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March Song Circle at SINSULL's

13 Mar 05 - 09:43 PM (#1434029)
Subject: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

March 26 at 6PM
Food (roast turkey) and drink and lots of music.
Pellegrino for Brian this time and single malt for Tom. Any other requests?

Beds for those who need one and reserve in advance. Let me know.

Any interest in setting a theme for the evening? We were over run with parodies in February.


13 Mar 05 - 11:38 PM (#1434094)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

We will be there, with Seamus, of course.

14 Mar 05 - 07:24 AM (#1434249)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

How about simply not overdoing it with any one type of song? Variety is the spice of life you know.

14 Mar 05 - 12:31 PM (#1434451)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Ah, a good vintage, I trust. I am rehearsing new old songs.


14 Mar 05 - 08:53 PM (#1434897)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: curmudgeon

Hi Mary -- Linn and I will be there. We will really need a break by then -- Tom

14 Mar 05 - 10:44 PM (#1434971)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Wouldn't be the same without you. I will reserve the Bridal Suite.

14 Mar 05 - 10:50 PM (#1434973)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Brian and Ranger1 - do you need a ride to Portsmouth for Bob Zentz's concert? Let me know.

17 Mar 05 - 12:12 PM (#1436949)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

I am attempting to shanghai a greenhorn for this voyage. We will probably be there sevenish.


17 Mar 05 - 12:46 PM (#1436975)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble


If you mean the Bob Zentz concert at the Press Room, then you'll be about 5 hours too late! The concert is on SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, 2-4 PM.

The regular sea shanty sing at the Press Room is SATURDAY, 3;30 TO 7:30 PM.

But maybe you mean Sinsull's party?

I'm going to try to make it, assuming I'm not waylaid by the Easter Bunny.

Charley Noble

17 Mar 05 - 12:53 PM (#1436982)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Dani

But you HAVE one! When I saw this thread, I thought, who's going to go to SINSULL's and play march songs?

Wish it was me....

Dani (flattened with the flu, and wishing for company, whiskey and music)

17 Mar 05 - 02:10 PM (#1437046)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

I'm sorry for the confusion. I didn't see SINSULL's post. Thanks for the invite, Charley Noble, but I think I am going to rest up after my St. Patty's Day tour and save my vocal chords for SINSULL's.


17 Mar 05 - 03:44 PM (#1437106)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Dani my dear, all you need is a plane ticket. We will take very good care of you!

17 Mar 05 - 03:52 PM (#1437115)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Or maybe you can hitch a ride up with AllanC and Carmen if they head up this way. There is always a bed and a warm meal here for you. Sorry you feel crappy.

17 Mar 05 - 08:19 PM (#1437295)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

Is that a deal, or what?

18 Mar 05 - 03:44 PM (#1437881)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Dani

Mmmmm. I'm dreaming... If I get laid off my new job and win the lottery on the same day, I'll be there.

It being an important night, I went out last night before recovery (STUPID!) and am sorry for myself again tonight. I know you would take good care of me. I'll try to do it for myself so you can do it soon ;)

How 'bout Spring for a theme? I know I don't get a vote, and it's wishful thinking for y'all, but the Yellow's on the Broom here!


18 Mar 05 - 03:53 PM (#1437890)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

I can't wait to see you, and it will be less than a month!
Does Holly still love me? I did tell you that I saved the Valentine she sent me, right? I miss my little girls so much, they went and grew up!

18 Mar 05 - 03:55 PM (#1437891)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

That should have been a PM! Glad I behaved myself LOL

18 Mar 05 - 04:21 PM (#1437908)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

You guys go get a room! This is a "family" thread.
Sorry you are feeling miserable Dani. And Kendall does talk about your Holly all the time. If jacqui doesn't mind, I sure don't.
Believe it or not I have tulips peeking up where some snow melted. Spring will be here soon. The world is always turning towards the morning.

18 Mar 05 - 04:21 PM (#1437909)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Tinker

Now Dani, maybe we can plan a summer vacation extravaganza up and down the East Coast for Mudcat Mom's and their kids. Pushing it you can go from my house to SINS in a day. But if I twist my brothers arm we've got a comfortable stop mid way... we could "invade"...what cha think


18 Mar 05 - 04:30 PM (#1437915)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Well, if that doesn't cure the flu, I don't know what does.


18 Mar 05 - 06:02 PM (#1437982)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Tinker - that sounds like a great idea - it would be so good to get together again.

And Kendall would have Holly to keep him amused as well.

