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Wareham Wail 2005

17 Aug 05 - 07:52 AM (#1543800)
Subject: Wareham Wail
From: Eye Lander

Is it the first weekend in September?

17 Aug 05 - 09:10 AM (#1543869)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Snuffy

Yes, but just for this year it's being held at Verwood instead of Wareham.

17 Aug 05 - 09:16 AM (#1543874)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Dave Earl

Yes Jillie it starts on Friday 2/9 and runs through to 18:00 on Sunday 4/9.

See you and Andy there?

Dave Earl

17 Aug 05 - 10:03 AM (#1543918)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Morticia

How are you doing,Jillie? We missed you and Andy at Sidders

17 Aug 05 - 12:17 PM (#1544032)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Eye Lander

Hi Terri - Thank you are asking, I am just beginning to feel a bit better, had an infection which caused a quite a set back. The District Nurse is still calling daily to check my wound. Can now walk out for a bit, but not stand for long. I can cough, laugh and even managed 3 fairly safe sneezes yesterday! The good news is that it was a borderline tumour and I wont need any further treatment PHEW!

It all seemed strange reading everyone's accounts of Sidmounth and not being there.
Depending on how I am we may try and make Wareham in Ringwood, it is another 2 weeks away so i may be ok.


17 Aug 05 - 12:25 PM (#1544037)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Polly Squeezebox

The bad news for us is that we have to miss this year - the good news for us is that we will be missing because we will be away in our beloved Austria. If only Alan had moved it to Ehrwald, Tirol, instead of Verwood - then we would have been in heaven! However ... have a wonderful time all you Wailers and raise a glass of port to us at the banquet on Saturday night and we will raise one in Austria.

(Jillie, do get fully recovered soon - our thoughts and blessings are with you.)

Pauline, Jack and Zak

17 Aug 05 - 01:33 PM (#1544112)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats

We'll be there and we'll make sure we raise a bottle of port to you, Polly!

17 Aug 05 - 02:11 PM (#1544175)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Morticia

Glad you are kind of on the mend...hope you can make it Jillie, it would be good to see you.

18 Aug 05 - 08:09 AM (#1544722)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: fiddler

It'll be good 2 C all U guys (and gals) again!

18 Aug 05 - 02:56 PM (#1545070)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: running.hare

Neither me nor parents got usual info & booking form this year, Dad was starting to wonder if it had all fallen through.
Doubt I'm going to make it myself this year as planning to follow B.friend to Wallingford - or more ikely drive hm

Hope you all have a fab time raise some port / rum&shub to me


18 Aug 05 - 04:34 PM (#1545120)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: AlexB

Could someone tell me more about it? I live in the area but don't really know anything...

27 Aug 05 - 06:05 PM (#1551097)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Peter K

Alan tells me the invitations went out the same day Lizabee sent her post, but I am not on his list! I did ask Alan to send me a copy so I could post it, but it has yet to arrive. So if someone could summarise for us, that would be useful. I.e., where is it this year and how do we get there (by public transport).

27 Aug 05 - 06:09 PM (#1551100)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: SussexCarole

Me & CD will be there

27 Aug 05 - 06:20 PM (#1551107)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Crane Driver

Peter - and anyone else who's interested -

The following message came from Alan with an attached flyer for the wail - [quote]

Hi All,
         Due to my involvement with Sidmouth FolkWeek I have not had time to send out any leaflets about Wareham Wail. So just to let you know that it is still on please find attached
a flyer/booking form and note our new venue for this year only. Please phone me with any questions on 01202 734049 (yes it is the same number used for Sidmouth as well ) i hope you can make it this year.

                                              Cheers Alan

This is a "round robin" e-mail, so I guess the phone number is not private and therefore safe to give out.

Suggest you phone Alan for details.


28 Aug 05 - 05:59 AM (#1551414)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty

If you want the electronic version of the booking form, e-mail - Kitty

28 Aug 05 - 06:42 AM (#1551427)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats

Thw Wail this year is at Oakfield farm, Verwood.   Go to 3 Legged cross and take the left hand turning just past the Monmouth Ash pub up Church Hill. Turn left onto Margards lane then left onto Horton Way and oakfield Farm is down there. I only know this as I got the map this morning. There will be a Cream Tea Sing again this year - we ordered the cream yesterday and am bringing it up from Cornwall again. Anyone else want any brought? Or bottles of Shrub.... As others have said, Alan was so bound up with Sidmouth and all the work he put in there, that the Wail ended up being put to one side, so, lets get everyone together and go for a stunningly good sing again this year.

28 Aug 05 - 06:50 AM (#1551429)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Dave Earl


You bring the cream (clotted?)

