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BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment

23 Aug 05 - 03:27 PM (#1547854)
Subject: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

Pat Robertson

"On Monday, Robertson said on the Christian Broadcast Network's The 700 Club: "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability."

"'We don't need another $200-billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator,' he said of the democratically elected Chavez.

'It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.'

U.S. critics of Robertson said they were deeply troubled by the evangelist's remarks.

'It's absolutely chilling to hear a religious leader call for the murder of any political leader, no matter how much he disagrees with such a leader's policies or practices,' said one of them, Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State."

23 Aug 05 - 03:57 PM (#1547875)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: McGrath of Harlow

Doesn't that count as incitement to terrorism? Just as it would if anyone were to make the same suggestion about Bush.

Isn't your "Patriot Act" supposed to mean that anyone talking like that is liable to have their collar felt?

23 Aug 05 - 04:03 PM (#1547882)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

Well, the Venezuelan government certainly thinks it counts as incitement to terrorism.

But the "Patriot Act" only applies to people the Bush adminstration doesn't like.

23 Aug 05 - 04:05 PM (#1547888)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Rapparee

I think that all the liquor Pat Robertson "guarded" during the Korean War has caught up with him.

23 Aug 05 - 04:16 PM (#1547899)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: artbrooks

And a good Christian gentleman he is, too.

23 Aug 05 - 04:22 PM (#1547903)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Wesley S

He gives Christians a bad name.

23 Aug 05 - 04:43 PM (#1547928)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Donuel

If its cheaper to murder a president than have another $200 billion war then...


is there any truth to the rumor that the Bush daughters have joined the Alabama National Guard and they too have not been seen since?

23 Aug 05 - 04:47 PM (#1547933)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Don Firth

How this man can call himself a "Christian" is beyond me. He more than amply demonstrates that he hasn't a clue!!

(Bloodthirsty bastard!)

Don Firth

23 Aug 05 - 04:52 PM (#1547938)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Rapparee

Well, I agree with him that it might be cheaper in many ways to assainate someone rather than fighting a war. Think of Hitler, for instance.

But not because of what they MIGHT do or because you disagree with them. Nossir. If that went I'd start packin' a gun, because we'd be back in the wild west of the movies.

23 Aug 05 - 05:18 PM (#1547964)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Georgiansilver

If the implication that taking him out was a murderous act and not a political one then he is no Christian! Does someone have the actual quote from him please?
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Aug 05 - 05:23 PM (#1547967)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: curmudgeon

We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club."

"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator," he continued. "It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

23 Aug 05 - 05:26 PM (#1547971)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: artbrooks

"We have the ability to take him (Chavez) out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability."

"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator," he continued. "It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

23 Aug 05 - 05:35 PM (#1547976)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

It goes beyond anything political, Georgiansilver. Robertson is advocating killing a democratically elected president of a sovereign nation because that president is thinking about selling oil to other countries besides the US, and Robertson believes that the US has a right to all of Venezuela's oil.

Robertson has, in essence, said that it is permissible, within the framework of his belief system, to kill people in order to take whatever they have that you want.

23 Aug 05 - 05:37 PM (#1547980)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Amos

I thought Janus-the-two-faced Divinity was a Roman deity, not a Christian one. Which cult is it he is in charge of?? I forget...


23 Aug 05 - 05:46 PM (#1547989)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Georgiansilver

Christians per-se are required by the word of God (the Bible) to support their government/managers etc but to pray that they make the right decisions in every area of their power. Anyone who advocates violence or causing the death of someone in power shows little of the Christian virtues that God expects. However, who am I to judge such a person...and what should I do about him anyway? Food for thought eh?
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Aug 05 - 05:47 PM (#1547991)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: PoppaGator

I disagree with the (supposedly) "Reverend" Mr. Robertson about almost everything, but I'm with him on the general idea this time. (Not with his choice of target, necessarily, but with the methodology.)

Warfare is stupid and wasteful, and huge numbers of more-or-less innocent people lose their lives over political and governmental differences. Why kill thousands of civilians and young soldiers when it's the leaders, heads-of-state, etc., with whom you have a disagreement?

Certainly, the current "war on terrorism" would make a lot more sense if Al-Quida leaders had been targeted by elite assassination squads, rather than Iraqi cities pummelled by saturation bombardment.

23 Aug 05 - 06:00 PM (#1548000)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

You don't have to do anything about it, Georgiansilver. Not even judge him. But it is possible to protest his behavior without judging him personally, if one is so inclined.

