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Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?

20 Jul 05 - 09:51 AM (#1524176)
Subject: BS: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: harpgirl

Everyone seems to be wondering what is wrong with mudcat. Will you enlighten us? And how is your arm?

20 Jul 05 - 09:56 AM (#1524183)
Subject: RE: BS: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: gnu

Did you PM him to advise him of this thread?

20 Jul 05 - 11:15 AM (#1524272)
Subject: RE: BS: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: katlaughing

I've heard that he may be on vacation. I am pretty sure I read, somewhere that Joe is, too. I sent Max an email last night. No answer, yet.

He posted, last week(?) in the thread about his accident, hg, about how his arm is, etc.


21 Jul 05 - 01:27 AM (#1524839)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: catspaw49

It's fucked up.

Thanks for asking. I'm happy to parlay my extensive computer knowledge into something useful that laymen (and laywomen---I mean like I don't wanna' lay a man personally) can use to better understand why their favorite website isn't working. It's easy to understand really.......Just think it through slowly and then say....

It's fucked up.

You're all lucky to have caught me here to pass on this wisdom. Of late since the 'Cat is fucked up, I try to log in a few times a day when I normally might and if it doesn't load, I move on.....because the 'Cat is fucked up.

There is also the other problem. It seems that when the 'Cat is working, a bunch of new obits show up and when I get here, I get really depressed. So I figure the less I log on the better!!!

So try not to log on much and quit posting obits and maybe Mudcat will get up and running better!!!


21 Jul 05 - 02:20 AM (#1524855)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Spaw - the correct terminology for the problem you describe is

SNAFU. Situation Normal, All F%"ked UP.

Or should it be FUBAR?


21 Jul 05 - 04:30 AM (#1524906)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Lanfranc

Definitely SNAFU, but approaching FUBAR!

Or, as we say in the trade SIMDNSA (Sod it! Mudcat's DNSing again!)

Certainly flaky, but still free!

If we had to pay per login, we could complain, but I'm just grateful when it does work.


21 Jul 05 - 04:45 AM (#1524912)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Drystone

Sigh of relief!

I thought I'd got a problem my end that was stopping me logging on.

Sorry that the 'Cat's having problems, but glad that I can stop worrying that my computer might be ill.

21 Jul 05 - 04:49 AM (#1524914)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?

I'm with Lanfranc. I'm irritated when it doesn't work, grateful when it does. Where else is there to go where most posters are sensible, mature, and well informed, and like folk music?

That is a serious question. Anyone?    Chris.

21 Jul 05 - 06:51 AM (#1524950)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Allan C.

I spoke with Max a couple of days ago. He told me that much, or even all of the problem with access could be fixed. The only thing standing in the way is for him to have a block of time to deal with it. His best estimate is that if he worked on it steadily for about 72 hours, all would be well. If you think about it, when, in your own life, could you devote three solid days to a single task? He is trying, though. He will be meeting with Pene Azul to discuss a solution.

Meanwhile, he is also of the belief that some of the other problems that resulted from the "big crash" can be repaired. The out of sequence postings, the duplicate photos, etc., can be sorted. Again, this is something that would require a heap of time to accomplish. He said that a Mudcatter who is a good programmer and who had some time to donate could be of immense help. The work could be done remotely by way of emails and CD's, he said. So, if any of you could lend a hand, I'm sure you would be thought of by all of us as some sort of special hero - undoubtedly entitled to sit at the golden bar stool at the Mudcat Tavern.

21 Jul 05 - 07:24 AM (#1524978)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: jacqui.c

I wish I knew more about the systems! I would love to help but ain't knowlegeable enough.

Best of luck with it Max - I, for one, will just be patient until you get things sorted.

21 Jul 05 - 07:36 AM (#1524991)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: MBSLynne

Yes, good luck Max. Being told what's happening tends to make me feel much less irritated with the whole thing. I can be patient and wait for the solution if I just know what's going on!

Do we have a hero in our midst??

Love Lynne

21 Jul 05 - 07:37 AM (#1524992)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: An Englishman Abroad

To the moaners and groaners,

I am new to Mudcat and was amazed to find out that this site is run by someone in their own time and at there own expense. Well hats off to the people who run this site and tough shit to the moaners. I gather someone named Max is the kingpin. Well thank you Max, you will have my support and gratitude.

If the moaners are not happy then start your own site and see how you cope. You selfish bastards have no right to demand or complain about a service you are not paying for.

