral outrage and the drool has stained my tie indelibly.

11 Feb 05 - 05:02 AM (#1405560)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...

And so the American religious Taliban is foiled....for the moment.

11 Feb 05 - 05:35 AM (#1405582)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Liz the Squeak

Has no-one warned them of the dangers of a chill on the kidneys?

My mother wouldn't even look at a pair of knickers if they didn't at least come up to her belly button.


11 Feb 05 - 01:35 PM (#1406099)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: McGrath of Harlow

What about if they aren't actually wearing underwear? No problems there, I take it?

11 Feb 05 - 03:21 PM (#1406235)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Nerd

And I thought this was about some guy named "Butt Crack Bill" and his experience of voting in Virginia. could happen!

11 Feb 05 - 04:02 PM (#1406276)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: annamill

I have to say it. When my son was young(er) he was always walking around with his pants down below his undies and I hated it. I used to walk behind him and pretend to pull them down. He actually walked bow-legged
all the time, so his pants wouldn't fall all the way down. How silly!

Illegal? Also very silly!

His pants are comparably normal now, thank goodness.

Love, Annamill

11 Feb 05 - 04:39 PM (#1406309)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Nerd

Butt Crack Bill
Sittin' on a hill
his pants ridin' down makes his momma ill
and it's ride, ol' Butt Crack Bill...

Butt Crack Bill
Was a mighty bad man
Voted in Virginia and in Mary-land,
and it's ride, ol' Butt Crack Bill

Butt Crack Bill
ride, ride, ride
'tween those cheeks it's like the great divide
and it's ride, ol' Butt Crack Bill

11 Feb 05 - 06:22 PM (#1406432)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: harpgirl

brilliant, nerd~! at least their asses aren't on their shoulders like they are down here in the sweet sunny south...

11 Feb 05 - 06:53 PM (#1406477)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: JohnInKansas

I believe I saw a note in this morning's newsrag that the Virginia Senate Committee (Judiciary or something like that) rejected the Butt Crack bill UNANIMOUSLY.

I sympathize deeply with some of the other stuff, as the Kansas Legislature has just voted to send a Constitutional Amendment banning "gay marriage," and banning the recognition of any marriages, or civil alternative thereto made any where else in the world, to a vote of the people. (They almost quoted Neuremburg, Sept 15, 1935 exactly in the last clause.)

Great tradition, that - letting the majority decide whether to deprive a minority of their rights.

Oh, and the Kansas School Board is also debating again whether to ban, restrict, or just mangle beyond recognition the "teaching of evolution." One proposal is they'll be allowed to teach it, as long as they put a sticker on every book that says "GOD SAYS IT AIN'T SO."

Nobody around here even seems to wonder who's GgOoDd they're talking about.


11 Feb 05 - 06:59 PM (#1406486)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...

Backwards, ever backwards, who'd have believed it. Stupid humanity happy in its ignorance.

11 Feb 05 - 07:01 PM (#1406489)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: McGrath of Harlow

What about Superman? (And poor old John Major...)

11 Feb 05 - 07:14 PM (#1406509)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Bobert

Spaekin' of butt cracks, where's MG?

I mean, not like MG is a butt crack, though he may very well be in possession of one, but (pun intended) this kinda stuff is right up his sleeve...

(No, Bobert, go back and check out the anatomy book... It's probably not up Martin's sleeeve...)


11 Feb 05 - 07:14 PM (#1406511)
Subject: RE: BS: Butt Crack Bill Voted Down in Va...
From: Liz the Squeak

To explain the last posting.. John Major, a former Prime Minister of Britain, was once pictured in the tabloids, with his shirt tucked firmly into his underpants which were peeping over his waistband.

About the most interesting thing he ever did and certainly the thing he's most remembered for except liking peas and cricket.