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Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?

03 Jul 05 - 08:44 PM (#1514809)
Subject: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Anony-Mouse

Here is a stupid question: What do I do now?

I learned guitar
I learned many songs
I learned to sing with my own accompaniment
I tried to form a group but nobody was interested where I live and everyone dropped out before it began
So I'm a solo act.

I haven't performed in public or private for years (when I knew piano, and did choral work). What Do I do with the songs I have learned? Do I never perform them? Do I just go to the park on sunday and play? Is this normal?

I hear there are 'folk' clubs in some places. I've never seen one. However it seems weird to have to go to some smokey bar to play, and I wonder what the response will be. I have only performed in more formal settings, usually in a group.

Or do I not perform at all?


03 Jul 05 - 08:45 PM (#1514812)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Peace

You find places to go play and you do just that.

03 Jul 05 - 08:48 PM (#1514816)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Peace

PS Good performers will adapt. Don't classify yourself as 'folk' or anything else. I mean, obviously you ain't gonna be a hit in a heavy-duty jazz club or a venue where the audience might be expecting hip-hop or rap. Look in your area for 'folk' clubs and go visit. Let 'em know you play. If they have an open stage some night, get yerself on that stage. The audience will let you know where you stand pretty darn quick. Best of luck to you.

03 Jul 05 - 09:00 PM (#1514823)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Charley Noble

Where are you located. I suppose it's possible that you're hundreds of miles from anyone that shares your musical tastes but it's really unlikely. Mudcatters appear to be almost everywhere.

Charley Noble
Richmond, Maine

03 Jul 05 - 10:09 PM (#1514846)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Anony-Mouse

Las Vegas, NV

03 Jul 05 - 10:29 PM (#1514853)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Frankham


Go where you are needed. Hospitals. Senior Centers. Public Schools. Soup Kitchens. Labor Unions. You don't do anything with folk because you are folk. We all are. Get out of the mindset of the coffeehouse performer. and do something useful with your music.

Mimi Farina went back to the Bay Area and started a collective called Bread and Roses. They groomed people to volunteer to play in these various places. it still goes on and is successful at last look.

Pete Seeger started playing for labor unions and progressive causes for which he wanted to raise money. If you have a musical talent, for god sake don't sit around and feel sorry for yourself but share that gift with folks who need it.

Write songs that have meaning. Teach if you want to. There are young people who are deprived of a music education in the public schools thanks to selfish Republicans who want to cut budgets for the arts.

It's not a stupid question but it's an obvious answer.

Frank Hamilton

03 Jul 05 - 10:31 PM (#1514854)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Peace

Listen to Frank. He knows whereof he speaks.

04 Jul 05 - 01:19 AM (#1514905)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Kaleea

What Frankham said! Sing in the shower, sing in the car, sing in the park, sing for the relatives, offer to sing at prisons, for a local school, church, any organization. If you are passing by & have your guitar & see a group of people picknicking, plop yourself under a nearby tree & start pickin' grinnin' & singin'!   Just sing.

04 Jul 05 - 01:55 AM (#1514918)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Joe Offer

I have to say that you might have a problem in Las Vegas. Reno has a large and active folk community (but no Mudcatters), but Las Vegas is a very strange city. You might try one of the churches - you can often find folkies at Unitarian or Unity or Religious Science churches. Antiwar demonstrations are another good place to meet folkies - and I'm sure you have demonstrations regularly at Nellis Air Force Base and at the Nuclear Test Site at Mercury, and at the Department of Energy headquarters.
The Reno Song Circle is the first Friday of the month - you might drive up.
Click here for Las Vegas Contra Dance information - but note that the Website hasn't been updated in a year.
Good luck.
-Joe Offer, in the Sacramento area-

04 Jul 05 - 03:04 PM (#1514953)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,ghettoblaster

folk it

04 Jul 05 - 03:47 PM (#1514976)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Abby Sale

Also what Frank said. But there is a Roller Girls league in Las Vegas. You might help them out. Adapt some songs to Rock, maybe.

I've no idea who they are, but the Alliance pages give:
NV, Las Vegas - "Moon and Eye"
Folk Alliance Member Organization

05 Jul 05 - 09:23 AM (#1515290)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Jim

Emigrate - to the UK, and discover yourself

05 Jul 05 - 10:42 AM (#1515351)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: dick greenhaus

You could try just enjoying it.

05 Jul 05 - 08:42 PM (#1515620)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Charley Noble

Las Vegas! Good grief! What a place to try to find a group of people to sing folksongs with or at. But there probably is a Unitarian Universalist Church there somewhere and its small congregation of liberal zealots would probably appreciate some folk songs, and they may even have a monthly coffeehouse, or maybe they'd be delighted if you started one.

There probably are some active picket lines at one or more of the big casino hotels and if you're really feeling intripid try leading "Which Side Are You on" for those on strike. But be wary of the big fellas with the baseball bats.

Charley Noble

05 Jul 05 - 09:02 PM (#1515632)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Cluthabloke

I think it might have been the magnificent Louis Armstrong ( and I might have the quote quite wrong; correct me if so...) All music is Folk music...I aint never heard no Horse play Piano.
Listen... it's all around you. but perhaps your just winding us up?

05 Jul 05 - 09:10 PM (#1515639)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Abby Sale

Charley; I gotta tell ya it's still the weirdest possible feeling for me to go to church on a Friday night. Even if it is only once a month. Still, it's not like I had actually planned to go any other place. AND the UU is the only folkish place in town that serves beer. (It's a sad, sad thing to have to sing without beer.)

