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BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?

08 Apr 05 - 08:27 PM (#1455816)
Subject: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

If you had to choose from three things in life that really bug you, what would those three things be? Not stuff like politics or war or religion; rather, some little things that drive ya crazy.

Mine are as follows:

1) Those damned labels on the inside of the elastic band of underwear--so I end up wearing my underwear inside out so the label doesn't touch my skin

2) Toilet paper that doesn't tear along the serrated (sp?) line that is put there so the toilet paper tears along the serrated line whick it then doesn't

3) Labels with warnings written in tiny print--and when ya get the magnifying glass to read it, it tells you that there MAY be traces of peanuts or other nuts in your--you guessed it--bag of peanuts.

That was the monkey on my back today. Thank you for helping me get it off.

08 Apr 05 - 08:56 PM (#1455835)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

(1) Automatic drip coffeemakers that are impossible to pour water into without making a mess.

(2) Replacement battery-packs for cordless drills that cost 95ยข less than what you originally paid for the entire drill kit.

(3) My digital pocketwatch that alarms at 8:50 every evening despite my having tried every possible combination of button mashing to make it stop. Trust me, in 55 minutes it'll go off. If I ever actually need to awaken or do anything in particular at 8:50 PM, I'm covered.

08 Apr 05 - 09:08 PM (#1455843)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

That's a 1/86,400 shot. It may happen, but don't hold yer breath.

08 Apr 05 - 09:08 PM (#1455844)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Azizi

Three things that bug me are

1} The aluminun foil that won't come off the roll right so you end
   up having to tear it away

2} Stores that don't take off the burgler thingamagiggies and you have
   off the clothes but the alarm doesn't go off and you don't know
   that plastic do-hicky is still on till you get all the way home

3) Daylight Saving Time- I guess it's makes sense but particularly
   in the Fall I feel that I've had an hour taken from me-well not
   just me..I don't personalize it..well okay I do.

08 Apr 05 - 09:11 PM (#1455847)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

If you had Bee-dubya-ell's watch the daylight savings thing wouldn't be a problem.

08 Apr 05 - 10:15 PM (#1455874)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Azizi

I have a built in alarm system in my head. If I tell myself to wake up at a certain time, I do.

So I don;t need of alarm clocks. As a matter of fact, that's another thing that bugs me.

That makes 4 things.

["Ooh! She can count!!", folks exclaimed.]

08 Apr 05 - 10:38 PM (#1455881)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I wake up by the sun. It doesn't matter what time the clock says. But I have the luxury of not having a regular job so I don't have to be someplace at a certain hour. I didn't like it very much when I had to wake up at 5:30 and it was still dark outside. It ain't natural.

08 Apr 05 - 10:59 PM (#1455886)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

1] tinnitus

2] eczema..

..and weak pathetic over obese smokers
who turn central heating up high and shut all doors and windows
in public places

3] stupid fucking middle-class selfish single issue voting
trust fund/inheritance cosseted pampered lifestyle
moral high-groud monopolising hippy twats

4] tories

5] haemoroids

08 Apr 05 - 11:00 PM (#1455887)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

.. sorry..

was i only allowed 3 monkey buggers..???

08 Apr 05 - 11:36 PM (#1455899)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Why, no! You can have all the monkey buggers you want!

See, any thread Murcoch starts eventually gets 'round to talking about unnatural acts with either ruminants, or monkeys. Well, occasionally with green leafy vegetable as well, but we won't talk about that.

08 Apr 05 - 11:44 PM (#1455906)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bill D

1) ignorance..(not stupidity...I can tolerate people who can't help it, but not those who won't TRY to learn stuff.)

2) people (84.613% women) in grocery stores who stand in the middle of the asile, with one hand on their cart, blocking the entire asile while they contemplate whether to get Cream of Asparagus or Chicken Noodle today. I suspect some of those people are just stupid, so I don't yell at them.

3) Military types who refer to hidden weapons as 'cachets' rather than 'caches'...I suspect many of THESE are ignorant.

you did say 3 so I won't mention red-light runners.....or modern packages that require an axe to open.....or cute female news-readers who can manage to sound 'perky' when reporting on horrendous train wrecks...

09 Apr 05 - 12:01 AM (#1455914)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: mack/misophist

Motorcycles that weave in and out of traffic. More dangerous than cars that do the same IMO.

Links to news articles that are carefully worded to avoid telling you what the story is about.

People who drive 15 mph on a 30 mph street and then run the red light they've forced you to stop at.

