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'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

15 Jun 05 - 06:56 AM (#1501419)
Subject: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

This thread is directed specifically at people who ARE going to Sidmouth Festival 2005.

I'm trying to find out the consensus of opinion on what we are working towards, so I need to know your individual views on what you want future Sidmouth festivals to be.

Do you prefer:-

1. The International festival that has been a unique event in the calendar for a number of years?

2. A smaller folk festival, which is more performer oriented?

3. Something else?

It would be most helpful if we could keep to the subject of the thread, as that will make it much easier to collate results.

Thank you for your cooperation

Don T.

15 Jun 05 - 07:01 AM (#1501421)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

BTW, for those who are not attending, I would like to stress that you are not being excluded because I am not interested in your opinion, but rather because, by not attending this year you have already expressed your desire for a return to the International Festival, which, for what it's worth, is also my desire.

Don T.

15 Jun 05 - 07:22 AM (#1501429)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Blowzabella at work


Please can I reply, even though I am not attending? The reason I am not attending is not because of a desire to return to an International Festival but, rather because Sidmouth has never really been much of a draw for me previously, because it was too big - hence I have other plans for my holidays. However, after seeing what is planned for 2005 - I would definitely look towards attending it in 2006, if it were following a similar format. I think that it looks like a brilliant programme of events and I would have loved to have been able to go - sadly, (well, not too sadly) I will be sailing round the Western Isles.


15 Jun 05 - 07:39 AM (#1501449)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: MBSLynne

I've personally never been too bothered by the 'International' aspect of the festival and in recent years I've thought that there were perhaps too many international guests, all of whom have to be paid and accomodated. The festival has grown in the 22 years I've been attending, and added more 'roots' and other music. I haven't been entirely happy with the way it's changed since my early days there, though I realise that the management were trying to make it pay, and without some of the changes we probably would already have lost the festival. On the other hand, I've always liked the fact that it was a big festival. Perhaps what I'd like, is to see it become a little smaller than in recent years, but not too small.

I must admit that, while the loss of the arena as a venue for performers doesn't particularly bother me as I've only ever been to two concerts there in all my year, but what I really regret and will miss terrribly, is the loss of the arena showground. I think a lot of other people will too considering the packed crowds that frequented
it. I loved the range of goods and shopping you could do there, the kids' story glade, the punch and judies, the circus arts bits and so on, and it was yet another place for the childrren to go and enjoy themselves.

What I really want is the Sidmouth I used to know and love, but that isn't possible, so I think the answer is, a smaller festival, though still big and with as much variety and choice as is possible.

Love Lynne

15 Jun 05 - 08:05 AM (#1501487)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

A smaller festival will suit me as I spend most of my time in the sessions, singarounds and workshops, may be only going to a couple of big concerts.

15 Jun 05 - 08:13 AM (#1501497)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Mitch the Bass

I'll be at Sidmouth 2005 as an artist as I have been at 6 previous festival between 1976 to 2004.

I like the diversity of the festival and, when the programme permits, go to concerts (both large and small), workshops, sessions, dances and displays and also visit the shops for instruments and CDs. This includes international performers. I realise that others may have more focussed interests.

It would be possible to have smaller festival whilst retaining the diversity (concerts, sessions, workshops, dances, international content etc), or have a large festival and narrow the focus for example to performance rather than participation.

For me, keep the diversity at whatever scale is viable.


15 Jun 05 - 08:14 AM (#1501499)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Malc R


This will be my first Sidmouth, and it is the fact that it is a festival made up of many individual parts allowing me to pick and choose what I see/hear and what I pay for that has enticed me down south.

As I have other commitments at either end of the week I cannot attend for the whole festival so a season ticket would have been of no benefit to me in any case, and unfortunately the ever increasing bureaucracy and 'claim culture' insurances are making commercial performances prohibitively expensive, especially if attending as a family – possibly thread creep, my apologies.

Of the festivals I have attended, I much prefer the "Fringe" sessions to the commercial performances, although it is only at such large festivals that the opportunity to see/hear some of the international artists arises.

Ask again after the festival and you may get some different responses, but considering the event that has been organised in such a short space of time, then 2006 along similar, but more co-ordinated lines, should appeal to many old and new festival goers alike.


15 Jun 05 - 08:22 AM (#1501503)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Alan J.

There is a major issue affecting festivals after 2006 which seems to have been overlooked by almost everyone, hardly surprising as it is hidden in the small print and hasn't been given any publicity by the authorities.
Anything held in non-licensed premises will need a Temporary Event Notice (TEN for short), and there is a limit of 96 hours per TEN, after which there has to be a gap of 24 hours. In other words, if the festival starts on Friday, there should be nothing in the Arena, marquees etc on Tuesday.
There might be a way out of this if the (East Devon??)council is enthusiastic - local authorities can licence a "public space" which could include the Knowle Arena, Ham and Blackmore Gardens. I suspect that LNE held on farmland would not benefit from this.
I have heard that Teignbridge council are looking to do this with some of their spaces such as the Triangles in Teignmouth, so it might be worth politely suggesting to East devon that they investigate a similar approach in Sidmouth.

Quote from the DCMS site---
"As stated above, local authorities will be encouraged to obtain premises licences to cover public spaces, such as village greens or indeed a number of streets, on which many performances take place. No additional licence would then need to be obtained by anyone else carrying out licensable activities on such premises covered by such a licence, although the consent of the local authority holding the licence would be required and permission given to use the land. But if there is no pre-existing licence, unless your event falls into an exempt category, a premises licence or club premises certificate or temporary event notice is required to authorise the provision of regulated entertainment."

15 Jun 05 - 08:26 AM (#1501507)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

I have rarely been to any of the "International" things in the years I have been coming to Sidmouth. Only the occasional African things that I happen to enjoy.

If Sidmouth evolves in to a smaller participatory festival with some guests that I wish to see I will continue to attend (other circumstances permitting.

I would like the festival to be more a "traditional" song/music/dance
with the accent on the British Isles and perhaps occasional stuff from further afield (Breton,French Canadian and maybe USA.

Not sure how this will fit in with what everybody else thinks but thats my two pennyworth.

Dave Earl

15 Jun 05 - 08:31 AM (#1501514)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

So....The Arena?

Why not have a huge marquee in The Arena in years to come? There's plenty of space for one down on the flat part of Knowle Park. Yes it was lovely to sit on the hillside, but let's face was darn uncomfortable! That hill is just too steep! You slide down it even when it's not raining!! I'm up and down it every day with my dogs and it's a killer. Great if you're a Longdog like mine is, but you really do need 4 feet to cope with it!

I've heard rumours that people are thinking about a covered area for The Arena. The last few years the weather has been dreadful during Festival week and when you're paying a lot of money for tickets, (we've got a family so x everything by 4) it's great to know that the weather really doesn't matter! That's why this year for the first time EVER, we bought our tickets in advance and all the previous years we've waited until the same day....often deciding not to go at the last minute because of the experience of slipping down that hill in thick mud! If there was a Marquee in The Arena we'd also buy tickets in advance.

All the other things could still take place as always. As long as special care was taken to centre everything around the town as well, thus including all the shopkeepers and local traders once more. It should all work beautifully!

Knowle Park is a beautiful space, but it had almost become the centre of the Folk Festival. Sidmouth is a beautiful town and this year I think a lot more people will be seeing the town in greater depth for the first time. I've had friends who, in the past, have only visited The Arena and nowhere else in town!! They got everything they wanted from The Arena so didn't bother with anything else!

I'm really looking forward to something a bit different this year. Although I very much loved the Festivals of the past it had become the same every year. The same children's entertainment in the same places, the same craft stalls, the same food stalls. It had somehow lost a bit of sparkle. I agree that sometimes it's nice to know that the same things will be there, like the Storytelling Tree and the Storyteller's Chair, but you need a bit of change too. Spices it all up!

I adore all the singers and dancers from around the world, but honestly, if an Arena Marquee becomes part of future Festivals, I can't see any reason why they won't all come flooding back again, but this time to a guaranteed, packed out, DRY...audience! It was wonderful seeing all the dancers wandering around town in their incredible costumes, but I'm sure it will all come back!

Always the optimist!

Can't wait for 2005 as it will be one of a kind and to have it at all is a huge blessing! SO looking forward to watching those torches being doused in the sea again this year. I've missed it in previous years as we live up by The Arena and always waited at the top to see the performers go past, then we'd go home as my young lad was wilting on his feet by then and we live very close to The Arena. So...I thought I'd missed the opportunity of ever seeing those torches we are...2005 and it's happening!!

I'm overjoyed, don't know about anyone else. :0)

And I can't wait for 2006 either!

Lizzie :0)

15 Jun 05 - 09:47 AM (#1501578)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: RobbieWilson

I have never been tempted by the "International" tag at Sidmouth, though I have been by the World Of Music and Dance in Reading. I have been tempted by tales of people playing music around every corner and of great music in the Middle Bar but the price tag for a full week with kids has always been well beyond my reach.

I don't think, personally, that paid concerts are what makes a festival special. I live near Birmingham and could see top class music and dance from all around the world virtually 365 days a year if I wanted to.

It is the friendliness and shared sense of enjoyment that makes for a special festival and I am loking forward to Sidmouth 2005 because I expect to come across quite a bit of that.
Love Robbie

15 Jun 05 - 09:48 AM (#1501579)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,James H

Hi Don,

can I also reply even though I won't be there this year? (I've got other commitments that would have won out over Sidmouth as a one off whatever the plans had been for this year's festival). I'd have probably gone otherwise, but whether I'm there or not isn't the full story about what I'd like for the future.

I loved the Mrs Casey style of the festival for the last few years but don't mind the idea of it all being a little less commercial and on a smaller scale. But whatever the tone of the overall event, the things I think it would be a crying shame to lose in the long run would be:
* the ceilidh scene - what has in recent years been the festival dance house - which has been the key focus for a lot of the younger end of the festival. In particular, having it all in one place within walking distance of the campsite, having an earlier event and then an LNE.
* the atmosphere of the arena with all the crowds & the stalls & music & noise - the feeling of being at a fairground I guess.
* Shooting Roots
* such a huge variety of performers of different styles, and performances of different styles too (from big arena shows to big amplified concerts and ceilidhs, to small intimate acoustic concerts in the arts centre, to dancing in the street, and to sessions & singarounds in the pubs. I like a bit of everything!

James H

15 Jun 05 - 10:48 AM (#1501605)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Gadaffi

There will be a forum held in the Arts Centre at Sidmouth on the Friday of Sidmouth Folk Week to discuss 'Sidmouth 2005 and Beyond'. Among those expected to be present are Eddie Upton, Derek Schofield and Gordon Newton with myself hosting.
Positive suggestions for the Festival's future will be invited. Please bear in mind that some of us have put a lot of time, energy, and in some cases personal cash at risk to foster this year's success with a view to ensure its future.

15 Jun 05 - 10:51 AM (#1501609)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: ConcertinaChap

I'd like to see the return of some of the events that Mrs Casey saw fit to stop over the years (Sidmouth Singer of the Year comes to mind). Generally, the longer Mrs Casey were in charge the less I liked the way the festival was changing. So, yes, a return to an earlier style of festival would suit me well, which could include the international elements.


15 Jun 05 - 12:19 PM (#1501674)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Schantieman

I'll be there with Ms Lemon.

We both like taking part - singing (on stage, in pubs & anywhere else, both solo, together & joining in big choruses), dancing (preferably English dances with acoustic bands) and (in my case) playing. We're not interested in sitting in concerts (except rarely), foreign "roots" music, blues, folk-rock or loud, electonically amplified music of any origin.

And we like selling lots of lemonade!


15 Jun 05 - 01:29 PM (#1501719)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I'm with James H in regretting the loss of the Shooting Roots/ Dance House part of the old Sidmouth, which seemed to be what was attracting so many younger people and getting them dancing/ playing/ singing - in other words, becoming our future. I can see that the 2005 festival will be very good for the older crowd of regulars and I'm sure will be fine for some years to come, but it's not now really that different from many other festival bills around the country other than the location. The costs of travelling all the way to the SW and expensive local accomodation do now deter many people like me who are realising they can get much the same thing nearer to home. It's a nice bill, but the festival doesn't look unique any more and I think early-teens might be a bit bored for the whole week. So I'm sorry, I'm not coming this year.

