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Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th

03 May 05 - 05:48 AM (#1476870)
Subject: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

The Ship. Lower Stoke THURSDAY May 12th 8 till late. Sally the landlady goes on holiday next day, so we'll send her off with a hangover (and hope she does us sarnies again like last time)!!

Speckled Hen, pickled locals, etc!

Webbed feet optional extra.

I am lecturing on the Wednesday, which is why it's the Thursday.

It will also serve as the second anniversary of Jacqui's wake. Her death was 11th May 2003.

03 May 05 - 06:09 PM (#1477390)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge


03 May 05 - 07:18 PM (#1477455)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Thursday, I'm afraid, is OHAM night, and assuming that the knee is OK, I will be making my first appearance for three weeks, so I'll catch your next. Hope you have another good one.

Don T.

04 May 05 - 10:48 PM (#1478459)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Shaping up well. According to Jeff, quite a crew from the Canopus from this Tuesday are planning to make it, much to the benefit of local taxi firms!

According to Sally the landlady, two strange women she could not identify have been looking for us. That sounds interesting too.

We will be moving back to Wednesday next month.

09 May 05 - 06:57 PM (#1481140)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge


The late night taxi from Lower Stoke to Medway has been booked a little later this time.....

10 May 05 - 06:58 AM (#1481465)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge


10 May 05 - 07:45 PM (#1482050)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: woodsie

Good luck - I'll try and get there.

10 May 05 - 07:54 PM (#1482061)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: GUEST,Midnight Rambler

Blag a lift off Fisheye.

Richard Bridge has floorspace and your picture is on the poster.

Can you sort that well known folk song "Street Fighting Man"?

Or anything by the Pink Fairies?

11 May 05 - 06:30 AM (#1482312)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dead Horse

Dont hold your breath, but I may put in an appearance if work doesnt claim me first. For admirers of things terpsichoral, I will be accompanied by the delectable Kay.
(anyone actually caught delecting during Kays performance will be hastened into the afterlife)
Does this pub have a wooden floor, or does Kay need to bring her own?

11 May 05 - 07:07 AM (#1482327)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dave Bryant

Linda & I are planning to go.

Woodsie - if you need a lift from Mottingham let us know.

DH - but everybody delects during Kay's performances - things like her legs and DILLYGAF's boobs give us poor sexagenarians the will to keep living.

11 May 05 - 06:25 PM (#1482794)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Bring wood floor to pub.

Interesting variation on Dilligaf, it looks like YOU give a ****

12 May 05 - 09:27 PM (#1483762)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dead Horse

Bugger! Got called in at 19:30 due to veh breakdown. Kay went to Kings Head to see Mike West instead. Next time eh?

13 May 05 - 06:54 AM (#1483991)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

It was quieter than expected, and we were all out of the pub by 12.30. Many many thanks to local Roland who bought us ALL beer most of the night!!

Thanks to Dave and Linda for coming. Woodsie where were you?

Slats duly arrived but could only drink (shame!) and play (not sing) as he was definitely impersonating the croaking chorus from the frogs of Aristophanes.

I had overworked my throat by starting early at 7.30. so Simon and John were the mainstay of the evening, Chris being to tired to sing(!) but there were some very nice harmony moments.

After discussion with pub and locals and singers, we will now move to a SATURDAY night - the pub does not fill with electronic sounds on Saturdays, people (perfomers and audience) don't need to get up in the morning, and landlady is happy, and I think most singers will agree we have been looking for a pub to do a Saturday session for a long time.

There will be a new thread when the time approaches - and looking at my diary that may well be July rather than June!

13 May 05 - 09:35 AM (#1484102)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Essex Girl

Great idea. We've been looking for another Saturday night session apart from Elsies, which is great but only once a month, for ages. We'll be there

13 May 05 - 10:57 AM (#1484157)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: My guru always said

Saturday night's sound Brill (out of festival season), anywhere to put a caravan?

13 May 05 - 01:21 PM (#1484269)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Pub carpark not ideal, but if you are v. tasty with the reversing, my drive is next door. Or there is the street. Alternatively I have quite a lot of sparebed, sofa, and floor space.

13 May 05 - 05:35 PM (#1484469)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: My guru always said

Hey, this sounds better & better!! Thanks Richard, floorspace would be fab (have airbed etc.) if we manage to get across from Leatherhead! Goodness, I'd be able to drink a beer or two *Big Grin*

13 May 05 - 07:04 PM (#1484517)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Hey Linda, which Saturday is Elsie's, so I can plan round it?

June is out for me, so first of thenew Sat sessions will be JUly(ish) when I find out about Elsie's

14 May 05 - 04:41 AM (#1484792)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dead Horse

Saturdays is when I am most likely to be driving bus past door. Could arrive early, sing one, leave late. (but dont tell the boss) Speaking of bosses, that arrangement would preclude the delectable Kays appearance.

15 May 05 - 04:37 AM (#1485222)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Hi Dead Horse

Two things you overlook -

Since we run peninsula hours you could always come in after work.

Second I am sure we can get volunteers to look after the delectable Kay (hur hur!) and you could drop her off by bus for the purpose.

Nice to see you looking so well at Sweeps.

Can anyone be definite which weeks of the month Elsie's runs on Saturday? I suppose I could always ring her pub and ask...

15 May 05 - 04:50 AM (#1485227)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: My guru always said

Must admit I thought Elsie's had the odd concert on a Saturday night, but is obviously old news. The music session used to be 2nd Sundays with the song session on 2nd Tuesdays.

15 May 05 - 03:01 PM (#1485518)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dead Horse

My working hours are 4pm - 2:30/3am on Tuesdays, 4pm - 4/4:30am Fridays & Saturdays. Dat precludes me coming in after work. And if you think I is going to leave the Delectable Kay at the tender mercies of a bunch of ne'er-do-well itinerant folkie preeverts, you am madder than I is. So there! :-P

15 May 05 - 05:29 PM (#1485611)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

Buses 'till 4 am?


Round here it's 3 a day ending at 5 pm!

16 May 05 - 06:11 AM (#1485905)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Dead Horse

Me take drunk teenagers back from Amadeus in Strood. Luvly job. Wanna go? I lend ya me bus?

16 May 05 - 09:11 AM (#1485984)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Essex Girl

Richard, I think Elsies is on 16th July, but I will check

16 May 05 - 03:47 PM (#1486182)
Subject: RE: Song/Ssn North Kent THURS May 12th
From: Richard Bridge

I don't go to Amadeus without some very large martial arts experts!