23 Aug 05 - 06:02 PM (#1548002)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

PoppaGator, do you think the US has a right to interfere with the governments of other countries in order to secure access to oil?

23 Aug 05 - 06:20 PM (#1548022)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: McGrath of Harlow

I seem to remember Bush warning that any government which tolerated terrorists and provided a safe place for people who preach terrorism were going to be treated as enemies in this war in terror he was promoting.

So, if it fails to go after this Robertson character, the government of the USA would appear to fall into that category, and can expect to be treated as an enemy regime by the government of the USA.

This is getting complicated...

23 Aug 05 - 06:21 PM (#1548024)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Georgiansilver

Carol cannot protest someones behaviour without making some kind of judgement on the person or their words. God is the judge not me or you or anyone else....we all make choices...if we are right..all will be O.K if not...who knows?
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Aug 05 - 06:39 PM (#1548041)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

It is most certainly possible to make a determination that a behavior is unacceptible without judging the person who engages in the behavior. And sometimes it is necessary for us to stand up to behavior that we find unacceptible. For instance, during the period of segregation here in the US. If some people had not decided that segregation was unacceptible and decided to stand up to it, it might never have been done away with. All changes in any societal context begin with people determining that some behaviors are unacceptible, and then doing something about them. It is not necessary to judge the people engaging in those behaviors in order to decide not to tolerate the behaviors themselves.

23 Aug 05 - 06:40 PM (#1548042)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: akenaton

I take it this is the same Mr Robertson who in the 1990s tried to arrange a deal between his organisation and the Bank of Scotland.

Account holders protested en masse and the bank was forced to withdraw.
Mr Robertsons views were obviously acceptable to the bankers but not to the Scottish people.

Political assasination should not seem outlandish to Americans, given the number of times Fidel has been targeted by the US .

It does look as if something is happening politically in most of South America...A new way of government concentrating on equality.
Lets hope Its given a chance to flourish...could be the beginning of the end for "bloody capitalism"..Ake

23 Aug 05 - 06:47 PM (#1548050)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: jacqui.c

I've just watched that piece on the news. To me, it is clear that the man was talking about an assassination. How anyone who professes to love God can make comments like this is beyond me.

It will be interesting to see what is done by the authorities, if anything. If he is not taken to task in some way the Bush government is going to be shown up, once again, for the hypocritical farce that it is. But what will he care? He hasn't got to worry about being re-elected.

23 Aug 05 - 06:50 PM (#1548051)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Georgiansilver

One cannot accept that behaviour is unacceptable without making some kind of judgement. Sorry but that is a fact. Not for me or you to judge really.....or is it?
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Aug 05 - 07:03 PM (#1548065)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

You need to consider the difference between judging the behavior and judging the person, Georgiansilver. There really is a difference. And of course it is for me to judge the behavior, if my conscience tells me to. If you saw someone in the process of murdering someone else, would you just stand by and watch, telling yourself that it's not for you to judge the behavior? Or would you do something to try to intervene?

23 Aug 05 - 07:03 PM (#1548067)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: artbrooks


State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Tuesday that Robertson has the right of any private citizen to say whatever he wants, but added that the televangelist's remarks "do not represent the views of the United States."

"His comments are inappropriate and, as we have said before, any allegations that we are planning to take hostile action against the Venezuelan government are completely baseless and without fact," McCormack said.

23 Aug 05 - 07:04 PM (#1548068)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment

Yes. We must all judge or what is the point of the vote and democracy. We have choices based on our judgement. Do you vote? Then you have made a judgement on the policies you wish to support.
Then again, like so many Christians, you may have stood and watched Hitler's rise and said..I can't judge.

23 Aug 05 - 07:06 PM (#1548071)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment

Robertson has the right of any private citizen to say whatever he wants
Then can someone explain the point of the patriot Act?

23 Aug 05 - 07:10 PM (#1548073)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's nothing the least strained about that distinction Carol is making there. Pretty standard religious doctrine in fact. "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner" and so forth.

23 Aug 05 - 07:35 PM (#1548089)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Don Firth

As I understand it, in Dante's Inferno (which I admit I have not read in its entirety), the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who maintain a "colorlessly neutral"—those who do not wish to get involved. In short, those who are unwilling to judge the behavior of others, especially when that behavior is reprehensible.

