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BS: spending big $, justified?

22 Jul 05 - 04:52 PM (#1525662)
Subject: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: GUEST,maire-aine

I'm in a real pickle right now. I'm a collector, and something I want has turned up for sale on the internet. It's a lot of money, but I may never get this chance again. Any thoughts on splurging & buying it regardless of the cost? What about regrets for passing something up?


22 Jul 05 - 04:58 PM (#1525666)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Ebbie

Is it likely to go for less later? Will a picture of it on your wall do? *G* If you buy it will it be something that will give you satisfaction the rest of your life?   (It's only money.)

22 Jul 05 - 05:13 PM (#1525679)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Shakey

We tend to regret the things we don't do and put the mistakes down to experience. It's more fun that way as well!

22 Jul 05 - 05:14 PM (#1525682)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Uncle_DaveO

A lot of the value of something you buy because you love it is intangible value.

And the value of any intangible is "Whatever someone is willing to pay for it."

Will you see the item later at the same price, or a lower price? Will you ever see the same item for sale again? Who knows?

And if you buy it, will you have buyer's remorse? Who knows?

Only you can put a value on your lust for this item. If you buy it, buy it with a whole heart, and never look back!

Dave Oesterreich

22 Jul 05 - 05:21 PM (#1525686)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Bill D

I guess it comes down to "can I RE-sell it if times get tough"

22 Jul 05 - 05:32 PM (#1525692)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Amos

If you really value it, get it now.

You won't regret it.


22 Jul 05 - 05:43 PM (#1525699)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Sorcha

OK, what is it?

22 Jul 05 - 05:46 PM (#1525704)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson's Bodyless Mind

He who dies with the most toys, wins.

22 Jul 05 - 05:57 PM (#1525720)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: M.Ted

My advice, if it is important to you, buy it, because you'll always be glad that you have it--you'll get over the sticker shock very quickly--the money that we waste is the money spent on little, worthless things--

At the end of the year, when you compare with what you've earned with what you've got to show for it, your precious collectible will look pretty good--

22 Jul 05 - 07:24 PM (#1525798)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: dianavan

I'd say do not go into debt for it but if you have the cash and you really want it, buy it. What else is money good for?

22 Jul 05 - 07:27 PM (#1525802)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: maire-aine

Well, I did it. I called up and placed the order. I hope this link works glass pitcher .

This is an American glassware pattern called Chintz by Fostoria. My mother had selected it when she got married. I've been adding to it whenever I got the chance. These larger pieces haven't been manufactured since the 1940s, so I have to get while the gettin's good.


22 Jul 05 - 09:55 PM (#1525908)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Bobert

Geeze... I was hopin' it would have been a musical instrument 'cause I coulda related better to a musical instrument than a danged picther, fir sure...

But, hey, good on you anyway... Now go tell the kids that Santa Clause has been assasinated and won't be comin' 'round no more...

Awww, jus' funnin'...

Nice pitcher....


22 Jul 05 - 10:00 PM (#1525911)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Ebbie

Hey, sounds to me like you bought something that has real meaning to you. Good for you.

23 Jul 05 - 08:39 PM (#1526663)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: dianavan

I can relate to Fostoria! My mother collects crystal and cut glass, too. Whenever I visit her, I look longingly into her china cabinet. She also has a few nice pieces of Bavarian china that her mother brought over from Denmark. I even have peonies my grandmother brought from Denmark and four generations of photographs. I often wonder how these things survived the family tragedies and the many moves.

I have my mother's hope chest and I am busy placing mementos into it for safe keeping. I know that when I first opened it, it was like a treasure chest of all the important events and memories of the women in my family. I plan to carry on the tradition. I hope someday to wrap and gently place the fostaria there for my daughter.

The other day my daughter pulled my old doll from the chest (Madame Alexander) and suggested I throw it out since she no longer had any hair. I told her that when I get my haircut, I will have a wig made for my old Maggie. I was kidding but it had the right effect - her eyes were popping out of her head and she looked very alarmed.

Anyway, I'm glad you got it. Its beautiful!

24 Jul 05 - 12:10 AM (#1526755)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Over the years, I have had more regrets over antiques that I didn't buy than over anything I ever bought. With antiques, once they're gone, they're gone.

24 Jul 05 - 12:37 AM (#1526767)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: Little Hawk

Very neat. Once one really knows a lot about anything like that, it becomes interesting because one knows a lot about it.

And you can always sell it again later, after all. This way you get to enjoy the experience of acquiring it, instead of wondering and wondering about what never happened.

24 Jul 05 - 10:33 AM (#1526991)
Subject: RE: BS: spending big $, justified?
From: gnomad

Since the order is placed now it is a bit late for this thought, but here goes anyway:

If the thought "Should I buy it?" brings the reaction that you want another opinion, then the answer is probably "No". If it's the real thing then no second opinion will be needed.

That has been my experience of such things, anyone else?