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female musicians in Hull

10 Aug 05 - 01:00 PM (#1539514)
Subject: Female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,angry nonmember

Hi...I'm a female folk musician in Hull, (unfortunately I must say a very rare thing).. I hate to knock Hull, but why is the music scene here so male dominated? Or is it like this everywhere?

I've been trying on and off for years to get some kind of small combo/duo together, but with little luck. One of the main reasons is that virtually every musician I've played with has seen it as a golden opportunity to get off with me. This has led to a lot of grief, including one incident which has led to me hardly picking up my fiddle in the last 2 years.

Am I supposed to only play with other females? Or are there any musos out there whose brains are not in their trousers??

I'm not one of those nasty feminists, honest, but my experiences with these assholes has put me off and held me back, and they would not have happened if I was male.

What do you think anyone?

10 Aug 05 - 01:12 PM (#1539523)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,

Are you a proper fiddle-player, or merely a schooled violinist?

Are you familiar with the traditional 'repertoire'?
Are you interested in contributing (by internet)to an experimental project using traditional melodies?


10 Aug 05 - 01:16 PM (#1539526)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rockhen

Know just what you mean...had the same hassles. But, yes...there are plenty of decent blokes out there who are actually interested in the music rather than the hassling you. It seems that some think, if you go to a session or acoustic night on your own, you are out on the pull. I have found by experience, not to stand any overfamiliarity -if you feel uncomfortable with something someone says or does, says so, quietly at first, then loudly if no notice is taken. I like being friendly and chatting with other musicians but some men (notice i say, 'some' men) can't respond like that to a woman, without thinking it is something more, poor things, so they are to be avoided. I say thanks to all the nice blokes out there who are genuinely decent and friendly not creeps. Creeps deserve anything they get, they lose the right to be treated with respect by their lack of respect for you. So pick up your fiddle, get playing and enjoy the company of all the decent musicians, male or female who are out there. Don't let the creeps, win over all the great people around.(Remember, some men are not very good at picking up subtle 'not interested' vibes, you have to be quite obvious, sometimes...sorry fellas, no offence intended!)
Most male musicians seem a decent bunch to me...

10 Aug 05 - 01:17 PM (#1539528)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rockhen

PPS Yes the folk music scene is VERY male let's redress the balance a little by joining in!

10 Aug 05 - 01:24 PM (#1539535)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rasener

Angry non member. Becuase you are not a member it is difficult for people to communicate with you by private message.

Not sure if I can help you, but I will do my best.

Firstly have a look at my website

It is a friendly club where people come to enjoy the music.

On my website you will see my new e-mail address and if you want to communicate send me an e-mail

Les Worrall

10 Aug 05 - 01:52 PM (#1539556)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rockhen

Angry nonmember...I hope the Villan will not mind my vouching for his character as being a genuinely decent bloke who is interested in good music and providing good venues for people to meet and play. I have been to his club and it is very friendly and non-threatening to female members, good on ya 'The Villan'!...and there are plenty more like him thank goodness!

10 Aug 05 - 02:05 PM (#1539565)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rasener

Well thank you kindly for that Rockhen :-)

10 Aug 05 - 02:17 PM (#1539583)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull

angry nonmember,
Are you referring to an individual male or several (not asking for names)?

I suspect it is an individual which has given you a bad start on the music scene, please try to move on from this incident and enjoy your playing.

He is not worth it, but your continued playing and enjoyment is, there are many guys out there who are only there for the music, just ask their wives and girlfriends!!

Good luck

10 Aug 05 - 04:18 PM (#1539671)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,angry nonmember

Hi all and thanks for your support!

Maybe it was just bad luck, but yes it has happened time and again with several people.

Villan, I'm afraid Market Rasen is too far away for me! Like the sound of your club though. John, I am not a 'trained' violinist, in fact I've had hardly any lessons, and play by ear. But I'm tres rusty at the mo! Rockhen, you sound cool.

Are any of you in Hull by the way?

