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BS: What Do You Do When....

26 May 05 - 01:50 AM (#1493404)
Subject: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: LilyFestre

What do you do when you can't sleep?

I'm on a roll this week. I go to bed, I read until I am tired and then I go to sleep only to wake up 2 hours later. I have tried more reading, getting a drink, playing backgammon, signing online, watching television, etc. I have tried just laying in bed too but that does nothing more than frustrate me.

I eventually do fall asleep around 4:00am, only to have to get up at 6:00-6:30ish. UGH.

So, what do you fine folks do when you can't sleep? Any suggestions?
I do have prescription sleep meds but I don't like to use them unless I absolutely have to.

Sleepless on the mountain top,


26 May 05 - 02:32 AM (#1493415)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

Jua let the thoughts run through your head; don't follow them up or examine them. Especially don't obsess. Let them in and let them out.

Sort of a sleep meditation.

This works well & quickly when I can do it. I haven't been too lucky lately, and the more I'm sleep-deprived the crazier I get.

Robert A Wilson recommends that when a useless and unwelcome thought comes into your head you recite the mantra "Shut the fuck up!" It works pretty good if you can remember to do it.


26 May 05 - 02:32 AM (#1493416)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

Jua let the thoughts run through your head; don't follow them up or examine them. Especially don't obsess. Let them in and let them out.

Sort of a sleep meditation.

This works well & quickly when I can do it. I haven't been too lucky lately, and the more I'm sleep-deprived the crazier I get.

Robert A Wilson recommends that when a useless and unwelcome thought comes into your head you recite the mantra "Shut the fuck up!" It works pretty good if you can remember to do it.


26 May 05 - 02:35 AM (#1493417)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

sorry. don't know how that happened. must be obsessng again.


26 May 05 - 03:11 AM (#1493421)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Amos

Increase your exercise in the day and kncok off sodas, caffeine after noon, etc.

A glass of milk helps. You can also try melatonin or _natural_ l-tryptophane.


26 May 05 - 03:43 AM (#1493428)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: John MacKenzie

A couple of aspirin or paracetamol and a warm drink an hour before bed, if you must read make it bland material that doesn't stimulate the brain cells. In the final analysis you may need someone lying beside you saying "I feel really horny tonight", it sure sends my partner off to sleep quickly!

26 May 05 - 05:35 AM (#1493464)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Dave Hanson

Drugs and Whisky work for me.


26 May 05 - 06:54 AM (#1493472)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: LilyFestre the mantra!

Amos, I'll work on the exercise. I'm not a soda drinker and normally I'm done with the coffee by 10:00am. And a glass of milk before bed.....ok, I can do that.

Giok, a warm drink might help but the other suggestion is going to have me awake for quite some time..LOL!


Ok....I'll give some of these a try. As for now, where the heck is my coffee? ;)


26 May 05 - 07:20 AM (#1493476)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Moses

I can sleep on a clothes-line so this is hardly ever a problem BUT on the odd occasion that I have had too much coffee during the day I will wake in the early hours and NOTHING gets me back to sleep (until, of course, it is time to get up for work.

Prevention better than cure? Cut out the coffee or stimulants?

Works for me.

26 May 05 - 07:20 AM (#1493477)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,freda

I take two magnesium tablets mid evening (muscle relaxant) and have a hot milk before bed. either reading or a hypnotic tape get me to sleep. the hypnotic tape is good because if i cant sleep i dont feel like i'm wasting time - it always works.

good luck


26 May 05 - 07:46 AM (#1493484)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Georgiansilver

Getting to sleep and staying that way overnight depends largely on muscle relaxation. If you are a tense or anxious person then all you can do is find a method of relaxing yourself from stress/tension.
I have a double whisky every night about half an hour before bed and find it works for me......I know of others who use "Horlicks" or "Ovaltine"..the food/drinks of the night and that works for them...I also have a friend who drings a couple of cups of "Cammomile tea" and it works for her. All had tried different remedies over the years and are now O.K....I believe you will have to try many methods to relax yourself and eventually one will work for you.
Take care and Best wishes, Mike.

