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BS: Schapelle Corby

22 Apr 05 - 02:59 AM (#1467688)
Subject: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

As you would all know, Schapell Corby is facing life imprisonment or death for allegedly importing cannabis into Bali.
Like most people that I know, I am totally convinced that she is innocent. It defies logic that anyone would attempt to carry an unconcealed package with several Kilos of strong smelling dope, through Brisbane airport which has many sniffer dogs about, to take it to a country in which the street value is about 1 twentieth of that in Brisbane and which is well known to have harsh penalties. Added to that is the fact that anyone watching the demeanor of this poor girl throughout this ordeal can clearly see that she is telling the truth.
It seems that anti Australian sentiment in Indonesia is a major factor in this persecution. Abu Bakar Bashir has only been sentenced to two years and six months jail for helping to murder 283 people in Bali.
Our gutless government will do nothing because little Johnny Howard must be seen to be "tough on drugs". Come on mudcatters surely between us we can do SOMETHING to get her out of there.

22 Apr 05 - 03:34 AM (#1467700)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

What about the mysterious death of the whistle-blower, Gary Lee-Rogers? Can't they put two and two together?

22 Apr 05 - 06:04 AM (#1467776)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

They don't want to put two & two together. As Keef says they want to nail an Aussie. Now the've got nine of them, who really are drug smugglers, that might take a bit of the heat off Corby

BTW They aren't going for death, just life imprisonment.

22 Apr 05 - 06:39 AM (#1467797)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Phil

any suggestions of what to do? any organised campaigns people can support
even if she's guilty I wouldn't want her to face the death penalty

22 Apr 05 - 06:39 AM (#1467798)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

Another factor that works against Schapelle is that if her defence that someone has planted the drugs in her baggage should be accepted, then many other victims/culprits will be mounting the same defence.....big problem for the law enforcement around the world. This may be the reason that our government does not seem to be doing much at all.
The Bali 9 are in a different category again, and the timing of their arrests is a further misfortune for this girl.
Next time I travel overseas I'll be wearing a pair of speedos and taking   zero baggage. Even then I won't be going to Indonesia thanks.

22 Apr 05 - 06:54 AM (#1467808)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

Here is the email address for our beloved foreign affairs minister. Alexander Downer
He probably has his spam filter on but it's worth a shot.
Just send him an email in your own words telling him what you think of this government's cowardly abandonment of an Australian citizen in the worst imaginable trouble overseas.
Just by showing that you care, it CAN make a difference.

22 Apr 05 - 06:28 PM (#1468404)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

Looks like this thread is in danger of dying also.
Does anybody care?

22 Apr 05 - 09:41 PM (#1468526)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Some of us do, but the number of Aussies you will reach here at Mudcat is very few - but you will bring it to the attention of a limited section of the International Community.

Perhaps we really need a 'protest song' about her situtation.

That's really what Mudcat is about: teach, don't preach. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

23 Apr 05 - 06:43 AM (#1468701)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

There is a young French citizen currently serving life in a Bali jail
for a similar "offence" under similar unlikely circumstances and convicted by very unreliable evidence. The Indonesian justice system subjects its suspects to a trial by ordeal.Schappelle has endured harsh questioning in tropical heat with cameras thrust in her face constantly. It is comparable to the show trials of Stalin or McCarthy   It places an impossible burden of proof of innocence upon the accused. This injustice is of importance not only to Australian citizens. This is indeed an attempt to bring this matter to the attention of the international community. The publicity given to the trial, and the unrelenting close up detail of this young woman's protestation of innocence would convince the most cynical observer that she is the victim of bag tampering.
The prosecution labels her refusal to confess as proof of guilt, and as a justification for harsh penalty.
This trial has covered exhaustively in Australia and has gained huge public sympathy for Schappelle. Because of the gutless response of the Australian government a conviction is still probable.
Excuse me if I cannot lighten up but this is one injustice too many for this observer.

23 Apr 05 - 08:18 AM (#1468742)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Today a folk song called "M.T.A" is still sung, many years after it was written for a short term political purpose and plunged itself onto the International Folk Music Scene, and the hit Parades - to help someone get elected to a local political office.

Write a good folk song, enjoyable to sing with a catchy tune, about a political situation and you will achieve much more than just preaching to the converted.

And remember, this is a Music Site for musos - post the song here, and it will go round the world rapidly.


23 Apr 05 - 12:21 PM (#1468832)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: podman

The picture of her pouty face and white spaghetti strap top, visible through the bars of gray, convinced me of her innocence.


23 Apr 05 - 12:40 PM (#1468841)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Azizi

I'm just learned about this case as a result of your post.

It possible that other non-Aussie people here and elsewhere also just learning about it.

Here's a confession: Since the USA presidential fiasco, I have taken to reading as little national and international news as possible and I NEVER watch the news on television anymore [not bragging, but being honest. I can't stand any of the TV stations Cable or otherwise..Now I learn about what's going on now from visiting certain political blogs. But basically I'm trying to hibernate through these next 4 Bush years.

I KNOW this isn't a good response. I KNOW people still have a responsibility to try to make the world a better place...

I will try to do better about being more aware of what is going on politically in my nation and my world.

If Shapelle Corby is innocent, and it seems that way from what you are saying and from what I have read since you posted this, I hope that she finds justice..

But I am sooo discouraged about what is going on in the world now..This is one more discouraging example.

What do you suggest that non-Australians do?

24 Apr 05 - 05:58 AM (#1469190)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

24 Apr 05 - 06:19 AM (#1469197)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Keef

Thanks for the responses. Thank you foolestroupe. I am working on the song, I am in possesion of a lovely tenor voice but am a little short on the songwriting talents. How about a new for Schapelle.
In Australia the media coverage started off with Aussie girl busted for drugs in Bali. At that time probably the majority of Australians what, guilty, bloody idiot. Since the facts have come out about the unwillingness of authorities to investigate the facts, the improbability of her importing drugs to Indonesia, her own honest and heartbreaking appeals to be allowed home..99% of the Australian public believes her to be innocent. In Indonesia, where she has been portrayed as an evil Aussie Druggie, the figures are reversed. It seems to me that the Indonesian public needs to be asked to open their eyes and hearts to at least the possibility that a terrible injustice is being done.
If people around the world had seen the footage of the suffering of Schappelle, they would know why even normally apathetic Keef has been driven to the keyboard....Love you all

24 Apr 05 - 02:58 PM (#1469474)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST, Devil's Advocate

Oh, the mournful cry of the capture drug smuggler..."It ain't mine!!"

24 Apr 05 - 07:57 PM (#1469677)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

1) if you want do the whole song yourself - post your effort with a heading 'Lyr Add: xxxxxx'

2) if you want help, or to end up with a community effort - it would then be rude to try and claim exclusive copyright for yourself - post a thread with the heading 'Song Challenge: xxxxxxx'

3) a good catchy tune will always help - on old trad tune that is demonstrably out of copyright - before 1923 to be safe - will mean that you don't need the permission of the copyright owner, or you can do your own effort.


25 Apr 05 - 07:26 AM (#1470002)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: DaveA

As an Aussie, I have followed this case with some interest. Keef makes one good point - no-one in their right mind smuggles grass to Bali (that would be the equivilent of coals to Newcastle).
But that raises the real question. Who wanted to get 4 odd kilos of dope to Bali? Certainly the organised gangs wouldn't be involved - no point.

