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queen refuses to attend wedding

22 Feb 05 - 05:39 PM (#1417902)
Subject: queen refuses to attend wedding

Once again, given a chance to show an understanding of the british people and their values the Royal family stay stuck in the 19th century. What can you make of a mother who refuses to attend her son's wedding for "protocol" reasons?
This incredibly disfunctional mob expect to be respected, expect to be seen as head of our state, but they haven't a clue.
Let's consign them to the real world and see how they survive without our money, our land, and our obeisance. Surely this makes Britain look totally ridiculous to the rest of the world?

22 Feb 05 - 05:40 PM (#1417905)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

Sorry, should be BS

22 Feb 05 - 05:43 PM (#1417908)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Clinton Hammond

Queen Charles will be there... isn't one enough?

It is so nice to see someone of his 'public standing' take such a decisive and positive step to show his support for same-sex marriage though...

I think those two men will be very happy together

22 Feb 05 - 05:45 PM (#1417911)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Bobert


See if she get my vote next election....

22 Feb 05 - 05:45 PM (#1417912)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Cluin

Well, I won't be attending either.

Maybe Lizzie and I will stay home together with some beer and wings and watch some old Blackadder reruns.

22 Feb 05 - 05:52 PM (#1417918)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Skipy

I was @ his last wedding - yes I was! - & I'm not going to this one!

22 Feb 05 - 05:58 PM (#1417923)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: McGrath of Harlow

I gather she's going to the blessing in church, which is arguably the more significant part of the occasion.

22 Feb 05 - 05:58 PM (#1417924)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,The Shambles

She refused to come to mine either.

At least the richest lady in the land has agreed to pay for the booze-up.

I imagine that Lady Di is looking down and having a good chuckle. The Queen did agree to attend her wedding after all.

22 Feb 05 - 06:00 PM (#1417925)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: DougR

Yes, McGrath, I agree. That's the significant one I think.

Sorry to rain on your parade, though, GUEST.


22 Feb 05 - 06:02 PM (#1417929)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

Significant only to those of faith. Britain is a basically non-practicing country. May God keep it that way seeing the example of others.

22 Feb 05 - 06:06 PM (#1417937)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Rapparee

Hmph! I wouldn't go even if I were invited AND promised a good seat.

22 Feb 05 - 06:17 PM (#1417948)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peace

Didn't get MY invite, yet. Will let you know when I do.

22 Feb 05 - 06:43 PM (#1417981)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Rapparee

I urge everyone who is not in London on April 8 not to attend.

22 Feb 05 - 06:59 PM (#1417996)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peace

But how shall we KNOW?

22 Feb 05 - 07:05 PM (#1418002)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Bill D

"There will be a meeting of the protocol comittee in chambers on 26Feb., 2:00PM.. Wear foul-weather gear and eat a light lunch"

22 Feb 05 - 07:06 PM (#1418005)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Rapparee

Brucie, if you don't see the Tower of London or St. Paul's or Picadilly Circus or the Thames, you probably aren't in London.

22 Feb 05 - 07:18 PM (#1418019)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: McGrath of Harlow

But you don't need an invitatation to go to the wedding, it's in a public Register office. Anyone can go. (Well, the last one I went to, they wouldn't allow someone to take their dog in, but apart from that...)

Americans must find all this strange - so far as I can see, from films and that, people there seem to have weddings wherever they want to, which seems a reasonable enough idea.

I suppose the idea behind the restriction is, weddings are supposed to be in public, so that when they say "Does anyone know of any just cause of impediment?' or the equivalent, the bigamous wife's representative, or whatever, can shout out from the back, like in Jane Eyre.

They must be a bit nervous about that kind of thing this time - I don't mean bigamous wives, but someone publicly objecting. That could by why Mum isn't going, because it might be a teeny weeny bit embarrassing....

22 Feb 05 - 07:30 PM (#1418037)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Bill D

Americans DO find it all a bit we have substituted our own brand of strangeness to replace Royal goings-on. We like to claim our system makes more sense, but after the last few years, I might prefer some British tabloid-type shenannigans to the scary bits we are enduring.

so, all-in-all, Charlie gets his lady-love, the press gets some headlines, the nation goes on and tea will be at the usual time whether the queen attends or not.