26 May 05 - 07:51 AM (#1493487)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....

Self help masturbation

26 May 05 - 07:56 AM (#1493491)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: jacqui.c

The main thing is to relax. I used to get very worried if I couldn't get off to sleep or stay asleep that I would feel it the next day.

Once I worked out that this wasn't helping the problem at all I just told myself that, if sleepless nights made me tired, at some point I would be so tired that I would REALLY sleep. That worked and I've tried to stick with it ever since.

I also do a version of Clint's mantra - don't let uninvited guests, in the way of bothersome thoughts, share your sleep time and that works as well. I would usually try to replace them with pleasant thoughts.

26 May 05 - 08:05 AM (#1493498)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Micca

Text books on Biochemistry ( especially Lehninger)or Health and Safety Law ( especially Case law )were always the most reliable sleep inducers I have ever come across.

26 May 05 - 08:21 AM (#1493504)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,Jim Dixon

Here are a couple of methods that SOMETIMES work for me:

1. Concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air as it slides through your nostrils. Become aware of the difference in temperature between the incoming air and the outgoing air, and the different areas that are affected. Feel the subtle variations in pressure. Paying attention seems to make the tissue acutely sensitive, and to shut out all other sensations. After a while, it has a sort of hypnotic effect.

2. Concentrate on random visual images. The random firings of neurons in your retina in the darkness will give you raw material to work with. Try to see images in them, rather like seeing images in clouds or in Rorschach inkblots. Try to shape the images into something interesting, like an artist working with clay, but allow random things to happen, too. Eventually, one of those images will turn into a dream, and then you're asleep.

26 May 05 - 08:23 AM (#1493508)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Liz the Squeak

It sounds as if getting to sleep isn't your problem, but staying asleep is. Avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine or other stimulants as they will 'kick in' hours after you've ingested them.

Make sure your room/bedding isn't too warm and that you don't have a TV or something in your eyeline. The red 'standby' light in your eyeline can be stimulating, even if you aren't really looking at it. Make sure there are no other flickering lights in the room.

Good luck and sweet dreams.


26 May 05 - 08:59 AM (#1493537)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,gnu

Aha!! You... "go to bed, I read until I am tired...". No. Never. The bed should be for two things only. Regarding sleep, set your sleeptime and stay out of the bed until then. Don't even lay on the couch while wacthing TV. Sit up straight or stand. Set your waking time as well. Maintain these times - every day, weekends too.

As for all those thoughts about what didn't get done today and what has to get done tomorrow, tell yourself today is over and the best thing you can do now for tomorrow is sleep... it is time to sleep... you are really going to enjoy the wonderful, relaxing, deep sleep.

Lay flat on your back, completely relax your entire body, breath slowly and deeply. Enjoy the relaxation. If you don't sleep on your back, don't worry about it. You will roll to your normal position when it's time.

Do the same thing in the middle of the night. Lots of good advice above re temperature, caffine, etc.

26 May 05 - 09:13 AM (#1493546)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Rapparee

1. Compose a story in your head -- something stupid and boring. A guy I know creates "space operas" of the bug-eyed-monsters-at-war-with-humans sort, but he must describe completely how all the weapons, ships, etc. work and he's not a physicist. This knocks him out because he finds physics and science in general boring.

2. Try a long soak in warm water, perhaps with a glass of wine, before bed. This can loosen up tense muscles.

3. Depending upon your age, you might need an SSRI (selective seretonin reuptake inhibitor), but DO NOT use stuff that has the word "seretonin" in it without seeing a physician FIRST. There can be side effects, including loss of sexual desire, with repeated use.

4. Never, ever, give in to thoughts of work or other problems. Never.

5. A LITTLE chocolate might help.

26 May 05 - 11:37 AM (#1493642)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: kendall

Read George Bush's speeches

26 May 05 - 11:51 AM (#1493655)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Long Firm Freddie

Sleep on the very edge of the bed.

You'll soon drop off.