09 Apr 05 - 12:04 AM (#1455915)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Amos

COntrary-wise, dear friend Bill, I get incensed at stupidity, while I find ignorance (an unawareness of facts) easily remedied by information. Telling people is easy enough. But the willfully stupid are just irritating as all git out. But I have thought it over and see your view also -- willful ignorance and innocent stupidity.

In either condition it is the willful assertion of it that drives me nuts.


09 Apr 05 - 01:02 AM (#1455950)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: PoppaGator

I hate bumper stickers with long wordy messages in itty bitty type (i.e., to small to read except at a dead standstill).

Inquiring minds want to know what they say, even while zooming along on the interstate, and it's just not possible, even when risking life and limb in an effort to get close enough to read.

09 Apr 05 - 01:22 AM (#1455958)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: freda underhill

the little sticky labels on apples.

the missing pen beside the phone.

not remembering the third one.

09 Apr 05 - 01:23 AM (#1455959)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: heric

People behind you to the left or right, who interpret your turn indicator as a signal that they must speed up quickly. In other words, by experimental results, everyone in my city.

09 Apr 05 - 05:43 AM (#1456017)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: gnu

heric : "People behind you to the left or right, who interpret your turn indicator as a signal that they must speed up quickly."

Those peolple would list me because, at the point of activating my signal, I have the right of way, and I take it. Of course, part of my boldness comes from driving an old pickup truck. I find those drivers you refer to are usually driving a sporty little import.

A fun tip (for daylight hours). After you change lanes and they are so irate that they weren't able to cut you off and decide to tailgate you in protest, turn on your lights and speed up at the same time.

09 Apr 05 - 06:01 AM (#1456023)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: George Papavgeris

Oooh, come on guys, you used up almost all of mine! But not quite...

1) Intolerant people; I can't abide by them, I won't give them a second chance :-)

2) Bigotry

3) Holier-than-thou-ness, in any form. I once walked into a lift having recently put out a cigarette, and no doubt my breath smelled; the lady that joined me in the lift immediately began a tirade about secondary smoking and berated me for having entered the lift with her and endangering her life. I told her that, no matter how hard she tried, I would not french-kiss her - what else could I say?

4) The hair I sometimes find in my toothbrush - how did it get there?

5) E-numbers on food packages that tell me sod all about the ingredients

6) Itches in the middle of the back, where I cannot reach (I have three back-scratchers in the house, but when outside I have been known to use door-posts, knives, and in one case a frying-pan)

7) Fresh today: The Curator and GUEST,RUN-with--an-accent; but that's really a combination of 1), 2) and 3) above plus ignorance and malice.

09 Apr 05 - 09:09 AM (#1456173)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bill D

Amos...I guess I should have defined 'stupidity' as the congenital sort of brain dis-function....

Of course, the stupid CAN also exhibit a level of ignorance, which is probably the 'willful' aspect we both decry......(Neither is likely to use the locution 'decry')

09 Apr 05 - 09:31 AM (#1456191)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I'll take the easy ones:

1. SUVS (Just had a guy back into me across two lanes of traffic while I was sitting quietly, parked in my car.

2. People talking on cell phones while they're driving SUVS.

3. People who sing two songs in a row in a sing around when the rule is that everyone just sing ONE SONG!

Them ain't monkeys, brucie... they is King Kong and his two brothers, Fred and George.


09 Apr 05 - 09:32 AM (#1456192)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly

1. "arguements", "discussions", "debates" -- whatever you wanna call 'em -- that begin with a dictionary definition.

2. chain-reaction problems (I can't fix this until I fix this until I fix this until I...)

3. my swiss cheese memory.

I can remember what I don't need at random times and never what I do need when I need it.

I can literally be in a discussion completely unaware that I know something and then, suddenly remember almost everything about it.

I can play a song through a krillion times and forget it on the krillion-and-first time through.

09 Apr 05 - 09:34 AM (#1456195)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly

(related to number 2 -- simultaneous problems/breakdowns -- you can't figure out what's wrong with something because, as it turns out, there are actually two things wrong with the thing)

09 Apr 05 - 09:35 AM (#1456197)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: RangerSteve

People who walk around shirtless with their underpant showing above their pants. It's called UNDERwear. It goes UNDER your pants. I can't believe this needs to be explained. I am not impressed with your Calvin Klein underpants. Actually, I think it's ridiculous that you paid twice the price for something that is probably no better than the less expensive brands.

