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BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s

05 Aug 05 - 07:24 AM (#1535527)
Subject: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s

The title is a little misleading but I couldn't think of a better way to summarise it.
The problem is that I am in my mid twenties, I have 2 sisters one 16 and one 17 both are still in full time education and we all live at home, the problem is that we don't want to.
Our mother's bloke is taking liberties that we are not prepared to put up with and she doesn't seem to want to put a stop to it.
I can afford to move out but my sisters can't unless they live with me, which I would be totally fine with and there is no way I would refuse if they asked.
My biggest worry is the financial side (Isn't it always?!) does anyone know what sort of financial assistance, if any, I would get for providing a roof for my sisters?
I'm posting as a guest as I'd like impartial advice!


05 Aug 05 - 07:46 AM (#1535538)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s
From: GUEST,daylia

where do you live, GUEST? Here in Canada, there's a big hole in the 'social safety net' - unfortunately if you're under 16, your parents are legally responsible for your keep - and until your 18th birthday you don't qualify for social assistance. So between 16-18 if you're not in school, without a job and don't live with your parents, you're basically SOL.

There are certain benefits teens can apply for if they're still in school and can prove it's in their best interests NOT to live at home. If it's the same where you are, your sisters might qualify, but not yourself (unless you can legally claim them as dependants somehow). I'd suggest making inquiries at your school board first (I'm assuming the girls are still in school, and that you do have school boards wherever you are!).

All the best, daylia

05 Aug 05 - 10:10 AM (#1535611)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s
From: Sorcha

Yes, country will be important.

07 Aug 05 - 05:09 PM (#1537065)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s

Sorry, I'm in the UK, but thanks for responding!

And I've had problems connecting so I've not been able to reply earlier!!

08 Aug 05 - 03:25 AM (#1537320)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s
From: GUEST,Vic at work

As your sisters are still in F/T education they would be able to get advice from their local Connexions service [ 080800 13219], they should have a nominated advisor to provide ANY information they request.
You would probably be best advised to contact your local benefits office[] to ask their advice. Other than that try Citizens advice and local Housing dept.
I would still advise talking to your mother and the bloke but if you feel it has already gone too far - get out fast.

08 Aug 05 - 04:56 AM (#1537354)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s
From: Morticia

Try social services, they are a wealth of advice usually on housing, finances and all sorts of things.They aren't just there to take kids away, you know.Also try CAB and the Housing Deptartment of your council.

08 Aug 05 - 06:13 PM (#1537977)
Subject: RE: BS: Info Req. Financial help for under 18s

Because there are three of you pick a location and busk 24/7 before too long the 16 y.o. will probably come to someone's attention