26 May 05 - 12:28 PM (#1493675)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Firecat

I usually go downstairs and get myself a beaker of hot chocolate, or hot milk with honey and cinnamon.

A hot bath with relaxing bubbles (e.g Palmolive Aromatherapy) helps as well, but don't fall asleep in the bath!

26 May 05 - 12:34 PM (#1493684)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Donuel

These are all verry good remedi ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

26 May 05 - 12:44 PM (#1493694)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Charmion

Many useful points here, but of course I have my own two cents' worth to offer.

You may find that drinking just before bed has a counter-productive effect in that the drink may help you drop off but the inevitable consequent need to pee will have you awake at zero dark thirty. For this reason, I generally avoid liquids after seven o'clock.

When stress is getting me down, the first indication I get is waking up at about four o'clock in the morning. I had several really stressful years during the 1990s, and at that time I learned to go to bed around nine o'clock -- when you go to bed at nine, arising at four just means you have time to do a couple of loads of laundry, read two newspapers and eat a decent breakfast before going to work. You can also let the cats out and get them in again before you have to leave the house.

The best way I found to send myself to sleep was to settle down with the lights off and the clock-radio on, set at "snooze" so it eventually turns itself off. CBC Radio I has a show called "Ideas" that begins after the nine o'clock news, and for years I would drop off to the gentle sounds of abstruse academic lecturing. To this day, words like "semiotics" and "discourse" induce slumber instantly. On the rare occasions when "Ideas" didn't do the sleep trick, I actually learned something.

26 May 05 - 12:56 PM (#1493704)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ebbie

What's a 'hypnotic tape', freda?

Open the window for fresh air and the soughing of a breeze. As Liz the Squeak suggested: Have almost too light covers, so you can snuggle.

If you are overtired or had a busy day, take a couple of aspirin before you go to bed. It smooths out the muscles and irons out the system.

Rap suggested something that works well for me- I tell myself a serial story. (I have mentioned this before.) I set a scene such as a stranding on an island or the aftermath of a plane crash in a remote area. I allow myself to have some of my favorite people there with me but that means that I also have to have some of my UNfavorite people there too.

I set the scene then sit/stand/lie back and see what develops. It's often surprising. In the story we have to do everything from creating shelter, treating injury or illness, scrounging for food and getting along - or not- with each other.

Sometimes I don't include myself in the story at all, but treat it like a novel.

The frustrating part is that it works too well. I've gone to sleep before the plot unfolds, so that the next night I have to 'catch up' on the action- and off to sleep I go again.

26 May 05 - 01:29 PM (#1493724)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: heric

Work stress had kept me up for years, and I now have a sure-fire cure (I'm serious): First, write out tomorrow's to-do list and put it in front of the coffee-maker; Second put on Sara MacLaughlin's newest CD. It knocks me (and even the kids) out within the first three songs, every time. Before that sure-fire cure, I used to count backwards, over and over, to try to block out the stressful to-do's.

27 May 05 - 06:05 AM (#1494112)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Crystal

I'm having similar problems with not sleeping. Now that the days are getting longer make sure your curtains are well lined and tightly closed as the light induces wakefullness, not good at 4am! Also keep pets out of the bedroom, especially cats, If I wake up and then manage to drop off again it is gaurenteed that the cat will decide to come and snuggle up to me (or bite my toes, it depends how she feels). Ovelteine is good, but there are two camps reguarding hot milk/ alcohol, it sends you to sleep but can also cause you to wake up after a few hours due to the metabolic proscesses.

If all else fails spread your sleeplessness around and wake everyone else up!

27 May 05 - 08:21 AM (#1494174)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Liz the Squeak

Have a good hard look at your life and see if there is something else that is not 'right'. It may be that even recognising there is another problem somewhere may help with the sleeplessness.

Have another good hard look at your general health. It may be something else that's jolting you into wakefulness in the early hours.