10 Aug 05 - 04:27 PM (#1539679)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rockhen

Sorry, not in Hull...but you've made my day, describing me as 'cool' LOL
Nothing wrong with playing by ear. I learnt piano in the traditional exams and lesson's way but I get just as much, if not more, pleasure from playing along with friends, by ear, either on accordion or piano. There's room for both methods, I reckon.
If you are in Hull, maybe check out the Barton sessions, they are quite near to you, just on the south bank. I know you'd have to pay bridge toll fees...or you could park on 'your' side and cycle over cos it isn't far!!!
Also try The Processed Pea pub near Cherry Burton area...there is a thriving live music scene there. PM and I'll pass details onto you.

10 Aug 05 - 04:40 PM (#1539691)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,angry nonmember

Thanks Rockhen

Yeah I have seen ads for gigs at the Processed Pea, it sounds like a buzzing place for folk and acoustic stuff. Trouble is, as with Barton and Beverley, I don't drive so would have to find someone kind enough to give me a lift.

Ok, I'll tell you my real prob. I got really crapped on by a guy a while ago, who I know is on the scene and I don't want to see him or play in front of him...he's a much more experienced musician than can imagine the double humiliation of that eh?

I think I need a bit of confidence boosting and moral support so I can get back to my fiddle again with gusto.

10 Aug 05 - 07:36 PM (#1539740)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Graham and Jo

There's a Friday session in the Sun too. There is also at least one bus between Hull and Beverley that runs late.

10 Aug 05 - 07:42 PM (#1539744)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull

Graham and Jo. Thats good.

I haven't been on the folk scene really for years. To be honest, I found it a bit...well, dare I say, geeky? For want of a better word.

There's not really a folk scene for slightly younger people, who are also interested in stuff like anti-folk, acoustic Indie, world music? Or has the scene changed and evolved a bit now? Tell me more, please..

10 Aug 05 - 09:35 PM (#1539795)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Rockhen

He may be a more experienced musician, I don't know, but musicians who are difficult to work with, or arrogant, eventually run out of other musicians to play with...not sure if that is the case with him as i obviously don't know him or the situation.
I think those who are rude and patronising to others actually look more stupid themselves...there is never any need to put others down. It just makes the person being unpleasant look ignorant...
maybe you should go with your gut feelings, find some like-minded musicians and just enjoy playing for fun for a while to get your confidence back...find somewhere you feel comfortable listening to others play for a few weeks and learn a simple tune or something you feel confident with playing and have a go one week. In my experience, if people see you are feeling unconfident, most musicians worth knowing will support and encourage you until you get your confidence back....Go for it! You know you can do, deep down. Otherwise, you have let someone's unpleasantness win and why should they?
Go for it...Woman power and all that!!! Hey I sound like 'Aunty Rockhen', cluck cluck! sorry!

11 Aug 05 - 10:33 AM (#1539935)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Cod Fiddler

I Live in Beverley and available seats in my car are always on offer to those who want to join me at sessions. I think that the best session for miles is at Barrow upon Humber on a tuseday but I also recommend the Sun on a tuesday or Friday. It depends on who turns up but on a good night, neither session is male dominated and Barrow in particular has some younger players (6 is the record). Also, there are no creeps and the focus is most definitely on music, fun and friendship in both pubs.

As a guest you can't contact me. Go to the membership page and become a member. It costs nothing and you will not be inundated by spam. Send me a personal message if you want a lift to Barrow.


11 Aug 05 - 10:37 AM (#1539941)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull

Womun from Ull, go to the Adelphi,you is sound like an adelphi person.

11 Aug 05 - 12:23 PM (#1540081)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Cheers Rockhen, I don't know if you cluck but may you always rock!

Cod Fiddler, the Barrow sesh sounds good. Didn't know about that one. I've looked up sessions at the Sun - is there still an acoustic workshop thingy every other Tuesday?

Sounds like an obvious question but why do you call yourself Cod Fiddler..?

11 Aug 05 - 02:18 PM (#1540209)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,jOhn

he fiddles with cods!

