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BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!

04 Mar 05 - 12:01 AM (#1426501)
Subject: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Stilly River Sage

Martha Stewart to Be Released From Prison
March 03, 2005

ALDERSON, W.Va. - Part of Martha Stewart's sentence ends tonight when the 63-year-old homemaking authority leaves Alderson Federal Women's Prison to begin serving five months under house arrest at her $16 million Bedford, N.Y., estate.

Stewart's Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia announced Thursday that she'll board a private jet bound for New York between 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. The company said she would make no public comments, but that a written statement would be posted on

In letters to a Wall Street Journal reporter, Stewart expressed concern about her fellow inmates, sentencing guidelines and prison medical care. She also wrote about the prison experience.

"The judges, the lawyers and the prosecutors do not really know what it's like" to be incarcerated, Stewart wrote in one letter, according to the newspaper. "They do not know that time passes slowly, there are no good educational opportunities, there is little of value with which to pass the time."

Since inmate 55170-054 entered the prison on Oct. 8, the town of Alderson has seen a long line of Stewart supporters, celebrity friends and the just-plain-curious make the 12-mile drive off the interstate to see where she spent five months locked up for her part in a stock scandal.

Betty Alderson, who has sold more than 1,300 "West Virginia Living, It's a Good Thing," T-shirts - a play on Stewart's "It's a good thing" catchphrase - said the town needed the economic boost Stewart's celebrity provided.

At $17 each, the shirts helped pay last fall's bills, the Alderson Store owner said. "Every business in town profited," said Alderson, who is married to a descendant of the town's founders.

For Stewart's release, Alderson is selling two new shirt designs and a commemorative mug that reads, "I spent time in Alderson, W.Va."

Mayor Luther Lewallen said Stewart's presence has been good for his town of about 1,100. "As people came in, they found things they liked in the stores," he said.

Visitors not only purchased trinkets, but some brought mementos of their own to show their support for the gardening guru.

Jackie Hord of East Hampton, N.Y., brought hundreds of Martha Stewart-brand snow crocus bulbs last fall, hoping residents would plant them so Stewart would see a splash of spring color as she left town.

"I just want to support Martha the best way I can," she said.

The crocuses were planted, but a recent cold snap and several inches of snow have kept them from blooming. "I have been trying to force some out, but they won't even force," Alderson said, no doubt employing the kind of gardening tricks Stewart herself knows so well.

Other Stewart supporters have sent about 1,000 day lilies. Residents plan to pick a sunny spot to plant them and call it "Martha's Garden."

Linda Blaney and her friends are making a cross-country trek to show their support. "We want to make sure she knows we were there and let her know we support her," said Blaney, who lives near Seattle. "This would not have happened to someone else. They slam-dunked her because of who she is."

Blaney plans to hold up a Stewart-brand floral print sheet bearing the signatures of Seattle-area supporters.

Since it opened in 1927, Alderson's minimum-security prison has seen the likes of Billie Holiday, Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally and presidential assailants Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme and Sara Jane Moore.

Dinner Bell owner Annette Kellison has hired a couple of more workers, plans to extend her hours and will have Martha Stewart Swedish Meatballs on the menu. She is philosophical about Stewart's release.

"It's a phase, she's here, she's gone. We're still here," Kellison said. "This is our community, it's not hers. She didn't want to be here to start with."

04 Mar 05 - 12:03 AM (#1426503)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Peace

"This would not have happened to someone else. They slam-dunked her because of who she is."

Doesn't seem to happen to too many rich people. That's true.

04 Mar 05 - 01:00 AM (#1426522)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: katlaughing

I am glad she is getting out and also it's nice that so many have been so creative in showing their support with the planting of bulbs, etc. She was made a scapegoat, pure and simple. Meanwhile the Enron arseholes still run loose and all those people still have lost their life savings.


04 Mar 05 - 11:57 AM (#1426573)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: radriano

Sorry to burst your bubble but the truth is that rich folks don't get slam dunked in our society. And was Martha Stewart really expecting jail to be a fun place?

And am I to feel sad now that she's facing five months house arrest at her $16 million dollar mansion. I suppose that's another slam dunk?

I do agree with the title of this thread, though. Martha Stewart You Go, Girl - yeah and keep going.

04 Mar 05 - 12:09 PM (#1426587)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Grab

"Doesn't seem to happen to too many rich people" - so the ones it *does* happen to are automatically "scapegoats"...? Newsflash, folks - many other criminals aren't caught either, but the ones who are and who are tried and convicted are not "scapegoats".

I've got no sympathy for someone richer than Croesus who decides they want to con a bit more money out of other people to line their overstuffed pockets. Stewart isn't a "scapegoat", she's a convicted criminal who got caught red-handed. The Enron people should have got what was coming to them too, and it's a scandal that they didn't. But that doesn't mean that everyone else convicted of share-dealing fraud is a scapegoat for Enron.

On the "savings" front, remember this was a share-dealing thing. So where would the money come from that lines her pockets? Answer: all your insurance and pension funds. The fact that people are then going out and making a garden for her just shows how screwed up they are.


04 Mar 05 - 01:10 PM (#1426666)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Bill D

it's strange...Martha probably doesn't really believe she did anything wrong, but there was ample evidence she broke the law and manipulated funds in ways we 'ordinary' people can barely comprehend. She got off pretty lightly, considering, and will probably make MORE money because of the publicity.

I'd like to see laws to prevent the chicanery she was involved in, rather than trying to 'punish' someone who can't seem to see that they are doing anything wrong.

Yeah...I'd like to see 'dangerous' criminals controlled better too...but white-collar crime is a major problem in this society, and unfortunately, the laws and rules are designed by the same class of people who tend to break them...