22 Feb 05 - 07:57 PM (#1418076)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: LilyFestre

Reported (via Dateline), the Queen is not snubbing the Royal wedding but rather trying to keep it low key as requested by Charles and Camilla. Also, she will attend the blessing of the union and is hosting the reception at Windsor (?) Castle. I'd say that gives everyone the big A-OK.


22 Feb 05 - 08:54 PM (#1418140)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peace

"Brucie, if you don't see the Tower of London or St. Paul's or Picadilly Circus or the Thames, you probably aren't in London."

I saw those things in the 1960s--while I was in New York.

22 Feb 05 - 09:15 PM (#1418158)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Azizi

You mean these aren't in New York?

Everything else is.

We even have some queens...

22 Feb 05 - 09:17 PM (#1418160)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peace

...and a Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan: What ISN'T there?

22 Feb 05 - 09:19 PM (#1418161)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Clinton Hammond

"trying to keep it low key as requested by Charles and Camilla"

Isn't that what it would have been like had LBJ kept his inauguration 'quiet' and tried to claim that it was in accordance to JFK's wishes?

22 Feb 05 - 09:25 PM (#1418168)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Azizi

Plus we have a Prince.

And he can even sing.

22 Feb 05 - 10:21 PM (#1418206)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peace

I thought the Queen was married already.

22 Feb 05 - 10:26 PM (#1418213)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Rapparee

What ISN'T there?

Well, me. I've been there twice. The first time someone ripped off my new Gore-tex jacket, and the last time was last October -- my cell phone got trashed by the current and my watchband broke on the plane coming back. I don't care for New York City.

And then there are Chicago hot dogs. They aren't there, either.

22 Feb 05 - 10:37 PM (#1418231)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Azizi

"I Love New York"!

Some parts of it, that is.
{I can't stand the roaches}...

And since there's people in the Big Apple from everywhere,
someone from Chicago's bound to selling their style of hot dogs.

But back to this London wedding I hear tell of:
Is it gonna be televised like the last one-
I mean the last one the guy was in?

That was a big hoopla as I recollect...

23 Feb 05 - 12:53 AM (#1418344)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

Security reasons

23 Feb 05 - 01:35 AM (#1418356)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,The Shambles

Was he even invited? And would Elton John had attended anyway?

What song would he have sung? 'Burn Down The Mission'?

23 Feb 05 - 01:53 AM (#1418361)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: JennieG

Queenie will be back at the castle making the horses doovers and stirring the fondue for the reception after the blessing. One must eat, musn't one.


23 Feb 05 - 05:54 AM (#1418477)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: John MacKenzie

Brucie:- If you can see London Bridge you're in Lake Havasu City.
Giok ¦¬]

23 Feb 05 - 06:56 AM (#1418516)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: gnu

And, she's throwing the reception at the Castle. All very proper. Then, they're all going on a fox hunt.

23 Feb 05 - 07:38 AM (#1418548)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Sttaw Legend

My invite arrived this morning I'll be there, would not miss it for the world.

23 Feb 05 - 08:59 AM (#1418591)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peter K (Fionn)

First guest, it may be that you've misjudged the popular mood. Constitutional historian (and incidentally now the highest paid presenter on British TV) Dr David Starkey was quoted by the BBC as explaining the queen's decision thus: "It could be security, that she doesn't approve, or that she doesn't care - a position which would unite her with the majority of her subjects."

It may yet be that there will have to be an amendment to existing legislation for this marriage to proceed. UK statute law governing marriage prohibits Royals from civil weddings, and a former attorney general, Sir Nicholas Lyell, believes the queen has been badly advised by ministers on this point. The law was substantially amended in 1949 and the present lord chancellor believes this ended the constraint on royals. Yet the 1949 act apparently states specifically that its provisions do not apply to royals. The chancellor is expected to make a statement to parliament about this sometime today (Wed).