11 Aug 05 - 02:29 PM (#1540223)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Captain Swing

You could try 'The Bash' at the King Billy in Cottingham each Sunday from 8.30pm. This is an open mic night rather than a session but would give you chance to meet other musicians. It's not a folk night as such though folk music is played there along with bits of everything else.

Regards - Captain Swing

11 Aug 05 - 03:01 PM (#1540274)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

11 Aug 05 - 03:03 PM (#1540279)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Hmm...The Bash sounds like my kind of thing. Didn't know about that one. Might give it a go though scared of being miked up (never played fiddle amplified). Thanks Cap'n.

11 Aug 05 - 03:17 PM (#1540294)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Willa

The Tuesday session at The Sun in Beverley is every week from about 8.30 Easy going. Worth a visit, at least.
Cottingham Live is closed until September. First singer's /musicians night Sept 14th. You'd be made welcome. Buses run to/from Hull until late.

11 Aug 05 - 03:25 PM (#1540298)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Is the Tuesday Sun session a workshop thing? I saw it on a listings website but wondered what it was exactly.

11 Aug 05 - 03:50 PM (#1540327)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Anglogeezer

Angry Lass said -
"Is the Tuesday Sun session a workshop thing? I saw it on a listings website but wondered what it was exactly."

The Tuesday Sun session is run thus .. First half, 8:30 till 9:30, beginers and intermediate playing tunes, dots provided (or bring your own 10 copies to share!).. Second half,9:30 till 11:00 or later, is sing around playaround until we're thrown out. A mixture of song and tunes.
Instruments?? Guitar, Whistle, Recorder, Fiddle, Pipes, Anglo & English concertina, Melodeon, Accordion, Bohran,
Peoples?? 50:50 lads & lasses generally.
Musical styles?? First half the emphasis is on English music. Second half - anything, english, irish, scottish, blues. Sometimes a lad from the turkish restaurant comes along and we've had brazilian and french tourists give us a song.

Please make the effort to come and get back into the music.It's like riding a bike - you never forget!


11 Aug 05 - 04:00 PM (#1540345)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Ta Jake. I'll try and get to the Sun. What instrument does the Turkish guy play?

11 Aug 05 - 04:03 PM (#1540346)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Captain Swing

Re your query in the other thread. We haven't had any Eastern musicians in yet but we are quite open to all types of musical styles. We have a young Polish fiddler with us at the moment who has played some Polish stuff and some stuff from the Balkans. He's also picking up some Irish/Celtic stuff and Blues from me.

Don't worry about the amplification issue - we try to be as user friendly as possible.

11 Aug 05 - 04:27 PM (#1540382)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Hey Swingy, sounds good, I'll try and get there. I'm just compiling a list of musician's nights around Hull and I'll add this one to my list. I'm getting a listing together so I can publish it on

11 Aug 05 - 05:05 PM (#1540413)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Captain Swing

Great stuff, thanks for the publicity and we look forward to seeing you.

11 Aug 05 - 07:22 PM (#1540628)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Bloke in the corner on brother's computer

You would certainly be most welcome in Barrow on Tuesday nights, other people (including lady players) come across from Hull, and Codfiddler is an excellent fellow - and good fiddler, definitely no sleaze there! We always want more female/young musicians, doubtless like most sessions, and if you don't feel confident about leading yet, we are a session - one person starts and we join in if we want to & can.

11 Aug 05 - 07:57 PM (#1540657)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Thanks, bloke in the corner. I will join up and become Angry Member!

No, I'm cooling down now thanks to all the nice people on here (so far)..

11 Aug 05 - 11:58 PM (#1540914)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: warpy

If you want a lift with the girls to Barrow send me a PM.Recently a girlie (me) started a session at The Black Boy in Hull 1st Monday of the month next one is on the 5th September hope you will come.It can be difficult being the only woman at a session, oh and don't they stare!.

12 Aug 05 - 10:22 AM (#1540996)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,flamenco ted

Yo angry dude,
             It would be great if you could post sessions up on, it has damn near everythig else covered.