Who provides the scones and jam for the Cream Tea? :-)

Dave Earl

28 Aug 05 - 05:42 PM (#1551771)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty


Food for the weekend, including scones and jam for cream tea, and pig roast for banquet, provided by Alan & Co.

Not sure we want cream brought up by Cats though... fresh would be nicer!


29 Aug 05 - 04:26 PM (#1552412)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty

Only 4 days to go....

30 Aug 05 - 10:01 AM (#1552750)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Catherine Jayne

I am gutted that we can't make it this year. We had a wonderful time last year. It is a wonderful festival and hope to be there next year.

30 Aug 05 - 06:03 PM (#1553040)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: My guru always said

Looks like I won't get there this year, hope you all have a Brill time!!!

30 Aug 05 - 06:12 PM (#1553051)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty

Try harder, MGAS!......

I'm really looking forward.


30 Aug 05 - 08:12 PM (#1553131)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Peter K

Looks like it's going to be a fairly small gathering this year, but none the worse for that.

30 Aug 05 - 11:00 PM (#1553216)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Houston_Diamond

I really want to go but funding is very low atm due to coming up to uni time and other 1/2 (3/4 really) saying no to requests :(
I'm not gonna give in though... hehehe!!!

If I dont make it pls give Alan and Niki my best wishes for the festival oh yeah and enjoy yourselves all who do get there.

PS watch your figures and cholesterol levels people. Don't eat too much as the diaphram needs the room!!!


31 Aug 05 - 06:14 AM (#1553380)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: AlexB

Anyone heading up early to help out?

31 Aug 05 - 07:09 AM (#1553409)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Peter K

Cire, I am leaving in the next half hour (12:00) UK time. But Alan tells me it should be an easy one this year. I'll hold judgment until next week myself.

31 Aug 05 - 07:51 AM (#1553451)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Mr Red

What's the best way to Verwood

Not quite as funny is it?

31 Aug 05 - 03:04 PM (#1553596)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty

You go fru Verwood to find the Oak field....?


01 Sep 05 - 01:11 PM (#1553908)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats

Just goes to prove though, that Cats got thr Cream!!!!!!! sorry

01 Sep 05 - 01:14 PM (#1553917)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Zany Mouse

I envy you lot going to this amazing Wail. It used to be my favourite.

Have a great time.


01 Sep 05 - 05:02 PM (#1554147)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Phot

Pixie and I will be getting there around half two on Friday. It'll be great to meet up with all the crowd again. Not much cream in Aldershot, but we do have some rather spectacular Damson Port!

Wassail!!! Chris

05 Sep 05 - 05:23 AM (#1556405)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: fiddler

So we all had a great time - any photos to expose the guilty - but guilty of what?

05 Sep 05 - 05:42 AM (#1556408)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Morticia

Well, we all know I was guilty as charged......nothing new there then. Had a fab time, many thanks to all those catters who worked so hard and sang so beautifully.

05 Sep 05 - 12:18 PM (#1556613)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: GUEST,Brian

I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who put in so much effort to make it a brilliant weekend, particularly Alan, Nicky and family (who will still be working), Task Force, and the kitchen and bar staff.

cheers Guys

05 Sep 05 - 01:15 PM (#1556659)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Selchie - (RH)

I'll second Brian's big THANK YOU to all who worked so hard to make it a truly enjoyable weekend, all round. Well done to all, & especially to Alan.

Rosie S

05 Sep 05 - 01:42 PM (#1556683)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats

It was a brilliant weekend. Thanks to Alan and Nicky and to everyone in the kitchen, Task Force etc etc.... If I promise to bring the cream from Cornwall can I come again next year?

05 Sep 05 - 02:18 PM (#1556716)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Herga Kitty

I'd like to third Brian's big THANK YOU, to Alan and Nicky and Task Force especially, but also to everyone who turned up to sing and listen. Derek and I had a really good anniversary.

I don't think piccies would be half as incriminating as a recording of the song that the Middle Bar Singers were singing at the banquet to distract the essential Seneschal and extract the boar's head from the salver.

Looking forward to next year's Wail.


05 Sep 05 - 04:30 PM (#1556849)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: AlexB

I had a wonderful time. Thanks to Alan, Nicky and Task Force. The banquet made for one of the silliest nights I've had in recent memory.

05 Sep 05 - 04:35 PM (#1556851)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: fiddler

But I saw all those flashes going off (including my own and my pikkis are bad bad bad!

05 Sep 05 - 05:15 PM (#1556905)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Crane Driver

Oh yes, excellent weekend - many thanks to all those who made it happen, including the catering people - we were so very well-fed and watered . . .

. . . er, no, that wasn't water, was it?