Rather than "judge not, lest ye be judged," it is far more courageous to judge, and be prepared to be judged for the judgments you make.

Don Firth

23 Aug 05 - 08:20 PM (#1548134)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Amos

It is a far different thing for Mister RObertson to speak his mind as a citizen than it is to speak it as the leader of a million-viewer televangelism club. He is posing ads a spiritual leader. Politically or militarily, killing one man might be brilliant compared to invading a nation and killing thousands. But oddly enough both Bush and Robertson think it is the business of CHristianity to opt for killing in general, despite their verbal assurances that they belong to a cult which honors the commandments "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods" as divine instruction; both these men profess faith and adherence to this cult. How does one explain, then, this proclivity for wishing death on others?

We used to have a word of condemnation, hypocrisy, for this kind of duplicity. It is smarmy, covertly destructive, the mark of the jackal and the carrion-eater. But hypocrisy is considered by our sophisticated population as an inevitable part of living. The ideals of simple honesty, integrity, having a "word" which was reliable and so on, are quaint notions now.

Maybe they always were, but they were once at least given better lip-service than they are today.

Is it possible for someone like Robertson to stand still and speak out of both sides of his face at once, saying "Yes, I am devout and Christian, but murder is sometimes the most Christian thing I can think of doing..." ?? I do not htink so. I think he must squirm in a sort of blackened self-loathing, and I expect he enjoys good drink in fairly good quantity when he needs to be alone for any period of time and run the risk of noticing what he is really doing.


23 Aug 05 - 08:54 PM (#1548170)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: GUEST,know all

Who is right and who is wrong? You tell me!

23 Aug 05 - 08:57 PM (#1548174)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: frogprince

God may have to forgive me for it, but there is no way on earth that I can even pretend to myself that I love Pat Robertson. If I had known whether to take the "late" Martin Gibson for what he presented himself to be, I think I could have come closer to mustering a small amount of respect for "him" than I can for Robertson.

23 Aug 05 - 08:59 PM (#1548176)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson Truthful Commentary

Don Firth, you never read ANY book in it's entirety.

23 Aug 05 - 08:59 PM (#1548178)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: GUEST,know all

Blessed be the peacemakers for they shall inherit....and so on.

23 Aug 05 - 10:34 PM (#1548226)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Cluin

Pat Robertson is an inbred spooky little nutjob that nobody should take seriously.

He also watches too many movies and TV shows if he thinks some sort of supercommando force exists out there, perhaps led by Stallone or Swartzenegger or Norris. If they exist, why weren't they utilized in Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran or Libya or... ?

23 Aug 05 - 10:47 PM (#1548235)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Bobert

Yeah, I can't remember anywhere in the New Testament where Jesus talked about takin' folks out???

There was a time when I liked Pat, but he has gone well over the deep end...

This is too much!


23 Aug 05 - 10:48 PM (#1548237)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment

If McCormack says Robertson has the right as a private citizen to speak his mind, then Donuel shouldn't have to end his statement in a fog of implication.

23 Aug 05 - 10:56 PM (#1548244)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment

The State Department is probably pissed off at Robertson for stupidly blathering about an event they were seriously considering.

23 Aug 05 - 11:05 PM (#1548250)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: The Fooles Troupe

The problem with hyprocital idiots like P.R. is that he would be horrified if other countries publicly expressed the same sentiments about taking out The US President... oh, wait on... must be OK then...

"Blessed be the peacemakers"

Pax Americana!

"some sort of supercommando force exists out there"

That's the Australian Special Forces, mate!

"why weren't they utilized in Afghanistan or Iraq"

They were, mate!

"or Iran or Libya or..."

Shhh! They're not 'official' yet, and Little Johnny with his new 'USA Psuedo Peace Award' doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag yet!

What? Me Paranoid?

23 Aug 05 - 11:13 PM (#1548255)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Amos


I think we need to 'ware the slippery slope there.

Judgement is a requirement for effective action, and judgement on the decisions and actions of people whose live intersect with yours is a necessary thing; we can only hope for wisdom and insight.

But being judgmental toward individuals just on general principle is spiritually toxic, the posture of gossips and busybodies and book-banners. The old Indian saying about walking a mile in another's moccasins comes to mind. This sort of non-judgemental view is very different from silence based on fear or the inability to assess and decide matters. The two should not be confused.


