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We have a Thespian among us!

13 Mar 05 - 12:36 AM (#1433480)
Subject: We have a Thespian among us!
From: open mike

Our own darling Jimmy T is performing on stage in a musical called
Pump Boys and Dinettes - The pump boys sell high octane on Highway 57 in Grand Ole Opry country, and the dinettes (Prudie and Rhetta Cupp) run the Double Cupp diner next door. Together they fashion an evening of country western songs on guitars, piano, bass and, yes, even kitchen utensils.

ah ha--there is the connection--kitchen utensils?/!!
maybe even spatulas!

sounds like fun...Jimmy I mean Jackson..break a leg!

13 Mar 05 - 09:30 AM (#1433608)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: katlaughing

Don't forget the potato peelers, ala Night Owl's Christmas!

Congratulations, JimmyT!!!

13 Mar 05 - 09:32 AM (#1433611)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: jacqui.c

Great news Jimmy - just don't start tagging people during the performance!

13 Mar 05 - 11:21 AM (#1433656)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Liz the Squeak

If you're going to thesp in here, you make sure you clean it up!

Break a wossname sweetie!


13 Mar 05 - 10:23 PM (#1434060)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!

Will he be wearing his thongs on stage?
Have fun jimmy!

13 Mar 05 - 10:53 PM (#1434068)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: jimmyt

Blush! I do not wear a thong onstage! Apart from the occasional nude scene, it is family entertainment. Today we performed a sunday matinee, finished at 3:45, rushed home and rehearsed the real music, folk for three hours for an upcoming St Paddy's gig. What a nice thought to put this in a thread!

I am , in fact, a closet thespian. I have been performing, directing or writing shows for the last 14 years now. It has given me a different perspective on entertainment although I have been performing music since I was a kid. The one great thing the stage has done for me is bring me to the upright bass. I was going to audition for a play called Smoke on the MOuntain a few years back and the part I was auditioning for required that I play bass. I knew another performer was already a bass player and it would be difficult to possibly get the part unless I could show some hopes of being able to play a bit of bass, so I borrowed the high school bass, taught myself to muddle by a bit in three chord studd in G and D enough to get the part. I have found the bass to be my favorite instrument ever, and as a result, have come to folk music. Probably one of the more roundabout way of becoming a folkie! Thanks again for the nice sentiments.   jimmyt

13 Mar 05 - 10:54 PM (#1434069)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: jimmyt

By the way, that post has perhaps my longest run-on sentense ever! Sorry!

13 Mar 05 - 11:20 PM (#1434079)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: number 6

'Break a leg' Jimmy !



14 Mar 05 - 01:06 AM (#1434129)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Peace

Congratulations, jimmyt. I wasn't aware that you were a thespian, although I did know you were an actor. It doesn't change my opinion of you one bit. You da man.

14 Mar 05 - 04:32 AM (#1434181)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Cllr

Go for it Dr.T.!

14 Mar 05 - 12:24 PM (#1434444)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Big Mick

Good on ya! Break a leg.


14 Mar 05 - 01:13 PM (#1434481)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: thespionage

Great! I am a thespian as well, as indicated by my user name. Break a leg.

Practitioner of Thespionage

14 Mar 05 - 01:21 PM (#1434485)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Don Firth

Waitaminute, waitaminute!!! I don't get this! A thesbian is a woman who likes other women, right? Then how can jimmyt be a--

Oh! 'scuse me!

(Sorry, but it had to be done.)

Don Firth

14 Mar 05 - 02:05 PM (#1434525)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: jimmyt

Don, I am no great verbal usage expert, but I think you are thinking oa a Lebanese.

14 Mar 05 - 02:38 PM (#1434568)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Liz the Squeak

Actually, I must admit to having thesped in my youth.... in frilly knickers and period gowns no less!


14 Mar 05 - 02:59 PM (#1434597)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Rapparee

Disgusting! All these thespians coming out of the closet, practicing their horrid and unnatural practices before everybody, degrading themselves in public! Yeah, yeah, some people say it's genetic, but WE know better! As it says in the Bible or somewhere. PREverts, that's what they are! And I should know, for I once had top billing in Shaw's "Androcles." But I have since seen the light and been converted and...what? my own BROTHER?!...awards for his thespianism? BOTH brothers? AND my very own FATHER?? Well! You just can't tell, can you? Those thespians must be awfully wonderful people and should be encouraged.

Break a leg, Doc.

14 Mar 05 - 03:24 PM (#1434618)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Cool Beans

Don't know where you are, Jimmy, but you're in illustrious company. In the 1980s there was a touring "Pump Boys and Dinettes" whose cast included Tom Chapin, Maria Muldaur and a young, pre-famous Shawn Colvin. They were terrific, as I'm betting you are, too. Break a leg!

14 Mar 05 - 07:35 PM (#1434837)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Don Firth

You mean Danny Thomas liked women? Well, yeah, I would have thought so. Boy, am I getting confused!!

Don Firth

14 Mar 05 - 10:18 PM (#1434958)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: jimmyt

Danny Thomas liked boys, as in his song, Oh Danny Boy.

15 Mar 05 - 02:23 PM (#1435448)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: Don Firth

You mean he was an ancient Greek philosopher with a penchant for Irish folk songs? I thought he was a thespian.

Jeez! We're right back where we started!

Don Firth

15 Mar 05 - 04:57 PM (#1435545)
Subject: RE: We have a Thespian among us!
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Well if we are are telling our deep dark secrets- I was in a movie- with Patrick Swazey!!! (Next of Kin). Not signing my name.