04 Mar 05 - 01:11 PM (#1426667)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Peace

Ya do the crime ya do the time.

04 Mar 05 - 01:15 PM (#1426672)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: DougR

The door is not closed on the Enron scandal.


04 Mar 05 - 01:19 PM (#1426679)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Every time I see Martha mentioned I think of our own Guy Wolff- he has been on her show several times and I don't know of a more decent, caring gentlman. If he has high regard for someone, I pay attention.

04 Mar 05 - 01:27 PM (#1426686)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Peace

Having high regard for her has little to do with her having broken the law. She could be the nicest person in the world. But . . . .

Whether or not other folks have broken laws and not been caught is one issue. She did break the law and got caught. That's another issue.

04 Mar 05 - 01:30 PM (#1426695)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: John MacKenzie

Since it opened in 1927, Alderson's minimum-security prison has seen the likes of Billie Holiday, Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally and presidential assailants Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme and Sara Jane Moore.

Deserves to be a place of pilgrimage with those alumni
Giok ¦¬]

Pinkies crossed

04 Mar 05 - 01:32 PM (#1426696)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Alba

Had to laugh this morning. On the Today show they opened with an ariel shot of what Matt Lauer said was the prison that Ms Stewart had just left....only to correct was her 150 acre Farm they were looking


04 Mar 05 - 01:52 PM (#1426715)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: robomatic

Let's see what happens to that other 'poor innocent': Bernie Ebbers.

04 Mar 05 - 02:01 PM (#1426733)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: gnu

"...probably make more money..." Well, her stock has doubled. Not from the low, it's now double the price it was before the initial decrease. I believe a net worth analysis would term the increase as "a shitload".

04 Mar 05 - 02:15 PM (#1426750)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!

Got what she deserved.

04 Mar 05 - 02:27 PM (#1426760)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: John MacKenzie

Well she only did what loads of other people would do if they had the chance, and what loads of other people did have the chance to do, did it, and never got caught.

04 Mar 05 - 03:15 PM (#1426792)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: open mike

i thought it said "to begin sewing for five months" She could have helped with those flags/curtains that Cristo and pal just hung and
un-hung in central park..

just in time for her to cream up some Easter crafts with hand made
pussy willow baskets, papier mache' eggs and peeps!

have you seen the forwarded e-mail which jokes about easter crafts projects?

04 Mar 05 - 03:40 PM (#1426814)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: annamill

To me the whole thing was stupid. Now if I had millions and I was sitting next to my pool and my broker called and said "Listen, so-n-so, who owns such-n-such, just sold out his stock, maybe it be a good idea for us to sell ours". I'd sell mine. You wouldn't?


04 Mar 05 - 05:03 PM (#1426871)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Peace

Maybe. Then I would have learned home decorating tips from ol' Martha herself.

04 Mar 05 - 06:54 PM (#1426942)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Bev and Jerry

Martha Stewart was not charged with insider trading because the government didn't think it could prove its case. She was charged and convicted of lying about it.

It's been pretty well documented that George W. Bush was guilty of insider trading and he lied about it too but he hasn't gone to prison for it. At least not yet.

Bev and Jerry

04 Mar 05 - 07:02 PM (#1426950)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: open mike

we can always hope...

04 Mar 05 - 07:04 PM (#1426952)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: radriano

Apparently lying well enough can get you elected as president. The first time didn't count, ya know.

04 Mar 05 - 07:07 PM (#1426956)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: GUEST,mg

If she was an average person, yes. If she was an average millionaire, perhaps. She is a former stockbroker so certain higher standards should apply. I think she has conducted herself well throughout this, and if she was guilty she should have of course served the time. mg

04 Mar 05 - 07:17 PM (#1426961)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!

Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!

She was a girl and that she did indeed did 'go' and I suspect that she will 'go' again - but where exactly should she be 'going' and why?

04 Mar 05 - 07:20 PM (#1426963)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: SharonA

I used to work at a place that was involved with a line of products that carried her name, so the department I worked in dealt with her company, her people, and some of her business decisions and directives. As a result, I had absolutely no respect for the woman even before this whole "stock scandal" story, and the story did not surprise me in the least. I'm with radriano: I wish she would just go... I wish her name would sink into oblivion and I hope her "style" goes out of style soon.

04 Mar 05 - 07:45 PM (#1426976)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: bobad

Would'nt it be refreshing to just one time hear one of these miscreants admit to what they've done, apologize for their greed and make an attempt to turn their energies towards helping out those less fortunate than themselves?

04 Mar 05 - 08:19 PM (#1426989)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Peace

Ditto that, bobad.

04 Mar 05 - 11:49 PM (#1427095)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes, but lets hope that the miscreant is someone like Ken Lay who destroyed the retirement savings of thousands of his employees, not someone who decided to erase an email, then thought better of it and put it back. THAT'S what Martha did, and the govt. couldn't prove intent, so they got her for thinking about lying. It was a weak case carried forward solely by the weight of the federal government as prosecutor. John Ashcroft's Justice Department. Wow, I feel better about that [not!]


05 Mar 05 - 12:36 AM (#1427108)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: GUEST,Lucea

Maybe after Martha and Ken apologize, Hillary will too.

05 Mar 05 - 10:25 AM (#1427317)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: GUEST,brucie

From late October. SRS has a point.

05 Mar 05 - 10:53 AM (#1427331)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Stilly River Sage

Thanks, Brucie. That states the point very clearly.

06 Mar 05 - 04:42 AM (#1427864)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: Boab

Oh gawd! Back to the bad old days of the Leonard Cohen of the cook-shows!

06 Mar 05 - 06:21 AM (#1427908)
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
From: gnu

Hehehe. I'll bet she could do a great rendition of Cohen.