23 Aug 05 - 11:36 PM (#1548270)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Donuel

If I called for the killing of an American leader I would be arrested.
(believe me, I've had to deal with the Secret Service before)
If I call for the murder of a foriegn leader - I might be praised but not arrested.

What if:   If Chavez is killed then Robertson could very well be charged with the conspiracy to murder...but I doubt if the administration will allow his extradition to Caracas.

Bill Mahre: "Robertson is a urine soaked idiot with a bull horn and squeegee yelling on the street corner to listen to him. If TV religion hadn't paid off so well he might well be spouting his urine soaked rhetoric on the street corner instead of a multi million dollar Christian network.

All in all Pat Robertson makes a good case for unintelligent design.

24 Aug 05 - 12:36 AM (#1548289)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

LOL, GUEST,23 Aug 05 - 10:56 PM. I suppose I should thank him then.


24 Aug 05 - 12:58 AM (#1548297)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Don Firth

No particular confusion here, Amos.

In normal day-to-day existence, I am not at all judgmental. Live and let live. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, whatever turns somebody's crank is okay with me.

But when someone says or does something that is so blatantly wrong, especially if what that person says or does could influence others, I feel that one is ethically and morally remiss not to make that judgment and speak out.

Don Firth

P. S. And whoever or whatever that bit of static up above was, I average about a book and a half a week—all the way through—and have done so since I was a teenager. That works out to well over 2,000 books. All the way through. Fiction, non-fiction, I'm a generally omnivorous reader. I do, however, follow Nancy Pearl's (Book Lust) principle that if a book hasn't captured my interest in the first fifty pages, I might just set it aside and pick up something else. The walls of our apartment are lined with bookshelves, several thousand volumes of various kinds, most of which I have read, others are reference, which I consult often.

I can read fairly rapidly because when I read, I don't have to move my lips.

24 Aug 05 - 01:04 PM (#1548712)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: PoppaGator

PoppaGator, do you think the US has a right to interfere with the governments of other countries in order to secure access to oil?

Sorry not to have responded sooner ~ there are two current htrreads on this topic, and I didn't remember the (rather generic) title of this one.

No, of course I do not think the US (or any nation-state) necessarily has a right to interfere with other governments. However, most nations have done so at various times, by waging war.

Anyone who understands the message of Jesus Christ the way I do believes that it is wrong to kill people for any reason, certainly not for any political/ideological/economic reason. Sadly, however, far too few of us share that understanding. Most members of established Christian religions (including the leadership) seem to believe that mass murder is perfectly OK when mandated by the secular ruling class.

As I tried to make clear earlier, I almost always find myself in disagreement with Pat Robertson, and certainly disagree with his choice of targets in this instance. HOWEVER: in a situation where political/economic "reality" seems to mandate that violence be perpetrated towards some deisred end, a "surgial" strike against one or two overprivileged individuals seems to me to be infinitely preferable to the mobilization of thousands of young recruits to commit widespread mayhem against the lives and property of an entire rival nation.

It is beyond me that the destruction of multiple lives and acres of property (i.e., people's homes and workplaces) is somehow more acceptable than the assassination of an "enemy" ruler or two. If you believe in anyone getting killed over money and politics, that is...

24 Aug 05 - 01:31 PM (#1548738)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: GUEST,Zadok

I suppose there is something to be said for assassination as an alternative to a war of aggression. But it might be more appropriate to think in terms of assassinating the leader planning the war of aggression, rather than the leader of the country he was planning to attack.

24 Aug 05 - 02:59 PM (#1548804)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: frogprince

As I just noted in the "Kill the President" thread: Robertson now says he was misinterpreted, and that "take him out" could mean any number of things, such as kidnapping. I guess a man who knows that a substantial number of people are dumb enough to send him large amounts of money could be expected to get the idea that people in general are gullible totally and without limit. It really does beg belief, though, if he thinks he can get "off the hook" with that follow up.

24 Aug 05 - 07:20 PM (#1548967)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Take him out" - of course it might just have meant take him out for a slap-up meal.

24 Aug 05 - 07:23 PM (#1548972)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

Except for the part where he says, "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it"

24 Aug 05 - 08:24 PM (#1549000)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Bunnahabhain

I don't often find myself agreeing totally with Donuel, but on this one he's right.

but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it

That really is a wonderful piece of reasoning.

I think you're trying to buy me a car, so you ought to go ahead and do it...

24 Aug 05 - 08:37 PM (#1549002)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

It's an an amazing departure from the "turn the other cheek" concept of Christianity, isn't it?