20 Mar 05 - 08:51 AM (#1438886)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Tentative head count - 10 so far. Let me know. Menu - roast turkey and jacqui's chili. Wine. beer, Pepsi and Pellegrino water will be in stock. Donations of accompaniments and/or desserts gratefully accepted.

No theme - just come prepared to sing, play and socialize.

Let me know if you are staying overnight so I have enough clean sheets. Would prefer not to use the tablecloths.


20 Mar 05 - 10:19 AM (#1438935)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess

Shortbread okay again? Maybe I'll have time to make two batches. And I'm sure I'm on again to make scrambled eggs with cream cheese for the breakfast crowd.

I asked another Press Room friend who just moved from Kennebunkport to Portland to join us, but I haven't heard from her yet this morning. (Literally -- she has to e-mail me her new e-mail address so I can give her directions and particulars.)


20 Mar 05 - 11:45 AM (#1438951)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

The shanghaied greenhorn under threat of the lash has volunteered to press at least one other hand for this voyage. At least one is able-bodied. Cast an eye for our barque during the last dog watch.


(Covering one eye and standing on one leg for effect)

21 Mar 05 - 11:23 AM (#1439718)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's


22 Mar 05 - 08:01 AM (#1440426)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

I've got to find time to get some photos to Pene Azul -- various sea music sessions and the few photos I took at Sinsull's last gathering. Will bring prints along on Saturday, too. (Should I be so organized!)


22 Mar 05 - 08:45 AM (#1440450)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Looking good for attending this Saturday. We'll probably bring a pasta dish (or maybe rabbit stew) to pass and some unfinished taxes.

Charley Noble

22 Mar 05 - 06:24 PM (#1441040)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Haven't done mine either, Charley. All calculaters will be confiscated at the oor.
Pasta sounds good as does rabbit stew.

23 Mar 05 - 07:56 AM (#1441429)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

For a number of years our Easter dinner was a rabbit stew -- out of our warped sense of humor, of course. Then rabbit, alas, priced itself off our table (believe it or not).

Ya know, it just occurred to me that Sunday is Easter. (Have to send out a few more cards to relatives today.) Should we bring colored eggs to hide? Or just chocolate . . .


23 Mar 05 - 08:03 AM (#1441437)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Count me in, Mary. It'll be a nice belated birthday party for me. Mind if Clancy comes, too? Looking forward to it!

23 Mar 05 - 04:46 PM (#1441908)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Clancy is always welcome. I will color some eggs myself (Tradition) but bring some if you like and we can devil them.

25 Mar 05 - 09:46 AM (#1443467)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

This is tedious! I'm half way through a nasty cold and I seriously doubt if if should also bring it along to pass on Saturday. All you healthy folks have a good time. I'm going to stay home and brood.

Charley Noble

25 Mar 05 - 11:23 AM (#1443517)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

We will miss you Charley but thank you for keeping your germs to yourself.

Time for a final headcount:
Jacqui and Kendall
Tom and Linn
Tami + Fred and Julia?
Bobbi + two friends
Brian plus a friend

I know I am missing a few.

25 Mar 05 - 12:16 PM (#1443569)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Uncle Jaque

Well ahoy, y'all!

I have been lurking on other boards lately, but when the Pastor called and asked if I would do some music for the Easter "Sonrise" Service Sunday it sort of jogged my generally defective attention span back into "music" mode.

At $2+ a gallon for petrol, we don't go much of anyplace out of the ordinary any more. My adopted Neice in Germany was paying about $1.50 a LITER last I knew, so we've a ways to go yet.

Gosh; I do miss you guys, and the Portland area Shanty hoots we used to have. Picking up my guitar today was made painfully aware of just how punky I've let my fretting callouses become.

I have a new gig for the past couple of months co-hosting a Saturday Morning talk show on WLOB from 6 to 9 AM. It's a lot of fun and I seem to take to it like a fish to water (being the ratchet-jaw that I'm wont to be), but I don't think it's anything that anyone here wants to listen to, particularly. (Trust me on that!)
I've even had occasion to sing a couple of short snippets of Sea Chantys live on the air now and then. Some of our callers have even requested it!

Is this gathering going to be in Portsmouth, Portland, or somewhere in between? Sure sounds like fun, anyways.

Have a ball - UJ

25 Mar 05 - 01:50 PM (#1443650)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Uncle Jaque,

Answering your quesion poses a quandry. Why don't you call me?


25 Mar 05 - 01:54 PM (#1443653)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Oh, I hate mixing metafores...


25 Mar 05 - 02:49 PM (#1443702)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess at Work

Hey, Uncle Jaque! Sinsull's been living in South Portland for years now! (Well, a couple at least.)

