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BS: The next big thing

25 Feb 05 - 08:53 AM (#1420596)
Subject: BS: The next big thing
From: Donuel

I hope to return this catagory "the next big thing" from time to time with information ,be it optimistic or pessimistic, as well as new discoveries that might amuse, bemuse or potentially save your life.

Information when in the hands of an industrial complex has the tendency to take 12 years to filter down the the public, especially in areas such as health hazards. examples: radon, asbestos, prion diseases ect. ad infinitum.

How to get cancer immediately:
Any ingestion/inhalation of tungsten will cause cancer. You might think that since you do not play with light bulb filiments you needn't take precautions however many electric transformers in your home are full of tungsten and when they leak or burn out with that peculiar burning resin smell you might be exposed to tungsten.
Exposure can result in a better than half chance of developing cancer.
Since it acts with great toxicity instead of ionizing radiation it seems to act much faster than DU in developing cancer.

Cosmic news/

A galaxy has been discovered that is 1/4 the size of our milky way and is entirely black. It is devoid of stars. (could this begin to account for the speculated missing matter in the universe or relate to the enigmatic concept of dark matter?)

In Cassini's recent fly by of Saturn, images from 80,000km out were made of the moon in a 2 million mile orbit around Saturn. Among its many strange qualities: around its equator is a 60,000 ft ridge/wall (twice as high as Mt Everest). Perpendicular to its equator one half of the planetoid is bright white and the other half is dark black. It is not round but elipsoid or egg shaped. It is a very odd egg indeed.

25 Feb 05 - 09:25 AM (#1420629)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: Dave Hanson

A ' curates egg ' perhaps ?


25 Feb 05 - 09:29 AM (#1420635)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: Rapparee

1. I doubt that the cancer would be "immediate."

2. Probably not.

3. I think that scientists have determined that the "ridge" is, in reality, the join where the moon screws apart so that you can get at the candy inside.

25 Feb 05 - 09:41 AM (#1420643)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing

Elementry school age children are receiving miniture transmiters to log their attendance and campus movements. This is releasing clerical jobs their parents might have done. It saves money.

25 Feb 05 - 02:44 PM (#1420929)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: Donuel

My interpretation of the odd egg moon

26 Feb 05 - 04:43 AM (#1421324)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: Liz the Squeak

What do you mean Candy... everyone knows the moon is made of cheese.


26 Feb 05 - 07:56 AM (#1421401)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: John O'L

I thought a galaxy was a bunch of stars. So how does a thing with no stars get to be a galaxy?

26 Feb 05 - 09:13 AM (#1421426)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: el_punkoid_nouveau

Last I heard, by being a chocolate bar...

26 Feb 05 - 11:56 PM (#1422028)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing

The Milky Way, at this time of year, in the northern hemispere is apparent even in metropolitan areas.

27 Feb 05 - 03:31 AM (#1422109)
Subject: RE: BS: The next big thing
From: Liz the Squeak

The universe is just full of chocolate bars (Mars, Galaxy, Milky Way) ... so WHY is the moon made of cheese?

(Can I claim 10% of post 100?)