So is it possible that she might just be a foolish woman who actually thought she would take some stuff with her for her & her friends & to her horror got caught?? I don't know, but the fact remains that there is little motive for anyone else to be involved in the stuffup.

And very cynically, she is photogenic & not adverse to displaying her emotions to the media & that has certainly got frontpage coverage to what may well turn out to be another case of a Darwinian award candidate thinking "They'll never check my baggage"

Just my two cents worth


25 Apr 05 - 06:01 PM (#1470528)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Once again for the skeptics. Street value in Australia of 4Kilos high quality buds is about $10 gram thats $40,000. Demand outstrips supply.
It would take an enthusiastic smoker several years to consume this amount so we can assume it was not for personal use. It is risky to have even a discreet toke in Indonesia because any local catching a whiff will go running for the police. The clear plastic bag was found on top of her boogie board, obvious as soon as the zip was pulled back. The explanation that- a baggage handler slipped in the package for the Brisbane-Sydney leg and due to a stuff up it was not removed in Sydney-is extremely likely. Both the Indonesian and Australian authorities have been asked to check for fingerprints or DNA evidence on the bag but have refused. Testing is still possible and could allow Schappelle to prove her innocence as required by Indonesian law.

25 Apr 05 - 09:31 PM (#1470701)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,colin


25 Apr 05 - 10:47 PM (#1470756)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Funny how the Airline refused to hand over the survellience tapes, then when they finally agreed, it appeared that they had been wiped as part of a routine process of reusing the tapes.... conspiracies abound.

03 May 05 - 11:06 PM (#1477564)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,annonamous

come on people leave the poor lady alone she didnt do it. it was her gay boyfriend who set her up so let here go and kill the gay boyfriend

03 May 05 - 11:28 PM (#1477579)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

Well, I ain't an Ozzie yet....but I have been followinig this with well as the infamous Bali Nine...I strongly believe this young woman is innocent...especially in light of the other stories coming that handler wearing the camel head that was in a passenger's bag....I hope that at least the Australian government does some deal with Indonesia...behind the scenes....let them make an example of her....and then transfer her home.

Now the bali nine I don't care about those scumbags....they can die.

04 May 05 - 01:45 AM (#1477602)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Sorcha

Death or life for cannibis??? You gotta be kidding! Aussie Gubmint, get yer arses in GEAR!

04 May 05 - 10:09 PM (#1478428)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

The Australian government takes the line that we must respect the decision of the Indonesian justice system, and that in the unlikely event of Schappelle being allowed to be transfered to an Australian prison then she would serve the full sentence that has been imposed.
A forensic examination of the bag of dope would have allowed Schappelle the chance to prove her innocence. This has not been allowed. There is no motive, there is no evidence to convict, except for the fact that the dope was in her bags on arrival. By any reasonable standard of fairness and justice this girl has not received a fair trial.
A person travelling on the passport of any country would expect that their government would take a much stronger line to protest the unfair treatment of its citizens.
If she was returned to serve her sentence in Australia you can expect a large crowd armed with sledgehammers to knock down the walls of the can count me in.

05 May 05 - 01:44 AM (#1478537)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

If I were Australian, I'd be afraid to travel abroad. This doesn't say much for your freedom to travel. Looks pretty risky to me if your government won't protect you when you haven't had a fair trial. Where is that at? What does that say about your own freedom?

11 May 05 - 04:17 PM (#1482699)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

Some more food for thought....

12 May 05 - 05:42 AM (#1483121)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

The information that is coming out each day showing the involvement of baggage handlers in drug smuggling adds even more credence to Schappelle's claim of innocence. Sadly it looks as though the judge is unimpressed. Her witness's evidence is dismissed as hearsay and yet the hearsay evidence of the Indonesian customs officer pointing to her guilt is accepted without dispute. Listening to Schappelle giving her evidence it is obvious to any English speaker that she is only speaking the truth. The judge does not have a good understanding of English and must rely on a translator. He surely cannot be able to judge her truthfulness
so well because of this. The facts speak for themselves. Happy unstressed photos with friends at Brisbane airport, off for a nice holiday. No possibility of profiting from export of drugs. Confirmed evidence of corrupt baggage handlers. Package could still be forensically tested to prove a connection with baggage handlers and to eliminate Schappelle from involvement. Why are the Federal police so unhelpful???? The Howard government SUCKS.

12 May 05 - 06:28 AM (#1483153)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Hrothgar

I'm inclined to think Corby's chances of getting off aren't too bad.

The Indonesians want to nail an Aussie, for lots of reasons.

The Australian Federal Police don't mind seeing an Aussie get nailed in Indonesia, because it does discourage people from smuggling dope from there.

The Bali Nine - on what I've seen so far, and let's bear in mind the presumption of innocence - will be a lay down misere for the prosecution.

Why should they bother convicting Corby, where there are a lot of doubts, when they have a whole bunch of Aussies they can roast without the mudfight that will ensue if Corby is convicted?

The Bali Nine might save Corby.

12 May 05 - 10:58 AM (#1483326)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Dave the Gnome

Isn't Oz still under the titular leadership of the British monarch? If I remember rightly people have had more luck getting the royals to intervene than the government. Perhaps a well placed word in the right ears may get Liz or Charlie to jump up and down a bit at the mistreatment of one of their subjects!

Just a thought.


12 May 05 - 04:16 PM (#1483569)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

I don't think anyone could get Charlie to hop off his favourite horse for a few moments to intervene in anything.

26 May 05 - 05:54 PM (#1493888)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

Corby learns her verdict today...they'll convict.

26 May 05 - 07:19 PM (#1493941)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

I have to say I think I agree.

It was pretty ominous when the judge said that Australians should respect the judgement. Seemed as if it had already been made.

26 May 05 - 08:33 PM (#1493981)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

the case was just a smoke screen...those judges made up their minds as soon as she first appeared in's a black comedy.

26 May 05 - 09:16 PM (#1494007)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

I've got the day off today. I'm cooking a Spotted Dick. I've got the TV on for pictures and the radio on ABC for commentary.
It's just like Bledisloe Cup time. A regular circus. I'll keep you informed. It's just gone 11.00 and the're waiting for the Corby entouraqe to arrive at court.

Wait a minute. She's just arrived. Ha! They organised all the press at one door and brought her in through another. The excitement of it all. Oh-oh, we just lost Tracy Bowden mid-sentence. Now we are waiting for the judges to arrive.

That's it for now. Back to the kitchen. More as it happens. You read it here first.

26 May 05 - 09:36 PM (#1494016)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Well the judges have lobbed and are preparing to read their judgement. It's 79 pages long and written in a foreign language so it could be some time before we get some sense out of it.

I've mixed up the ingredients and am waiting for the water to boil.

26 May 05 - 09:43 PM (#1494021)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Schapelle's translator was late. Her people approached the ABC for a loan of their translator. Imagine the panic.

26 May 05 - 09:58 PM (#1494026)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

The judgement is now being read. The ABC has gone to a story about full moon fishing. The TV is persisting but it's not rivetting television. The Spotted Dick is in the water cooking.

26 May 05 - 10:07 PM (#1494029)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: JennyO

Gawd, this reading of the charges is going on forever. If it's nailbiting for us, just imagine what it must be like for her! She looks to be keeping it together at the moment, but it must be really harrowing.