Yuppie women who stand in the grocery store aisle, bragging to each other about their childrens' soccer scores and totally ignoring the people who want to pass by. You can say "Excuse me" until you're blue in the face, and the most you'll get is that they'll look at you as if you're covered with rodent shit, but mostly they just ignore you.

People who can't close the milk cartons at the self-serve coffee counters in convenience stores. It takes a fraction of a second out of your lives to flick the carton closed, but you can't do it. Didn't any of you people have mothers? CLOSE THE DAMNED CARTON WHEN YOU'RE DONE!!

Thank you.

09 Apr 05 - 09:36 AM (#1456199)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly


4. Americans on international chat/discussion forums who adopt "Brit-speak". I wish they'd bugger off.

09 Apr 05 - 09:37 AM (#1456200)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly

...they bug the shite out of me.

09 Apr 05 - 09:37 AM (#1456201)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bill D

those are called "embedded problems" John Hardly, defined as......noooooo!!!!!!! arrgghh...*thump*

09 Apr 05 - 09:38 AM (#1456203)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: RangerSteve

And another thing, while I was typing the above, I got cut off. My internet provider thinks that if I spend more than three minutes at a web-site without clicking something, or showing some other sign of life, that I'm not using the computer, and therefore should be cut off. I'm reading, goddamn it. I don't have the attention span of an MTV viewer. I like to read. I'll decide when I want to shut down my computer. OK?

09 Apr 05 - 09:53 AM (#1456217)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Sorcha

When they put the price label over the information you want to read.
When the sale flyer indicates an item is on sale. I go to get it, but it's out of stock
Cling film

09 Apr 05 - 10:20 AM (#1456223)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: GUEST,Bee-dubya-ell

Re the turn signal thing above...

The difference between small-town driving and big-city driving in a nutshell:

In a small town, turning on one's turn signal to signal a lane change means "May I come over, please?"

In a big city, turning on one's turn signal to signal a lane change means "I'm coming over!" If you wait for drivers in Atlanta to be courteous, you'll run out of gas before you ever get off the Loop.

09 Apr 05 - 11:46 AM (#1456243)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: George Papavgeris

Here's a gorilla:

People who say they'll call you back in half an hour, and you then wait for them for 2 hours, not doing what you intended, in case they call.

Happened just now.

Well, sod Charlie boy; I don't care if he was too busy in that crowd.

09 Apr 05 - 12:17 PM (#1456256)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Mary in Kentucky

About the only thing that ever irritates me is people parking in a handicapped spot without a sticker. It doesn't seem to bother other people as much as it bothers me.

09 Apr 05 - 12:30 PM (#1456271)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Mary in Kentucky

gnu, another fun tip...

When someone passes you at night and cuts you off, follow them just a little to the left, off-center. Your headlights in their side mirror can be irritating. I learned this when commuting. Of course you can always act real dumb (easy for me) if the person has road rage and tries to come after you.

I also learned while commuting in the "East End" of a big city vs. the "West End." The BMW's are the rudest drivers. Those junkers with no tail lights are ususally more polite.

09 Apr 05 - 12:53 PM (#1456292)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

1 That shop down the road which had consisitently provided me with alchohol for three years, until the day i turned eighteen when i was asked for ID which i didn't have.

2 Dogs with an unnatural attraction to peoples legs.

3 Running out of smokes three minutes after the shop shuts.

09 Apr 05 - 01:10 PM (#1456309)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Oh, and gasket compound with an unnatural attraction to my hair.

09 Apr 05 - 01:59 PM (#1456343)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

Bananas and people who don't let ya know about them. I haven't bought bananas in years because I couldn't see the point. I would skin 'em and throw away the bone. Then there was nothing left to eat. SOMEONE coulda told me.

09 Apr 05 - 02:11 PM (#1456353)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Metchosin

One of my monkeys is drawer in our kitchen that we call Jack's drawer, because nobody wants to admit possession. It is filled to the brim with stuff that was once deemed too valuable to toss.

Old screws and other small parts of stuff, the purpose of which has long been forgotten, old combs, kinder egg toys, small prizes from bygone Christmas crackers, tiny flashlights, which someone hoped eventually to figure out a way to replace the battery.

There's everthing from random guitar strings of unknown guage and blue hockey tape?, to small packets of motel soap. Scattered in the bottom, beebees, bobby pins, thumb tacks, push pins and paper clips and pill bottles half filled by some brave soul who abandonded an attempt to organize the mess. As a result Jack's drawer has now spread to the drawer below, now known as, Jack's other drawer.