I was especially pleased to realise that we were on the banks of the River Crane, and that there was a road in Verwood called "Crane Drive" - we have photos.

Thanks to Alan for not telling us until Sunday about the phantom Black Cat that had mauled a horse near the camp site - I'm sure we all slept sounder for not knowing.

See you all next year (or hopefully sooner)

Thane Andrew

05 Sep 05 - 05:20 PM (#1556912)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: fiddler

The first 4 of my very bad photos can be found at

I'll be back too!

Cheers to all.

05 Sep 05 - 05:31 PM (#1556923)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: SussexCarole

No it wasn't water (hic)!

Brilliant weekend, we had a great time and can't wait for next year.

Thane(esse) Carole

05 Sep 05 - 08:08 PM (#1557043)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Houston_Diamond

Sounds like you all had a great time. Sorry I couldn't make it and I certainly will try better to get there next year(Finances willing) :)

Hey Alan, maybe I'd end up on task force :( (especially if it's less strenuous than Sidmouth ;) ). Give my best to Niki and the family and hope to see you all soon.

Greatest wishes


05 Sep 05 - 08:18 PM (#1557051)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Snuffy

A wonderful weekend, and the feast was both a triumph and a hoot. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make it happen for us.

06 Sep 05 - 05:10 AM (#1557286)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: GUEST,Brian

Snuffy, judging by the piccies we have of you in the bun fight (sorry, I mean banquet), you didn't appear to be doing much hooting! He! He! He! Highest Bidder, anyone?

Jacqui informed me last night that she only took 109 photies during the banquet! A HUNDRED AND WHAT!!!!!? The evidence is all there.

Seneschal has nearly recovered from his rugby scrum with the Muddled Blurred Sinners for the boars head. "Alas Sire, I was outnumbered, there were thousands (or more) of them."

Thousands or more,
Thousands or more,
Thousands or more.
Alas, I was outnumbered
There were thousands or more.

06 Sep 05 - 12:46 PM (#1557646)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats

Ah yes, Senechal, but The Lord did raise his glass and say, 'I give you, The Boars Head' so we took it!!!!!

06 Sep 05 - 02:30 PM (#1557792)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Peter K

Okay people, send your pictures to me at

wail at folktaskforce dot com

Or let me know how to access them.

I have about 50 already, but I can always do with more.
I may even get around to putting up the web site!

Pictures from previous years would be useful as well.
I know you have them!

06 Sep 05 - 04:23 PM (#1557896)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: SussexCarole

Piccys of kilts, naval uniforms & various other disguises taken at last year's Wail are available Peter. I'll get them to you (sorry Micca, Phot et al)

06 Sep 05 - 08:49 PM (#1558094)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Snuffy


A good selection from the 2003 Wail are here on Mudcat Photos. There's even one of you in Part 6. :-)

06 Sep 05 - 09:00 PM (#1558098)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Snuffy

And 2001

07 Sep 05 - 06:46 AM (#1558331)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: GUEST,Brian

Cats, His Lordship says the most stupid things sometimes, but beware of publicly owning up to pignapping. We have some 'interesting' photoes of you too, you know.

07 Sep 05 - 08:44 AM (#1558404)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats at Work

Are they as good as some of those I have of you over the years?

07 Sep 05 - 09:01 AM (#1558412)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: GUEST,Brian

Much better! Now I'm old and wrinkled no one would recognise me from b&w pix taken with an old box camera (unless you screw up the photies to put the wrinkles in, of course).

08 Sep 05 - 09:19 AM (#1559006)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Cats at Work

The camera never lies... but just wait until I get it on the computer!

08 Sep 05 - 06:35 PM (#1559349)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Hawker

And I have photos of most of you! An intertesting boars head replacement....... the pig on the spit going round and round........ The body in the bag.........St George and a ridiculous Turkish Knight......Morticia and FLOWERS!!!!........Now how much could I raise in blackmail fees........Hmmmmm
As the piccies are megapixalically huge, will reduce them in size and send to where requested, when I get a spare minute.
Well done Alan and his merry men and women, another excellent weekend, great singing and fabulous company, I've come home for a rest!
Cheers, Lucy

08 Sep 05 - 06:37 PM (#1559352)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Hawker

Oh, and Cllr I will send you the much asked for piccie too!!!! HECTIC PREPARING A GOLDEN WEDDING PaRTY AT THE MOMENT, SO IT MAY BE A WEEK OR SO........Have a good time at Jon & Kathys.
Cheers Lucy

08 Sep 05 - 07:40 PM (#1559394)
Subject: RE: Wareham Wail
From: Morticia

I wish I'd borrowed the Turks Hat for a vase.........