Sorry to sound off folks but selfish people wind me up. winds me up.

all the best    John

21 Jul 05 - 07:39 AM (#1524996)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: An Englishman Abroad

Sorry about the mistake at the end of the last post but I am not a happy bunny


21 Jul 05 - 08:00 AM (#1525030)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: red max

I'm very grateful for all the hard work that goes into Mudcat, and really enjoy visiting, but it's the least reliable site I know of. I don't get irritated by its regular unavailability, just disappointed

21 Jul 05 - 08:10 AM (#1525039)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Leadfingers

I have the TIME to do things (Apart from my innate idleness) but sadly , like jacqui.c I dont have the technical expertise . At least , those of us who are there can queue up to buy Max a beer at the Getaway !

21 Jul 05 - 08:11 AM (#1525041)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Azizi

John, An Englishman Abroad, welcome to Mudcat!

You wrote:
"selfish people wind me up. winds me up."

And then you wrote:

"Sorry about the mistake at the end of the last post but I am not a happy bunny."

Hmmm..I didn't think that first post was a mistake. I thought you were getting into song writing mode.

It's seems to me there's a song in the end of your two posts..



Thanks, Max for opportunities for information sharing, good conversations, and creative, interesting folks meeting at Mudcat!!

Positive Vibrations,


21 Jul 05 - 10:23 AM (#1525047)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Sandra in Sydney

Like eveyone else who has posted, I don't read or understand Computer, tho I can throw a few words into conversations so I appear to be literate. Fortunately we do have some fantastic computer experts on strength & with their help I'm sure Mudcat will get back to it's normal wonderful self

thanks, Max, Jeff, Joe & clones for all you do, & thanks to all the wonderful Mudcat community for being here, too


21 Jul 05 - 10:33 AM (#1525054)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Shakey

"Meanwhile, he is also of the belief that some of the other problems that resulted from the "big crash" can be repaired. The out of sequence postings, the duplicate photos, etc., can be sorted. Again, this is something that would require a heap of time to accomplish. He said that a Mudcatter who is a good programmer and who had some time to donate could be of immense help. The work could be done remotely by way of emails and CD's, he said. So, if any of you could lend a hand, I'm sure you would be thought of by all of us as some sort of special hero - undoubtedly entitled to sit at the golden bar stool at the Mudcat Tavern."

What kind of help is needed, I need more info to know if I can help, but I have been earning my living at it since '79

21 Jul 05 - 10:37 AM (#1525060)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: ranger1

My mind is boggled by how well this site functions, considering the vast amount of STUFF it deals with. The fact that it runs as well as it does on volunteer time and money is a testament to Max and Joe and the others who try to keep one step ahead of chaos and who do a very good job of it. Thank you Max and Joe. Where do I send my pittance to help out financially?

21 Jul 05 - 10:40 AM (#1525075)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?

The Mudcat Café
PO Box 3006
West Chester, PA 19381

or paypal

21 Jul 05 - 10:48 AM (#1525087)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Shakey

As I've pointed out on other occasions, now maybe it's a coincedence but as far as i can see the last thing that happened before the last outage was someone updated the moab thread at 8:15 server time

21 Jul 05 - 11:02 AM (#1525109)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?

coinkydink. It was updated at least twice this morning at seperate times.

21 Jul 05 - 02:13 PM (#1525186)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Max

Running a backup server as of about a minute ago. Whole new server until I can get the other one rebuilt. Hope she holds.

21 Jul 05 - 04:10 PM (#1525187)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: s&r

Good luck Max


21 Jul 05 - 04:10 PM (#1525188)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: nutty

Good luck Max

21 Jul 05 - 04:13 PM (#1525190)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Max

So far, so good. Spread the word... the mudcat is back in action. This temp server should be strong till I get our main server back in action. Looks like the worst is behind us, sorry it took so long for me to get a handle on it, but I just haven't had the time to invest in such a huge task. I can't stay up all night like I used to, and I had to take a day off work to get this far. more later...

21 Jul 05 - 04:17 PM (#1525193)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Clinton Hammond

" I can't stay up all night like I used to"

Coffee, man! And LOTS of it!

21 Jul 05 - 04:20 PM (#1525197)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: MMario

Hey Max! What's the IP address for the back door?

21 Jul 05 - 04:36 PM (#1525200)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: nutty

Oh ye of little faith MMario ...... lol

21 Jul 05 - 04:38 PM (#1525202)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Uncle_DaveO

MMario, I think what you need is

Dave Oesterreich

21 Jul 05 - 04:39 PM (#1525203)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Max

nope, that's the help forum. 105 should still work, and 110 should work.