09 Apr 05 - 02:28 PM (#1456368)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Bloddy hell, that shop down the road is messing with my head....just went down and and was sold a bottle of Jack Daniels without a moments hesitation, then went to the tobbacco counter where i had to produce my birth certificate (i'd come prepared this time) to purchase cigarettes...

09 Apr 05 - 02:30 PM (#1456372)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

Jaysus, BI, why Jack Daniel's? No GOOD hooch in Scotland?

09 Apr 05 - 02:32 PM (#1456376)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

I just like's expensive enough to sound classy, but you don't find pretentious twits standing around discussing it's 'deep blackberry and peat overtones, with just a hint of rat piss' :0)

09 Apr 05 - 02:34 PM (#1456378)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace


Uh, yes, it has a delicate nose and a fine bouquet. Robust yet smooth with just a hint of the soils close to Muscat. Fine legs. Yes, huh.

09 Apr 05 - 02:36 PM (#1456380)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Lol....besides, nothing complements a debaucherous evening quite so well as Jack.

09 Apr 05 - 02:39 PM (#1456387)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?

More refined than sucking the piss out of dead horse, really.

09 Apr 05 - 02:42 PM (#1456393)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Metchosin

Well hell, if you just want to get pissed without pretention, why not mix a bit of absolute ethol alcohol with pancake syrup. Sort of like making your own Southern Discomfort.

09 Apr 05 - 02:47 PM (#1456398)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Good grief, it's the piss-up police! :0)
Come on folks, i'm from Ayrshire... round here, classy drinking is getting your Special Brew from the chiller cabinet and drinking your Buckfast from a plastic cup, rather than the bottle.

09 Apr 05 - 03:20 PM (#1456441)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?

1. Customer Service Centers of large companies that advertise that they are always ready to help you and then have 47 items on their phone menu and none of them lead to a real person.

2. Customer Service Centers of large companies that advertise that they are always ready to help you and then have 47 items on their phone menu and none of them lead to a real person

3. Customer Service Centers of large companies that advertise that they are always ready to help you and then have 47 items on their phone menu and none of them lead to a real person

09 Apr 05 - 03:21 PM (#1456442)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Metchosin

jeez, in some parts around here its a bottle of aftershave beneath the Johnson street bridge.

09 Apr 05 - 06:26 PM (#1456580)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

1. British Telecom 1571 Voicemail that cuts in on the second ring, and prevents me from calling my elderly mother, because she can't get to it in time. She didn't request it, and has repeatedly told them she doesn't want it.

2. British Telecom staff who have been telling me for two years "Yes, we understand the problem, and we will discontinue 1571 on your mother's number immediately". It's still on!

3. British Telecom, for insisting that customers pay Premium Line Charges incurred as a result of fraudulent setups, which BT could easily prevent, were it not for the fact that they get one third of the money. Accessories before and after the fact usually are prosecuted, but not, it seems, BT.

Don T.

09 Apr 05 - 08:56 PM (#1456660)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

1) Commercials on the bloody TV. I don't have a TV, don't want a TV and don't watch TV. But the commercials are there and that really pisses me off.

2) Those stoopid commercials for movies thht are on the VHS in front of the movie ya really want to watch.

3) Those stoopid commercials for movies that are in front of the movie ya really want to watch that are the movie you are about to watch, and now ya don't have to because ya saw every scene in the movie that's worth watching before ya get to the bloody movie.

10 Apr 05 - 09:21 AM (#1457030)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

And those commercials that rattle on for two minutes, and you don't have a clue, at the end, what they were advertising.

And the fact that you have set your volume to hear the programme comfortably, then the ads arrive and they crank up the watts till it blows you out of your chair.

Don T.

10 Apr 05 - 01:28 PM (#1457233)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly

I wish I were a Brit
I'd never again say "shit"
It sounds so erudite
when made to rhyme with "white"

And "fecking", so I've heard,
Is another British word
just oozing savoir-faire
To the backward Yankee ear.

Only the uncultured masses
Refer to "tits" and "asses"
The Queen sits on 'er "oss" so
that's the proper way to go.

oo oo oo I wanna be like You oo oo
I wanna walk like you, talk like you

10 Apr 05 - 01:30 PM (#1457239)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Bill D

you won't feel the fetters,
if you just add some extra letters.

10 Apr 05 - 02:29 PM (#1457297)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Mary in Kentucky

A u is nice to add.

You're showing your true colours.