27 May 05 - 08:53 AM (#1494190)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Alba

Michelle Darlin,
All good info given I really have nothing more to suggest...other than...don't try all the remedies at once or you may sleep for months!!!:>)
and then we would miss you...***bg***
Love and Light

27 May 05 - 02:13 PM (#1494453)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: PoppaGator

Someone recommended aspirin, but aspirin tablets ~ all brands ~ contain 2% caffeine. (It is apparantly a ncessary catalyst that makes the aspirin itself work effectively.) So, aspirin works only if aches and pains are keeping you awake, and the painkilling aspect of the aspirin outweighs the countervailing effect of the caffeine.

There are plenty of other similar painkillers/anti-inflammarories that do not contain caffeine: acetaminophen, ibuprofin, etc.

Acetaminophen PM works for me; I resort to this sleep medication maybe once every week or two. I am generally a "night person" ~ slow to go to sleep and slow/difficult to get up in the morning as well. I'll take a PM or two only when I am especially wakeful, or when I will need to get up earlier than usual and therefore need to get to sleep without undue delay.

You should note that all brands of "PM" are essentially the same, consisting of acetaminophen plus the sleep-inducing ingredient, which is actaully an antihistimine. Even Excedrin PM is made according to this formula, even though regular Excedrin is half-and-half aspirin and acetaminophen. No aspirin (and none of trhe accompanying caffeine) in the PM formula.

Of course, whether your preferred "poison" is PM, whiskey, warm milk, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea,or whatever, it's better to take it sooner than later, i.e., before retiring rather than after a couple of hours tossing and turning. By the time your soporific of choice finally takes effect, it's almost time to get up!

27 May 05 - 02:22 PM (#1494464)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: John MacKenzie

The Aspirin can be replaced by anything similar as the main idea is to relax you.

27 May 05 - 02:28 PM (#1494467)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: PoppaGator

Someone recommended aspirin, but aspirin tablets ~ all brands ~ contain 2% caffeine. (It is apparantly a necessary catalyst that makes the aspirin itself work effectively.) So, aspirin works only if aches and pains are keeping you awake, and the painkilling aspect of the aspirin outweighs the countervailing stay-awake effect of the caffeine.

There are plenty of other similar painkillers/anti-inflammarories that do not contain caffeine: acetaminophen, ibuprofin, etc.

Acetaminophen PM works for me; I resort to this sleep medication maybe once every week or two. I am generally a "night person" ~ slow to go to sleep and slow/difficult to get up in the morning as well. I'll take a PM or two only when I am even more wakeful than usual, or when I will need to get up earlier than usual and therefore need to get to sleep without undue delay.

You should note that all brands of "PM" are essentially the same, consisting of acetaminophen (Tylenol) plus the sleep-inducing ingredient, which is actually an antihistimine. Even Excedrin PM is made according to this formula, even though regular Excedrin is half-and-half aspirin and acetaminophen*. No aspirin (and none of the accompanying caffeine) in the PM formula.

The sleep-inducing ingredient of PM has recently been marketed without the acetaminophen ~ makes sense, because you don't always need a painkiller when you need help going to sleep. We have made a halfhearted effort to keep both products in stock, but (old farts that we are) the wife and I both figure we can always use a bit of painkiller for our arthritis and other chronic aches on nights when we can't easily get to sleep. So we quit buying the smaller blue pills and just stock up on store-brand Tylenol PMs.

Of course, whether your preferred "poison" is PM, chamomile, whiskey, warm milk, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea, or whatever, it's better to take it sooner than later, i.e., before retiring rather than after a couple of hours tossing and turning. If you wait too long, by the time your soporific of choice finally takes effect, it's almost time to get up!

*Off the subject of sleep aids: For daytime wide-awake treatment of headache, backache, sore muscles, etc., I find that nothing works better for me than Excedrin or equivalent. What's the equivalent? One aspirin and one acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol or generic equivalent) is exactly the same thing as two Excedrin tablets: 50% acetaminophen, 49% aspirin, 1% caffeine.

27 May 05 - 02:52 PM (#1494484)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ebbie

I found this: "Aspirin and codeine phosphate tablets for oral administration combine the following inactive ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, and stearic acid. "

Where is a link that gives ALL the ingredients of aspirin, PoppaGator?