There are three charges - one bringing the death penalty. the prosecution have asked for life, but the judge has the power to impose the death penalty. The second charge brings a maximum of 15 years, and the third charge, possession, which seems to me to be the most likely one where she might be found guilty, carries a maximum of 10 years. If she is convicted, it will be requested for her to be moved to a gaol in Australia, but this process could take months at least.

26 May 05 - 10:38 PM (#1494034)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

From what I'm hearing by way of commentary, it seems the result will depend on which of the defense or prosecution has the weakest case, rather than the strongest. It seems they have both made a meal of it.

26 May 05 - 11:41 PM (#1494049)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: JennyO

The verdict:

Guilty of the crime of importation of a class one narcotics, and the sentence is 20 years in gaol.

26 May 05 - 11:45 PM (#1494050)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: JennyO

Oh boy, that's tough! I guess they will have to start appeals now. . She's hugging her family, but she has to go straight back to gaol. Oh this is heartbreaking!

26 May 05 - 11:45 PM (#1494051)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

There will be an appeal, and apparently evidence can be admitted at the appeal which was not used first time around.

Man. 20 years.

27 May 05 - 12:21 AM (#1494074)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

So you go for a holiday in a foreign country that is renowned for its hard line on drug trafficking.
On arrival at the airport a customs official pulls a bag of drugs out of your luggage. (It may be yours, or you may never have seen it before.)
You say "That's mine."


She was stitched up.

27 May 05 - 12:52 AM (#1494080)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

Those scumbag judges have no knowledge of the word "justice".

27 May 05 - 12:53 AM (#1494081)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

Needless, to say it does give me concern when I come over next month....I stop for a layover in Sydney...lucky me. I'm locking my bag.

27 May 05 - 01:17 AM (#1494083)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

I'm down to my last joint.

Have to go and see my baggage handler tonight.

27 May 05 - 05:33 AM (#1494100)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Joe

Fucking who cares, let her rot!

27 May 05 - 07:48 AM (#1494149)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Hrothgar

Only ten years for murdering a couple of hundred people in the Bali bombing.

27 May 05 - 11:46 AM (#1494312)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Ebbie

Question: Was she known as a drug trafficker of any sort?
Questioo: If it WAS her own, why would she not take the precaution of at least locking her bag or of dividing the stuff into samall packets and hiding it deep inside her luggage?
Question: How long was she planning to visit in Indonesia?
Question: How long would it take to smoke NINE pounds of cannabis?


27 May 05 - 04:23 PM (#1494543)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: DonMeixner

I read this story recently on a news listing from AOL. And I have read this thread here. I does wonder me how anyone would go to a foriegn country noted for their incredibly intolerant justice system and knowing that they could be excecuted for carrying in some weed that grows wild the world round.

I have no way of knowing her guilt or innocence. And the law is the law, no matter how Draconian or corrupt it may be. In the US for most crimes, pot crimes included, it is up to the State or law enforcement system to prove guilt. AS I read this article it is up to the accused to prove innocence. The deck appears stacked.

I wish this young woman well. Twenty years is a bit stiff for a pot conviction, even for this amount. And I hope her innocence is proven quickly.

How often are international travelers told to let nothing out of their sight for this very reason. How many have unwitingly carried a bomb or drugs aboard a plane.

I know people who take nothing abroad but what they can carry on. They buy what ever they need overseas in the way of underwear and toiletries and they leave it behind when they return.

I don't fly. But if I did I would certainly avoid most of the third world in large part for this very reason.


27 May 05 - 05:55 PM (#1494621)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Amergin

Well, what is really odd, Don, are the stories coming up about the baggage handlers smuggling drugs in the airports...that should have made these so-called judges think there may be something to her story.

27 May 05 - 06:42 PM (#1494648)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Ebbie -

No known history with drugs

If is was her own, why would she take 4 kilos to Bali, where it is cheaper than at home?

Not sure how long whe was planning to stay, but I got the impression it was like a two week beach holiday - that sort of thing.

Yes, the ammount is one of many things that should have been queried at greater length. You don't take grass to Bali to sell. As someone else observed, that's like taking coal to Newcastle, and 4K or 9lb is enough to keep a heavy toker going for quite a while, or so I'm told.
Apart from anything else, a bag that size would have been as obvious as the beard on Father Christmas. She is clearly intelligent enough to know that.

There are many answers to question.

27 May 05 - 09:12 PM (#1494725)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

why did she do it in the first place ?    the guilty eyes tell all when it was first busted ?    GUILTY AS HELL.

27 May 05 - 10:38 PM (#1494763)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Ebbie

I gather that Indonesia is making a point. Kind of like OJ's acquittal. When you are making a 'statement' you don't need to consider truth and rationality.

At this rate, I fully expect the Bali 9 to get the death penalty.

27 May 05 - 10:41 PM (#1494764)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

Nobody would smuggle pot into Bali. Its absurd.

The judges must know the baggage handlers or...

someone set her up for a possible prisoner exchange.

28 May 05 - 12:56 AM (#1494811)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

The conviction was a foregone conclusion. To those few who have decided she is guilty please try and apply logic rather than prejudice.
Logic says that no sane person attempts to smuggle 4Kg of cannabis in a barely concealed see through bag, to Indonesia when there is no possibility of commercial gain. The fact that law enforcement officers lie and collude to bolster their case should be familiar to anyone who has had involvement with the law. Many innocent persons have spent decades in prison and been exonerated when police corruption was proven.
The fairness and impartiality of the Indonesian justice system is certainly questionable. Even when the alleged heroin supplier to the Bali 9 was killed by police in Jakarta, the important evidence siezed was handled by dozens of ungloved hands and hopelessly contaminated.
There are many other foreigners (less photogenic) who have jailed in Bali by dodgy evidence..and yes I am concerned for them also. The Schapelle corby case is so clearly unjust that many people have finally said...enough is enough. We will not just give up on this one.

28 May 05 - 06:47 AM (#1494921)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

28 May 05 - 07:17 AM (#1494927)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

she commited a crime she should the time.

in other words tough shit

28 May 05 - 07:31 AM (#1494932)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: hilda fish

By Australian justice, which has its underpinnings in 'innocent until proved guilty', with the onus on the prosecutor to prove guilt, she most likely would have been found 'not guilty'. By Indonesian justice where the onus is on the accused to disprove guilt, it was inevitable that she be found guilty because she had admitted to owning the body board bag which contained the drugs. The laws in both Australia and in Indonesia by the nature of how they are and their underpinnings, are pretty rigid. In either case their is not much room to move. Consideration is based on the charges on the prescribed limitations fixed around sentencing. The law appears to be an ass in either country in my opinion. However by all reasonable and logical standards, she does appear to be a very innocent party in which case it is a terrible thing that she is facing 20 years in prison, whether it be Australia or overseas. I have no illusions that the appeal is going to help as one can't get around the fact that by Indonesian legal practice she has admitted guilt to possession by saying that the body board container was hers. If she had said that it was not (because she didn't recognise its contents) she wouldn't be legally in deep shit. On another tack, the first couple of times I went overseas my baggage was clearly tampered with including broken locks. Many of my fellow passengers assured me this was usual. I have found out since that it is so now I only take hand luggage and it travels with me. People are gladwrapping their bags but it doesn't help if you are a determined thief which it seems that some baggage handlers here in Australia are. Meanwhile poor Schappelle Corby is facing 20 years and as much as anyone can say 'rot in hell' I don't wish anyone to 'rot in hell'. I have such an uncomfortable feeling about this one and feel very helpless.

