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BS: Line-romancing

10 Dec 98 - 04:18 AM (#48807)
Subject: Line-romancing
From: Drusilla Black

I've been intrigued by tales I read about matches being made over the internet. It even happened to the daughter of someone I know. She virtually 'met' someone in a forum discussing literature; they subsequently really met and last I heard were engaged to wed. So are there any tales of Mudcat matchmaking?

10 Dec 98 - 03:04 PM (#48862)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Joe Offer

....not yet, but I'm still available....

10 Dec 98 - 03:34 PM (#48867)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Drusilla

a once in a lifetime Offer

10 Dec 98 - 06:42 PM (#48895)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Dawn

For real, Joe, or are you just teasing?

10 Dec 98 - 08:00 PM (#48903)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Annraoi

You've been eavesdropping on Philippa and I. Mór an náire daoibh uilig !!! Annraoi

11 Dec 98 - 01:01 AM (#48942)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Big Mick

Is fi/or duit!

Slan go foill,


11 Dec 98 - 01:45 AM (#48950)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Art Thieme

Lotsa talk--no action that I can see.

The sad truth of the limits of the web...

No pregnancies after all.

Beam me up!

11 Dec 98 - 01:50 AM (#48952)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Barbara

Very funny, Scotty; now beam up my clothes.

11 Dec 98 - 04:07 AM (#48966)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: May Best

Scotty, come up and seance some time

(Annraoi, dè mar a tha thu?)

11 Dec 98 - 07:24 AM (#48975)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Zorro

The singles clubs, I understand, have taken quite a hit because of chats, e-mail, etc. I know that ours here in Houston has. It would be interesting to know who among the mud catters are single. Or who is about to be because of spending so much time on line. Zorro

11 Dec 98 - 08:03 AM (#48982)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Allan C.

Bloody but unvowed!

11 Dec 98 - 08:34 AM (#48987)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Hank

Still single after all these years.
Crazy too of course, but thats a different issue.

I'll get married when I meet someone of the right religion, temperment, looks, age, intellegence, talent and goals. All of these are personal things, and although I know the right church to look for the religion part in, the rest is not something I can define. I'm not the type to follow the mainstream fashion in looks, and demand that. (maybe if fashion today wasn't so ugly) Also that list isn't in any order.

In the mean time I'm avaiable, and not really looking that hard.

11 Dec 98 - 11:32 AM (#49009)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing

Single today. Will be Wed Tomorrow. 12/12/98 3:30 pm

Have been looking for a woman with a 4WD pickup, bass boat and enough money to support both me and them.
After years of searching I've given up that dream and chosen instead to marry a woman who has a wealth of beauty, love, careing, intellegence, understanding,
and too many other great character and personallity traits to mention.

Now does that sound like a man in love, or not?

Well so much for early retirement.

Here today, Groom tomorrow.
Mike T.

11 Dec 98 - 12:56 PM (#49023)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Annraoi

May Best, Tha mi gu math. Ciamar atha thu fhin ? Annraoi

11 Dec 98 - 01:51 PM (#49036)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: The Shambles

All the very best to you both, Mike.

11 Dec 98 - 03:09 PM (#49049)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: one of the above

what about Billy the Squid and Clammity Jane?

11 Dec 98 - 03:10 PM (#49050)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Joe Offer

Mike, I think you made the right choice. The pickup, boat, and money wouldn't last forever. Love can, if you work on it.
-Joe Offer-

11 Dec 98 - 04:41 PM (#49053)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Bill in Alabama

Mike--as a veteran of thirty-six plus years of happy married life who is now preparing for a son's wedding, I send you my heartiest wishes for the best of everything; and plenty of music!

Bill Foster

11 Dec 98 - 05:12 PM (#49056)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: May Best

Tha mi sgìth a's mi leam fhìn

(' buain na rannan, ' buain na rannan!)

11 Dec 98 - 05:13 PM (#49057)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Bert

Hey Fiddler Mike, that sounds like MY wife!

May you have as much happiness as we share.

11 Dec 98 - 05:14 PM (#49058)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Philippa

Annraoi loves an Mhaighdean Mhara

11 Dec 98 - 05:38 PM (#49061)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Annraoi

May Best,

Ach chan fheil mise leam fhin a-nochd. Tha an Mhaighdean Mhara ann an rum agus feumaidh mi falbh. Tha sinn a dol a-mach a-nochd aite air choireigin.

Chan ann tric a gheibh sinn an cothrom.


