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BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory

17 Feb 05 - 05:19 AM (#1412839)
Subject: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: Steve Parkes

Look at Dilbert 17 Feb 05. Now look again at Dibert's tie. Did you see how the black and white stripes SWITCHED OVER?? It's not the first time I've noticed this, and I think there's something behind it. Is Scott Adams trying to tell us something? Or is it something sinister -- is some secret organisation trying to take control of our minds with fiendishly clever subliminal messages?


17 Feb 05 - 05:24 AM (#1412840)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Amos

Just spilled his Viagara on it, is all. Been that way ever since.


17 Feb 05 - 08:51 AM (#1412904)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Rapaire

Yes, I've noticed how sometimes the dark stripes exchange places with the white ones. Sophisticated mathematical analysis has determined that it IS a message, broadcast by the Slugheads of the Obrien Nebula to their minions on Earth, directing them in the plot to replace our leaders with brainless, zombie-like, self-serving, masses of protoplasm who are totally under Slughead control.

But that's only the first approximation.

17 Feb 05 - 08:56 AM (#1412907)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,JennyO

The question is, who'd notice the difference?

17 Feb 05 - 09:00 AM (#1412910)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory

Our leaders spend more time on their hair than brainless, zombie-like, self-serving, masses of protoplasm who are totally under Slughead control would....

Other than that, I don't know.

17 Feb 05 - 09:46 AM (#1412932)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler at the backdoor

Ever thought you ought to get out more, Steve?


(I've stopped looking at daily Dilbert since I retired. So many of his strips seemed to reflect what was going on where I worked, people accused me of feeding him the details!)

17 Feb 05 - 10:08 AM (#1412944)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Amos

No, ole Dilbert gets his intell from a whole network of loyal but enslaved followers who write up little reports on the antics of inDUHviduals in the business world. Soft life -- he just chooses the best letter du jour, illustrates it, and his fame for accurate insight grows!!


17 Feb 05 - 10:08 AM (#1412946)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Bee-dubya-ell

Rapaire's being silly. Everybody knows Dilbert's tie is really a radio transmitter that's sending out jamming waves to keep the Slughead messages from getting through. Sometimes the Slugheads use different frequencies in an attempt to circumvent the jamming effort. That's why Dilbert has two ties. One is to block VHF signals and the other is to block UHF signals. It's a much more elegant solution than wearing a tinfoil hat while at work. And it doesn't set off the metal detector.

17 Feb 05 - 10:43 AM (#1412965)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,jim tailor

pish posh. That's no radio transmitter or blocker. Anyone who know guitar knows that that is not a tie -- it is one of those guitar straps that curves up and around the guitar and hooks into the sound hole. Like the one Willie Nelson uses with "Trigger".

The alternating stripe thing is because the strap is made of that "sharkskin" type material that they used to make suits out of. Seen from different angles, it appears to take on a different color. It isn't the stripe that has changed, rather, it is merely the angle from which it is viewed.

17 Feb 05 - 11:32 AM (#1412995)
Subject: RE: BS: Dilbert's tie: new conspiracy theory
From: GUEST,Rapaire

But it doesn't block in the ELF bands, or shortwave, or alpha wave, or theta wave, or xray bands. Not to mention ultraviolet and infrared -- so I won't mention them. Or frequency switching. Or redundant packet switching. Or semaphore.