23 Feb 05 - 09:14 AM (#1418603)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Dave Hanson

Let us all just hope that they don't breed, they would be chinless fecking wingnuts, doesn't bear thinking about.


23 Feb 05 - 10:10 AM (#1418640)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,The Shambles

The palace spokesman I saw on TV this morning, dug her an even deeper hole. He made the point that had the wedding taken place inside Windsor Castle, as intended, no one would have known if the Queen had attended or not.

Stongly implying (to me anyway) - that she would not have attended under these circumstances either........

Security issues or not - I think the idea that the mother of the groom not caring about her son's marriage - is a non-starter. I think we are left with the third option - that she does not approve.

23 Feb 05 - 10:30 AM (#1418646)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

So what if she doesn't approve? Is mother's approval required for marriage nowadays? Does she have to sign a document indicating her approval? My mother didn't approve of my first marriage (nor did my ex-wife's mother either, and they were both right!) but it didn't stop us and it shouldn't stop them.

23 Feb 05 - 11:17 AM (#1418655)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,nutty

Comments about the legality of the wedding raise some interesting issues.

It was being argued on TV today that human rights issues allow Charles to be treated like a commoner and marry where he wishes.

If that is his right, then can I claim that,in order to fulfil my human rights, I have a right to be treated like royalty????

23 Feb 05 - 12:15 PM (#1418673)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

The queen will be there at the honeymoon to direct operations.

Long live the queen

23 Feb 05 - 03:47 PM (#1418795)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Rapparee

I don't think the queen approves if she's throwing the reception at the palace. My wedding reception was held at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center's Officer's Open Mess (really!) and we didn't throw anything at anything or anybody. Unless she's just another litter lout....

23 Feb 05 - 04:15 PM (#1418824)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Georgiansilver

Perhaps it has escaped your understanding in some way that due to British "protocol"...the queen should not attend. I personally believe she Charlie is her son..but as queen she has a duty to the constitution of the country and will not attend. Well done yet again sacrifice your family for the constitution. May God Bless Her and all who sail in her!
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Feb 05 - 04:43 PM (#1418859)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,*Laura*

I like the Queen.
I don't like her family but I like her - she always looks really pissed off when she's doing speeches, like she'd much rather be somewhere else.
I like to imagine she'd rather be curled up on a big sofa surrounded by her ugly little dogs wearing fluffy slippers and an old faded blue jumper watching Eastenders and munching on a Penguin biscuit.


23 Feb 05 - 06:50 PM (#1418999)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Nancy King

The notion that the Queen is staying away because she wants to keep the event "low key" strikes me as totally ridiculous. There's no way this royal wedding in a public place will be "low key," whether she's there or not.

It is kinda fun to sit on this side of the pond and observe all the goings-on...


23 Feb 05 - 07:10 PM (#1419015)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

That bitch needs to be dethroned.

23 Feb 05 - 08:13 PM (#1419079)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Ironic that the Lord Chancellor,in his statement affirming the legality of civil marriages for Royals, found it necessary to invoke the Human Rights Act 2000. I seem to remember Prince Charles having a good old moan about Britain having to put up with this namby-pamby legislation, foisted on it by the European Union.

23 Feb 05 - 08:15 PM (#1419082)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,milk monitor

Yes, he did. Humble pie for wedding breakfast?

23 Feb 05 - 08:35 PM (#1419100)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge

Well, I shall certainly be there. It promises to be quite an occasion. I'm sure the Queen has her own good reasons for not attending.


24 Feb 05 - 03:56 AM (#1419315)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Strollin' Johnny

Me too GS, with ya all the way.
Nancy King - yep, I guess it must be fun, kinda like the fun we had this side of the pond watching the gormless show-biz party masquerading as an election over on your side. And the best thing is that, when it's all over, we'll just be left with a few toffs with hangovers and a guy and his wife who will only ever be toothless tigers, unlike the war-mongering, murderous low-life you were conned into saddling yourselves with. Have a nice four years.

24 Feb 05 - 04:39 PM (#1419994)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

Yeah, Johnny, you guys sure did get the better deal....   Sigh....