Still, with the announcement about New Boots! at Bracknell in 2006, that'll provide something good for the young Shooting Roots/LNE people from next year, so maybe two good festivals have come out of one which can't be a bad thing :-)

15 Jun 05 - 01:48 PM (#1501732)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: LesB

I am another in the 'i'm not going but can I say something' catagory.
Don is wrong in assuming that because I am not going it is because I prefer the previous style of Sidmouth. In my case I have never been to Sidmouth and never had much desire to go, due to lack of time, distance and not being prepared to pay the costs involved.

15 Jun 05 - 01:58 PM (#1501738)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

'Guest' above...Shooting Roots aren't coming this year, true. But what about all those young students from Newcastle Uni. who are coming down for 'Young Sidmouth' especially to teach and inspire the youngsters? They will be getting as much attention and absorbing as much enthusiasm as they always do.

What about the £5,000 given by Sidmouth Town Council to fund a wide variety of different activities specifically for children and young people?

Also James said that he HOPED that these things wouldn't go. I am absolutely positive that they won't. We all know that the more our young people are brought into Folk Music and Traditions, the longer it will carry on. They are the future and as such would surely be at the top of any and all Festival Organisers agendas, throughout the country.

Lizzie :0)

15 Jun 05 - 02:14 PM (#1501748)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Shooting Roots Fan

To James H., Guest and Lizzie Cornish, all bemoaning the fact that Shooting Roots aren't coming to Sidmouth this year.

Laurel Swift and her Shooting Roots team are all going to the Eastleigh Festival in Hampshire instead where they will be hosting their usual fantastic workshops and sessions during the first weekend of August.

Some information on Eastleigh can be found at and Laurel tells me the Shooting Roots details should be added to the website in the next few days.

As for the theme of this thread, it's because Shooting Roots have moved from Sidmouth to Eastleigh that I too (and my sisters) are also giving Sidmouth a miss this year and going to Eastleigh instead.

A lot of the younger element from Sidmouth seem to be doing the same.

If you want to attract us back to Sidmouth in 2006 then bring back Shooting Roots and all the things for young people.

Sidmouth 2005 seems far too elitist and just for oldies.


15 Jun 05 - 02:34 PM (#1501766)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Hmmmmm......Sally! Perhaps you need a Siddy Programme.

I wasn't bemoaning the fact that Shooting Roots aren't coming at all. I merely acknowledged it.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the young people from Newcastle Uni who ARE coming to Sidmouth to promote folk music for our children and younger people. Well done all of them for coming down! It's much appreciated!! My kids will definitely be attending some of their workshops.

I wish Shooting Roots well at Eastleigh though.

Oh and 'Sally' daughter is 18 and she and her friends can't wait for Siddy to happen this year! So....there you go! Don't forget that Sidmouth is a very quiet place the rest of the year, so when The Festival or Folk Week comes round the youngsters down here love it!

Sidmouth is anything but elitist this year. Exactly the opposite actually. It's going to be full of warm and friendly people who are all coming for the right reasons and it will be far more personal than in years gone by.

Can't wait! Different strokes for different folks, that's all.

Hope you enjoy Eastleigh.

Lizzie :0)

15 Jun 05 - 02:35 PM (#1501768)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,nikki

I never was going to Sidmouth 2005. I am dancing in France instead this year. However I was more than happy with the big International event- the only one like it in the country. Whitby and Broadstairs were the only other week long festivals that I know of and they are not the same thing at all. Whitby is excellent but the atmosphere is quite different.

There are lots of smaller weekend festivals, all very different but Sidmouth has to be something special. Just a long drawn out weekend festival will in my opinion not continue to draw the crowds.
A lot of people will be going in 2005 to see what its like. If it doesn't meet their expectations will they return again in 2006?

My vote is for the big International Festival with the diversity of events that attract the oldies, the families and all the youngsters.

15 Jun 05 - 03:07 PM (#1501799)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Fran L, Coventry

I liked the way that the "International" made it different. I wasn't fond of sitting with the wrinklies in the arena, especially when it rained!, but the dance teams made things like processions so much fun and I have lovely memories of Italians in sessions in the back of the Bedford. My daughter didn't want to go this year without the dance house and all her friends on the campsite nearby, so she has persuaded me to try W.O.M.A.D. for the first time as some of her college friends go regularly and say it's a big family affair. It's a shame she didn't know about Eastleigh. What is this New Boots somebody has referred to?

15 Jun 05 - 03:30 PM (#1501814)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Borchester Echo

New Boots will, subject to funding, take place at Southhill Park, Bracknell, on 7 - 9 July 2006. This new event will centre on that unique combination of the Shooting Roots events, the Dance House and LNE and the social scene of the camp site and is intended to turn the usual folk festival model on its head. Ceilidhs, dances and workshops for musicians, dancers, singers and callers will be central and smaller concerts would be the chill-out zone. It will be very participatory and have a sub-purpose of training up new people in the organisational and infrastructure skills.

15 Jun 05 - 03:53 PM (#1501832)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Treasured Islander

For Fran L - there's some more about New Boots here

I'm sure you'll enjoy Womad. I went last year and it was magic - people of all ages and cultures, maybe ten stages / workshops /events running at once so there's always something to discover - even a ceilidh!

I hope you and your daughter and her friends will come back to Sidmouth another year when they heard how 2005 went.

15 Jun 05 - 06:37 PM (#1502028)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: vectis

Sidmouth had become too big and I have rarely attended the concerts since I got so deafened in The Bedford that it took me two days to recover my hearing.
This year sounds much better, I've even booked some concert tickets already. The new organisers have put the FOLK back into Sidmouth and should be applauded.

15 Jun 05 - 10:57 PM (#1502203)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Hen Harrier

Some of my most enjoyable and memorable moments over the last 18 years have been with the international content, especially the "Meet the Team" events which were very heart-warming, moving and summed up (for me) exactly WHY I was there. A very real, 3-way process was going on, inter-action between compere, performers and audience and I'm sure, new friendships being formed. ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!


16 Jun 05 - 09:26 AM (#1502251)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cats at Work

Both Jon and I are there, and, for the first time for many years are staying for the whole week. We are there both as performers and as 'punters'. As with so many, the international side has not really bothered us and we are not huge concert goers but do like to see up and coming performers as well as some of the ones who have been around for as long as we have. We are definitley 'doers' and like to have places to sing, play and, for me, the storytelling is important too. The festival became too big a few years ago and moved away from what we looked for in a festival. We are trying to 'do our bit' to keep it going so others can enjoy what they look for in a festival. Come and support us if you would like to.

16 Jun 05 - 12:04 PM (#1502264)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

I been going to Sidmouth since 1981 and have seen alot of changes but thes are a limit £400.00 for the whole week is pathetic idea.I am of to Eastleigh where Lizzie and Don wont be around.


16 Jun 05 - 12:08 PM (#1502267)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Leadfingers

I am another one who is not really interested in the International aspects of sidders , except when the musicians wander into the session I help out at ! I will be in The New Tavern again this year and Gerry Milne and I will extend a cordial welcome to any singers or musicians who want to join us !

16 Jun 05 - 01:37 PM (#1502336)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Hey 'Anon'...Watch out or I'll be coming to Eastleigh too! ;0)

Actually...I've just had a quick peek at their site and they don't have Show of Hands!!! GASP!.....OR The Duncan McFarlane Band!!! DOUBLE GASP!!

AND there's no Sidmouth Streaker who runs across the Bowling Green every year and turns all the Ladies In Lavender into Giggling Teenagers again!!!

I'm telling you...we know how to live life on the wild side down here! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

16 Jun 05 - 03:12 PM (#1502403)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,anonymous

Your so sad you pratt of a person!!!!!!

16 Jun 05 - 04:28 PM (#1502451)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

Don't feed the Trolls Liz - ignore them and they'll go away

16 Jun 05 - 04:31 PM (#1502452)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,'Glad we're going to Sidmouth'

Glad to read you are attending Eastleigh Guest Annoymous. Thank goodness we are going to Sidmouth and will be where you are not. You sound a very angry sad and unpleasant person yourself.

Our family have been going for many years and will be there agin as always this year. It will be good to see a smaller version of what has gone before and who knows what may come next year. We will be there for 2006. We decided to support the Folk Week this year come what may as we have a lot of fond Sidmouth memories.

16 Jun 05 - 05:51 PM (#1502517)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

I too have not missed one Sidmouth since 1981.You dont know me so why say what you did above.I have know the pratt Lizzie for several years,so keep your "nose" out of my business.I am leaving Sidmouth to go too Eastleigh where the traders will welcome us with open arms,you can keep the Sidmouth traders happy until i return home.

16 Jun 05 - 06:58 PM (#1502571)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

MBS Lynne:
"I've thought that there were perhaps too many international guests, all of whom have to be paid and accomodated."

Erm, surely all performers are paid and accomodated?!!!

16 Jun 05 - 07:31 PM (#1502614)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

HHRRUUMMPPHH!.... Remember me? I'm the one who asked a simple question thirty five posts back.

What happened?..... I leave the house for an evening at my folk club, and when I come home the children are fighting again.

Stop it!....It's silly!

That's better, Now where were we?

Don T

16 Jun 05 - 07:58 PM (#1502634)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Bonecruncher

Hi Don
For what it's worth my preference is for a smaller, performer-orientated ferstival, with a smaller international element.
Like others, I have fond memories of some of the international teams and "big names" but, for me, the wide variety of events was the main attraction.
Hope this helps.
See you there

17 Jun 05 - 04:16 AM (#1502819)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Jane and the kids

We're going to both WOMAD and Eastleigh instead of Sidmouth this year but unlike "Anonymous" we hope those who still go to Sidmouth have as good a time as we have in past years.

It's the international music that has attracted us to WOMAD now the international side of Sidmouth has been dropped and it's the funky celtic bands plus Bellowhead, Ashley Hutchings, Lunasa and Michael McGoldrick that have attracted us to Eastleigh.

I always loved the international arena at Sidmouth. That made it for me. No arena. No Sidmouth. It won't be the same but there are clearly people who welcome a smaller event. I have no argument with them. Each to their own. We'll have a great time at WOMAD and Eastleigh. Lizzie, Don and others will have a great time at Sidmouth.

If we all end up happy that's fine.

17 Jun 05 - 07:52 AM (#1502905)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

John....I'll take your advice! But....could I just say that I SO don't know Anonymouse ;0)....Phew!

Our tickets for Sidmouth came in the post today!!! Hurray!!!!!!

I'm now a very Happy Bunny!

Lizzie :0)

17 Jun 05 - 09:57 AM (#1502983)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

Lizzie is a Trouble Maker,you ask anyone around Sidmouth!!!!!You can go and screw yourself Lizzie.

17 Jun 05 - 10:07 AM (#1502987)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,rhyzla - up the back tube!

Nice intelligent contribution 'anonymous' - that's the way to get people on your side, and believe you!

Haven't actually heard any of the other 'real' sidmouth residents coming on here saying Lizzie is a trouble maker - maybe an eyebrow-raiser, but no worse methinks!


17 Jun 05 - 10:26 AM (#1503001)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous.

Who said i wanted anybody on my side only you!!!!!!.

17 Jun 05 - 10:28 AM (#1503003)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,The Barden of England

Don't feed the Trolls!!

17 Jun 05 - 03:40 PM (#1503142)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Yo

Why is it that every time someone starts a sensible thread on Sidmouth Lizzie sticks her oar in and the whole thing ends up a slanging match?

As so many others have said on mudcat and elsewhere all this mud-slinging and name-calling is turning people away from Sidmouth in droves.

Is that really what Lizzie wants?

17 Jun 05 - 04:06 PM (#1503160)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T


That's not what Lizzie wants. Her style may be a little over exuberant, at times, but she is a genuine Sidmouth supporter, as am I.