28 May 05 - 07:41 AM (#1494936)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

she was proved guilty, so tough shit again.

She is not a poor woman, she was found gulity with drugs in her bag and then she comes out with an excuse that the bagge handlers tampered with her bag, I can beleive that it could happen to anyone, but she was found guilty and she has to do 20 years in prison.
Well welcome to the real world Schapelle Corby.

I don't mean for her to 'rot in hell/prison' but she was found gulity of a crime and mo she must serve her time in Prison.

28 May 05 - 12:44 PM (#1495014)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,moocowpoo

Tam, on What basis are you assuming she actually IS Guilty?. Yes, the verdict was Guilty but the only piece of evidence, which could have proven her guilt of innocence, was rendered inadmissable, by Indonesian Airport authorities, workers etc .The parcel was pawed at and handed around, covered in countless fingerprints, destroying any previous prints, this WAS discussed in other posts to this thread. If this situation were to arise in Australia, it would undoubtedly be thrown out of court, There is not enough concrete evidence for conviction, as far as I'm aware, there was NO solid evidence.

28 May 05 - 12:55 PM (#1495018)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Ebbie

Tam the man, if I don't smoke cigarettes but was observed holding a cigarette for someone else, you can SAY that I smoke but you would NOT be correct.

Just because one is FOUND guilty, it does NOT mean that one did the crime.

28 May 05 - 01:00 PM (#1495022)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

The verdict was she was found guilty, what part of the statment don't you lot understand, she was sent to prison so she is GUITLY.
she went to prison so she must of being guitly, they don't send women or men to prison unless they are guilty, so unless they can prove that she was 100% that she was innocent, then until then she's gulity.

She was found gultiy, you see we in Scotland have three verdicts, guilty, not gulity and not proven. Not proven means that the person is found to be free in other words not gulity but with doubts.

So unless they can prove that she was innocent then she guilty, god sake its like banging your head off a brick wall.


28 May 05 - 01:01 PM (#1495024)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

Whe don't you get tore into Guest Joe, because they agree with me.
and there are millions of others too

28 May 05 - 01:12 PM (#1495029)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

if she was innocent then she wouldn't being sent to prison would she now.

And when am I the only one getting it in the neck, for expressing an opinon, there is guest Joe who said, Fucking who cares, let her rot!get him told as well.
and stop ganging up on me please, all I want is a peaceful life, I wish I had started psting on this thread.
And you lot call yourselves, peace lovers, and yet you all hate me because I said that she was gulity.

As far as I'm concerned (Pardon the spelling) I hope that she is found innocent but until then the JURY found her gulity that's why she was sent to prison, if the JURY had found her innocent then she would be a free woman and we would not be having this talk.

I will not be answering any more messages anymore on this thread.

28 May 05 - 01:26 PM (#1495045)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

One last message to you all, I pray that she's innocent, I'm sorry that I got angry, but as I say it's like banging your head against a brick wall, people just don't want to listen to other people's opinons, you are welcome to yours and I welcome to mine.

let bygones be bygones.

mind there was one time I tried to let bygones be bygones with someone, however that someone didn't want to let bygones be bygones with me, so I told that person to go away.

So I hope that all you people out there accept my saying I'm sorry.

28 May 05 - 02:39 PM (#1495075)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

Better to bang your head against a brick wall than to be tried for a crime in Indonesia.

28 May 05 - 06:08 PM (#1495173)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Looks like another case of"collateral damage" in the war on drugs.
Indonesia is reported to have 2 million heroin addicts so it seems the war is not being won.
Under the justice system in Australia and many other countries Schappele would have been tried before a jury and probably been aquitted since the case could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
In Indonesia the defence evidence was rejected as hearsay but the word of customs agents who claimed Schappelle confessed ownership (hearsay) was believed. All evidence which pointed to her innocence was called "subjective" and was disregarded.
Schappelle may well be an innocent victim in the "war on drugs".
Baggage tampering is not that improbable. However if it is accepted as a defence then we open up a whole can of worms.
This is why we cannot expect pressure on Indonesia from the Australian government.

28 May 05 - 06:39 PM (#1495189)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Bill D

You don't seriously believe those "judges" decided this verdict, do you? I'd bet my grannie's girdle they were told exactly what to do from 'higher up'. Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar....some of those places are getting to be pretty awkward places to visit. Justice doesn't have the same definition everywhere.

What a world!

28 May 05 - 07:02 PM (#1495198)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Tam -
Can I suggest that your posts were specifically replied to as a mark of respect, because you actually had something to say? Guest Joe had nothing to say. "Let her rot" is not worthy of a response. You were not being attacked, you viewpoint was being criticised. That's what happens sometimes when you have a viewpoint.

In the spirit of such friendly criticism, I think it's pretty naive to think that if a person is found guilty they must be guilty.Especially when there is so much obvious evidence that the trial was a fix.

28 May 05 - 09:20 PM (#1495284)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Hrothgar

Tell it to Timothy Evans, Tam.

29 May 05 - 05:10 AM (#1495404)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

I stand corrected, and as for Tim Evans, I cannae because he's dead.

And that was a miscarrage of Justice, however as I said if it had been in Scotland both Tim Evans and Schapelle Corby would be free and alive.

Sorry about all the things I said, I just get a bit angery that's all.
As I said when I thought about it, I hope that she is found innocent, and that she will be free. it could happen to anyone.


29 May 05 - 05:49 AM (#1495411)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Realist

So Schapelle Corby and her supporters would like us to all believe that she is the innocent victim in a drug smuggling ring.

I hesitate at this notion that the drugs were put into her bag for transport to Sydney or any other part of the world for the following.

Here we have 4 kilo's or about 10 pounds of cannabis that's worth around 30 thousand dollars.

I have serious reservations that any drug dealer would relinquish control of his stash. but here goes the scenario.

Think of the position he puts himself in. Firstly either he or a friend (who will want to get paid for the endeavour)needs to enter a highly secure area (an airport) with a large bag of dope. What idiot would try this as even if they think they can get away with it the chances of discovery are increased with the area they are going into.

This person then has to find a piece of baggage that's going to the destination of choice that has enough room to fit 10 pounds of dope in it and is in a position that allows him to get the dope into the bag without being detected. Very risky in a secure area even if you know what's going on.

Let's say the end destination is Sydney. The person now has to put the next guy in the line in the loop and tell him what flight and which bag. The possibility of the next guy being in the right place at the right time without anybody being around is very low as the selection of the bag etc is random and who knows where loader no. 2 is going to be working in Sydney.

Can he get to the correct flight baggage and find the correct bag in time.

(How long would it take for Airport staff to find your baggage if you had to be offloaded from a flight - 10 minutes 20 minutes???)

Loader N0 2 then has to get the dope out and secret it in the airport somewhere without another person knowing before heading to the next person who is probably the buyer.

Lets get real here, if the dope is only worth 30K how much is it going to cost to pay the loaders, lets say a grand each - which is chicken feed to earn if you could be caught with 10 pounds up your jumper. Even 5 grand each probably wouldn't do much to entice and that's 30% of the value of the product.

The risk that's inherent with at least two other people handling your product is high even in an honest transaction.

The possibility of the package ending up at the correct destination is very very low. but this drug dealer is going to take the chances because driving to Sydney is far too risky!

Why on earth wouldn't you just hire a bloody limousine and have some one drive you from Brisbane to Sydney. I'm sure it would be cheaper, comfortable and a little less risky.