We're beginning to think you're a figment of our imagination.


25 Mar 05 - 03:09 PM (#1443717)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Nanart is supposed to appear.
Uncle Jacque - PM Brian for directions. I am hopeless.

25 Mar 05 - 05:23 PM (#1443835)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Yeah, Uncle Jaque, what everybody else said.


25 Mar 05 - 06:02 PM (#1443865)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

I'm sick, or else I likely would have tried this time. Turkey's a powerful incentive! Unfortunately, it feels like I have a small one stuffed up each nostril, feathers and all...with stuffing...

...and lots and lots of gravy.

Have fun, youse guys!

25 Mar 05 - 06:34 PM (#1443881)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Sorry Jeri. I have cranberry and orange juices for you.

25 Mar 05 - 08:43 PM (#1443956)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

ACHOOO to you, Jeri.

When I find the villain who gave me this cold...You don't have a cold by the way, do you?

Charley Noble

25 Mar 05 - 09:10 PM (#1443968)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

Yes, it's a cold, but I figure you and I might have gotten it from the same villain, so don't come after me.

SINS, if I thought I could stay conscious enough for the drive and subsequent singing, and I wanted to be South Portland's very own "Typhoid Mary" (no offense intended), I might still try to make it. Otherwise, I'm going to sleep, wear slob clothes, stick string beads, and watch all the gentle, kind people on Mudcat rip each other new buttholes in the political threads.

Brían, if one MUST mix them, one should have one's metaphors shaken, not stirred. They're a lot like similes, only different. Less vermouth, I think.

25 Mar 05 - 09:36 PM (#1443977)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Uncle Jaque

Well, well, now!

Brian; I ain't got yo numbah to call, and I lost your E-dressie about 3 crashes ago. South portland ain't that bad, 'specially since I'll be in Portland at the WLOB studios till 9 in the Morning.

The host, Kevin, has already asked me to have a song ready; live radio is SOOOO much fun! Since we put out 100,000 Watts covering most of Maine and Eastern NH I try not to mess up too bad - and fake it the best I can when I do!

Yeah; I can see how I might be degenerating into a figment of imagination ... better than a fragment of immigration, we might suppose...

I think Bat Goddess still has my E-mail addy; or drop me a line at - can't be much worse that the spam I get for pills and potions that I have absolutely no use for and such.

And yes, I am chronicly navigationally challenged, and will need directions that a cucumber could understand.

Jeri; sorry to hear about your affliction; I had a cold a couple of weeks ago too. Seems like you've had a lot of sinus/congestion issues?... I've gotta wonder about allergies. When we lived in an old farmhouse in NH it seems i was sick all the time; led to chronic bronchitis and asthma after a while. Turns out it was a allergy to spores of mould and mildew typically found in old buildings. After we moved to a new house in ME, I got better. Allergies can do weird things to a body - but being in the business you'd know that.

In the unlikely event that I can chew through my leash and make it, you'll be missed!

Sure would like to get back in the song circle again, just for old time's sake at the very least.

"Politics", Jeri? I thought ye had that all cut, split, sorted out and stacked to dry a couple of years ago.
Hmmm... now that you mention it, perhaps I'd better peel a few bumper stickers off of "Old Red" the dump van before I show up, just to be on the safe side... {8^{D~

26 Mar 05 - 06:51 AM (#1444123)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I have been sick, sick, sick with whatever the damn thing is that's going around here, so I've been lurking and hoping- but nope. I'm still woozy and exhausted and I ain't driving no 2 1/2 hours, much as I had hoped to surprise you all.

Have a great time! Maybe some other month!


26 Mar 05 - 09:20 AM (#1444172)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Jeri

And I said "stick string beads" which means "string beads" or "stick beads on a string," depending on stage of editing and fuzziness of brain.

S'not (cheap shot) allergies, Jaque. I was hoping it was, but it's following a cold-like course and the allergy meds don't help. I'm making enough gross noises for a whole ward-full of patients. You don't want me there. It'd be more like "Lift him up and SNNNNNORT carry him a-HACK, HACK-long, sniff fire, Marehhh--CHOO-go,... etc."

Again, have fun and please let us know how it goes.

26 Mar 05 - 01:45 PM (#1444212)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Uncle Jaque

Well; here we are, then! The cat seems to have been down a wee bit there, as it's been a couple of hours that I couldn't raise ye.