We have both come under fire on this subject from people who are, almost exclusively, anonymous. Not too surprising since few of them intend a contribution to the subject under discussion. I try to make my posts reasoned and well thought out comment on the topic, and hope to receive the same in return. But, at some point, there is an attempt to divert the thread to a catfight between us and those who want this year's festival to fail.

I am just grateful that our period as targets is almost over. Once the festival has succeeded perhaps the trolls will return to ambushing small goats (grins).

Now I would like to thank all who have made on topic replies (attenders and non attenders). I am most grateful to you.

Does anyone else have anything useful to add? I will be pleased to hear from you.

Don T.

17 Jun 05 - 04:29 PM (#1503191)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: EagleWing

Yo said "Why is it that every time someone starts a sensible thread on Sidmouth Lizzie sticks her oar in and the whole thing ends up a slanging match?"

{Troll feeding} Sorry about feeding the trolls but I've just read the whole of this thread and Lizzie's contributions were all positive. The only negative or trouble making posts were the usual anonymous guests who love to attack her. I've had my own run-ins with Lizzie but I can't see why these cowards make excuses to attack her for simply being here.{/Troll feeding}

Yo, please read the thread. Lizzie is not to blame for the slanging match above - that was Hey Nonny Mouse.

Frank L

17 Jun 05 - 04:55 PM (#1503217)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Ahh! Frank....come over here and have a ((((hug!))))

I was wondering where you'd gone. It's good to see you back again.

I'm sorry I yelled at you Frank....I just get exasperated with it all sometimes. John's right, none of us should rise to the bait, but we do occasionally and I'm sorry you got caught in the cross-fire with the Radio 2 nastiness that was going on.....that was making me pretty damned miserable actually, but it's all over now. I'm done with them all.

Don is also right, we both get tired and feel pretty fed up sometimes. I haven't seen Don post one negative thing about Sidmouth and after nearly a whole year of being insulted it does get you down sometimes. Glad there's a 'pot of gold' at the end of it all though.

Only 42 days to go now!

Hope we can be friends now.

Lots of Love

Lizzie :0)

17 Jun 05 - 05:02 PM (#1503220)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Watch yourself Lizzie you got plenty of enermies in the scene.

17 Jun 05 - 07:21 PM (#1503306)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: EagleWing

Watch yourself Lizzie you got plenty of enermies in the scene.

But I'm not one of them. Lizzie and I can yell at each other without becoming enemies.

On topic(ish) I'm afraid I won't be at Sidmouth but that's due to:

a) Distance
2) Overall price
iii) Clash with other things


17 Jun 05 - 07:45 PM (#1503320)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Tattie Bogle

I would be happy to see a smaller festival - if only becouse it would reduce the number of horrible decisions you had to make about whom to miss as there was so MUCH to choose from! (e.g. last year the Steeleye Span 30th anniversary concert was on at the same time as Danu - I went to the former in the hope that Danu would be around a bit longer, and eventually caught up with them at Girvan this year)
I shall miss the opportunities to learn the international dances if we have no international teams.
We have my in-laws in the town, who kindly put up with me coming in after the Bedford turns out every night. We live over 400 miles away, and maybe if we didn't have the rels there and had to pay for accommodation(2 mms please!) we might not come every year, as there is the "Common Ground" festival (Much, much younger than Sidmouth) in Ayrshire at the same time.
I am very much looking forward to this year's folk week as it looks as if most of my interests are going to be included - concerts, sessions, singing, dancing. Can I give a further verdicy after the week is over? - or during, or at the above-mentioned meeting.

17 Jun 05 - 08:27 PM (#1503347)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Excuses,Excuses all of you.
TB,your be in the Anchor trying to sing with a Scottish Accent,lol or collecting money from punters.I could write more about you but not this time.

18 Jun 05 - 03:52 AM (#1503516)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

. . . Radio 2 nastiness . . . all over now. I'm done with them all . . .

While far from being an apologist for Mike Harding and the Smoothies, I think it ought to be made clear that Lizzie Cornish was banned from the BBC forum after refusing to cease posting reams of off-topic, offensive drivel and generally being a disruptive, flaming nuisance.

18 Jun 05 - 03:56 AM (#1503520)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Yes TB,

I think we might do well to attend that meeting if possible, and get some idea of the likely future, and how we can help.

I'm not involved in any way with the organisation, but started this thread as a personal attempt to gain insight into the opinions of fellow catters.

It has fulfilled that purpose rather well, and I shall refresh it for a couple more days, then let it drift.

Finance, as you say, is a huge limiting factor. I am what's classified as low paid, and my yearly trip to Sidmouth comes at the price of spending the other two weeks of my summer holiday sitting at home.

That, I guess, is the measure of my committment.

It does strike me however, that the prices complained of would not raise an eyebrow as admission fees to individual events.

It is only when they are put together in a very small time span that they seem high.

Each event costs the same to stage in either scenario, so a discount for bulk is really a non starter.

I have a similar problem running a folk club, and hearing people complain about an admission policy which supplies three hours of good entertainment for less than the price of a pint of bitter (we are in Kent and bitter is £2.20 average).

Our costs suffer the same inflation as everyone else's, but any rise in fees is greeted with howls of anguish.

Beats me

Don T.

18 Jun 05 - 01:00 PM (#1503691)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Tattie Bogle

Guest - I'm proud to be Scottish - born in Glasgow, but brought up in England. I've spent the last nearly 20 years of my life in Scotland, hence maist o' the sangs I ken ARE Scottish: I ken i cannae dae them as weel as youse wha've bided in Partick a' their life. Do you want me to stop singing them - or sing Scottish songs in a Suffolk accent, the area of my childhood?? Not quite sure what you're on...........and maybe you should identify yourself.

18 Jun 05 - 04:33 PM (#1503805)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'


21 Jun 05 - 06:41 AM (#1505847)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Cat in Plymouth

This will be my first Sidmouth!! Personally i can't wait, although i would have preferred a "Festival" arrangement as has been in place in previous years in which a "season ticket" covered most events AND camping...

I have found it quite difficult to decide which events to book tickets for (though Show of Hands was my one definite).

I have finally arranged my camping at the Thorn site, although Mr Burroughs seemed to not be that bothered about my booking and does not seem to want to tell me where the site actually is, or how to get to it O_o (can anyone help me out with that - website or directions??)

So... my opinion:
I am looking forward to my first "Folk Week" being a small (comparitively - Q spelling?) event. It will allow me to 'get-to-know' Sidmouth and the festival. I would REALLY like to see a return to the larger international/big names style event in the future... mainly because i always miss out on Cambridge tickets and also i have limited transport options making bigger events difficult to actually get to...(luckily, my Dad is bringing me, my best friend and all our stuff to Sidmouth this year!)

Cat (in Plymouth)

21 Jun 05 - 07:38 AM (#1505867)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth

Quick drift back to the topic of Radio2 (sorry for going off topic)...

Eddie Upton is on Mike Harding's show this wednesday (22-06-05)

Cat (in Plymouth)

21 Jun 05 - 08:17 AM (#1505889)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Yayyyyy! Eddie Upton!!!!!!

Now that's a show I'll certainly be listening to.

Only 39 days to go btw!

Lizzie :0) :0)

21 Jun 05 - 04:34 PM (#1506238)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cats

Just so there isn't any confusion, Cat (in Plymouth) is not me ... Cats, although I can get to Plymouth in about 45 minutes .......

22 Jun 05 - 04:56 AM (#1506680)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: the lemonade lady

Do we like selling lemonade? Oh yes we do! We'll sing as we work too, got to keep up the practice! Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go. Yep that's what we'll be doing while you guys are singing and making merry. Some of us have to work, all day and most of the evening as there'll be a ceilidh in the marquee in the Blackmoor Gardens I believe. Hot sweaty dancers, just what we need.

Ching, ching.



23 Jun 05 - 12:42 AM (#1507696)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Fruit Juice

Bought two Show of Hands tickets Wednesday.

Sorry to hear from woman who served me that ticket sales for most of the other shows are very slow.

23 Jun 05 - 11:19 AM (#1508026)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,HU Cares

Methinks the only people interested in Sidmouth this year are Lizzie and all her nom-de-plumes.

Now Sidmouth is no longer a proper festival, let alone the biggest and best in Europe, the rest of us just aren't interested.

23 Jun 05 - 12:10 PM (#1508070)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Your absolutely right!!!!!!

23 Jun 05 - 01:46 PM (#1508158)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Malc R

Hu and "Guest" - Please don't presume to answer for, or claim to represent, me or many of the other folk who will be attending Sidmouth this year.

Ticket sales are slow because we, like others who live far afield, will not be buying ours until we arrive.

23 Jun 05 - 03:13 PM (#1508207)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Folk Club Organiser


At long last an admission that Sidmouth ticket sales are slow.

I bet you do wonders for the various promoters blood pressure by saying you won't buy till you arrive - that must really help their pre-event cash-flow and assist with the advance deposits they'll have to pay for infrastructure and some artistes.

Besides, wasn't the whole reason Steve Heap withdrew the fact that he couldn't take the risk that bad weather would hit the 'point-of-sale' income on which he depended?

If nobody buys in advance (and anyone in the know knows that sales for all but a couple of concerts are dreadfully slow) then there is every chance some promoters will get cold feet and cancel the shows before the Folk week begins.

Surely when so many people have put their own money at risk to make the Folk week happen, supposed supporters like Big Mal could splash out a few quid on advance ticket purchases?

Put your money where your mouth is Mal!

23 Jun 05 - 03:53 PM (#1508237)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I believe the Sidmouth Festival should have finished last year,with the expensive of a whole ticketthis year its over £300 with camping.I look back now and wonder how Steve Heap did a ticket so cheap.
I hear he is still looking at some spare land in Wales to organise a festival in the future.
I would be very worried as an organiser now if my tickets had not sold by now.

23 Jun 05 - 04:22 PM (#1508253)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Actaully all you 'Guesties' I hate to tell you this but the ticket sales aren't slow in the slightest. We knew they wouldn't be, that's why we got ours so early.

Wondered where you were Stevie Scarlett! How are the Ssss...snakes? ;0)

Lizzie :0)

23 Jun 05 - 05:02 PM (#1508289)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

On the other hand Stevie....those 'Guests' might not be you at are the Ssss..snakes anyway? ;0) Just don't let them loose down my end of town will you!! ;0) ;0)

Guest above...."....spare land in Wales..." Blimey! Don't let John Prescott know, he'll build dozens of new towns on it before you can say "Sidmouth Folk Week!" Hope Steve Heap nips in there quick and puts his flag on it! ;0)

Apologies for typing words backwards on the post above. Too much sun! It has been absolutely glorious down here in Sidmouth today. The sea is so warm, went soaking was wonderful...really cooled us down. There were kids climbing all over the rock islands, people wilting on the Esplanade wall, ice-creams dripping faster than they could lick them! Little toddlers running on the sand and chasing the waves out to sea and shrieking with fright and laughter when the waves came back and got them all wet. I love it when tiny ones do that.

In fact it was so hot down on the beach that we ended up in Connaught Gardens, under a lovely shady tree. Much better idea! Then later we went into Exmouth and walked along the beach there, but it's so different from Sidmouth. It's nice to have sand all the time, but the sound of Jet-Skis whizzing up and down at about 50 miles an hour was horrendous, as was the smell of the fumes from their engines! That, together with the Boy-racers zooming up and down Exmouth Esplanade with their 'Boom Boom Music' at 60,000 decibels was just too much!!

Have we all gone mad? Whatever happened to the sound of the sea?

It makes you realise how special Sidmouth is when you come back from all that. Just the jet-ski engines, no fumes, just tranquility and that peace which enables you to hear the gentle swish swish of the waves.

Oh no! I'm getting old aren't I? I'll be saying what a good idea deck chairs are soon, won't I?

News is that we're supposed to have hail stones the size of golf balls tonight! EEK! So...Stevie...get your snakes to high ground else they'll float off down the River Sid!

Lizzie :0)

23 Jun 05 - 05:30 PM (#1508313)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Hello Lizzie the big mouth we have not missed you much this week.I now know why i got withdraw symptoms,its from you.You just make me vomit everytime you post,luckily i dont bother reading them anymore as i know they will be full of crap.
Sidmouth will be a disaster and it will be the ones who did not go to Sidmouth who will be laughing at you and your partners in crime who will not be laughing as we all got sense.