For all that say "yeah but It happens" I say to you that if the shipment is 4 kilos of coke then the profit is so high and the money to offer the loaders is irresistible. For 4 kilos of dope - I doubt it very much.   

Think of it like this, how good would your chances be if you had a pillow case stashed with 30000 dollars in 50 dollar notes and you took the above steps to get it from Brisbane to Sydney.

How many of you would try it and succeed if it was filled with feathers. Would the chances of you getting the pillow case in Sydney be 50/50... Probably less and the Corby supporters swear that this is how the dope got into the bag.

The reality is that dope dealers don't let chance come into the delivery of the product without trying to negate it. They usually have mules to transit the drug. When there are no mules they pay high prices to make sure it gets through and cannabis doesn't earn enough to be in this class of drug travel.

I noted that the demeanour of Corby c hanged within minutes of the sentence, her normal hysterical self was able to try and clam her mother. She was in control and certainly showed to me that perhaps all the previous hysteria was for the courts benefit.

It amazes me that in this accelerated would she wouldn't submit to the court simple things like polygraph tests etc. If the innocence was that profound this would have been a marvellous test to start the court case with.

This has been a well orchestrated press sale that has produced excellent profits for the news agencies her in Australia. What a better cause to exploit - beautiful girl in a Bali prison...we lapped it up like puppies in a feeding frenzy

29 May 05 - 06:30 AM (#1495416)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: freda underhill

All they had to do was fingerprint the plastic bag - that would have shown whether she touched it or not. And the security video that showed her reaction mysteriously disappeared. What chance did she have?

29 May 05 - 07:03 AM (#1495424)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

At last someone with a bit of Sense, realist.

29 May 05 - 07:19 AM (#1495429)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: George Papavgeris

Whether she did or did not commit the crime, her case highlights the risks we all take when travelling. For a start, we tend to ignore the fact that when abroad we are subject to the laws and processes of the countries we visit, and these can be very different to the ones we are used to. The idea is that by choosing to go there, we also accept their way of life, their laws etc. To then turn round and try to flout the laws, or bypass them, after the event, does not seem right - if we have a beef with a coutry's laws we should take it up with them through diplomatic and other processes at some "neutral" time. Otherwise, by continuing diplomatic relations with such a country while not complaining about their legal system we are tacitly accepting it.

One may argue that there are of course exceptions, in the case of dictatorial or otherwise objectionable governments with which we choose to retain diplomatic relations for other reasons (usually business). But it's such a fine line between upholding unwritten international behaviour codes and respecting a country's sovereignty.

5-6 years ago three Turkish long-distance drivers were arrested in Saudi Arabia for possession of illegal stimulants, and were duly sentenced to death and executed. The "stimulants" were "keep you awake" energy-sweets that you can buy in any sweet shop in the UK, which the drivers were using to keep them going for the long hours of driving. What a crime! But they did not know they were illegal in Saudi, and paid with their lives for that.

Had they been US, UK, Australian, French or German citizens, a deal would have been negotiated between the respective ambassador and the authories, I am sure. But they had the additional misfortune to be Turkish - a country with very little pull in the theocracies of the Middle East, being a secular (albeit Muslim) country, and with no economic might.

Which only serves to show that there is one rule for the mighty, and another for the weak; one for the rich, and another for the poor; even at those exalted levels of.

So - back to Schapelle: She stood no chance of being found innocent, given the legal system of the country she visited; whether she committed the crime or not. But she may yet be a little lucky: The Australian Government is trying to get her to serve her sentence in Australia.

Lucky she wasn't Turkish.

29 May 05 - 07:05 PM (#1495701)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Hi Mr Realist.
You are of course welcome to hold your opinions. Neither of us were there on the day so what both of us hold is just that, an opinion.
The reasons that I think allow sufficient doubt for such a conviction and sentence are as follows.
Frequent police blockades of interstate roads (including the back roads) using highly sensitive sniffer dogs. Known involvement of airport baggage handlers to make interstate shipments. Arrest of Qantas baggage handler for cocaine importation on same day as Schappelles flight.
Baggage handlers never checked on leaving airport at end of shift thus providing ample opportunity. Instances reported previously of drugs found in travellers bags in Bali and reported to Australian consulate (0n official record). No evidence of Scappelle being a grower, therefore who would give $40,000 worth on consignment. Schapelle has offered blood samples to show zero use of cannabis. When "busted" at airport how is she supposed to react, what facial expression would be acceptable to the cynics? Surprise? Fear? Shock, Disbelief. How do you define a look of "guilty as hell".
In summary ....plenty of reason for reasonable doubt.

29 May 05 - 07:25 PM (#1495712)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Add to that the Keystone Kops manner of her arrest and the requirement by the chief judge that she name the person who put the dope in her bag.

I don't think there's any drug syndicate involved, I think it was orchestrated by the Indonesian authorities from beginning to end, either as an example or for a prisoner exchange. That's the only possible scenario that makes sense of all the inconsistancies.

30 May 05 - 09:06 PM (#1496415)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Somebody offended by the whole rotten affair

I realize I'm American, and this isn't really my business or affair. It's for her own nation and relatives to deal with. But what the hell were they thinking? Ten well-armed trained mercs could have extracted her from the courtroom and had her out of the country in a matter of minutes! A simple matter of wiping out the officials at the front of the courtroom and dragging her out to the street for a helo extraction. She could've been feet wet in minutes and on a ship a hundred knots out of Indonesian territorial waters in an hour. So why the hell were her family crying and making a spectacle instead of doing what was necessary to get her loose!!! This is the sort of thing that creates fueds here in the States that've killed hundreds. It's at least grounds to assasinate the judges and their families in retaliation! So why were they standing around wailing like lost souls instead of doing something.

31 May 05 - 12:22 AM (#1496498)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: George Papavgeris

Troll alert

31 May 05 - 01:35 AM (#1496507)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

At the weekend the Salvation Army conducted its Red Shield Appeal. Apparently the Salvoes reported a large number of people wanting assurance that the money they donated would not be going as aid to Indonesia.

Not quite swinging on vines with a knife between the teeth, screaming "Ah, oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-aaaah", but hey, it's a start.

The shame of it is that the people of Bali and the people of Aceh will be the ones who end up suffering from it.

31 May 05 - 02:08 AM (#1496515)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

If they want to start a boycott, why target the Red Shield Appeal? The punishment should be a natural consequence - a sharp drop in the number of tourists to Indonesia might do it. Anyone who would go to Indonesia after an incident like this is playing Russian roulette, anyway.

Embassies should issue a tourist advisory!

31 May 05 - 02:51 AM (#1496526)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,kay

Why would a baggage handler put the drugs in a bag that was tagged international. They would put it into a bag that was domestic between Brisbane and Sydney. They wouldn't put it in a bag destined international. Doesn't make sense to me.

31 May 05 - 03:01 AM (#1496528)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

Maybe their intention was to put it into a domestic bag but when their plans were thwarted (for whatever reason) they quickly stashed it where they thought it could be re-routed and retrieved at a later date by another baggage handler.

Who knows? However it ended up on a flight going into Bali which makes no sense from a commercial stand point. It was obviously thought to be a safe way to hide the contraband TEMPORARILY as it wasn't concealed very well at all.

This is a sham.

Is a prisoner exchange in the works?

31 May 05 - 06:07 AM (#1496594)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,John O'Lennaine

The wheels are in motion

Ir will be interesting to see who they want.