24 Feb 05 - 11:13 PM (#1420294)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: rockchick

Got the invite but was washing my hair that day and also doing the garden so i had to decline the invite, afterall it is ones Prerogative.

25 Feb 05 - 05:07 AM (#1420406)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Strollin' Johnny

LOL Nancy!

25 Feb 05 - 06:09 AM (#1420461)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: skipy

They probably don't want an aging rock band at the wedding anyway & they are not the same since Freddie died!

25 Feb 05 - 06:12 AM (#1420464)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: s6k

GOOD. now all we need is for the media not to attend, then maybe coronation street wont be cancelled to show the stupid wedding for weeks on TV, that nobody could give the slightest crap about.

25 Feb 05 - 11:23 AM (#1420717)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Bill the Collie

Bloody hell, have I missed something?

Is there to be a royal wedding? If so who is involved?

Maybe I should cancel the Independent.

25 Feb 05 - 11:41 AM (#1420740)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,The Shambles

Not sure that the wedding is certain.

Before then - there may be another car crash in another tunnel.

25 Feb 05 - 12:00 PM (#1420777)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Little Hawk

The wedding that really mattered happened way back in December last year...

The Marriage of the Century!

25 Feb 05 - 04:40 PM (#1421023)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Mrr

Actually, she CAN'T (may not, that is) attend. The Queen cannot be seen entering or leaving a civil courthouse thingie, wherever it is they plan to be married. She (the Queen) IS hosting the reception.

25 Feb 05 - 04:54 PM (#1421027)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Sorcha

And, they 'might' not even be allowed to marry in a civil ceremony.

25 Feb 05 - 05:44 PM (#1421054)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Little Hawk

My dog, Valdy, has indicated his refusal to attend also...

25 Feb 05 - 11:19 PM (#1421217)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: dianavan

Little Hawk - You have a dog named Valdy?

My daughter's only claim to fame is that her 2nd hand bed used to belong to Valdy's daughter.

I thought we were the only people that knew Valdy.

25 Feb 05 - 11:50 PM (#1421229)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Little Hawk

I don't mean the singer. I really HAVE a dog named Valdy. And he says he will not attend the royal wedding under any condition. I will have to get CarolC to help me figure out how to post his pictures where y'all can see them, I guess...

26 Feb 05 - 07:40 AM (#1421390)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Peter K (Fionn)

"The Queen cannot be seen entering or leaving a civil courthouse thingie, wherever it is they plan to be married." Utter crap, Mrr. Did you just make it up? Anyway, the ceremony will be in Windsor Guildhall, a building grand enough to have done Saddam proud in his heyday.

26 Feb 05 - 07:54 AM (#1421400)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Elsie

Anybody else think the queen looks common with that handbag??

26 Feb 05 - 09:27 AM (#1421432)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding

think about it.. pensioner, married to an assylum seeker, 4 kids, none of them holding down a full time job,daughter divorced and on second marriage, two sons divorced, one son married with a little one and now the eldest(divorced/widower) is going to marry his long time mistress............can it be any wonder she doesn't want to go??? Reads like a script from Eastenders doesn't it!!!!!

26 Feb 05 - 11:22 AM (#1421488)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Obie

26 Feb 05 - 11:29 AM (#1421497)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: GUEST,Obie

My Queen and I are not on good terms of late, so I was not invited. My daughter visited London a few years back, and the Queen did not even invite her to drop by for tea. In return when the Queen visited Cape Breton a year later, I totally ignored her. She hasn't spoken to me since.

26 Feb 05 - 02:54 PM (#1421663)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Spot

Hello all....
                   Who really gives a stuff about Charles and Gorilla, anyway???   Poor guy always looks like he's lost the plot to me...Mind you, at least he's pro hunting.....

         Regards to all...Spot

27 Feb 05 - 04:23 AM (#1422126)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding


27 Feb 05 - 11:05 PM (#1422586)
Subject: RE: queen refuses to attend wedding
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Well, let's hope he does go, then...