23 Jun 05 - 06:14 PM (#1508347)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Blowzabella

Well, Guest of 5.30pm, that surely takes the biscuit. Of all the posts to make to a site which supports folk music, i cannot think of one reason why anyone would post the one you just made. For whatever reason you did it, i hope that you read it again and feel ashamed. Whether you were an attender of the previous Sidmouth event or not, I can think of no reason why anyone, who supported folk music in any form, would want to wish an event ill, in such patent terms.

For my part, i cannot get to Sidmouth in 2005 but I hope to go in 2006. To offer such mealy-mouthed criticism says a lot more about you than it does about the event which will take place in 2005.

23 Jun 05 - 06:31 PM (#1508366)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Blowzabella

Oh - bollocks - sod being pc - I feel more strongly than I may have expressed in my previous posting. To have suggested that you will laugh at the efforts of people who have gone to considerable lengths to continue a tradition - any sodding tradition (and a constantly evolving effing tradition, as many of you are at such pains to support) - is bloody pathetic.

Bollocks too to feeding the trolls - I will feed you - I hope sincerely that you are made to eat your own words and that Sidmouth continues. Not because I have ever been there or want to protect any self interests of my own - but just to deprive you of any semblance of smug-self-satisfaction. Sidmouth as it was is gone - for better or for worse - take your bat home if you must - I will lend mine if necessary.


23 Jun 05 - 06:51 PM (#1508377)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Sorcha

Good on ya, Blowz! You ROCK!

23 Jun 05 - 07:52 PM (#1508413)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Reading all of this, and being booked to appear, I have to say I'm getting scared of going. What is it with you lot? It's like a war zone.

23 Jun 05 - 07:53 PM (#1508415)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Herga Kitty

Blimey, someone's finally admitted that Steve Heap gave good value for money. Yes, he did, under very challenging circumstances, for which much thanks.

Yes, the festival has evolved over 50 years, with and without the Arena. It's still offering a really good week's entertainment.

I'm looking forward to it. A week-long party in a gorgeous part of the Jurassic Coast, with friends old and new.

The people who have been knocking the Sidmouth Folk Week because they want the Arena back haven't contributed anything positive to help get it. So they'll just have to get what they want where they can find it. And we'll just have a good time in Sidmouth anyway.

Don and Big Mal - I hope to see both of you in Sidmouth next month.


23 Jun 05 - 08:26 PM (#1508453)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth


guys! chill out!!!!

*sighs* i feel it needed to be said.. (strange how all the negative posts are coming from Guests and anon')

I, personally, bought tickets for only 3 events in advance... SoH (obviously - cos they're amazing!) Black Umfolosi 5 (cos my best mate wanted to see them) and Whapweasel (cos they're amazing) everything else, we're gonna play by ear (har har - folk joke) and buy when we get to Siddy!!

How many days now, Lizzie (official counting down type person *grins*)?


24 Jun 05 - 04:06 AM (#1508663)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Maybe we dont want our name splashed all over Mudcat like you all do.

24 Jun 05 - 04:16 AM (#1508668)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

All anonymous GUEST posters are just stiring it up and afraid to come forward and be counted - what cowards you really are GUEST. I'm going to Sidmouth and I'm going to get involved which is more than you're willing to do. I do hope you carry a much more positive attitude in your daily lives than you do toward this discussion. Here's to Sidmouth Festival, and those who support it, you're the people who get my vote.
John Barden

24 Jun 05 - 04:24 AM (#1508676)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: rhyzla

Hellooo Guest 04.06AM

I think you are too scared to back up your opinions by putting your name to it - prove otherwise!!

Most people on here do not take any posting as serious without a name!

24 Jun 05 - 05:47 AM (#1508711)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Hi everyone I'm really sorry I was such a negative jerk earlier on. Being mentally prepubescent I forgot that no one is interested in such vitriolic self absorbed bile.
My Mum always says I should grow up when she's cleaning my room before I go to my Star Wars doll collectors club. Perhaps she has a point. Perhaps if I became a more rounded interesting person I might one day stop posting from behind the sofa and have the guts to reveal my name. Maybe then I might even get a girl/boyfriend or any sort of friend for that matter. Until then I shall probably relapse into sending the sort of rubbish you are use to getting from me. If I do, please ignore it and just fell sorry for a lonely pathetic individual with no prospects of a fulfilling existance.
Thanks for listening.


24 Jun 05 - 06:12 AM (#1508720)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Hi Kitty,

Certainly hope to meet you down there. I tend to spend afternoons at the Bedford sessions, and do other things later in the day, when the Bedford can get a bit too noisy for a singer with a guitar. Look me up 11.00am onward. I'll be the big, long haired oaf with Wysiwyg printed on the scratch plate, and no front teeth.

I will be visiting the middle bar also this year. I've promised MBSLynne that I'll only use the guitar as a footrest.

See you there
Don T.

24 Jun 05 - 06:37 AM (#1508731)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

35 days to go Cat! Excited Smiley!!!

Blowzabella....could you start up your own Political Party please 'cos I'd vote for you like a shot! ;0) Thank said it all for me, but far better! :0) started thundering down here in Sidmouth at 5am. It's still going on now at 11.30am. I've seen the worst lightning I've ever seen and heard the loudest thunder I've ever heard....haven't had the golf ball sized hailstorms yet, but I'm sure there must be a lot of flooding over Devon and Cornwall. Unbelievable rain!! AND as the lightning is still going I can't even take my Show of Hands umbrella for a dance down to the seafront. :0(

And no 'Guest'....I won't go out specially for you and dance in the lightning under my brolly!..... ;0)

Reminds me of the 'first week in August' and slipping down that hill, thank goodness the weather won't stop all the concerts this year.

Cross fingers for sunshine in a few weeks time...but even if it pours we'll make our own Sunshine and Sparkles!

Lizzie :0)

24 Jun 05 - 06:58 AM (#1508739)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

I'm risking life and death here for all of you with being on the comupter in this storm, but I like to live dangerously! ;0)

Look what I've found for you:

You can tune in and here Eddie Upton talking about the 50-80 morris teams, how there is going to be even more on the seafront, how the bars are all booked up and well...basically sounding extremely happy. Only a short snippet mind. Could have been a lot longer Mike, slapped wrist!!!!

It's 31 minutes into the show so click on 'Listen Again' and then press the fast forward 15 mins button twice, which will take you to the end of Whapweazel, then Eddie is on....and THEN...SHOW OF HANDS are on!

What a way to spend a Friday listening to 'Cousin Jack' and imaganing all those Cornish Miners leaving their beloved Country for distant shores, just as many of their descendants may be having to do in this day and age as they can no longer afford to live there, in the Country they so love!

Hope you enjoy it anyway.

Lizzie :0)

24 Jun 05 - 08:26 AM (#1508785)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

Oh God "SHE" is back again and trying to count backwards!!!!!!.

24 Jun 05 - 09:53 AM (#1508837)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

Sorry tripped out again...was I being obnoxious?..damn I was wasn't I. Must remember to keep my happy pills closer to hand, along with my bumper supply of kleenex. Now where did I put my chewbacca doll...

24 Jun 05 - 09:59 AM (#1508840)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

Nice to see that GUEST,Anonymous can spell obnoxious. Must be that they're like that most of the time and have had to learn how to spell it. So try it some more - write 500 lines as follows - 'I, GUEST,Anonymous, will remember not to be obnoxious'. Meanwhile - I'm getting back to being a 'Sidmouth 2005 attender'
John Barden

24 Jun 05 - 10:06 AM (#1508842)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Of course if,unlike Lizzie, you like folk music you could listen to Nic Jones, Maddy Prior, Karen Casey, Coope, Boyes and Simpson etc instead of fast forwarding.

Why do all the other festivals have one or two threads and this one have dozens?

24 Jun 05 - 12:01 PM (#1508858)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

Because Lizzie likes to put herself about abit,lol.

25 Jun 05 - 05:14 AM (#1509318)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

You could indeed listen to the whole show, that's why I put the thread up with a list of the music played. Karan Casey was brilliant. However, this thread is about Sidmouth, thus I suggested doing things the quick way, as I'm sure that a lot of people tune in to Mudcat from work, so I thought I'd be helpful and tell you EXACTLY where Mike started to interview Eddie Upton. Obviously I assumed that those who wanted to would listen to the entire show.

I'd also like to say that I thought the BBC were very mean-spirited in giving just 1 minute and 15 seconds to interviewing Eddie and half of that time was taken up by Mike.

If you're going to do something, then do it with an open heart, arms wide open, a huge smile of welcome on your face and a very willing spirit!

The BBC have put all their money into Cambridge this year. I think that gets overlooked in all this, that not only did EDDC withdraw their money but the BBC withdrew their sponsorship too, making it EVEN harder for the organisers to work on keeping Sidmouth alive.

But they've done it, without EDDC or the BBC, despite all the nasty things that have been said about them on here and the Radio 2 site, despite EVERYTHING!

I've nothing but pure admiration for all of them.

34 days to go...35 if you include today of course, but I'm already on tomorrow! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

25 Jun 05 - 05:46 AM (#1509324)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cats

We are counting the days... to seeing friends old and new, listening to good music, some excellent storytellers, joining in with top class singers who frequent the pubs... and working our socks off to entertain others. Like so many others, I am giving up my holiday to come to Sidmouth and perform, for nothing, for 5 days. Apart from doing Unsung Heroes with Cornwall Songwriters in the Manor Pavilion (plug, plug) and Spirit in the Storm (all you pagans out there I expect a good turnout!!!), I'm booked in to do other sessions and spots all week. Why? Because it is my heritage and I'm not going to sit back and let it fade away for the glory of some who enjoy sitting back and saying I told you so then moaning that there's no folk around anymore. At least some of us are trying to keep folk, in all it's guises, alive. So, all you winghers, shut up. This was meant to be a positive thread, so lets keep it that way. Now, who's coming to Sidders?

25 Jun 05 - 07:03 AM (#1509341)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Anonymous

Your upsetting me again!!!!.
Why dont you hide under your shell again and leave the keyboard alone for a change.

25 Jun 05 - 07:09 AM (#1509344)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Oh, she's just pissed off because the BBC finally got round to banning her from bingeposting disruptive tripe. Has she really got a shell? As well as a broomstick?

25 Jun 05 - 08:48 AM (#1509380)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

GUEST and GUEST,Anonymous - see mine of 24 Jun 05 - 04:16 AM and 24 Jun 05 - 09:59 AM.

Johh Barden

25 Jun 05 - 09:04 AM (#1509387)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: John Robinson (aka Cittern)

So this is what the "folk world" has to offer.

25 Jun 05 - 09:08 AM (#1509390)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Your just as bad as Lizzie Dripping.Why dont you go and hide under your shell when your so obnoxious to us why should we reveal our real names.

25 Jun 05 - 09:22 AM (#1509398)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I started out this thread for the purpose of getting an answer to one question, which has been a partial success, as far as I am concerned.

Now it has been hijacked by the Let's bash Sidmouth brigade. and their hardcore let's bash Lizzie section.

I think I've finished with it now, so all you trolls can have a good time.

My thanks to those who responded on topic, who have improved my understanding of the weight of opinion in either direction. I am grateful to you.

Don T.

25 Jun 05 - 09:27 AM (#1509400)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Thanks Don.Thats another Sidmouth thread under my belt.

25 Jun 05 - 09:32 AM (#1509403)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

P.S. For Cittern.

I don't think this is what the "folk world" has to offer, John. It's more a case of a small group who move around the Mudcat scene spreading bile and vitriol for purely disruptive purposes.

The constant baiting of Lizzie Cornish is a case in point. If they so hated her posts on Radio 2 website, why would they follow her everywhere she goes, doing exactly what they accuse her of doing there.

These clowns have nothing to do with folk music IMO. You will find them on every forum, 'tho they seem to prefer Mudcat because they don't get moderated out here.

Don T.