21 Jul 05 - 04:49 PM (#1525210)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Max

A quick answer to what has been going wrong is this:

Got a bad drive (and/or RAID array) on the primary server. That wouldn't be so bad, though it is also my domain controller and active directory server and DNS server. In short, this means that every server and computers' functionality on my network was dependant upon the primary server. So I had a lot of changes to make to the entire network (6 computers) before I could replace the bad drive and reformat the server. It's about a 60 hour job, of which I'm maybe 35 in at this point.

In addition to rebuilding my entire network, I had about 50GB of mission critical data to copy off the bad drive. Anyone who has rescued data off a bad drive knows how long this takes.

So that's been going on for weeks now. To add to all this, for the last 2 weeks, my little city here has been tearing up my street installing fiber optics to replace all the phone lines in town. There work would kick my ADSL router offline. I would have to physically be here to reset it. With sleep, a family and a job it has been very challenging for me to keep us online. Jack Hammer has woken me up every day at 8am for the last 2 weeks.

21 Jul 05 - 04:58 PM (#1525214)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Highlandman

Max, thanks for all the hard work. We wouldn't complain if we didn't miss it so much when it's OTL. (Well, some people would complain no matter what.)

21 Jul 05 - 05:00 PM (#1525215)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: gnu

All I can says is thanks. And, ah, it may not be PC for some, but, the cheque's in the mail.

21 Jul 05 - 06:33 PM (#1525218)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: bobad

Ditto me on both counts.

21 Jul 05 - 09:02 PM (#1525242)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: JudyB

Thanks for the update, Max! I do miss the 'Cat when it's down, but I can handle that just fine - it was the not knowing that was getting me down. Knowing that the utility folks are doing work in your neighborhood that can take down the connection lets me say to myself "Well, Max will probably reset it when he gets back" and go about the rest of my day, instead of wondering when or if it might come back up.

As so many others have said, I do appreciate all you do - and I think many of us wouldn't mind (too much) if the fix took a little longer so you could get some sleep now and then and keep on the road to recovery - especially if we get a progress report now and then.

Thanks again!

21 Jul 05 - 09:25 PM (#1525266)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have some experience and knowledge (in spite of formal education) in computing HW & SW matters - was a System Admin ...

If you want to ask for help get in touch. No previous with Coldfusion, but always willing to learn - and due to a curse with my intelligence, I do pick up some things quickly: alas, not all the good looking chicks... ;-)

Of course I am at the other end of the International Super Goat Track... and on dialup...


21 Jul 05 - 09:25 PM (#1525267)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: khandu

Damn! If only Mr. Scott could have held on for a few more days, he would have had this thing going in a couple of hours, or, at least, beamed us all outta here!


21 Jul 05 - 09:52 PM (#1525288)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: JennyO

Thanks for letting us know what's happening Max. Just knowing makes me feel a lot better straight away. Good luck with it!


21 Jul 05 - 09:56 PM (#1525290)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for the information. We do appreciate the hard work you've put into maintaining and improving this system. It's sad when it comes down around your ears. There's really not much that we can do when we don't know what will be helpful. Sounds like more checks would be useful. Mine is way overdue.

Charley Noble

21 Jul 05 - 10:00 PM (#1525296)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: harpgirl

...yeah sure Max! I bet you have been staying up all night having wild passionate sex! You can't fool me!.....

and thank you for that brilliant answer CATSPEW!!! That's really brilliant....... old shriveled buckeyes! Is your mind getting like your buckeyes? and YOU Other person...what about my hormones? I don't think it's any of your business!

I still might leave snarky anonymous messages on help if I get hinky and honked off about your lollygagging!

21 Jul 05 - 10:02 PM (#1525299)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: harpgirl

I think Jon should volunteer his time! It would keep him out of the pubs for a few hours...

21 Jul 05 - 10:11 PM (#1525309)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: John O'L

Max -

Your explanation of 4:49 PM is very sobering. It will be a while before I complain about my lot again. Good luck. Dunno how you do it.

21 Jul 05 - 10:36 PM (#1525325)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: katlaughing

And with a broken arm, to boot! Thanks for the info, Max. Much appreciated.

Spaw, nice ta see yer whizz-dumb on here again.**bg**

22 Jul 05 - 10:08 AM (#1525371)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: MMario

Thanks max!

22 Jul 05 - 12:02 PM (#1525393)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Max

OK, so the temp server didn't work. Switched to another server. I feel good about this config. We'll see...

22 Jul 05 - 12:12 PM (#1525400)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: freda underhill

Good luck with it all Max, and thanks for keeping us in touch!

best wishes


22 Jul 05 - 02:29 PM (#1525508)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Nigel Parsons

Nominal payment en-route via Paypal:
Thanks to Guest for the suggestion.