(Keep in mind that a cup of decaf coffee has 3% caffeine. Chocolate also has a certain amount.

From 'Hidden Sources of Caffeine': I know the obvious sources of caffeine; coffee, tea, colas, some aspirin meds like Excedrin .

Excedrin: "Adding codeine or morphine to the tylenol is very effective as is adding caffeine(why excedrin is approved for migraine-a combo of aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine)."

I really would like to know the answer. My analgesic of choice is aspirin.

I have not been able to find anything that says or implies that 'normal' aspirin contains caffeine. Are you a chemist/pharmacist, Poppagator?

27 May 05 - 03:04 PM (#1494490)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: John MacKenzie

Aspirin in its original form is Acetylsalicylic Acid. The Willow or Salix is the root of the salic bit of the name, years ago people discovered that chewing the bark of the willow eased headaches, and as such it is the most 'natural' of all analgesics, it is easily tolerated and unless taken in large/regular doses where it can cause internal bleeding from the stomach it is a useful and popular medicine.

27 May 05 - 03:58 PM (#1494526)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: heric

27 May 05 - 04:02 PM (#1494527)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: heric

whereas normal "extra strength" does not

27 May 05 - 04:11 PM (#1494534)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ebbie

Interesting. SoRapid Bayer Asirin has caffeine in it; Extra Strength Bayer Aspirin does NOT.

Somewhere in the links I read that migraine headaches respond well to caffeine-laced analgesics because of the vascular effect of caffeine.

So, I guess that if strong but not particularly fast relief is needed, take regular aspirin. Humph. Semantics.

27 May 05 - 05:24 PM (#1494588)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Bert

One sure fire way of getting to sleep is to try to stay awake.
Other than that,as Jacqui.c says, don't worry about it. Catch up on Saturday.

I find that milk keeps me awake.

27 May 05 - 05:50 PM (#1494617)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Bill D

what PoppaGator of the PM products, which is essentially Benedryl...or as Amos said, Melatonin. I, too, have a prescription thing, but I try to keep it to a couple times a week, and the over-the-counter melatonin (no more than 1 microgram!!) + PM/Benedryl usually does it.

It is best to limit 'stimulation' (TV programs, arguments, exercise..etc..) in the last couple hours before bed, but I confess I don't usually follow my own advice.

This only gradually became a problem for me in the last 6-7 years. When I was young, I could sleep anywhere, anytime.

27 May 05 - 07:24 PM (#1494671)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: LilyFestre

Lots of great ideas to try here, thanks for your thoughts! I'll be taking some Ambien tonight just to try and get myself caught up and then I'll try some of the ideas. I do not have to be up at any special time in the morning, so hopefully the Ambien will knock me out and I can sleep the entire night and get caught up. I'm so beyond wired now that it isn't funny.

Sweet Dreams to all you fine, thoughtful folks!


27 May 05 - 07:26 PM (#1494673)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: annamill

I've had this problem too. Especially lately. All the years I worked in NY I had to be up by at least 6:30am. NOW, I wake up every morning at 6:30 am. Bother!

My grandmother from Italy used to have a glass (small) of wine every night. I find I sleep well with a glass of wine. I still wake up at 6:30am but I usually get a good nights sleep.

In college I did a paper in Comp Class about falling asleep. Here it is in a nutshell.

Lay on you bed in the most comfortable position for you. Talk to your body. Talk to each extremity and relax each one as you talk to it. You can actually feel that part relax. For instance: "Feet relax", (feel them relax), "calves relax" (feel them relax). etc. By the time you get to your head, you should be asleep. Two things are accomplished with this excercize. One, you relax your body. Two, it takes your mind off of not being able to sleep or anything else you might be worried about.

Now, I have become so disciplined I just tell my whole body to relax and it works. I can actually feel each piece of my body relax. I hope this works for you.

Love, annamill

27 May 05 - 08:02 PM (#1494688)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

I suggest one grm. of Melatonin.---a small dose.