25 Jun 05 - 10:03 AM (#1509418)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Come on Lizzie.
Where are you come out from under your shell or did you take advice and decided not to touch your keyboard again.Hooray for Anonymous!!!!!.We must make a song out of these Sidmouth threads.

25 Jun 05 - 10:07 AM (#1509423)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Scooby Doo

Where would we be without Trolls.

25 Jun 05 - 10:07 AM (#1509424)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Scooby Doo

Thanks everybody.
Thats 100

25 Jun 05 - 10:16 AM (#1509439)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

I just knew I'd get to you GUEST if I kept it up. That should show the people who are positive - like me - how sad you really are. I'm still posting with my real name by the way, and I'll keep baiting you too if you insist on posting to something you are not attending. Me - I'm supporting Sidmouth all the way.
By the way Don, there are far more for's than Trolls, so forget the sad little people - they're just wasting precious oxygen.
John Barden

25 Jun 05 - 10:20 AM (#1509444)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Member in a Mask

. . . or, as it has clearly failed to occur to you, we might be people who have been involved in traditional music for really rather a long time and have posted to this forum a lot longer than this disruptive, random-word-generating, vindictive nuisance. No-one 'followed' lizziecornish here, nor anywhere. 'She' (if that is what it is) is a nightmarish, binge-posting, bullying loudmouth with far too much time to waste. The BBC (among others) have banned her for breaches of House Rules including multi-logins and defamatory, objectionable behaviour.   If the criteria of lack of music knowledge had been used, it would have come much sooner.

25 Jun 05 - 10:21 AM (#1509446)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

Yes Don,

These anon. posters are only showing their own ignorance.

We who are attending know what is planned and what we expect from Sidmouth Folk Week and are happy with that and looking forward to a great week.

Dave Earl

25 Jun 05 - 10:27 AM (#1509453)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Member in a Mask,
You are correct,i have been involved in Traditional folk music for 30 years or even longer.But no way will i put my name anywhere Lizzie is or will be.
So John eat your words and apoligize to all the Guests who will not reveal their Mudcat name to you or anybody else when Lizzie is involved in the thread.

25 Jun 05 - 10:52 AM (#1509474)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Regular catter


It's only a week long party if your face fits.

25 Jun 05 - 11:31 AM (#1509506)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

I don't see why I should apologize to anybody who is so afraid to 'put up', nor will I. You can only use objectionable and defamatory words behind the mask of obscurity. I don't believe your so called involvement in traditional music for a number of years is true, in fact I suspect it's a downright lie. TROLLS hide behind the word GUEST, and TROLLS you will always be. Anybody involved in world world of traditional music wouldn't be so obnoxious - and you know that word don't you because you hear it so often. What a shame you don't have a positive bone in your body nor soul. Shame on!
John Barden

25 Jun 05 - 12:08 PM (#1509519)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

By the way GUEST and GUEST,Anonymous, what don't you understand about the line:-

This thread is directed specifically at people who ARE going to Sidmouth Festival 2005.

That was the first thing in this discussion therefore that is what this thread is all about, seems to me that you're just Lizzie chasing and baiting. If, as you claim, you been involved in Traditional music 30 years or longer, is it that you're just in the first stages of dementia, or is it probably that you're just a little lonely person with nothing better to do and know nothing about Folk music? If so, why not come to what promises to be a great week in Sidmouth and find out?
John Barden

25 Jun 05 - 12:14 PM (#1509524)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

Regular Catter its a party if you take part in it.

It's not a matter of faces fitting. People have put a lot of work,money and time into putting on a week long festival that deserves support.

You have not demonstrated any knowledge of what is going be put on this year and seem to basing your opinion (if you really have one) on what was being said many months ago when there really was some doubt about Sidmouth 2005.

Go away, check your facts and come back under your own name when you have up to date info to base your statements on.

Dave Earl

25 Jun 05 - 12:16 PM (#1509526)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Why should i tell you if i have or haven't been to Sidmouth.I know Steve Heap in person.I have done several years of stewarding at festivals and i use to help run a Traditional Folk Music recording company,so eat your words now,Mr Barden.

25 Jun 05 - 12:27 PM (#1509534)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl


I also know both gentlemen and have never had any problem with either of them.

Both have done their bit for Sidmouth. SH made a business decision to drop out of Sidmouth and John is going to continue supporting it in it's new form.

What are you doing to support it?

Dave Earl

25 Jun 05 - 12:28 PM (#1509535)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Breton Cap,
Your right its only a week long and all this fuss over one festival its pathetic really in six weeks its all over.
There has been so many threads over one festival is silly,i done Sidmouth for 15 years and a good time i had too.But i still will not put my name to this thread,i dont mind been called names.

25 Jun 05 - 12:33 PM (#1509539)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl


Yes it has got silly but don't you think that what Guest posters are doing is making it worse.

Dave Earl

25 Jun 05 - 12:33 PM (#1509540)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I am also in contact with Mr John Dowell by phone.I have done my bit for Sidmouth in previous years.I dont need want to support a festival that would cost me over £300.00 ,i am not into sitting in a marquee,pub session or the fringe bits anymore.

25 Jun 05 - 12:36 PM (#1509541)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

Then you missed the point of what this thread was intended for.

25 Jun 05 - 12:36 PM (#1509542)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Totally different guest

Sorry, regular member but signing in as guest on this occasion because I don't really want to get involved with the playground bullies and half wits (You don't scare me, I just can't be bothered with you)

I have a simple request to some guests -please, please, please, sort out your yours and your you'res - it's a terribly basic error and frankly makes you look even sillier than you obviously are.

Thank You.

25 Jun 05 - 12:59 PM (#1509549)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Yet another one

You can always tell when it's Lizzie posting under whatever pseudonym as she always puts its' (a non-existent word) whether she means it's or its. She is also unable to distinguish between imply and infer.

25 Jun 05 - 02:25 PM (#1509600)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Well guys, I'm unable to distinguish between lots of words and their meanings, my Dad was dyslexic, as was my brother, as is my son....I realise that I'm somewhere on that scale too. So what! Dyslexia is an absolute gift.

Where I put my apostrophe SO doesn't worry me! ;0) My son will never understand grammar, but he's a warm, loving and intelligent human being. You either get your knickers in a twist about grammar or you don't. We don' seeing you lot doing it on my behalf makes me giggle,

Life is for living! It is SO not for apostrophes!! ;0)

However, what I can distinguish extremely well between is people who are kind and loving and people who are erm....NOT!

The true folk people on the Sidmouth threads have always been easy to see. They are kind and gentle with a deep love of music, tradition and history. They are the ones who give me the encouragement to still believe that this wonderful music that I stumbled upon by coming to live in Sidmouth 5 years ago, is the right music with the right people. They outshine each and every unpleasant 'guest' a thousand times over.

Just got back from the seafront actually. Overcast but beautiful. The sea is still lovely and warm, the tide was out between the rock islands today and the flowers were just looking stunning! The flowers in Blackmore Gardens that is....we haven't quite got round to flowers in the sea yet in Sidmouth! ;0)

Imply? Infer? Oh pifle! Grow up!!

Hey guys, get your noses out of "Eats Shoots & Leaves" and go put on your Oysterband CDs...or CD's.....or even C'D's and boogie on down! ;0) Let go and LIVE!!

Life is so short and I'm surrounded by very elderly people in my town, lovely very elderly people, but it brings it home to you every day that we are only here for such a short time. Don't waste your precious days spitting out ugly thoughts.....just enjoy each and every precious one.

Go listen to Dougie McLean and let his incredible words soothe your soul.

Right then..I'm away...hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Don't let the Trolls wind you up everyone.

Lizzie :0)

25 Jun 05 - 04:27 PM (#1509666)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Regular Catter

Breton Cap,

I'm not using my Cat name because I do not want to draw down wrath onto my head.

I'm a regular at Sidmouth and have been for many years. I enjoy the sings, concerts, etc. but find the week generally a fairly lonely experience.

The sings in the Anchor are difficult to attend as they are just so very crowded and it is usually difficult or impossible to grab The Twig. I almost always attend the sings in the Theatre Bar which are usually well run but very, very formal.

But, and this is a very big but, when the sings finish a lone middle-aged female remains just that, a lone middle-aged female.


25 Jun 05 - 05:09 PM (#1509686)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

GUEST of 25 Jun 05 - 12:16 PM - If you know Steve Heap in person, then you'll know that he supports this years Sidmouth, and has said so on many occasions, so what's your gripe? Is it because of the Stewarding situation?
John Barden

25 Jun 05 - 08:19 PM (#1509815)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Bonecruncher

Possibly John Barden has hit the nail on the head over the issue of Guest Trolls - No Steward's tickets, so no free entry to events, so we're not going to play any more!!
All that they have left is to be spiteful and drogatory towards those who are working hard to make the week work.
They are probably the same Stewards who either failed to turn up for duty, were late, or could not otherwise be bothered!

25 Jun 05 - 08:20 PM (#1509817)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I said earlier,i would not discuss why i got my "gripe"over the festival at 12.16pm as Guest,that is the end of it.

26 Jun 05 - 02:36 AM (#1510010)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

Regular Catter,

Yes the Middle Bar sessions can get crowded but you don't need to "grab" the twig. Just be patient and enjoy other peoples songs and eventually the twig will come round to you.

I have attended to Theatre bar sessions too. I see those sessions as having a different (gentler) ethos which those who enjoy quieter sessions. Having said that, Herga Kitty (If she forgives me for mentioning it)as well as leading Theatre Bar sessions is a full participant in the Middle Bar singing.

The point is that there is something for everybody to enjoy. So, if the Anchor is not your scene, enjoy whatever it is you like and have a great week.

26 Jun 05 - 04:13 AM (#1510051)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Hi Regular Catter,

I have some 45 years experience of folk clubs, singarounds and sessions, and nearly as much of folk festivals.

Festival singarounds are always very crowded, but eventually everyone who expresses the wish to sing DOES get the chance.

There are a couple of useful tips tho'

1. Arrive early. If possible, a little before the start of a session.
The organisers do take note of people who are there before it gets crowded, and that almost guarantees an early chance to perform.

2. Choose your BEST songs. If you impress with your first, they will want to hear you again, and that twig will come back to you at some point.

3. Join in choruses. If you know the song that someone else is singing, and can add to the mix, it is almost like performing yourself, and it shortens the wait till your next opportunity.

Regarding your last comment, I have never met a group of folkies who wouldn't welcome a lone individual into their circle, if they become aware that you are alone. Folkies are, by the very nature of what they do, gregarious. Take any opportunities to talk to the people around you, and I'm sure that you can establish a presence within the group.

I wish you all the best for your experience of Sidmouth this year.
Dive in and enjoy
Don T.

26 Jun 05 - 09:50 AM (#1510218)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I have done main campsite with you on several occasions plus your dogs,so dont use your excuses for stewards not doing there duties.

26 Jun 05 - 12:24 PM (#1510323)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,One More Guest

I see Lizzie Cornish is intending to do to the English language what she has already done to the careers of several artists and one festival. Couldn't someone do it to her instead and do the rest of the world a favour?

26 Jun 05 - 12:33 PM (#1510330)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Haven't we tried!!!!!!

26 Jun 05 - 02:39 PM (#1510392)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth

Hello, thanks for the countdown, Lizzie!

To those who ARE going to sidmouth:
I'd personally like to put faces to the names...
I am assuming that a lot of us are going to the Show of Hands gig on the Thursday evening...
I will be wearing a t-shirt with the following slogan "You say 'Folk' like it's a bad thing" (oh dear, i've already planned my outfit *sob*)
so you can all come and say hi to me! *grins*

Cat (Catherine Manners: note insertion of full name cos i'm not ashamed of my identity *wink*)

26 Jun 05 - 03:34 PM (#1510438)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Is David coming too,
How is Victoria street in Plymouth these days.

26 Jun 05 - 04:55 PM (#1510494)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Cat in Plymouth.
Are you not talking now.
Shame i was going to send you a sympathy card!!!!!

26 Jun 05 - 05:08 PM (#1510503)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth

Hi Guest (03:34pm)

No, Dad won't be there this year... but he is driving me up there with all my stuff!!