31 May 05 - 09:10 AM (#1496648)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

Were the Indonesian court asked, as freda pointed out, that the bag could/should have been fingerprinted. Sounds real logical . And what was their explanation about the missing tape?

31 May 05 - 07:54 PM (#1496983)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

There is a story going around amongst those who hold the guilty view that the dope was to be delivered to Schappele's sister who runs a surf shop in Bali. The dope was for sale to Aussie surfers who like the green grass of home. Now I doubt that the profit margin (if any) would be sufficient to justify the risk, however if I was going to make the attempt, here is what I would do.
Carefully slice the boogie board down the seam, hollow out the core, insert dope, seal the edge with silicon, thoroughly clean down board to remove any lingering dope smell. That should give me a good chance of avoiding detection by dogs or customs.
Here is what I would not do.
Stuff a huge see through bag of dope in the pouch of the board bag and not even bother to lock the zipper.
The alternative scenario which is a stuff up by bent baggage handlers looks more likely with new revelations every day of criminal activity at Sydney airport.
In Australia flights are used for the domestic leg of the journey before departing overseas. Baggage handlers have been involved in diverting baggage from international baggage carousels to domestic to avoid customs inspection.

01 Jun 05 - 06:48 AM (#1497245)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

One more thing folks.
It would be expected that normal procedure at Brisbane airport is to check outgoing bags for explosives, native fauna etc. (Budgies are frequently smuggled in men's speedos).
If I had just checked in a bag containing a barely concealed stash of dope, then I would be feeling slightly tense.
Photos and videos of Schapelle at Brisbane airport show a happy and relaxed person looking forward to her holiday.
If airport personel did not X ray her baggage, or undo the zipper and inspect it then where is the post Sept 11 security.
If she really was allowed to check in such a large package of organic material and have it loaded on board a plane in Brisbane, then have it pass through Sydney airport undetected, then what sort of clowns are in charge of security.
I know that when I came through Brisbane airport a few years ago, customs pulled me over because the X ray showed something that looked a bit like a block of hash. It was in reality a small piece of wedding cake that I probably should have declared to quarantine.
So, which is the most likely scenario, dodgy handlers making use of their easy entry and exit to secure areas..or .. Bold and brazen smuggler risking huge penalties for very low profit if any?

01 Jun 05 - 01:14 PM (#1497482)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man

You are going around saying that this lady is innocent of a crime, and yet you go and commit one by not declaring that you have food with you when landed at Brisbane.
I thought that you weren't allowed any type of food on planes in Australia, or is that just arriving in Australia Keef, lucky for you you were let off.

01 Jun 05 - 06:10 PM (#1497657)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Righto, I will go and lock myself up in the shed for 20 years..guilty as hell!

01 Jun 05 - 09:16 PM (#1497769)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Joybell

Just a comment after our recent holiday. Travelling from America on international flights check-in luggage must be left unlocked. Locked luggage is not accepted. Just presenting a locked bag is viewed as suspicious. Your check-in luggage can be examined at any point.

In Australia the rules are different and check-in luggage is examined while you are present - if you are selected for this. We only took what we could carry on board and bought what we needed in America. Joy

01 Jun 05 - 10:40 PM (#1497828)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Bob Bolton


Today's Sydney Morning Herald, p. 1, says:
Qantas security chief sacked

A disgraced former drug detective who was mentioned adversely during the Police Royal Commission in 1996 has been sacked as a security m,anager at Qantas. He was stood down following a security review conducted by the airline ...

(continues ... probably online at ...)

... er yes ...



01 Jun 05 - 11:35 PM (#1497857)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Somebody sent some white powder in an envelope to the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra. Apparently now claimed to be harmless, but everyone was decontaminated. Made front page of all Indonesian Newspapers, who mostly took no notice of her trial.

02 Jun 05 - 12:01 AM (#1497876)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Bob Bolton

G'day again,

A couple of blickies:

Qantas security chief sacked


Bacteria powder "not dangerous"

Of course, it must be right ... I read it in the paper!



02 Jun 05 - 01:36 AM (#1497920)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: dianavan

What is bacteria powder???

02 Jun 05 - 02:38 AM (#1497933)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Bob Bolton

G'day dianavan,

Errr... good question! It's the phrase used in an earlier version of the SMH article - presumably meaning that they had determined that the "white powder' had some organic / bacterial content ... but weren't sure what it was. Now it seems it wasn't anything dangerous - just "threatening" in the context of the 360 such anthrax/etc. postings in the US that followed the WTC attack.

I wasn't expecting it to be anthrax ... we don't have the sort of fulltime chemical/biological warfare units that provided the material in the US. It might just as well have been talcum powder ... the same full decon and evacuation would have occurred.



02 Jun 05 - 07:00 AM (#1498056)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Since Little Johny made such a big fuss about insisting on the right to invade SE Asian countries to attack terrorists, I wonder if we should start worrying about the next Indonesian 'Boat People'?


02 Jun 05 - 07:57 PM (#1498689)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

There is solid evidence of criminal activity among airport security and baggage handlers. It makes sense to send dope from Brisbane to Sydney because Sydney is the biggest city and the biggest market.
Sending by road risks detection. Baggage handlers enjoy safe access to checks on what they carry in or out.
Baggage handler puts dope in zippered compartment on boogie board, nice and obvious for easy removal in Sydney.
Now this system has a fatal flaw, if the Sydney handler fails to collect the stash...oops!
Reasons for failure to collect could include...big cocaine shipment on same day (fact), undercover agent in Sydney airport has blown his cover (fact).
If the handler in Sydney had any suspicion that he was being watched then he would simply let the package go through.
The defence team has asked repeatedly for forensic testing of the bag and contents. Just one fingerprint belonging to a baggage handler would have been conclusive proof.

02 Jun 05 - 08:05 PM (#1498697)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

I had a friend whose boyfriend worked in Brisbane, and he used to regularly turn up with nice coats left behind on planes, and pockets full of miniature alcohol bottles - which were supposed to be dumped from overseas planes landing here as no customs tax had been paid.

02 Jun 05 - 08:10 PM (#1498702)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Leadfingers

One more for the ton !

02 Jun 05 - 08:22 PM (#1498712)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Joybell

Nice to report a bit of sillyness in this awful affair.
Our dear leader, Mr Howard, said of the white powder sent to the Indonesian Embassy,
" appears to be powder containing ba-silly-ess"

For the record it turned out to be harmless. Dangerous game none the less. Joy

03 Jun 05 - 10:09 AM (#1499161)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: John O'L

Mr. Downer too has received a little package of ba-silly-ess.

As if he didn't have enough of it already.

04 Jun 05 - 07:31 AM (#1500019)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Tam the man


I'm sorry if I have offended you, I hope you accept this appoligy, I feel sorry for that woman. as I said I'm sorry if I have offended you Keef.

Let's agree to disagree.


04 Jun 05 - 09:18 AM (#1500047)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,kevin

i think we should start sinking all the illegal fishing boats on our waters off the northern coast, they are now catching mudcrabs in our large river systems, lucky its not wally lewis country as they make their own rules there!What about the huge fish and shark catches that leave our waters daily and is tolerated by the home country and for all we know encouraged!!
bet they have the death penality if we fish illegally in their waters?
how long did that guy get that conspired with the bomb attack???
how many everyday aussies` were murdered????
just seems something is badley wrong with our diplomatic relations and our corresponding laws of justice
are we as a society getting to soft?
Just wanted to add something else to the debate and their is a lot of other issues that affect everday good clean living australians

04 Jun 05 - 10:31 AM (#1500073)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Look, I'm sure that our pollies know what's best for our international relations with Indonesia - after all they let them invade West Papua and East Timor when it was the best thing, and then they stepped in in East Timor when it was the best thing (just for whom, I'm not really sure though)...