10 Apr 05 - 02:33 PM (#1457299)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Mudlark

1. The obstinate, gross-grained contrariness of things.

2. Labels on even soft fruit, peaches, plums, which must be washed labels and all, as removing the label removes the skin.

3. Scratchy labels on T shirts, blouses, anything that fits around the neck. At least you can turn underwear inside out...while showing off your CK's...

10 Apr 05 - 02:46 PM (#1457312)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: John Hardly


Good humour. And they say Americans don't get British Why, I bet that somewhere in the US they are still showing reruns of Benny Hill. And that Bucket woman.

*fade out to sound of "yackity sax"*

10 Apr 05 - 02:55 PM (#1457317)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

They are still showing Coronation Street in Canada. Mostly trying to have Canadians figure out what they're saying. It's about stuff, right?

10 Apr 05 - 03:47 PM (#1457366)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Metchosin

Speaking of English TV programmes, I'm really, really damned pissed that Bad Girls has been dropped here in Canada! Just when I was getting into it and had discovered the fine acting skills of Linda Henry. Nobody beats the Brits when it comes to character representation. The writing, the directing and the acting are without parallel, but instead, we get more American reality shit.....f course we still have Bubbles.

10 Apr 05 - 06:42 PM (#1457530)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: 42

I wish I were Blissfuly Ignorant. Must be a by product of youth.

10 Apr 05 - 10:44 PM (#1457677)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

"Come on folks, i'm from Ayrshire... round here, classy drinking is getting your Special Brew from the chiller cabinet and drinking your Buckfast from a plastic cup, rather than the bottle."

Must be pretty classy. You got cups? Pardon me . . . .

11 Apr 05 - 02:48 AM (#1457761)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Shanghaiceltic

1. People using mobile phones in cinemas and theatres, commonplace here.

2. Idiots on bikes who cut lights and complain that you've nearly killed them.

3. Idiots in Govt, Military and Police vehicles who ignore every fceking rule that might have existed in the Chinese highway code.

4. Being asked if it is always foggy in London!

5. Not being able to find my cipin/tippers after a rather boozy session, they must be able to make homing cipin.

11 Apr 05 - 07:03 AM (#1457843)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: GUEST,ragdall

1. Dust. Where does it come from and why must it settle on my furniture and fridgetop?

2. Sock lint. How do threadbare socks manages to continue to deposit lint all over the bedroom carpet?

3.0 Well-meaning people who submit my "private" email address to sites which collect email addresses to sell, by offering a contest or a free e-card.

3.1 e-mail messages, ninety percent of which, are the email addresses of the intended recipients. This includes my "private" e-mail address, which has now been revealed to two hundred of their closest friends who may then sell it, (see 3.0). Is it so hard to use the Bcc for address lists?

11 Apr 05 - 11:24 AM (#1458036)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Dave the Gnome

Disappearing tools. Now, where is that screwdriver? I had it 30 seconds ago! C'mon, who's moved it?

Ditto to whoever was talking about people blocking up supermarket aisles. Triple so for people who have already been served blocking up the bar when I want a drink!

My boss. What makes her think that Mudcat isn't a valuable use of the companies time;-)



11 Apr 05 - 11:42 AM (#1458047)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Fibula Mattock

1) people

2) people

3) people

11 Apr 05 - 01:37 PM (#1458134)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Azizi

1. bugs

2. bugs

3. bugs

The creepy, crawly yuckky kind.

And the Internet kind too.

And that other kind of bugs that are used to listen in to people's telephone conversations.

What a boring job that must be!

11 Apr 05 - 03:23 PM (#1458224)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: mg

digital radio tuners so you have to poke a button a hundred times to get a station

carpet tacked down to almost any floor but especially in are they going to keep it clean?

flourescent lights, especially in schools where they damage the health of children and staff

listening to music on tapes because you have to rewind them to play the song over and over

building of houses that fly away in tornados, burn up etc.

children who are not taught to behave (likewise teens)


11 Apr 05 - 04:41 PM (#1458294)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: LilyFestre

1. Finding that no one put a fresh bottle of water in the fridge to get cold after they took the last one out.

2. The garbage guy who rarely comes on time.

3. Students at school who park me in from time to time.


12 Apr 05 - 05:20 AM (#1458790)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: Peace

Michelle: Take a tip from the gal in "Fried Green Tomatoes." The students will never park you in again.

12 Apr 05 - 06:44 AM (#1458847)
Subject: RE: BS: Me an' my monkey. What bugs you?
From: LilyFestre


"Face it gals, I'm older and have more insurance!!!!!!"

LOVE IT!!!!!!