Victoria Road is fine, still there last time i looked out the window *grin*


27 Jun 05 - 04:06 PM (#1511154)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Scooby Doo

Hi Catin Plymouth,
Becareful what you say on here.You would not want any unexpected visitors would you.

27 Jun 05 - 11:45 PM (#1511385)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth

hi, scooby!

victoria road is very long and i think there're a couple of them in the plymouth area... i don't recall mentioning which specific house it is that i looked out of the window from... so, i think i'm ok, don't you?


28 Jun 05 - 04:00 AM (#1511465)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Scooby Doo

Sounds like it,i dont know Plymouth except The

28 Jun 05 - 08:43 AM (#1511572)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,---not 'that one'


In what capacity do you deal with John Dowell? I'm interested because I cannot see why someone so committed to the new project would give your poison time of day and therefore assume your claim of contact with him to be a lie.

28 Jun 05 - 09:28 AM (#1511607)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Not that one either

Not just that one. He reckons he knows Steve Heap...yaeh right! like theyd talk to this loser!!!

28 Jun 05 - 10:20 AM (#1511635)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Steve in Sidmouth

Sorry Lizzie, but all the Guests and Anons were not me. I have been in SUNNY BEAUTIFUL Yorkshire for a week and never saw a computer once - except briefly in a library. My 20 year old car and 25 year old caravan performed well (except the car dumped half a litre of antifreeze over my feet at the top of a 1 in 5 hill). Can't complain I suppose - an average of 30+ mpg towing a caravan from an engine that has done 280,000 miles can't be bad. (This is probably about as interesting to you as a woman as most of your posts are to normal people.......)

Anyhow, I have not missed you a bit (well not much anyhow) but I am so glad you survived the storms in Sidmouth. I am told the rain was quite something. The only sensible comments about Folk Week in the last week seem to echo what I said ages ago - buy your tickets now to help the cash flow of the organisers. I am amazed they didn't offer more incentives to get cash in early, but that is their business. Good luck to them. I revised my website before I left and so little has changed that it can stay as it is for now. The latest Sidmouth Herald says that ticket sales are going well - but for which events we ask ourselves??

28 Jun 05 - 10:20 AM (#1511636)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Who am I?
I live in Sidmouth,
I claim I know Steve Heap
I claim I know John Dowell
I claim to have had several dealings with the great and good of the folk world and like to name drop in general
I claim to have stewarded for many years once at least with colyn
I have too much time on my hands
I am a prolific electronic writer
I am rude, egotistical, lack interpersonal skills (even when I am not in anonymous mode) and have an over inflated view of the importance of my opinion in the wider world in general.
I search the internet for personal details of women I have never met in order to intimidate them (unsuccessfully)
I have a well known anti Sidmouth 2005 agenda in my various guises, which I write in clumsily disguised, differing written voices in an attempt to cover my trail (unsuccessfully)
I believe that no one will knock on my door in the near future to have a civilised 'chat'

28 Jun 05 - 10:34 AM (#1511646)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Steve in Sidmouth

My post of a few minutes ago was in reply to one from Lizzie several days ago (you might lose the will to live going back through all the recent rubbish to find it) - it started thus:

""From: Lizzie Cornish - PM
Date: 23 Jun 05 - 05:02 PM

On the other hand Stevie....those 'Guests' might not be you at are the Ssss..snakes anyway?""

and continued for a long time........

28 Jun 05 - 10:50 AM (#1511652)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

"Who am I?"

Don't think I want to know!

Dave Earl

28 Jun 05 - 12:02 PM (#1511713)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Methinks Steve doth protest too much

28 Jun 05 - 01:12 PM (#1511761)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Good Grief

Good Grief!

I've just arrived at mudcat and cannot believe what I am reading.

What is it with you guys (and girls)?

If anyone is unsure about whether to visit Sidmouth this year a visit to this messageboard is 100% certain to drive them away.

I came looking for decent advice on what Sidmouth is really like.

I've never been before and having read all the messages here I certainly will not be attending this year either.

Your extraordinarily petty bickering has driven this potential customer away.

28 Jun 05 - 04:14 PM (#1511892)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Sue the Borderer

Oh dear, "Good Grief" - and anyone else chancing on this thread and reacting with horror and amazement - PLEASE don't let all the 'extraordinary bickering' put you off coming.

There are lots of positive people planning on being at Sidmouth, who know they will have a good time and who would love to share it with you, too. I'm one of them.

28 Jun 05 - 05:49 PM (#1511974)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Leadfingers

Well all I know is that there will be some bloody good music all over the town - Unaccompanied singing with The Middle Bar in the Anchor , twice a day , a good mixed session in the New Tavern , again , twice a day , The English Tune in the Radway , ALL sorts of things in The Bedford , an excellent relaxed Singaround in the Art Centre , The Volunteer , The Swan as well as the 'To Be Paid For' events . I will be arriving Friday afternoon for the week and will welcome ANY Catters to The Newt !

28 Jun 05 - 06:15 PM (#1511995)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: steve_harris

"Oh dear, "Good Grief" - and anyone else chancing on this thread and reacting with horror and amazement - PLEASE don't let all the 'extraordinary bickering' put you off coming"

Don't worry, Sue, it's just a passing troll. There is one or possibbly two of these trolls who have posted the same ballad as "guests" rather than the rather poor floorspots they are. The song goes:

I am a perfectly ordinary member of the public
I just happened to drop in on this forum
I notice some robust argument which I shall be offended by
I announce that it has persueded me not to go to Sidmouth

Chorus: Yaa boo sucks!

No, it doesn't scan or rhyme very well.

Norway, Null points

28 Jun 05 - 06:41 PM (#1512020)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Guest

From reading tonight's Express and Echo it appears that the Late Night Extra is doubtful as those organising are having licensing problems. More news later this week.

28 Jun 05 - 06:43 PM (#1512022)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cllr

steve Shhhhhhh you will point out how Bleedin' obvious the trolls are, although I have to admit I was nearyl fooled by that last one ("good grief" please try again, this time with more capital letters -(it stands out more)

28 Jun 05 - 08:48 PM (#1512102)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Sue the Borderer

OK, Steve, so maybe I was fooled. The trouble is, there are people who do 'chance upon' a thread like this and who are disturbed by it. I know - I've talked to several.

I also know, like Leadfingers says, that there'll be some bloody good music all over the town. You'll find me in the Middle Bar, the Volunteer, the Arts Centre and... and... and... and the Anchor Gardens Ceilidh and dancing with Herbaceous Border on the Esplanade every evening at 6.0. along with anyone else who wants to join in.

And I know I'll have a great time.

29 Jun 05 - 02:46 AM (#1512222)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Good Grief

In answer to Steve & Sue, I am genuine and am not one of your trolls as you call them.

My expression of amazement above was also genuine.

You may find it hard to believe but there are genuine lovers of traditional music out here who have not visited Sidmouth before, who have been thinking of visting this year, and who have then been put off when reading the quite extraordinary postings about Sidmouth on mudcat and other messageboards.

I am tempted to reveal my identity. You may know me as a singer in northern folk clubs over several years but it's probably best I remain anonymous lest I suffer the same personal attacks addressed to others on this board.

Don't be surprised people remain as 'Guests' when you read the abuse directed at those who put their heads above the parapet.

29 Jun 05 - 04:14 AM (#1512261)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Paul Burke

I don't think Good Grief should be put off by some of the people who post here- after all, if they are the only ones in Sidmouth it will be a small gathering indeed.

I won't be there myself this year- I can't afford the time off, I'll be on the boat just beforehand and I tend to prefer that these days when it comes to a straight choice.

But this year could well be more relaxed than previously- it's expected to be smaller, which means less pressure on campsites and pubs. Last time I was there, turning up as a last minute decision, I had to camp at the caravan site a couple of miles west along the coast, which made for a long stagger home in the dark. But it was worth every step, trip, slip, bruise and bramble scratch. I almost gave up my solipsism.

29 Jun 05 - 04:30 AM (#1512269)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

I love Steve Harris!!! :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) :0)

Lizzie ;0)

29 Jun 05 - 05:20 AM (#1512280)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Sorry guys, but this was SO good that I had to move it downwards, so we could all read it again! ;0)

<< "Oh dear, "Good Grief" - and anyone else chancing on this thread and reacting with horror and amazement - PLEASE don't let all the 'extraordinary bickering' put you off coming"

Don't worry, Sue, it's just a passing troll. There is one or possibbly two of these trolls who have posted the same ballad as "guests" rather than the rather poor floorspots they are. The song goes:

I am a perfectly ordinary member of the public I just happened to drop in on this forum I notice some robust argument which I shall be offended by I announce that it has persueded me not to go to Sidmouth

Chorus: Yaa boo sucks!

No, it doesn't scan or rhyme very well.

Norway, Null points >>>>>>


..."And here are the votes from the Sidmouth jury Steve...."

United Kingdom....Twelve Points Royaume Uni.....Douze Points

Lizzie ;0) (Rolling on the floor giggling Smiley!)

29 Jun 05 - 05:26 AM (#1512282)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I have never been to Whitby or Rochester sweeps for example.
However, if I were to read a thread like this one based on either of those two festivals I would not be so weak as to be swayed by the sort of sabotaging troll activity that runs through this thread. I would instead seek out the opinions of those I know and trust. I suggest that 'good grief' should do likewise...unless of course they have another agenda.
There do seem to be some very lame excuses for 'people' to 'announce' their rejection of the festival.

29 Jun 05 - 06:27 AM (#1512299)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

I've just read the press release from the Sidmouth Folk Week website and it's great to see so many local businesses supporting the Folk Week, and that ticket sales are exceeding expectations.

The whole point of this thread was for 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders', but as usual the TROLLS had to come in do their utmost to ruin it. There is another thread for people to say why they aren't going to Sidmouth, which I think is the place for those to express their opinion, so why don't they write there? The answer is obvious, because they have a different agenda to those of us who are supporting Sidmouth 2005. I'm just satisfied in the thought that the Mudcat represents a miniscule amount of the Folkies in this land, and that all the festivals I attend this year - including Sidmouth - will be a place to meet fine people, old friends and to hear great music.
John Barden

29 Jun 05 - 06:53 AM (#1512319)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: John Golightly

In reply to GUEST (28 Jun 05 - 06:41 PM)

Don't worry - steps are being taken to ensure that the LNE will go ahead. More news in due course...

John Golightly (Steering Group)

29 Jun 05 - 06:55 AM (#1512323)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cllr

guest 5 26 bang on the money - I couldn't have put it better myself.
Mind you im now waiting to see the first anon troll who responds "I've asked all my firends and they say sidmouth bad yada yada yada"
PS:I spent weekend before last on the beech at sidders and the Mrs and I went nice toasty colours, lovely see you all in a few weeks.

29 Jun 05 - 07:05 AM (#1512329)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

In my opinion the wreckers have already lost. Just look at the facts.
The ticket sales are outstripping all expectations
The number of acts booked is as large as it is diverse and comprehensive
The new website is getting thousands of hits a day
Local support is stronger than ever.
It's going to be a success despite the best efforts of a handful of those who, lets face it, we wouldn't want there anyway.
See you all on the beach! I'll be the one with the champagne and a big grin on my face.

29 Jun 05 - 07:27 AM (#1512337)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Thanks for the update on the website Barden.
That press release is very encouraging.
It also made me think. The new look festival does actually give sponsors more of an opportunity to get involved. Imagine you're a local trader. Would you rather sponsor a specific event which then bears your name, giving you a sense of ownership and direct involvement or throw a chunk of money at a large single organisation not really knowing where it then goes or how much exposure you will receive?
It's not surprising that business is coming out of the woodwork to take advantage of a more transparent marketing opportunity.

29 Jun 05 - 09:23 AM (#1512431)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Excellent news that businesses are at last supporting the Festival. If they'd done so before the future of the Festival might never have been in doubt.

Fantastic to know the campsites are in place even if they are many miles away from the town centre and short of stewards.

Terrific to hear of all the dances being organised albeit in draughty church halls and the like on the outskirts of town.