04 Jun 05 - 10:37 AM (#1500080)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

1) 2nd Qantas security employee sacked for assisting cocaine smugglers in Sydney Airport

2) the other day a big rally was organised at The Gold Coast (where Schapelle lives) and all of a handful of people turned up...

05 Jun 05 - 06:14 PM (#1500749)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

Hi Tam
No offence taken. If I have helped convince one person that there is at least a possibility that she did not commit the crime then I have done my bit. Many people are so strongly against drugs that they would rather see a thousand innocent persons convicted than that a single guilty person go free. That is a moral question to be decided.
Now for the hard part, how to convince enough people in Indonesia!
That won't be easy, even while the trial was in progress a group of people were protesting around the courthouse demanding the death penalty. Australians have been unpopular in Indonesia since we finally made an attempt to prevent the slaughter of the East Timorese.
Time may now be on the side of Schapelle. The continuing investigation into criminal activity at Australian airports may reveal the truth of what happened. Considering that she still faces a possible death sentence after the appeal, the investigations ought to have the same priority as a murder investigation.

06 Jun 05 - 06:44 AM (#1500993)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Hrothgar

One of the reasons Honest John wants to keep the Indonesians on side is that they can cut the number of boat people to zero. It is far better politically to have illegal immigrants/asylum seekers/refugees stopped in Indonesia than have them get into Australian territorial waters.

If the Indos throw them in jail or send them back where they came from, nobody in Australia knows or cares. One can see why John want to keep the Indos happy.

06 Jun 05 - 09:04 AM (#1501089)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Somebody in West Aus graffitied the Parliament house about Schapelle.

22 Jun 05 - 12:15 AM (#1506595)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,bannana

schapelle is fucking guilty as hell i hope she dies 0xx00x peace in the world

22 Jun 05 - 08:14 AM (#1506818)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: The Fooles Troupe

Now has surfaced the tale of a Japanese woman given the same bum's rush in An Australian court - her tale is that her employer paid for the trip - her luggage was damaged and the tour guide gave her mew luggage and the Aussie Judge refused to believe her story.

06 Jul 05 - 07:20 AM (#1515960)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: GUEST,Paul

For me the most damming evidence against Schappelle came from the Indonesian customs officer who gave evidence stating that Schappelle said, "There is some."
Given that English is a second language for this Indonesian he would not be able to detect the subtle differences in intonation that we use to give meaning to what we are saying.
It could be that what she actually said was, "There is some...." and failed to finish the sentence. She failed to finish the sentence because she was so surprised and apprehensive.If this is the case, what she meant was, "Oh my God! There is something there!" The officer said that she then attempted to prevent him from opening it. This action, I believe, was an automatic defensive reflex that anyone would have under such circumstances.
I think the defense team should call a high profile Indonesian language professor who is an expert in the English language together with a similar expert from Australia.

07 Jul 05 - 02:18 AM (#1516666)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Well the case is back in the news again, the weird characters in the defence team are perhaps a good choice given the circus that passes for a justice system in Indonesia. The re run of footage from the trial shows once again the CLEAR SEE THROUGH CLIPLOCK BAG in which the dope was "hidden".
If the dope was any good at all, and there was 5KG of it, the smell would have been obvious at several metres away. If this passed through check in and airport security and was then loaded on the plane, what kind of security system are they running at Brisbane airport.
The security staff and other airport personel should be compelled to give evidence. Even without an admission from whoever might have planted the dope the evidence of the likelyhood of detection at Brisbane airport should make it even more obvious that only a lunatic would attempt to do what Schappelle has been convicted of. She does not seem like a lunatic   
but if so then she could surely plead insanity?
Holiday in Bali?.....I don't think so

07 Jul 05 - 09:08 PM (#1517592)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby

I still think a dingo did it...

(oops! Sorry, wrong story)

08 Jul 05 - 05:03 AM (#1517804)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Ohmygod, a dingo took moy stash!

08 Jul 05 - 07:16 AM (#1517864)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Gurney

There was a time, many years ago, when British tourist's cars were occasionally stolen in various european countries, recovered by the local police, and when the tourist arrived home, stolen again, recovered again by the British police with the tyres off, and body panels and trim opened up. Sometimes the panels had been cut open with professional metal shears.
So far as I remember, the perps were never caught, and no-one knew what had been smuggled in.
There isn't much under the sun that is new.

There is some partisan argument above about Shapelle's guilt. As I understand it, she was found guilty of bringing drugs into Indonesia.
How can you argue with that? The stuff was in her bag when she arrived. She took drugs into Indonesia.
The more enlightened legal systems around would debate knowledge and intent and justice.
There is also the point that drug dealers are on a par with serial killers, totally unconcerned with other people's lives. "Some unlucky cow got twenty years, her bad luck, but I lost my dope!"

My instinct is: I shouldn't think she knew about it, or she would have been more careful.

20 Jan 06 - 08:19 PM (#1652433)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

The case is back in the news this week. Schapelle's sentence increased to 20 years and her brother arrested in bizzare circumstances.
I have no inside knowledge, only what I have seen in the media.
I have been convinced of Schapelle' innocence by her demeanor and by the unlikelyhood that she would be involved in a venture so risky and for such a low chance of profit.
The following link has the story and a photograph which was taken at the airport by Scapelle's mother.

Have a careful look at the faces and see what you think.
I can see no sign of worry on her face.
It will be interesting to see what happens when her brother faces some tough questioning in his upcoming trial.
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction!

21 Jan 06 - 04:16 AM (#1652642)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby
From: Keef

Back in December during the period in which Schapelle's appeal was being considered, the South Australian police released details of photographs of Schapelle in the company of an accused drug trafficker. It was implied that the photographs were taken before her fateful trip to Bali and this would have had a very bad impact on her chances of a succesful appeal. It was not until January 13th 2006 that it was revealed the photographs had an innocent explanation
By the this time the damage to her appeal had most likely already been done.
This strange saga is still unfolding and I think there will be some more   interesting developements in the weeks ahead.
I still believe that the accidental failure of an interstate smuggling operation is a likely explanation. However in the light of the latest information, and asking the question "who would be so stupid as to risk a death sentence for a dubious financial gain in attempting the smuggling operation?" I would have to say that it might be the kind of thing a 16 year old male might do.
I certainly did some dumb and dangerous things myself at that age!

21 Jan 06 - 10:01 PM (#1653184)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B


22 Jan 06 - 12:40 AM (#1653252)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Peace

Anyone who actually wished to smuggle drugs into Indonesia would have the good sense to send it inside machinery or spare tires or, or, or. Has Amnesty International taken on her case as a human rights violation?