11 Dec 98 - 07:27 PM (#49076)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Art Thieme

Is "May Best" a person or a value judgment? I'm certain someone out there knows that you May be the Best---but Maybe not! ;-)

Bert--You said, "That sounds like my wife!" Well, let's hope it's not YOUR wife! ;-)

Bill, You said you're "preparing for a son's wedding"! I was hoping you weren't gonna say, "I'm preparing for a son's birth."---Different strokes--as it were... ;-) Were you at Winfield this year? I do remember you and those briallantly RED outfits the family wore!!! Don't recall the music, but those shirts... ;-)

Hank, lookin' "for all that" these days will keep you safely single. ;-) Me & mine (she & hers also) are totally different---to say the least. We've agreed to disagree for almost 32 years and counting. Never have been happier--or more in love. Could be the medication though...

And, YES, I'm flirting---'cause m' love cannot see well enough to know what I'm posting now even though she's lookin' right over my shoulder!

"love" to all,


12 Dec 98 - 03:55 AM (#49138)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Joe Offer

Wasn't it "Let's Talk Dirty in Gaelic" that was written by John Prine??
-Joe Offer-

12 Dec 98 - 12:19 PM (#49168)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: May Best

Joe: tell us more; could it be a macaronic?

An-raoi-laí: 'sleep I can't can't get still'; thoughts that I wrote 'na' instead of 'nan' were 'disturbing me at my long night's rest' Definitely not doing My Best./ Ach chord coiseachd an latha gu math rium.

Art -alias Scotty: your thinking is way out West

13 Dec 98 - 05:28 AM (#49238)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: an fior-Ghael

There is no such think as dirty language in the pure Gaelic tongue

13 Dec 98 - 05:32 AM (#49239)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: May Best-Offer

Chaidh mo chleamhnas a dhèanamh mu dheireadh an dé News of Annraoi and an Mhaighdean Mhara proved my dismay So I walked east and I walked west And I considered which man was for Best.

we're going surfing on our honeymoon, starting with the Judy Garland website.

13 Dec 98 - 10:40 AM (#49261)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Ritchie

Hey Mike, What a way and place to have your bachelor party.... on Mudcat. It must be a first.....Boy Oh Boy am I looking forward to YOUR Honeymoon.

love and happiness


13 Dec 98 - 05:32 PM (#49294)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Joe Offer

Gee, I wish I could understand what I got myself into.
-Joe Offer, clicking my ruby slippers and off to see Judy Garland for advice-

13 Dec 98 - 07:01 PM (#49306)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Pete M

Best wishes Mike, better lay off the 'Cat for a while though or it could be short lived. - I've gotthe scars to prove it :-)

an fior-Ghael - obviously why the "pure Gaelic tongue" died out!

Pete M

13 Dec 98 - 08:15 PM (#49330)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Big Mick


I want to wish you well in your new life with your new bride. Thank her for me for eliminating the only serious competition I had for the cyber hand of the fair Alison *****grinning like the cat burying (you know the rest)****

All the best,


14 Dec 98 - 03:10 AM (#49379)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Joe Offer

Ummmmmm. I guess I'm speechless for once.....

14 Dec 98 - 04:03 AM (#49381)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: VIRTUALLY speechless

14 Dec 98 - 04:05 AM (#49382)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: May Best-Offer

ah, shucks, honey! Did you have to invite all these Mudcats along on our honeymoon?

14 Dec 98 - 04:08 AM (#49383)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Drusilla

Tune in to next year's show and hear how May and Joe got on during their honeymoon somewhere over the rainbow.

15 Dec 98 - 11:03 AM (#49577)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing

Rock breaks scissors.
Scissors cuts paper.
Rock breaks scissors.


Thanks to all for the good wishes and nice comments.
Mike T.

I didn't mention it before, but you should here this woman sing.
Mike T.

15 Dec 98 - 11:09 AM (#49578)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing

And YES, I have a good reason for mixing up words and repeating myself!

(paper covers rock) (scratch one signature)

10 Feb 99 - 02:31 PM (#57997)
Subject: RE: Line-romancing
From: Cupid T

The post-honeymoon edition of our show was scheduled to be broadcast a month ago, but the Mudcat Cafe Forum was off line. Since then, discouraged by the various technical difficulties plaguing the site, out company has decided to switch our programming to another website. This thread remains here, however, for your use. After all, Valentine's Day is approaching. On behalf of presenter Drusilla Black and all the production crew, I leave you with best wishes.


Cupid T, manager

Divine Fate Productions