Wonderful to learn that "steps are being taken to ensure the LNE will go ahead" even if we've only learnt second-hand that it was ever in doubt.

Marvellous to read that "ticket sales are exceeding expectations" even if we're not told what the expectations for ticket sales were.

Tremendous to know that the town will be quieter this year so those who do attend can get served more easily in the pubs.

All we need to hear now is that Lizzie is leaving town and we might turn-up to Sidmouth this year after all!

29 Jun 05 - 09:28 AM (#1512438)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'


29 Jun 05 - 10:56 AM (#1512463)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: John Golightly

The LNE is moving back to Bulverton (announcement on the website).

John G

29 Jun 05 - 11:14 AM (#1512477)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Dave Earl

That is good news.

I do not often go to LNE but I was even less likely to be there if it was going to be over at Salcombe Regis.

All we need now is the Catering that used to be on the Bulverton campsite and we will be almost back to where we were.

Looking forward to it and can hardly wait.

Dave Earl

29 Jun 05 - 12:04 PM (#1512519)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Well done John! What speed you organisers move at eh? ;0) Only this morning someone raised doubt about the LNE on here, then here we are, just a few hours later with it all in hand and up on the website:

Hehhey! Stevie Scarlett!!....Put that in your pipe and smoke it!! ;0) Bet you wish you had a Super Duper Magical Web Master like Siddy Folk Week has got! ;0) Mmmmmmm....See Purple...that's the only one for me!

Sooooo glad to hear that 'Stevie Scarlett And The Guests'....that well known Anti-Folk-Week Band aren't appearing at Siddy this year! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

29 Jun 05 - 04:38 PM (#1512735)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Herga Kitty

I'll be attending, and running singarounds for people who want to sing or listen.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing the other attenders.


30 Jun 05 - 06:22 AM (#1513134)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Cat in Plymouth


The only reason i was paying extortionate amounts for my camping was that the LNE was at Salcombe Regis......... *AAAAAAAARRGGGGHHHH*

30 Jun 05 - 08:15 AM (#1513213)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I hope some arangements will be made for those who had originally booked the Salcombe Regis site intending to be close to the LNEs. Great news though.

Anyway, as far as I can see, apart from the Arena this year's Sidmouth is going to be pretty much like it usually is (for myself and the kids at least) - a mixture of workshops, sessions, singarounds, The Anchor,Bedford, Ham, Prom, concerts, Bulverton campsite, picnics, more Anchor, LNEs, singing in the sea, etc.. - can't see what all the fuss is about personally. Looks like the organisors have done a fantastic job and should be appaluded for their efforts. How about now giving them the support they deserve by booking up, turning up - and stop the knocking !!!   It's going to be a bloody fantastic festival as usual !

See you there..


30 Jun 05 - 08:16 AM (#1513214)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Seaking

Sorry, that was me...

30 Jun 05 - 08:41 AM (#1513233)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

I should imagine that there could be little complaint from the Thorn Campsite to anyone demanding a refund so they can go over to the Bulverton.

01 Jul 05 - 11:21 AM (#1513694)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Bulverton Fan

I for one am over the moon that the LNE is going to be at the Bulverton. It was always the best site for this event and I look forward to the short stumble back down the hill to my tent at the best campsite venue. Maybe a quick plate of Quesadillas from the mexican on the way. My festival is sorted, nice one!

01 Jul 05 - 11:35 AM (#1513712)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Mex fan

Is the Mex Tent booked ?

01 Jul 05 - 11:56 AM (#1513730)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Bulverton Fan

I sincerely hope so. It's a top spot for late night sessions too. Last time I was there munching on tortillas Spiers, Boden, Sartin, Wood, most of Mawkin and Glowworms all there playing along with everyone else...where else would you get that? Class stuff.

01 Jul 05 - 12:04 PM (#1513740)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Should you be munching on Spiers & Boden? ;0) I'm sure that's against the rules! ;0) ;0)

Good to see some happiness on this thread over the LNE. Well done Gordon Newton and the Gang!

Only 28 days to go.......

Lizzie :0)

01 Jul 05 - 12:16 PM (#1513747)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Steve in Sidmouth

Some background to the LNE turnaround is given on this webpage together with an article from todays Sidmouth Herald, should you need some light reading. All 'old' tickets for the LNE will be honoured and new ones are being printed to align with the Ham and Blackmore designs. Some events at the Ham will soon be sold out so better buy yours now.....

I would be interested if people manage to get a refund from Salcombe camping sites - apparently the Bulverton field can be extended from the one originally intended to be used this year - so there are few limits on numbers, except the Ham marquee can only take 800.....

Just arrange the weather will you Lizzie?? PLEASE.

01 Jul 05 - 01:18 PM (#1513807)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Come on cheated! That's EXACTLY the same message as you put on the other thread!!!! Where's your originality?????
You'll have to do better than that! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

01 Jul 05 - 01:25 PM (#1513816)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Steve in Sidmouth

NOT EXACTLY THE SAME - the other one had a bit added. A bit on the side as it were.

01 Jul 05 - 02:37 PM (#1513890)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

You and Lizzie would make a lovely couple!!!!!!

02 Jul 05 - 06:27 AM (#1514085)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish


Lizzie ;0)

02 Jul 05 - 06:36 AM (#1514089)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

One day nearer....Day 27....that's cheered me up after the last Guest entry! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

02 Jul 05 - 07:58 AM (#1514115)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,McGrath of Harlow

Looking at the programme on the website. Very pretty, but when I clicked to print it, it wouldn't do it. Anyone else having the same problem?

I hope this idea of having no proper season tickets isn't something they are going to carry on with when the festival proper comes along, if it does. For me it'd destroy the whole feeling of freedom, having to plan everything in advance. That's what the organisers are supposed to do, not the punters.

And it'll backfire - I'll probably end up spending a lot less on tickets than I normally will, and I doubt if I'll be alone in that.

02 Jul 05 - 09:38 AM (#1514165)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Hen Harrier

Totally agree, McGrath!

02 Jul 05 - 11:58 AM (#1514229)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Seaking

No problem printing the programme apart from it emptying the colour cartridge!

I've booked a few evening concerts and dances and found the process of planning my week so far ahead quite irritating, as I normally get there and just work it out as the week goes on. This year with camping costs I will probably still spend less than I normally would have with a season ticket as I also doubt I'll buy any more tickets when I'm there. One of the attractions of the season ticket has been the means to drift in and out of different events without thinking about the cost if you don't like something or just want to move to another event etc. especially if you've paid for it three or four months previously. The smaller names event may suffer more as people may not want to take the chance of paying to see someone they dont know, everyone knows the bigger names and will probably pay as they'll know what to expect. This year is obviously different with different sponsors supporting different venues and events under an impossibly tight planning schedule and this year's public need to be symmpathetic to that and demonstrate some understanding as the organisers have done a superb job of making the week happen at all.

Next year will be different however and McGrath is absolutely right, it will be a major issue if the season ticket is not restored. The organisers will be well aware of that too I'm sure.

02 Jul 05 - 02:33 PM (#1514313)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

The last three 'Guests' be they three seperate individuals or just one person:

I'm sitting here typing this whilst watching Bob Geldof on Live 8. They've just finished showing the film from 20 years ago, of all the children starving to death, dying in their mothers' arms. The film ended with a child seemingly taking her last breath. It was awful, truly awful!

Then Bob Geldof came on and said that 20 years ago that child had just a few hours left to live but somehow they managed to save her. She has just completed her University Degree and then he brought her on stage.

A staggeringly beautiful, dignified young lady walked on! Her beauty and her presence took your breath away! That was it for me. That young girl says everything about Live 8 and Bod Geldof. She proves what CAN be done if people don't give up!! It was the most moving piece of television I've seen in many a year. The crowd went absolutely WILD with joy!

So.....I pass that joy on to you all.

This Folk Week is nothing to do with Live 8. It is insignificant in proportion to what I have just seen, obviously. However, Sidmouth Folk Week is also proof of what can be done if determined people come forward to work their socks off to make something happen.

They are giving you a Folk Week that was never even going to exist this time last year. They and they alone will be responsible for old friends meeting up again in a place they love, sharing the music they love, with the people they love...perhaps even new people falling in love, not only with the music, dance and atmosphere but with each other too...all brought together by a small group of people who just never gave up!

I suggest you try and get some of that love and joy to rub off on yourselves.

Meanwhile, here is something brilliant to do with your money, instead of using up precious electricity to come in here and write negative things about people who care deeply:

So...go out there and buy a goat...or a teacher....or some trees....or even just a few text books for the children to learn from.....enable others to be able to feed their children or support themselves....but on this 'Day Of All Days'....DO SOMETHING POSITIVE and spread some LOVE around!

And I leave you with the message that Madonna is now singing to hundreds of thousands of people, all moving and acting as One.... "Music Makes The People Come Together"


03 Jul 05 - 01:08 PM (#1514488)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: McGrath of Harlow

I agree this years's Sidmouth looks a very impressive operation, and the people who have put it together deserve our thanks. But it is a kind of life raft, and lots of important aspects of Sidmouth have had to be left out, inevitably. I think it's going to be important that things like that get registered in any feedback.

Yes, and that bit of Live8 that Lizzie homed in on there, with young Birhan Woldo, the child who didn't die, was staggering. It put the whole thing into perspective. It was beautiful.

03 Jul 05 - 02:01 PM (#1514532)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Phot

Well after reading so me of the comments in this thread, this may seem a bit tame. But as its a thread on who is attending, PoD, and I will be there, Loki want's to come too, the kittens want to take over everything, chase SoH off stage, and show how good they are at singing, but they are staying here!

Lets all look forward to a great week of friendship, company, singing, music, dance, and above all a lot of fun.

As for the troll thing, who cares?

Wassail!! Chris

03 Jul 05 - 02:03 PM (#1514535)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Sorry over-emotional and carried away. Rule No. not write on messageboards when over-emotional! ;0) Then Mudcat broke down...(probably too much emotion for Max's magic cookies!), which meant that I couldn't get in here to apologise, because your name kept ringing a bell in my head!

It's that 'Guest' word that did it I think, it's beginning to have a strange effect on me! (Cross eyed Smiley!)...coupled with what I saw last night. Apologies.

Apologies too to Bob Geldof for turning him into 'Bod' in my previous post. Woops!

Off topic, (but then I usually am! ;0)..) if anyone missed last night's 'Africa Calling' from Eden down in Cornwall, then you can watch the highlights here:

Great shame there wasn't more coverage on the television. Also Radio 3's 'Performance on 3' is playing more highlights from the concert on Monday 4th July 7.30-9.30pm.

There you go, far more in control than last night.

Lizzie :0)

03 Jul 05 - 02:05 PM (#1514536)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Oh No!!! Now I've 'Blue Clickyed' EVERYTHING....Sometimes you just can't win! ;0) How did I do that?

Lizzie :0)

03 Jul 05 - 02:08 PM (#1514537)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish're not allowed to chase Show of Hands off the's just NOT matter how cute your kittens are! ;0)

Like the idea of the fun bit though...that sounds pretty good to me! ;0)

Lizzie :0)

03 Jul 05 - 04:14 PM (#1514623)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Observer

Three Lizzie posts in a row.

The old buzzard must be forgetting to post under all her assumed 'GUEST' names now.

Senility creeps up on you Liz old girl.

03 Jul 05 - 06:05 PM (#1514709)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Steve in Sidmouth

Lizzie is not an old buzzard. She is a very well meaning and certainly very interesting person who just happens to be a bit OTT at times. The world would be poorer without her and people like her. As for her enthusiasm for Live8 there is of course an easier way of dealing with Africa and its problems. Just confiscate the billions salted away by corrupt dictators (past and present) in western banks, repay it to the countries concerned (preferably via NGO aid so it doesn't get swallowed in administration costs) and tell all the leaders that no more ill gotten gains will be allowed to be deposited in any western or other 'first world' bank. Too simple?