05 Jul 05 - 09:14 PM (#1515643)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Paranoid Android

Every village in the world has AN IRISH BAR. Find one near you and get on with it.

05 Jul 05 - 09:47 PM (#1515661)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Big Al Whittle

Sounds to me like a golden opprtunity - a town without a folk club. All those people waiting for you to start one up so they have somewhere to go and sing. That's your best bet, and don't worry if its not an immediate success - you will learn as you go along and meet loads of interesting people..

I'm not too sure about singing for old folks. you really need to know what you're doing, if you don't want to end up slashing your wrists. Old folks don't mince their words when you're boring them. And they need to know ALL the songs you are about to honour them with. Gig for the professionals really - semi pros can't be bothered to learn that many old songs.

And as for hospitals - well they're the same folks who listen to Snoop Doggy Dog - only they're ill.

Schools are a better idea. You will be something new for the kids to look at. and something new for the teacher to talk about when you're gone. Make sure you know some songs that the kids are likely to know. Contrary to popular belief amongst folksingers and singer songwriters - people really do need one or two familiar items in a program - sustained concentration is for the experienced listener.
Always leave a picture behind , so they can draw you.

And finally remember theres only two kinds of people - those who have the bottle to get up and perform, and those who criticise.
the second one is the softer option, but its basically for degenerates.

all the best
big al whittle

08 Jul 05 - 09:49 AM (#1517987)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Jim Dixon

There is also a Quaker meeting in Las Vegas. Quakers are often folkies, and very hospitable.

Look at the thread FOLK MUSIC ON THE RADIO and see if you can pick up any of the stations listed there. (Looks like KUNV is all jazz – sorry.) Listen for announcements, or look at the station's website for information.

I does look like Las Vegas is a hard place to find folk music. Good luck.

08 Jul 05 - 10:24 AM (#1518020)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: M.Ted

My contribution, for what its, worth, is that last time I was in Las Vegas, I heard a band in a casino, with a little Farfisa organ, drums, bass, and a couple guitars, playing "Sloop John B" and a bunch of the other folkie songs that we all got so much mileage out of, so many years ago--I don't necessarily recommend working in a casino, but the money is better than you'll find anywhere else--LV is one of the few places in the US where a musician can earn a living, keep regular hours, and not have to travel--

Then you could play in coffeehouses and such places as Frank mentions above without worrying about how you'll make the rent--

I'll bet that the minute you start playing where folks can hear you, you'll find lots of people who are interested folk music--

08 Jul 05 - 03:41 PM (#1518264)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: old head

do what is in your heart. that is folk.

08 Jul 05 - 04:13 PM (#1518289)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Roger in Baltimore


Check out the local music stores. Many have bulletin boards where notices can be posted about players and their interests. If you find one that caters to acoustic musicians, ask the staff.

You can also place free ads in free papers. Here in Baltimore there is one called the City Paper and an advertiser called the Penny Saver. Let people know what you are interested in.

Play for your friends.

Roger in Baltimore

08 Jul 05 - 04:30 PM (#1518298)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Maryrrf

There may be merit to the idea of STARTING a folk club if there is none. Here in Richmond, VA there wasn't much "folk" - plenty of country, bluegrass, rock, pop, etc oh and also singer-songwriter type folk stuff, but no traditionally oriented folk venues that I knew of. Two friends and myself started a small folk concert series that is on once a month at a local coffee shop. The owner loves folk music and he also sells lots of coffee, tea and snacks on concert nights. (He doesn't have a liquor license, so no beer) It seats 45. The first two concerts have been sold out, and interest is growing. Often local churches will let you use their facilities, so that is another avenue to explore. Put up a notice at local music shops, in local papers, etc. You may find there are many people who are interested.

08 Jul 05 - 04:44 PM (#1518315)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,David Ingerson

Good for you for being brave enough to ask the question.

First off, enjoy yourself. Sing and play for the sheer pleasure and inspiration of it! In the shower, in the car, while you're washing dishes, even walking down the street.

As Roger suggested above, sing for your friends. Invite a bunch of friends to a singing party. No apologies--just throw back your heads and sing! Ask your firends to invite others. Then make it regular and put an ad in the paper and in the music stores: singing party first Saturday of every month. Network, publicize, and soon you'll have the nucleus (?) of a singing (possibly mostly folk singing) community.

From there, the sky's the limit! Lots of good suggestions above.


08 Jul 05 - 04:52 PM (#1518331)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: GUEST,Sleepless Dad

Nursing homes !! They would love to see you. And the little old ladies will pince you on the cheek too. If you're into that type of thing.

08 Jul 05 - 08:12 PM (#1518513)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: semi-submersible

Good fertile question. You must get a lot out of this music, or you wouldn't have put all that time in to make the progress you have. (Some posters seem to have forgotten to give you credit for this.)

No doubt about it, singing is made to be shared, and loneliness is rarely inspiring.

If you sit down to sing spontaneously outdoors, and don't like how the open space attenuates your sound, try positioning yourself near vegetation or surfaces which can reflect it back.

Please let us know which suggestions work for you.

08 Jul 05 - 09:04 PM (#1518538)
Subject: RE: Stupid Question: What do I do with folk?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Organize the coyotes and go take on Paul Anka. I think Celine Dion also performs there.

Sorry, I don't know Las Vegas NV so can only make stupid remarks. Maryrrf has a good idea. Where do the students and staff at UNLV hang out? For that matter, the folk who don't work for the casinos?