Well gosh, Jeri; cpt. Noble came up with a pretty fair puking chanty in "Dramamine"; he ought to be able to come up with a snorting chanty on short notice.

Sounds like our unfortunate Animaterra could've used one if not both of the above of late... Hope you both get a whole lot better PDQ, whatever it is.

I'm still in need of directions; don't have a GPS, so grid coordinates won't do me an' Ol' Red much good, sad ter say.
Domestic Management is not wild about the idea of my bolting for the evening, but I'm just ornery enough to do it anyway, dadblast it!
Can't stay too late or get wasted though, as I've a gig at Sonrise Service @ Church @ 0630 hrs. Sunday.

   Now I'd better break out the duck tape and cover some o'those bumper stickers over... Write on 'em with magic marker "Can't we all just get along?" or some such.

Standing by...

26 Mar 05 - 01:51 PM (#1444217)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Brían

Uncle Jaque,

If you recall my last name and spelling of the first(just protecting my privacy), you can find it in your phone book. We miss your comassionate conservative presence in our gatherings.


26 Mar 05 - 05:07 PM (#1444364)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Gaaa! I must check my spelling. I meant compassionate.


26 Mar 05 - 05:16 PM (#1444371)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Uncle Jaque

Sorry, Brian; about the only thing I recall about your last name is that I had some difficulty pronouncing it... *Duh*, eh?

BatGoddess Emailed me some directions, with the warning not to attempt following any directions recieved from Sinsull....

Well... All right, then...

Methinks I'll try one of those online map thingies, just for hoots.

Domestic Management is actually considering coming along.
We've both got a big day tomorrow though; I've got Church and then we go to Daughter's up in Winthrop for a big Family dinner and get together.

As an aside, Daughter, who you might like to know is a Wildlife Biologist and certifiable Environmental Whackko, is taking guitar lessons and shows considerable potential.

You'd like her; she's adamantly opposed to picking the flowers in ANWR, much less drilling for anything there!
Love 'er a bunch anyhoo!

And yes, I do try to be a pretty compassionate guy for a "conservative", even though you might find it amusing that i've essentially been kicked out of the Republican Party - proably for being a tad too passionate about a few things, and a general pain in the thuchus to them as much as I am to the "progressive" side of the fence.   

And yes; I just went out with the hair dryer on an extension cord and pulled a couple of "W" stickers off ol' Red. 'Bout time anyway, I reckon.

No garuntee, but hopes t' see yuz 'dere, Mate!

27 Mar 05 - 11:02 AM (#1444803)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Well Uncle Jaque and his better half did arrive due to the directions provided by BAt Goddess. I think everyone enjoyed his adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson poem, REQUIUM and the the other gems. I made the mistake of taking a helping od cheese cake and chocolate mousse. SINSULL's rendition of WAIT TILL THE SUN SHINES NELLY and SHE'S ONLY A BIRD IN A GILDED CAGE. BobBi's ode to gin was a treasure. I have to listen to the precius tape to remember all the gems. I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter brunch!


27 Mar 05 - 11:05 AM (#1444808)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Gaaa! I meant precious tape (I'm going to use Word Document from now on)!


27 Mar 05 - 11:24 AM (#1444833)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Charley Noble

Glad to hear Uncle Jaque and the rest of you had a good time.

I'm sure that Jeri and I could have amused ourselves, and perhaps others, with a snot-off, but it's s'not what I'd do was I sober.

We'll have a peaceful Easter Dinner with Judy's family this afternoon, with a couple of "friendly" hands of spades followed by ham, yam, and as many similar rhymes as I can put together, I'll see if I can amuse my niece with a song or two.

Charley Noble

27 Mar 05 - 12:12 PM (#1444874)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

The breakfast crowd just left and all is back to "normal". Brian modestly omitted mentioning three songs he wrote himself - wonderfully traditional in feel. My favorite, the one about selling off a family house and its treasures. And Uncle Jacques treated us to some of his original works - RLS set to music. Brilliant. Jacqui and Kendall could only stay a short time but shared some English ballads and a parody or two. So wonderful to see Kendall sing and play again. The Gin Song is a classic. I missed Tami's "Irish" song - kitchen duties. Linn's Aunt Clara got us onto a Gay Nineties theme which made me deliriously happy. Tom and Kendall did an instrumental Maggie May - another "Moment". I am sure I am forgetting something or someone. Chalk it up to lack of sleep. Thank you all. It was fun.

27 Mar 05 - 02:16 PM (#1444955)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: kendall

It was a pleasure to see Uncle J and the Mrs. last night. Plan to come more often.
Sorry I had to leave early, I'm still in a lot of pain from that colonoscopy.