The ticket structure of 2006 will be much more like the Steve Heap days - no one wants it this way - it evolved because of the way 2005 evolved and if it was not for one person (Gordon Newton from Maidstone) putting up a lot of money (over £100,000?) I doubt the forthcoming week would be anything like what is now on offer. Enthusiasm is fine Lizzie, but you need hard cash too in the real world. Even the traders in Sidmouth have been giving to Sidmouth 2006 - so there is hope yet.

Look out for lots more happening at Bulverton during the daytime too - and yet more tickets to buy!!

03 Jul 05 - 10:56 PM (#1514869)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Crucifix

I echo the praise for Gordon Newton who has put his money where his mouth is to try and keep a folk music event alive in Sidmouth.

Sad to say though that many of the posters on mudcat seem happy to have a smaller event where they just go to sessions and dance displays instead of putting their own hands in their pockets to support Gordon and the concerts programme at the Ham.

If many of those concerts lose money in 2005 and Gordon himself loses a substantial sum who in their right sense of mind will invest time, energy and hard cash to resurrect a proper folk festival in 2006?

06 Jul 05 - 06:24 AM (#1515933)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: PAul Brierley

In response to popular demand, the official website has been updated with links to printer friendly versions of the daily programme pages. They can be accessed from their respective programme day pages.

06 Jul 05 - 07:32 AM (#1515971)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,The Barden of England at work

And praise for Gordon Newton from me too, he really has been a stalwart.
We have become members of the Supporters Club, and will be visiting some of the concerts - and probably not the best known artists, along with being at the Bedford for a lot of the time looking after the sessions in the main bar. So I think I'll be doing my bit for the festival by contributing money and time, as I do every year. Not long to go now.
John Barden

06 Jul 05 - 07:58 AM (#1515996)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Blowz at work

Might I 'umbly enjoin those of you who will be there on 5th August to give strong consideration to including New Scorpion Band's show 'Out on the Ocean' in your activities. It is on at the Manor Pavilion, 8pm.

Out On the Ocean - A Musical Celebration of the Sea for SeaBritain 2005
A sparkling collection of traditional sea songs, shanties and folk tunes from fishing and coastal communities all around the British Isles, linked by poems and readings from John Masefield, Dylan Thomas, John Betjeman, Lord Tennyson and other writers with a love for the ways and lore of the sea.

And they look very pretty in their new costumes too!

06 Jul 05 - 08:05 AM (#1516011)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: McGrath of Harlow

The printer friendly pages don't at present include the first three days of the week. After my printer gave up the struggle with the unfriendly (though pretty) version I botched up a version for those days by pasting the stuff into Word and adjusting it as necessary.

But I hope there'll be more portable versions available in Sidmouth, because mine weighs a ton.

I see that at 9am on Friday 5th there's a "Sidmouth 2005 and the Future have your say" session in the Arts Centre. That could be interesting. Could even be useful.

I missed out on joining the supporters' club because I hadn't the deadline of June 30th, and had decided to put off planning for Sidmouth until July 1st. (Apart from having our room booked since last year.)

Looking forward to miss having the International teams around. And I'm sorry the Festival in the Church isn't happening - and a bit surporised at that too, since it's an excellent venue, all ready and waiting, with great acoustics, and comfortable whatever the weather, which is more than you can say of lots of the others.

06 Jul 05 - 09:37 AM (#1516110)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: PAul Brierley

FAO McGrath of Harlow

The links to which you refer seem to be working fine under various tests at various locations on various browsers and platforms (that's not to say that there is guaranteed no error).
It may however be that if you are regular visitor you may need to refresh your browser cache memory (Usually [F5] works), as you may be viewing and older version of the page.

Should this not work I would be interested to know a little more about the details of your system so that we can test and track down the fault.

With regard to the volume of paper; my apologies for the nature of the system but even with the printer friendly versions the longer days may take 3 pages of A4 to print. I understand that a more compact working programme is being produced for release at the event.

Sincere regards
Sidmouth Webmaster

06 Jul 05 - 06:14 PM (#1516504)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Can you lot go back to being nasty to each other. I'm missing my daily dose of bile. I log in every day just to read it.

06 Jul 05 - 08:33 PM (#1516595)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Herga Kitty

OK, Sidmouth festival this year will be smaller than last year, but there's still going to be a lot going on.

McGrath, I hope you make it into the Theatre Bar for a sing at lunchtime.


07 Jul 05 - 04:37 AM (#1516721)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,b.e.scott

Sidmouth is unique.
Because its unique its well loved
you may hate this or hate that but it is because those things (that you hate) are there that the things you like can also be found. Once you eliminate one thing that essential element that makes the festival unique is lost.

I often wonder why certain places are not better used like the existing ad established stage or band stand in the connaught gardens. I guess the gardners have objections or the coach trippers that arrive during sidmouth week do need to get away from the hub hub of the festival. so there reasons for everything.

Personally it is the sea front atmosphere of Saturday and Sunday (+ the rest of the week) that has kept me coming back for over twenty years - the sharing forum for what all of us do naturally (sing dance and make friends)
But once over that - once you have been up and down a few times then its up and down in the arena to buy that new songbook. Then breakfast in the sailing club before I go to the Ham and gloat over those cds and then, perhaps a fiddle or plonk on a strange guitar is my heaven. Often To the detriment of my pocket and the addition of an occasional new instrument because eventually you find something you just cant do without.

Sod the artists and performers they are not the reason we go to Sidmouth - we go for the character of the place - that ethereal change from sleepy seaside town to a vibrant colourful place.
BUT and bigger BUT without alll those artists and performers both amatur and learning as well as professional, what reason would Sidmouth have to exist at all. So a big HUG to everyone who regularly come to sidmouth totreat us to your talents.

Though Cambridge and others are a stage for such performances Large and small - It is the pure diversity of Sidmouth spread out throughout a living town that makes the week a fresh discovery and adventure each year.

To define this quality comes down to encouraging the 6-12 year olds by listening to them play there recorders and violins on the seafront and then giving them lots to do at Blackmore gardens and in the arena and at workshops. Thats the strength of Sidmouth - dippping into events as your muse takes you. How many of you rememember child hood experiances in such a way.

What do I hate - perhaps to much focus on the international events I only can see 5-10% iof what is on offer anyway and Tibet or China is as good and interesting as Spain and Portugal - so quality not quantity.
I only like my type of folk singing but always can I find something on offer to make want to book or buy tickets.
Not being able to dip into spoon rattling and vocal workshops because I havent got a season ticket,is annoying. I used to be able to do these things but the event instructors are naturally fed up as they lack continuity during the week!!!.

Thees a lot of us out there who enjoy doing things but can only get there in the evenings or for three days of the week which means we cant justify a season ticket and are excluded from the real NON TICKET Unbookable events that help   make sidmouth uniuqe. So perhaps a ticket that can be dedicated to any nominated non consecutive days performanceswhether this id two - three or five days and allows you to enter all events etc. Or is such a pre bookable item in todays computer world to difficult to arrange.

Sorry Chaps If Ive said too much thats still lots more in my heart
Well done all those over the years who have worked so hard - without complainers there would no reason to exist.
Sidmouth works - don't tweak it too much - Weather is not often the problem that week so lets strive for a kitty where the good years pays for the bad. Emptying the cash box at the end of the year is not a good thing.
Theres no fence around the town so we cant charge every visitor for entry - Or perhaps a tax on all cars coming in is the answer. But wet wheather is the problem. A kitty of say 1-200K replaced by a percentage of ticket sales each year would at least guarantee some form of continuity wet or shine.
Ham Marquee is great another tent over the stage at Connought gardens a possibility for another indoor space. Explore a seated outdoor venue on the large parkland field beside the main entrance road that crosses River Sid a possibility.

18 Jul 05 - 05:37 PM (#1523609)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Tattie Bogle

Been half-way round the world and back since my last posting, and some of this needs a blue pencil through it. As for the guest who thinks it's funny to quote postcodes.......he or she should be turned into the Police as an internet stalker! (see 18.06.05.)
I'm with Don, John, Kitty, McGrath, Lynne, Dave and all the POSITIVE people, in looking forward to a truly memorable (for all the right reasons, trolls), if different, Sidmouth Folk Week.
Trish S

18 Jul 05 - 06:44 PM (#1523663)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Sometimes the mind boggles

18 Jul 05 - 06:46 PM (#1523666)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Leadfingers

Is This A Good 'Un ??

25 Jul 05 - 02:36 PM (#1527965)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: John Golightly

The Working Programme is now available on the website

John Golightly

25 Jul 05 - 02:51 PM (#1527981)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)


25 Jul 05 - 10:11 PM (#1528336)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: sawhawk

im going to leave a message to you all sidmouth has a reason for beening sidmouth and as someone who was born there i tell you all we are all the same color race we are the ones that carry the sound to the ones who have ears but do not listen sidmouth is the nursery to the folk of tomorrow so please help them hear the songs of the past and the furture is all of ours thanks for reading this hawk see you at sidmouth soon

26 Jul 05 - 06:26 AM (#1528550)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Simply Beautiful Words Sawhawk!

Lizzie :0)

26 Jul 05 - 06:30 AM (#1528552)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Mrs_Annie

Thanks for the tip-off about the Working programme - that's brilliant (as I won't be able to buy one till next Monday)

getting excited now (and I've got Cambridge to go to first!)

26 Jul 05 - 07:22 AM (#1528574)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Ah no lizziecornish sawhawks songs arenot heard by the likes of you who have no ears to go off to yer fake folk disco with your fake tan and hair and nails alloverdressed a scarlet woman

sawhawk will be singing and playing for us and our lives and loves and ears to listen and when our hearts are pierced babby songs will be borned and well all sing them again.well done Sidmouth no harm donedespite the lizzard lizzies tries.

I will be on the beach singing to the wind watching the clouds dancing barefoot under the sky waiting for the tide to turn and bring my lover sawhawk back

26 Jul 05 - 07:50 AM (#1528589)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Lizzie Cornish

Do clouds dance barefoot? ;0)

Don't have a fake tan...YUK! glitter mind glitter OK? Or is that tooooooo merry for you? AND I put it on my wrinkles too...YUP!

<< you go off to yer fake folk disco with your fake tan and hair and nails alloverdressed a scarlet woman >>

Aha.... 'Sidmouthnight Folk Fever' has crept over here from Radio 2 eh? ;0) I tell you what..I was listening to The Bee Gees when I wrote it wicked is that??? There's just no hope for me is there really? Now that people know I've got a Bee Gees CD I'm in deep trouble! ;0) go and talk to the pebbles. I'll go and listen to Mawkin playing some truly good English music at the LNE Folk Disco. Then, when I come out, I'll talk to the stars as I always do.

Lizzie :0)

27 Jul 05 - 04:47 PM (#1529596)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: Tattie Bogle

The working programme is amazing- so many events, still spoilt for choice! It's probably still cheaper to buy one (£2.00) than print it yourself off yer own puter, unless yer using the boss's!

27 Jul 05 - 06:45 PM (#1529708)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'

Thats the sort of person you are!!!!!!

28 Jul 05 - 12:51 PM (#1530183)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: running.hare

may mannage a daytrip Thursday, but becoming 'homeless' on Sunday has been keeping me busy!!!

Will keep an eye out for mudcatters
(& if I happen to be about for the ceilidh in the ford shall make sure not wearing white dress - this year *blush*)

28 Jul 05 - 02:45 PM (#1530324)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: The Barden of England

But there's never a 'Ceilidh in the f*rd, nor is there ever a band or callers to play at the f*rd, and people never go down there and get wet.

28 Jul 05 - 05:04 PM (#1530529)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: My guru always said

And there is no photo of Lizabee in a wet white dress either......

31 Jul 05 - 03:58 PM (#1532200)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,perniquerty

^ how mutch wold not such a photo not cost?

03 Aug 05 - 08:08 PM (#1534510)
Subject: RE: 'Sidmouth 2005 attenders'
From: GUEST,Lizabee


Saddly tomorow lunch time 'm dworking a pub shift to earn much needed money, then straight back to Oxfd so Ian can have the Car.
Dads thinking of wending his way down so hopefully he can send my love to the middle bar etc...

zzzzabee zzzzzzzzzzzzz (Just done 9 hr pub shift!)