24 Aug 05 - 08:48 PM (#1549005)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: robomatic

Cluinn, Donuel comments re: what a nutjob Robertson is and being a case for "Unintelligent Design" are well taken.

(...although Hakman you should not start any sentence in Mudcat with the words: "Believe me...")

Pat Robertson is a frootloop, and Jerry Foulwell is right in the chorus line with 'im.

24 Aug 05 - 08:52 PM (#1549007)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: The Fooles Troupe

So kidnapping a democratically elected Head of State is ok then. Hang on to yer britches, Georgie Boy...

24 Aug 05 - 10:23 PM (#1549083)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Mary in Kentucky

Don, I read Dante's Inferno in its entirety, and as best I remember, the lowest level of Hell was for traitors, Brutus, Judas, and I think a third one, all frozen in ice.

25 Aug 05 - 10:55 AM (#1549432)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Tannywheeler

Right, CarolC. I heard the sound clip of the "assassination" phrases, too, and was APPALLED. I have tried to excuse him this way:

There are times when what you are about to say stops before it comes out because you realize, "Oops! REEEEly STOOPID." You rethink, and say something different and feel you've thrown the REEEEly STOOPID thingy in the mind's trash. But the mind has no trashcan. What it has is an expandable, dark, back corner. That corner stretches beyond capacity and--uh-oh--you open your mouth one day and ALL that REEEEly STOOPID junk explodes out of it. One of those I-wish-the-earth-would-open-up-and-swallow-me-whole moments.

Is this possibly what happened to Pat R.????    Tw

25 Aug 05 - 12:32 PM (#1549530)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: PoppaGator

"So kidnapping a democratically elected Head of State is ok then. Hang on to yer britches, Georgie Boy..."

That's making a big assumption, that W was "democratically elected." Way I see it, he stole one election and (with the help of his contributors at Diebold, Inc.) rigged another...

25 Aug 05 - 02:03 PM (#1549593)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

I don't know, Tannywheeler, but this seems to be a chronic problem for him, so maybe he's in the wrong line of work. I'm sure he's financially secure enough to retire. Maybe this incident should get him to thinking about how nice it would be to spend the rest of his golden years playing with his grandchildren instead being a hotshot television personality and hobnobbing around with heads of state.

25 Aug 05 - 04:55 PM (#1549724)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: Wesley S

Here's a link to his "retraction"

25 Aug 05 - 08:16 PM (#1549849)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Way I see it, he stole one election and ..."

Ah! then it can't be a crime or even a sin surely!


his mantal refuse bin must be mighty small, cause he does that all the time...

25 Aug 05 - 08:35 PM (#1549862)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: akenaton

It seems obvious that Mr Robertson is more severely deranged than the average "christian", and as such hardly worthy of the comment he has received on this thread.

A more interesting character is the intended victim Mr Chavez, who is attempting to unite all of Latin America in a socialist revolution, funded by rising oil revenues.
I would be interested to hear some views by US mudcatters on Mr Cavez and his policies...Ake

25 Aug 05 - 08:50 PM (#1549872)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: CarolC

Maybe Mr. Robertson needs to spend some time hanging out with this guy.

Chavez... he is a democratically elected president of a sovereign nation. He seems to be a very popular president, with the support of the majority of the people of Venezuela. I think that's pretty much all we need to know about him. Although I also find him to be an interesting character.

25 Aug 05 - 10:51 PM (#1549950)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: dianavan

True enough, Carol but it seems that most people would rather rely on others to tell them the difference between right and wrong. People like Robertson make alot of money by telling people what to do. Its easier to follow the dictates of Robertson than to listen to God within yourself.

Quiet reflection, meditation and/or prayer is soooooooo much work. Besides that, it feels so righteous to belong to a group that justifies your beliefs. Organized religion gives you a sense of belonging and the more people that belong, the more power you have to be wrong.

Good article. Its time for more people to get it straight from the source and stop listening to false prophets.

26 Aug 05 - 03:40 AM (#1550018)
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
From: The Fooles Troupe

Of course Mr Chavez causes conniptions for some Right Wing Capitalists in the USA. Seems he has this Left Wing Robin Hood idea of taking away some land form the rich and giving it to the poor - since about 95% of the land is owned by 5% of the population, or rather numbers of people, since many people like Lord Vesty (the old absentee landlords game which the British have played before!) own large chunks of farmland.

Remember Animal Farm?