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Info-Folk Clubs-Bristol/guildford areas

05 Aug 05 - 03:49 AM (#1535448)
Subject: Info-Folk Clubs-Bristol/guildford areas
From: GUEST,Puck

I may be moving to one or other of the above areas and would like to know of any good trad English folk singarounds type folk sessions,in those areas. Can anyone help please.

05 Aug 05 - 04:18 AM (#1535455)
Subject: RE: Info-Folk Clubs-Bristol/guildford areas
From: mooman

Can't help with Bristol but within striking distance of Guildford you have the long-established Chanticleer Folk Club in Dorking (along the A25) which meets on Wednesday evenings at Friend's Provident Social Club, Pixham Lane, Dorking.

Website here