27 Mar 05 - 08:20 PM (#1445201)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Uncle Jaque

AAaarrrgh! A grand time it was, tho' a few of our regular participants who were down with the auge and currah... or something to that effect - were missed!
time fer a wee bit o'the spring tonic, I reckons!

I will attempt to link to a couple of pics just put up on Photobucket -

Folk-Feast At Sinsull's; March 26, 2005

Curmudeon and Bat Goddess; "Wagoners" (Or something like that...)

   Domestic Management had a good time as well, for which I am certainly grateful. She doesn't get out much these days.
Apparently she even offered to host another one of these things at our place in Yarmouth (about 20 minutes North of Sinsull's).
If we can get 23 Family members in here for Thanksgiving Dinner, we ought to be able to cram a few Folkies into the parlor, I reckons!

We've even got a piano in there, which hardly anybody ever uses.
It needs a tuning reeeeally bad, but if anyone might be interested we could try and get it tuned I suppose. About all I use it for is tuning my guitar, and it's probably of limited use for that now.

It certainly was good to get back into the ol' song circle again.
It's been a while, hasn't it?

27 Mar 05 - 08:54 PM (#1445228)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Yes, a rather flattering picture of me chowing down on the remnants of the turkey. Séamus appears to be enjoying the food as well. Ranger1 pointed out that when my Better Half arrived with the dog, we had three Irish pets with Irish names: Séamus, Clancy and Gráinne. I would love to host a gathering sometime this summer when my life isn't so stressed out.


27 Mar 05 - 09:15 PM (#1445229)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Uncle Jaque

Avast, me Mateys!; We might just have us a Folkie conspiracy goin' on here for the Summer of '05.

Shiver me timbers; Aaaarh!

Kendall; if that tummyache isn't pretty much better by Monday, I hope you mention it to your sawbones; they don't talk about it much, but every so often there's a complication to that procedure know as a "perforation", which can lead to, among other things, "Peritonitis".

Jeri could probably explain it better than I could.

Now an acute case of that is what I had right after my appendix blew up some years ago. Can't remember anything before or since that hurt that bad - was all I could do to breathe. You do NOT want to go there - just trust me on that one!

Joy be with ye all, 'till we meet again!


27 Mar 05 - 10:13 PM (#1445245)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's

Summer Session in Yarmouth. Fourth of July? Sleeping quarters available in South Portland for anyone coming from afar. Life is very good.

27 Mar 05 - 10:13 PM (#1445246)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Kendall's pain has eased off a little today with rest and careful feeding. I think that his system was irritated by the invasive treatment and that it will hopefully settle down in a couple of days. Thanks UJ for the thought anyway - trust me - if I think that he needs it I'll call the doctor myself.

Short but sweet - we had a good evening and enjoyed the company. It's good to llok forward to more gatherings in the coming months.

29 Mar 05 - 01:45 PM (#1446003)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: ranger1

Thanks for the great fun and hospitality, Sinsull! Looking forward to next month already! I'm going to tell my boss at the park that he's going to have to close on the 4th saturday of the month from now on! Hoping he takes it well.
Well, off to finish the last minute packing.

29 Mar 05 - 09:43 PM (#1446503)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: GUEST,Julia

Hi guys- sorry we missed it! Recovering from eight gigs in 6 daze in various places like CT MA and VT.
Plus the Easter bunny had to hop..
(In the morning, the Easter morning, the bunny hops for you
OOOEEEEE cette une bunny day)

Never mind, just a touch of the plague

Hey Ranger, singing again, hunh? Could get habit forming...

If you can'y get away from the park this summer. mayhaps we could invade?

BTW- I think I have lost your e-mail in one of our computer mishaps. PLease send me a message on the regular internet confirming your current address

Ta ta fer noo- Hope we'll see you all next time... oops I just checked. We'll be playing in Stonington

29 Mar 05 - 11:23 PM (#1446557)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

I am visualizing invasive infestation of Maine's estuaries by an unusually resistant strain of fauna: the folksinger.


02 Apr 05 - 07:42 AM (#1449911)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: jacqui.c

Well, I've now managed to send some photos to Jeff for inclusion in the events section. For a non technical person that really is an achievement!


02 Apr 05 - 10:33 AM (#1450019)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Brían

Try this clickie: SINSULL's Song Circle


05 May 05 - 07:37 AM (#1478650)
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
From: Bat Goddess

I finally sent photos to Jeff -- and they're the second page of the blue clicky above.