I now have a use for some of the money incoming from sale of comics/sci-fi mags!



22 Jul 05 - 03:40 PM (#1525561)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Don Firth

Thanks for the information, Max, and thanks for all that you do to keep this sucker running. I know I grump a bit and heave heavy sighs when the 'Cat is down, but as someone above said, that's more from disappointment than from irritation. Keeping Mudcat going is one helluva great service, and I really appreciate it.

There are those who have neither the willingness nor the expertise to operated something like Mudcat, but who seem to enjoy sniping from the underbrush when things aren't going the way they want, but all too often they're the kind of folks who'd bitch about a free lunch.

Illegitimi non Carborundum.

Do what you need to do, including taking good care of yourself and yours.

Don Firth

22 Jul 05 - 05:06 PM (#1525672)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Richard Bridge

We appreciate it

22 Jul 05 - 07:45 PM (#1525821)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Fortunato

Dear 'spaw. Although I have the utmost respect for your technical evaluation of the mudcat. I feel that I must remind you that this is a music site and therefore it would be more appropriate to sing it.

For example: with all due respect to Mr. Presley

Sung to the tune of "I'm all shook up"

Sing:   "it's all fucked up, oh uh huh, uh huh, yay, yah it's all fucked up."

see isn't that better?
yours, chance

22 Jul 05 - 08:02 PM (#1525837)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Mr Happy

[Duplicate post from Help Forum]

Many Thanks Max!

For providing this invaluable resource.

We're all used to some glitches & disasters in our own lives - so y would yours [or Mudcat's] b any different!

Keep up good work - & scorn detractors!

Blues/Folk/Rock on Max!!

Cheers ma man!

All the best,

Mr H

23 Jul 05 - 10:08 AM (#1526220)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Nigel Parsons

Mr Happy, what have you got against agricultural vehicles, why should we "scorn de tractors"?


23 Jul 05 - 03:34 PM (#1526431)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: George Seto -

Thanks, Max for all the work!

I am not a brilliant programmer, but have been known to sort out programming errors so, IF I can help, please let me know.

23 Jul 05 - 04:18 PM (#1526472)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: Mark Cohen

I wrote a computer program once, when I was in college. It was in FORTRAN. Haven't touched the stuff since then. Bad for you.


(But good for the rest of us...mahalo a nui loa, Max!)

23 Jul 05 - 11:27 PM (#1526737)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: katlaughing

LOL @ Fortunato/Chance...BRILL!

23 Jul 05 - 11:37 PM (#1526741)
Subject: RE: Hi Max: What's wrong with mudcat?
From: JennyO

Mark, your mention of Fortran reminded me of this poem. Yes, I know it's been posted before, but I like it.

      When I Was A Boy
      Copyright 1997 by Frank Hayes, Firebird Arts & Music (BMI)

      When I was a boy our Nintendo
      Was carved from an old Apple tree
      And we used garden hose to connect it
      To our steam-powered color tv.
      But it still beat that ancient Atari
      'Cuz I almost went blind, don'tcha know,
      Playing Breakout and Pong on a video game
      Hooked up to our radio.

      And we walked twenty miles to the schoolhouse
      Barefoot, uphill both ways,
      Through blizzards in summer and winter
      Back in the good old days.
      Back when Fortran was not even Three-tran
      And the PC was only a toy
      And we did our computing by gaslight
      When I was a boy.

      When I was a boy all our networks
      Were for hauling in fish from the sea--
      Our bawd rate was eight bits an hour (and she was worth it!),
      And our IP address was just 3.
      And you kids who complain that the World Wide Web
      Is too slow oughtta cut out your bitchin',
      'Cuz when I was a boy every packet
      Was delivered by carrier pigeon

      And we walked twenty miles to the schoolhouse
      Barefoot, uphill both ways,
      Through blizzards in summer and winter
      Back in the good old days.
      Back when Fortran was not even Two-tran
      And the mainframe was only a toy
      And we did our computing by torchlight
      When I was a boy.

      When I was a boy our IS shop
      Built relational tables from wood,
      And we wrappered our data in oilcloth
      To preserve it the best that we could.
      And we carried our bits in a bucket,
      And our mainframe weighed 900 tons,
      And we programmed in ones and in zeros
      And sometimes we ran out of ones.

      And we walked twenty miles to the schoolhouse
      Barefoot, uphill both ways,
      Through blizzards in summer and winter
      Back in the good old days.
      Back when Fortran was not even One-tran
      And the abacus? Only a toy!
      And we did our computing in primordial darkness
      When I was a boy.