12 Aug 05 - 10:42 AM (#1541019)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Cod Fiddler

Thank you for your endorsement Bloke-in-the-corner-on-brother's-computer. People come from far further afield than Hull to sample the delights of the Barrow session (of which B-I-T-C-O-B-C is the unelected non-leader). Testimony to its excellent quality and atmosphere! I couldn't make Warpy's Black Boy session but I have heard very good things about it and I'll definitely be at the next one on the 5th. Incidently, Warpy, Spiers and Boden are at the Processed Pea the following night!

I'm called Cod Fiddler because I do indeed fiddle with cod (population genetics in North Sea). But hopefully not for much longer. Thesis nearly there. Life awaits!

12 Aug 05 - 01:41 PM (#1541164)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: GUEST,Angry nonmember

Thanks all, and good to hear about the Black Boy sessions, I'll try and get to one.

I have been meaning to get a listing together of all the music sessions I know of in and around Hull, to go on I am collecting info for this now.

I heard the Linnet and Lark have started an acoustic night on a Sunday, any reports about this?

15 Aug 05 - 01:26 AM (#1541929)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: warpy

Excellent Angry,look forward to seeing you at The Black Boy session
Its a players session,English,Irish Scottish Traditional music.
I will have to give my apologies to Bloke in advance as I am definately going to Jon Boden and sexy little squeezy again,thanks for the reminder Cod.
Didn't you say that the Cod fiddling was too stop last year.I think you were a little destracted by a pretty Italian !!!.

15 Aug 05 - 04:09 AM (#1541984)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: ossonflags

Hello Angry,it looks like you have no trouble getting to beverley so why not try and get to one of our Sunday afternoon sessiions?

"Monks Walk" first sunday of the month
"The Sun" second and fourth sunday
"Hodgsons" third sunday

usually start around 3ish
and every one is welcome.

15 Aug 05 - 06:05 AM (#1542030)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: The DeanMeister

I've seen Coddfiddler pull at 200 feet across a crowded room with a bat of his eyelashes, Bloke in the corner! You not seen him in action, presumably.... ;o)

15 Aug 05 - 06:57 AM (#1542054)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Cod Fiddler

Remarkably, it's true. All I did was bat my eyelashes once and play my fiddle. Maybe I should change my name to Jack Orion!

"Jack Orion was as good fiddler
As ever fiddled on a string
And he could drive young women mad
By the tune his wires would sing

But he would fiddle the fish out of salt water
Water from bare marble stone
Or the milk from out of a maiden's breast
Though baby she had none"

Sadly it hasn't happened again so I presume that either my fiddling has got worse or I bat my eyelids with less panache.

15 Aug 05 - 11:39 AM (#1542272)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull

I seem to remember a Sun lunch session in the Black Boy down near the surge sluce gate. Just the right kind of pub for a session.

but Angry nonmember I'm afraid you have to be unsubtle sometimes - a guy willing to be pushy can hardly be hurt if he gets an equally direct reply - try wearing a badge that says it clearly and when needed just point to the badge. Suggestions here will flow thick and fast if you want.

I will start "I'm in love with my fiddle - it's the only one who takes me home"

Come on 'catters - you can do better than that .................

15 Aug 05 - 11:57 AM (#1542289)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull

Yes, the Cod man is a handsome rogue with very fast fingers across his neck! He is always playing hot toons with my daughter on the box! Still, a thoroughly nice chap and mean on the old scraping job. Non-angry young female lady of that type, do come tomorrow to the principality of Barrow, a warm welcome awaits, and I will be back from my brother's place near Southampton, which is why I am on as a guest. I know Codfiddler or Warpy will be happy to give you a lift, just ask them. One word of advice,don't talk to ANYONE called Skipjack. Now he is REALLY one for the ladies.....

15 Aug 05 - 01:57 PM (#1542364)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: Skipjack K8

But I take most delight in the slip jigs and reels........

17 Aug 05 - 04:08 AM (#1543721)
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
From: The DeanMeister

...the rise and the fall of their ankles and dresses down on the dance floor....