22 Jan 06 - 06:54 PM (#1653846)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Polls show support for Schapelle has fallen off dramatically since the time of her trial and conviction. This may be explained by the short attention span of the public and the fact that she is yesterdays news and we should all move on. ( The only place that Scapelle will be moving on to is a much worse jail than she is in now).
False accusations of prior involvement with drug traffickers, a series of hopeless defence teams and disclosures of misdemeanors by some of her family members. Plenty of mud, and much of it has stuck.
Whenever I have had a discussion with someone who thinks that she is guilty I have found that their arguments are not based on fact or logic but mainly on innuendo or third hand claims of inside knowledge. This reminds me very much of the Lindy Chamberlain affair, a majority were convinced that she was guilty (some still are) despite solid vindication in the form of the missing "mattine jacket" found by chance some years later and that the incriminating "Foetal Blood" found in her car was actually carpet glue.
Through the many hours of evidence that Schappele gave at her trial, and during many television interviews she has consistently stuck by her claim of innocence. Psychologists have examined her videos and have stated that she shows none of the micro expression which give us all away when we tell porkies.
Perhaps those of you who are good poker players can have another look at the photo in

and see who you think has the losing hand.

22 Jan 06 - 07:18 PM (#1653859)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

And now this!

Corby brother's role to be tested in court
Monday January 23, 2006
Corby's half-brother, James Sioeli Kisina (Channel 9 image)

By ninemsn staff

Police allegations that Schapelle Corby's half-brother was involved in exporting the cannabis that put her in jail could be tested in court within weeks, according to a report.

The Australian newspaper reports lawyers for James Sioeli Kisina, 18, said they were considering a Supreme Court appeal after the allegations were used by Queensland police to successfully oppose their client's bail.

A sworn affidavit by arresting officer Detective Sergeant Dean Godfrey said: "He (Mr Kisina) is suspected of some involvement in the exportation of cannabis for which his sister has received a 20-year imprisonment sentence."

The affidavit also alleged Mr Kisina, who was arrested after a Brisbane home invasion last Tuesday, had a "propensity to commit offences" and that he suffered from a "lack of parental guidance".

Mr Kisina was 16 and with his sister when she was caught at Bali's Ngurah Rai airport in October 2004 carrying 4.1kg of cannabis in a bodyboard bag.

Mr Kisina carried the bag to the Customs desk, but when asked by officials if it was his, Corby interrupted and claimed ownership.

After two days of interrogation, Balinese police released Mr Kisina after finding no proof of involvement in the crime.

� National Nine News 2006

22 Jan 06 - 08:20 PM (#1653885)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: GUEST,Choof

But was it a joint venture?

25 Jan 06 - 04:16 PM (#1655573)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Nobody interested?
Not even the trolls?

25 Jan 06 - 05:32 PM (#1655604)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Azizi

Keef, I'm interested, and it appears from reading this thread that Ms. Corby may be innocent, but-perhaps like others here- I don't know much about that Bali's laws and what can be done in this case now short of appeal.

25 Jan 06 - 05:56 PM (#1655635)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Thanks Azizi
Chances of reopening the case are probably not good.
Public pressure might help and that's why I keep trying in my own small way to point out the injustice.
Any ideas, opinions and debate on this would be welcome.

26 Feb 06 - 11:10 PM (#1679960)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Peace

Has she been forgotten?

27 Feb 06 - 03:27 AM (#1680023)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Hi Peace
Yes she has been largly forgotten. The recent Bali 9 case has been the headline grabber. Totally different situation ( risking the death penalty to smuggle heroin OUT of Indonesia) Not much sympathy from the public nor from me on that one.
The case involving her half brother should go to court in a few months. It is possible that new evidence may then be revealed.
Has there ever been another interception of commercial quantities of drugs being smuggled from Australia INTO Indonesia? I think not!

27 Feb 06 - 10:09 AM (#1680238)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Peace

Looks like BS to me. Is the Australian Gov't doing anything on her behalf?

27 Feb 06 - 10:49 PM (#1680826)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

The Australian government is doing about as much for Schappelle Corby as it is doing for David Hicks ( 5 years in Guantanamo bay and counting).
Diplomacy or Appeasment?
Australia now has similar laws to Indonesia eg criticism of the government equals sedition.
Massive increase in prison population predicted!!

17 Mar 06 - 04:57 AM (#1695913)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Today the Indonesian courts had a public bonfire of the infamous boogie board and the 5 Kilos of weed, thus making sure that the forensic tests that her legal team have been requesting are now an impossibility.
Nice one!

Can't get my clicky thing to go blue
but i'm sure you'll know wot to do with the link

17 Mar 06 - 10:20 AM (#1696142)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: robomatic

Life is hard. It's even harder when you're dumb (or related to druggies).

16 Jun 06 - 06:07 AM (#1761227)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

Can Mudcat Power help overcome injustice? Yes of course it can!
A couple of recent events have once again prompted me to give this case yet another plug.
Today's news of the release of Abu Bakar Bashir- the motivator behind the Bali bombings - and the statement of the Indonesian ambassador that Australia should mind its own business.
The recent interview on 60 Minutes of "convicted drug offender" Michelle Leslie.
Granted that 60 Minutes is not the most creditable of authorities however Michelle Leslie's own account was I believe entirely plausible.
She claimed that when stopped in a police roadblock outside the nightclub she would have had ample time to have hidden (or swallowed) any ecstacy tablets that might have been in her possession. She claims that she had nothing and that the drugs were planted on her.
Following the advice of her legal team, her family paid approximately $20,000 in bribes and she agreed to plead guilty. This strategy worked well and she was released after only a few months. The downside is that she is now a pariah in Australia and elsewhere as a "convicted drug user"
Schappelle Corby might well have done better to have followed the same course of action but has instead maintained her innocence and refused to pay the requisite bribes.
I think in a sense that Schappelle is indeed a political prisoner because Indonesia (a predominently Muslim and anti Western society) is making her the scapegoat for its anti Australian bias and refuses to consider the possibility that she may be innocent.
As I have mentioned before, a forensic examination of the seized drugs could have provided a wealth of information. e.g. were her fingerprints or DNA on the bag? Was it Hydroponic? Where was it grown (trace elements in water during growth might give geographic clues)
The Australian Federal Police have the expertise to perform these tests but declined to do so.
The drugs have now been doused in petrol and burned closing off that opportunity.
I know this is a music forum but there are a lot of vey good people among the catters so I don't think I am wasting my time in giving this one more shot.
Values of fairness and justice are universal and I will not accept that Indonesia is allowed to do things differently to other countries.
The Australian government's perpetual toadying to Indonesia is not bringing us any benefit.

16 Jun 06 - 07:12 AM (#1761249)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Azizi


I opened this thread hoping to hear some good news.

Sigh is right.

I'm not sure what we here can be do at this point, but keep praying & sending out positive vibrations for her and for other people who may be unjustly incarcerated.

17 Jun 06 - 03:04 AM (#1762011)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into B
From: Keef

(Bob Dylan)

They say everything can be replaced,
That every distance is not near,
So I remember every face,
Of every man who's put me here.

cho: I see my light come shining,
From the west unto the east.
Any day now, any way now,
I shall be released.

They say every man needs protection,
That every man must rise and fall.
Yet I swear I see my reflection,
Somewhere so high above this wall.

Yonder stands a man in this lonely crowd,
A man who swears he's not to blame.
All day long I hear him shouting so loud,
He's crying out that he was framed.

Any day now, any way now,
I shall be released.

Can't say it any better than that.....thanks Bob

17 Jun 06 - 07:59 AM (#1762110)
Subject: RE: BS: Schapelle Corby (importing cannabis into Bali)
From: Azizi

Thanks a wonderful song. And so fitting.

Thsnks for posting it, Keef.