Wait about a half hour.

Hit the sack.

Pick a long ballad and sing it quietly in your head. It will stop the unbidden thoughts from coming in.

I do this----and I'm usually asleep before I'm two thirds through the song.

Art Thieme

27 May 05 - 08:03 PM (#1494689)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: DougR

Martin Gibson: where are you when you are sorely needed. :>)

27 May 05 - 08:41 PM (#1494705)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ebbie

I don't get it.

27 May 05 - 08:51 PM (#1494714)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Jeri

I don't either Ebbie.

Melatonin works. So does kava kava, but you have to be careful because it can cause liver problems. I've taken both at the same time and the combo works great. I usually don't have much of a problem sleeping and have insomnia maybe 2-3 times a year.

27 May 05 - 10:18 PM (#1494757)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ebbie

I hope I'm wrong in suspecting that DougR doesn't like to see us supporting and enjoying each other. That would be right mean spirited. Say it ain't so, Doug?

27 May 05 - 10:42 PM (#1494765)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Ron Davies

Be sure NOT to think about what to say on Mudcat!

Seriously------If you like classical music, pick some music you're very familiar with and which does not have a lot of jarring entrances-- some Baroque ( not the Fireworks Music) for instance-- and put it on real low. Even if you don't like classical, but like, for instance,   O'Carrolan harp music, put a CD of that on very low. A solo acoustic guitar CD might be good. I find that vocal music of any kind is not a good choice---I have a compulsion to sing along.

28 May 05 - 12:31 AM (#1494803)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: LadyJean

Put milk, water, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and a teabag in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Let it steep for a little then drink it. This is how tea is made in India, and it will send you right to sleep. A friend who married a man from Bombay showed me how to do it, and it works very very well.
Or there's benadryl, an antihistimine. It will knock you right out, and I have never found it addictive. I don't like the stuff. But it works.

28 May 05 - 12:56 AM (#1494812)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: dianavan

Above chai is good. Add a few chunks of ginger and break open a pod of cardamon. The teabag is optional.

My problems sleeping disappeared when I started walking everyday.

I never had problems sleeping when I was doing hard, physical labour. The problem started when I moved back into the city and had to contend with noise, mental job stress, and sitting on my butt all day. Start walking!

Don't fight it. Get up and read or clean the fridge or something...

Pretty soon, the bed will beckon.

28 May 05 - 03:45 AM (#1494864)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: Kaleea

It may be due to the full moon Monday (23rd). Many people experience sleeplessness around a full moon as it affects our biorhythms. Then sometimes, ya just gotta cut out the double pepperoni & anchovy pizza just before bedtime.   
         C-Span is the answer! I get in my recliner, put on the TV to a boring talk thing, lower the volume to where I can barely hear it. If I'm lucky, I'll nod off.      
         Hey, Mr. Sandman!!

28 May 05 - 04:45 AM (#1494884)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: bbc

How old are you, Michelle? I had no problems getting to sleep & staying asleep until about a year ago. I'm 52 & in that nasty, long pre-menopausal phase. I still get to sleep easily, but sometimes wake up 2-3 times a night w/ hot flashes & have difficulty getting back to sleep. The books say avoid alcohol, caffeine, & heavy meals in the evening. I usually read until I'm sleepy again, but that can be a pain w/ a work schedule. I live alone, so there's nobody for company or recreation. Now, I understand why middle-aged women get grumpy. :) Hopefully, this is just a phase & you'll get through it.



28 May 05 - 08:54 AM (#1494941)
Subject: RE: BS: What Do You Do When....
From: GUEST,leeneia

My thoughts on this:

I can't get too sleep if I'm cold, whether it's just my feet or my whole body. Sometimes I may not even be aware of feeling cold, but an extra blanket or pair of warm socks puts me to sleep right away.

Thinking: try to think about things you like to do. It's calming.

Alcohol: wine, whiskey, etc may make me sleepy, but I pay for it with a night of troubling dreams. I don't feel rested in the morning.